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The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) accessory protein, Vpr, interacts with several host cellular proteins including uracil DNA glycosylase-2 (UNG2) and a cullin-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase assembly (CRL4DCAF1). The ligase is composed of cullin 4A (CUL4A), RING H2 finger protein (RBX1), DNA damage-binding protein 1 (DDB1), and a substrate recognition subunit, DDB1- and CUL4-associated factor 1 (DCAF1). Here we show that recombinant UNG2 specifically interacts with Vpr, but not with Vpx of simian immunodeficiency virus, forming a heterotrimeric complex with DCAF1 and Vpr in vitro as well as in vivo. Using reconstituted CRL4DCAF1 and CRL4DCAF1-Vpr E3 ubiquitin ligases in vitro reveals that UNG2 ubiquitination (ubiquitylation) is facilitated by Vpr. Co-expression of DCAF1 and Vpr causes down-regulation of UNG2 in a proteasome-dependent manner, with Vpr mutants that are defective in UNG2 or DCAF1 binding abrogating this effect. Taken together, our results show that the CRL4DCAF1 E3 ubiquitin ligase can be subverted by Vpr to target UNG2 for degradation.  相似文献   

The accurate replication of genetic information is critical to maintaining chromosomal integrity. Cdc6 functions in the assembly of pre-replicative complexes and is specifically required to load the Mcm2-7 replicative helicase complex at replication origins. Cdc6 is targeted for protein degradation by multiple mechanisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, although only a single pathway and E3 ubiquitin ligase for Cdc6 has been identified, the SCFCdc4 (Skp1/Cdc53/F-box protein) complex. Notably, Cdc6 is unstable during the G1 phase of the cell cycle, but the ubiquitination pathway has not been previously identified. Using a genetic approach, we identified two additional E3 ubiquitin ligase components required for Cdc6 degradation, the F-box protein Dia2 and the Hect domain E3 Tom1. Both Dia2 and Tom1 control Cdc6 turnover during G1 phase of the cell cycle and act separately from SCFCdc4. Ubiquitination of Cdc6 is significantly reduced in dia2Δ and tom1Δ cells. Tom1 and Dia2 each independently immunoprecipitate Cdc6, binding to a C-terminal region of the protein. Tom1 and Dia2 cannot compensate for each other in Cdc6 degradation. Cdc6 and Mcm4 chromatin association is aberrant in tom1Δ and dia2Δ cells in G1 phase. Together, these results present evidence for a novel degradation pathway that controls Cdc6 turnover in G1 that may regulate pre-replicative complex assembly.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells monitor and maintain protein quality through a set of protein quality control (PQC) systems whose role is to minimize the harmful effects of the accumulation of aberrant proteins. Although these PQC systems have been extensively studied in the cytoplasm, nuclear PQC systems are not well understood. The present work shows the existence of a nuclear PQC system mediated by the ubiquitin-proteasome system in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Asf1-30, a mutant form of the histone chaperone Asf1, was used as a model substrate for the study of the nuclear PQC. A temperature-sensitive Asf1-30 protein localized to the nucleus was selectively degraded by the ubiquitin-proteasome system. The Asf1-30 mutant protein was highly ubiquitinated at higher temperatures, and it remained stable in an mts2-1 mutant, which lacks proteasome activity. The E2 enzyme Ubc4 was identified among 11 candidate proteins as the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme in this system, and San1 was selected among 100 candidates as the ubiquitin ligase (E3) targeting Asf1-30 for degradation. San1, but not other nuclear E3s, showed specificity for the mutant nuclear Asf1-30, but did not show activity against wild-type Asf1. These data clearly showed that the aberrant nuclear protein was degraded by a defined set of E1-E2-E3 enzymes through the ubiquitin-proteasome system. The data also show, for the first time, the presence of a nuclear PQC system in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Cbl proteins are ubiquitin ligases (E3s) that play a significant role in regulating tyrosine kinase signaling. There are three mammalian family members: Cbl, Cbl-b, and Cbl-c. All have a highly conserved N-terminal tyrosine kinase binding domain, a catalytic RING finger domain, and a C-terminal proline-rich domain that mediates interactions with Src homology 3 (SH3) containing proteins. Although both Cbl and Cbl-b have been studied widely, little is known about Cbl-c. Published reports have demonstrated that the N terminus of Cbl and Cbl-b have an inhibitory effect on their respective E3 activity. However, the mechanism for this inhibition is still unknown. In this study we demonstrate that the N terminus of Cbl-c, like that of Cbl and Cbl-b, inhibits the E3 activity of Cbl-c. Furthermore, we map the region responsible for the inhibition to the EF-hand and SH2 domains. Phosphorylation of a critical tyrosine (Tyr-341) in the linker region of Cbl-c by Src or a phosphomimetic mutation of this tyrosine (Y341E) is sufficient to increase the E3 activity of Cbl-c. We also demonstrate for the first time that phosphorylation of Tyr-341 or the Y341E mutation leads to a decrease in affinity for the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2), UbcH5b. The decreased affinity of the Y341E mutant Cbl-c for UbcH5b results in a more rapid turnover of bound UbcH5b coincident with the increased E3 activity. These data suggest that the N terminus of Cbl-c contributes to the binding to the E2 and that phosphorylation of Tyr-341 leads to a decrease in affinity and an increase in the E3 activity of Cbl-c.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor p53 protein is tightly regulated by a ubiquitin-proteasomal degradation mechanism. Several E3 ubiquitin ligases, including MDM2 (mouse double minute 2), have been reported to play an essential role in the regulation of p53 stability. However, it remains unclear how the activity of these E3 ligases is regulated. Here, we show that the HECT-type E3 ligase Smurf1/2 (Smad ubiquitylation regulatory factor 1/2) promotes p53 degradation by enhancing the activity of the E3 ligase MDM2. We provide evidence that the role of Smurf1/2 on the p53 stability is not dependent on the E3 activity of Smurf1/2 but rather is dependent on the activity of MDM2. We find that Smurf1/2 stabilizes MDM2 by enhancing the heterodimerization of MDM2 with MDMX, during which Smurf1/2 interacts with MDM2 and MDMX. We finally provide evidence that Smurf1/2 regulates apoptosis through p53. To our knowledge, this is the first report to demonstrate that Smurf1/2 functions as a factor to stabilize MDM2 protein rather than as a direct E3 ligase in regulation of p53 degradation.  相似文献   

