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We replicated the study conducted by Wielgus and Peebles (2014) on the effect of wolf mortality on livestock depredations in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho states in the US. Their best models were found to be misspecified due to the omission of the time index and incorrect functional form. When we respecified the models, this replication failed to confirm the magnitude, direction and often the very existence of the original results. Wielgus and Peebles (2014) reported that the increase in the number of wolves culled the previous year would increase the expected number of livestock killed this year by 4 to 6%. But our results showed that the culling of one wolf the previous year would decrease the expected number of cattle killed this year by 1.9%, and the expected number of sheep killed by 3.4%. However, for every wolf killed there is a corresponding 2.2% increase in the expected number of sheep killed in the same year. The increase in sheep depredation appears to be a short term phenomenon.  相似文献   

Remedial sport hunting of predators is often used to reduce predator populations and associated complaints and livestock depredations. We assessed the effects of remedial sport hunting on reducing cougar complaints and livestock depredations in Washington from 2005 to 2010 (6 years). The number of complaints, livestock depredations, cougars harvested, estimated cougar populations, human population and livestock populations were calculated for all 39 counties and 136 GMUs (game management units) in Washington. The data was then analyzed using a negative binomial generalized linear model to test for the expected negative relationship between the number of complaints and depredations in the current year with the number of cougars harvested the previous year. As expected, we found that complaints and depredations were positively associated with human population, livestock population, and cougar population. However, contrary to expectations we found that complaints and depredations were most strongly associated with cougars harvested the previous year. The odds of increased complaints and livestock depredations increased dramatically (36 to 240%) with increased cougar harvest. We suggest that increased young male immigration, social disruption of cougar populations, and associated changes in space use by cougars - caused by increased hunting resulted in the increased complaints and livestock depredations. Widespread indiscriminate hunting does not appear to be an effective preventative and remedial method for reducing predator complaints and livestock depredations.  相似文献   



In many areas, livestock are grazed within wolf (Canis lupus) range. Predation and harassment of livestock by wolves creates conflict and is a significant challenge for wolf conservation. Wild prey, such as elk (Cervus elaphus), perform anti-predator behaviors. Artificial selection of cattle (Bos taurus) might have resulted in attenuation or absence of anti-predator responses, or in erratic and inconsistent responses. Regardless, such responses might have implications on stress and fitness.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We compared elk and cattle anti-predator responses to wolves in southwest Alberta, Canada within home ranges and livestock pastures, respectively. We deployed satellite- and GPS-telemetry collars on wolves, elk, and cattle (n = 16, 10 and 78, respectively) and measured seven prey response variables during periods of wolf presence and absence (speed, path sinuosity, time spent head-up, distance to neighboring animals, terrain ruggedness, slope and distance to forest). During independent periods of wolf presence (n = 72), individual elk increased path sinuosity (Z = −2.720, P = 0.007) and used more rugged terrain (Z = −2.856, P = 0.004) and steeper slopes (Z = −3.065, P = 0.002). For cattle, individual as well as group behavioral analyses were feasible and these indicated increased path sinuosity (Z = −2.720, P = 0.007) and decreased distance to neighbors (Z = −2.551, P = 0.011). In addition, cattle groups showed a number of behavioral changes concomitant to wolf visits, with variable direction in changes.


Our results suggest both elk and cattle modify their behavior in relation to wolf presence, with potential energetic costs. Our study does not allow evaluating the efficacy of anti-predator behaviors, but indicates that artificial selection did not result in their absence in cattle. The costs of wolf predation on livestock are often compensated considering just the market value of the animal killed. However, society might consider refunding some additional costs (e.g., weight loss and reduced reproduction) that might be associated with the changes in cattle behaviors that we documented.  相似文献   

