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Red Listing organisms is an iterative process involving two variables. First, the conservation status of a taxon becomes clearer as more information becomes available, and secondly, the actual status changes as the taxon becomes more threatened or less threatened. Using a 20-year database of South African dragonflies has enabled us to hone conservation assessments and to arrive at a realistic appraisal of their true conservation status. Changes in the evaluation of taxa came about through improved knowledge of habitat and particularly from information on the exact flight period. This background improved the apparency of the taxa so enabling accurate conservation assessments. The temporal shortcoming was addressed in detail by focusing on the core of the Cape Floristic Region global biodiversity hotspot, and recording the phenology of species. We found that there were large differences in emergence times. While flight times may not be a source of error in the temperate northern hemisphere, they can be a major issue in low and southern latitudes. Indeed, the error can be so great that species thought to be extinct were effectively resurrected. Temporal shortcomings can only be overcome by first undertaking a presence/absence survey over time to determine the appropriate time of year for making rigorous Red List assessments. This is not a criticism of the Red Listing process per se, which, for this taxon, we found to be largely sound. However, the results do emphasize that a critical approach to methodology is a necessary foundation when searching for trend indicators from the Red List with regards to lesser-known taxa.  相似文献   

Global biodiversity hotspots contain exceptional concentrations of endemic species in areas of escalating habitat loss. However, most hotspots are geographically constrained and consequently vulnerable to climate change as there is limited ability for the movement of species to less hostile conditions. Predicted changes to rainfall and temperature will undoubtedly further impact on freshwater ecosystems in these hotspots. Southwestern Australia is a biodiversity hotspot and, as one of the first to experience significant climate change, is an example and potentially a global bellwether for issues associated with river restoration. In this hotspot, current and predicted water temperatures may exceed thermal tolerances of aquatic fauna. Gondwanic aquatic fauna, characteristic of southwestern Australia, are typically cold stenotherms and consequently intolerant of elevated temperatures. The hotspot in southwestern Australia is geographically restricted being surrounded by ocean and desert, and many important national parks are located on the extreme south coast, where the landscape is relatively flat. Consequently, fauna cannot change their distribution southwards or with altitude as a response to increasing temperatures. Therefore, any mitigation responses need to be in situ to produce a suitable biophysical envelope to enhance species' resilience. This could be through “over restoration” by increased riparian replanting at a catchment scale. A rule‐of‐thumb of a 10% increase in riparian cover would be required to reduce water temperatures by 1°C. These restoration techniques are considered applicable to other global biodiversity hotspots where geography constrains species' movement and the present condition is the desired restoration endpoint.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe world is undergoing exceptional biodiversity loss. Most conservation efforts target biodiversity hotspots at large scales. Such approach overlooks small-sized local hotspots, which may be rich in endemic and highly threatened species. We explore the importance of mountain rock pools (gueltas) as local biodiversity hotspots in the Sahara-Sahel. Specifically, we considered how many vertebrates (total and endemics) use gueltas, what factors predict species richness, and which gueltas are of most priority for conservation. We expected to provide management recommendations, improve local biodiversity conservation, and simultaneously contribute with a framework for future enhancement of local communities’ economy. The identification of local hotspots of biodiversity is important for revaluating global conservation priorities.Conclusion/SignificanceGueltas are crucial for local biodiversity conservation and human activities. They require urgent management plans in Mauritania’s mountains. They could provide refugia under climate change being important for long-term conservation of Sahara-Sahel biodiversity. Given their disproportional importance in relation to their size, they are local hotspots of biodiversity deserving global attention.  相似文献   

