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胰岛素分泌及调节的分子机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胰岛素是机体最重要的激素之一,它调节机体的血糖稳定、促进同化代谢、调节细胞的分裂分化和生长发育.胰岛β细胞的胰岛素分泌受到营养物质、神经递质和激素的精确调控.它们的作用部位可分为改变胞内第二信使物质水平的近端调节步骤(钙依赖性),和直接作用于胞吐分子构件的末端调节步骤(钙非依赖性).胰岛素的胞吐过程与神经递质的释放机制类似.葡萄糖等营养物质主要通过升高胞内的ATP/ADP比率,导致ATP敏感钾通道关闭、细胞膜去极化、钙内流这一途径增加胰岛素的分泌.神经递质和部分激素通过其G蛋白偶联受体-G蛋白系统的跨膜信号转换后,影响胞内IP3、DAG、Ca2+等第二信使物质水平,主要通过PKA、PKC等蛋白激酶途径,调节胰岛素的分泌.胞内单体G蛋白参与了对囊泡运输和胞吐过程的调控,G蛋白也可能直接作用于胞吐过程,在分泌过程中发挥了重要的调节作用.  相似文献   

The calcium-activated chloride channel anoctamin1 (ANO1; TMEM16A) is fundamental for the function of epithelial organs. Mice lacking ANO1 expression exhibit transport defects and a pathology similar to cystic fibrosis. They also show a general defect of epithelial electrolyte transport. Here we analyzed expression of all ten members (ANO1–ANO10) in a broad range of murine tissues and detected predominant expression of ANO1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in epithelial tissues, while ANO2, 3, 4, 5 are common in neuronal and muscle tissues. When expressed in Fisher Rat Thyroid (FTR) cells, all ANO proteins localized to the plasma membrane but only ANO1, 2, 6, and 7 produced Ca2+-activated Cl conductance, as analyzed by ATP-induced iodide quenching of YFP fluorescence. In contrast ANO9 and ANO10 suppressed baseline Cl conductance and coexpression of ANO9 with ANO1 inhibited ANO1 activity. Patch clamping of ANO-expressing FRT cells indicated that apart from ANO1 also ANO6 and 10 produced chloride currents, albeit with very different Ca2+ sensitivity and activation time. We conclude that each tissue expresses a set of anoctamins that form cell- and tissue-specific Ca2+-dependent Cl channels.  相似文献   

The TRIC channel subtypes, namely TRIC-A and TRIC-B, are intracellular monovalent cation-specific channels and likely mediate counterion movements to support efficient Ca2+ release from the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) contain both TRIC subtypes and two Ca2+ release mechanisms; incidental opening of ryanodine receptors (RyRs) generates local Ca2+ sparks to induce hyperpolarization and relaxation, whereas agonist-induced activation of inositol trisphosphate receptors produces global Ca2+ transients causing contraction. Tric-a knock-out mice develop hypertension due to insufficient RyR-mediated Ca2+ sparks in VSMCs. Here we describe transgenic mice overexpressing TRIC-A channels under the control of a smooth muscle cell-specific promoter. The transgenic mice developed congenital hypotension. In Tric-a-overexpressing VSMCs from the transgenic mice, the resting membrane potential decreased because RyR-mediated Ca2+ sparks were facilitated and cell surface Ca2+-dependent K+ channels were hyperactivated. Under such hyperpolarized conditions, L-type Ca2+ channels were inactivated, and thus, the resting intracellular Ca2+ levels were reduced in Tric-a-overexpressing VSMCs. Moreover, Tric-a overexpression impaired inositol trisphosphate-sensitive stores to diminish agonist-induced Ca2+ signaling in VSMCs. These altered features likely reduced vascular tonus leading to the hypotensive phenotype. Our Tric-a-transgenic mice together with Tric-a knock-out mice indicate that TRIC-A channel density in VSMCs is responsible for controlling basal blood pressure at the whole-animal level.  相似文献   

