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大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)是一种专性巢寄生鸟类,进化出了一系列适应对策,如雏鸟普遍出壳较早等,以更好适应寄生生活。本研究使用恒温自动孵化箱对25枚大杜鹃卵和20枚其宿主东方大苇莺(Acrocephalus orientalis)卵进行人工孵化,并对孵卵期的卵重进行连续测量。结果表明,在人工孵化条件下,大杜鹃卵的孵化率(76%)极显著高于东方大苇莺(40%)(χ~2=25.144,df=1,P0.01)。尽管大杜鹃的卵鲜重(t=7.447,df=43,P0.01)和卵体积(t=8.817,df=43,P0.01)均极显著大于东方大苇莺,但两种鸟卵的孵卵期不存在显著性差异(t=1.006,df=16,P0.05)。  相似文献   

Microbial infection is a critical source of mortality for early life stages of oviparous vertebrates, but parental defenses against infection are less well known. Avian incubation has been hypothesized to reduce the risk of trans-shell infection by limiting microbial growth of pathogenic bacteria on eggshells, while enhancing growth of commensal or beneficial bacteria that inhibit or competitively exclude pathogens. We tested this hypothesis by comparing bacterial assemblages on naturally incubated and experimentally unincubated eggs at laying and late incubation using a universal 16S rRNA microarray containing probes for over 8000 bacterial taxa. Before treatment, bacterial assemblages on individual eggs from both treatment groups were dissimilar to one another, as measured by clustering in non-metric dimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination space. After treatment, assemblages of unincubated eggs were similar to one another, but those of incubated eggs were not. Furthermore, assemblages of unincubated eggs were characterized by high abundance of six indicator species while incubated eggs had no indicator species. Bacterial taxon richness remained static on incubated eggs, but increased significantly on unincubated eggs, especially in several families of Gram-negative bacteria. The relative abundance of individual bacterial taxa did not change on incubated eggs, but that of 82 bacterial taxa, including some known to infect the interior of eggs, increased on unincubated eggs. Thus, incubation inhibits all of the relatively few bacteria that grow on eggshells, and does not appear to promote growth of any bacteria.  相似文献   

The evolution of brood parasitism has long attracted considerable attention among behavioural ecologists, especially in the common cuckoo system. Common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) are obligatory brood parasites, laying eggs in nests of passerines and specializing on specific host species. Specialized races of cuckoos are genetically distinct. Often in a given area, cuckoos encounter multiple hosts showing substantial variation in egg morphology. Exploiting different hosts should lead to egg-phenotype specialization in cuckoos to match egg phenotypes of the hosts. Here we test this assumption using a wild population of two sympatrically occurring host species: the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and reed warbler (A. scirpaceus). Using colour spectrophotometry, egg shell dynamometry and egg size measurements, we studied egg morphologies of cuckoos parasitizing these two hosts. In spite of observing clear differences between host egg phenotypes, we found no clear differences in cuckoo egg morphologies. Interestingly, although chromatically cuckoo eggs were more similar to reed warbler eggs, after taking into account achromatic differences, cuckoo eggs seemed to be equally similar to both host species. We hypothesize that such pattern may represent an initial stage of an averaging strategy of cuckoos, that – instead of specializing for specific hosts or exploiting only one host – adapt to multiple hosts.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the fish community of the regulated Raia stream (Portugal) was examined during the summer of 1995. Variation in the native fish community (abundance of species-size combinations) was explicitly related to both the abundance of exotic species and habitat variables. The fish community changed in space from assemblages characterised by the high relative abundance of Leuciscus pyrenaicus, Leuciscus alburnoides and the smaller size classes of Barbus bocagei (all Iberian endemics with total length, TL, < 100mm to assemblages characterised by the high relative abundance of Chondrostoma polylepis (Iberian endemic) and B. bocagei with TL > 200mm and of exotics Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis gibbosus (> 100mm TL). The former assemblages used shallow sites far from downstream dams with some current whereas the latter assemblages used deeper sites closer to downstream dams without current velocity and with abundant floating macrophytes. Both exotic species and habitat variables were significant correlates of endemic assemblage composition in the Raia stream and the abundance of M. salmoides > 150mm in TL was the best biotic predictor of endemic assemblage composition. The total variation in the community of endemic fish was partitioned into four components: (i) associated uniquely with exotic species - 12.6%, (ii) associated uniquely with habitat variables - 27.6%, (iii) associated both with exotic species and habitat variables - 14.5%, and (iv) that unexplained - 45.3%. A significant association of exotic species with the endemic fish community remained after accounting for the selected environmental variables and a strong (habitat) x (exotic species) interaction was indicated.  相似文献   

