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Agricultural practices lead to losses of natural resources and biodiversity. Maintaining forests alongside streams (riparian forest strips) has been used as a mechanism to minimize the impact of clearing for agriculture on biodiversity. To test the contribution of riparian forest strips to conserve biodiversity in production landscapes, we selected bats as a biodiversity model system and examined two dimensions of diversity: taxonomic and functional. We compared bat diversity and composition in forest, with and without stream habitat, and in narrow forest riparian strips surrounded by areas cleared for agriculture. We tested the hypothesis that riparian forest strips provide potential conservation value by providing habitat and serving as movement corridors for forest bat species. Riparian forest strips maintained 75% of the bat species registered in forested habitats. We found assemblage in sites with riparian forest strips were dominated by a few species with high abundance and included several species with low abundance. Bat species assemblage was more similar between sites with streams than between those sites to forests without stream habitat. These results highlight the importance of stream habitat in predicting presence of bat species. We registered similar number of guilds between forest sites and riparian forest strips sites. Relative to matrix habitats, stream and edge habitats in riparian forest strips sites were functionally more diverse, supporting our hypothesis about the potential conservation value of riparian forest strips. Results from this study suggest that maintaining riparian forest strips within cleared areas for agricultural areas helps conserve the taxonomic and functional diversity of bats. Also, it provides basic data to evaluate the efficacy of maintaining these landscape features for mitigating impacts of agricultural development on biodiversity. However, we caution that riparian forest strips alone are not sufficient for biodiversity maintenance; their value depends on maintenance of larger forest areas in their vicinity.  相似文献   

Although agriculture dominates much of Central America, little is known about the bat assemblages that occur within agricultural landscapes and how bats use different types of tree cover within these landscapes. Using mist-nets and a mark-recapture protocol, we compared bat diversity and movement across six types of tree cover within an agricultural landscape in central Nicaragua. The tree cover types surveyed included secondary forests, riparian forests, forest fallows, live fences, pastures with high tree cover and pastures with low tree cover. We captured a total of 3084 bats of 39 species, including two new species records for the country ( Lonchorhina aurita and Molossops greenhalli ). Of these, 2970 bats and 27 species were in the Phyllostomidae family. There were significant differences in mean species density, abundance and evenness of phyllostomid bats across the different types of tree cover, but not in bat diversity. Riparian forests had the highest mean species density and bat abundance per plot. In contrast, mean bat abundance and species density were lowest in pastures with low tree cover. Of the 1947 phyllostomid bats marked, a total of 64 bats of eight species were recaptured. The average linear distance between extra-site recaptures was 2227 m (± 228 SE) and the maximum distance was 10.6 km. Bats were recorded moving between almost all types of tree cover, and especially to and from riparian forests. Our study suggests that agricultural landscapes retaining a heterogeneous tree cover may maintain a diverse bat assemblage, and that bats visit and use a variety of tree cover types within the agricultural matrix.  相似文献   

Human land-use changes are particularly extensive in tropical regions, representing one of the greatest threats to terrestrial biodiversity and a key research topic in conservation. However, studies considering the effects of different types of anthropogenic disturbance on the functional dimension of biodiversity in human-modified landscapes are rare. Here, we obtained data through an extensive review of peer-reviewed articles and compared 30 Neotropical bat assemblages in well-preserved primary forest and four different human-disturbed habitats in terms of their functional and taxonomic diversity. We found that disturbed habitats that are structurally less similar to primary forest (pasture, cropland, and early-stage secondary forest) were characterized by a lower functional and taxonomic diversity, as well as community-level functional uniqueness. These habitats generally retained fewer species that perform different ecological functions compared to higher-quality landscape matrices, such as agroforestry. According to functional trait composition, different bat ensembles respond differently to landscape change, negatively affecting mainly gleaning insectivorous bats in pasture, narrow-range species in cropland, and heavier animalivorous bats in secondary forest. Although our results highlight the importance of higher-quality matrix habitats to support elevated functional and taxonomic bat diversity, the conservation of bat species that perform different ecological functions in the mosaic of human-modified habitats also depends on the irreplaceable conservation value of well-preserved primary forests. Our study based on a pooled analysis of individual studies provides novel insights into the effects of different human-modified habitats on Neotropical bat assemblages.  相似文献   