Calcium transients in the cell nucleus evoked by synaptic activity in hippocampal neurons function as a signaling end point in synapse-to-nucleus communication. As an important regulator of neuronal gene expression, nuclear calcium is involved in the conversion of synaptic stimuli into functional and structural changes of neurons. Here we identify two synaptic organizers, Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm2, as targets of nuclear calcium signaling. Expression of both Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm2 increased in a synaptic NMDA receptor- and nuclear calcium-dependent manner in hippocampal neurons within 2–4 h after the induction of action potential bursting. Induction of Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm2 occurred independently of the need for new protein synthesis and required calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinases and the nuclear calcium signaling target CREB-binding protein. Analysis of reporter gene constructs revealed a functional cAMP response element in the proximal promoter of Lrrtm2, indicating that at least Lrrtm2 is regulated by the classical nuclear Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV-CREB/CREB-binding protein pathway. These results suggest that one mechanism by which nuclear calcium signaling controls neuronal network function is by regulating the expression of Lrrtm1 and Lrrtm2.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neuromuscular disorder characterized by degeneration of motor neurons and atrophy of skeletal muscle. Mutations in the superoxide dismutase (SOD1) gene are linked to 20% cases of inherited ALS. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenic process, but how it contributes to muscle degeneration of ALS is not known. Here we identify a specific deficit in the cellular physiology of skeletal muscle derived from an ALS mouse model (G93A) with transgenic overexpression of the human SOD1G93A mutant. The G93A skeletal muscle fibers display localized loss of mitochondrial inner membrane potential in fiber segments near the neuromuscular junction. These defects occur in young G93A mice prior to disease onset. Fiber segments with depolarized mitochondria show greater osmotic stress-induced Ca2+ release activity, which can include propagating Ca2+ waves. These Ca2+ waves are confined to regions of depolarized mitochondria and stop propagating shortly upon entering the regions of normal, polarized mitochondria. Uncoupling of mitochondrial membrane potential with FCCP or inhibition of mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake by Ru360 lead to cell-wide propagation of such Ca2+ release events. Our data reveal that mitochondria regulate Ca2+ signaling in skeletal muscle, and loss of this capacity may contribute to the progression of muscle atrophy in ALS.  相似文献   

We have monitored electrical activity, voltage-gated Ca2+ currents, and exocytosis in single rat glucagon-secreting pancreatic A-cells. The A-cells were electrically excitable and generated spontaneous Na+- and Ca2+-dependent action potentials. Under basal conditions, exocytosis was tightly linked to Ca2+ influx through ω-conotoxin-GVIA–sensitive (N-type) Ca2+ channels. Stimulation of the A-cells with adrenaline (via β-adrenergic receptors) or forskolin produced a greater than fourfold PKA-dependent potentiation of depolarization-evoked exocytosis. This enhancement of exocytosis was due to a 50% enhancement of Ca2+ influx through L-type Ca2+ channels, an effect that accounted for <30% of the total stimulatory action. The remaining 70% of the stimulation was attributable to an acceleration of granule mobilization resulting in a fivefold increase in the number of readily releasable granules near the L-type Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

The determinants of single channel conductance (γ) and ion selectivity within eukaryotic pentameric ligand-gated ion channels have traditionally been ascribed to amino acid residues within the second transmembrane domain and flanking sequences of their component subunits. However, recent evidence suggests that γ is additionally controlled by residues within the intracellular and extracellular domains. We examined the influence of two anionic residues (Asp(113) and Asp(127)) within the extracellular vestibule of a high conductance human mutant 5-hydroxytryptamine type-3A (5-HT(3)A) receptor (5-HT(3)A(QDA)) upon γ, modulation of the latter by extracellular Ca(2+), and the permeability of Ca(2+) with respect to Cs(+) (P(Ca)/P(Cs)). Mutations neutralizing (Asp → Asn), or reversing (Asp → Lys), charge at the 113 locus decreased inward γ by 46 and 58%, respectively, but outward currents were unaffected. The D127N mutation decreased inward γ by 82% and also suppressed outward currents, whereas the D127K mutation caused loss of observable single channel currents. The forgoing mutations, except for D127K, which could not be evaluated, ameliorated suppression of inwardly directed single channel currents by extracellular Ca(2+). The P(Ca)/P(Cs) of 3.8 previously reported for the 5-HT(3)A(QDA) construct was reduced to 0.13 and 0.06 by the D127N and D127K mutations, respectively, with lesser, but clearly significant, effects caused by the D113N (1.04) and D113K (0.60) substitutions. Charge selectivity between monovalent cations and anions (P(Na)/P(Cl)) was unaffected by any of the mutations examined. The data identify two key residues in the extracellular vestibule of the 5-HT(3)A receptor that markedly influence γ, P(Ca)/P(Cs), and additionally the suppression of γ by Ca(2+).  相似文献   

