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Musical behaviours such as dancing, singing and music production, which require the ability to entrain to a rhythmic beat, encourage high levels of interpersonal coordination. Such coordination has been associated with increased group cohesion and social bonding between group members. Previously, we demonstrated that this association influences even the social behaviour of 14-month-old infants. Infants were significantly more likely to display helpfulness towards an adult experimenter following synchronous bouncing compared with asynchronous bouncing to music. The present experiment was designed to determine whether interpersonal synchrony acts as a cue for 14-month-olds to direct their prosocial behaviours to specific individuals with whom they have experienced synchronous movement, or whether it acts as a social prime, increasing prosocial behaviour in general. Consistent with the previous results, infants were significantly more likely to help an experimenter following synchronous versus asynchronous movement with this person. Furthermore, this manipulation did not affect infant''s behaviour towards a neutral stranger, who was not involved in any movement experience. This indicates that synchronous bouncing acts as a social cue for directing prosociality. These results have implications for how musical engagement and rhythmic synchrony affect social behaviour very early in development.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that people adjust their intake directly to that of their eating companions; they eat more when others eat more, and less when others inhibit intake. A potential explanation for this modeling effect is that both eating companions'' food intake becomes synchronized through processes of behavioral mimicry. No study, however, has tested whether behavioral mimicry can partially account for this modeling effect. To capture behavioral mimicry, real-time observations of dyads of young females having an evening meal were conducted. It was assessed whether mimicry depended on the time of the interaction and on the person who took the bite. A total of 70 young female dyads took part in the study, from which the total number of bites (N = 3,888) was used as unit of analyses. For each dyad, the total number of bites and the exact time at which each person took a bite were coded. Behavioral mimicry was operationalized as a bite taken within a fixed 5-second interval after the other person had taken a bite, whereas non-mimicked bites were defined as bites taken outside the 5-second interval. It was found that both women mimicked each other''s eating behavior. They were more likely to take a bite of their meal in congruence with their eating companion rather than eating at their own pace. This behavioral mimicry was found to be more prominent at the beginning than at the end of the interaction. This study suggests that behavioral mimicry may partially account for social modeling of food intake.  相似文献   

The successful management of a captive gorilla population often necessitates the hand‐rearing of infants and their subsequent re‐integration into social groups of conspecifics. In the present study we quantified the changes in nearest‐neighbor associations in a group consisting of a silverback male, three adult females, and two sub‐adult females after the introduction of five hand‐reared infants. Additionally, we examined the associations among kin and non‐kin group members to determine whether genetic relatedness was a factor influencing the integration of the infants into the group and the subsequent patterns of association among infants and adults. Results showed that after the introduction, the silverback male spent >60% of his time in close proximity to an infant and 10% of his time within a “cluster” of infants. There was a significant change in a female's nearest‐neighbor associations; however, the change did not include an infant. The most significant finding among infants was a strong bias by each to associate with another infant. When the infants associated with an adult, three of the five associated most with the silverback male (P < 0.001), whereas the other two infants distributed their time among all the adults. The most significant change in behavior patterns was exhibited by one of the sub‐adult females who displayed parental behaviors 18% of the time compared to <1% for all other females. Adults and one sub‐adult female associated significantly more often with related infants compared to unrelated infants (P < 0.025), and the infants showed a bias to associate with another related infant (P < 0.0001). Results of an infant's association with an adult showed that three of the five infants preferred to associate with a related adult (P < 0.0001). An individual's age, sex, and behavioral profile may have also influenced association patterns among group members. These findings lend strong support to the importance of peer groups and the presence of a silverback male for facilitating the integration of hand‐reared infants into established adult groups. Zoo Biol 18:261–278, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The behavior of 12 orangutans (three adult males, two adult females, two subadult males, three adolescent males, and two infant males) was observed on a 450-m2 island at the Singapore Zoological Gardens (SZG). Male orangutans (6–18 years old) showed less social and solitary play as they aged; adults (over 16 years old) were not seen to play. As they grew older males increasingly spent less time making physical contact, but the amount of time they spent in proximity (within arm's length) to others increased. Adult females regularly played with other group members. Contact, allogrooming, and social play showed nonrandom relationships between individuals. Adult females showed the most allogrooming and contact, adolescent and subadult males the most play. There was no obvious dominance hierarchy. One adult male spent about 10% of his time walking around the perimeter of the island. One-year-old infants rarely interacted with other individuals apart from their own and the other infant's mother. While orangutans lead relatively solitary lives in nature, it was concluded that the opportunities for social contact and play provided by the SZG orangutan island were beneficial to this species in captivity. Opportunities for social interaction provided the animals with a means of increasing the stimulus component of their environment, thus compensating for the inevitable restriction of complexity and unpredictability as compared with the wild state.  相似文献   

