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Fragmentation is a major threat factor for plant–frugivore communities in tropical and subtropical forests. Resulting changes in the distribution of traits within these communities, e.g., a loss in large‐bodied frugivores, may lead to strong changes in plant–frugivore interactions in fragmented forests. Yet, we still lack a thorough understanding of the interplay between forest fragmentation, the trait‐composition of communities and resulting plant–frugivore interactions on a community‐scale. In a fragmented South African landscape comprising different forest categories—i.e., continuous natural forest, forest fragments surrounded by natural grassland, and forest fragments surrounded by sugarcane—we investigated the relationship between communities of fruiting plants and their frugivore visitors in response to forest fragmentation, as well as the interactive effects of forest fragmentation and fruit size of the plants on the number of frugivore visitors and their body size. Neither the fruit size of plant nor the body mass of frugivore communities differed between natural forest sites and forest fragments. Moreover, in‐depth analyses of frugivore assemblages visiting plant species revealed no effect of forest category on the number of frugivore visits or their mean body mass. The number of visits and body mass of frugivores were merely determined by the crop and fruit size of the focal plant species. Overall, our results suggest that frugivory of plant species with differently sized fruits was not reduced in forest fragments. Thus, fragments with high fruit availability may be key elements maintaining the functional connectivity of a heterogeneous forest landscape.  相似文献   

Seasonal and vertical distribution, migratory patterns and reproductive effort in coexisting cladocerans were investigated in three humic lakes with different, but low phytoplankton abundances and varying fish predation pressure. Seasonal and vertical habitat or niche overlap varied, but were high within most pairs of species in all localities. Migration was conspicuous in presence of planktivorous fish, less so in the fish free lake. Despite algal densities below incipient limiting level (30–200 μg C I−1) and a low ratio (3–10) of algal to cladoceran biomass, zooplankton distribution and reproductive parameters were not clearly related to algal biomass. Bacterial biomass equalled 10–50% of phytoplankton biomass, while detritus by far was the largest of the particulate compartements. It was concluded that with a possible exception of the early summer algal bloom, additional carbon sources (bacteria, detritus) are important to cladoceran nutrition in these humic lakes. A large share of N- and P-poor detritus in the diet would give zooplankton productivity limitation by food quality in terms of elemental composition rather than food quantity. This would permit coexistence even of species with rather high food overlap, but give low production rates for all species in agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

Studies that assess the importance of riparian habitats in maintaining diversity of herpetofaunal assemblages in tropical dry forests are limited. We examined changes in abundance, diversity and composition of anuran, lizard and snake assemblages along stream edge–upslope gradients in conserved and disturbed areas of tropical dry forest on the Pacific coast of México. We sampled 659 plots in six watersheds over 2 yr. Two forest conditions (conserved and human disturbed, with three watersheds as replicates) were evaluated in the dry and rainy season. Within each watershed, plots were randomly located at three different distance categories from either stream edge: 0–10 m (near‐stream environment), 30–40 m (mid‐slope environment), and 50–60 m (upslope environment). Herpetofauna was surveyed by time‐constrained searches with a sampling effort of 1980 person‐hours. Eighteen anuran, 18 lizard and 23 snake species were recorded. Overall, abundance and diversity of lizards and snakes decreased from near‐stream to upslope areas in both forest conditions and seasons; while that of anurans followed this trend only for the conserved forest during the rainy season. Regardless of distance, abundance and diversity of anurans markedly decreased during the dry season, while that of snakes and lizards increased. Overall, our study shows that the importance of riparian areas for herpetofaunal conservation in dry tropical forests varies with forest condition and season.  相似文献   

