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Through the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen and photosynthesis, marine diazotrophs play a critical role inthe global cycling of nitrogen and carbon. Crocosphaera watsonii is a recently described unicellular diazotroph that may significantly contribute to marine nitrogen fixation in tropical environments. One of the many factors that can constrain the growth and nitrogen fixation rates of marine diazotrophs is phosphorus bioavailability. Using genomic and physiological approaches, we examined phosphorus scavenging mechanisms in strains of C. watsonii from both the Atlantic and the Pacific. Observations from the C. watsonii WH8501 genome suggest that this organism has the capacity for high-affinity phosphate transport (e.g., homologs of pstSCAB) in low-phosphate, oligotrophic systems. The pstS gene (high-affinity phosphate binding) is present in strains isolated from both the Atlantic and the Pacific, and its expression was regulated by the exogenous phosphate supply in strain WH8501. Genomic observation also indicated a broad capacity for phosphomonoester hydrolysis (e.g., a putative alkaline phosphatase). In contrast, no clear homologs of genes for phosphonate transport and hydrolysis could be identified. Consistent with these genomic observations, C. watsonii WH8501 is able to grow on phosphomonoesters as a sole source of added phosphorus but not on the phosphonates tested to date. Taken together these data suggest that C. watsonii has a robust capacity for scavenging phosphorus in oligotrophic systems, although this capacity differs from that of other marine cyanobacterial genera, such as Synechococcus, Prochlorococcus, and Trichodesmium.  相似文献   

Iron (Fe) is widely suspected as a key controlling factor of N2 fixation due to the high Fe content of nitrogenase and photosynthetic enzymes complex, and to its low concentrations in oceanic surface seawaters. The influence of Fe limitation on the recently discovered unicellular diazotrophic cyanobacteria (UCYN) is poorly understood despite their biogeochemical importance in the carbon and nitrogen cycles. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted culture experiments on Crocosphaera watsonii WH8501 growing under a range of dissolved Fe concentrations (from 3.3 to 403 nM). Overall, severe Fe limitation led to significant decreases in growth rate (2.6-fold), C, N and chlorophyll a contents per cell (up to 4.1-fold), N2 and CO2 fixation rates per cell (17- and 7-fold) as well as biovolume (2.2-fold). We highlighted a two phased response depending on the degree of limitation: (i) under a moderate Fe limitation, the biovolume of C. watsonii was strongly reduced, allowing the cells to keep sufficient energy to maintain an optimal growth, volume-normalized contents and N2 and CO2 fixation rates; (ii) with increasing Fe deprivation, biovolume remained unchanged but the entire cell metabolism was affected, as shown by a strong decrease in the growth rate, volume-normalized contents and N2 and CO2 fixation rates. The half-saturation constant for growth of C. watsonii with respect to Fe is twice as low as that of the filamentous Trichodesmium indicating a better adaptation of C. watsonii to poor Fe environments than filamentous diazotrophs. The physiological response of C. watsonii to Fe limitation was different from that previously shown on the UCYN Cyanothece sp, suggesting potential differences in Fe requirements and/or Fe acquisition within the UCYN community. These results contribute to a better understanding of how Fe bioavailability can control the activity of UCYN and explain the biogeography of diverse N2 fixers in ocean.  相似文献   

