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脂质不仅是生物膜的骨架成分和能量贮存物质,越来越多的证据表明,脂质也参与细胞的许多重要功能。脂质组学是代谢组学的一个重要分支,主要研究生物体内所有的脂质分子的特性以及它们在蛋白质表达和基因调控过程中的作用。脂质组学是依赖技术驱动的科学。近年来,随着人们对脂质研究的重视,脂质组学研究方法和策略有了突破性进展,在动物上开发出的脂质组学分析方法已经扩展应用到植物上。该文重点介绍脂质组学的研究方法及其应用,以期推动脂质组学,特别是植物脂质组学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

脂质是灵芝重要活性成分之一,但目前对灵芝胞内脂质成分的构成研究甚少。本研究采用UPLC-ESI-MS/MS技术,对灵芝发酵菌体的胞内脂质构成进行分析。结果显示,灵芝细胞中共鉴定到296种脂质,其中甘油酯112种、磷脂148种、鞘脂34种和甾醇2种;甘油酯和磷脂分别占总脂质的44.70%和38.06%,鞘脂和甾醇分别占总脂质的17.08%和0.16%。分析甘油酯中主要成分为甘油三酯,占甘油酯总含量的67.36%;磷脂中主要成分为磷脂酰乙醇胺,占磷脂总含量的62.64%;鞘脂中主要成分为神经酰胺,占鞘脂总量的60.33%;此外,本研究检测出27种游离脂肪酸,其中20种为不饱和脂肪酸,相对含量为65.59%;7种为饱和脂肪酸,相对含量为34.41%。本研究系统性地分析了灵芝细胞中的脂质构成,为进一步开展灵芝细胞中脂质相关研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

脂质组学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了脂质组学的研究现状和发展趋势.脂质组学是对生物体、组织或细胞中的脂质以及与其相互作用的分子进行系统分析的一门新兴学科.脂质具有多种重要的生物功能,脂质代谢异常可引发诸多人类疾病,包括糖尿病、肥胖症、癌症以及神经退行性疾病等.目前,脂质组学研究已成为一个前景广阔的热门领域,并广泛地应用到包括药物研发、分子生理学、分子病理学、功能基因组学、营养学以及环境与健康等重要领域.  相似文献   

脂质组学在医药研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
脂质组学是对整体脂质进行系统分析的一门新兴学科,通过比较不同生理状态下脂代谢网络的变化,进而识别代谢调控中关键的脂生物标志物,最终揭示脂质在各种生命活动中的作用机制。电喷雾电离-质谱技术是脂质组学领域中最核心的研究手段,目前已能对各种脂质尤其是磷脂进行高分辨率、高灵敏度、高通量的分析。随着质谱技术的进步,脂质组学在疾病脂生物标志物的识别、疾病诊断、药物靶点及先导化合物的发现和药物作用机制的研究等方面已展现出广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

电喷雾串联质谱图的叠合与多肽序列分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
利用离子阱电喷雾串联质谱仪,在选择性改变某些食品参数的条件下对模式分子Met-脑啡肽和自行固相化学合成的7肽及其修饰产物、10肽和20肽进行碎裂处理,从而获得一系列具有一定差异的串联质谱图。选择具有适当互补性的图谱进行叠合处理,得到具有连贯性“三联套”(triplet)及“二联套”(doublet)碎片离子峰的叠合串联质谱图,据此可以方便准确地角析出多肽的氨基酸序列。实验结果表明,这种方法在多肽的质谱法测定中具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

应用毛细管液相色谱 电喷雾 四极杆 飞行时间串联质谱和纳升电喷雾 四极杆 飞行时间串联质谱技术 ,对阻断白血病细胞泛素通路诱发的凋亡相关蛋白质进行了鉴定。通过双向电泳发现 ,蛋白质斑点H在阻断Mo7e白血病细胞泛素通路 2h之后 ,表达量明显增加 ,6h达到最高。该斑点经MALDI TOF MS肽质量指纹谱分析未获结果 ,但通过上述 2种串联质谱技术获得其胰蛋白酶水解肽段的串联质谱图和肽段的全长序列 ,经检索均确认为RhoGDIβ蛋白。进一步发现阻断泛素通路还诱发了另 2个斑点出现 ,位于H点附近 ,经鉴定为同一蛋白质 ,可能是不同翻译后修饰所造成  相似文献   

