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动粒是参与有丝分裂过程中染色体分离的蛋白的附着支架。结构保守的Ndc80复合体位于动粒的外层,连接动粒和微管,与动粒-微管连接的稳定性有关。Aurora B/Ipl1激酶参与纠正动粒-微管的错误连接。Ndc80复合体对纺锤体组装检查点的功能非常重要。本文主要介绍了Ndc80复合体的研究进展。  相似文献   

The Ndc80 complex is the key microtubule‐binding element of the kinetochore. In contrast to the well‐characterized interaction of Ndc80‐Nuf2 heads with microtubules, little is known about how the Spc24‐25 heterodimer connects to centromeric chromatin. Here, we present molecular details of Spc24‐25 in complex with the histone‐fold protein Cnn1/CENP‐T illustrating how this connection ultimately links microtubules to chromosomes. The conserved Ndc80 receptor motif of Cnn1 is bound as an α helix in a hydrophobic cleft at the interface between Spc24 and Spc25. Point mutations that disrupt the Ndc80–Cnn1 interaction also abrogate binding to the Mtw1 complex and are lethal in yeast. We identify a Cnn1‐related motif in the Dsn1 subunit of the Mtw1 complex, necessary for Ndc80 binding and essential for yeast growth. Replacing this region with the Cnn1 peptide restores viability demonstrating functionality of the Ndc80‐binding module in different molecular contexts. Finally, phosphorylation of the Cnn1 N‐terminus coordinates the binding of the two competing Ndc80 interaction partners. Together, our data provide structural insights into the modular binding mechanism of the Ndc80 complex to its centromere recruiters.  相似文献   

We have purified a complex from Saccharomyces cerevisiae containing the spindle components Ndc80p, Nuf2p, Spc25p, and Spc24p. Temperature-sensitive mutants in NDC80, SPC25, and SPC24 show defects in chromosome segregation. In spc24-1 cells, green fluorescence protein (GFP)-labeled centromeres fail to split during spindle elongation, and in addition some centromeres may detach from the spindle. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays show an association of all four components of the complex with the yeast centromere. Homologues of Ndc80p, Nuf2p, and Spc24p were found in Schizosaccharomyces pombe and GFP tagging showed they were located at the centromere. A human homologue of Nuf2p was identified in the expressed sequence tag database. Immunofluorescent staining with anti-human Nuf2p and with anti-HEC, the human homologue of Ndc80p, showed that both proteins are at the centromeres of mitotic HeLa cells. Thus the Ndc80p complex contains centromere-associated components conserved between yeasts and vertebrates.  相似文献   

In the highly competitive market of commercial bakers' yeast, fermentations are operated for maximum efficiency and minimum production cost. In order to maintain competitiveness, the fermentations must be highly consistent with minimum variation in yeast performance, maximum yield on raw materials, and minimum production of undesirable side products. The use of advanced instrumentation is of critical importance to achieving these goals by the production engineer. An in situ optical density probe was used to determine the yeast cell density in full-scale commercial bakers' yeast fermentations. The optical density probe results were compared with oxygen uptake rate analyses, packed cell volume, and off-line measured cell dry weights. The most accurate measurement of cell density was found to be the optical density probe. This instrument allowed the on-line determination of cell density with highly consistent results from fermentation batch to batch and with out the need for intermittent recalibration. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In the present work LC-MS/MS was applied to measure the concentrations of intermediates of glycolysis and TCA cycle during autonomous, cell-cycle synchronized oscillations in aerobic, glucose-limited chemostat cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This study complements previously reported oscillations in carbon dioxide production rate, intracellular concentrations of trehalose and various free amino acids, and extracellular acetate and pyruvate in the same culture. Of the glycolytic intermediates, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, 2- and 3-phosphoglycerate, and phosphoenolpyruvate show the most pronounced oscillatory behavior, the latter three compounds oscillating out of phase with the former. This agrees with previously observed metabolic control by phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase. Although individually not clearly oscillating, several intermediates of the TCA cycle, i.e., alpha-ketoglutarate, succinate, fumarate, and malate, exhibited increasing concentration during the cell cycle phase with high carbon flux through glycolysis and TCA cycle. The average mass action ratios of beta-phosphoglucomutase and fumarase agreed well with previously determined in vitro equilibrium constants. Minor differences resulted for phosphoglucose isomerase and enolase. Together with the observed close correlation of the pool sizes of the involved metabolites, this might indicate that, in vivo, these reactions are operating close to equilibrium, whereby care must be taken due to possible differences between in vivo and in vitro conditions. Combining the data with previously determined intracellular amino acid levels from the same culture, a few clear correlations between catabolism and anabolism could be identified: phosphoglycerate/serine and alpha-ketoglutarate/lysine exhibited correlated oscillatory behavior, albeit with different phase shifts. Oscillations in intracellular amino acids might therefore be, at least partly, following oscillations of their anabolic precursors.  相似文献   