The Xizang (Tibetan) flora with numerous endemics is of importance in Chinese flora. According to recent statistics there are in Xizang 27 genera of spermatophytes endemic to China, being only 2.25% percent of the total number of genera in the Xizang flora. Four of them are regarded as palaeoendemics (14.81%) and the others as neoendemics (85.19%). These endemic genera, of 30 species and 3 varieties, belong to 17 families, of which, Umbelliferae contains 6 genera, 7 species and 3 varieties; Compositae has 6 genera and 7 species, and Gentianaceae 1 genus and 2 species. All the other families each comprises one genus with a single species. The cosmopolitan families together comprising 14 genera with 15 species have the highest perecentage (52.92%) and the tropical ones (5 families, 5 genera with 5 species) come to the next (29.42%), followed by the temperate ones (3 families, 10 genera with 10 species) (17.66%). It shows that these endemic genera are obviously related to the tropical flora and temperate one in essence. According to the number of species, the genera endemic to China and occurring in Xizang flora may be grouped as fallows. Monotypic endemic ones 14 (51.85%) Ditypic endemic ones 6 (22.22%) Oligotypic endemic ones 4 (14.81%) Small endemic ones 3 (11.11%) The formation of the endemic genera is correlated with the topography, climate and environmental conditions, and they may have resulted from the diversification in geography and climatic influence for a long time. The southeastern part of Xizang Plateau is of very diverse ecological conditions, with the adequate precipitation, which may explain the concentration of these endemic genera in this region. The largest similarity coefficient (38.30%) of the genera endemic to China and occurring in Xizang is with those in Qinghai Plateau, next, with those in Yunnan and in Sichuan provinces (both 27.60%), which shows that these endemic genera are related to the floras of the regions mentioned above. The difference in the horizontal distribution of these endemic genera is obviously between the southern and northern parts of Xizang Plateau. The vertical distribution of the genera is also rather obvious, from 800 m to 5200 m above sea level, but concentrated in the zone of 3000 m to 4500 mm. Therefore their occurrence in Xizang is not only affected by the historical environmental conditions but also controlled by the horizontal and vertical distribution. The origin and evolution of some endemic genera, such as Psammosilene, Parateropyrum, Sphaerotylos, Salweenia, Ajaniopsis, Xizangia, Sinoleontopodium, are discussed in this paper. Parateropyrum, a monotypic palaeotropic endemic, belongs to the tribe Atraphaxideae including Atraphaxis, Calligonum and Pteropyrum. It may be a comparatively advanced group in the tribe, and is closely related to the genus Pteropyrum which is distributed in western Asia. The genus Parapteropyrum has possibly survived as a palaetropic-tertiary relic in this region. Sphaerotylos, a member of the subtribe Sphaerotylinae, the tribe Boehmerieae in the family Urticaceae, is a comparatively primitive genus in the tribe Boehmerieae so far known. As the other subtribes, such as Boehmerinae, Sarconchlamydinae, Orecnidinae and Maoutinae, are distributed in the tropics, rarely in the subtropics, the genus is no doubt a palaetropic -tertiary relic. Sinoleontopodium, belonging to the tribe lnuleae in Compositae, is also related to the genus Leontopodium. It is probable that the genus Sinoleontopodium arised later than the other. We come to the conclusion that the southern part of Xizang Plateau is also one of thecentres of the origin and differentiation of genera endemic to China.  相似文献   

根据《恩施植物志》内容,结合近年来野外实地调查记录,统计鄂西南地区种子植物信息,并对其物种多样性、科属组成及区系地理特征进行了分析。结果表明:(1)鄂西南地区种子植物共3 053种,占湖北省74.79%,全国的11.20%,隶属于164科1 008属,其中裸子植物9科28属45种,被子植物155科980属3 008种,且草本植物达1 576种;研究区内植物生活型多样化,多年生和落叶物种占优势,珍稀濒危物种多,生物多样性高。(2)鄂西南地区物种较多的科为蔷薇科(210种)、菊科(198种)、百合科(131种)、禾本科(126种)和豆科(111种),表征科中桦木科的重要值最大(22.00);大科、大属的优势性明显,少种科和少种属较多,体现出科属水平上的多样性。(3)研究区内种子植物科的区系划分为11个分布区类型,14个亚型,其中热带成分77科(65.25%),温带成分38科(32.20%),中国特有2科(1.69%),以热带成分为主;属级水平上共15个分布区类型、23个亚型,热带成分388属(41.06%),温带成分485属(51.32%),中国特有57属(6.03%);种级水平上划分为15个分布区类型,温带成分1 572种(59.70%)、热带成分934种(35.47%),中国特有分布型110种(4.18%),属、种水平上温带成分更占优势。研究认为,鄂西南地区种子植物区系具有温带和热带双重性质和过渡性特征,区系起源有一定的古老性,地理成分复杂。  相似文献   