Adaptations for foraging in the complex airspaces of forest interiors may make bat species in the Asian tropics particularly susceptible to forest loss. However, ecomorphological analysis of Vietnamese bat assemblages challenges the hypothesis that, due to their greater vagility, cave‐roosting bats are less vulnerable to habitat fragmentation than foliage‐roosting species. Of the 13 most highly adapted forest‐interior species in our study, eight were cave‐roosting members of the Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae and had wing morphologies closely resembling five foliage‐roosting members of the Murininae and Kerivoulinae—species typically thought to have low vagility. Overall, both cave‐roosting and foliage‐roosting bats exhibited a wide range of flight indices and species' wing designs corresponded with preferred foraging habitats, suggesting that foraging strategy may outweigh roost preference as a determinant of bat wing morphology and flight performance. Consequently, where such variation occurs, cave‐roosting bat ensembles are likely to include species with low vagility and similar sensitivity to habitat fragmentation. This could have important conservation implications as Asian karst formations support high cave densities and important bat diversity yet increasingly represent forest refugia in anthropogenic landscapes. We, therefore, advocate greater consideration of species vagility in determining conservation priorities for the region's bat fauna.  相似文献   

In 1989 Guyana designated 3600 km2 of tropical rain forest as the Iwokrama Rain Forest Programme (IRFP) for developing methods of sustainable forest utilization and for conserving biodiversity. Bat diversity was assessed in 5 km2 of the IRFP area over a ten-week period. Effort totalled 22 400 m2 mist-net hours during 26 nights, 227 m2 harp-trap hours during 8 nights and 28 person days searching for roosts. This revealed 38 species of bats. In comparison with two other neotropical sites alpha diversity was high as shown by a Shannon diversity index of 1.30 for the 33 species taken in foraging areas by mist net and harp trap.Four forest types found here show some of the lowest floristic diversity in the neotropics. The high motility of bats allows them to exploit the range of forest types available locally, so avoiding constraints imposed within any one forest type.A list of bat species known from Guyana was compiled from the literature. A total of 96 species were found plus 17 unsupported records. The list is presented together with a further 45 species that potentially could occur. Our survey has shown that 45 of the 96 species recorded in Guyana (47%) are known from the IRFP area, suggesting that it provides a good representation of Guyana's bat fauna.The work formed part of a Guyana Rain Forest biodiversity programme coordinated by Mike Gillman at The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, England, UK.  相似文献   

The recent trend of agricultural intensification in tropical landscapes poses a new threat to biodiversity conservation. Conversion of previously heterogeneous agricultural landscapes to intensive plantation agriculture simplifies and homogenizes the landscape, reducing availability, and connectivity of natural habitat for native species. To assess the impact of agricultural intensification on bats, we characterized the bat assemblage in the Sarapiquí region of Costa Rica, where heterogeneous land uses are being converted to intensive, large‐scale pineapple plantations. In 2012 and 2013, we sampled bats in 20 remnant forest patches surrounded by varying proportions of pasture, mature forest, and pineapple and captured 1821 individual bats representing 39 species. We used ordination analyses to evaluate changes in species composition, where pineapple is the main component of the agricultural matrix. We identified landscape metrics specifically correlated with pineapple and used multiple linear regression to test their effects on bat species richness, diversity, and guild‐specific relative abundance. Results suggest pineapple expansion is driving changes in assemblage composition in remnant forest patches, resulting in new assemblages with higher proportions of frugivorous bats and lower proportions of insectivorous bats than in continuous mature forests. In addition, while pineapple does not diminish total bat species richness and diversity, the reduced forest cover and increased distance between forest patches in pineapple plantations has a significant negative impact on the relative abundance of insectivores. We also identify a potential threshold effect whereby patches surrounded by more than 50 percent forest can retain assemblage composition similar to that found in continuous mature forest.  相似文献   