RING E3 ligases are proteins that must selectively recruit an E2-conjugating enzyme and facilitate ubiquitin transfer to a substrate. It is not clear how a RING E3 ligase differentiates a naked E2 enzyme from the E2∼ubiquitin-conjugated form or how this is altered upon ubiquitin transfer. RING-box protein 1 (Rbx1/ROC1) is a key protein found in the Skp1/Cullin-1/F-box (SCF) E3 ubiquitin ligase complex that functions with the E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme CDC34. The solution structure of Rbx1/ROC1 revealed a globular RING domain (residues 40–108) stabilized by three structural zinc ions (root mean square deviation 0.30 ± 0.04 Å) along with a disordered N terminus (residues 12–39). Titration data showed that Rbx1/ROC1 preferentially recruits CDC34 in its ubiquitin-conjugated form and favors this interaction by 50-fold compared with unconjugated CDC34. Furthermore, NMR and biochemical assays identified residues in helix α2 of Rbx1/ROC1 that are essential for binding and activating CDC34∼ubiquitin for ubiquitylation. Taken together, this work provides the first direct structural and biochemical evidence showing that polyubiquitylation by the RING E3 ligase Rbx1/ROC1 requires the preferential recruitment of an E2∼ubiquitin complex and subsequent release of the unconjugated E2 protein upon ubiquitin transfer to a substrate or ubiquitin chain.  相似文献   