The hydrogen (H2) cycle associated with the dinitrogen (N2) fixation process was studied in laboratory cultures of the marine cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii. The rates of H2 production and acetylene (C2H2) reduction were continuously measured over the diel cycle with simultaneous measurements of fast repetition rate fluorometry and dissolved oxygen. The maximum rate of H2 production was coincident with the maximum rates of C2H2 reduction. Theoretical stoichiometry for N2 fixation predicts an equimolar ratio of H2 produced to N2 fixed. However, the maximum rate of net H2 production observed was 0.09 nmol H2 μg chlorophyll a (chl a)−1 h−1 compared to the N2 fixation rate of 5.5 nmol N2 μg chl a−1 h−1, with an H2 production/N2 fixation ratio of 0.02. The 50-fold discrepancy between expected and observed rates of H2 production was hypothesized to be a result of H2 reassimilation by uptake hydrogenase. This was confirmed by the addition of carbon monoxide (CO), a potent inhibitor of hydrogenase, which increased net H2 production rates ∼40-fold to a maximum rate of 3.5 nmol H2 μg chl a−1 h−1. We conclude that the reassimilation of H2 by C. watsonii is highly efficient (>98%) and hypothesize that the tight coupling between H2 production and consumption is a consequence of fixing N2 at nighttime using a finite pool of respiratory carbon and electrons acquired from daytime solar energy capture. The H2 cycle provides unique insight into N2 fixation and associated metabolic processes in C. watsonii.The biological production of hydrogen (H2) can occur as a by-product of photosynthesis, fermentation, and N2 fixation (22). Of these three metabolic pathways, N2 fixation remains a particularly enigmatic process, and to date there is no clear explanation for why H2 evolves during the reduction of N2 (11). The unfavorable energy cost of N2 fixation can be mitigated by reassimilating the released H2 via uptake hydrogenase enzyme activity (30). The coupled production and consumption of H2 during cellular nitrogenase activity creates a H2 cycle that can be hidden from measurements of ambient environmental H2 concentrations and fluxes, depending upon the overall efficiency of H2 assimilation (Fig. (Fig.11).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.H2 is formed during N2 fixation by the binding of a N2 molecule to the molybdenum-iron protein of the nitrogenase enzyme complex, prior to the reduction of N2 to ammonia (11, 15). The most energetically favorable theoretical in vivo stoichiometry predicts that one mole of H2 is produced for every mole of N2 reduced: N2 + 8H+ + 8e + 16ATP → 2NH3 + H2 + 16ADP + 16Pi. The production of H2 consumes 25% of the electron flux through nitrogenase and diazotrophs mitigate this loss of potential energy by reassimilating the H2 via uptake hydrogenase (21, 30). The electrons produced by uptake hydrogenase either generate reductant or ATP with simultaneous consumption of O2 (3). (Adapted from reference 32a.)For most cultures of phototrophic marine diazotrophs grown under optimal conditions, complete reassimilation of H2 is not achieved, and the excess H2 is lost to the surrounding environment. This excess H2 equates to the net production of H2 and is expressed as the ratio of H2 formed to N2 fixed or the H2/N2 ratio. To date, H2/N2 ratios have mainly been measured on filamentous, colony-forming diazotrophs such as Anabaena spp. and Trichodesmium spp. with H2 production rates of up to 20 nmol H2 μg chlorophyll a (chl a)−1 h−1 and H2/N2 ratios ranging from 0.01 to 0.48 (3, 20, 24). H2 production has also been quantified in unicellular diazotrophs (12, 16, 17, 32), although the H2 measurements have rarely been performed in conjunction with rates of N2 fixation. However, recent H2 measurements of two N2-fixing unicellular cyanobacteria species reached a maximum of 1.38 nmol H2 μg chl a−1 h−1, with H2/N2 ratios ranging from 0.003 to 0.05, indicating an effective reassimilation of H2 can occur under certain conditions (34).H2 cycling in marine diazotrophs has important ecological implications both for the cell and for the marine H2 cycle. Surface waters of low-latitude oceans are typically 200 to 300% supersaturated in dissolved H2 with respect to atmospheric concentrations (25), implying a sustained localized production of H2. The source of the dissolved H2 is thought to be biological N2 fixation (7); however, the relative contributions of diverse diazotrophic communities and in situ controls on H2/N2 ratios are not well constrained. N2 fixation is performed by a suite of diazotrophs typically identified by their nitrogenase gene (nifH) sequences amplified directly from oceanic water samples (35). The importance of unicellular diazotrophs, including Crocosphaera spp., in marine N2 fixation has recently become widely recognized (36). Size-fractionated rates of N2 fixation indicate that in the oligotrophic ocean, <10-μm microorganisms, which include the unicellular cyanobacteria, make a substantial contribution to the daily N2 fixation (9, 18). Correlating the species-specific production of H2 with the activity and biomass of diazotrophs will help elucidate dissolved H2 cycling in the upper ocean.We examined the cycling of H2 in cultures of Crocosphaera watsonii strain WH8501, a marine unicellular diazotroph, and correlated it with other metabolic parameters, including N2 fixation measured via acetylene (C2H2) reduction, O2 production and consumption, and photosynthetic efficiency. Carbon monoxide (CO) was used as an inhibitor of intracellular H2 reassimilation to reveal the H2 cycling that can occur in conjunction with nitrogenase activity. H2 reassimilation by C. watsonii was shown to be very efficient in our laboratory experiments, which is considered to be a consequence of the temporal separation between daytime photosynthetic activity and nighttime N2 fixation. Therefore, the present study not only reveals the cell''s H2 cycle but also provides insight into the metabolism of nitrogenase in C. watsonii.  相似文献   

The effect of low temperature on cell growth, photosynthesis, photoinhibition, and nitrate assimilation was examined in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 to determine the factor that limits growth. Synechococcus sp. PCC 6301 grew exponentially between 20°C and 38°C, the growth rate decreased with decreasing temperature, and growth ceased at 15°C. The rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution decreased more slowly with temperature than the growth rate, and more than 20% of the activity at 38°C remained at 15°C. Oxygen evolution was rapidly inactivated at high light intensity (3 mE m−2 s−1) at 15°C. Little or no loss of oxygen evolution was observed under the normal light intensity (250 μE m−2 s−1) for growth at 15°C. The decrease in the rate of nitrate consumption by cells as a function of temperature was similar to the decrease in the growth rate. Cells could not actively take up nitrate or nitrite at 15°C, although nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase were still active. These data demonstrate that growth at low temperature is not limited by a decrease in the rate of photosynthetic electron transport or by photoinhibition, but that inactivation of the nitrate/nitrite transporter limits growth at low temperature.  相似文献   