Loss and fragmentation of natural habitats are key contributors to the decline of populations and impoverishment of biological communities. The response to these disturbances can vary substantially among taxa and depends on spatial metrics of habitat fragments and the surrounding landscape. Herein we test how fragment area, shape, isolation, and matrix quality affect reptile richness, abundance, and occurrence in Brazilian Atlantic Forest fragments, a biodiversity hotspot with a poorly studied reptile fauna. We used 23 forest fragments, ranging from 2 to 30 hectares, surrounded by different matrix types, including sugarcane crop fields, cattle ranching, subsistence farmlands and rural communities. Species richness, total reptile abundance, population abundance, and occurrence probability of many species decreased with fragment area. Model selection suggested that fragment area is the main predictor of both richness and abundance, but matrix quality as well as fragment shape are also important predictors. For population abundance and occurrence probability, fragment area and proximity were the most important predictors followed by fragment shape and matrix quality, but the strength and even the sign of predictors varied substantially among species. We highlight that the value of small fragments should not be neglected for the conservation of Atlantic Forest reptiles.  相似文献   

The processes of habitat loss and fragmentation are probably the most important threats to biodiversity. It is critical that we understand the conservation value of fragments, because they may represent opportunities to make important conservation gains, particularly for species whose ranges are not in a protected area. However, our ability to understand the value of fragments for primates is limited by the fact that researchers have conducted many studies in protected areas, which do not represent most fragments, and studies are typically short term. Here we determine the long-term survival probability of red (Procolobus pennantii) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) inhabiting forest fragments outside of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Local communities use the fragments primarily for subsistence agriculture and fuelwood. We surveyed primate populations 3 times over 8 yr, made a total inventory of all trees 2 times, contrasted behavior of groups inhabiting 1 fragment with groups in the continuous forest, and judged the conservation value of the fragments by quantifying patterns of forest use by local people. Of the 20 fragments surveyed, 16 supported resident populations of colobus in 1995, 2 were cleared in 2000, and an additional 2 fragments were cleared by 2003. In 1995 we counted 165 black-and-white colobus, whereas in 2000 and 2003, we counted 119 and 75 individuals, respectively. Seven fragments supported red colobus in 1995, 11 in 2000, and 9 in 2003. In 2000 we counted 159 red colobus, while in 2003, we saw 145 individuals. For both species, activity patterns in continuous forest were similar to those in a fragment, with the exception that individuals in the fragment rested more. Colobus in the fragment ate more mature leaves than colobus in the continuous forest did. Fragments supported all the fuelwood needs of an average of 32 people who lived immediately adjacent to them, and partially supported families up to 3 farms away (ca. 400 m), representing 576 people. Intensive harvesting for fuelwood occurred when neighboring households engaged in beer brewing (an average of 9.6% of the households), gin distilling (8.8%), or charcoal production (14.5%). Overall, between 2000 and 2003, the average density of trees declined by 14 trees/ha (range = 0–60 trees/ha). If current rates of clearing continue, the probability that the fragments will continue to support colobus populations is low.  相似文献   

Research on the ecology of sympatric dolphins has increased worldwide in recent decades. However, many dolphin associations such as that between common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) are poorly understood. The present study was conducted in the San Matías Gulf (SMG) ecosystem (North Patagonia, Argentina) where a high diet overlap among both species was found. The main objective of the present work was to explore the niche overlap of common and dusky dolphins in the habitat and temporal dimensions. The specific aims were (a) to evaluate the habitat use strategies of both species through a comparison of their group attributes (social composition, size and activity), and (b) to evaluate their habitat preferences and habitat overlap through Environmental Niche modeling considering two oceanographic seasons. To accomplish these aims, we used a historic database of opportunistic and systematic records collected from 1983 to 2011. Common and dusky dolphins exhibited similar patterns of group size (from less than 10 to more than 100 individuals), activity (both species use the area to feed, nurse, and copulate), and composition (adults, juveniles, and mothers with calves were observed for both species). Also, both species were observed travelling and feeding in mixed-species groups. Specific overlap indices were higher for common dolphins than for dusky dolphins, but all indices were low, suggesting that they are mainly segregated in the habitat dimension. In the case of common dolphins, the best habitats were located in the northwest of the gulf far from the coast. In the warm season they prefer areas with temperate sea surface and in the cold season they prefer areas with relatively high variability of sea surface temperature. Meanwhile, dusky dolphins prefer areas with steep slopes close to the coast in the southwestern sector of the gulf in both seasons.  相似文献   

