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Summary Post-translational regulation of nitrogen fixation, or switch-off, in the methanogenic archaeon Methanococcus maripaludis does not involve detectable covalent modification of the dinitrogenase reductase as in some bacteria, and the genes encoding the PII homologues NifI(1) and NifI(2) are both required, indicating a novel mechanism. To further understand the mechanism of switch-off, we assayed nitrogenase activity in cell extracts from wild-type and nifI mutant strains in the absence or presence of potential signals of nitrogen status. Activity in extracts from a DeltanifI(1)nifI(2) strain was sixfold higher than in extracts from wild-type cells. Addition of 2-oxoglutarate to wild-type extracts enhanced activity up to fivefold, a level similar to that observed in DeltanifI(1)nifI(2) extracts. 2-Oxoglutarate did not affect activity in DeltanifI(1)nifI(2) or single nifI mutant extracts. Furthermore, extracts from genetically complimented nifI mutants regained wild-type characteristics, indicating an in vitro correlation with in vivo effects. Extraction and quantification of 2-oxoglutarate indicated concentrations 10-fold higher in nitrogen-fixing cells than in switched-off and ammonium-grown cells. We propose a model for switch-off where the NifI proteins have an inhibitory effect on nitrogenase activity that is counteracted by high levels of 2-oxoglutarate, which acts as a signal of nitrogen limitation.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of molybdenum, vanadium, and tungsten on the diazotrophic growth of Methanococcus maripaludis. Mo stimulated growth, with a maximal response at 4.0 microM, while V had no effect at any concentration tested. W specifically inhibited diazotrophic growth in the presence of Mo. Coupling the results of our analysis and other known metal requirements with phylogenies derived from nifD and nifK genes revealed distinct clusters for Mo-, V-, and Fe-dinitrogenases and suggested that most methanogens also have molybdenum-type nitrogenases.  相似文献   

The nitrogenase enzyme complex of Methanosarcina barkeri 227 was found to be more sensitive to NaCl than previously studied molybdenum nitrogenases are, with total inhibition of activity occurring at 190 mM NaCl, compared with >600 mM NaCl for Azotobacter vinelandii and Clostridium pasteurianum nitrogenases. Na+ and K+ had equivalent effects, whereas Mg2+ was more inhibitory than either monovalent cation, even on a per-charge basis. The anion Cl- was more inhibitory than acetate was. Because M. barkeri 227 is a facultative halophile, we examined the effects of external salt on growth and diazotrophy and found that inhibition of growth was not greater with N2 than with NH4+. Cells grown with N2 and cells grown with NH4+ produced equal concentrations of alpha-glutamate at low salt concentrations and equal concentrations of Nepsilon-acetyl-beta-lysine at NaCl concentrations greater than 500 mM. Despite the high energetic cost of fixing nitrogen for these osmolytes, we obtained no evidence that there is a shift towards nonnitrogenous osmolytes during diazotrophic growth. In vitro nitrogenase enzyme assays showed that at a low concentration (approximately 100 mM) potassium glutamate enhanced activity but at higher concentrations this compound inhibited activity; 50% inhibition occurred at a potassium glutamate concentration of approximately 400 mM.  相似文献   

Methanococcus maripaludis is a mesophilic archaeon that reduces CO2 to methane with H2 or formate as an energy source. It contains two membrane-bound energy-conserving hydrogenases, Eha and Ehb. To determine the role of Ehb, a deletion in the ehb operon was constructed to yield the mutant, strain S40. Growth of S40 was severely impaired in minimal medium. Both acetate and yeast extract were necessary to restore growth to nearly wild-type levels, suggesting that Ehb was involved in multiple steps in carbon assimilation. However, no differences in the total hydrogenase specific activities were found between the wild type and mutant in either cell extracts or membrane-purified fractions. Methanogenesis by resting cells with pyruvate as the electron donor was also reduced by 30% in S40, suggesting a defect in pyruvate oxidation. CO dehydrogenase/acetyl coenzyme A (CoA) synthase and pyruvate oxidoreductase had higher specific activities in the mutant, and genes encoding these enzymes, as well as AMP-forming acetyl-CoA synthetase, were expressed at increased levels. These observations support a role for Ehb in anabolic CO2 assimilation in methanococci.  相似文献   