Apicomplexan blood parasites (genera Haemoproteus, Plasmodium and Leucocytozoon) prevalence in two related species (Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus) was studied in 2006 at the Natural Reserve of Castronu?o-Vega del Duero, Western Spain, a stopover area during the autumn migration. A fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of the parasites was amplified, using a nested PCR assay, from avian blood samples. High prevalence of malaria parasites was found in both species, 84.6% in Reed Warbler and 71.8% in Sedge Warbler, and the degree of infection reach 100% of the population that breed at the Reserve, suggesting good conditions for the development of dipteran vectors in this area. By sequencing 464 nucleotides of the obtained fragments, we found four different mitochondrial haplotypes of Haemoproteus or Plasmodium in the two species analysed. Leucocytozoon infection was not detected, in contrast to the high prevalence of this parasite in other avian species in Spain, probably because the water course studied is not an adequate habitat for its vectors.  相似文献   

The continental African Reed Warbler Acrocephalus baeticatus, like its relative the Seychelles Warbler Acrocephalus sechellensis, breeds in isolated patches. We studied the mating system of the African Reed Warbler to see whether this species, like the Seychelles Warbler, shows co-operative breeding. The African Reed Warbler is not polygynous. The majority breed monogamously (88%, n = 65), however in 12% of the territories three adult unrelated birds (mostly males) were observed participating in the brooding and feeding of nestlings, suggesting a polyandrous breeding system. Multilocus DNA fingerprinting revealed that the helping bird was unrelated to the pair birds. The percentage of nests with helpers was low compared to rates found in the Seychelles Warbler or Henderson Reed Warbler Acrocephalus vaughani taiti. This could be due to the scarcity of potential helpers or to the fact that, although limited, birds still had the opportunity to disperse within a meta-population structure in search of vacant territories. The presence of helpers was associated with increased hatching success due to lower predation rates, but not with increased fledging success. Another possible benefit of helping behaviour in this species could be improved predator detection and mobbing. Nest predation was high and warblers tended to build their nests in the highest, most dense reed patches available in their territory. There was no relation between habitat quality, measured as insect food availability, and the occurrence of helpers.  相似文献   

He  Xi  Jiang  Yifan  Chen  Sumei  Chen  Fadi  Chen  Feng 《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》2023,42(2):1144-1157
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Terpenoids are a class of structurally diverse natural products involved in various plant biological processes. Their primary function is believed to provide...  相似文献   

Although interest in the relationship between birds and microorganisms is increasing, few studies have compared nest microbial assemblages in wild passerines to determine variation within and between species. Culturing microorganisms from blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and great tit (Parus major) nests from the same study site demonstrated diverse microbial communities with 32 bacterial and 13 fungal species being isolated. Dominant bacteria were Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas putida, and Staphylococcus hyicus. Also common in the nests were the keratinolytic bacteria Pseudomonas stutzeri and Bacillus subtilis. Dominant fungi were Cladosporium herbarum and Epicoccum purpurascens. Aspergillus flavous, Microsporum gallinae, and Candida albicans (causative agents of avian aspergillosis, favus, and candidiasis, respectively) were present in 30%, 25%, and 10% of nests, respectively. Although there were no differences in nest mass or materials, bacterial (but not fungal) loads were significantly higher in blue tit nests. Microbial species also differed interspecifically. As regards potential pathogens, the prevalence of Enterobacter cloacae was higher in blue tit nests, while Pseudomonas aeruginosa—present in 30% of blue tit nests—was absent from great tit nests. The allergenic fungus Cladosporium cladosporioides was both more prevalent and abundant in great tit nests. Using discriminant function analysis (DFA), nests were classified to avian species with 100% accuracy using the complete microbial community. Partial DFA models were created using a reduced number of variables and compared using Akaike’s information criterion on the basis of model fit and parsimony. The best models classified unknown nests with 72.5–95% accuracy using a small subset of microbes (n = 1–8), which always included Pseudomonas agarici. This suggests that despite substantial intraspecific variation in nest microflora, there are significant interspecific differences—both in terms of individual microbes and the overall microbial community—even when host species are closely related, ecologically similar, sympatric, and construct very similar nests.  相似文献   

