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Daily changes of pineal melatonin content were determined in warm-adapted nonhibernating and cold-adapted hibernating golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). Pineal melatonin in nonhibernating golden hamsters showed marked daily rhythm with the night values about 20 times higher than the daytime ones. In hamsters hibernating for 2 and 3 days the melatonin rhythm was abolished, since no increase of pineal melatonin over basal levels occurred throughout 24 hr period. After arousal from hibernation melatonin increased rapidly regardless whether the hamsters were provoked to arousal during day or night.  相似文献   

A S Loktionov 《Ontogenez》1980,11(5):501-510
The proliferative activity of the cells of uterine epithelium and stroma of the developing golden hamsters and the activity of acid phosphatase isozymes in these tissues was studied. The dynamics of changes of these indices during the normal development and upon estrogenic stimulation was followed. The uterine cells were shown to react to estrogenic stimulation was followed. The uterine cells were shown to react to estrogenic stimulation by the increase of proliferation from the first days of postnatal development. Characteristic changes in the ratio of the acid phosphatase isozymes in the epithelial cells in response to estrogenic stimulation appeared in the 2nd week of postnatal development only. The definite level of differentiation of cells-targets appears to be indispensable for the realization of certain specific effects of the hormone.  相似文献   

Continuous exposure of male hamsters to short day lengths induces testicular regression. This is followed many weeks later by spontaneous recrudescence of the testes with reinitiation of spermatogenesis and function of the accessory sexual glands. Hamsters at this stage of the annual reproductive cycle are refractory to short photoperiods--even continuous darkness will not induce another bout of testicular regression. Animals refractory to short days are also refractory to the pineal hormone melatonin and a number of investigators attribute spontaneous recrudescence and photo and melatonin refractoriness to a developed target cell insensitivity to endogenous melatonin from the pineal. Refractoriness is terminated by exposure to long days for at least 11 weeks. The pineal gland is reported to be essential for this process. We report here the effects of pinealectomy, daily melatonin injections, and constant-release melatonin implants on the ability of male hamsters to recover from the refractory state. In the absence of the pineal gland, refractory male hamsters did not discriminate (count?) 15 weeks of long days to terminate refractoriness. Daily melatonin injections at 1900 h, but not at 1200 h (lights 0600-2000 h) during the 15 weeks of long-day exposure blocked the recovery from refractoriness. Constant-release melatonin implants abolished the animals ability to measure 12 and 15 weeks of long days to terminate refractoriness. These results demonstrate that general target tissue insensitivity to melatonin cannot account for the refractory state in hamsters, that a multiplicity of target tissues may exist for melatonin to account for its varied roles throughout the annual reproductive cycle in hamsters, and that the pineal gland is intimately involved in the animals' ability to measure a prescribed duration of long days to terminate refractoriness.  相似文献   


The mammalian circadian pacemaker can be phase shifted by photic, pharmacological, and behaviorally‐derived stimuli. The phase‐response curves (PRCs) characterizing these diverse stimuli may comprise two distinct families; a photic PRC typified by the response to brief light pulses, and a non‐photic PRC, typified by the response to dark pulses and to behavioral activation. The present study examined the phase shifting effects of acute systemic treatment with the alpha2‐adrenoceptor agonist, clonidine, in Syrian hamsters. Clonidine injections (0.25 mg/kg, ip) delivered during subjective night mimicked the phase shifting effects of light pulses in animals housed in both constant darkness (DD) and constant red light (RR), but similar effects were not seen in saline‐treated controls. Both clonidine and saline injections resulted in phase advances during subjective day, but only in RR‐housed animals. Clonidine‐induced phase shifting was dose‐dependent, but rather high doses were required to induce phase shifts. Pretreatment with the selective noradrenergic neurotoxin, DSP‐4, blocked clonidine‐induced phase shifting. These results suggest that clonidine acts at presynaptic alpha2‐adrenergic autoreceptors to disinhibit spontaneous and/or evoked activity in the photic entrainment pathway.  相似文献   