Although an increasing number of studies have shown that diverse, multi-strata agroforestry systems can contribute to the conservation of tropical biodiversity, there is still debate about how the biodiversity within agroforestry systems compares to that of intact forest and alternative land uses. In order to assess the relative importance of agroforestry systems for biodiversity conservation, we characterized bat and bird assemblages occurring in forests, two types of agroforestry systems (cacao and banana) and plantain monocultures in the indigenous reserves of Talamanca, Costa Rica. A total of 2,678 bats of 45 species were captured, and 3,056 birds of 224 species were observed. Agroforestry systems maintained bat assemblages that were as (or more) species-rich, abundant and diverse as forests, had the same basic suite of dominant species, but contained more nectarivorous bats than forests. Agroforestry systems also contained bird assemblages that were as abundant, species-rich and diverse as forests; however the species composition of these assemblages was highly modified, with fewer forest dependent species, more open area species and different dominant species. The plantain monocultures had highly modified and depauperate assemblages of both birds and bats. Across land uses, bird diversity and species richness were more closely correlated with the structural and floristic characteristics than were bats, suggesting potential taxon-specific responses to different land uses. Our results indicate that diverse cacao and banana agroforestry systems contribute to conservation efforts by serving as habitats to high numbers of bird and bat species, including some, but not all, forest-dependent species and species of known conservation concern. However, because the animal assemblages in agroforestry systems differ from those in forests, the maintenance of forests within the agricultural landscape is critical for conserving intact assemblages at the landscape level.  相似文献   

The effects of urbanization on bats are poorly understood, but published data suggests it might be detrimental to them. Even though urban parks provide refuge to native biota, the nature of the urban landscape exacerbates the insularization process. In order to evaluate if wooded streets in an urban landscape provide connectivity for bats, we compared bat community structure in three different types of habitats: urban parks, wooded streets and non-wooded streets. Sampling occurred monthly from August 2006 to July 2007 in the city of Vitória, southeastern Brazil. Richness, relative abundance and diversity were higher in urban parks and lower in non-wooded streets. Jaccard’s similarity index showed that the wooded streets are more similar to non-wooded streets than to urban parks. Urbanization may benefit generalist species by providing new resources, but for specialist species critical resources may be lost and persistence endangered. There is evidence that wooded streets may provide some degree of connectivity for birds in urban landscapes, but our results suggest that this is not the case, with wooded streets being used by few individuals of a few species. Vegetation cover is important to maintain bat diversity in urban centers. Activities like landscape planning and gardening should include biodiversity data in their outputs in order to better design a landscape that improves the likelihood of persistence of bats.  相似文献   

Understanding how the spatial distribution of ecological resources shapes species’ diversity and abundance in human‐modified landscapes is a central theme in conservation biology. However, studies often disregard that such patterns may vary over time, thereby potentially missing critical environmental constraints to species persistence. This may be particularly important in highly mobile species such as bats, which are able to track temporal variations in spatial resource distribution. Here we test the hypothesis that bats in Mediterranean landscapes are strongly affected by the progressive reduction in water availability during the seasonal summer drought. We analyzed the effects of landscape composition and structure on bat diversity and activity, during pregnancy, lactation, and postlactation periods, and identified the most influential variables within and across periods. Water bodies showed the strongest positive effect on bats, followed by riparian habitats and areas with steeper (>30%) slopes. However, while during pregnancy, there were only small landscape effects, these increased during lactation and postlactation, highlighting a progressively stronger association with water habitats during the summer drought. The spatial projection of habitat models showed that the landscape distribution of bat diversity and activity hotspots changed markedly over time. During pregnancy, the spatial pattern of hotspot distribution was weakly defined, while during lactation and particularly postlactation, there was a concentration of hotspots along permanently flowing watercourses. Our study highlights that permanently flowing watercourses are critical for bat conservation in Mediterranean landscapes, calling for measures to counteract their ongoing degradation due in particular to climate change, water abstraction and damming. More generally, our study underlines the importance of considering the temporal dimension in habitat selection studies, without which there is the risk of overlooking the importance of habitats that are key for species persistence only at certain times of the year.  相似文献   