Bacterial community composition (BCC) has been extensively related to specific environmental conditions. Tropical coastal lagoons present great temporal and spatial variation in their limnological conditions, which, in turn, should influence the BCC. Here, we sought for the limnological factors that influence, in space and time, the BCC in tropical coastal lagoons (Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil). The Visgueiro lagoon was sampled monthly for 1 year and eight lagoons were sampled once for temporal and spatial analysis, respectively. BCC was evaluated by bacteria-specific PCR-DGGE methods. Great variations were observed in limnological conditions and BCC on both temporal and spatial scales. Changes in the BCC of Visgueiro lagoon throughout the year were best related to salinity and concentrations of NO 3 ? , dissolved phosphorus and chlorophyll-a, while changes in BCC between lagoons were best related to salinity and dissolved phosphorus concentration. Salinity has a direct impact on the integrity of the bacterial cell, and it was previously observed that phosphorus is the main limiting nutrient to bacterial growth in these lagoons. Therefore, we conclude that great variations in limnological conditions of coastal lagoons throughout time and space resulted in different BCCs and salinity and nutrient concentration, particularly dissolved phosphorus, are the main limnological factors influencing BCC in these tropical coastal lagoons.  相似文献   

To investigate migratory connectivity in the Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, we analysed (1) all available sub-Saharan ringing recoveries and (2) stable isotopes in feathers grown in Africa sampled at 17 European breeding sites across a migratory divide. A cluster analysis of ringing recoveries showed remarkable connectivity between breeding and non-breeding grounds. Two main clusters represented populations taking the two main migratory routes [southwesterly (SW) and southeasterly (SE)]. Stable isotope analysis confirmed the separation of wintering areas of SW- and SE-migrating populations. Higher δ15N values in feathers of SE-migrating birds indicated that they occupied more xeric biome types. Values of δ13C that did not differ significantly among populations were higher than those from feathers of known European origin and indicated a C4 biome. Three populations with an unknown migratory direction were assigned to the SE-migrating populations on the basis of δ15N values.  相似文献   

Recent technological advancements now allow us to obtain geographical position data for a wide range of animal movements. Here we used light-level geolocators to study the annual migration cycle in great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus), a passerine bird breeding in Eurasia and wintering in sub-Saharan Africa. We were specifically interested in seasonal strategies in routes and schedules of migration. We found that the great reed warblers (all males, no females were included) migrated from the Swedish breeding site in early August. After spending up to three weeks at scattered stopover sites in central to south-eastern Europe, they resumed migration and crossed the Mediterranean Sea and Sahara Desert without lengthy stopovers. They then spread out over a large overwintering area and each bird utilised two (or even three) main wintering sites that were spatially separated by a distinct mid-winter movement. Spring migration initiation date differed widely between individuals (1-27 April). Several males took a more westerly route over the Sahara in spring than in autumn, and in general there were fewer long-distance travels and more frequent shorter stopovers, including one in northern Africa, in spring. The shorter stopovers made spring migration on average faster than autumn migration. There was a strong correlation between the spring departure dates from wintering sites and the arrival dates at the breeding ground. All males had a high migration speed in spring despite large variation in departure dates, indicating a time-minimization strategy to achieve an early arrival at the breeding site; the latter being decisive for high reproductive success in great reed warblers. Our results have important implications for the understanding of long-distance migrants’ ability to predict conditions at distant breeding sites and adapt to rapid environmental change.  相似文献   

How populations of growing cells achieve cell-size homeostasis remains a major question in cell biology. Recent studies in rod-shaped bacteria support the “incremental rule” where each cell adds a constant length before dividing. Although this rule explains narrow cell-size distributions, its mechanism is still unknown. We show that the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa obeys the incremental rule to achieve cell-length homeostasis during exponential growth but shortens its cells when entering the stationary phase. We identify a mutant, called frik, which has increased antibiotic sensitivity, cells that are on average longer, and a fraction of filamentous cells longer than 10 μm. When growth slows due to entry in stationary phase, the distribution of frik cell sizes decreases and approaches wild-type length distribution. The rare filamentous cells have abnormally large nucleoids, suggesting that a deficiency in DNA segregation prevents cell division without slowing the exponential elongation rate.  相似文献   

