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常亚青  李云霞  罗世滨  赵冲 《生态学报》2013,33(9):2754-2760
研究了较长时间生活在3种不同实验遮蔽条件下海刺猬(Glyptocidaris crenularis)的遮蔽行为特点。结果表明:不同生活环境下海刺猬都保持着遮蔽行为。生活在以贝壳作为遮蔽材料环境下(遮蔽组)和以砖块作为掩蔽材料环境下(掩蔽组)的海刺猬初次遮蔽耗时要显著短于生活在无遮蔽(或掩蔽)材料环境下(空白组)的海刺猬(N=3,P<0.05)。3组海刺猬用于遮蔽的贝壳总数和有遮蔽行为的海刺猬总数都呈现先增加后趋于平稳的趋势。掩蔽组有遮蔽行为的海刺猬总数要显著多于遮蔽组和空白组(P<0.05),后两者差异不显著。3组海刺猬用于遮蔽的贝壳总数差异不显著(P>0.05)。海刺猬遮蔽时对两种贝壳(菲律宾蛤仔和贻贝)存在显著的选择差异(P<0.05)。生活环境中一段时间内遮蔽物的缺失并不会使其失去这种行为,但是会在一定程度上影响该行为的强度。因此,光照很可能是海刺猬遮蔽行为的一个进化压力,该行为也许只是作为一种避光策略。海刺猬对遮蔽材料具有显著的选择性,这可能与遮蔽材料自身特征和海刺猬的生理状态相关。  相似文献   

在实验室条件下研究了极端温度对海刺猬的存活率、摄食率、生长以及组织器官等方面的影响。实验设置两个处理组温度为30°C和-2℃,对照组为自然水温(19~23℃),每组设置3个重复,每个重复60枚海刺猬,实验周期为56 d。结果表明:高温组海刺猬实验温度升到30℃后2 d内全部死亡,其平均摄食量(5.19±1.31 g·ind-1)极显著小于对照组(15.15±1.58 g·ind-1)(P0.01);低温组和对照组之间海刺猬存活率差异不显著(P0.05);但低温组海刺猬平均摄食量(0.18±0.04 g·ind-1)极显著小于对照组(10.90±0.33 g·ind-1)(P0.01);56 d内低温组海刺猬个体湿重极显著小于对照组(P0.01);低温组海刺猬口器湿重、壳湿重、性腺湿重、壳干重、口器指数、壳指数极显著小于对照组(P0.01),性腺干重、口器干重显著小于对照组(P0.05);但性腺指数与对照组无显著差别(P0.05);低温组海刺猬最大承受压力极显著小于对照组(P0.01);在实验室条件下,海刺猬(2~3 g·ind-1)无法长时间在高温环境(30℃)下存活,而能在低温环境(-2℃)下存活但其摄食、生长和性腺性状影响极显著。  相似文献   

光照周期对文昌鱼生殖细胞发生和性腺生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方永强  梁萍 《动物学报》1989,35(4):438-439
厦门文昌鱼性腺发育,因季节和生态因子的不同,呈明显的年周期变化(方永强等,1989)。然而,光照周期对文昌鱼性腺发育有何影响,迄今仍缺乏了解(Guraya,1983)。为此,本文分三组不同光照周期的实验,结果发现光照可影响文昌鱼生殖细胞发生和性腺生长。 文昌鱼(Branchiostoma belcheri Gray)取自厦门琼头海区。本实验在1987年12月至1988年2月,分三组不同光照周期:第一组 8L(light)—16D(dark)(光照 8小时,黑暗16小时),第二组12L—  相似文献   

酪氨酸对男子血清促性腺激素和睾酮浓度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
倪江  高而威  程治平 《生理学报》1985,37(3):303-306
给成年男子(n=5)口服酪氨酸300mg/日,共6天,第四天肌注 LRH-A 150μg/人,用RIA 法测定其血清 LH、FSH 和睾酮浓度。与对照组(n=5)相比,酪氨酸对 LH 和 FSH 的基础水平和 LRH-A 诱发的 LH 峰和 FSH 峰均无明显影响。睾酮的基础水平稍有升高,而酪氨酸对 LRH-A 引起的睾酮水平升高有明显的抑制作用。结果提示,酪氨酸可不通过垂体而直接作用于睾丸以影响睾酮的分泌。  相似文献   

应激对水生动物生长、行为和生理活动的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
简要介绍了应激对水生动物生长,行为和生理活动影响的研究进展,阐明了应激对动物的生长,行为,体液免疫,细胞免疫以及内分泌功能都有明显地抑制作用,提供水生动物对多种应激源反应的信息,有助于全面了解这方面的研究动态。  相似文献   

