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Inbreeding depression has been hypothesized to drive the evolutionof mating systems and dispersal. Some studies have shown thatinbreeding strongly affects survival and/or fecundity, but otherstudies suggest that fitness consequences of inbreeding areless detrimental or more complex. We studied consequences ofmating with a relative in a population of great tits (Parusmajor) with a high local recruitment rate. Genotypic informationfrom microsatellite markers was used to calculate coefficientsof kinship, and fitness was measured as seasonal and lifetimereproductive success. We show that mating with a relative affectsseasonal reproductive success, as was found in other studiesof the same species. However, these effects do not result ina lifetime fitness reduction, suggesting that individuals mayhave scope for avoidance of inbreeding after inbreeding depression.Several explanations are proposed as compensatory mechanisms.Although individuals are more likely to divorce after experiencinginbreeding depression, we show that divorce alone cannot explainthe compensation for inbreeding depression in subsequent breedingattempts in our study. We conclude that the costs of matingwith a relative in the short term do not necessarily imply lifetimefitness consequences.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is the reduction in fitness caused by mating between related individuals. Inbreeding is expected to cause a reduction in offspring fitness when the offspring themselves are inbred, but outbred individuals may also suffer a reduction in fitness when they depend on care from inbred parents. At present, little is known about the significance of such intergenerational effects of inbreeding. Here, we report two experiments on the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides, an insect with elaborate parental care, in which we investigated inbreeding depression in offspring when either the offspring themselves or their parents were inbred. We found substantial inbreeding depression when offspring were inbred, including reductions in hatching success of inbred eggs and survival of inbred offspring. We also found substantial inbreeding depression when parents were inbred, including reductions in hatching success of eggs produced by inbred parents and survival of outbred offspring that received care from inbred parents. Our results suggest that intergenerational effects of inbreeding can have substantial fitness costs to offspring, and that future studies need to incorporate such costs to obtain accurate estimates of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Few studies investigated whether rapid range expansion is associated with an individual''s short-term fitness costs due to an increased risk of inbred mating at the front of expansion. In mating systems with low male mating rates both sexes share potential inbreeding costs and general mechanisms to avoid or reduce these costs are expected. The spider Argiope bruennichi expanded its range recently and we asked whether rapid settlement of new sites exposes individuals to a risk of inbreeding. We sampled four geographically separated subpopulations, genotyped individuals, arranged matings and monitored hatching success. Hatching success was lowest in egg-sacs derived from sibling pairs and highest in egg-sacs derived from among-population crosses, while within-population crosses were intermediate. This indicates that inbreeding might affect hatching success in the wild. Unlike expected, differential hatching success of within- and among-population crosses did not correlate with genetic distance of mating pairs. In contrast, we found high genetic diversity based on 16 microsatellite markers and a fragment of the mitochondrial COI gene in all populations. Our results suggest that even a very recent settlement secures the presence of genetically different mating partners. This leads to costs of inbreeding since the population is not inbred.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression, the reduction in fitness due to mating of related individuals, is of particular conservation concern in species with small, isolated populations. Although inbreeding depression is widespread in natural populations, long‐lived species may be buffered from its effects during population declines due to long generation times and thus are less likely to have evolved mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance than species with shorter generation times. However, empirical evidence of the consequences of inbreeding in threatened, long‐lived species is limited. In this study, we leverage a well‐studied population of gopher tortoises, Gopherus polyphemus, to examine the role of inbreeding depression and the potential for behavioural inbreeding avoidance in a natural population of a long‐lived species. We tested the hypothesis that increased parental inbreeding leads to reduced hatching rates and offspring quality. Additionally, we tested for evidence of inbreeding avoidance. We found that high parental relatedness results in offspring with lower quality and that high parental relatedness is correlated with reduced hatching success. However, we found that hatching success and offspring quality increase with maternal inbreeding, likely due to highly inbred females mating with more distantly related males. We did not find evidence for inbreeding avoidance in males and outbred females, suggesting sex‐specific evolutionary trade‐offs may have driven the evolution of mating behaviour. Our results demonstrate inbreeding depression in a long‐lived species and that the evolution of inbreeding avoidance is shaped by multiple selective forces.  相似文献   