Bats have important ecological roles in ecosystems, but many species are threatened because of anthropogenic impacts. Tanzania has limited information on how bats respond to habitat modification. This makes it difficult to anticipate which bat species are at risk. Bat activity and species richness were assessed in five land‐use types: forest and banana–coffee (upland habitats), rice paddy, riverine and sisal estate (lowland habitats). Mist nets, harp traps and bat detectors were used to sample bats. Species richness differed between habitats. Bat activity levels were higher in lowland habitats than upland habitats. Riverine and rice paddy habitats were shown to have an important role as foraging sites for many insectivorous bats as bat species richness and activity were generally higher than other habitats. Fruit‐eating bats preferred riverine and banana–coffee habitats. We recommend using organic manure as alternatives to chemical fertilisers, and pesticide use should be avoided in rice paddies. Riparian vegetation along rivers and water bodies should be maintained as important faunal nesting, roosting and/or foraging grounds. The requirement that farming practices be at least 60 m from the river should be strictly enforced. These recommendations will help in the conservation of bats and their habitats in modified agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are the most important causes of biological diversity loss, changing the properties of the remaining environment. The Neotropical Region is one of the most affected areas due to the conversion of natural habitats into agricultural activities and deforestation. In this region, bats represent almost 50% of all mammal species, reaching the highest taxonomic and functional diversity. Bats are valuable indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem health, but their response to habitat loss and fragmentation was poorly studied in Argentina. The aim of this study was to analyze the response of bat assemblages to habitat alteration in Northwestern Argentina. The specimens were collected in eight different localities, four well-preserved and four disturbed sites of the Yungas Forests. To describe the structure of bat assemblages, rank-abundance curves, species richness and Shannon (H’) and Simpson (D’) diversity indexes were calculated. To test the assemblage variations among sites, PCA and NPMANOVA analysis were performed. After 96 sampling nights, a total of 565 bats from 23 species were captured. A great variation in the assemblage structure was registered, regardless the disturbance level of the sites. These variations were not significantly different according to statistical analysis. The results support the hypothesis that areas with moderate fragmentation can sustain a high diversity of bat species. Moreover, these results showed that consistent responses to landscape composition at the assemblage level are harder to identify in fragmented Neotropical Forests. The responses of bats to habitat alteration tend to be highly species-specific.  相似文献   

In addition to several emerging viruses, bats have been reported to host multiple bacteria but their zoonotic threats remain poorly understood, especially in Africa where the diversity of bats is important. Here, we investigated the presence and diversity of Bartonella and Rickettsia spp. in bats and their ectoparasites (Diptera and Siphonaptera) collected across South Africa and Swaziland. We collected 384 blood samples and 14 ectoparasites across 29 different bat species and found positive samples in four insectivorous and two frugivorous bat species, as well as their Nycteribiidae flies. Phylogenetic analyses revealed diverse Bartonella genotypes and one main group of Rickettsia, distinct from those previously reported in bats and their ectoparasites, and for some closely related to human pathogens. Our results suggest a differential pattern of host specificity depending on bat species. Bartonella spp. identified in bat flies and blood were identical supporting that bat flies may serve as vectors. Our results represent the first report of bat-borne Bartonella and Rickettsia spp. in these countries and highlight the potential role of bats as reservoirs of human bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