Mutations in transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2) cause a rare form of the hereditary hemochromatosis, resulting in iron overload predominantly in the liver. TfR2 is primarily expressed in hepatocytes and is hypothesized to sense iron levels in the blood to positively regulate the expression of hepcidin through activation of the BMP signaling pathway. Hepcidin is a peptide hormone that negatively regulates iron egress from cells and thus limits intestinal iron uptake. In this study, a yeast two-hybrid approach using the cytoplasmic domain of TfR2 identified CD81 as an interacting protein. CD81 is an abundant tetraspanin in the liver. Co-precipitations of CD81 with different TfR2 constructs demonstrated that both the cytoplasmic and ecto-transmembrane domains of TfR2 interact with CD81. Knockdown of CD81 using siRNA significantly increased TfR2 levels by increasing the half-life of TfR2, indicating that CD81 promotes degradation of TfR2. Previous studies showed that CD81 is targeted for degradation by GRAIL, an ubiquitin E3 ligase. Knockdown of GRAIL in Hep3B-TfR2 cells increased TfR2 levels, consistent with inhibition of CD81 ubiquitination. These results suggest that down-regulation of CD81 by GRAIL targets TfR2 for degradation. Surprisingly, knockdown of CD81 decreased hepcidin expression, implying that the TfR2/CD81 complex is involved in the maintenance of hepcidin mRNA. Moreover, knockdown of CD81 did not affect the stimulation of hepcidin expression by BMP6 but increased both the expression of ID1 and SMAD7, direct targets of BMP signaling pathway, and the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, indicating that the CD81 regulates hepcidin expression differently from the BMP and ERK1/2 signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Usa1p is a recently discovered member of the HRD ubiquitin ligase complex. The HRD pathway is a conserved route of ubiquitin-dependent, endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated degradation (ERAD) of numerous lumenal (ERAD-L) and membrane-anchored (ERAD-M) substrates. We have investigated Usa1p to understand its importance in HRD complex action. Usa1p was required for the optimal function of the Hrd1p E3 ubiquitin ligase; its loss caused deficient degradation of both membrane-associated and lumenal proteins. Furthermore, Usa1p functioned in regulation of Hrd1p by two mechanisms. First, Hrd1p self-degradation, which serves to limit the levels of uncomplexed E3, is absolutely dependent on Usa1p and the ubiquitin-like (Ubl) domain of Usa1p. We found that Usa1p allows Hrd1p degradation by promoting trans interactions between Hrd1p molecules. The Ubl domain of Usa1p was required specifically for Hrd1p self-ubiquitination but not for degradation of either ERAD-L or ERAD-M substrates. In addition, Usa1p was able to attenuate the activity-dependent toxicity of Hrd1p without compromising substrate degradation, indicating a separate role in ligase regulation that operates in parallel to stability control. Many of the described actions of Usa1p are distinct from those of Der1p, which is recruited to the HRD complex by Usa1p. Thus, this novel, conserved factor is broadly involved in the function and regulation of the HRD pathway of ERAD.  相似文献   

Fbxl7, a component of the Skp1·Cul1·F-box protein type ubiquitin E3 ligase, regulates mitotic cell cycle progression. Here we demonstrate that overexpression of Fbxl7 in lung epithelia decreases the protein abundance of survivin, a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis family. Fbxl7 mediates polyubiquitylation and proteasomal degradation of survivin by interacting with Glu-126 within its carboxyl-terminal α helix. Furthermore, both Lys-90 and Lys-91 within survivin serve as ubiquitin acceptor sites. Ectopically expressed Fbxl7 impairs mitochondrial function, whereas depletion of Fbxl7 protects mitochondria from actions of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, an inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation. Compared with wild-type survivin, cellular expression of a survivin mutant protein deficient in its ability to interact with Fbxl7 (E126A) and a ubiquitylation-resistant double point mutant (KK90RR/KK91RR) rescued mitochondria to a larger extent from damage induced by overexpression of Fbxl7. Therefore, these data suggest that the Skp1·Cul1·F-box protein complex subunit Fbxl7 modulates mitochondrial function by controlling the cellular abundance of survivin. The results raise opportunities for F-box protein targeting to preserve mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