For threatened species with small captive populations, it is advisable to incorporate conservation management strategies that minimize inbreeding in an effort to avoid inbreeding depression. Using multilocus microsatellite genotype data, we found a significant negative relationship between genetic relatedness (inbreeding) and reproductive success (fitness) in a captive population of the critically endangered Black Stilt or KakīHimantopus novaezelandiae. In an effort to avoid inbreeding depression in this iconic New Zealand endemic, we recommend re‐pairing closely related captive birds with less related individuals and pairing new captive birds with distantly related individuals.  相似文献   

Four year's data on collared flycatchers, Ficedula albicollis, breeding in a nestbox plot on the island of Gotland, Sweden, was used to investigate whether individuals avoid mating with close kin (i.e., parents or sibs). Only one case of close inbreeding (0.5% of all pairs) was observed during the years of study. The observed frequency of close inbreeding was compared to expected frequencies based on two different null models. Assuming no inbreeding avoidance behaviors (e.g., dispersal or kin recognition), but taking into account the fact that mortality, and different arrival and pairing times of individuals reduce the probability of mating with close kin, the expected frequency of close inbreeding is 10% and 15% for female and male recruits (i.e., born in the study plot), respectively. However, assuming mating to be random within the study plot reduced the expected frequency of close inbreeding to 1% or less for both males and females. Consequently, conclusions drawn concerning inbreeding avoidance depend on the null model used. Contrasting estimated costs of tolerating close inbreeding with those of avoiding it (by dispersal to other plots), however, suggests that the costs of avoiding close inbreeding are substantially greater than those of tolerating it. Therefore, although inbreeding avoidance cannot be rejected as a cause of dispersal of this species, it is not the primary cause, and particularly not for sex-biased dispersal. The general problems of investigating inbreeding avoidance are discussed. It is argued that all previous null models based on random mating in finite populations produce expected frequencies of close inbreeding that in fact include inbreeding avoidance, since they implicitly assume random dispersal within a finite population. Thus, comparisons between observed and expected frequencies of close inbreeding based on random mating are inadequate. The most promising method of investigating inbreeding avoidance is to experimentally study individual movements and mating preferences in the presence and absence of close kin.  相似文献   

Individuals are generally predicted to avoid inbreeding because of detrimental fitness effects. However, several recent studies have shown that limited inbreeding is tolerated by some vertebrate species. Here, we examine the costs and benefits of inbreeding in a largely polygynous rodent, the yellow-bellied marmot (Marmota flaviventris). We use a pedigree constructed from 8 years of genetic data to determine the relatedness of all marmots in our study population and examine offspring survival, annual male reproductive success, relatedness between breeding pairs and the effects of group composition on likelihood of male reproduction to assess inbreeding in this species. We found decreased survival in inbred offspring, but equal net reproductive success among males that inbred and those that avoided it. Relatedness between breeding pairs was greater than that expected by chance, indicating that marmots do not appear to avoid breeding with relatives. Further, male marmots do not avoid inbreeding: males mate with equal frequency in groups composed of both related and unrelated females and in groups composed of only female relatives. Our results demonstrate that inbreeding can be tolerated in a polygynous species if the reproductive costs of inbreeding are low and individuals that mate indiscriminately do not suffer decreased reproductive success.  相似文献   