Most studies on frugivorous bat assemblages in secondary forests have concentrated on differences among successional stages, and have disregarded the effect of forest management. Secondary forest management practices alter the vegetation structure and fruit availability, important factors associated with differences in frugivorous bat assemblage structure, and fruit consumption and can therefore modify forest succession. Our objective was to elucidate factors (forest structural variables and fruit availability) determining bat diversity, abundance, composition and species-specific abundance of bats in (i) secondary forests managed by Lacandon farmers dominated by Ochroma pyramidale, in (ii) secondary forests without management, and in (iii) mature rain forests in Chiapas, Southern Mexico. Frugivorous bat species diversity (Shannon H’) was similar between forest types. However, bat abundance was highest in rain forest and O. pyramidale forests. Bat species composition was different among forest types with more Carollia sowelli and Sturnira lilium captures in O. pyramidale forests. Overall, bat fruit consumption was dominated by early-successional shrubs, highest late-successional fruit consumption was found in rain forests and more bats consumed early-successional shrub fruits in O. pyramidale forests. Ochroma pyramidale forests presented a higher canopy openness, tree height, lower tree density and diversity of fruit than secondary forests. Tree density and canopy openness were negatively correlated with bat species diversity and bat abundance, but bat abundance increased with fruit abundance and tree height. Hence, secondary forest management alters forests’ structural characteristics and resource availability, and shapes the frugivorous bat community structure, and thereby the fruit consumption by bats.  相似文献   

The Baixo Vouga Lagunar (BVL) landscape, in the Portuguese central-west coast, harbours a mosaic of wetland habitat types, interspersed by intensive and extensive agricultural fields, pastures, production forests and urban areas. In this study, we aimed to determine the species composition and the structure of the bat assemblages of the different habitats that constitute this heterogeneous landscape and to investigate seasonal changes in the patterns of bat diversity and activity across habitats. We acoustically sampled bats across 24 sampling sites representative of the eight main habitat types that shape the landscape—Bocage, forests, maize fields, marshlands, reed beds, rice fields, sea rushes and urban settlements. We compared bat richness, diversity and evenness across habitat types and seasons. We analysed habitat-specific and season-specific overall bat activity, and because habitat selection by bats is known to reflect morphological characters, foraging strategies and echolocation call structures, we also analysed the activity of individual species and of eco-morphological guilds. From 1,544 bat-passes recorded, we identified 12 species. Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Eptesicus serotinus/Eptesicus isabellinus were the most frequently recorded. Species composition and activity were similar across habitats, whilst exhibiting strong seasonal dynamics within habitats. Our results suggest that the mosaicism of the landscape provides several opportunities for bats, enabling them to explore different resources in distinct habitat patches. However, it may also reflect a forced exploitation of less optimal habitats and resources by bats, due to the scarcity of opportunities provided by fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Forestry plantations represent about 4 % of the global land cover and demand for wood is steadily increasing worldwide. Impacts of forest plantations on biodiversity are controversial; forest plantations could positively influence biodiversity by producing a buffer zone between native forests and agriculture, while replacement of native forests with plantations could reduce biodiversity. Chile is one of the main producers of wood worldwide, and production is largely based on intensively managed monocultures of exotic tree species. Only a few studies have looked at the effects of forestry plantations on biodiversity in Chile, mainly focusing on pine plantations. The aim of this study was to characterize habitat use and richness of bats between native forests, eucalyptus plantations and grasslands in a biodiversity hotspot in southern Chile to determine how land use affects an important mammalian taxa. We found no difference in use or richness of bats in eucalyptus plantations versus native forests. Regional context within the larger Valdivian watershed (Andes, central valley, coastal range) had a stronger influence on bat activity and richness than land use type (native forest, plantation, grassland), with the Andean region being the most diverse and where most bat activity is concentrated. Our results suggest that the composition and structure of the surrounding landscape mosaic may be fundamental to determine the impacts of forestry and human land use on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Urbanisation affects indigenous fauna in many ways; some species persist and even increase in urban areas, whereas others are lost. The causative mechanisms determining changes in distributions and community structure remain elusive. We investigated three hypothesized mechanisms, which influence success or failure of the insectivorous bat assemblage across the urban landscape of Sydney, Australia; landscape heterogeneity (diversity of land uses), productivity (as indexed by landscape geology) and trait diversity. We