We report a novel connection between nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and spindle pole bodies (SPBs) revealed by our studies of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae NDC1 gene. Although both NPCs and SPBs are embedded in the nuclear envelope (NE) in yeast, their known functions are quite distinct. Previous work demonstrated that NDC1 function is required for proper SPB duplication (Winey, M., M.A. Hoyt, C. Chan, L. Goetsch, D. Botstein, and B. Byers. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 122:743–751). Here, we show that Ndc1p is a membrane protein of the NE that localizes to both NPCs and SPBs. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy shows that Ndc1p displays punctate, nuclear peripheral localization that colocalizes with a known NPC component, Nup49p. Additionally, distinct spots of Ndc1p localization colocalize with a known SPB component, Spc42p. Immunoelectron microscopy shows that Ndc1p localizes to the regions of NPCs and SPBs that interact with the NE. The NPCs in ndc1-1 mutant cells appear to function normally at the nonpermissive temperature. Finally, we have found that a deletion of POM152, which encodes an abundant but nonessential nucleoporin, suppresses the SPB duplication defect associated with a mutation in the NDC1 gene. We show that Ndc1p is a shared component of NPCs and SPBs and propose a shared function in the assembly of these organelles into the NE.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope in Saccharomyces cerevisiae harbors two essential macromolecular protein assemblies: the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) that enable nucleocytoplasmic transport, and the spindle pole bodies (SPBs) that mediate chromosome segregation. Previously, based on metazoan and budding yeast studies, we reported that reticulons and Yop1/DP1 play a role in the early steps of de novo NPC assembly. Here, we examined if Rtn1 and Yop1 are required for SPB function in S. cerevisiae. Electron microscopy of rtn1Δ yop1Δ cells revealed lobular abnormalities in SPB structure. Using an assay that monitors lateral expansion of the SPB central layer, we found that rtn1Δ yop1Δ SPBs had decreased connections to the NE compared to wild type, suggesting that SPBs are less stable in the NE. Furthermore, large budded rtn1Δ yop1Δ cells exhibited a high incidence of short mitotic spindles, which were frequently misoriented with respect to the mother–daughter axis. This correlated with cytoplasmic microtubule defects. We found that overexpression of the SPB insertion factors NDC1, MPS2, or BBP1 rescued the SPB defects observed in rtn1Δ yop1Δ cells. However, only overexpression of NDC1, which is also required for NPC biogenesis, rescued both the SPB and NPC associated defects. Rtn1 and Yop1 also physically interacted with Ndc1 and other NPC membrane proteins. We propose that NPC and SPB biogenesis are altered in cells lacking Rtn1 and Yop1 due to competition between these complexes for Ndc1, an essential common component of both NPCs and SPBs.  相似文献   

Serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) catalyzes the rate-limiting step of condensation of L-serine and palmitoyl-CoA to form 3-ketodihydrosphingosine (3KDS). Here, we report a HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method to directly quantify 3KDS generated by SPT. With this technique, we were able to detect 3KDS at a level comparable to that of dihydrosphingosine in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An in vitro SPT assay measuring the incorporation of deuterated serine into deuterated 3KDS was developed. The results show that SPT kinetics in response to palmitoyl-CoA fit into an allosteric sigmoidal model, suggesting the existence of more than one palmitoyl-CoA binding site on yeast SPT and positive cooperativity between them. Myriocin inhibition of yeast SPT activity was also investigated and we report here, for the first time, an estimated myriocin Ki for yeast SPT of approximately 10 nM. Lastly, we investigated the fate of serine α-proton during SPT reaction. We provide additional evidence to support the proposed mechanism of SPT catalytic activity in regard to proton exchange between the intermediate NH3+ base formed on the active Lys residue with surrounding water. These findings establish the current method as a powerful tool with significant resolution and quantitative power to study SPT activity.  相似文献   