Proteins are typically targeted for proteasomal degradation by the attachment of a polyubiquitin chain to ϵ-amino groups of lysine residues. Non-lysine ubiquitylation of proteasomal substrates has been considered an atypical and rare event limited to complex eukaryotes. Here we report that a fully functional lysine-less mutant of an inner nuclear membrane protein in yeast, Asi2, is polyubiquitylated and targeted for proteasomal degradation. Efficient degradation of lysine-free Asi2 requires E3-ligase Doa10 and E2 enzymes Ubc6 and Ubc7, components of the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation pathway. Together, our data suggest that non-lysine ubiquitylation may be more prevalent than currently considered.  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a genome instability syndrome characterized by bone marrow failure and cellular hypersensitivity to DNA cross-linking agents. In response to DNA damage, the FA pathway is activated through the cooperation of 16 FA proteins. A central player in the pathway is a multisubunit E3 ubiquitin ligase complex or the FA core complex, which monoubiquitinates its substrates FANCD2 and FANCI. FANCE, a subunit of the FA core complex, plays an essential role by promoting the integrity of the complex and by directly recognizing FANCD2. To delineate its role in substrate ubiquitination from the core complex assembly, we analyzed a series of mutations within FANCE. We report that a phenylalanine located at the highly conserved extreme C terminus, referred to as Phe-522, is a critical residue for mediating the monoubiquitination of the FANCD2-FANCI complex. Using the FANCE mutant that specifically disrupts the FANCE-FANCD2 interaction as a tool, we found that the interaction-deficient mutant conferred cellular sensitivity in reconstituted FANCE-deficient cells to a similar degree as FANCE null cells, suggesting the significance of the FANCE-FANCD2 interaction in promoting cisplatin resistance. Intriguingly, ectopic expression of the FANCE C terminus fragment alone in FA normal cells disrupts DNA repair, consolidating the importance of the FANCE-FANCD2 interaction in the DNA cross-link repair.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is a cAMP-activated Cl channel expressed in the apical membrane of fluid-transporting epithelia. The apical membrane density of CFTR channels is determined, in part, by endocytosis and the postendocytic sorting of CFTR for lysosomal degradation or recycling to the plasma membrane. Although previous studies suggested that ubiquitination plays a role in the postendocytic sorting of CFTR, the specific ubiquitin ligases are unknown. c-Cbl is a multifunctional molecule with ubiquitin ligase activity and a protein adaptor function. c-Cbl co-immunoprecipitated with CFTR in primary differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells and in cultured human airway cells. Small interfering RNA-mediated silencing of c-Cbl increased CFTR expression in the plasma membrane by inhibiting CFTR endocytosis and increased CFTR-mediated Cl currents. Silencing c-Cbl did not change the expression of the ubiquitinated fraction of plasma membrane CFTR. Moreover, the c-Cbl mutant with impaired ubiquitin ligase activity (FLAG-70Z-Cbl) did not affect the plasma membrane expression or the endocytosis of CFTR. In contrast, the c-Cbl mutant with the truncated C-terminal region (FLAG-Cbl-480), responsible for protein adaptor function, had a dominant interfering effect on the endocytosis and plasma membrane expression of CFTR. Moreover, CFTR and c-Cbl co-localized and co-immunoprecipitated in early endosomes, and silencing c-Cbl reduced the amount of ubiquitinated CFTR in early endosomes. In summary, our data demonstrate that in human airway epithelial cells, c-Cbl regulates CFTR by two mechanisms: first by acting as an adaptor protein and facilitating CFTR endocytosis by a ubiquitin-independent mechanism, and second by ubiquitinating CFTR in early endosomes and thereby facilitating the lysosomal degradation of CFTR.  相似文献   

FBXO25 is one of the 69 known human F-box proteins that serve as specificity factors for a family of ubiquitin ligases composed of SKP1, Rbx1, Cullin1, and F-box protein (SCF1) that are involved in targeting proteins for degradation across the ubiquitin proteasome system. However, the substrates of most SCF E3 ligases remain unknown. Here, we applied an in chip ubiquitination screen using a human protein microarray to uncover putative substrates for the FBXO25 protein. Among several novel putative targets identified, the c-fos protooncogene regulator ELK-1 was characterized as the first endogenous substrate for SCF1(FBXO25) E3 ligase. FBXO25 interacted with and mediated the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of ELK-1 in HEK293T cells. In addition, FBXO25 overexpression suppressed induction of two ELK-1 target genes, c-fos and egr-1, in response to phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate. Together, our findings show that FBXO25 mediates ELK-1 degradation through the ubiquitin proteasome system and thereby plays a role in regulating the activation of ELK-1 pathway in response to mitogens.  相似文献   