Newborn rhesus macaques imitate facial gestures even after a delay, revealing the flexible nature of their early communicative exchanges. In the present study we examined whether newborn macaques are also sensitive to the identities of the social partners with whom they are interacting. We measured infant monkeys'' (n = 90) lipsmacking and tongue protrusion gestures in a face-to-face interaction task with a human experimenter in the first week of life. After a one-minute delay, the same person who previously presented gestures or a different person returned and presented a still face to infants. We had two primary predictions: (1) infants would demonstrate higher rates of overall gesturing, and especially lipsmacking—an affiliative gesture—to a familiar person, compared to a novel person, and (2) infants'' imitative skills would positively correlate with gestures to familiar, but not unfamiliar, social partners, as both abilities may reflect a strong general social interest. We found that overall infants did not produce more gestures or more lipsmacking when approached by a familiar person compared to a novel person; however, we did find individual differences in infants'' social responsiveness: lipsmacking imitation was positively correlated with lipsmacking during the return period when the person was the same (p = .025), but not when the person was novel (p = .44). These findings are consistent with the notion that imitative skill is reflective of infants'' more general interest in social interactions.  相似文献   

We describe the ontogeny of social play over the first 30 weeks of age in a troop of feral vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus) in Barbados. Play time increased rapidly for the first 10 weeks but remained relatively constant thereafter. The form of play changed with infant age; bouts became more frequent but of shorter duration. Play time, bout frequency, and bout duration at a given age differed between infants; younger infants altered their play patterns to complement those of older infants. All infants played more within their own year class than with older juveniles; play time increased with decreasing age difference between the infant and the play partner. Infants terminated a higher proportion of their play bouts the greater the age difference between themselves and their play partners. Preferred play partners are therefore individuals of similar age that will be similar in size and have matched motivation to play and form of play. Neither play time nor proportion of bouts initiated or terminated was correlated with the social rank of the play partner, which suggests that play is not directed toward individuals that may be high-value alliance partners. Maternal intervention in play occurred primarily when infants were<10 weeks old. It was not correlated with the age or social rank of the mother or with the age or social rank of her infant's play partner. Infants played more and terminated a lower proportion of their play bouts in the absence of their mothers than in their presence. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that the primary function of early play is to enhance physical fitness and to develop coordination and other fighting skills, with minimal risk of injury.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe patterns of infant care and development in family groups of the monogamous titi (Callicebus moloch). Three infant titis were observed with their natal family groups over the first six months of life. Field observations of extensive male involvement with infants were confirmed. Adult males were clearly the infants' primary social companions, and infants spent more time in contact with adult males at all ages than with mothers or older siblings. However, mothers and siblings also carried infants at times and interacted with them in affiliative ways (e.g., grooming, nuzzling, play). Mothers often invited nursing, but otherwise it was infants who primarily initiated transfers between carriers and approaches to parents, reminding us that the infants' own activities and their effects on caregivers should not be overlooked in considerations of the patterns of infant care. This is particularly important for those species exhibiting extensive parental involvement by males. It is suggested that substantial male care of young titi infants leads to several important consequences for the infant's social development, including the development of a stronger attachment to the father than the mother.  相似文献   