An integrated approach is used to develop a rapid sampling strategy for the quantitative analysis of in vivo kinetic behavior based on measured concentrations of intracellular metabolites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Emphasis is laid on small sample sizes during sampling and analysis. Subsecond residence times are accomplished by minimizing the dead volume of the sterile sampling system and by maximizing flow rates through application of vacuum to the sampling tubes in addition to the overpressure in the fermenter. A specially designed sample tube adapter facilitates sampling intervals of 4 to 5 s for various test tube types. Statistical analysis of the results obtained from enzymatic and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MSMS) analysis of the metabolite concentrations was used to optimize the sampling protocol. The most notable improvement is reached through the introduction of vacuum drying of the cell extract. The presented system is capable of reliably dealing with fermenter samples as small as 1-g with a variation of less than 3%, and is thus ideally suited for intracellular measurements on small, lab-scale fermenters.  相似文献   

支架和连接蛋白在调节信号级联传导中起着重要作用。最近,Ego1/Ego3蛋白复合物被证实作为定位在细胞内体膜表面的支架蛋白在TORCl信号通路感知氨基酸丰度方面发挥重要调控作用。研究中通过克隆酵母Ego1与Ego3基因,构建了双T7启动子的双元原核表达载体。通过在大肠杆菌中共表达、共破菌以及带有不同抗性的两个质粒共转化的方法来重组表达Ego1/Ego3复合物。结果发现,Ego1可与Ego3蛋白形成可溶性的复合物,但纯化后蛋白比例存在明显差异,且Ego1有降解现象。通过构建一系列带组氨酸标签截短的Ego1与全长Ego3共表达,依靠pulldown纯化来鉴定Ego1与Ego3相互作用的区段。最终发现,共转化pRSFDuet-mcs1 Ego1(35-184)和pACYDuet-mcsl Ego3共表达、纯化到较稳定的比例较一致的复合物,从而为进一步对Ego1/Ego3蛋白复合物进行生化鉴定和结构生物学研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The Atg1 complex, which contains 5 major subunits: Atg1, Atg13, Atg17, Atg29, and Atg31, regulates the induction of autophagy and autophagosome formation. To gain a better understanding of the overall architecture and assembly mechanism of this essential autophagy regulatory complex, we have reconstituted a core assembly of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Atg1 complex composed of full-length Atg17, Atg29, and Atg31, along with the C-terminal domains of Atg1 (Atg1[CTD]) and Atg13 (Atg13[CTD]). Using chemical-crosslinking coupled with mass spectrometry (CXMS) analysis we systematically mapped the intersubunit interaction interfaces within this complex. Our data revealed that the intrinsically unstructured C-terminal domain of Atg29 interacts directly with Atg17, whereas Atg17 interacts with Atg13 in 2 distinct intrinsically unstructured regions, including a previously unknown motif that encompasses several putative phosphorylation sites. The Atg1[CTD] crosslinks exclusively to the Atg13[CTD] and does not appear to make direct contact with the Atg17-Atg31-Atg29 scaffold. Finally, single-particle electron microscopy analysis revealed that both the Atg13[CTD] and Atg1[CTD] localize to the tip regions of Atg17-Atg31-Atg29 and do not alter the distinct curvature of this scaffolding subcomplex. This work provides a comprehensive understanding of the subunit interactions in the fully assembled Atg1 core complex, and uncovers the potential role of intrinsically disordered regions in regulating complex integrity.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) has evolved a cunning mechanism to circumvent the antiviral activity of the APOBEC3 family of host cell enzymes. HIV-1 Vif [viral (also called virion) infectivity factor], one of several HIV accessory proteins, targets APOBEC3 proteins for proteasomal degradation and downregulates their expression at the mRNA level. Despite the importance of Vif for HIV-1 infection, there is little conformational data on Vif alone or in complex with other cellular factors due to incompatibilities with many structural techniques and difficulties in producing suitable quantities of the protein for biophysical analysis. As an alternative, we have turned to hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry (HX MS), a conformational analysis method that is well suited for proteins that are difficult to study using X-ray crystallography and/or NMR. HX MS was used to probe the solution conformation of recombinant full-length HIV-1 Vif. Vif specifically interacted with the previously identified binding partner Hck and was able to cause kinase activation, suggesting that the Vif studied by HX MS retained a biochemically competent conformation relevant to Hck interaction. HX MS analysis of Vif alone revealed low deuteration levels in the N-terminal portion, indicating that this region contained structured or otherwise protected elements. In contrast, high deuteration levels in the C-terminal portion of Vif indicated that this region was likely unstructured in the absence of cellular interacting proteins. Several regions within Vif displayed conformational heterogeneity in solution, including the APOBEC3G/F binding site and the HCCH zinc finger. Taken together, these HX MS results provide new insights into the solution conformation of Vif.  相似文献   