Many animal populations are forced to inhabit very small forest patches, which may threaten their long-term survival. In some cases, animals in these forest remnants are able to supplement their diet by using resources outside of their home patch, a process named 'landscape supplementation'. Although this is probably a key process for population survival in fragmented landscapes, little is known about the ability of most animal species to move through the matrix and feed from different landscape elements. In this paper we report several cases of landscape supplementation by two groups of Mexican mantled howler monkeys Alouatta palliata mexicana inhabiting two different forest patches in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Our observations show that howler monkeys used several landscape elements, such as isolated trees, live fences and neighboring forest patches to supplement their diet. These observations underline the importance of these landscape elements for the survival of forest-dependent animals in highly fragmented landscapes, as they can provide important food resources and, hence, can be considered as potential extensions of their home range. However, the degree of protection the landowner provides to howler monkeys and proper management of these landscape elements are key aspects in determining the use of these elements by these animals.  相似文献   

Conservation decisions should be evaluated for how they meet conservation goals at multiple spatial extents. Conservation easements are land use decisions resulting from a combination of social and environmental conditions. An emerging area of research is the evaluation of spatial distribution of easements and their spatial correlates. We tested the relative influence of interacting social and environmental variables on the spatial distribution of conservation easements by ownership category and conservation status. For the Appalachian region of the United States, an area with a long history of human occupation and complex land uses including public-private conservation, we found that settlement, economic, topographic, and environmental data associated with spatial distribution of easements (N = 4813). Compared to random locations, easements were more likely to be found in lower elevations, in areas of greater agricultural productivity, farther from public protected areas, and nearer other human features. Analysis of ownership and conservation status revealed sources of variation, with important differences between local and state government ownerships relative to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and among U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) GAP program status levels. NGOs were more likely to have easements nearer protected areas, and higher conservation status, while local governments held easements closer to settlement, and on lands of greater agricultural potential. Logistic interactions revealed environmental variables having effects modified by social correlates, and the strongest predictors overall were social (distance to urban area, median household income, housing density, distance to land trust office). Spatial distribution of conservation lands may be affected by geographic area of influence of conservation groups, suggesting that multi-scale conservation planning strategies may be necessary to satisfy local and regional needs for reserve networks. Our results support previous findings and provide an ecoregion-scale view that conservation easements may provide, at local scales, conservation functions on productive, more developable lands. Conservation easements may complement functions of public protected areas but more research should examine relative landscape-level ecological functions of both forms of protection.  相似文献   

In order to maximize their fitness, individuals aim at choosing territories offering the most appropriate combination of resources. As population size fluctuates in time, the frequency of breeding territory occupancy reflects territory quality. We investigated the relationships between the frequency of territory occupancy (2002–2009) vs. habitat characteristics, prey abundance, reproductive success and parental traits in hoopoes Upupa epops L., with the objective to define proxies for the delineation of conservation priority areas. We predicted that the distribution of phenotypes is despotic and sought for phenotypic characteristics expressing dominance. Our findings support the hypothesis of a despotic distribution. Territory selection was non-random: frequently occupied territories were settled earlier in the season and yielded higher annual reproductive success, but the frequency of territory occupancy could not be related to any habitat characteristics. Males found in frequently occupied territories showed traits expressing dominance (i.e. larger body size and mass, and older age). In contrast, morphological traits of females were not related to the frequency of territory occupancy, suggesting that territory selection and maintenance were essentially a male''s task. Settlement time in spring, reproductive success achieved in a given territory, as well as phenotypic traits and age of male territory holders reflected territory quality, providing good proxies for assessing priority areas for conservation management.  相似文献   