Studies of mate choice typically assume that individuals prefer high quality mates and select them based on condition‐dependent indicator traits. In species with biparental care, mutual mate choice is expected to result in assortative mating for quality. When assortment is not perfect, the lower quality pair members are expected to compensate by increased parental investment to secure their partner (positive differential allocation). This framework has been assumed to hold for monogamous species like the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), but progress has been hampered by the difficulty to define individual quality. By combining multiple measures of causes (inbreeding, early nutrition) and consequences (ornaments, displays, fitness components) of variation in quality into a single principal component, we here show that quality variation can be quantified successfully. We further show that variation in quality indeed predicts individual pairing success, presumably because it reflects an individual's vigor or ability to invest in reproduction. However, despite high statistical power, we found no evidence for either assortative mating or for positive differential allocation. We suggest that zebra finch ornaments and displays are not sufficiently reliable for the benefits of choosiness to exceed the costs of competition for the putative best partner. To assess the generality of these findings unbiased quantification of signal honesty and preference strength is required, rather than selective reporting of significant results.  相似文献   

Differing reproductive effort, individual qualities and local environmental conditions can lead to uneven mortality risk among individuals within populations and may result in survival differences according to age and sex. Identification of factors contributing to unequal operational sex ratios has been important for understanding population dynamics and conservation management. In this study, sex‐ and age‐specific mortality was estimated in three wild Grey Partridge populations from analysis of year‐round radiotracking data from 168 individuals. Survival days were counted in three periods defined individually for each bird: the pairing period (covey break‐up to laying of the first egg); the nesting period (between clutch initiation date and failure of the last nesting attempt, or the date when chicks were 14 days old); and the covey period (the end of the nesting period or joining a group until covey break‐up). Predation was the main cause of mortality. A significant effect of age on survival was found during the pairing period, when older individuals paired off faster and survived better. The highest mortality risk overall was found during the nesting period. Furthermore, significantly higher mortality of females was recorded during the nesting period, suggesting that greater investments in reproduction, behaviour at the nest or the quality of nesting habitats can decrease survival of females and cause a male‐skewed sex ratio. No significant effect of age or sex was found during the covey period, or for the year as a whole, but there was a significant difference in annual mortality rates between the three study populations. Our results confirm age‐ and sex‐specific variation of adult mortality in a ground‐nesting bird with biparental care during the annual cycle, documenting differing sensitivities of various population cohorts to predation.  相似文献   

There has been considerable debate in the study of hybrid zones as to whether hybrids may be superior to parental types within the area of contact (bounded hybrid superiority). In birds, naturally occurring hybridization is relatively common, and hybridization within this group always involves mate choice. If hybrids are superior, females choosing heterospecific mates should be expected to show higher fitness under the conditions prevalent in the hybrid zone. Hybrid superiority under these circumstances would reduce reinforcement and thereby help to maintain the hybrid zone. To examine this issue, we studied reproductive performances of hybrids and parental species of gulls (Larus occidentalis and Larus glaucescens) at two colonies within a linear hybrid zone along the west coast of the United States. This hybrid zone contains predominantly gulls of intermediate phenotype. Previous studies indicated that hybrids were superior to one or both parental types, but provided no data on possible mechanisms that underlie this hybrid superiority. Using a hybrid index designed specifically for these species, we identified to phenotype more than 300 individuals associated with nests, including both individual males and females within 73 pairs in the central portion of the hybrid zone and 74 pairs in the northern portion of the hybrid zone. There was little evidence of assortative mating, and what little there was resulted solely because of pairings within intergrades. In the central hybrid zone, females paired with hybrid males produced larger clutches and hatched and fledged more chicks compared with females paired to western gull males. This was a result of heavy predation on eggs in sand habitat, where male western gulls established territories. In contrast, many hybrid males established territories in vegetated cover that was less vulnerable to predation. In the northern part of the hybrid zone, clutch size did not differ among pair categories, however, there were differences in hatching and fledging success, with females paired to hybrid males showing better success compared to females paired to glaucous-winged gull males. Hybrids showed better hatching and fledging success in the north because hybrids are more like western gulls than glaucous-winged gulls in foraging behavior, taking a higher percentage of fish in their diet, which enhances chick growth and survival. This is believed to be the first documentation of bounded hybrid superiority that delineates the mechanisms that underlie hybrid superiority.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that inbreeding causes low hatching success. However, it is not always clear under which parental genetic characteristics hatching failure occurs. We examined the effects of parental homozygosity and parental genetic similarity on egg hatchability in the spotless starling. We evaluated whether low hatchability was a consequence of genetic similarity of the parents producing a zygote or because the parents themselves had reduced fertility because of their own genetic characteristics. We found a significant detrimental effect of both highest and lowest female homozygosity on hatchability. Parental genetic similarity was negatively related to egg hatchability. In contrast, we found no significant effect of male homozygosity on hatching success. Our results suggest that effects of homozygosity on hatching success may be relevant even in populations of abundant and colonial wild bird species without geographical barriers that could limit immigration or dispersal. We also highlight the importance of the analyses of male and female homozygosity and parental genetic similarity when investigating related fitness consequences of inbreeding.  相似文献   

