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Mitochondria are multifunctional eukaryotic organelles that provide cells with energy via oxidative phosphorylation. They participate in the formation of Fe-S clusters, oxidation of fatty acids, and synthesis of certain amino acids and play an important role in apoptosis. Mitochondria have their own genome and are able to transcribe and translate it. However, most macromolecules functioning in mitochondria, such as proteins and some small RNAs, are imported from the cytoplasm. Protein import into mitochondria is a universal process, and its mechanism is very similar in all eukaryotic cells. Today this mechanism is known in detail. At the same time, the RNA import was discovered only in several eukaryotic groups. Nevertheless, it is proposed that this process is typical for most species. A set of imported RNA molecules varies in different organisms. Although the knowledge about the mechanisms of RNA import is less extensive than that of protein import, it becomes clear that these mechanisms greatly differ between different species. The review summarizes information about the import of such macromolecules into mitochondria.  相似文献   

Many metabolic processes essential for plant viability take place in mitochondria. Therefore, mitochondrial function has to be carefully balanced in accordance with the developmental stage and metabolic requirements of the cell. One way to adapt organellar function is the alteration of protein composition. Since most mitochondrial proteins are nuclear encoded, fine-tuning of mitochondrial protein content could be achieved by the regulation of protein translocation. Here we present evidence that the import of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins into plant mitochondria is influenced by calcium and calmodulin. In pea mitochondria, the calmodulin inhibitor ophiobolin A as well as the calcium ionophores A23187 and ionomycin inhibit translocation of nuclear-encoded proteins in a concentration-dependent manner, an effect that can be countered by the addition of external calmodulin or calcium, respectively. Inhibition was observed exclusively for proteins translocating into or across the inner membrane but not for proteins residing in the outer membrane or the intermembrane space. Ophiobolin A and the calcium ionophores further inhibit translocation into mitochondria with disrupted outer membranes, but their effect is not mediated via a change in the membrane potential across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Together, our results suggest that calcium/calmodulin influences the import of a subset of mitochondrial proteins at the inner membrane. Interestingly, we could not observe any influence of ophiobolin A or the calcium ionophores on protein translocation into mitochondria of yeast, indicating that the effect of calcium/calmodulin on mitochondrial protein import might be a plant-specific trait.  相似文献   

Translocation of nuclear-encoded preproteins across the outer membrane of mitochondria is mediated by the multicomponent transmembrane TOM complex. We have isolated the TOM core complex of Neurospora crassa by removing the receptors Tom70 and Tom20 from the isolated TOM holo complex by treatment with the detergent dodecyl maltoside. It consists of Tom40, Tom22, and the small Tom components, Tom6 and Tom7. This core complex was also purified directly from mitochondria after solubilization with dodecyl maltoside. The TOM core complex has the characteristics of the general insertion pore; it contains high-conductance channels and binds preprotein in a targeting sequence-dependent manner. It forms a double ring structure that, in contrast to the holo complex, lacks the third density seen in the latter particles. Three-dimensional reconstruction by electron tomography exhibits two open pores traversing the complex with a diameter of approximately 2.1 nm and a height of approximately 7 nm. Tom40 is the key structural element of the TOM core complex.  相似文献   

Tom20 is the master receptor for protein import into mitochondria. Analysis of motifs present in Tom20 sequences from fungi and animals found several highly conserved regions, including features of the transmembrane segment, the ligand-binding domain and functionally important flexible segments at the N terminus and the C terminus of the protein. Hidden Markov model searches of genome sequence data revealed novel isoforms of Tom20 in vertebrate and invertebrate animals. A three-dimensional comparative model of the novel type I Tom20, based on the structurally characterized type II isoform, shows important differences in the amino acid residues lining the ligand-binding groove, where the type I protein from animals is more similar to the fungal form of Tom20. Given that the two receptor types from mouse interact with the same set of precursor protein substrates, comparative analysis of the substrate-binding site provides unique insight into the mechanism of substrate recognition. No Tom20-related protein was found in genome sequence data from plants or protozoans, suggesting the receptor Tom20 evolved after the split of animals and fungi from the main lineage of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

All eukaryotes require mitochondria for survival and growth. The origin of mitochondria can be traced down to a single endosymbiotic event between two probably prokaryotic organisms. Subsequent evolution has left mitochondria a collection of heterogeneous organelle variants. Most of these variants have retained their own genome and translation system. In hydrogenosomes and mitosomes, however, the entire genome was lost. All types of mitochondria import most of their proteome from the cytosol, irrespective of whether they have a genome or not. Moreover, in most eukaryotes, a variable number of tRNAs that are required for mitochondrial translation are also imported. Thus, import of macromolecules, both proteins and tRNA, is essential for mitochondrial biogenesis. Here, we review what is known about the evolutionary history of the two processes using a recently revised eukaryotic phylogeny as a framework. We discuss how the processes of protein import and tRNA import relate to each other in an evolutionary context.  相似文献   