2004年7月至2007年1月在内蒙古达赉湖国家级自然保护区,通过跟踪调查搜集到狼(Canis lupus)捕食家畜的数据,共计95起捕食事件,425(头只)家畜遭到捕食,折合人民币186 575.00元.这些数据包括:捕食事件发生的时间,被捕食家畜的数量、类型、年龄,狼痕迹照片和捕食点的GPS数据.运用Mann.Whitney U检验对数据的差异性进行了检验;对捕食点的空间属性进行了量化,用多个生态因子对其进行了描述;运用主成分分析(PCA)分析了多因子中的主要成分.结果表明,在达赉湖狼主要捕食顺序是:羊(绵羊和山羊)、牛、马,骆驼和驴很少捕食,对羊存在偏好,被捕食个体年龄没有偏好.捕食的数目存在偏差,存在明显的机会性,捕食事件多发生在9月至次年2月的冰冻期.影响捕食地的生态变量重要性排序为:人为干扰距离、生境类型、猎物种类、卧息地距离、隐蔽度、水源距离、捕食季节、捕食数量、围栏距离9个生态指标.对这些生态因子的分析表明:前三个特征值的累计贡献率已达到81.544%,可以较好地反映捕食地的生境特征,影响狼捕食家畜的前三位主要因子是隐蔽度、人为干扰距离和水源距离,而与猎物种类相关不大.评价影响狼对家畜捕食的主要因素:人口的剧增使得野生动物的栖息地减少,过度放牧使得草场退化,是导致狼捕食家畜的重要原因;野外有蹄类的匮乏是导致狼捕食家畜的主要原因.建议改变目前的放牧方式,加强对家畜的看护,重新引入当地的一些原生物种,补充狼的自然食物,以缓解狼对家畜的捕食.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the influence of habitat use on risk of death from hunting and trapping of 55 radiocollared gray wolves (Canis lupus) from an exploited insular population in Southeast Alaska, USA. We compared mortality rates for resident and nonresident wolves and used Cox proportional hazards regression to relate habitat composition within 100-m circular buffers around radiolocations to risk of death of resident and nonresident wolves. In addition, we included covariates representing distances to roads, logged stands, and lakes and streams in those analyses. We also compiled harvest data from 31 harvest units within the study area to compare densities of roads and distances from human settlements with rates of harvest. During our study 39 wolves died, of which 18 were harvested legally, 16 were killed illegally, and 5 died from natural causes. Legal and illegal harvest accounted for >87% of the mortality of radiocollared resident and nonresident wolves. Mean annual survival was 0.54 (SE = 0.17) for all wolves. Annual survival was 0.65 (SE = 0.17) for resident wolves and 0.34 (SE = 0.17) for nonresidents. Very few (19%) nonresident wolves survived to colonize vacant territories or join existing wolf packs. Roads, muskegs, and distances from lakes and streams were covariates positively associated with death of resident wolves. Clear-cuts were positively associated with risk of death of nonresident wolves. Rate of harvest increased with density of roads; however, road densities >0.9 km/km2 had little additional effect on harvest rates. Harvest rates decreased with ocean distances from nearest towns or settlements. Roads clearly increased risk of death for wolves from hunting and trapping and contributed to unsustainable rates of harvest. Wildlife managers should consider effects of roads and other habitat features on harvest of wolves when developing harvest recommendations. They should expect substantial illegal harvest where wolf habitat is accessible to humans. Moreover, high rates of mortality of nonresident wolves exposed to legal and illegal harvest may reduce or delay successful dispersal, potentially affecting linkages between small disjunct wolf populations or population segments. We conclude that a combination of conservative harvest regulations and large roadless reserves likely are the most effective measures for conserving wolves where risks from human-caused mortality are high.  相似文献   

Few studies have attempted to determine how physical injury affects predators. One of the ways that physical injury can be expressed is by autotomy or the voluntary loss of a body part. Here, we examined whether the loss of specific legs affects the foraging success of the wolf spider Rabidosa santrita (predator) on another species, Pardosa valens (prey). We also wanted to identify whether the loss of legs in both the predator and prey would impact the outcome of a predation event. Both predator and prey were collected from a creek bed at Portal, AZ, in 2012. Predators were randomly assigned groups where all prey items were intact or all prey had one randomly chosen leg IV removed. Within these groups, predators were organized into a control, leg I autotomy, or leg IV autotomy treatment. All predators had their pre‐ and post‐foraging running speed determined. Predators were introduced into chambers with five prey items and allowed to forage for 1 h. The leg position autotomized or the comparison of pre‐ and post‐foraging trials had no effect on predator running speed. Additionally, there was no significant effect of either predator or prey leg treatment on the total proportion of prey items captured by the end of the foraging trials. Survival analyses indicated that intact prey items tended to have a higher survival rate when predators were missing a leg IV than when predators were intact. When both the predator and prey were missing legs, no significant difference in prey survival rates was detected. We suggest that for predators that inhabit complex, heterogeneous habitats and are classified as ambush predators, the loss of a limb may affect prey capture success, especially when the prey is intact, but that increased sample size is necessary to determine whether this trend is significant.  相似文献   

Epigenetic effects are considered as a mechanism of the emergence of new inherited traits with their transmission between generations through meiosis. Modern genomic evaluation does not explain the entire phenotypic variance of traits. It is quite obvious that a significant part of the unaccounted dispersion reflects epigenetic effects carried out through DNA methylation, histone and chromatin modifications, and activity of noncoding types of RNA. Epigenetic effects could potentially be used in breeding programs. The obtained data testify to the significant role of epigenetic factors in the expression of imprinting genes, cellular processes, development of muscle tissue, and fat metabolism in animals. The ability of various additives in the diet to induce epigenetic modifications with phenotypic variability has been convincingly proven. However, there are still many contradictions and limitations in the justification of the hereditary component of epigenetics for introduction into animal breeding. Development of modern technologies, such as chromatin immunoprecipitation with microchips of DNA (ChIP-Chip), next-generation sequencing (ChIP-Seq), and epigenomic editing based on CRISPR-Cas9, gives grounds for optimism in solving problems of introducing epigenetic phenomena in livestock breeding.  相似文献   