Kin associations increase the potential for inbreeding. The potential for inbreeding does not, however, make inbreeding inevitable. Numerous factors influence whether inbreeding preference, avoidance, or tolerance evolves, and, in hermaphrodites where both self‐fertilization and biparental inbreeding are possible, it remains particularly difficult to predict how selection acts on the overall inbreeding strategy, and to distinguish the type of inbreeding when making inferences from genetic markers. Therefore, we undertook an empirical analysis on an understudied type of mating system (spermcast mating in the marine bryozoan, Bugula neritina) that provides numerous opportunities for inbreeding preference, avoidance, and tolerance. We created experimental crosses, containing three generations from two populations to estimate how parental reproductive success varies across parental relatedness, ranging from self, siblings, and nonsiblings from within the same population. We found that the production of viable selfed offspring was extremely rare (only one colony produced three selfed offspring) and biparental inbreeding more common. Paternity analysis using 16 microsatellite markers confirmed outcrossing. The production of juveniles was lower for sib mating compared with nonsib mating. We found little evidence for consistent inbreeding, in terms of nonrandom mating, in adult samples collected from three populations, using multiple population genetic inferences. Our results suggest several testable hypotheses that potentially explain the overall mating and dispersal strategy in this species, including early inbreeding depression, inbreeding avoidance through cryptic mate choice, and differential dispersal distances of sperm and larvae.  相似文献   

Glaucous‐winged gulls Larus glaucescens and western gulls L. occidentalis hybridize extensively where their ranges overlap along the coasts of Washington and Oregon, producing a continuum of phenotypic intergrades between the two parental species. This zone often is considered an example of geographically bounded hybrid superiority, but studies of relative success among parental types and hybrids have not provided consistent support for this model. We tested the predictions of the dynamic‐equilibrium and geographically bounded hybrid superiority hypotheses by studying mate choice and reproductive success among gulls on Protection Island, Washington, the largest breeding colony of glaucous‐winged/western gulls within the hybrid zone. The dynamic‐equilibrium hypothesis posits that hybridization due to dispersal balances selection against less fit hybrids and assortative mating is adaptive. Geographically bounded hybrid superiority posits that hybrids are better fit than parental types within an ecotone between the environments to which the parental species are adapted, and a preference for hybrid mates is adaptive. Additionally, we investigated whether hatching success and nest site choice are correlated for Protection Island gulls. We assigned a hybrid index to each sample bird by examining plumage melanism and bare part coloration in the field. Sheltered nests contained larger clutches and exhibited increased hatching success, but choice of nest habitat was not associated with hybrid index. Western gull‐like pairs produced smaller third eggs; however, hybrid index was not correlated with clutch size or hatching success. Protection Island gulls did exhibit assortative mating. In short, we did not find strong support for either geographically bounded hybrid superiority or the dynamic‐equilibrium hypothesis.  相似文献   