present data on species richness and activity (bat passes per night) collected systematically using ultrasonic bat detectors from randomly selected landscapes (each 25 km2). Landscapes were categorized into classes including ‘urban’, ‘suburban’ and ‘vegetated’, where suburban sites were additionally stratified based on geology, as a proxy for productivity. Four landscape elements were sampled within each landscape, including remnant bushland (>2 ha), riparian areas, open space/parkland and residential/built space. We found that there was significantly greater bat activity and more species of bat in areas on fertile shale geologies (p<0.05), supporting the productivity, rather than the heterogeneity hypothesis. Within landscapes, there was no significant effect of the landscape element sampled, although bushland and riparian sites recorded greater bat activity than open space or backyard sites. Using general linear mixed models we found bat activity and species richness were sensitive to landscape geology and increasing housing density at a landscape scale. Using an RLQ analysis a significant relationship was found between these variables and species traits in structuring the community present (p<0.01). Specifically, open‐adapted bats were associated with areas of greater housing density, while clutter‐adapted bats were uncommon in urban areas and more associated with greater amounts of bushland in the landscape. Overall we found greater support for the productivity and traits hypotheses, rather than the heterogeneity hypothesis. The degree of urbanisation and amount of bushland remaining, in combination with landscape geology, influenced bat activity and mediated the trait response. Our findings reflect global trends of species diversity and abundance in urban landscapes, suggesting that processes affecting bat species distribution in urban ecosystems may be predictable at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a rapidly intensifying form of environmental degradation that can impact wildlife by altering light‐mediated physiological processes that control a broad range of behaviors. Although nocturnal animals are most vulnerable, ALAN''s effects on North American bats have been surprisingly understudied. Most of what is known is based on decades‐old observations of bats around street lights with traditional lighting technologies that have been increasingly replaced by energy‐efficient broad‐spectrum lighting, rendering our understanding of the contemporary effects of ALAN on North American bats even less complete. We experimentally tested the effects of broad‐spectrum ALAN on presence/absence, foraging activity, and species composition in a Connecticut, USA bat community by illuminating foraging habitat with light‐emitting diode (LED) floodlights and comparing acoustic recordings between light and dark conditions. Lighting dramatically decreased presence and activity of little brown bats (Myotis lucifugus), which we detected on only 14% of light nights compared with 65% of dark (lights off) and 69% of control (lights removed) nights. Big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) activity on light nights averaged only half that of dark and control nights. Lighting did not affect presence/absence of silver‐haired bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans), but decreased their activity. There were no effects on eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) or hoary bats (L. cinereus), which have been described previously as light‐tolerant. Aversion to lighting by some species but not others caused a significant shift in community composition, thereby potentially altering competitive balances from natural conditions. Our results demonstrate that only a small degree of ALAN can represent a significant form of habitat degradation for some North American bats, including the endangered little brown bat. Research on the extent to which different lighting technologies, colors, and intensities affect these species is urgently needed and should be a priority in conservation planning for North America''s bats.  相似文献   

We used capture (mist‐netting) and acoustic methods to compare the species richness, abundance, and composition of a bat assemblage in different habitats in the Western Ghats of India. In the tropics, catching bats has been more commonly used as a survey method than acoustic recordings. In our study, acoustic methods based on recording echolocation calls detected greater bat activity and more species than mist‐netting. However, some species were detected more frequently or exclusively by capture. Ideally, the two methods should be used together to compensate for the biases in each. Using combined capture and acoustic data, we found that protected forests, forest fragments, and shade coffee plantations hosted similar and diverse species assemblages, although some species were recorded more frequently in protected forests. Tea plantations contained very few species from the overall bat assemblage. In riparian habitats, a strip of forested habitat on the river bank improved the habitat for bats compared to rivers with tea planted up to each bank. Our results show that shade coffee plantations are better bat habitat than tea plantations in biodiversity hotspots. However, if tea is to be the dominant land use, forest fragments and riparian corridors can improve the landscape considerably for bats. We encourage coffee growers to retain traditional plantations with mature native trees, rather than reverting to sun grown coffee or coffee shaded by a few species of timber trees.  相似文献   

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