电喷雾萃取电离技术在蛋白质分析中的应用及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电喷雾萃取电离技术(extractive electrospray ionization,EESI)是一种能灵敏地电离固体、液体、气体、黏性样品等复杂基体中痕量大分子和小分子的新兴软电离技术.在简要介绍EESI原理的基础上,着重综述其在蛋白质分析中的应用.与商品化质谱仪器配置的电喷雾电离源(electrospray ionization,ESI)不同,EESI能够在常压条件下最大程度地保留蛋白质在样品中的原始构象,并获得大量具有生物活性的蛋白质离子.由此可见,EESI及类似的技术在蛋白质芯片制备、高分辨率氢/氘交换质谱(蛋白质结构分析)、蛋白质计量等方面具有良好的应用前景.本文也对其发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

脂质与许多慢性病(如糖尿病、高血压)和精神系统疾病(如阿尔茨海默病)等有关。脂质组学是以现代生物技术为手段,对生物体中的全脂质进行定性和定量的一门新兴学科。目前,生物质谱分析法是对脂质谱进行分析和定量的最有效方法,国内对脂质组学的系统研究还比较匮乏。综述脂质组学的概念与分类,探究不同的生物样品前处理方法,系统介绍近几年国际上生物质谱分析法在脂质组学的应用,并对脂质组学的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

脂质组学研究方法及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脂质不仅是生物膜的骨架成分和能量贮存物质, 越来越多的证据表明, 脂质也参与细胞的许多重要功能。脂质组学是代谢组学的一个重要分支, 主要研究生物体内所有的脂质分子的特性以及它们在蛋白质表达和基因调控过程中的作用。脂质组学是依赖技术驱动的科学。近年来, 随着人们对脂质研究的重视, 脂质组学研究方法和策略有了突破性进展, 在动物上开发出的脂质组学分析方法已经扩展应用到植物上。该文重点介绍脂质组学的研究方法及其应用, 以期推动脂质组学,特别是植物脂质组学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

脂质占人体内源性代谢物的一半以上,种类繁多,结构复杂,因而具有多种生物功能,与多种生命活动密切相关。脂质组学是代谢组学分支的新兴学科,它可以通过比较不同生理状态下脂质含量的变化,寻找代谢通路中关键的脂质生物标志物,最终揭示脂质在各种生命活动中的作用机制。随着质谱技术的进步,脂质组学在疾病脂类生物标志物的识别、疾病诊断、药物作用机制的研究等方面已展现出广泛的应用前景。本文主要就脂质组学近几年的分析方法进展及其在癌症中的最新应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) has been applied primarily to the analysis of glycosphingolipids separated from other complex mixtures by TLC, but it is difficult to obtain quantitative profiling of each glycosphingolipid among the different spots on TLC by MALDI-MS. Thus, the development of a convenient approach that utilizes liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization (LC/ESI)-MS has received interest. However, previously reported methods have been insufficient to separate and distinguish each ganglioside class. Here we report an effective method for the targeted analysis of theoretically expected ganglioside molecular species by LC/ESI tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) in combination with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). MRM detection specific for sialic acid enabled us to analyze ganglioside standards such as GM1, GM2, GM3, GD1, and GT1 at picomolar to femtomolar levels. Furthermore, other gangliosides, such as GD2, GD3, GT2, GT3, and GQ1, were also detected in glycosphingolipid standard mixtures from porcine brain and acidic glycolipid extract from mouse brain by theoretically expanded MRM. We found that this approach was also applicable to sulfatides contained in the glycosphingolipid mixtures. In addition, we established a method to separate and distinguish regioisomeric gangliosides, such as GM1a and -1b, GD1a, -1b, and -1c, and GT1a, -1b, and -1c with diagnostic sugar chains in the MRM.  相似文献   

A simple and fast method of lipid analysis of isolated intact mitochondria by means of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry is described. Mitochondria isolated from bovine heart and yeast have been employed to set up and validate the new method of lipid analysis. The mitochondrial suspension is directly applied over the target and, after drying, covered by a thin layer of the 9-aminoacridine matrix solution. The lipid profiles acquired with this procedure contain all peaks previously obtained by analyzing the lipid extracts of isolated mitochondria by TLC and/or mass spectrometry. The novel procedure allows the quick, simple, precise, and accurate analysis of membrane lipids, utilizing only a tiny amount of isolated organelle; it has also been tested with intact membranes of the bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans for its evolutionary link to present-day mitochondria. The method is of general validity for the lipid analysis of other cell fractions and isolated organelles.  相似文献   