Recently, the flagellin proteins of Methanococcus maripaludis were found to harbour an N -linked tetrasaccharide composed of N -acetylgalactosamine, di-acetylated glucuronic acid, an acetylated and acetamidino-modified mannuronic acid linked to threonine, and a novel terminal sugar [( 5S )-2-acetamido-2,4-dideoxy-5-O-methyl-α-L- erythro -hexos-5-ulo-1,5-pyranose]. To identify genes involved in the assembly and attachment of this glycan, in-frame deletions were constructed in putative glycan assembly genes. Successful deletion of genes encoding three glycosyltransferases and an oligosaccharyltransferase (Stt3p homologue) resulted in flagellins of decreased molecular masses as evidenced by immunoblotting, indicating partial or completely absent glycan structures. Deletion of the oligosaccharyltransferase or the glycosyltransferase responsible for the transfer of the second sugar in the chain resulted in flagellins that were not assembled into flagella filaments, as evidenced by electron microscopy. Deletions of the glycosyltransferases responsible for the addition of the third and terminal sugars in the glycan were confirmed by mass spectrometry analysis of purified flagellins from these mutants. Although flagellated, these mutants had decreased motility as evidenced by semi-swarm plate analysis with the presence of each additional sugar improving movement capabilities.  相似文献   

Methanococcus maripaludis is a strictly anaerobic, methane-producing archaeon and facultative autotroph capable of biosynthesizing all the amino acids and vitamins required for growth. In this work, the novel 6-deoxy-5-ketofructose-1-phosphate (DKFP) pathway for the biosynthesis of aromatic amino acids (AroAAs) and p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) was demonstrated in M. maripaludis. Moreover, PABA was shown to be derived from an early intermediate in AroAA biosynthesis and not from chorismate. Following metabolic labelling with [U-(13)C]-acetate, the expected enrichments for phenylalanine and arylamine derived from PABA were observed. DKFP pathway activity was reduced following growth with aryl acids, an alternative source of the AroAAs. Lastly, a deletion mutant of aroA', which encodes the first step in the DKFP pathway, required AroAAs and PABA for growth. Complementation of the mutants by an aroA' expression vector restored the wild-type phenotype. In contrast, a deletion of aroB', which encodes the second step in the DKFP pathway, did not require AroAAs or PABA for growth. Presumably, methanococci contain an alternative activity for this step. These results identify the initial reactions of a new pathway for the biosynthesis of PABA in methanococci.  相似文献   

Glycosylation is a posttranslational modification utilized in all three domains of life. Compared to eukaryotic and bacterial systems, knowledge of the archaeal processes involved in glycosylation is limited. Recently, Methanococcus voltae flagellin proteins were found to have an N-linked trisaccharide necessary for proper flagellum assembly. Current analysis by mass spectrometry of Methanococcus maripaludis flagellin proteins also indicated the attachment of an N-glycan containing acetylated sugars. To identify genes involved in sugar biosynthesis in M. maripaludis, a putative acetyltransferase was targeted for in-frame deletion. Deletion of this gene (MMP0350) resulted in a flagellin molecular mass shift to a size comparable to that expected for underglycosylated or completely nonglycoslyated flagellins, as determined by immunoblotting. Assembled flagellar filaments were not observed by electron microscopy. Interestingly, the deletion also resulted in defective pilus anchoring. Mutant cells with a deletion of MMP0350 had very few, if any, pili attached to the cell surface compared to a nonflagellated but piliated strain. However, pili were obtained from culture supernatants of this strain, indicating that the defect was not in pilus assembly but in stable attachment to the cell surface. Complementation of MMP0350 on a plasmid restored pilus attachment, but it was unable to restore flagellation, likely because the mutant ceased to make detectable flagellin. These findings represent the first report of a biosynthetic gene involved in flagellin glycosylation in archaea. Also, it is the first gene to be associated with pili, linking flagellum and pilus structure and assembly through posttranslational modifications.  相似文献   

