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In the southeast of Buenos Aires Province (Argentina), slugs cause reductions in crop yield by killing seeds and seedlings, by destroying stems and growing points, and by reducing leaf area. Deroceras reticulatum (Müller, 1774) was introduced into Argentina a long time ago, but the biology and ecology of this species in this country are still unknown. The aim of this study was to determine how temperature affects growth rate, reproduction and survival of D. reticulatum and also to assess the seasonal phenology of this species. The life cycle of D. reticulatum was investigated at 12°C, 20°C and at a temperature which alternated between 12°C for 16 h and 20°C for 8 h. The light/dark regime during the experiment was LD: 8/16 h. Slug populations were sampled from grassland located at the Experimental Station of INTA Balcarce. Eggs hatched after 16.3 to 39.8 days and fertility varied between 83.9% and 91.1%. The mean time from hatching to oviposition was longer and fecundity lower at 20°C than 12°C and 12/20°C (p <0.05). The net reproductive rate was 1.49 to 70.53 and the mean generation time varied between the 27 and 30 weeks. In natural conditions, eggs of D. reticulatum were found from early winter until the end of the spring, when soil temperature was 8–15°C and humidity was above 15%. These results indicate that D. reticulatum has one generation per year, univoltine phenology, with peak densities of slugs from the beginning of winter to the end of spring, which coincides with the sowing and emergence of winter and summer crops.  相似文献   

The new, monotypic camaenid genus Setocallosa is described for the new species S. pathutchingsae from Arnhem Land, Top End of the Northern Territory. This camaenid is characterized by a combination of distinct morphological features, such as a small, weakly elevated shell with widely open umbilicus and thick callus on the parietal wall, a wide epiphallic flagellum, elongated penis and short bursa copulatrix with subglobose end. The relationships of Setocallosa with the other camaenid genera in the area are investigated by means of mtDNA, but its phylogenetic position remains ambiguous. S. pathutchingsae occurs in sympatry with Arnhemtrachia ramingining, but based on morphology the two camaenids can be readily differentiated.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1C50CF24-7FEE-446A-9724-A0A4E850B5AA  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a snail cytochrome c has been determined. The molecule consists of a single polypeptide chain of 104 residues, and is homologous with other mitochondrial cytochromes c. Unlike the cytochromes c from vertebrates, there is no acetyl blocking group at the N-terminus. A change in an otherwise invariant position has been observed in position 87. Comparison with amino acid sequences of cytochromes c from other sources indicates that the point of divergence of the molluscs and the vertebrates in evolutionary time was 720 million years ago. Experimental details are given in a supplementary paper that has been deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP 50009 at the National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Boston Spa, Yorks. LS23 7BQ, U.K., from whom copies can be obtained on the terms indicated in Biochem. J. (1972), 126, 5.  相似文献   

