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In Xenopus embryos, XMeis3 protein activity is required for normal hindbrain formation. Our results show that XMeis3 protein knock down also causes a loss of primary neuron and neural crest cell lineages, without altering expression of Zic, Sox or Pax3 genes. Knock down or inhibition of the Pax3, Zic1 or Zic5 protein activities extinguishes embryonic expression of the XMeis3 gene, as well as triggering the loss of hindbrain, neural crest and primary neuron cell fates. Ectopic XMeis3 expression can rescue the Zic knock down phenotype. HoxD1 is an XMeis3 direct-target gene, and ectopic HoxD1 expression rescues cell fate losses in either XMeis3 or Zic protein knock down embryos. FGF3 and FGF8 are direct target genes of XMeis3 protein and their expression is lost in XMeis3 morphant embryos. In the genetic cascade controlling embryonic neural cell specification, XMeis3 lies below general-neuralizing, but upstream of FGF and regional-specific genes. Thus, XMeis3 protein is positioned at a key regulatory point, simultaneously regulating multiple neural cell fates during early vertebrate nervous system development.  相似文献   

The NSF homolog Sec18 initiates fusion of yeast vacuoles by disassembling cis-SNARE complexes during priming. Sec18 is also required for palmitoylation of the fusion factor Vac8, although the acylation machinery has not been identified. Here we show that the SNARE Ykt6 mediates Vac8 palmitoylation and acts during a novel subreaction of vacuole fusion. This subreaction is controlled by a Sec17-independent function of Sec18. Our data indicate that Ykt6 presents Pal-CoA via its N-terminal longin domain to Vac8, while transfer to Vac8's SH4 domain occurs spontaneously and not enzymatically. The conservation of Ykt6 and its localization to several organelles suggest that its acyltransferase activity may also be required in other intracellular fusion events.  相似文献   



Human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 (HTLV-1) and type 2 both target T lymphocytes, yet induce radically different phenotypic outcomes. HTLV-1 is a causative agent of Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL), whereas HTLV-2, highly similar to HTLV-1, causes no known overt disease. HTLV gene products are engaged in a dynamic struggle of activating and antagonistic interactions with host cells. Investigations focused on one or a few genes have identified several human factors interacting with HTLV viral proteins. Most of the available interaction data concern the highly investigated HTLV-1 Tax protein. Identifying shared and distinct host-pathogen protein interaction profiles for these two viruses would enlighten how they exploit distinctive or common strategies to subvert cellular pathways toward disease progression.


We employ a scalable methodology for the systematic mapping and comparison of pathogen-host protein interactions that includes stringent yeast two-hybrid screening and systematic retest, as well as two independent validations through an additional protein interaction detection method and a functional transactivation assay. The final data set contained 166 interactions between 10 viral proteins and 122 human proteins. Among the 166 interactions identified, 87 and 79 involved HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 -encoded proteins, respectively. Targets for HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 proteins implicate a diverse set of cellular processes including the ubiquitin-proteasome system, the apoptosis, different cancer pathways and the Notch signaling pathway.


This study constitutes a first pass, with homogeneous data, at comparative analysis of host targets for HTLV-1 and -2 retroviruses, complements currently existing data for formulation of systems biology models of retroviral induced diseases and presents new insights on biological pathways involved in retroviral infection.  相似文献   

We measured capacitance changes in cell attached patches of human neutrophils using a high frequency lock-in method. With this technique the noise level is reduced to 0.025 fF such that capacitance steps of 0.1 fF are clearly detected corresponding to exo- and endocytosis of single 60 nm vesicles. It is thus possible to detect almost all known exocytotic and endocytotic processes including exocytosis of small neurotransmitter containing vesicles in most cell types as well as endocytosis of coated and uncoated pits. In neutrophils we demonstrate a stepwise capacitance decrease generated by 60-165 nm vesicles as expected for endocytosis of coated and non-coated pits. Following ionomycin stimulation a stepwise capacitance increase is observed consisting of 0.1-5 fF steps corresponding to the different granule types of human neutrophils from secretory vesicles to azurophil granules. The opening of individual fusion pores is resolved during exocytosis of 200 nm vesicles. The initial conductance has a mean value of 150 pS and can be as low as 35 pS which is similar to the conductance of many ion channels suggesting that the initial fusion pore is formed by a protein complex.  相似文献   

The S. cerevisiae Hop2 protein and its fission yeast homolog Meu13 are required for proper homologous chromosome pairing and recombination during meiosis. The mechanism of this requirement is, however, not understood. The previous studies in Saccharomyces suggested that Hop2 is a guardian of meiotic chromosome synapsis with the ability to prevent or resolve deleterious associations between nonhomologous chromosomes. We have generated a Hop2 knockout mouse that shows profound meiotic defects with a distinct and novel phenotype. Hop2(-/-) spermatocytes arrest at the stage of pachytene-like chromosome condensation. Axial elements are fully developed, but synapsis of any kind is very limited. Immunofluorescence analysis of meiotic chromosome spreads indicates that while meiotic double-stranded breaks are formed and processed in the Hop2 knockout, they fail to be repaired. In aggregate, the Hop2 phenotype is consistent with a direct role for the mouse Hop2 protein in promoting homologous chromosome synapsis.  相似文献   

The Bacillus subtilis DivIVA protein controls the positioning of the division site and the relocation of the chromosome during sporulation. By performing coimmunoprecipitation experiments, we demonstrated that a myc-DivIVA protein is in proximity to FtsZ and MinD during vegetative growth and Spo0J during the first 120 min of sporulation.  相似文献   