Csaba Moskát  & Marcel Honza 《Ibis》2002,144(4):614-622
An unusually high frequency (64%) of European Cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism was found in Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus clutches in central Hungary. Sixty-four per cent of the parasitized clutches contained one Cuckoo egg, 23% contained two, 10% had three and 3% had four. This means that 58% of the Cuckoo eggs were found in multiply parasitized clutches. In multiple parasitism the laying second Cuckoo removed an egg from the clutch randomly, so preferred neither the host eggs, nor the concurrent Cuckoo egg. Host response towards the parasitic eggs showed 66% acceptance, 12% ejection, 20% desertion and 2% egg burial. We found great variation in both the host and the parasitic egg colour and pattern. This reduces the chance that the parasitic egg's appearance matched that of the hosts' but, in spite of this, almost perfect mimesis was found in 28% of the Cuckoo eggs. Poorly mimetic Cuckoo eggs were more frequently rejected by Great Reed Warblers than parasite eggs that were very similar to the host eggs. This high level of mimicry sometimes makes it difficult for the observer to identify the parasitic egg, especially when it is similar in size to the host eggs. It is also difficult for the host, as shown by the relatively high recognition error and ejection cost.  相似文献   

Problems in Measuring Bacterial Diversity and a Possible Solution   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
The indices of species diversity used by plant and animal ecologists are not appropriate for bacterial diversity because of the inherent difficulty of defining a bacterial species. Arbitrary cutoff points to define a species or biotype lead to severe statistical problems. We suggest in this paper that a mean dissimilarity-based index without any attempt to define a species provides a statistically sound measurement of bacterial diversity.  相似文献   

We studied Great Reed Warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus at two localities in Ghana during the winter. In the north (Tono), the birds arrived from late September and conducted a rapid moult soon after arrival. Towards the end of moult, birds accumulated fat and disappeared from the site. In the south (Tafo), birds arrived from mid-November in fresh plumage. This seemed to be the final wintering area as birds stayed there during the winter. In March-April they again accumulated fat, although only small amounts, before spring migration back to breeding areas.  相似文献   

Bacterial community dynamics were followed in a 19-day period during an induced diatom bloom in two freshwater mesocosms. The main goal was to compare diversity and succession among free-living (<10 MM) AND PARTICLE-ASSOCIATED (>10 mm) bacteria. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR amplified 16S rDNA showed the highest number of bands among free-living bacteria, but with a significant phylogenetic overlap in the two size fractions indicating that free-living bacteria were also important members of the particle-associated bacterial assemblage. Whereas the number of bands in the free-living fraction decreased during the course of the bloom, several phylotypes unique to particles appeared towards the end of the experiment. Besides the primer set targeting Bacteria, a primer set targeting most members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium (CF)-cluster of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group and a primer set mainly targeting a-Proteobacteria were applied. PCR-DGGE analyses revealed that a number of phylotypes targeted by those primer sets were found solely on particles. Almost all sequenced bands from the bacterial DGGE gel were related to phylogenetic groups commonly found in freshwater: a-Proteobacteria, CF, and Firmicutes. Despite the use of primers intended to be specific mainly for a-Proteobacteria most bands sequenced from the a-proteobacterial DGGE gel formed a cluster within the Verrucomicrobiales subdivision of the Verrucomicrobia division and were not related to a-Proteobacteria. Bands sequenced from the CF DGGE gel were related to members of the CF cluster. From the present study, we suggest that free-living and particle-associated bacterial communities should not be perceived as separate entities, but rather as interacting assemblages, where the extent of phylogenetic overlap is dependent on the nature of the particulate matter.  相似文献   