Our objective is to evaluate the habitat preference of freshwater snails in relation to environmental factors and the presence of the competitor snail Melanoides tuberculatus. In the first phase, snails was collected at 12 sites. This sampling sites presented a degree of organic input. In the second phase 33 sampling sites were chosen, covering a variety of lotic and lentic environments. The snail species found at Guapimirim, state of Rio de Janeiro, displayed a marked habitat preference, specially in relation to the physical characteristics of each environment. Other limiting factors for snail distribution at the studied lotic environments were the water current velocity and the amount of organic matter, mainly to Physa marmorata, M. tuberculatus, and Biomphalaria tenagophila. The absence of interactions between M. tuberculatus and another snails could be associated to the distinct spatial distribution of those species and the instability of habitats. This later factor may favor the coexistence of M. tuberculatus with B. glabrata by reduction of population density. In areas of schistosomiasis transmission some habitat modification may add to the instability of the environment, which would make room for the coexistence of M. tuberculatus and Biomphalaria spp. In this way, some of the usual measures for the control of snail hosts would prevent the extinction of populations of Biomphalaria spp. by M. tuberculatus in particular habitats.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of Artogeia melete was determined as being composed of 15,140 bp, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and one control region. The gene order of A. melete mitogenome is typical of Lepidoptera and differs from the insect ancestral type in the location of trnM. The A. melete mitogenome has a total of 119 bp of intergenic spacer sequences spread over 10 regions, ranging in sizes between 1 and 48 bp. The nucleotide composition of the A. melete mitogenome is also biased toward A + T nucleotides (79.77%), which is higher than that of Ochrogaster lunifer (77.84%), but lower than nine other lepidopterans sequenced. The PCGs have typical mitochondrial start codons, except for coxl, which contains the unusual CGA. The coxl, cox2, nad2, and nad5 genes of the A. melete mitogenome have incomplete stop codons (T). The A. melete A + T-rich region contains some conserved structures that are similar to those found in other lepidopteran mitogenomes, including a structure combining the motif ‘ATAGA', a 19-bp poly(T) stretch, a microsatellite (AT)n element, and a 9-bp poly(A) upstream trnM. The A. melete mitogenome contains a duplicated 36-bp repeat element, which consists of a 26- bp core sequence flanked by 10-bp perfectly inverted repeats.  相似文献   

Lineus viridis is a common nemertean species of North-Atlantic intertidal sand flats. Its mating behaviour is peculiar insofar as this species is reported to be polyandric. However, detailed information on this topic is lacking. In order to get more data on the reproduction, oogenesis and life history of this species, a population in the Wadden Sea on the Isle of Sylt (North Sea) was studied between 2005 and 2011. We conducted regular surveys, during which we sampled, measured and recorded the sex status of 25–100 individuals at each sampling event; at least three individuals were fixed for histological studies at each sampling date. In addition, animals were kept in the laboratory for 3?years to complement field data on sexual identity. Lineus viridis was found to reproduce annually in several successive year; the females are significantly larger than the males. Oogenesis starts in spring, shortly after the preceding reproductive period, and continues until the end of December. Spermiogenesis starts in late autumn and also ends late in December. During mating, several males are generally found crawling on a single female, which forms a cocoon that encloses both the female and the associated males. Fertilization is internal. While females discharge all of their eggs during a single mating event and lose more than 40% of their wet weight, males only empty a few of their gonads, and are thus able to fertilize more than one female. Our study clearly shows that Lineus viridis is a perennial, iteroparous species with a pronounced sexual size dimorphism. During this long-term study, no evidence for sequential hermaphroditism has been found. The observed polyandric mating system in this species raises further questions regarding mate and sperm competition that deserve additional research.  相似文献   

Vateritic deformities occurring in the invasive heterodont bivalve Corbicula fluminea from several locations in the UK were characterised in detail for the first time using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and different geochemical techniques (electron microprobe, ICP-AES, and mass spectrometry). Large volumes of vaterite are produced abnormally in the animals' shells in the form of yellow-green bulges. These are distinguished from the aragonitic parts of the shell by their characteristic micro-structures, content of organic material, trace elemental composition and carbon stable isotope signatures. The most commonly observed micro-structures include columnar vaterite, lamellar vaterite and different irregular structures occurring in all parts of the shell. There are indications that organic material is present largely as intracrystalline impurities or nano-scale phases and not as envelopes around microstructural units. These micro-structures are novel, nothing equivalent having yet been described for other vateritic systems. Euhedral vaterite crystals also occur occasionally. The vaterite has generally higher Mg/Ca and lower Na/Ca, K/Ca than the aragonite. In addition, δ13C is also always lower. Microstructural characteristics would suggest loss of biological control probably due to physiological stress(es) inducing the switch to vaterite production. The vaterite might be stabilised by its higher content of organic material and magnesium.  相似文献   