Import of the synthetic precursor of the alternative oxidase from soybean was shown to be dependent on a membrane potential and ATP. The membrane potential in soybean mitochondria may be formed either by respiration through the cytochrome pathway, or through the alternative oxidase pathway with NAD+-linked substrates. Import of the alternative oxidase precursor in the presence of succinate as respiratory substrate was inhibited by KCN. Import in the presence of malate was insensitive to KCN and SHAM added separately, but was inhibited by KCN and SHAM added together (inhibitors of the cytochrome and alternative oxidases respectively). Import of the alternative oxidase was accompanied by processing of the precursor to a single 32 kDa product in both cotyledon and root mitochondria. This product had a different mobility than the two alternative oxidase bands detected by immunological means (34 and 36 kDa), suggesting that the enzyme had been modified in situ. When the cDNA clone of the alternative oxidase was modified by a single mutation (–2 Arg changed to –2 Gly), the processing of the precursor was inhibited.  相似文献   

Mitochondria import more than 1,000 different proteins from the cytosol. The proteins are synthesized as precursors on cytosolic ribosomes and are translocated by protein transport machineries of the mitochondrial membranes. Five main pathways for protein import into mitochondria have been identified. Most pathways use the translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM) as the entry gate into mitochondria. Depending on specific signals contained in the precursors, the proteins are subsequently transferred to different intramitochondrial translocases. In this article, we discuss the connection between protein import and mitochondrial membrane architecture. Mitochondria possess two membranes. It is a long‐standing question how contact sites between outer and inner membranes are formed and which role the contact sites play in the translocation of precursor proteins. A major translocation contact site is formed between the TOM complex and the presequence translocase of the inner membrane (TIM23 complex), promoting transfer of presequence‐carrying preproteins to the mitochondrial inner membrane and matrix. Recent findings led to the identification of contact sites that involve the mitochondrial contact site and cristae organizing system (MICOS) of the inner membrane. MICOS plays a dual role. It is crucial for maintaining the inner membrane cristae architecture and forms contacts sites to the outer membrane that promote translocation of precursor proteins into the intermembrane space and outer membrane of mitochondria. The view is emerging that the mitochondrial protein translocases do not function as independent units, but are embedded in a network of interactions with machineries that control mitochondrial activity and architecture.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) is the most constricted sub-mitochondrial compartment, housing only about 5% of the mitochondrial proteome, and yet is endowed with the largest variability of protein import mechanisms. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of the major IMS import pathway based on the oxidative protein folding pathway and discuss the stunning variability of other IMS protein import pathways. As IMS-localized proteins only have to cross the outer mitochondrial membrane, they do not require energy sources like ATP hydrolysis in the mitochondrial matrix or the inner membrane electrochemical potential which are critical for import into the matrix or insertion into the inner membrane. We also explore several atypical IMS import pathways that are still not very well understood and are guided by poorly defined or completely unknown targeting peptides. Importantly, many of the IMS proteins are linked to several human diseases, and it is therefore crucial to understand how they reach their normal site of function in the IMS. In the final part of this review, we discuss current understanding of how such IMS protein underpin a large spectrum of human disorders.  相似文献   

We employed electron cryo‐tomography to visualize cytosolic ribosomes on the surface of mitochondria. Translation‐arrested ribosomes reveal the clustered organization of the TOM complex, corroborating earlier reports of localized translation. Ribosomes are shown to interact specifically with the TOM complex, and nascent chain binding is crucial for ribosome recruitment and stabilization. Ribosomes are bound to the membrane in discrete clusters, often in the vicinity of the crista junctions. This interaction highlights how protein synthesis may be coupled with transport. Our work provides unique insights into the spatial organization of cytosolic ribosomes on mitochondria.  相似文献   