β2-Adrenergic receptors (β2-AR) are low abundance, integral membrane proteins that mediate the effects of catecholamines at the cell surface. Whereas the processes governing desensitization of activated β2-ARs and their subsequent removal from the cell surface have been characterized in considerable detail, little is known about the mechanisms controlling trafficking of neo-synthesized receptors to the cell surface. Since the discovery of the signal peptide, the targeting of the integral membrane proteins to plasma membrane has been thought to be determined by structural features of the amino acid sequence alone. Here we report that localization of translationally silenced β2-AR mRNA to the peripheral cytoplasmic regions is critical for receptor localization to the plasma membrane. β2-AR mRNA is recognized by the nucleocytoplasmic shuttling RNA-binding protein HuR, which silences translational initiation while chaperoning the mRNA-protein complex to the cell periphery. When HuR expression is down-regulated, β2-AR mRNA translation is initiated prematurely in perinuclear polyribosomes, leading to overproduction of receptors but defective trafficking to the plasma membrane. Our results underscore the importance of the spatiotemporal relationship between β2-AR mRNA localization, translation, and trafficking to the plasma membrane, and establish a novel mechanism whereby G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) responsiveness is regulated by RNA-based signals.  相似文献   

Over the past few years, it has become clear that an important mechanism by which large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa) activity is regulated is the tissue-specific expression of auxiliary β subunits. The first of these to be identified, β1, is expressed predominately in smooth muscle and causes dramatic effects, increasing the apparent affinity of the channel for Ca2+ 10-fold at 0 mV, and shifting the range of voltages over which the channel activates −80 mV at 9.1 μM Ca2+. With this study, we address the question: which aspects of BKCa gating are altered by β1 to bring about these effects: Ca2+ binding, voltage sensing, or the intrinsic energetics of channel opening? The approach we have taken is to express the β1 subunit together with the BKCa α subunit in Xenopus oocytes, and then to compare β1''s steady state effects over a wide range of Ca2+ concentrations and membrane voltages to those predicted by allosteric models whose parameters have been altered to mimic changes in the aspects of gating listed above. The results of our analysis suggest that much of β1''s steady state effects can be accounted for by a reduction in the intrinsic energy the channel must overcome to open and a decrease in its voltage sensitivity, with little change in the affinity of the channel for Ca2+ when it is either open or closed. Interestingly, however, the small changes in Ca2+ binding affinity suggested by our analysis (Kc 7.4 μM → 9.6 μM; Ko = 0.80 μM → 0.65 μM) do appear to be functionally important. We also show that β1 affects the mSlo conductance–voltage relation in the essential absence of Ca2+, shifting it +20 mV and reducing its apparent gating charge 38%, and we develop methods for distinguishing between alterations in Ca2+ binding and other aspects of BKCa channel gating that may be of general use.  相似文献   