Issues of spatial scale and resolution are intrinsic to efforts aimed at protecting and improving environmental health. Deciding on an appropriate policy or selecting a suitable research design implies a decision, either implicit or explicit, about spatial scale and resolution. This article looks at issues in the context of environmental health, reviews crucial problems and questions, and examines examples of spatial effects on analytical results related to causal inference, disease clustering, and analysis and interpretation of census data. The discussion focuses on the need to consider spatial issues as a key component of informed, well- reasoned decisions about safeguarding environmental health.  相似文献   

The Philippines are one of the most important biodiveristy hotspots on earth. Due to the extraordinary rate of environmental destruction, leaving only 3% of the land with primary forest, this biodiversity is at high risk. Despite that situation information on Philippine forest vegetation is fragmentary and focused on trees. This study aimed at analysing forest remnants in the Leyte Cordillera on the Island of Leyte, and at evaluating their role as refuge to the largely destroyed lowland forest vegetation. A total of 49 plots (100 m2 each) between 55 and 520 m a.s.l. were studied. All vascular plant species except epiphytes were included. Records include 685 taxa from 289 genera and 111 families, representing nearly 8% of the known Philippine vascular plant species. More than half (52%) of the species are Philippine endemics. A number of 41 tree species, or 6% of all taxa recorded, are included in the IUCN red list, either as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered. Life form composition was dominated by phanerophytes (65.3%), followed by lianas and chamaephytes (17.1 and 16.9%, respectively). The most common families were the Rubiaceae with 35 and the Euphorbiaceae with 32 species. All five Philippine dipterocarp forest types as well as the molave forest type were represented by typical tree species. The area provides an important gene bank of the highly threatened Philippine lowland forest vegetation and is of high value for biodiversity conservation. Additionally, it can play an important role as seed source of valuable tree species for the increasing initiatives to rehabilitate and reforest degraded land with native species.  相似文献   

A combined systematic and stratified sampling design was conducted in mountain forests of the Bavarian Alps to find the principal dimensions of compositional variation of vegetation and their environmental drivers. In 1,505 plots species composition, forest types and soil profiles were recorded. Data from 14 climate stations were included. As we hypothesized that the tree layer is more influenced by management than the understorey and that the former modifies the habitat of the latter, the two matrices were analysed separately and the species composition of the tree layer was used as a structural predictor variable for the understorey. We applied constrained ordination to reveal the main gradients in floristic composition and variance partitioning to examine the portions of climatic, edaphic, spatial and structural components. Ellenberg indicator values and a generalized linear model were used to test whether a significant spatial gradient exists from east to west, the main spatial extent of the investigation area. Forest types were used as an overlay to assess the underlying environmental factors. It turned out that explained variance of the tree layer was considerably lower than in the understorey. Tree layer composition was more influenced by climatic variables than by soil. In the understorey, edaphic and climatic variables contributed almost equally to explained variance, but the tree layer had an additional explanatory power. No continentality gradient could be detected within the investigation area. Plant communities were well separated along gradients of acidity, moisture, nutrients and climate, which broadly confirms the known gradients for montane and subalpine zonal forests in the region. The study provides a quantitative synthesis of the knowledge on a diverse set of community types, which has so far been subject to disparate and sectorial treatment in the Bavarian Alps.  相似文献   