Blinding adult male golden hamsters was followed by atrophy, within 12 weeks, of the testes and accessory sex organs (seminal vesicles and coagulating glands) and by a significant reduction in pituitary prolactin levels. In experiment 1 blind hamsters received subcutaneously implanted melatonin-beeswax (1:24 mg) pellets at the following intervals: once per week, per 2, 3, 4, 6 weeks, or only one pellet during the 12-week experimental period. The melatonin-beeswax pellets, regardless of the frequency of implantation, overcame completely the inhibitory effects of blinding on reproduction and nearly completely the depressant action of light deprivation on pituitary prolactin levels. In the second study the melatonin-beeswax pellets were implanted subcutaneously into blind hamsters every 2 weeks. The pellets contained either 1 mg, 500, 100, 50, or 1 mug melatonin. With the exception of the 1-mug dosage, melatonin again negated almost totally the inhibitory action of darkness on the gonads and accessory organs and also, for the most part, prevented the drop in pituitary prolactin levels. Based on these studies, when melatonin is chronically administered subcutaneously in a beeswax pellet the minimal dosage of melatonin required to counteract the inhibitory effect of darkness on reproduction seems to be less than 3.6 mug/day. The effects of chronic melatonin treatment are similar to those of pinealectomy.  相似文献   

Single injections of melatonin (25 micrograms) were administered to female hamsters, 15 minutes before lights-out (14L:10D), during either the early diestrous (day 1) or proestrous (day 4) phase of the estrous cycle. Hamsters which received melatonin only on the evening of proestrus became anovulatory by three weeks of treatment, while those that were injected with melatonin during diestrus, or administered oil on either day 1 or 4, continued to exhibit normal estrous cycles. These results indicate that quartan injections of melatonin can suppress reproductive function in female hamsters, and that the effectiveness of the injections may be dependent upon the stage of the estrous cycle at which they are administered.  相似文献   

Nonphotic phase shifting of circadian rhythms was examined in female Syrian hamsters. Animals were stimulated at zeitgeber time 4.5 by either placing them in a novel running wheel or by transferring them to a clean home cage. Placement in a clean home cage was more effective than novel wheel treatment in stimulating large (> 1.5 h) phase shifts. Peak phase shifts (ca. 3.5 h) and the percentage of females showing large phase shifts were comparable to those found in male hamsters stimulated with novel wheels. The amount of activity induced by nonphotic stimulation and the amount of phase shifting varied slightly with respect to the 4-day estrous cycle. Animals tended to run less and shift less on the day of estrus. Nonphotic stimulation on proestrus often resulted in a 1-day delay of the estrous cycle reflected in animals' postovulatory vaginal discharge and the expression of sexual receptivity (lordosis). This delay of the estrous cycle was associated with large phase advances and high activity. These results extend the generality of nonphotic phase shifting to females for the first time and raise the possibility that resetting of circadian rhythms can induce changes in the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

J Vriend  F P Gibbs 《Life sciences》1984,34(7):617-623
Administration of melatonin via the drinking water prevented the gonadal involution and the thyroid hormone depletion normally observed in blinded hamsters. Ten weeks after blinding male hamsters had plasma thyroxin levels that were 57% of controls and testis weights that were 8% of controls. Administration of melatonin (80 microgram melatonin/ml drinking water) to blinded hamsters restored thyroxin levels to 86% of controls and testis weights to 93% of controls. Dose response data showed that as little as 1.25 microgram (approximately 10 microgram/hamster/day) produced a significant effect on testis weight, whereas the lowest dose required to produce a significant increase in thyroxin levels was 10 microgram/ml. The coincidence of counter-antigonadal and counter-antithyroid actions of melatonin suggests a single site of action.  相似文献   