We have recently documented that the Ca2+-permeable TRPV4 channel, which is abundantly expressed in distal nephron cells, mediates cellular Ca2+ responses to elevated luminal flow. In this study, we combined Fura-2-based [Ca2+]i imaging with immunofluorescence microscopy in isolated split-opened distal nephrons of C57BL/6 mice to probe the molecular determinants of TRPV4 activity and subcellular distribution. We found that activation of the PKC pathway with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate significantly increased [Ca2+]i responses to flow without affecting the subcellular distribution of TRPV4. Inhibition of PKC with bisindolylmaleimide I diminished cellular responses to elevated flow. In contrast, activation of the PKA pathway with forskolin did not affect TRPV4-mediated [Ca2+]i responses to flow but markedly shifted the subcellular distribution of the channel toward the apical membrane. These actions were blocked with the specific PKA inhibitor H-89. Concomitant activation of the PKA and PKC cascades additively enhanced the amplitude of flow-induced [Ca2+]i responses and greatly increased basal [Ca2+]i levels, indicating constitutive TRPV4 activation. This effect was precluded by the selective TRPV4 antagonist HC-067047. Therefore, the functional status of the TRPV4 channel in the distal nephron is regulated by two distinct signaling pathways. Although the PKA-dependent cascade promotes TRPV4 trafficking and translocation to the apical membrane, the PKC-dependent pathway increases the activity of the channel on the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility (MHS) is primarily conferred by mutations within ryanodine receptor type 1 (RYR1). Here we address how the MHS mutation T4826I within the S4-S5 linker influences excitation-contraction coupling and resting myoplasmic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]rest) in flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) and vastus lateralis prepared from heterozygous (Het) and homozygous (Hom) T4826I-RYR1 knock-in mice (Yuen, B. T., Boncompagni, S., Feng, W., Yang, T., Lopez, J. R., Matthaei, K. I., Goth, S. R., Protasi, F., Franzini-Armstrong, C., Allen, P. D., and Pessah, I. N. (2011) FASEB J. doi:22131268). FDB responses to electrical stimuli and acute halothane (0.1%, v/v) exposure showed a rank order of Hom ≫ Het ≫ WT. Release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum and Ca2+ entry contributed to halothane-triggered increases in [Ca2+]rest in Hom FDBs and elicited pronounced Ca2+ oscillations in ∼30% of FDBs tested. Genotype contributed significantly elevated [Ca2+]rest (Hom > Het > WT) measured in vivo using ion-selective microelectrodes. Het and Hom oxygen consumption rates measured in intact myotubes using the Seahorse Bioscience (Billerica, MA) flux analyzer and mitochondrial content measured with MitoTracker were lower than WT, whereas total cellular calpain activity was higher than WT. Muscle membranes did not differ in RYR1 expression nor in Ser2844 phosphorylation among the genotypes. Single channel analysis showed highly divergent gating behavior with Hom and WT favoring open and closed states, respectively, whereas Het exhibited heterogeneous gating behaviors. [3H]Ryanodine binding analysis revealed a gene dose influence on binding density and regulation by Ca2+, Mg2+, and temperature. Pronounced abnormalities inherent in T4826I-RYR1 channels confer MHS and promote basal disturbances of excitation-contraction coupling, [Ca2+]rest, and oxygen consumption rates. Considering that both Het and Hom T4826I-RYR1 mice are viable, the remarkable isolated single channel dysfunction mediated through this mutation in S4-S5 cytoplasmic linker must be highly regulated in vivo.  相似文献   

Under diurnal 16/8-h light-dark cycles, ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) at 1 mM completely blocked the appearance of rhythmic N2-fixing activity in Synechococcus RF-1. Ca2+ at 2 mM, when supplied either together with or several hours after the EGTA application, restored the nitrogenase activity, whereas, when Ca2+ was supplied several hours later, the peak of nitrogenase activity was shifted from the dark to the light period in which the activity is normally suppressed. Sr2+ also reversed the inhibition by EGTA, but only partially. When O2 in the gas phase above the culture was below 1%, the inhibition of nitrogenase activity by EGTA was reduced to less than 20% of the control value without EGTA. Thus Ca2+ appears to be required by the cell to protect its nitrogenase from inactivation by O2. In media without EGTA, a close correlation between nitrogenase activity and concentrations of Ca2+ was also observed.Abbreviation EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid  相似文献   

The best-known Shaker allele of Drosophila with a novel gating phenotype, Sh(5), differs from the wild-type potassium channel by a point mutation in the fifth membrane-spanning segment (S5) (Gautam, M., and M.A. Tanouye. 1990. Neuron. 5:67-73; Lichtinghagen, R., M. Stocker, R. Wittka, G. Boheim, W. Stühmer, A. Ferrus, and O. Pongs. 1990. EMBO [Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.] J. 9:4399-4407) and causes a decrease in the apparent voltage dependence of opening. A kinetic study of Sh(5) revealed that changes in the deactivation rate could account for the altered gating behavior (Zagotta, W.N., and R.W. Aldrich. 1990. J. Neurosci. 10:1799-1810), but the presence of intact fast inactivation precluded observation of the closing kinetics and steady state activation. We studied the Sh(5) mutation (F401I) in ShB channels in which fast N-type inactivation was removed, directly confirming this conclusion. Replacement of other phenylalanines in S5 did not result in substantial alterations in voltage-dependent gating. At position 401, valine and alanine substitutions, like F401I, produce currents with decreased apparent voltage dependence of the open probability and of the deactivation rates, as well as accelerated kinetics of opening and closing. A leucine residue is the exception among aliphatic mutants, with the F401L channels having a steep voltage dependence of opening and slow closing kinetics. The analysis of sigmoidal delay in channel opening, and of gating current kinetics, indicates that wild-type and F401L mutant channels possess a form of cooperativity in the gating mechanism that the F401A channels lack. The wild-type and F401L channels' entering the open state gives rise to slow decay of the OFF gating current. In F401A, rapid gating charge return persists after channels open, confirming that this mutation disrupts stabilization of the open state. We present a kinetic model that can account for these properties by postulating that the four subunits independently undergo two sequential voltage-sensitive transitions each, followed by a final concerted opening step. These channels differ primarily in the final concerted transition, which is biased in favor of the open state in F401L and the wild type, and in the opposite direction in F401A. These results are consistent with an activation scheme whereby bulky aromatic or aliphatic side chains at position 401 in S5 cooperatively stabilize the open state, possibly by interacting with residues in other helices.  相似文献   