DENISON  R. FORD 《Annals of botany》1989,64(2):167-169
An earlier paper which analysed the implications of diffusionlimitation for acetylene reduction by intact legume noduleshas recently been criticized for ignoring competitive inhibitionof acetylene reduction by dinitrogen. Mathematical analysesof competitive inhibition show that the dependence of acetylenereduction rate on acetylene concentration under atmosphericN2 is described adequately by an equation functionally equivalentto the Michaelis—Menten equation, despite competitiveinhibition. Therefore, no modification of the original analysisis required. However, competitive inhibition is shown to bea significant factor when experiments under atmospheric N2 andunder argon are compared. Acetylene reduction, dinitrogen fixation, competitive inhibition, diffusion limitation, legume nodules  相似文献   

The relationship between growth rate and rRNA content in a marine Synechococcus strain was examined. A combination of flow cytometry and whole-cell hybridization with fluorescently labeled 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes was used to measure the rRNA content of Synechococcus strain WH8101 cells grown at a range of light-limited growth rates. The sensitivity of this approach was sufficient for the analysis of rRNA even in very slowly growing Synechococcus cells (μ = 0.15 day−1). The relationship between growth rate and cellular rRNA content comprised three phases: (i) at low growth rates (<~0.7 day−1), rRNA cell−1 remained approximately constant; (ii) at intermediate rates (~0.7 − 1.6 day−1), rRNA cell−1 increased proportionally with growth rate; and (iii) at the highest, light-saturated rates (>~1.6 day−1), rRNA cell−1 dropped abruptly. Total cellular RNA (as measured with the nucleic acid stain SYBR Green II) was well correlated with the probe-based measure of rRNA and varied in a similar manner with growth rate. Mean cell volume and rRNA concentration (amount of rRNA per cubic micrometer) were related to growth rate in a manner similar to rRNA cell−1, although the overall magnitude of change in both cases was reduced. These patterns are hypothesized to reflect an approximately linear increase in ribosome efficiency with increasing growth rate, which is consistent with the prevailing prokaryotic model at low growth rates. Taken together, these results support the notion that measurements of cellular rRNA content might be useful for estimating in situ growth rates in natural Synechococcus populations.  相似文献   

The phosphorus contents of acid-soluble pools, lipid, ribonucleic acid, and acid-insoluble polyphosphate were lowered in Synechococcus in proportion to the reduction in growth rate in phosphate-limited but not in nitrate-limited continuous culture. Phosphorus in these cell fractions was lost proportionately during progressive phosphate starvation of batch cultures. Acid-insoluble polyphosphate was always present in all cultural conditions to about 10% of total cell phosphorus and did not turn over during balanced exponential growth. Extensive polyphosphate formation occurred transiently when phosphate was given to cells which had been phosphate limited. This material was broken down after 8 h even in the presence of excess external orthophosphate, and its phosphorus was transferred into other cell fractions, notably ribonucleic acid. Phosphate uptake kinetics indicated an invariant apparent K(m) of about 0.5 muM, but V(max) was 40 to 50 times greater in cells from phosphate-limited cultures than in cells from nitrate-limited or balanced batch cultures. Over 90% of the phosphate taken up within the first 30 s at 15 degrees C was recovered as orthophosphate. The uptake process is highly specific, since neither phosphate entry nor growth was affected by a 100-fold excess of arsenate. The activity of polyphosphate synthetase in cell extracts increased at least 20-fold during phosphate starvation or in phosphate-restricted growth, but polyphosphatase activity was little changed by different growth conditions. The findings suggest that derepression of the phosphate transport and polyphosphate-synthesizing systems as well as alkaline phosphatase occurs in phosphate shortage, but that the breakdown of polyphosphate in this organism is regulated by modulation of existing enzyme activity.  相似文献   

The effect of IAA on growth, dinitrogen fixation, and heterocystsfrequency of Anabaena PCC 7119 and Nodularia sp. have been investigated.Concentrations of IAA ranging from 10–10 to 10–4M did not change the growth of Anabaena PCC 7119. Concentrationshigher than 10–4 M were inhibitory. Similar results werefound in Nodularia sp. although in this case the inhibitoryeffect appeared with 10–5M of IAA. Neither the nitrogenaseactivity nor the heterocysts frequency were enhanced by IAAtreatment. (Received June 17, 1986; Accepted January 22, 1987)  相似文献   