Proapoptotic members of the Bcl-2 protein family, including Bid and Bax, can activate apoptosis by directly interacting with mitochondria to cause cytochrome c translocation from the intermembrane space into the cytoplasm, thereby triggering Apaf-1-mediated caspase activation. Under some circumstances, when caspase activation is blocked, cells can recover from cytochrome c translocation; this suggests that apoptotic mitochondria may not always suffer catastrophic damage arising from the process of cytochrome c release. We now show that recombinant Bid and Bax cause complete cytochrome c loss from isolated mitochondria in vitro, but preserve the ultrastructure and protein import function of mitochondria, which depend on inner membrane polarization. We also demonstrate that, if caspases are inhibited, mitochondrial protein import function is retained in UV-irradiated or staurosporine-treated cells, despite the complete translocation of cytochrome c. Thus, Bid and Bax act only on the outer membrane, and lesions in the inner membrane occurring during apoptosis are shown to be secondary caspase-dependent events.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial protein translocation is an intricately regulated process that requires dedicated translocases at the outer and inner membranes. The presequence translocase complex, translocase of the inner membrane 23, facilitates most of the import of preproteins containing presequences into the mitochondria, and its primary structural organization is highly conserved. As part of the translocase motor, two J-proteins, DnaJC15 and DnaJC19, are recruited to form two independent translocation machineries (translocase A and translocase B, respectively). On the other hand, the J-like protein subunit of translocase of the inner membrane 23, Mitochondria-associated granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling molecule (Magmas) (orthologous to the yeast subunit Pam16), can regulate human import-motor activity by forming a heterodimer with DnaJC19 and DnaJC15. However, the precise coordinated regulation of two human import motors by a single Magmas protein is poorly understood. Here, we report two additional Magmas variants (Magmas-1 and Magmas-2) constitutively expressed in the mammalian system. Both the Magmas variants are functional orthologs of Pam16 with an evolutionarily conserved J-like domain critical for cell survival. Moreover, the Magmas variants are peripherally associated with the inner membrane as part of the human import motor for translocation. Our results demonstrate that Magmas-1 is predominantly recruited to translocase B, whereas Magmas-2 is majorly associated with translocase A. Strikingly, both the variants exhibit differential J-protein inhibitory activity in modulating import motor, thereby regulating overall translocase function. Based on our findings, we hypothesize that additional Magmas variants are of evolutionary significance in humans to maximize protein import in familial-linked pathological conditions.  相似文献   

We have established a homologous system for studying mitochondrial protein import in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, using C. reinhardtii precursor proteins and mitochondria isolated from C. reinhardtii. The precursors of the F1 ATP synthase subunit and the Rieske FeS protein were imported into mitochondria with high efficiency, while the F1 subunit precursor was imported with much lower efficiency. The import of heterologous precursor proteins from higher plants was also less efficient. The precursor of the C. reinhardtii PsaF chloroplast protein was converted into a protease-protected form upon incubation with mitochondria. In vitro processing studies revealed that in contrast to the situation in higher plants, the processing of the precursors was catalysed by a soluble, matrix-located peptidase.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial presequence translocase interacts with presequence‐containing precursors at the intermembrane space (IMS) side of the inner membrane to mediate their translocation into the matrix. Little is known as too how these matrix‐targeting signals activate the translocase in order to initiate precursor transport. Therefore, we analysed how signal recognition by the presequence translocase initiates reorganization among Tim‐proteins during import. Our analyses revealed that the presequence receptor Tim50 interacts with Tim21 in a signal‐sensitive manner in a process that involves the IMS‐domain of the Tim23 channel. The signal‐driven release of Tim21 from Tim50 promotes recruitment of Pam17 and thus triggers formation of the motor‐associated form of the TIM23 complex required for matrix transport.  相似文献   

Data reported in the literature indicate that lipid movement between intracellular organelles can occur through contacts and close physical association of membranes (Vance, J.E. 1990. J Biol Chem 265: 7248-7256). The advantage of this mechanism is that the direct interaction of membranes provides the translocation event without the involvement of lipid-transport systems. However, pre-requisite for the functioning of this machinery is the presence of protein factors controlling membrane association and fusion. In the present work we have found that liposomes fuse to mitochondria at acidic pH and that the pre-treatment of mitochondria with pronase inhibits the fusogenic activity. Mixing of 14C-phosphatilyserine (PS) labeled liposomes with mitochondria at pH 6.0 results in the translocation of 14C-PS into mitochondria and in its decarboxylation to14 C-phosphatidylethanolamine through the PS decarboxylase activity localized on the outer surface of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Incorporation of 14C-PS is inhibited by the pre-treatment of mitochondria with pronase or with EEDQ, a reagent for the derivatization of the protonated form of carboxylic groups. These results indicate the presence of a protein associated with mitochondria which is able to trigger the fusion of liposomes to the mitochondrial membrane. A partial purification of a mitochondrial fusogenic glycoprotein is described in this work. The activity of the fusogenic protein appears to be dependent on the extent of protonation of the residual carboxylic groups and is influenced by the glucidic moiety, as demonstrated by its interaction with Concanavalin A. The purifed protein is able to promote the recover of the14 C-PS import from liposomes to pronase-treated mitochondria. Therefore, the protein is candidate to be an essential component in the machinery for the mitochondrial import of PS. (Mol Cell Biochem 175: 71–80, 1997)  相似文献   