The Eastern Arc mountain chain and adjoining coastal forests of Tanzania and Kenya have been listed as world biodiversity hotspots. We report on an ongoing attempt to estimate amphibian diversity on the three best studied mountains of the Eastern Arc, the East Usambara, Uluguru and Udzungwa mountains of Tanzania, complemented by an estimate of diversity on the adjoining coastal lowland. This proves to be a complex task, which introduces a note of caution into evaluating global biodiversity estimates. Most amphibian species in eastern Tanzania occur on the coastal lowlands and are widely distributed, extending at least north or south of Tanzania and, to a variable extent, westwards to the elevated interior. Diversity patterns along the length of the lowlands are complex, with the presence of a Sahelian element in the extreme north. On the three Eastern Arc mountains studied, species turnover associated with rising altitude is greater than turnover associated with latitudinal distance between the mountain blocks, leading to greater altitudinal than latitudinal diversity in this equatorial region. A long-standing divergence is indicated between montane and lowland endemics. Although forest-associated species are not the largest contributor to the eastern Tanzanian total species diversity (some 48%), the uniqueness of these species both in lowland and montane forests, combined with their evident vulnerability to disturbance, makes them a subject for particular conservation concern, and justifies hotspot status for both montane and lowland forests.  相似文献   

Coral reef ecosystems are under a variety of threats from global change and anthropogenic disturbances that are reducing the number and type of coral species on reefs. Coral reefs support upwards of one third of all marine species of fish, so the loss of coral habitat may have substantial consequences to local fish diversity. We posit that the effects of habitat degradation will be most severe in coral regions with highest biodiversity of fishes due to greater specialization by fishes for particular coral habitats. Our novel approach to this important but untested hypothesis was to conduct the same field experiment at three geographic locations across the Indo-Pacific biodiversity gradient (Papua New Guinea; Great Barrier Reef, Australia; French Polynesia). Specifically, we experimentally explored whether the response of local fish communities to identical changes in diversity of habitat-providing corals was independent of the size of the regional species pool of fishes. We found that the proportional reduction (sensitivity) in fish biodiversity to loss of coral diversity was greater for regions with larger background species pools, reflecting variation in the degree of habitat specialization of fishes across the Indo-Pacific diversity gradient. This result implies that habitat-associated fish in diversity hotspots are at greater risk of local extinction to a given loss of habitat diversity compared to regions with lower species richness. This mechanism, related to the positive relationship between habitat specialization and regional biodiversity, and the elevated extinction risk this poses for biodiversity hotspots, may apply to species in other types of ecosystems.  相似文献   

