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Unusual anticodon loop structure found in E.coli lysine tRNA.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Although both tRNA(Lys) and tRNA(Glu) of E. coli possess similar anticodon loop sequences, with the same hypermodified nucleoside 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine (mnm5s2U) at the first position of their anticodons, the anticodon loop structures of these two tRNAs containing the modified nucleoside appear to be quite different as judged from the following observations. (1) The CD band derived from the mnm5s2U residue is negative for tRNA(Glu), but positive for tRNA(Lys). (2) The mnm5s2U monomer itself and the mnm5s2U-containing anticodon loop fragment of tRNA(Lys) show the same negative CD bands as that of tRNA(Glu). (3) The positive CD band of tRNA(Lys) changes to negative when the temperature is raised. (4) The reactivity of the mnm5s2U residue toward H2O2 is much lower for tRNA(Lys) than for tRNA(Glu). These features suggest that tRNA(Lys) has an unusual anticodon loop structure, in which the mnm5s2U residue takes a different conformation from that of tRNA(Glu); whereas the mnm5s2U base of tRNA(Glu) has no direct bonding with other bases and is accessible to a solvent, that of tRNA(Lys) exists as if in some way buried in its anticodon loop. The limited hydrolysis of both tRNAs by various RNases suggests that some differences exist in the higher order structures of tRNA(Lys) and tRNA(Glu). The influence of the unusual anticodon loop structure observed for tRNA(Lys) on its function in the translational process is also discussed.  相似文献   

Embedded in the sequence of each transfer RNA are elements that promote specific interactions with its cognate aminoacyl tRNA-synthetase. Although many such “identity elements” are known, their detection is difficult since they rely on unique structural signatures and the combinatorial action of multiple elements spread throughout the tRNA molecule. Since the anticodon is often a major identity determinant itself, it is possible to switch between certain tRNA functional types by means of anticodon substitutions. This has been shown to have occurred during the evolution of some genomes; however, the scale and relevance of “anticodon shifts” to the evolution of the tRNA multigene family is unclear. Using a synteny-conservation–based method, we detected tRNA anticodon shifts in groups of closely related species: five primates, 12 Drosophila, six nematodes, 11 Saccharomycetes, and 61 Enterobacteriaceae. We found a total of 75 anticodon shifts: 31 involving switches of identity (alloacceptor shifts) and 44 between isoacceptors that code for the same amino acid (isoacceptor shifts). The relative numbers of shifts in each taxa suggest that tRNA gene redundancy is likely the driving factor, with greater constraint on changes of identity. Sites that frequently covary with alloacceptor shifts are located at the extreme ends of the molecule, in common with most known identity determinants. Isoacceptor shifts are associated with changes in the midsections of the tRNA sequence. However, the mutation patterns of anticodon shifts involving the same identities are often dissimilar, suggesting that alternate sets of mutation may achieve the same functional compensation.  相似文献   

Sepuri NB  Gorla M  King MP 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e35321
Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases play a central role in protein synthesis by charging tRNAs with amino acids. Yeast mitochondrial lysyl tRNA synthetase (Msk1), in addition to the aminoacylation of mitochondrial tRNA, also functions as a chaperone to facilitate the import of cytosolic lysyl tRNA. In this report, we show that human mitochondrial Kars (lysyl tRNA synthetase) can complement the growth defect associated with the loss of yeast Msk1 and can additionally facilitate the in vitro import of tRNA into mitochondria. Surprisingly, the import of lysyl tRNA can occur independent of Msk1 in vivo. This suggests that an alternative mechanism is present for the import of lysyl tRNA in yeast.  相似文献   

In vivo, yeast mitochondria import a single cytoplasmic tRNA, tRNA(CUU)Lys, while human mitochondria do not import any cytoplasmic tRNA. We have previously demonstrated that both yeast and human isolated mitochondria can specifically internalize tRNA(CUU)Lys, several of its mutant versions and some mutant versions of yeast cytosolic tRNA(UUU)Lys (not imported in vivo). Aminoacylation of tRNA(CUU)Lys by the cytoplasmic lysyl-tRNA synthetase was a prerequisite for its import. Here we are studying the influence of one-base replacements in the anticodon of tRNAs(Lys) on their aminoacylation, on binding to the precursor of the mitochondrial lysyl-tRNA synthetase (carrier protein directing the import), and on the efficiency of import into isolated yeast and human mitochondria. We show that the base U35 is the main identity element for the yeast cytoplasmic lysyl-tRNA synthetase. The single replacement that abolished import was C34G, while all the others only modulated the import efficiency. The need of aminoacylation for import and for interaction with the carrier protein was shown only for a subset of mutant versions, while the others could be recognized and internalized without aminoacylation or in misacylated forms.  相似文献   