A study on the bacterioplankton of Conceição Lagoon (27°34′ S–48°27′ W), Southern Brazil, was carried out in July 2005 (austral winter) and January 2006 (austral summer) to characterize the bacterial spatiotemporal distribution and to determine the heterotrophic and photoautotrophic bacterial dominance in hypoxic/oxic stratified waters. Bacterial abundance increased significantly (p?5 (winter) to 3.21?×?106 cells mL?1 (summer), heterotrophic coccus/rod-shaped (HCR) cells from 7.00?×?104 to 3.60?×?106 cells mL?1, and heterotrophic filamentous (HF) bacteria from 2.90?×?103 to 2.74?×?105 cells mL?1. Bacterial biovolumes also increased in summer with mean biovolumes of CCY ranging from 0.38 to 1.37 μm3, HCR cells from 0.31 to 1.12 μm3, and HF from 3.32 to 11.34 μm3. Principal component analysis showed that salinity, temperature, and light were the abiotic factors that better explained the temporal variability of bacterial assemblages. Bacterial heterotrophy dominated in the lagoon, excepted by the southern and part of central sector in January 2006, when autotrophic-dominated microbial community occurred. Spatially, bacterial assemblages were influenced by nutrient gradient, oxygen, and salinity with a positive relationship between biovolumes and nutrients and a negative relationship between abundance of coccus cyanobacteria and nutrients. area revealed a singular temporal pattern with hypoxic bottom waters in winter and oxygen-rich waters appearing in summer related with the availability of light and predominant microbes. Thus, oxygen consumption/production is likely to be regulated by the amount of light reaching the bottom, stimulating the production of oxygen by oxygenic phototrophs.  相似文献   