The Western Ghats of India harbors a rich diversity of amphibians with more than 77% species endemic to this region. At least 42% of the endemic species are threatened due to several anthropogenic stressors. However, information on amphibian diseases and their impacts on amphibian populations in this region are scarce. We report the occurrence of Batrachochytridium dendrobatidis (Bd), an epidermal aquatic fungal pathogen that causes chytridiomycosis in amphibians, from the Western Ghats. In the current study we detected the occurrence of a native Asian Bd strain from three endemic and threatened species of anurans, Bombay Night Frog Nyctibatrachus humayuni, Leith''s Leaping Frog Indirana leithii and Bombay Bubble Nest Frog Raorchestes bombayensis, for the first time from the northern Western Ghats of India based on diagnostic nested PCR, quantitative PCR, DNA sequencing and histopathology. While, the Bd infected I. leithii and R. bombayensis did not show any external symptoms, N. humayuni showed lesions on the skin, browning of skin and sloughing. Sequencing of Bd 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene, and the ITS1 and ITS2 regions, revealed that the current Bd strain is related to a haplotype endemic to Asia. Our findings confirm the presence of Bd in northern Western Ghats and the affected amphibians may or may not show detectable clinical symptoms. We suggest that the significance of diseases as potential threat to amphibian populations of the Western Ghats needs to be highlighted from the conservation point of view.  相似文献   

"雄性早现"(protandry)是指雄性相对于雌性更早进入繁殖状态或更早到达繁殖地的现象.该文针对候鸟的雄性比雌性在春季时更早到达繁殖地这一现象,介绍了雄性早现的6种假说,即等级优势(rank advantage)假说、敏感性(susceptibility)假说、限制性(constraint)假说、交配机会(mate opportunity)假说、等待代价(waiting cost)假说和配偶选择(mate choice)假说,并通过近年来的研究证据阐述了上述假说对解释候鸟雄性早现的适用性.此外,对鸟类雄性早现未来研究中可能的热点问题做了展望.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地天然植物多样性组成及区系特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛乌素沙地位于干旱、半干旱区向半湿润区过渡地带,该研究通过野外调查及数据统计,对毛乌素沙地天然植物科、属、种的组成及区系特征进行了分析,并与周围的沙地(沙漠)植物区系进行比较,以明确毛乌素沙地的珍稀植物及其植物多样性组成特征。结果表明:(1)毛乌素沙地天然植物共90科360属772种,区内植物类群相对丰富,植被群落类型多样,优势科明显,单种属、寡种属占到的比例达到73.45%。(2)毛乌素沙地天然植物90科划分为10个分布区类型及4个变型,360属划分为15个分布区类型及10个变型。(3)毛乌素沙地科的植物区系组成以世界分布为主,属的植物区系组成以温带分布为主,反映了该区的植物区系与所处的地理位置和气候具有相适应的特性。(4)毛乌素沙地植物区系成分与浑善达克沙地植物区系亲缘关系最近,与库布齐沙漠、乌兰布和沙漠、库姆塔格沙漠植物区系有一定差异,表明毛乌素沙地植物区系存在明显的从温带分布到地中海区、西亚至中亚分布的过渡性质。  相似文献   

The bacteria on the surface of a farmhouse smear-ripened cheese at four stages of ripening (4, 16, 23, and 37 days) from inoculated (i.e., deliberately inoculated with Brevibacterium linens BL2) and noninoculated (not deliberately inoculated with B. linens BL2) cheese were investigated. The results show that, contrary to accepted belief, B. linens is not a significant member of the surface flora of smear cheese and no microbial succession of species occurred during the ripening of the cheeses. Of 400 isolates made, 390 were lactate-utilizing coryneforms and 10 were coagulase-negative Staphylococcus spp. A detailed analysis of the coryneforms was undertaken using phenotypic analysis, molecular fingerprinting, chemotaxonomic techniques, and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. DNA banding profiles (ramdom amplified polymorphic DNA [RAPD]-PCR) of all the coryneform isolates showed large numbers of clusters. However, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of the isolates from the cheeses showed that all isolates within a cluster and in many contiguous clusters were the same. The inoculated and noninoculated cheeses were dominated by single clones of novel species of Corynebacterium casei (50.2% of isolates), Corynebacterium mooreparkense (26% of isolates), and Microbacterium gubbeenense (12.8% of isolates). In addition, five of the isolates from the inoculated cheese were Corynebacterium flavescens. Thirty-seven strains were not identified but many had similar PFGE patterns, indicating that they were the same species. C. mooreparkense and C. casei grew at pH values below 4.9 in the presence of 8% NaCl, while M. gubbeenense did not grow below pH 5.8 in the presence of 5 to 10% NaCl. B. linens BL2 was not recovered from the inoculated cheese because it was inhibited by all the Staphylococcus isolates and many of the coryneforms. It was concluded that within a particular batch of cheese there was significant bacterial diversity in the microflora on the surface.  相似文献   