Both the spindle pole body (SPB) and the nuclear pore complex (NPC) are essential organelles embedded in the nuclear envelope throughout the life cycle of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the mechanism by which these two multisubunit structures are inserted into the nuclear envelope during their biogenesis is not well understood. We have previously shown that Ndc1p is the only known integral membrane protein that localizes to both the SPBs and the NPCs and is required for SPB duplication. For this study, we generated a novel temperature-sensitive (ts) allele of NDC1 to investigate the role of Ndc1p at the NPCs. Yeast cells carrying this allele (ndc1-39) failed to insert the SPB into the nuclear envelope at the restrictive temperature. Importantly, the double mutation of ndc1-39 and NPC assembly mutant nic96-1 resulted in cells with enhanced growth defects. While nuclear protein import and NPC distribution in the nuclear envelope were unaffected, ndc1-39 mutants failed to properly incorporate the nucleoporin Nup49p into NPCs. These results provide evidence that Ndc1p is required for NPC assembly in addition to its role in SPB duplication. We postulate that Ndc1p is crucial for the biogenesis of both the SPBs and the NPCs at the step of insertion into the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

The establishment of proper kinetochore-microtubule attachments facilitates faithful chromosome segregation. Incorrect attachments activate the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), which blocks anaphase onset via recruitment of a cohort of SAC components (Mph1/MPS1, Mad1, Mad2, Mad3/BubR1, Bub1 and Bub3) to kinetochores. KNL1, a component of the outer kinetochore KMN network (KNL1/Mis12 complex/Ndc80 complex), acts as a platform for Bub1 and Bub3 localization upon its phosphorylation by Mph1/MPS1. The Ndc80 protein, a major microtubule-binding site, is critical for MPS1 localization to the kinetochores in mammalian cells. Here we characterized the newly isolated mutant ndc80-AK01 in fission yeast, which contains a single point mutation within the hairpin region. This hairpin connects the preceding calponin-homology domain with the coiled-coil region. ndc80-AK01 was hypersensitive to microtubule depolymerizing reagents with no apparent growth defects without drugs. Subsequent analyses indicated that ndc80-AK01 is defective in SAC signaling, as mutant cells proceeded into lethal cell division in the absence of microtubules. Under mitotic arrest conditions, all SAC components (Ark1/Aurora B, Mph1, Bub1, Bub3, Mad3, Mad2 and Mad1) did not localize to the kinetochore. Further genetic analyses indicated that the Ndc80 hairpin region might act as a platform for the kinetochore recruitment of Mph1, which is one of the most upstream SAC components in the hierarchy. Intriguingly, artificial tethering of Mph1 to the kinetochore fully restored checkpoint signaling in ndc80-AK01 cells, further substantiating the notion that Ndc80 is a kinetochore platform for Mph1. The hairpin region of Ndc80, therefore, plays a critical role in kinetochore recruitment of Mph1.  相似文献   

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