Secondary contact between closely related species can lead tohybridization. The fitness of hybrid individuals within andoutside the hybrid zone determines whether the hybrid zone expandsinto the ranges of the 2 parental species or remains a stable,geographically narrow area in between the allopatric rangesof the parental species. In birds, vocalizations play an importantrole in male–male competition and female mate choice andare often affected by hybridization. One of the factors thatwill influence male hybrid fitness is the ability to defenda territory against competitors by vocalizing. We tested theefficacy of territorial signals of hybrids of 2 dove species,Streptopelia vinacea and Streptopelia capicola, compared withthe vocalizations of the parental species. With playback experiments,we assessed the response to hybrid and the 2 parental speciesvocalizations in the hybrid zone and adjacent allopatric populationsof each species. In the hybrid zone, males did not respond differentlyto the 3 vocalization types. In both allopatric populations,however, males responded more to conspecific than to heterospecificsignals and the response strength to hybrid signals was intermediate.Therefore, in the allopatric populations, hybrid males may havea reduced success in defending territories. In male–maleinteractions in the hybrid zone, hybrids may not have a disadvantagecompared with males of the parental species. The ability todefend a territory against competitors may thus help maintaina stable hybrid zone in the area of overlap.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression occurs when individuals who are closely related mate and produce offspring with reduced fitness. Although inbreeding depression is a genetic phenomenon, the magnitude of inbreeding depression can be influenced by environmental conditions and parental effects. In this study, we tested whether size-based parental effects influence the magnitude of inbreeding depression in an insect with elaborate and obligate parental care (the burying beetle, Nicrophorus orbicollis). We found that larger parents produced larger offspring. However, larval mass was also influenced by the interaction between parental body size and larval inbreeding status: when parents were small, inbred larvae were smaller than outbred larvae, but when parents were large this pattern was reversed. In contrast, survival from larval dispersal to adult emergence showed inbreeding depression that was unaffected by parental body size. Our results suggest that size-based parental effects can generate variation in the magnitude of inbreeding depression. Further work is needed to dissect the mechanisms through which this might occur and to better understand why parental size influences inbreeding depression in some traits but not others.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts increased investment in offspring when females mate with high-quality males. Few studies have tested whether investment varies with mate relatedness, despite evidence that non-additive gene action influences mate and offspring genetic quality. We tested whether female lekking lance-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) adjust offspring sex and egg volume in response to mate attractiveness (annual reproductive success, ARS), heterozygosity and relatedness. Across 968 offspring, the probability of being male decreased with increasing parental relatedness but not father ARS or heterozygosity. This correlation tended to diminish with increasing lay-date. Across 162 offspring, egg volume correlated negatively with parental relatedness and varied with lay-date, but was unrelated to father ARS or heterozygosity. Offspring sex and egg size were unrelated to maternal age. Comparisons of maternal half-siblings in broods with no mortality produced similar results, indicating differential allocation rather than covariation between female quality and relatedness or sex-specific inbreeding depression in survival. As males suffer greater inbreeding depression, overproducing females after mating with related males may reduce fitness costs of inbreeding in a system with no inbreeding avoidance, while biasing the sex of outbred offspring towards males may maximize fitness via increased mating success of outbred sons.  相似文献   

We studied the frequency and causes of inbreeding and its effect on reproductive success in a population of Darwin's Medium Ground Finches (Geospiza fortis) on Isla Daphne Major, Galápagos, during four breeding seasons (1981, 1983, 1984, and 1987). Pedigree analysis showed that levels of inbreeding were low but comparable with those observed in other passerine birds. For pairs with at least half of their grandparents known, approximately 20% of all pairings were between detectably related birds. The frequency of pairings between closely related birds (coefficient of kinship [φ] ≥ 0.250) among all pairs was 0.6%. We detected no effect of inbreeding on reproductive success, although sample sizes were small. The observed reproductive output of related pairs was not significantly different from the output of unrelated pairs, and there was no correlation between a pair's kinship coefficient and an estimate of the potential magnitude of inbreeding depression. Comparisons with a study of Great Tits (Parus major) by van Noordwijk and Scharloo (1981) suggest that, even if present, the fitness costs of inbreeding in this population of G. fortis would be low. Observed levels of inbreeding in each breeding episode were accurately predicted by simulations of random mating in which relatedness had no influence on pairing between individuals. This result suggests that levels of inbreeding in this population are determined more by demographic factors than by behavioral avoidance of mating with kin.  相似文献   