Tropical forest conservation and restoration require an understanding of the movements and habitat preferences of important seed dispersers. With forests now being altered at an unprecedented rate, avian frugivores are becoming increasingly vital for forest regeneration. Seed movement, however, is highly dependent on the behavioral characteristics of their dispersers. Here, we examined the movements, habitat preferences, and range sizes of two African frugivores: the Black‐casqued (Ceratogymna atrata) and the White‐thighed (Bycanistes albotibialis) Hornbill, in the lowland rain forests of southern Cameroon. Using satellite transmitters, we tracked eight hornbills for 3 yr to characterize their movements and relate them to environmental landscape features. Hornbill movements differed significantly, with B. albotibialis ranging over larger areas (mean = 20,274 ha) than C. atrata (mean = 5604 ha), and females of both species covering over 15 times the area of males. Evidence suggests that movements are irruptive during particular periods, perhaps driven by low resource availability. In addition, hornbills often returned to the same localities within a year, although movements were not characterized as migratory. Both species displayed significant differences in habitat preference, with B. albotibialis utilizing disturbed habitat more frequently than Catrata (= ?22.04, = 2.2 × 10?16). Major roads were found to act as barriers for C. atrata, but not for B. albotibialis. The ability of both hornbill species to move large distances suggests hornbills will play a vital role in the maintenance and regeneration of rain forests in Central Africa as forest fragmentation increases and terrestrial vertebrates decline in numbers.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest (AF) of Brazil is a highly endangered natural ecosystem whose rural human inhabitant’s socioeconomic and health situation also is generally precarious. Using a transdisciplinary and participatory methodology, the different characteristics of rural populations living near three protected areas in Santa Teresa—ES, Brazil, were investigated in a pilot project examining the human groups and the biodiversity of the region. This article presents a general overview of the project, its bioanthropological methodology, socioeconomic, demographic, environmental perception, and sanitary findings, and their possible implications for the three protected areas. A total of 178 families, living in 119 properties participated in the research. The water and sanitation infrastructure of these properties is often poor, over 85% of the cultivated land is used for products which make heavy use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers, education levels are low, and two-thirds of the inhabitants do not perceive a value in the protected areas. Hunting and extraction of forest products in the areas is common and many local animal species are highly endangered. Considering that the AF protected areas are under intense anthropogenic pressure, it is imperative to study their surrounding populations in order to propose initiatives that can contribute simultaneously to environmental conservation and the improvement of their quality of life. The project is based on the participation of the local population with the aim of contributing to a better integration of the communities with the protected areas.  相似文献   

In western Uganda, the landscape surrounding Kibale National Park (KNP) contains households, trading centers, roads, fields, and forest fragments. The mosaic arrangement of these landscape features is thought to enhance human–primate interaction, leading to primate population declines and increased bi-directional disease transmission. Using a social–ecological systems research framework that captures the complexity of interaction among people, wildlife, and environment, we studied five forest fragments near KNP and conducted intensive on-the-ground mapping to identify locations of human–primate spatial overlap. Primate locations and human activities were distributed within, on the edges, and far beyond fragment borders. Analysis of shared spaces indicated that 5.5% of human space overlapped with primate spaces, while 69.5% of primate spaces overlapped with human spaces. Nearest neighbor analysis indicated that human activities were significantly spatially clustered within and around individual fragments, as were primate locations. Getis–Ord statistics revealed statistically significant “hotspots” of human activity and primate activity, but only one location where spatial overlap between humans and primates was statistically significant. Human activities associated with collecting fuelwood and other forest products were the primary drivers of human–primate overlap; however, primates also spent time outside of forest fragments in agricultural spaces. These results demonstrate that fragmented landscapes are not uniform with respect to human–primate overlap, and that the implications of human–primate interaction, such as primate population declines and possible cross-species disease transmission, are spatially aggregated.  相似文献   

The distribution of beta diversity is shaped by factors linked to environmental and spatial control. The relative importance of both processes in structuring spider metacommunities has not yet been investigated in the Atlantic Forest. The variance explained by purely environmental, spatially structured environmental, and purely spatial components was compared for a metacommunity of web spiders. The study was carried out in 16 patches of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil. Field work was done in one landscape mosaic representing a slight gradient of urbanization. Environmental variables encompassed plot- and patch-level measurements and a climatic matrix, while principal coordinates of neighbor matrices (PCNMs) acted as spatial variables. A forward selection procedure was carried out to select environmental and spatial variables influencing web-spider beta diversity. Variation partitioning was used to estimate the contribution of pure environmental and pure spatial effects and their shared influence on beta-diversity patterns, and to estimate the relative importance of selected environmental variables. Three environmental variables (bush density, land use in the surroundings of patches, and shape of patches) and two spatial variables were selected by forward selection procedures. Variation partitioning revealed that 15% of the variation of beta diversity was explained by a combination of environmental and PCNM variables. Most of this variation (12%) corresponded to pure environmental and spatially environmental structure. The data indicated that (1) spatial legacy was not important in explaining the web-spider beta diversity; (2) environmental predictors explained a significant portion of the variation in web-spider composition; (3) one-third of environmental variation was due to a spatial structure that jointly explains variation in species distributions. We were able to detect important factors related to matrix management influencing the web-spider beta-diversity patterns, which are probably linked to historical deforestation events.  相似文献   