Herbivore-induced plant volatiles affect the systemic response of plants to local damage and hence represent potential plant hormones. These signals can also lead to “plant-plant communication,” a defense induction in yet undamaged plants growing close to damaged neighbors. We observed this phenomenon in the context of disease resistance. Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) plants in a natural population became more resistant against a bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae, when located close to conspecific neighbors in which systemic acquired resistance to pathogens had been chemically induced with benzothiadiazole (BTH). Airborne disease resistance induction could also be triggered biologically by infection with avirulent P. syringae. Challenge inoculation after exposure to induced and noninduced plants revealed that the air coming from induced plants mainly primed resistance, since expression of PATHOGENESIS-RELATED PROTEIN2 (PR-2) was significantly stronger in exposed than in nonexposed individuals when the plants were subsequently challenged by P. syringae. Among others, the plant-derived volatile nonanal was present in the headspace of BTH-treated plants and significantly enhanced PR-2 expression in the exposed plants, resulting in reduced symptom appearance. Negative effects on growth of BTH-treated plants, which usually occur as a consequence of the high costs of direct resistance induction, were not observed in volatile organic compound-exposed plants. Volatile-mediated priming appears to be a highly attractive means for the tailoring of systemic acquired resistance against plant pathogens.Plants respond to attack by pathogens or herbivores with extensive changes in gene expression that lead to induced resistance phenomena (Karban and Baldwin, 1997); various traits are then expressed de novo or at much higher intensities, which reduce or prevent further tissue damage. As both pathogens and herbivores can spread from the initial site of attack to other organs, such plant responses are often not restricted to the damaged tissue but are expressed systemically, in yet undamaged organs. Three plant hormones playing central roles in the long-distance signaling that underlies this systemic response to local attack are jasmonic acid (JA), ethylene, and salicylic acid (SA). SA and JA, in particular, are transported themselves or in the form of derivatives within the plant in order to elicit systemic responses (Truman et al., 2007; Wasternack, 2007; Heil and Ton, 2008).Recent studies have revealed that long-distance signaling is not only caused by molecules that are transported in the vascular system; signals can also be volatile compounds that move in the headspace outside the plant (Heil and Ton, 2008). In particular, green-leaf volatiles and other herbivore-induced volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can mediate the systemic response of plants to local herbivore damage (Karban et al., 2006; Frost et al., 2007; Heil and Silva Bueno, 2007). Since such VOCs move freely in the air, they may also affect neighboring plants and then mediate the phenomenon of “plant-plant communication,” which has been found in taxonomically unrelated plants such as Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), alder (Alnus glutinosa), corn (Zea mays), lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus), maple (Acer saccharum), sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), and wild tobacco (Nicotiana attenuata; Baldwin and Schultz, 1983; Rhoades, 1983; Tscharntke et al., 2001; Engelberth et al., 2004; Heil and Kost, 2006; Karban et al., 2006; Paschold et al., 2006; Heil and Silva Bueno, 2007; Ton et al., 2007; Godard et al., 2008).Plant-plant communication via VOCs thus appears to be a common phenomenon in herbivore resistance, and similar volatile compounds can also mediate the beneficial effects that are caused by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (Ryu et al., 2003, 2004b). Furthermore, exposure to VOCs such as trans-2-hexenal, cis-3-hexenal, or cis-3-hexenol enhanced resistance of Arabidopsis against the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea (Kishimoto et al., 2005), which indicates that VOCs may also induce disease resistance. However, the wound response, the induction of VOCs, the effects of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria, and even the resistance to necrotrophic pathogens such as B. cinerea and Alternaria brassiccicola are mediated via JA signaling (Wasternack and Parthier, 1997; Pieterse et al., 1998; Schilmiller and Howe, 2005; Francia et al., 2007; Heil, 2008; Heil and Ton, 2008). In contrast, systemic acquired resistance (SAR) to biotrophic pathogens in many plant species is mediated by SA signaling, which increases the expression of phytoalexins and of several PATHOGENESIS-RELATED (PR) proteins (van Loon, 1997; Hammerschmidt and Smith-Becker, 1999; Durrant and Dong, 2004) and which usually is thought to act as an antagonist to JA signaling (Maleck et al., 2000; Pieterse and Dicke, 2007; Korneef and Pieterse, 2008). The volatile derivative of SA, methyl salicylate (MeSA), has been proposed as the most likely systemic signal (Park et al., 2007). In tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), MeSA is converted back to SA, which then forms the active resistance-inducing compound (Kumar and Klessig, 2003; Forouhar et al., 2005). This mechanism might underlie the resistance induction in tobacco plants that were exposed to high MeSA concentrations (Shulaev et al., 1997). In a study on the role of MeSA as a mobile signal, Park and coworkers (2007), however, only found evidence for the vascular transport of this compound.We used lima bean to investigate whether plant-plant signaling can also affect SAR to biotrophic bacterial pathogens. Plants were exposed to the VOCs emitted from neighbors that had been treated with the chemical SAR elicitor benzothiadiazole [BTH; benzo(1,2,3)thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester] or that had been induced biologically, and resulting changes in resistance were monitored at the phenotypic and gene expression levels. A common phenomenon involved in disease resistance is priming, which prepares the plant to respond more rapidly and/or effectively to subsequent attack (van Hulten et al., 2006; Bruce et al., 2007; Goellner and Conrath, 2008) but which comes at much lower costs than direct resistance induction (Heil and Baldwin, 2002; Walters and Boyle, 2005; Walters and Heil, 2007). Therefore, we investigated whether VOCs also can prime resistance to pathogens by first exposing plants to VOCs coming from directly induced plants and then challenging them with Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae. Finally, VOCs released from induced plants were analyzed, and the most likely candidates were evaluated for their effect on expression of the resistance marker gene PR-2 in order to understand the chemical nature of the signal.  相似文献   

The cell wall of rice coleoptile was found to contain severalhundred microgram hexosamine per gram dry wt with the pectic,hemicellulosic, and -cellulose fractions containing 50%, 40%,and 10%, respectively. The cell wall hexosamine content increasedseveralfold with coleoptile growth and was higher in air-typecoleoptiles (grown on the surface of water) than water-typeones (grown under water). Rice coleoptiles were cultured in glucosamine, NH4+, glutamine,or asparagine solution and growth was inhibited at 10–4M and above. Coleoptile growth capacity in glucosamine or NH4+solution correlated inversely with the cell wall hexosaminecontent. Both of these solutions also inhibited elongation ofsubmerged air-type coleoptile sections. Azaserine promoted thegrowth of both intact and excised coleoptiles at 10–6to 10–5 M and halved the cell wall hexosamine contentof intact ones. 6-Diazo-5-oxo-L-norleucine promoted the elongationof sections. These results suggest that the hexosamine-containingcell wall component is an important growth suppression factorin rice coleoptiles. (Received April 25, 1983; Accepted August 30, 1983)  相似文献   

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