Inbreeding avoidance among interacting females and males is not always observed despite inbreeding depression in offspring fitness, creating an apparent “inbreeding paradox.” This paradox could be resolved if selection against inbreeding was in fact weak, despite inbreeding depression. However, the net magnitude and direction of selection on the degree to which females and males inbreed by pairing with relatives has not been explicitly estimated. We used long‐term pedigree data to estimate phenotypic selection gradients on the degree of inbreeding that female and male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) expressed by forming socially persistent breeding pairs with relatives. Fitness was measured as the total numbers of offspring and grand offspring contributed to the population, and as corresponding expected numbers of identical‐by‐descent allele copies, thereby accounting for variation in offspring survival, reproduction, and relatedness associated with variation in parental inbreeding. Estimated selection gradients on the degree to which individuals paired with relatives were weakly positive in females, but negative in males that formed at least one socially persistent pairing. However, males that paired had higher mean fitness than males that remained socially unpaired. These analyses suggest that net selection against inbreeding may be weak in both sexes despite strong inbreeding depression, thereby resolving the “inbreeding paradox.”  相似文献   

Inbreeding results in more homozygous offspring that should suffer reduced fitness, but it can be difficult to quantify these costs for several reasons. First, inbreeding depression may vary with ecological or physiological stress and only be detectable over long time periods. Second, parental homozygosity may indirectly affect offspring fitness, thus confounding analyses that consider offspring homozygosity alone. Finally, measurement of inbreeding coefficients, survival and reproductive success may often be too crude to detect inbreeding costs in wild populations. Telomere length provides a more precise measure of somatic costs, predicts survival in many species and should reflect differences in somatic condition that result from varying ability to cope with environmental stressors. We studied relative telomere length in a wild population of Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) to assess the lifelong relationship between individual homozygosity, which reflects genome‐wide inbreeding in this species, and telomere length. In juveniles, individual homozygosity was negatively associated with telomere length in poor seasons. In adults, individual homozygosity was consistently negatively related to telomere length, suggesting the accumulation of inbreeding depression during life. Maternal homozygosity also negatively predicted offspring telomere length. Our results show that somatic inbreeding costs are environmentally dependent at certain life stages but may accumulate throughout life.  相似文献   

Captive breeding of endangered species often aims at preserving genetic diversity and to avoid the harmful effects of inbreeding. However, deleterious alleles causing inbreeding depression can be purged when inbreeding persists over several generations. Despite its great importance both for evolutionary biology and for captive breeding programmes, few studies have addressed whether and to which extent purging may occur. Here we undertake a longitudinal study with the largest captive population of Cuvier''s gazelle managed under a European Endangered Species Programme since 1975. Previous results in this population have shown that highly inbred mothers tend to produce more daughters, and this fact was used in 2006 to reach a more appropriate sex-ratio in this polygynous species by changing the pairing strategy (i.e., pairing some inbred females instead of keeping them as surplus individuals in the population). Here, by using studbook data we explore whether purging has occurred in the population by investigating whether after the change in pairing strategy a) inbreeding and homozygosity increased at the population level, b) fitness (survival) increased, and c) the relationship between inbreeding and juvenile survival, was positive. Consistent with the existence of purging, we found an increase in inbreeding coefficients, homozygosity and juvenile survival. In addition, we showed that in the course of the breeding programme the relationship between inbreeding and juvenile survival was not uniform but rather changed over time: it was negative in the early years, flat in the middle years and positive after the change in pairing strategy. We highlight that by allowing inbred individuals to mate in captive stocks we may favour sex-ratio bias towards females, a desirable managing strategy to reduce the surplus of males that force most zoos to use ethical culling and euthanizing management tools. We discuss these possibilities but also acknowledge that many other effects should be considered before implementing inbreeding and purging as elements in management decisions.  相似文献   

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