铬、硒对水稻幼苗生长和生理的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
石贵玉  陈明媚 《广西植物》2005,25(3):281-284
以单一铬(Cr6+0~200μmol·L1)及硒(Se0~200μmol·L1)、铬硒混合液(铬100μmol·L1,硒50μmol·L1)处理水稻幼苗,研究不同处理和浓度对水稻幼苗生长和生理特性影响。结果表明(1)单一铬处理,随着铬浓度增加,植株生长明显受到抑制,铬毒害表现为株高、鲜重和干重受抑制,叶片黄色、叶绿素含量下降,体内SOD、CAT活性下降,POD活性上升,膜透性增大;(2)单一硒处理,50μmol·L1促进植株生长,100μmol·L1和200μmol·L1则抑制植株生长;(3)铬硒混合处理结果反映,硒有减轻水稻铬毒害的作用,表现为:减轻铬胁迫对株高、鲜重和干重增加的抑制,提高叶绿素含量,提高SOD、CAT活性,降低POD活性和膜透性。  相似文献   

光照对水生动物摄食、生长和存活的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
在水生动物生存的环境中,光是一个复杂的生态因子,它有多方面的生态作用,直接或间接地影响动物的摄食、生长和存活等。目前,光照对水生动物在这方面影响的研究尚处于资料积累阶段,本文总结这方面的研究概况,以期对这方面的工作有所帮助。    相似文献   

采用离体灌流孵育技术和促性腺激素的放射免疫测定方法,对长臀(鱼危)(Cranoglanis bouderius)脑垂体碎片促性腺激素的分泌进行了研究.结果表明:持续的促性腺激素释放激素类似物(GnRH-A)能显著刺激退化期的长臀(鱼危)离体脑垂体碎片促性腺激素(GTH)的分泌,并且长臀(鱼危)脑垂体碎片对持续的GnRH-A刺激未表现出脱敏性,该结果与胡子鲇和鲇鱼相似,而与金鱼和鲤科鱼类不同;重复脉冲GnRH-A刺激对长臀(鱼危)脑垂体碎片GTH分泌具有促进作用,而且存在剂量依存关系,与鲇鱼和鲤科鱼类相类似.上述结果表明在长臀(鱼危)的人工繁殖中可以用持续高浓度GnRH-A刺激对长臀(鱼危)进行催熟和催产.  相似文献   

环化腺苷酸对细菌生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli AS 1.797)、北京棒状杆菌(Corynebacterium pekinense AS1.299)和巨大芽孢杆菌(Bacills megatertum AS 1.217)研究了细胞内环化腺苷酸(cAMP)浓度和外源cAMP对细胞生长的影响。结果表明,大肠杆菌在不同碳源中生长时,细胞的生长量随细胞内cAMF’浓度升高而降低。在以葡萄糖作碳源时,细胞内cAMP浓度低,外源cAMP。对生长有抑制作用,而cAMP的类似物5'-AMP则无抑制作用。在以乳糖、麦芽糖和甘油分别作碳源时,细胞内cAMP浓度高,外源cAMP对生长无影响。北京捧状杆菌以葡萄糖作碳源时,细胞生长也受外源cAMP的抑制,但cAMP的抑制作用不是专一的,它的作用可用类似物5’-AMP来代替。自身不合cAMP的巨大芽孢杆菌在不同碳原(包括葡萄糖)中生长时,生长不受外源cAMP抑制,也不受5’-Amt’的影响。因此认为,cAMP不是细菌生长的必需物,而是生长调节物,但这种调节物对巨大芽孢杆菌无效。  相似文献   

本文研究了盐度(0‰~50‰)对无瓣海桑幼苗生长的影响。盐度对无瓣海桑幼苗长叶数、茎长、植株鲜重、主根长、根系鲜重等方面起抑制作用;随盐度的提高,无瓣海桑幼苗成活率下降;但盐度对无瓣海桑幼苗叶片面积存在一个低盐(0‰~10‰)促进、高盐(15‰~40‰)抑制的过程;盐度对叶绿素含量的影响总趋势是随盐度提高,低盐时叶绿素含量下降,而当盐度超过10‰时上升。因此认为:1)无瓣海桑幼苗在无盐存在下,也可正常生长;2)无瓣海桑具有较高的耐盐能力,在盐度0‰~25‰内可正常生长,超过25‰,其生长受到抑制。  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour is influenced by a variety of factors, including nutritional requirements, the quality of available foods, and environmental conditions. We examined the effect of two factors, food morphology and dietary history, on the feeding rate and preference of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. Standardizing food shape and structure did not alter urchins' expected preference for the native kelp Laminaria longicruris over the invasive alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. However, when foods containing L. longicuris were shaped to mimic the algae, the C. fragile mimic was consumed more rapidly than the kelp mimic. Dietary history had no effect on single diet feeding rate. Urchins feeding on C. fragile consistently consumed twice as much (by mass) as those fed kelp, regardless of their previous diet. Despite higher feeding rates on C. fragile, urchins feeding on this alga were unable to compensate for its low energetic content and ingested less energy. Dietary history had a short-term effect on food preference, with urchins tending to prefer less familiar foods. Our findings suggest that urchins feed on C. fragile at a high rate, due to ease of handling and/or compensatory feeding, and that they do not a have strict preference hierarchy. Rather, food choice appears to reflect active maintenance of a mixed diet.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated effects of 24 weeks of food deprivation on covering behavior of Glyptocidaris crenularis and Strongylocentrotus intermedius. Neither G. crenularis nor S. intermedius significantly reduced covering behavior during both short- and long-term food deprivation. However, G. crenularis and S. intermedius had significantly different behavioral patterns over the 24 weeks. Covering behavior of G. crenularis greatly increased from the first to the second week, with decreasing reaction time and increasing covering ability, while the covering behavior of S. intermedius generally remained unchanged during the experiment of 24 weeks. As prolonged food deprivation does not significantly affect covering behavior of G. crenularis and S. intermedius, the present study highlights the innate nature and biological significance of covering behavior in sea urchins, providing new insights into its behavioral mechanism.  相似文献   