Genetic Effects of Irradiation on Early Mortality in Swine   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
D. F. Cox  R. L. Willham 《Genetics》1962,47(7):785-788

ABSTRACT We revisited the debate about whether the 1999 one-off sale of ivory promoted elephant (Loxodonta africana) poaching in Africa. Complementing earlier work based on ivory seizure data, we considered data on elephant mortality in Zimbabwe and Kenya. Our findings present a mixed picture. At the local level there was some evidence that the one-off sale resulted in extra elephant killing, but this effect was relatively small (and probably short-lived). Although the data were too scanty to draw strong conclusions, decision-making about elephant management and the ivory trade has to continue and will necessarily be based on imperfect information for a long time to come. Our findings suggest that further experimenting with one-off sales may be beneficial from a conservation and development perspective.  相似文献   

The results of treatment have been analysed in 173 patients with septicaemia during 1962–8. Between 1962 and 1965 various antibiotics were used, and shock was treated with vasopressor agents. Between 1966 and 1968 kanamycin was given initially, and shock was treated with corticosteroids and with intravenous fluid therapy monitored with a central venous pressure manometer.The mortality rate in 1966–8 fell to half that of the earlier period in patients with Gram-negative infections, and in those with shock. The reduced mortality in the latter was clearly associated with the use of a central venous manometer to control intravenous fluid therapy, though whether the reduction resulted from specific improvement in intravenous therapy or from the necessary closer observation of the patient is not clear. Staphylococcal septicaemia was common during both periods, and its mortality rate did not fall; hence methicillin together with kanamycin is now given initially in all cases.  相似文献   

Trade-offs occur when two traits have opposing fitness effects such that positive selection on one trait is constrained by the negative fitness consequences of the other trait. To understand why trade-off may arise we need to study the genetic and non-genetic factors that influence associated traits because these may respond differently to selective pressure. Research into trade-offs has largely focused on the genetic basis of associated traits, yet both maternal effects and epigenetic effects have recently been shown to affect life history traits that play a role in trade-offs. In this study, we analyze genetic, epigenetic and life-history predictors of one of the most important trade-offs, that between offspring number and offspring mortality. Using a large-scale 3-generational intercross between two divergent mouse lines C57BL/6J and DBA/2J, we show that litter size differences between these lines, although significant, are surprisingly not the most important predictors of mortality. Offspring genotype, maternal effects and their interactions are the most influential factors determining mortality. We found significant paternal effects suggesting an important influence of paternal care or potentially the role of imprinted genes. Perhaps contrary to expectations our results further show that the trade-off between offspring number and mortality is not just a simple function of the two factors yielding, on average, an ‘optimal’ litter size at weaning. Indeed if one focused on litter size and mortality alone, the slope of relationship is the same for the two lines, yet they differ in the number of young at weaning. Our study reveals that a perceived trade-off between two traits is governed by a more complex set of interactions between genetic and non-genetic effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Approximately 26% of annual mortality for the endangered Florida Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) occurs as deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) on the 5.6-km section of United States Highway 1 (US 1) on Big Pine Key (BPK), but extensive urban development adjacent to sections of US 1 complicates efforts to reduce DVCs. Our objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the US 1 Project (continuous 2.6-km system of 2.4-m fencing, 2 underpasses, and 4 experimental deer guards constructed on US 1 on BPK) in reducing DVCs along US 1. Deer used the underpasses all 3 postproject years (2003–2005); however, we observed higher underpass use in 2004 and 2005 compared to 2003. Exclusion fencing reduced deer intrusions onto the fenced section of US 1 during the 3-year period (2003, n = 7 deer; 2004, n = 4; 2005, n = 12). With a reduction of deer intrusions onto this section of US 1, DVCs decreased in the fenced area by 73–100%; however, US 1 DVCs within the unfenced sections of US 1 also increased (40%) as expected. In controlling for effects of increasing deer density and traffic volume, study results suggest that highway improvements have decreased the net risk of DVCs along US 1, which indicates that use of deer fencing, deer guards, and underpasses is applicable in other urban communities experiencing unacceptable levels of DVCs.  相似文献   