The involvement of a primary inhibition of dinitrogen fixationin the toxic effect of trichlorfon in cyanobacteria has beeninvestigated. Significant inhibition of nitrogenase activitycan be detected 3 h after the addition of insecticide to batchcultures of Anabaena PCC 7119. Recovery of nitrogenase activitystarts between 6–12 h after removal of the insecticide,suggesting a requirement for the induction of new heterocysts.Under anaerobic conditions the inhibitory effect of the insecticideis largely prevented. Biochemical analysis indicates that envelopeglycolipids exist in trichlorfon-treated cultures. However,ultrastructural examination shows heterocyst deterioration andthe failure of the inner glycolipid layer of the heterocystenvelope. Our data are consistent with the view that destabilizationof the heterocyst envelope is the first target of insecticidalaction. Inhibition of dinitrogen fixation and growth have alsobeen shown in the cyanobacteria Gloeothece PCC 6501, NostocUAM 205, and Chlorogloeopsis PCC 6912.  相似文献   

The growth rate of the indeterminate soybean plant [Glycinemax (L.)Merr.] slows as it proceeds from vegetative phase intoreproductive growth. Yet, the well-nodulated plant acquiresmost of its nitrogen during reproductive growth. Thus, the interrelationshipbetween plant developmental stage and nitrogen fixation wasexamined. It is shown that, regardless of the age of the hydroponicallygrown soybean plant at the time of its inoculation with Bradyrhizobiumjaponicum, the highest rate of nitrogen fixation occurs duringthe pod-filling stage (R5). Nevertheless, maximum total nitrogenfixation is generally achieved when inoculation occurs at thefull-bloom stage (R2). It is shown, however, that flower budsand flowering are not responsible for the enhanced nodulationand nitrogen fixation. Rather, the data suggest that the onsetof rapid nodulation occurs soon after the initiation of thedevelopmentally programmed drop in foliar nitrate reductaseactivity. The ensuing increase in nitrogen fixation providesthe plant with much of its needed nitrogen and hence stimulatesplant mass accumulation during pod-fill. It is suggested thatnitrogen fixation enhances growth of the soybean plant by increasingits net photosynthetic efficiency during reproductive growthand by providing the needed nitrogen at the appropriate timefor maximum seed growth. Key words: Glycine max, nitrate, nitrogen fixation, nodulation  相似文献   

Toxin-antitoxin systems are ubiquitous in nature and present on the chromosomes of both bacteria and archaea. MazEF is a type II toxin-antitoxin system present on the chromosome of Escherichia coli and other bacteria. Whether MazEF is involved in programmed cell death or reversible growth inhibition and bacterial persistence is a matter of debate. In the present work the role of MazF in bacterial physiology was studied by using an inactive, active-site mutant of MazF, E24A, to activate WT MazF expression from its own promoter. The ectopic expression of E24A MazF in a strain containing WT mazEF resulted in reversible growth arrest. Normal growth resumed on inhibiting the expression of E24A MazF. MazF-mediated growth arrest resulted in an increase in survival of bacterial cells during antibiotic stress. This was studied by activation of mazEF either by overexpression of an inactive, active-site mutant or pre-exposure to a sublethal dose of antibiotic. The MazF-mediated persistence phenotype was found to be independent of RecA and dependent on the presence of the ClpP and Lon proteases. This study confirms the role of MazEF in reversible growth inhibition and persistence.  相似文献   

A shift of the growth temperature from 40 degrees C to 18 degrees C promoted an increase in the degree of fatty acids unsaturation and a decrease, from 26 degrees C to 0 degrees C, of the phase transition temperature of thylakoid membranes in Anabaena siamensis. The pattern of photoinhibition of photosynthesis at distinct temperatures varied as a function of the phase transition temperature. In the absence of streptomycin, a pronounced photoinhibition at temperatures near the phase transition (26 degrees C) was observed in cells grown at 40 degrees C, while protection from photodamage was observed at chilling temperatures (15 degrees C to 5 degrees C). In this same range of temperature, such a protection was not verified if cells were grown at 18 degrees C. In both types of cells, however, the rate of photoinactivation in the presence of streptomycin was progressively decreased by lowering the temperature of photoinhibition. When recovery from photoinhibition was followed at the respective temperature in which cells were grown, the restoration profile of the photosynthetic O(2) evolution to initial levels was essentially the same in both types of cells. The protective effect of low temperatures against photoinhibition was attributed to a decreased solubility and diffusion of oxygen in the thylakoid membranes due to an increase of the membrane viscosity that would avoid the photogeneration of reactive oxygen species around PS II.  相似文献   

The production of geosmin from the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria brevis was studied as a function of the photon fluence rate and appears to be related to the chlorophyll content.  相似文献   

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