The infant-directed behavior of Barbary macaque males was analyzed in order to determine whether it is essential for an infant's survival during the first year and whether males interact selectively with closely related infants. Dyadic male-infant contacts were recorded in a large group of semifree-ranging Barbary macaques. Data collected during the first 12 weeks of life on each infant born in 1983 (n = 36) were analyzed. All adult and almost all subadult males established strong relationships with at least one infant. Almost two-thirds of the infants (22) had frequent contacts with one or several males. Males showed no preference for closely related infants. Sexual associations with an infant's mother during the preceding mating season had no significant effect. Natal males did not prefer infants of their own matrilineage. There was no evidence that contacts with males had a positive influence on infant survival or that other benefits to the infants resulted from these contacts. Instead, excessive carrying by males and females led to starvation of some very young infants and was a major cause of neonatal deaths in this population. Males interacted preferentially with infants that were born early in the birth season, had a high-ranking multiparous mother, and were male. Younger males established strong relationships with male infants only, while mother's rank was more important for older males. It is suggested that certain mothers prevented early contacts between their infants and males so that the observed preferences for certain infants were also a result of easier access to them. All results suggested that males interacted with infants for their own benefit.  相似文献   

Visual monitoring and scratching were used as behavioral indicators of maternal and social anxiety in small captive groups of rhesus macaques. Young infants were especially at risk from other group members during the first weeks of locomotion away from their mothers. Mothers received aggression from other individuals irrespective of their infants' presence or absence. The rate at which mothers scratched themselves increased significantly when their infants moved away from them and when the infants approached or were approached by individuals who frequently harassed them. The rate of maternal scratching and the rate of glancing at the infant and at other individuals when the infant was away decreased as infants grew older and became less vulnerable to harassment. In contrast, the rate of maternal scratching and visual monitoring of other individuals when the infant was in contact remained stable across the first 12 wk of lactation. The rate of maternal scratching increased when the mother-infant pair was in spatial proximity to the adult male or higher ranking adult females. Although visual monitoring and scratching showed a similar sensitivity to social variables, it is speculated that they might reflect different components of anxiety, namely, anticipation of danger and uncertainty due to motivational conflict. The results of this investigation indicate that a macaque mother's emotional reactivity to a perceived danger for herself and her infant can be measured quite accurately using the rates of visual monitoring and scratching and that the latter represent reliable tools to investigate the emotional correlates of maternal behavior in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

The factors that contribute to individual differences in the reward value of cute infant facial characteristics are poorly understood. Here we show that the effect of cuteness on a behavioural measure of the reward value of infant faces is greater among women reporting strong maternal tendencies. By contrast, maternal tendencies did not predict women''s subjective ratings of the cuteness of these infant faces. These results show, for the first time, that the reward value of infant facial cuteness is greater among women who report being more interested in interacting with infants, implicating maternal tendencies in individual differences in the reward value of infant cuteness. Moreover, our results indicate that the relationship between maternal tendencies and the reward value of infant facial cuteness is not due to individual differences in women''s ability to detect infant cuteness. This latter result suggests that individual differences in the reward value of infant cuteness are not simply a by-product of low-cost, functionless biases in the visual system.  相似文献   

The high proportion of human infant fat is hypothesized to protect infant brains by mobilizing against growth disturbances caused by acute nutritional and pathogen stress during weaning. However, individuals who experience chronic nutritional stress have been shown to store fat rather than mobilize fat stores, although this has not been demonstrated during infancy. This study investigated the relationship between fat development, diet, and nutritional status among 239 breastfeeding Ariaal infants, a group of settled pastoralists who experience both acute and chronic nutritional stress residing in Marsabit District, Kenya. This study had three goals: 1) To investigate the pattern of fat accumulation among Ariaal infants compared with a reference population; 2) to explore the relationship between chronic nutritional stress and fat deposits; and 3) to determine the relationship between traditional weaning foods, particularly cow's milk, and infant's fat. Infants, particularly infants experiencing chronic nutritional stress, were found to accumulate fat deposits in a manner that suggests reduced oxidation of fat stores. Infant upper arm fat area significantly increases with age over the weaning period compared with reference populations, who show a decline in body fat. Chronically undernourished infants were particularly likely to have increased levels of upper arm fat compared with normal infants or acutely undernourished infants. In addition, infants who consume cow's milk are significantly fatter than those that do not. These results suggest that Ariaal infants have both physiological and cultural mechanisms for fat storage in the face of their nutritionally stressed environment. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:286–296, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between witnessing of intimate partner violence (IPV) and externalizing and internalizing behaviors using birth to age 3 data from a longitudinal study (N = 187). We hypothesized that for infants and toddlers, direct witnessing of IPV, compared to living in a household where IPV occurred, would be more disruptive of behavior because it affects the child's emotional security within the family. Findings supported our hypothesis. Children who witnessed IPV displayed more externalizing behaviors at ages 2 and 3 as compared to children who did not witness IPV or whose mothers were not victims. Findings highlight the importance of assessing whether infants and toddlers witness IPV, as this has implications for infant behavior as well as maternal parenting.  相似文献   