The land planarian species Microplana terrestris (Müller, 1774), shows a wide distribution in the north of the Iberian Peninsula, where mature humid forests can be found. Since most terrestrial planarians require the presence and good condition of wet forests to survive, a parallel evolution of the taxon and its habitat might be expected. Performing molecular analyses (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and nuclear ITS-1 genes) we estimated the demography and biogeographic history of the species in that region. Our results show the species to present levels of genetic diversity likely originating before the Pleistocene. However, it presents a genetic structure that presumably resulted from its survival in various refugees during the Pleistocene glacial cycles. The two main genetic groups, present on the Iberian Peninsula, seem to have different origins: the western one being of Iberian origin, while the eastern group may have been the result of a re-colonization from the north. In both cases, their biogeographical history mirrors their habitat range movements, reinforcing the phylogeographical hypothesis put forward for its preferred habitat, i.e. humid forests.  相似文献   

Genetic variants of the oligochaete Tubifex tubifex were identified with enzyme electrophoresis and subsequently reared in laboratory cultures. Three types are abundant in field populations. Individuals that show homozygotic bands of glucosephosphate-isomerase (GPI) 22 together with isocitrate-dehydrogenase (IDH) 35 were labeled Type A. Type B is characterized by GPI 23 together with IDH 11 and Type C is characterized by GPI 11 with either IDH 34 or IDH 33. Initial results on freshweights of adults and cocoon production revealed differences between the two main types, A and B. In the same period, Type B reached higher weights and produced five times as many cocoons as Type A, whereas number of eggs per cocoon were not different between these Types. Type B also had the lowest mortality in 16-week experiments with changing temperatures.  相似文献   

Active organisms modify the substratum in which they dwell. This process, called “bioturbation”, affects the way that biogeochemical fluxes are mediated at the substratum–water interface. In the frame of this work, the bioturbation potential of the Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea was characterized and quantified. We measured the displacement of fluorescent particles by C. fluminea burying in a size-based experimental design in order to explore the effects of body-size on sediment reworking. Our results stress that C. fluminea belongs to the functional group of biodiffusors, and that C. fluminea can be considered as an intermediate sediment reworker. We suggest that bioturbation was mainly induced by the pedal-feeding activity of the clams. Results also showed that, though large clams induced displacement of particles deeper into the sediment, small clams showed the highest net sediment reworking activity. This result was in contrast to the initial hypothesis of biovolume as the main driver for particle displacement by bioturbating organisms. Life-history traits and specific features of pedal-feeding could explain the observed pattern.  相似文献   

The presence and distribution in Argentina of the invasive snail species Theba pisana is presented on the basis of a survey carried out in 10 beach resorts along the Atlantic coast of Buenos Aires Province. Additionally, complementary information and complete revision of material of other exotic terrestrial gastropods housed in museum collections was carried out, reporting herein seven new species for Argentina (Otala punctata, Hawaiia minuscula, Paralaoma servilis, Opeas goodalli, Vallonia pulchella, Vertigo ovata and Pupisoma dioscoricola), one for Colombia (Subulina octona), and two for Peru (S. octona and P. dioscoricola). At present, 42 introduced species of terrestrial gastropods have been recorded in nine countries of South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela). The most likely pathways for introduction of terrestrial gastropods, at least in Argentina, are horticultural development and urban and suburban transformation of original natural habitats.  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the giant tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon (Arthropoda, Crustacea, Malacostraca), is presented. The gene content and gene order are identical to those observed in Drosophila yakuba. The overall AT composition is lower than that observed in the known insect mitochondrial genomes, but higher than that observed in the other two crustaceans for which complete mitochondrial sequence is available. Analysis of the effect of nucleotide bias on codon composition across the Arthropoda reveals a trend with the crustaceans represented showing the lowest proportion of AT-rich codons in mitochondrial protein genes. Phylogenetic analysis among arthropods using concatenated protein-coding sequences provides further support for the possibility that Crustacea are paraphyletic. Furthermore, in contrast to data from the nuclear gene EF1alpha, the first complete sequence of a malacostracan mitochondrial genome supports the possibility that Malacostraca are more closely related to Insecta than to Branchiopoda.  相似文献   