To assess binocular interactions and possible ocular dominance in entrainment of circadian rhythms, Syrian hamsters maintained in LL were subjected for several weeks to schedules of eye occlusion with opaque contact lenses. In separate groups, the opaque lens was inserted into the left or right eye for 12 h at the same clock time each day. The left and right eyes of other groups were alternately occluded for 12 h each day, with initial occlusion of either the left or right eye for different groups. A majority of hamsters entrained their locomotor activity rhythm when 1 eye was occluded for 12 h. The modified visual input imposed by covering 1 eye is sufficient to induce entrainment. Locomotor rhythms of most animals in which the 2 eyes were alternately occluded for 12 h each day phasedelayed onset of activity during the 1st few days of the lensing procedure; activity onset then free ran with tau < 24 h for several weeks until entraining with tau of 24 h regardless of whether the left or right eye was initially occluded. Entrainment eventually occurred when activity onset coincided with occlusion of the eye contralateral to the one that was first lensed. Photic and nonphotic explanations for eventual entrainment of locomotor rhythms are discussed, and evidence for asymmetrical photic input from the 2 eyes to the SCN is considered.  相似文献   

Pineal melatonin rhythm in golden hamsters was abolished during hibernation. After arousal in darkness, pineal melatonin increased rapidly regardless of whether the arousal was induced during the day or at night. Rapid increase of pineal melatonin after arousal was markedly diminished in animals exposed to light. In hamsters aroused at midnight, the melatonin rhythm in constant darkness ran with the reversed phase relative to hamsters aroused at noon. Since after arousal the melatonin rhythm obviously starts anew from the same phase, we conclude that the circadian pacemaker driving the rhythm might be arrested during hibernation at the day-time phase.  相似文献   

Lithium is one of the most commonly used drugs in the prophylaxis and treatment of bipolar disorder. It is also known to lengthen circadian period in several organisms. Previously, we reported that there was the association between lengthening circadian period by lithium and GSK-3 protein and its enzyme activity in the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). In this study, we show that lithium affects the circadian oscillator in young and old hamster SCN, in an age-dependent manner. We found that basal levels of phosphorylated GSK-3 (pGSK-3) protein expression in old hamsters are much lower than that in young hamsters. Furthermore, in the old hamsters, lithium did not affect the period of the locomotor activity rhythm or pGSK-3 expression, while changing period and pGSK-3 in the younger animals. These results indicate that the content of pGSK-3 in the SCN has an important role in age-dependent effects of lithium on the circadian oscillator.  相似文献   

The in vitro response of melatonin synthesis was assessed by incubation of individual whole pineal glands for 4 hr without or with different concentrations of isoproterenol in the medium. Pineals were taken either at the end of the 14-hr light phase (day), or at 6 1/2 hr into the 10-hr dark phase (night) after a 30-min exposure of the animals to light just before sacrifice at night. The response was greater in pineals taken at night than in those taken at the end of the light phase in rats, but was absent at the end of the light phase in Syrian hamsters. Hamster pineals taken at night responded, though higher isoproterenol concentrations were required than in the rats. Unresponsiveness of hamster pineals during the day may explain previous failure of isoproterenol administration to stimulate pineal MEL content in this species.  相似文献   

The results presented deal with the humoral immune response of golden hamsters to primary experimental infection with D. dendriticum. The development of serum antibodies has been comparatively investigated with three hamster groups (n = 43) harbouring different burdens of adult flukes. The mean numbers of parasites were 11, 30, or 130 per animal. Serum antibody response was studied during an observation period of at least 331 and up to 496 days postinfection. For antibody detection the sensitivities of precipitation test (PTs) (double diffusion test, immuno- and counterimmunoelectrophoresis), of the indirect haemagglutination test (IHAT), the complement fixation test (CFT), and the enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) were compared using aqueous crude fluke antigen and crude egg antigen. CFT and ELISA were most sensitive for the early detection of initial response. Thereafter all the tests employed revealed increasing antibody titres, which in general remained at constant levels and persisted until the end of the observation period with the exception of CF-antibodies. In general fluke antigen was found to be more sensitive than egg antigen. However, in CFT this antigen occasionally has been associated with unspecific inhibition of haemolysis. Comparison of the results shows that ELISA using crude fluke antigen gave the most realistic picture of the actual fluke burden. Also preliminary results on the precipitin response of rabbits (n = 3) after primary experimental exposure to different numbers of metacercariae (500, 1,000, and 3,000 per animal respectively) are reported. Employing the above mentioned PTs a persisting antibody response could be demonstrated only after exposure to at least 3,000 infective larvae. The initial response was found on day 63, the observation period was 550 days.  相似文献   

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