The application of 50-MPa pressure did not increase the thermostabilities of adenylate kinases purified from four related mesophilic and thermophilic marine methanogens. Thus, while it has been reported that some thermophilic enzymes are stabilized by pressure (D. J. Hei and D. S. Clark, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 60:932-939, 1994), hyperbaric stabilization is not an intrinsic property of all enzymes from deep-sea thermophiles.  相似文献   

The GlnK and GlnB proteins are members of the pII signal transduction protein family, which is essential in nitrogen regulation due to this protein family's ability to sense internal cellular ammonium levels and control cellular response. The role of GlnK in nitrogen regulation has been studied in a variety of bacteria but previously has been uncharacterized in the purple nonsulfur anoxygenic phototropic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. R. palustris has tremendous metabolic versatility in its modes of energy generation and carbon metabolism, and it employs a sensitive nitrogen-ammonium regulation system that may vary from that of other commonly studied bacteria. In R. palustris, there are three annotated forms of pII proteins: GlnK1, GlnK2, and GlnB. Here we describe, for the first time, the characterization of GlnK1, GlnK2, and GlnB modifications as a response to nitrogen availability, thereby providing information about how this bacterium regulates the AmtB ammonium transporter and glutamine synthetase, which controls the rate of glutamate to glutamine conversion. Using a strategy of creating C-terminally tagged GlnK and GlnB proteins followed by tandem affinity purification in combination with top-down mass spectrometry, four isoforms of the GlnK2 and GlnB proteins and two isoforms of the GlnK1 protein were characterized at high resolution and mass accuracy. Wild-type or endogenous expression of all three proteins was also examined under normal ammonium conditions and ammonium starvation to ensure that the tagging and affinity purification methods employed did not alter the natural state of the proteins. All three proteins were found to undergo uridylylation under ammonium starvation conditions, presumably to regulate the AmtB ammonium transporter and glutamine synthetase. Under high-ammonium conditions, the GlnK1, GlnK2, and GlnB proteins are unmodified. This experimental protocol involving high-resolution mass spectrometry measurements of intact proteins provides a powerful method of examining the posttranslational modifications that play a crucial role in both the regulation of the AmtB ammonium transporter and glutamine synthetase within R. palustris.  相似文献   

The archaeal flagellum is a unique motility apparatus in the prokaryotic domain, distinct from the bacterial flagellum. Most of the currently recognized archaeal flagella-associated genes fall into a single fla operon that contains the genes for the flagellin proteins (two or more genes designated as flaA or flaB ), some variation of a set of conserved proteins of unknown function ( flaC , flaD , flaE , flaF , flaG and flaH ), an ATPase ( flaI ) and a membrane protein ( flaJ ). In addition, the flaD gene has been demonstrated to encode two proteins: a full-length gene product and a truncated product derived from an alternate, internal start site. A systematic deletion approach was taken using the methanogen Methanococcus maripaludis to investigate the requirement and a possible role for these proposed flagella-associated genes. Markerless in-frame deletion strains were created for most of the genes in the M. maripaludis fla operon. In addition, a strain lacking the truncated FlaD protein [FlaD M(191)I] was also created. DNA sequencing and Southern blot analysis confirmed each mutant strain, and the integrity of the remaining operon was confirmed by immunoblot. With the exception of the ΔFlaB3 and FlaD M(191)I strains, all mutants were non-motile by light microscopy and non-flagellated by electron microscopy. A detailed examination of the ΔFlaB3 mutant flagella revealed that these structures had no hook region, while the FlaD M(191)I strain appeared identical to wild type. Each deletion strain was complemented, and motility and flagellation was restored. Collectively, these results demonstrate for first time that these fla operon genes are directly involved and critically required for proper archaeal flagella assembly and function.  相似文献   