Direct infusion‐based shotgun lipidomics is one of the most powerful and useful tools in comprehensive analysis of lipid species from lipid extracts of various biological samples with high accuracy/precision. However, despite many advantages, the classical shotgun lipidomics suffers some general dogmas of limitations, such as ion suppression, ambiguous identification of isobaric/isomeric lipid species, and ion source–generated artifacts, restraining the applications in analysis of low‐abundance lipid species, particularly those less ionizable or isomers that yield almost identical fragmentation patterns. This article reviews the strategies (such as modifier addition, prefractionation, chemical derivatization, charge feature utilization) that have been employed to improve/eliminate these limitations in modern shotgun lipidomics approaches (e.g., high mass resolution mass spectrometry–based and multidimensional mass spectrometry–based shotgun lipidomics). Therefore, with the enhancement of these strategies for shotgun lipidomics, comprehensive analysis of lipid species including isomeric/isobaric species is achieved in a more accurate and effective manner, greatly substantiating the aberrant lipid metabolism, signaling trafficking, and homeostasis under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Shotgun lipidomics, comprised of intrasource separation, multidimensional mass spectrometry and computer-assisted array analysis, is an emerging powerful technique in lipidomics. Through effective intrasource separation of predetermined groups of lipid classes based on their intrinsic electrical propensities, analyses of lipids from crude extracts of biologic samples can be directly and routinely performed. Appropriate multidimensional array analysis of lipid pseudomolecular ions and fragments can be performed leading to the identification and quantitation of targeted lipid molecular species. Since most biologic lipids are linear combinations of aliphatic chains, backbones and head groups, a rich repertoire of multiple lipid building blocks present in discrete combinations represent experimental observables that can be computer reconstructed in conjunction with their pseudomolecular ions to directly determine the lipid molecular structures from a lipid extract. Through this approach, dramatic increases in the accessible dynamic range for ratiometric quantitation and discrimination of isobaric molecular species can be achieved without any prior column chromatography or operator-dependent supervision. At its current state of development, shotgun lipidomics can analyze over 20 lipid classes, hundreds of lipid molecular species and more than 95% of the mass content of a cellular lipidome. Thus, understanding the biochemical mechanisms underlying lipid-mediated disease states will be greatly facilitated by the power of shotgun lipidomics.  相似文献   

重金属镉(Cd)一直是茶叶产品质量安全关注的重点。本研究基于电热蒸发-催化热解-原子吸收光谱仪(SS-ETV-AAS),使用镍材质样品舟,在300 mL/min空气条件下,350 ℃干燥20 s,350~725 ℃灰化55 s;引入300 mL/min氢气与空气反应形成氮氢混合气氛,在725~800 ℃(50 s)下完成Cd的蒸发;之后,在高岭土填料催化热解炉800 ℃和准直管700 ℃条件下,氮氢火焰原子吸收测定镉的含量。方法检出限(LOD)为0.3 ng/g、定量限(LOQ)为1.0 ng/g,R2>0.998,多次测定的相对标准偏差(RSD)为1.8%~8.6%,多种茶叶样品中Cd的测定值与微波消解石墨炉原子吸收光谱法(GFAAS)无显著性差异(P>0.05),Cd的回收率在92%~107%之间。试验结果表明,该方法灵敏度高、稳定性好、简单高效,且无需消解处理,样品分析时间仅为3min,适用于茶叶中Cd的快速检测。  相似文献   

We have investigated the use of a top-down liquid chromatography/mass spectrometric (LC/MS) approach for the identification of specific protein biomarkers useful for differentiation of closely related strains of bacteria. The sequence information derived from the protein biomarker was then used to develop specific polymerase chain reaction primers useful for rapid identification of the strains. Shiga-toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) strains were used for this evaluation. The expressed protein profiles of two closely related serotype 0157:H7 strains, the predominant strain implicated in illness worldwide, and the nonpathogenic E. coli K-12 strain were compared with each other in an attempt to identify new protein markers that could be used to distinguish the 0157:H7 strains from each other and from the E. coli K-12 strain. Sequencing of a single protein unique to one of the 0157:H7 strains identified it as a cytolethal distending toxin, a potential virulence marker. The protein sequence information enabled the derivation of genetic sequence information for this toxin, thus allowing the development of specific polymerase chain reaction primers for its detection. In addition, the top-down LC/MS technique was able to identify other unique biomarkers and differentiate nearly identical 0157:H7 strains, which exhibited identical phenotypic, serologic, and genetic traits. The results of these studies demonstrate that this approach can be expanded to other serotypes of interest and provide a rational approach to identifying new molecular targets for detection.  相似文献   

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