Coordinated translocation of the tRNA-mRNA complex by the ribosome occurs in a precise, stepwise movement corresponding to a distance of three nucleotides along the mRNA. Frameshift suppressor tRNAs generally contain an extra nucleotide in the anticodon loop and they subvert the normal mechanisms used by the ribosome for frame maintenance. The mechanism by which suppressor tRNAs traverse the ribosome during translocation is poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate translocation of a tRNA by four nucleotides from the A site to the P site, and from the P site to the E site. We show that translocation of a punctuated mRNA is possible with an extra, unpaired nucleotide between codons. Interestingly, the NMR structure of the four nucleotide anticodon stem-loop reveals a conformation different from the canonical tRNA structure. Flexibility within the loop may allow conformational adjustment upon A site binding and for interacting with the four nucleotide codon in order to shift the mRNA reading frame.  相似文献   

Mutants of the Escherichia coli initiator tRNA (tRNA(fMet)) have been used to examine the role of the anticodon and discriminator base in in vivo aminoacylation of tRNAs by cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase. Substitution of the methionine anticodon CAU with the cysteine anticodon GCA was found to allow initiation of protein synthesis by the mutant tRNA from a complementary initiation codon in a reporter protein. Sequencing of the protein revealed that cysteine comprised about half of the amino acid at the N terminus. An additional mutation, converting the discriminator base of tRNA(GCAfMet) from A73 to the base present in tRNA(Cys) (U73), resulted in a 6-fold increase in the amount of protein produced and insertion of greater than or equal to 90% cysteine in response to the complementary initiation codon. Substitution of C73 or G73 at the discriminator position led to insertion of little or no cysteine, indicating the importance of U73 for recognition of the tRNA by cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase. Single base changes in the anticodon of tRNA(GCAfMet) containing U73 from GCA to UCA, GUA, GCC, and GCG (changes underlined) eliminated or dramatically reduced cysteine insertion by the mutant initiator tRNA indicating that all three cysteine anticodon bases are essential for specific aminoacylation of the tRNA with cysteine in vivo.  相似文献   

M Amitsur  R Levitz    G Kaufmann 《The EMBO journal》1987,6(8):2499-2503
Host tRNAs cleaved near the anticodon occur specifically in T4-infected Escherichia coli prr strains which restrict polynucleotide kinase (pnk) or RNA ligase (rli) phage mutants. The cleavage products are transient with wt but accumulate in pnk- or rli- infections, implicating the affected enzymes in repair of the damaged tRNAs. Their roles in the pathway were elucidated by comparing the mutant infection intermediates with intact tRNA counterparts before or late in wt infection. Thus, the T4-induced anticodon nuclease cleaves lysine tRNA 5' to the wobble position, yielding 2':3'-P greater than and 5'-OH termini. Polynucleotide kinase converts them into a 3'-OH and 5' P pair joined in turn by RNA ligase. Presumably, lysine tRNA depletion, in the absence of polynucleotide kinase and RNA ligase mediated repair, underlies prr restriction. However, the nuclease, kinase and ligase may benefit T4 directly, by adapting levels or decoding specificities of host tRNAs to T4 codon usage.  相似文献   