FBXO31 was originally identified as a putative tumor suppressor gene in breast, ovarian, hepatocellular, and prostate cancers. By screening a set of cell cycle-regulated proteins as potential FBXO31 interaction partners, we have now identified Cdt1 as a novel substrate. Cdt1 DNA replication licensing factor is part of the pre-replication complex and essential for the maintenance of genomic integrity. We show that FBXO31 specifically interacts with Cdt1 and regulates its abundance by ubiquitylation leading to subsequent degradation. We also show that Cdt1 regulation by FBXO31 is limited to the G2 phase of the cell cycle and is independent of the pathways previously described for Cdt1 proteolysis in S and G2 phase. FBXO31 targeting of Cdt1 is mediated through the N terminus of Cdt1, a region previously shown to be responsible for its cell cycle regulation. Finally, we show that Cdt1 stabilization due to FBXO31 depletion results in re-replication. Our data present an additional pathway that contributes to the FBXO31 function as a tumor suppressor.  相似文献   

Misfolded proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) are retrotranslocated to the cytosol and degraded by the proteasome via a process termed ER-associated degradation (ERAD). The precise mechanism of retrotranslocation is unclear. Here, we use several lumenal ERAD substrates targeted for degradation by the ubiquitin ligase HRD1 including SHH (sonic hedgehog) and NHK (null Hong Kong α1-antitrypsin) to study the geometry, organization, and regulation of the HRD1-containing ERAD machinery. We report a new HRD1-associated membrane protein named HERP2, which is homologous to the previously identified HRD1 partner HERP1. Despite sequence homology, HERP2 is constitutively expressed in cells, whereas HERP1 is highly induced by ER stress. We find that these proteins are required for efficient degradation of both glycosylated and nonglycosylated SHH proteins as well as NHK. In cells depleted of HERPs, SHH proteins are largely trapped inside the ER with a fraction of the stabilized SHH protein bound to the HRD1-SEL1L ligase complex. Ubiquitination of SHH is significantly attenuated in the absence of HERPs, suggesting a defect in retrotranslocation. Both HERP proteins interact with HRD1 through a region located in the cytosol. However, unlike its homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, HERPs do not regulate HRD1 stability or oligomerization status. Instead, they help recruit DERL2 to the HRD1-SEL1L complex. Additionally, the UBL domain of HERP1 also seems to have a function independent of DERL2 recruitment in ERAD. Our studies have revealed a critical scaffolding function for mammalian HERP proteins that is required for forming an active retrotranslocation complex containing HRD1, SEL1L, and DERL2.  相似文献   

Nedd4-2 is an archetypal HECT ubiquitin E3 ligase that disposes target proteins for degradation. Because of the proven roles of Nedd4-2 in degradation of membrane proteins, such as epithelial Na+ channel, we examined the effect of Nedd4-2 on the apical Ca2+ channel TRPV6, which is involved in transcellular Ca2+ transport in the intestine using the Xenopus laevis oocyte system. We demonstrated that a significant amount of Nedd4-2 protein was distributed to the absorptive epithelial cells in ileum, cecum, and colon along with TRPV6. When co-expressed in oocytes, Nedd4-2 and, to a lesser extent, Nedd4 down-regulated the protein abundance and Ca2+ influx of TRPV6 and TRPV5, respectively. TRPV6 ubiquitination was increased, and its stability was decreased by Nedd4-2. The Nedd4-2 inhibitory effects on TRPV6 were partially blocked by proteasome inhibitor MG132 but not by the lysosome inhibitor chloroquine. The rate of TRPV6 internalization was not significantly altered by Nedd4-2. The HECT domain was essential to the inhibitory effect of Nedd4-2 on TRPV6 and to their association. The WW1 and WW2 domains interacted with TRPV6 terminal regions, and a disruption of the interactions by D204H and D376H mutations in the WW1 and WW2 domains increased TRPV6 ubiquitination and degradation. Thus, WW1 and WW2 may serve as a molecular switch to limit the ubiquitination of TRPV6 by the HECT domain. In conclusion, Nedd4-2 may regulate TRPV6 protein abundance in intestinal epithelia by controlling TRPV6 ubiquitination.  相似文献   

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