Morii H  Koga Y 《Journal of bacteriology》2003,185(4):1181-1189
CDP-2,3-di-O-geranylgeranyl-sn-glycerol:L-serine O-archaetidyltransferase (archaetidylserine synthase) activity in cell extracts of Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus cells was characterized. The enzyme catalyzed the formation of unsaturated archaetidylserine from CDP-unsaturated archaeol and L-serine. The identity of the reaction products was confirmed by thin-layer chromatography, fast atom bombardment-mass spectrum analysis, and chemical degradation. The enzyme showed maximal activity in the presence of 10 mM Mn2+ and 1% Triton X-100. Among various synthetic substrate analogs, both enantiomers of CDP-unsaturated archaeols with ether-linked geranylgeranyl chains and CDP-saturated archaeol with ether-linked phytanyl chains were similarly active toward the archaetidylserine synthase. The activity on the ester analog of the substrate was two to three times higher than that on the corresponding ether-type substrate. The activity of D-serine with the enzyme was 30% of that observed for L-serine. A trace amount of an acid-labile, unsaturated archaetidylserine intermediate was detected in the cells by a pulse-labeling experiment. A gene (MT1027) in M. thermautotrophicus genome annotated as the gene encoding phosphatidylserine synthase was found to be homologous to Bacillus subtilis pssA but not to Escherichia coli pssA. The substrate specificity of phosphatidylserine synthase from B. subtilis was quite similar to that observed for the M. thermautotrophicus archaetidylserine synthase, while the E. coli enzyme had a strong preference for CDP-1,2-diacyl-sn-glycerol. It was concluded that M. thermautotrophicus archaetidylserine synthase belongs to subclass II phosphatidylserine synthase (B. subtilis type) on the basis of not only homology but also substrate specificity and some enzymatic properties. The possibility that a gene encoding the subclass II phosphatidylserine synthase might be transferred from a bacterium to an ancestor of methanogens is discussed.  相似文献   

Mahon JD 《Plant physiology》1977,60(6):817-821
Pisum sativum L. cv. Trapper plants were inoculated and grown in a controlled environment on N-free nutrient solution. After 4 weeks N was supplied to treatment plants as NH4NO3, KNO3, or NH4Cl and rates of C2H2 reduction, root + nodule respiration, and leaf photosynthesis were determined 1 week later. The increase in respiration per unit of C2H2 reduction was not affected by either the form of N added or the light conditions during growth, although the basal respiration rate with no C2H2 reduction increased with irradiance level. The mean regression coefficient from plots of respiration versus C2H2 reduction was 0.23 + 0.04 (P [unk] .01) mg of CO2 (μmol of C2H2 reduced)−1 which was very similar to the value for the coefficient of respiration associated with nitrogenase activity estimated by subtracting growth and maintenance respiration. Since the rate of N accumulation in N-free nutrient conditions was proportional to the rate of C2H2 reduction, it appears that the method gives a true estimate of the energy requirements for N fixation which for these conditions was equivalent to 17 grams of carbohydrate consumed per gram of N fixed.  相似文献   

The genome of Methanococcus maripaludis harbors genes for at least six selenocysteine-containing proteins and also for homologs that contain a cysteine codon in the position of the UGA selenocysteine codon. To investigate the synthesis and function of both the Se and the S forms, a mutant with an inactivated selB gene was constructed and analyzed. The mutant was unable to synthesize any of the selenoproteins, thus proving that the gene product is the archaeal translation factor (aSelB) specialized for selenocysteine insertion. The wild-type form of M. maripaludis repressed the synthesis of the S forms of selenoproteins, i.e., the selenium-independent alternative system, in selenium-enriched medium, but the mutant did not. We concluded that free selenium is not involved in regulation but rather a successional compound such as selenocysteyl-tRNA or some selenoprotein. Apart from the S forms, several enzymes from the general methanogenic route were affected by selenium supplementation of the wild type or by the selB mutation. Although the growth of M. maripaludis on H(2)/CO(2) is only marginally affected by the selB lesion, the gene is indispensable for growth on formate because M. maripaludis possesses only a selenocysteine-containing formate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

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