Depletion of intracellular Ca(2+) stores evokes Ca(2+) entry across the plasma membrane by inducing Ca(2+) release-activated Ca(2+) (CRAC) currents in many cell types. Recently, Orai and STIM proteins were identified as the molecular identities of the CRAC channel subunit and the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) sensor, respectively. Here, extensive database searching and phylogenetic analysis revealed several lineage-specific duplication events in the Orai protein family, which may account for the evolutionary origins of distinct functional properties among mammalian Orai proteins. Based on similarity to key structural domains and essential residues for channel functions in Orai proteins, database searching also identifies a putative primordial Orai sequence in hyperthermophilic archaeons. Furthermore, modern Orai appears to acquire new structural domains as early as Urochodata, before divergence into vertebrates. The evolutionary patterns of structural domains might be related to distinct functional properties of Drosophila and mammalian CRAC currents. Interestingly, Orai proteins display two conserved internal repeats located at transmembrane segments 1 and 3, both of which contain key amino acids essential for channel function. These findings demonstrate biochemical and physiological relevance of Orai proteins in light of different evolutionary origins and will provide novel insights into future structural and functional studies of Orai proteins.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC), composed of three subunits (α, β, and γ), is expressed in several epithelia and plays a critical role in salt and water balance and in the regulation of blood pressure. Little is known, however, about the electrophysiological properties of this cloned channel when expressed in epithelial cells. Using whole-cell and single channel current recording techniques, we have now characterized the rat αβγENaC (rENaC) stably transfected and expressed in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Under whole-cell patch-clamp configuration, the αβγrENaC-expressing MDCK cells exhibited greater whole cell Na+ current at −143 mV (−1,466.2 ± 297.5 pA) than did untransfected cells (−47.6 ± 10.7 pA). This conductance was completely and reversibly inhibited by 10 μM amiloride, with a Ki of 20 nM at a membrane potential of −103 mV; the amiloride inhibition was slightly voltage dependent. Amiloride-sensitive whole-cell current of MDCK cells expressing αβ or αγ subunits alone was −115.2 ± 41.4 pA and −52.1 ± 24.5 pA at −143 mV, respectively, similar to the whole-cell Na+ current of untransfected cells. Relaxation analysis of the amiloride-sensitive current after voltage steps suggested that the channels were activated by membrane hyperpolarization. Ion selectivity sequence of the Na+ conductance was Li+ > Na+ >> K+ = N-methyl-d-glucamine+ (NMDG+). Using excised outside-out patches, amiloride-sensitive single channel conductance, likely responsible for the macroscopic Na+ channel current, was found to be ∼5 and 8 pS when Na+ and Li+ were used as a charge carrier, respectively. K+ conductance through the channel was undetectable. The channel activity, defined as a product of the number of active channel (n) and open probability (P o), was increased by membrane hyperpolarization. Both whole-cell Na+ current and conductance were saturated with increased extracellular Na+ concentrations, which likely resulted from saturation of the single channel conductance. The channel activity (nP o) was significantly decreased when cytosolic Na+ concentration was increased from 0 to 50 mM in inside-out patches. Whole-cell Na+ conductance (with Li+ as a charge carrier) was inhibited by the addition of ionomycin (1 μM) and Ca2+ (1 mM) to the bath. Dialysis of the cells with a pipette solution containing 1 μM Ca2+ caused a biphasic inhibition, with time constants of 1.7 ± 0.3 min (n = 3) and 128.4 ± 33.4 min (n = 3). An increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration from <1 nM to 1 μM was accompanied by a decrease in channel activity. Increasing cytosolic Ca2+ to 10 μM exhibited a pronounced inhibitory effect. Single channel conductance, however, was unchanged by increasing free Ca2+ concentrations from <1 nM to 10 μM. Collectively, these results provide the first characterization of rENaC heterologously expressed in a mammalian epithelial cell line, and provide evidence for channel regulation by cytosolic Na+ and Ca2+.  相似文献   