Mitochondrial outer and inner membranes contain translocators that achieve protein translocation across and/or insertion into the membranes. Recent evidence has shown that mitochondrial beta-barrel protein assembly in the outer membrane requires specific translocator proteins in addition to the components of the general translocator complex in the outer membrane, the TOM40 complex. Here we report two novel mitochondrial outer membrane proteins in yeast, Tom13 and Tom38/Sam35, that mediate assembly of mitochondrial beta-barrel proteins, Tom40, and/or porin in the outer membrane. Depletion of Tom13 or Tom38/Sam35 affects assembly pathways of the beta-barrel proteins differently, suggesting that they mediate different steps of the complex assembly processes of beta-barrel proteins in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

The role of Tim9p in the assembly of the TIM22 import complexes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tim9p is located in the soluble 70-kDa Tim9p–Tim10p complex and the 300-kDa membrane complex in the mitochondrial TIM22 protein import system, which mediates the import of inner membrane proteins. From a collection of temperature-sensitive mutants, we have analyzed two in detail. tim9–3 contained two mutations and tim9–19 contained one mutation, all located near the 'twin CX3C' motif that is conserved in the small Tim proteins. As a result, the import components in the tim9–3 mutant mitochondria were severely reduced and assembled into complexes of aberrant sizes. Protein import was severely reduced and Tim9p and Tim10p binding to in vitro imported ADP/ATP carrier was impaired. In the tim9–19 mutant mitochondria, the 300-kDa membrane complex was assembled, although the soluble 70-kDa Tim9p–Tim10p complex was not detectable. Protein import was decreased only two-fold. When coexpressed in Escherichia coli , tim9–19 and TIM10 proteins failed to assemble into a 70-kDa complex. Our findings suggest that residues near the 'twin CX3C' motif are important for the assembly of Tim9p in both the Tim9p–Tim10p complex and the 300-kDa membrane complex.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(15):2815-2831.e5
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It has previously been shown that presequences of nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii contain a region that may form an amphiphilic -helix, a structure characteristic of mitochondrial presequences. We have tested two precursors of chloroplast proteins (the PsaF and PsaK photosystem I subunits) from C. reinhardtii for the ability to be imported into spinach leaf mitochondria in vitro. Both precursors bound to spinach mitochondria. The PsaF protein was converted into a protease-protected form with high efficiency in a membrane potential-dependent manner, indicating that the protein had been imported, whereas the PsaK protein was not protease protected. The protease protection of PsaF was not inhibited by a synthetic peptide derived from the presequence of the N. plumbaginifolia mitochondrial F1 subunit. Furthermore, if the presequence of PsaF was truncated or deleted by in vitro mutagenesis, the protein was still protease-protected with approximately the same efficiency as the full-length precursor. These results indicate that PsaF can be imported by spinach mitochondria in a presequence-independent manner. However, even in the absence of the presequence, this process was membrane potential-dependent. Interestingly, the presequence-truncated PsaF proteins were also protease-protected upon incubation with C. reinhardtii chloroplasts. Our results indicate that the C. reinhardtii chloroplast PsaF protein has peculiar properties and may be imported not only into chloroplasts but also into higher-plant mitochondria. This finding indicates that additional control mechanisms in the cytosol that are independent of the presequence are required to achieve sorting between chloroplasts and mitochondria in vivo.Abbreviations cTP chloroplast transit peptide - mTP mitochondrial targeting peptide - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase - pF1(1,25) a synthetic peptide derived from the first 25 residues of the Nicotiana plumbaginifolia mitochondrial ATP synthase F1 subunit - PsaF(2–30) and PsaF(2–61) mutant proteins lacking regions corresponding to residues 2–30 and 2–61 in the PsaF precursor protein, respectively  相似文献   

Peroxisome biogenesis and the role of protein import   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Peroxisomes are metabolic organelles with enzymatic content that are found in virtually all cells and are involved in β-oxidation of fatty acids, hydrogen peroxide-based respiration and defence against oxidative stress. The steps of their biogenesis involves "peroxins", proteins encoded by PEX genes. Peroxins are involved in three key stages of peroxisome development: (1) import of peroxisomal membrane proteins; (2) import of peroxisomal matrix proteins and (3) peroxisome proliferation. Of these three areas, peroxisomal matrix-protein import is by far the best understood and accounts for most of the available published data on peroxisome biogenesis. Defects in peroxisome biogenesis result in peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs), which although rare, have no known cure to-date. This review explores current understanding of each key area in peroxisome biogenesis, paying particular attention to the role of protein import.  相似文献   

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