A sediment toxicity test using reproduction in the tubificid oligochaete Tubifex tubifex was tested in 11 geographic locations in the Laurentian Great Lakes where sediments have previously been documented as being contaminated. Samples were taken from both potentially contaminated and clean sites in each of the 11 areas. Using test endpoints such as survival and growth, results from 72 samples were classified using cluster and ordination techniques. Six response groups were identified and four groups of toxic sites determined. Toxic effects ranged from mortality of adult worms to reduced reproduction. Using correlation and discriminant analysis there was good evidence that high concentrations of metals such as copper and lead were responsible for the observed effects at some sites.  相似文献   

Species richness on island or islandlike systems is a function of colonization, within-island speciation, and extinction. Here we evaluate the relative importance of the first two of these processes as a function of the biogeographical and ecological attributes of islands using the Galápagos endemic land snails of the genus Bulimulus, the most species-rich radiation of these islands. Species in this clade have colonized almost all major islands and are found in five of the six described vegetation zones. We use molecular phylogenetics (based on COI and ITS 1 sequence data) to infer the diversification patterns of extant species of Bulimulus, and multiple regression to investigate the causes of variation among islands in species richness. Maximum-likelihood, Bayesian, and maximum-parsimony analyses yield well-resolved trees with similar topologies. The phylogeny obtained supports the progression rule hypothesis, with species found on older emerged islands connecting at deeper nodes. For all but two island species assemblages we find support for only one or two colonization events, indicating that within-island speciation has an important role in the formation of species on these islands. Even though speciation through colonization is not common, island insularity (distance to nearest major island) is a significant predictor of species richness resulting from interisland colonization alone. However, island insularity has no effect on the overall bulimulid species richness per island. Habitat diversity (measured as plant species diversity), island elevation, and island area, all of which are indirect measures of niche space, are strong predictors of overall bulimulid land snail species richness. Island age is also an important independent predictor of overall species richness, with older islands harboring more species than younger islands. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the diversification of Galápagos bulimulid land snails has been driven by a combination of geographic factors (island age, size, and location), which affect colonization patterns, and ecological factors, such as plant species diversity, that foster within-island speciation.  相似文献   

Muscular tissue collagen fibrils’ diameter and period of reared and wild snails (Cornu aspersum) were measured in order to investigate the role of nutrition on the collagen. Wild adult individuals were collected from Crete (Greece) and compared with adult individual snails reared under laboratory conditions fed a formulated diet. Transmission electron microscope and image analysis algorithms were used in the study. Statistically significant differences between the diameters of the collagen fibrils in the reared and the wild snails were found, and the D-period of the fibrils differed.  相似文献   

We examined allozyme variation in two camaenid tree snails, Amphidromus atricallosus and A. inversus, across two principal regions of Thailand and from Singapore, plus for A. inversus, one site in peninsular Malaysia. Using horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, 13 allozyme loci (11 polymorphic) were screened for A. atricallosus and 18 (5 polymorphic) for A. inversus. Heterozygosity was higher in A. atricallosus (Hexp=0.018-0.201, mean=0.085) than in A. inversus (Hexp=0-0.023, mean= 0.002). Genetic heterogeneity among samples was higher in A. inversus (Fst=0.965) than in A. atricallosus (Fst=0.781). Within A. atricallosus, populations were more differentiated in southern Thailand (Fst=0.551) than in eastern Thailand (Fst=0.144). The high Fst and low Hexp in populations of A. inversus suggest that this species is likely to have experienced a series of strong bottlenecks, perhaps occurring chiefly on offshore continental-shelf islands. The low Fst values of A. atricallosus in eastern Thailand suggest frequent gene flows among populations in this region. The southern and eastern samples of A. atricallosus exhibited fixed allele differences at four loci and great genetic distance (Nei's D=0.485-0.946), suggesting that these two samples may actually represent, or else be evolving into, separate species.  相似文献   

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