Developmental plasticity in the morphology of planktotrophic echinoid larvae has been studied primarily in temperate sea urchins from the Northern Hemisphere. These studies have shown that echinoplutei with reduced food ration generally respond by increasing the length of the larval arms, and thus the length of the ciliated band, and delaying formation of the rudiment. Using the endemic New Zealand sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus we tested for the presence of developmental plasticity in larvae fed a high or low algal food ration (6000 or 600 Dunaliella cells/ml), or with no algal food. Our results show that developmental plasticity in larval form is seen in a Southern Hemisphere representative of the Family Echinometridae, but the general pattern of longer arms with low food ration was only seen in the earliest part of development. Larvae in the High food treatment were largest in all dimensions and formed rudiments within 23 days of fertilization. Larvae fed a low algal ration or no algal food stalled at the four-arm echinopluteus stage, and were significantly smaller in size, and differed in shape, when compared in a multivariate analysis to the High food treatment. We suggest that the response of echinoplutei to low levels of particulate food is a species-specific trait, depending in part on the level of dependence of the larvae on exogenous food. Previous studies in Lytechinus variegatus, and the present study with E. chloroticus, suggest that in species where development stalls at the four-arm stage, the pattern of longer larval arms with low food ration will only be seen during the initial early period of larval growth. Additionally our results show that there can be significant variation in larval morphology between replicate jars in the same feeding treatment, suggesting that future research on developmental plasticity should also consider differences in larval morphology between culture containers.  相似文献   

We ran field experiments to examine the responses of the black sea urchin Tetrapygus niger to predatory sea stars. Trials involving simulated attacks (one or several arms of a sea star being placed on top of half the urchin) showed that the urchin differentiated between the predatory sea stars, Heliaster helianthus and Meyenaster gelatinosus, and a non-predatory sea star, Stichaster striatus, and showed almost no response to a sea star mimic. We further compared the responses of the urchin to different threat levels presented by the two predatory sea stars. The highest threat level was a simulated attack, then mere contact, and subsequently sea stars being placed at different distances from the urchin. All urchins responded to simulated attacks and contact with both sea stars. The proportion responding decreased with distance and more rapidly in trials with H. helianthus (0% at a distance of 30 cm) than with M. gelatinosus (33% at a distance of 50 cm). At each of the threat levels where there was a response to both sea stars, the urchins responded more rapidly to M. gelatinosus than to H. helianthus. In a third experiment where a predatory sea star was added to a circular area (1-m diameter) in which either 4-8 or 11-19 undisturbed urchins were present, the urchins fled the area more rapidly when the added sea star was M. gelatinosus, but the rate of fleeing did not vary with density, as might occur if there was communication among urchins using alarm signals. Our observations suggest that M. gelatinosus presents a stronger predatory threat than H. helianthus. This corresponds to field observations showing that the urchins are more frequently consumed by M. gelatinosus. These are the first field experiments demonstrating distance chemodetection by a marine invertebrate under back-and-forth water flow from wave activity.  相似文献   

施栋涛  赵冲  尹东红  陈阳  常亚青 《生态学报》2022,42(10):4160-4168
海胆在海藻床生态系统结构和功能调控中发挥重要作用。深入理解流速对海胆摄食和生长的影响具有重要的生态学研究价值。研究了长时间(49 d)不同流速(2 cm/s, 10 cm/s和20 cm/s)对光棘球海胆幼胆(Mesocentrotus nudus,壳径:约20 mm)摄食行为、摄食量和生长的影响,以评估不同流速下,海胆摄食行为和生长的差异。实验结果表明,流速对光棘球海胆的存活无显著影响,但显著影响其生长。2 cm/s下海胆的壳径和体重显著大于10和20 cm/s。在实验开始后的第2周和第3周,2 cm/s下海胆的体重和壳径已显著高于20 cm/s。流速显著影响光棘球海胆的摄食量(P<0.001)和觅食行为(20 cm/s,P=0.004),但口器咬合行为未受显著影响(P=0.113)。管足附着时间在流速为10 cm/s和20 cm/s下显著长于其在2 cm/s。同样的,相较于2 cm/s(P=0.02)和10 cm/s(P=0.03),20 cm/s的流速可显著削弱光棘球海胆的翻正行为。综上,高流速(20 cm/s)通过影响海胆管足活动削弱其觅食行为(而非摄食行为),进而降低其...  相似文献   

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