The conservation and management of black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) have been contentious issues in grasslands of central North America for much of the past century, primarily because of the perception that they compete with livestock for forage. Studies quantifying the magnitude of competition between prairie dogs and cattle are difficult to conduct because of the large spatial and long temporal scales needed to quantify how competition varies in response to interannual variation in precipitation and prairie dog abundance. We examined variation in mass gains of yearling steers in shortgrass steppe of northeastern Colorado, USA, with and without prairie dogs from 2008–2019, a period that encompassed a full cycle in prairie dog abundance from a nadir following plague-induced population collapse, to peak abundance following population recovery, to plague-induced population lows again. Analyses of cattle grazing distribution with global positioning system (GPS)-collars revealed preferential grazing on colonies following a period of unusually high vegetation production, and preferential grazing off colonies following a period of rapid vegetation senescence, but these patterns were not clearly related to cattle mass gains. Across all 12 years of the study, average daily mass gain (ADG) during the growing season was 0.97 kg/steer/day in pastures where prairie dogs were controlled annually, and 0.95 kg/steer/day in pastures where they were not. Average daily mass gain was a quadradic function of precipitation and a linear function of prairie dog occupancy within a pasture, with a generalized linear mixed model predicting an 8.0% decrease in ADG as prairie dog occupancy increased from 0 to 60% of a pasture with average growing-season precipitation. We did not detect a significant interaction between precipitation and prairie dog occupancy, but one limitation of our study is that the only drought year (2012) occurred when prairie dogs occupied low percentages (10–25%) of the study pastures. Prairie dogs had a small but detectable negative effect on cattle mass gains during the growing season in shortgrass steppe. The magnitude of this effect can be used by managers in combination with market conditions and the spatial extent of prairie dog colonies to estimate economic effects of prairie dogs on livestock operations. © 2021 The Wildlife Society. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Wildlife models focused solely on a single strong influence (e.g., habitat components, wildlife harvest) are limited in their ability to detect key mechanisms influencing population change. Instead, we propose integrated modeling in the context of cumulative effects assessment using multispecies population dynamics models linked to landscape-climate simulation at large spatial and temporal scales. We developed an integrated landscape and population simulation model using ALCES Online as the model-building platform, and the model accounted for key ecological components and relationships among moose (Alces alces), grey wolves (Canis lupus nubilus), and woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in northern Ontario, Canada. We simulated multiple scenarios over 5 decades (beginning 2020) to explore sensitivity to climate change and land use and assessed effects at multiple scales. The magnitude of effect and the relative importance of key factors (climate change, roads, and habitat) differed depending on the scale of assessment. Across the full extent of the study area (654,311km2 [ecozonal scale]), the caribou population declined by 26% largely because of climate change and associated predator-prey response, which led to caribou range recession in the southern part of the study area. At the caribou range scale (108,378 km2), which focused on 2 herds in the northern part of the study area, climate change led to a 10% decline in the population and development led to an additional 7% decline. At the project scale (8,331 km2), which was focused more narrowly on the landscape surrounding 4 proposed mines, the caribou population declined by 29% largely in response to simulated development. Given that observed caribou population dynamics were sensitive to the cumulative effects of climate change, land use, interspecific interactions, and scale, insights from the analysis might not emerge under a less complex model. Our integrated modeling framework provides valuable support for broader regional assessments, including estimation of risk to caribou and Indigenous food security, and for developing and evaluating potential caribou recovery strategies. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Extrinsic mortality is a key influence on organisms’ life history strategies, especially on age at maturity. This historical longitudinal study of 125 women in rural Domenica examines effects of extrinsic mortality on human age at maturity and pace of reproduction. Extrinsic mortality is indicated by local population infant mortality rates during infancy and at maturity between the years 1925 and 2000. Extrinsic mortality shows effects on age at first birth and pace of reproduction among these women. Parish death records show huge historical variation in age-specific mortality rates. The infant mortality rate (IMR) in the early 1920s was low, increased dramatically beginning in 1929, and reached a maximum in the 1950s, at which point IMR declined steadily to its present low rate. The mortality rate early in life showed a quadratic association with age at first birth. Women who experienced conditions of low IMR early in life reproduced relatively late in life. Those born into moderately high levels of infant mortality tended to reproduce earlier than those born at low levels. At very high infant mortality levels early in life, women went on to delay reproduction until relatively late, possibly as a result of somatic depletion and energetic stress associated with the conditions that lead to high IMR. Population mortality rates at age of maturity also showed a quadratic association with age at first birth. The pace of reproduction, estimated as number of surviving offspring controlled for maternal age, showed a similar quadratic effect. There were complex interactions between population mortality rates in infancy and at maturity. When extrinsic mortality was high during infancy, extrinsic mortality later in life had little effect on timing of first birth. When extrinsic mortality was low to moderate in infancy, extrinsic mortality later in life had significant effects on adult reproduction. I speculate that these effects are mediated through development of personality facets associated with reproduction.  相似文献   

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