Geographical information for 703 mosses and Senecios (species of the tribe Senecioneae, Asteraceae) has been analyzed to identify patterns of species richness in the Transmexican Volcanic Belt (TMVB) of Mexico. Because the TMVB holds a high proportion of these taxa (596 mosses out of 980, and 107 Senecios out of 228) in the country, it is considered a high diversity area. However, the biodiversity is not uniform, as shown by the number of species in each of seventy nine 0.5° latitude and 0.5° longitude cells covering the surface area of the mountain range. Nineteen cells were identified as hotspots and further analysis showed that 11 of such hotspots were common to both groups. The application of a heuristic iterative method and a complementarity criterion indicated that the selection of 18 cells would conserve the total diversity of mosses and Senecios found in such hotspots.  相似文献   

An inventory of the endemic vascular plants of the Peloponnese (395 species and subspecies) has been created based on literature, herbarium and field data. Endemics?? distribution patterns, altitudinal distribution and habitat specificity were investigated. A rarity score for each endemic has been calculated based on its population size, geographic range and habitat specificity. The main mountainous areas of the Peloponnese are largely congruent to the hotspots of endemism. Altitudinal range and niche breadth of the endemics were positively correlated to their range size. The elevational gradient of the endemic species richness showed a hump-shaped pattern, in contrast to the monotonically decreasing pattern of total species richness. Endemic species were found to support boundary theory, while total species richness distribution followed the Rapoport??s elevational rule. The elevational distribution of the average rarity score and the average weighted threat of the endemics resulted in low values for mid-elevation intervals and increased values for low and high altitude areas, indicating that conservation efforts should focus on the two extremes of the elevational gradient. Area prioritization methods were applied using a rarity/complementarity based algorithm with two species weighting schemes. Their results were largely congruent confirming the significance of the main mountainous areas for the conservation of the endemics. Spatial overlap among selected grid cells using the rarity/complementarity analysis and Natura 2000 network was found to be low. Our results revealed the conservation importance of at least one new area located on Kythera Island.  相似文献   

One of the features of many endemic organisms is that they are highly spatially restricted, and habitat specialists. The Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve (KBR) is a major centre of plant endemism within a global hotspot, the Cape Floristic Region (CFR). Dragonflies in this botanical hotspot have a range of habitat specialization from narrow-range specialists to widespread generalists, with an unusually strong bias towards the specialists. A huge 53% of dragonfly individuals and 26% of taxa recorded are national endemics, and three species are Red Listed. Thus, a group of predatory insects, which are largely not dependent on plant composition, mirrors the level of habitat specialization and restricted distributions of the plants at the spatial scale of the whole reserve. Although some studies caution the use of one taxon as a surrogate for another, the results here show that at the reserve scale in this global hotspot there can be remarkable concordance, suggesting further studies on other taxa should be carried out to determine the full extent of taxonomic concordance in this irreplaceable area.  相似文献   

通过多年调查,发现江西三清山分布有中国特有属37属(其中3属为华东特有属),含40种,隶属于30科,占中国种子植物特有属总数的13.75%,占华东地区种子植物特有属总数的53.62%,占江西种子植物特有属总数的66.07%,是江西乃至华东特有属的生物多样性最丰富的地区之一。三清山分布的中国特有属区系以双子叶植物占优势,生活型以落叶木本和多年生草本为主,地理分布与华东各山地关系最密切,属种起源以原始、孤立为特色,并有许多珍稀濒危保护物种。  相似文献   

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