Emotional contagion enables individuals to experience emotions of others. This important empathic phenomenon is closely linked to facial mimicry, where facial displays evoke the same facial expressions in social partners. In humans, facial mimicry can be voluntary or involuntary, whereby its latter mode can be processed as rapid as within or at 1s. Thus far, studies have not provided evidence of rapid involuntary facial mimicry in animals.This study assessed whether rapid involuntary facial mimicry is present in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus; N=25) for their open-mouth faces (OMFs) during everyday dyadic play. Results clearly indicated that orangutans rapidly mimicked OMFs of their playmates within or at 1s. Our study revealed the first evidence on rapid involuntary facial mimicry in non-human mammals. This finding suggests that fundamental building blocks of positive emotional contagion and empathy that link to rapid involuntary facial mimicry in humans have homologues in non-human primates.  相似文献   

Culture evolution requires both modification and faithful replication of behaviour, thus it is essential to understand how individuals choose between social and asocial learning. In a quasi-experimental design, 3- and 5-year-olds (176), and adults (52) were presented individually with two novel artificial fruits, and told of the apparatus'' relative difficulty (easy versus hard). Participants were asked if they wanted to attempt the task themselves or watch an experimenter attempt it first; and then had their preference either met or violated. A significant proportion of children and adults (74%) chose to learn socially. For children, this request was efficient, as observing a demonstration made them significantly quicker at the task than learning asocially. However, for 5-year-olds, children who selected asocial learning were also found to be highly efficient at the task, showing that by 5 years children are selective in choosing a learning strategy that is effective for them. Adults further evidenced this trend, and also showed selectivity based on task difficulty. This is the first study to examine the rates, performance outcomes and developmental trajectory of preferences in asocial and social learning, ultimately informing our understanding of innovation.  相似文献   

Fourteen infant cotton-top tamarins from five captive family groups were studied during the first 20 weeks of life. We examined the roles of parents and of siblings of different ages as caregivers and as social companions for the infants, as well as the effects of group composition and group size on these roles. Parents and adult siblings played similar active roles in infant caregiving during the first few weeks after birth, with males showing a greater involvement than females. In groups without other offspring the two parents showed equal infant caregiving behaviour, whreas fathers carried more than mothers did in groups with offspring present. Although infants received more caregiving from males, they showed a preference for contact and proximity with their mothers. No sex differences were found in infant behaviour or in the direction of behaviour by caregivers toward infants. Twins showed greater amounts of both social and solitary play in weeks 15–20 than did singletons, and there was no effect of the number of older siblings on the amount of play shown by an infant.  相似文献   

In a troop of free-ranging baboons, infants played predominantly with each other, and played most with the infant of the highest-ranking female in their mothers' subgroup. The frequency of infant play appeared to be affected both by age and by the number and ages of other infants in the troop. Juveniles and subadults played more with their siblings than with other animals of their siblings' age. Juvenile and subadult females played primarily with infants, and played most with infants whose mothers ranked higher than their own. Juvenile and subadult males played most with like-sexed peers. The distribution of play partners among immatures illustrates how demographic and maturational factors, as well as those related to kinship, may reinforce or counteract one another during development.  相似文献   