We have developed three strategies to discriminate among the three types of tRNA genes with anticodon CAT (tRNA(Ile), elongator tRNA(Met) and initiator tRNA(fMet)) in bacterial genomes. With these strategies, we have classified the tRNA genes from 234 bacterial and several organellar genomes. These sequences, in an aligned or unaligned format, may be used for the identification and annotation of tRNA (CAT) genes in other genomes. The first strategy is based on the position of the problem sequences in a phenogram (a tree-like network), the second on the minimum average number of differences against the tRNA sequences of the three types and the third on the search for the highest score value against the profiles of the three types of tRNA genes. The species with the maximum number of tRNA(fMet) and tRNA(Met) was Photobacterium profundum, whereas the genome of one Escherichia coli strain presented the maximum number of tRNA(Ile) (CAT) genes. This last tRNA gene and tilS, encoding an RNA-modifying enzyme, are not essential in bacteria. The acquisition of a tRNA(Ile) (TAT) gene by Mycoplasma mobile has led to the loss of both the tRNA(Ile) (CAT) and the tilS genes. The new tRNA has appropriated the function of decoding AUA codons.  相似文献   

PaOrf2 and γ-toxin subunits of Pichia acaciae toxin (PaT) and Kluyveromyces lactis zymocin are tRNA anticodon nucleases. These secreted ribotoxins are assimilated by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, wherein they arrest growth by depleting specific tRNAs. Toxicity can be recapitulated by induced intracellular expression of PaOrf2 or γ-toxin in S. cerevisiae. Mutational analysis of γ-toxin has identified amino acids required for ribotoxicity in vivo and RNA transesterification in vitro. Here, we report that PaOrf2 residues Glu9 and His287 (putative counterparts of γ-toxin Glu9 and His209) are essential for toxicity. Our results suggest a similar basis for RNA transesterification by PaOrf2 and γ-toxin, despite their dissimilar primary structures and distinctive tRNA target specificities. PaOrf2 makes two sequential incisions in tRNA, the first of which occurs 3' from the mcm(5)s(2)U wobble nucleoside and depends on mcm(5). A second incision two nucleotides upstream results in the net excision of a di-nucleotide. Expression of phage and plant tRNA repair systems can relieve PaOrf2 toxicity when tRNA cleavage is restricted to the secondary site in elp3 cells that lack the mcm(5) wobble U modification. Whereas the endogenous yeast tRNA ligase Trl1 can heal tRNA halves produced by PaOrf2 cleavage in elp3 cells, its RNA sealing activity is inadequate to complete the repair. Compatible sealing activity can be provided in trans by plant tRNA ligase. The damage-rescuing ability of tRNA repair systems is lost when PaOrf2 can break tRNA at both sites. These results highlight the logic of a two-incision mechanism of tRNA anticodon damage that evades productive repair by tRNA ligases.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA (tRNA) structure, modifications and functions are evolutionary and established in bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes. Typically the tRNA modifications are indispensable for its stability and are required for decoding the mRNA into amino acids for protein synthesis. A conserved methylation has been located on the anticodon loop specifically at the 37th position and it is next to the anticodon bases. This modification is called as m1G37 and it is catalyzed by tRNA (m1G37) methyltransferase (TrmD). It is deciphered that G37 positions occur on few additional amino acids specific tRNA subsets in bacteria. Furthermore, Archaea and Eukaryotes have more number of tRNA subsets which contains G37 position next to the anticodon and the G residue are located at different positions such as G36, G37, G38, 39, and G40. In eight bacterial species, G (guanosine) residues are presents at the 37th and 38th position except three tRNA subsets having G residues at 36th and 39th positions. Therefore we propose that m1G37 modification may be feasible at 36th, 37th, 38th, 39th and 40th positions next to the anticodon of tRNAs. Collectively, methylation at G residues close to the anticodon may be possible at different positions and without restriction of anticodon 3rd base A, C, U or G.  相似文献   

A bovine liver serine tRNA with a variety of unusual features has been sequenced and characterized. This tRNA is aminoacylated with serine, although it has a tryptophan anticodon CmCA. In ribosome binding assays, this tRNA (tRNACmCASer) binds to the termination codon UGA and shows little or no binding in response to a variety of other codons including those for tryptophan and serine. The unusual codon recognition properties of this molecule were confirmed in an in vitro assay where this tRNA suppressed UGA termination. This is the first naturally occurring eucaryotic suppressor tRNA to be so characterized. Other unusual features, possibly related to the ability of this tRNA to read UGA, are the presence of two extra nucleotides, compared to all other tRNAs, between the universal residues U at position 8 and A at position 14 and the presence of an extra unpaired nucleotide within the double-stranded loop IV stem. This tRNA is also the largest eucaryotic tRNA sequenced to date (90 nucleotides). Despite its size, however, it contains only six modified residues. tRNACmCASer shows extremely low homology to other mammalian serine (47–52% homology) or tryptophan (49% homology) tRNAs.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid-protein interactions are considered for mutual recognition of transfer RNAs and cognate aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. The validity of the first recognition hypothesis (1964) which postulated the participation of anticodons in this process has been proved both for prokaryote and eukaryote tRNA species. This conclusion stems from numerous data obtained by means of different methodological approaches. These experimental observations concern the majority of tRNAs belonging to the main structural class of tRNAs with a short variable loop. Structural basis of recognition for some tRNAs (with long variable loop) remains obscure.  相似文献   