Dietzel  Steffen  Niemann  Hartmut  Brückner  Bodo  Maurange  Cédric  Paro  Renato 《Chromosoma》1999,108(2):83-94
The chromatin protein Polycomb (PC) is necessary for keeping homeotic genes repressed in a permanent and heritable manner. PC is part of a large multimeric complex (PcG proteins) involved in generating silenced chromatin domains at target genes, thus preventing their inappropriate expression. In order to assess the intranuclear distribution of PC during mitosis in different developmental stages as well as in the germ line we generated transgenic fly lines expressing a PC-GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) fusion protein. Rapidly dividing nuclei were found to display a rather homogeneous PC-GFP distribution. However, with increasing differentiation a pronounced subnuclear pattern was observed. In all investigated diploid somatic tissues the bulk of PC-GFP fusion protein is depleted from the chromosomes during mitosis: however, a detectable fraction remains associated. In the male germ line in early spermatogenesis, PC-GFP was closely associated with the chromosomal bivalents and gradually lost at later stages. Interestingly, we found that PC is associated with the nucleolus in spermatocytes, unlike somatic nuclei. In contrast to mature sperm showing no PC-GFP signal the female germ line retains PC in the germinal vesicle. Received: 10 November 1998; in revised form: 30 January 1999 / Accepted: 30 January 1999  相似文献   

The StpA protein is closely related to H-NS, the well-characterised global regulator of gene expression which is a major component of eubacterial chromatin. Despite sharing a very high degree of sequence identify and having biochemical properties in common with H-NS, the physiological function of StpA remains unknown. We show that StpA exhibits similar DNA-binding activities to H-NS. Although both display a strong preference for binding to curved DNA, StpA binds DNA with a four-fold higher affinity than H-NS, with K(d)s of 0.7 microM and 2.8 microM, respectively. It has previously been reported that expression of stpA is derepressed in an hns mutant. We have quantified the amount of StpA protein produced under this condition and find it to be only one-tenth the level of H-NS protein in wild-type cells. Our findings explain why the presence of StpA does not compensate for the lack of H-NS in an hns mutant, and why the characteristic pleiotropic hns mutant phenotype is observed.  相似文献   

We have used monoclonal antibodies to statin (S-44) and a cyclin-like protein (S-132) to examine the distribution of these two antigens in proliferating and in nonproliferating populations of cells. We have found that this cyclin-like protein is present in proliferating fibroblasts, whereas statin is absent from these same cell populations; in contrast, in senescent populations of fibroblasts the cyclin-like antigen disappears and statin labeling of nuclei appears. During myogenesis in rat muscle cell cultures, S-132 labeling is present in proliferating myoblasts and disappears after cells fuse and differentiate as multinucleated myotubes. In contrast, statin is absent from proliferating myoblasts, but appears when these cells become postmitotic and begin to differentiate. Similar results were seen during chick myogenesis. We have also found similar results during serum-starvation-induced differentiation in neuroblastoma cells. These results indicate that the cyclin-like protein disappears and statin appears upon commitment to differentiation in vitro, and the presence or the absence of these proteins appears to provide cellular markers for the transition from the proliferative to the nonproliferative state during differentiation.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) phosphatase 3 (MKP-3) is a well-known negative regulator in the Ras/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)-MAPK signaling pathway responsible for cell fate determination and proliferation during development. However, the physiological roles of MKP-3 and the mechanism by which MKP-3 regulates Ras/Drosophila ERK (DERK) signaling in vivo have not been determined. Here, we demonstrated that Drosophila MKP-3 (DMKP-3) is critically involved in cell differentiation, proliferation, and gene expression by suppressing the Ras/DERK pathway, specifically binding to DERK via the N-terminal ERK-binding domain of DMKP-3. Overexpression of DMKP-3 reduced the number of photoreceptor cells and inhibited wing vein differentiation. Conversely, DMKP-3 hypomorphic mutants exhibited extra photoreceptor cells and wing veins, and its null mutants showed striking phenotypes, such as embryonic lethality and severe defects in oogenesis. All of these phenotypes were highly similar to those of the gain-of-function mutants of DERK/rl. The functional interaction between DMKP-3 and the Ras/DERK pathway was further confirmed by genetic interactions between DMKP-3 loss-of-function mutants or overexpressing transgenic flies and various mutants of the Ras/DERK pathway. Collectively, these data provide the direct evidences that DMKP-3 is indispensable to the regulation of DERK signaling activity during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

Patients with acute myeloid leukemia frequently develop chemotherapy resistant blasts. To overcome multidrug resistance, a diphtheria toxin fusion protein (DTIL3) was engineered by fusing the catalytic and translocation domains of diphtheria toxin (DT) to human interleukin-3 (IL-3). However, when blasts were isolated from patients and tested for colony growth inhibition by DTIL3, only a third of the samples showed sensitivity to the fusion protein. Prior to clinical development, we need to be able to identify which patients are likely to respond to therapy with DTIL3. In this report, we compared the inhibition of thymidine incorporation in human leukemia cell lines by DTIL3 to the IL-3 receptor number and affinity. We found DTIL3 was cytotoxic to four of the eight cell lines tested with half-maximal inhibition of thymidine incorporation (IC(50)) from 1 to 50 pM. The IL-3 receptor density for these cell lines ranged from 0 to 2635 receptors per cell. The dissociation constant for an IL-3 high-affinity receptor agonist was 0.5 nM for cell lines with receptors. We found a correlation for the cell lines between the presence of high-affinity IL-3 receptors and sensitivity to DTIL3 (p = 0.03). These results suggest the variability in sensitivity of patient leukemic progenitors to DTIL3 may be due in part to the presence or absence of high-affinity IL-3 receptors.  相似文献   

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