Many studies have linked measures of adult body shape and mass in ancient and contemporary populations to ecogeographical variables such as temperature and latitude. These results tend to support Bergmann's rule, which posits that bodies will be relatively less slender for their height in colder climates and more slender in warmer climates. Less well explored is the ontogeny of these population‐level differences. Here we use data on infants and children from 46 low and lower income countries to test whether children's weight for height is associated with measures of temperature and latitude. We also test the hypothesis that children living in areas with greater pathogen prevalence will be lighter for their height because of life history trade‐offs between investment in immune function and growth. Finally, we test whether population specific adult body mass predicts infant and child body mass, and whether this is independent of ecogeographical variables. Our results show that maximum monthly temperature explains 17% of children's weight for height while adult population‐level body mass explains ~44% (Table 5 ). The measures of pathogen prevalence explain little of the variation in children's body shape (8%; P > 0.05). Our results suggest that population differences are consistent with Bergmann's rule but parental body shape explains more variance. Moreover, these population‐level differences arise early in development, suggesting that any possible environmental influences occur in utero and/or result from epigenetic or population genetic differences. Am J Phys Anthropol 154:232–238, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Exposure to environmental factors during fetal life and infancy is thought to play an important role in the early development of innate and adaptive immunity. The immunological relationship between mother and infant and the effect that environmental exposures have during pregnancy and early childhood have not been studied extensively. Here the production of cytokines was measured in 146 pairs of mothers and their 2- month-old infants. The effect of place of residence, socio-economic variables, parasitic infections as well as maternal and child characteristics on measured cytokine production was determined. Mothers producing high levels of IL-10, IFN-γ and IL-5 were more likely to have infants who also produced high levels of these cytokines either spontaneously (OR 2.6(95%CI 1.2–5.4), OR 2.9(CI 1.3–6.6), OR 11.2(CI 4.6–27.2), respectively) or in response to PHA (IL-10: OR 3.0(CI 1.4–6.6), IFN-γ: OR 2.0(CI 1.0–4.2), respectively) even after adjustment for potential confounding variables. This was not the case for TNF-α. In response to LPS, place of residence was a strong determinant of infant IL-10 (OR 0.2(CI 0.1–0.9)) and TNF-α (OR 0.3(CI 0.1–0.9)) production. Maternal protozoan infections was independently associated with reduced infant IL10 in response to PHA and to LPS as well as reduced TNF-α and IFN-γ in response to PHA. These results indicate strong relationship between maternal and infant''s cellular immune responses even after taking into account many environmental influences that could affect infant''s response directly or indirectly through uterine microenvironment. However, place of residence and intestinal infections may still directly affect the immune responses of the infant. Taken together, the study provides evidence for imprinted cytokine responses of an infant which may have implications for their reaction to incoming antigens, warranting further investigation into the role that genetics or epigenetics play in shaping the cytokine response by an infant to self or external antigens.  相似文献   

In a colony of captive marmoset monkeys (Callithrix jacchus), the survival rate of infants up to the age of 90 days after birth was analyzed with special reference to the number of members in the group. The number of group members (newborns excluded) varied between two (parents only) and 18 (parents plus non-reproductive helpers); the number of adult group members varied between two and 15. Five hundred ninety-two live-born, parent-reared infants of 263 litters from 56 breeding females were included in the analysis. The greatest reproductive success was observed in groups of ten to 11 members or four to five adults, including the parents. However, the survival rate was fairly constant over group size at approximately 80% of an expected maximum value and no significant correlation was observed between the total number of group members and infant survival rate, or between the number of adult members and infant survival. While helpers may be necessary to increase the survival rate of infants in wild groups, help of non-reproductive animals is not required in captivity, where energetic demands are comparatively low and ecological constraints absent. Under laboratory conditions the parents' skill in infant handling and the mother's physical condition, i.e., the ability to provide enough milk for the infants, is likely to be the most important factor for infant survival. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An adult female ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta) known not to have been pregnant showed spontaneous lactation in response to twin infants born to an unrelated female. The females had met only 7 months earlier, when they and two other unrelated adult females were released from separate locations in a forest enclosure to form a new social group. Three months after release, an adult male from an adjacent enclosure gained access to the new group for 1 day, the day of one female's estrus. No males had access to the females throughout the remainder of the breeding season. Within 2 weeks of the birth of the twins, one of the other adult females began carrying the infants frequently, typically one at a time. All three females were checked for lactation when the infants were two months old. Both their mother and the unrelated adult who had been carrying the infants were producing milk. The third adult female, who never carried either infant, had no milk. The third adult female, who never carried either infant, had no milk. This female, however, like the two maternal females, frequently attacked unfamiliar immigrating adult males when the males approached the infants. Potential implications of these observations concerning the social organization of ringtailed lemurs are discussed.  相似文献   

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