Amino acid deprivation triggers dramatic physiological responses in all organisms, altering both the synthesis and destruction of RNA and protein. Here we describe, using the ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila, a previously unidentified response to amino acid deprivation in which mature transfer RNA (tRNA) is cleaved in the anticodon loop. We observed that anticodon loop cleavage affects a small fraction of most or all tRNA sequences. Accumulation of cleaved tRNA is temporally coordinated with the morphological and metabolic changes of adaptation to starvation. The starvation-induced endonucleolytic cleavage activity targets tRNAs that have undergone maturation by 5' and 3' end processing and base modification. Curiously, the majority of cleaved tRNAs lack the 3' terminal CCA nucleotides required for aminoacylation. Starvation-induced tRNA cleavage is inhibited in the presence of essential amino acids, independent of the persistence of other starvation-induced responses. Our findings suggest that anticodon loop cleavage may reduce the accumulation of uncharged tRNAs as part of a specific response induced by amino acid starvation.  相似文献   

The translational efficiency of tRNA is a property of the anticodon arm   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We have reciprocally transplanted the anticodon arm sequences of a set of amber suppressor tRNA genes, using recombinant DNA techniques. By this means, a very efficient suppressor may be converted to a poor one, and the poorest tRNA to the efficiency of the best one. In tRNA molecules of normal 2 degrees and 3 degrees structure, the suppressor efficiencies of different composite tRNAs having the same anticodon arm sequence are approximately the same. Large numbers of simultaneous changes throughout the rest of the molecule do not affect the efficiency. Selective nucleotide modification as a result of varied anticodon arm sequences cannot explain these efficiencies. Efficiencies are also unlikely to differ because of selective aminoacylation. Measurement of in vivo tRNA shows, however, that tRNA levels do vary if the anticodon arm sequence is changed. If tRNA levels are normalized, the anticodon arm effect on the translational efficiency remains. Therefore, different anticodon arms, all of normal secondary structure, are not equivalent in translation. The most efficient sequences in this series resemble those found in natural tRNAs associated with similar anticodons, as is proposed in the extended anticodon theory (Yarus, M. (1982) Science 218, 646-652). These molecules also provide some information on the specificity of nucleotide modification enzymes and on determinants of the steady-state tRNA level.  相似文献   

Watts JM  Gabruzsk J  Holmes WM 《Biochemistry》2005,44(17):6629-6639
Orthologs of TrmD, G37 tRNA methyltransferases, have been analyzed with regard to post-tRNA binding events required to move the residue G37 in proximity to bound AdoMet for catalysis. This was approached initially by probing tRNA with T2 nuclease or Pb acetate in the presence, then absence, of Escherichia coli TrmD protein. Cleavage patterns clearly show that portions of the anticodon loop phosphodiester backbone are protected from cleavage only in the presence of sinefungin, a potent AdoMet analogue. This demonstrates that there must be considerable movement of the loop region and/or protein as the AdoMet site is occupied. Florescence energy transfer experiments were employed to better assess the movement of the G37 and G36 base residues in response to occupancy of the AdoMet site. When the Streptococcus pneumoniae TrmD protein was bound to synthetic tRNA(1)(Leu) substituted with 2-aminopurine at positions 36 and 37, fluorescence energy transfer analysis showed that a decrease in 2-aminopurine fluorescence occurs only when AdoMet is present. Taken together, these results suggest that the base to be methylated by the TrmD protein is mobilized into the active center after tRNA binding only when the AdoMet site is occupied.  相似文献   

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