The type III isoform of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (InsP3R3) is apically localized and triggers Ca2+ waves and secretion in a number of polarized epithelia. However, nothing is known about epigenetic regulation of this InsP3R isoform. We investigated miRNA regulation of InsP3R3 in primary bile duct epithelia (cholangiocytes) and in the H69 cholangiocyte cell line, because the role of InsP3R3 in cholangiocyte Ca2+ signaling and secretion is well established and because loss of InsP3R3 from cholangiocytes is responsible for the impairment in bile secretion that occurs in a number of liver diseases. Analysis of the 3′-UTR of human InsP3R3 mRNA revealed two highly conserved binding sites for miR-506. Transfection of miR-506 mimics into cell lines expressing InsP3R3–3′UTR-luciferase led to decreased reporter activity, whereas co-transfection with miR-506 inhibitors led to enhanced activity. Reporter activity was abrogated in isolated mutant proximal or distal miR-506 constructs in miR-506-transfected HEK293 cells. InsP3R3 protein levels were decreased by miR-506 mimics and increased by inhibitors, and InsP3R3 expression was markedly decreased in H69 cells stably transfected with miR-506 relative to control cells. miR-506-H69 cells exhibited a fibrotic signature. In situ hybridization revealed elevated miR-506 expression in vivo in human-diseased cholangiocytes. Histamine-induced, InsP3-mediated Ca2+ signals were decreased by 50% in stable miR-506 cells compared with controls. Finally, InsP3R3-mediated fluid secretion was significantly decreased in isolated bile duct units transfected with miR-506, relative to control IBDU. Together, these data identify miR-506 as a regulator of InsP3R3 expression and InsP3R3-mediated Ca2+ signaling and secretion.  相似文献   

D1- and D2-types of dopamine receptors are located separately in direct and indirect pathway striatal projection neurons (dSPNs and iSPNs). In comparison, adenosine A1-type receptors are located in both neuron classes, and adenosine A2A-type receptors show a preferential expression in iSPNs. Due to their importance for neuronal excitability, Ca2+-currents have been used as final effectors to see the function of signaling cascades associated with different G protein-coupled receptors. For example, among many other actions, D1-type receptors increase, while D2-type receptors decrease neuronal excitability by either enhancing or reducing, respectively, CaV1 Ca2+-currents. These actions occur separately in dSPNs and iSPNs. In the case of purinergic signaling, the actions of A1- and A2A-receptors have not been compared observing their actions on Ca2+-channels of SPNs as final effectors. Our hypotheses are that modulation of Ca2+-currents by A1-receptors occurs in both dSPNs and iSPNs. In contrast, iSPNs would exhibit modulation by both A1- and A2A-receptors. We demonstrate that A1-type receptors reduced Ca2+-currents in all SPNs tested. However, A2A-type receptors enhanced Ca2+-currents only in half tested neurons. Intriguingly, to observe the actions of A2A-type receptors, occupation of A1-type receptors had to occur first. However, A1-receptors decreased CaV2 Ca2+-currents, while A2A-type receptors enhanced current through CaV1 channels. Because these channels have opposing actions on cell discharge, these differences explain in part why iSPNs may be more excitable than dSPNs. It is demonstrated that intrinsic voltage-gated currents expressed in SPNs are effectors of purinergic signaling that therefore play a role in excitability.  相似文献   

A channelopathy mutation in segment IIS6 of CaV1.4 (I745T) has been shown to cause severe visual impairment by shifting the activation and inactivation curves to more hyperpolarised voltages and slowing activation and inactivation kinetics. A similar gating phenotype is caused by the corresponding mutation, I781T, in CaV1.2 (midpoint of activation curve (V0.5) shifted to -37.7 ± 1.2 mV). We show here that wild type gating can partially be restored by a helix stabilising rescue mutation N785A. V0.5 of I781T/N785A (V0.5 = -21.5 ± 0.6 mV) was shifted back towards wild type (V0.5 = -9.9±1.1 mV). Homology models developed in our group (see accompanying article for details) were used to perform MD-simulations on wild-type and mutant channels. Systematic changes in segment IIIS6 (M1187 - F1194) and in helix IIS6 (N785-L786) were observed. The simulated structural changes in S6 segments of I781T/N785A were less pronounced than in I781T. A delicate balance between helix flexibility and stability enabling the formation of hydrophobic seals at the inner channel mouth appears to be important for wild type CaV1.2 gating. Our study illustrates that effects of mutations in the lower part of IIS6 may not be localized to the residue or even segment being mutated, but may affect conformations of interacting segments.  相似文献   

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