The programmed frameshift element (PFE) rerouting translation from ORF1a to ORF1b is essential for the propagation of coronaviruses. The combination of genomic features that make up PFE—the overlap between the two reading frames, a slippery sequence, as well as an ensemble of complex secondary structure elements—places severe constraints on this region as most possible nucleotide substitution may disrupt one or more of these elements. The vast amount of SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data generated within the past year provides an opportunity to assess the evolutionary dynamics of PFE in great detail. Here, we performed a comparative analysis of all available coronaviral genomic data available to date. We show that the overlap between ORF1a and ORF1b evolved as a set of discrete 7, 16, 22, 25, and 31 nucleotide stretches with a well-defined phylogenetic specificity. We further examined sequencing data from over 1,500,000 complete genomes and 55,000 raw read data sets to demonstrate exceptional conservation and detect signatures of selection within the PFE region.  相似文献   

Combining protected areas with natural forest timber concessions may sustain larger forest landscapes than is possible via protected areas alone. However, the role of timber concessions in maintaining natural forest remains poorly characterized.An estimated 57% (303,525 km2) of Kalimantan''s land area (532,100 km2) was covered by natural forest in 2000. About 14,212 km2 (4.7%) had been cleared by 2010. Forests in oil palm concessions had been reduced by 5,600 km2 (14.1%), while the figures for timber concessions are 1,336 km2 (1.5%), and for protected forests are 1,122 km2 (1.2%). These deforestation rates explain little about the relative performance of the different land use categories under equivalent conversion risks due to the confounding effects of location.An estimated 25% of lands allocated for timber harvesting in 2000 had their status changed to industrial plantation concessions in 2010. Based on a sample of 3,391 forest plots (1×1 km; 100 ha), and matching statistical analyses, 2000–2010 deforestation was on average 17.6 ha lower (95% C.I.: −22.3 ha–−12.9 ha) in timber concession plots than in oil palm concession plots. When location effects were accounted for, deforestation rates in timber concessions and protected areas were not significantly different (Mean difference: 0.35 ha; 95% C.I.: −0.002 ha–0.7 ha).Natural forest timber concessions in Kalimantan had similar ability as protected areas to maintain forest cover during 2000–2010, provided the former were not reclassified to industrial plantation concessions. Our study indicates the desirability of the Government of Indonesia designating its natural forest timber concessions as protected areas under the IUCN Protected Area Category VI to protect them from reclassification.  相似文献   

采用热平衡包裹式树干液流仪(stem heat balance,SHB)监测沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)茎干液流日变化,并利用自动气象站同步监测太阳辐射、空气温度、空气相对湿度、风速等气象因子日变化,研究沙冬青茎干液流在不同季节和天气条件下的日变化特征及其与环境气象因子的关系.研究表明:(1)在夏季沙冬青茎干液流昼夜区别明显,且变幅较大,液流于8:00~9:00开始启动,并迅速于9:00左右达到峰值,然后立即有一个大幅度的下降,后在小幅度波动中维持到19:00左右停止;沙冬青茎干液流在夜间较弱;(2)不同天气条件对沙冬青液流的变化影响较大,沙冬青茎干液流速率的总体变化幅度表现为晴天>阴天>沙尘天气;(3)各季节典型天气下沙冬青茎干液流速率表现为夏季>春季>冬季;生长季茎干液流启动时间早,液流量大;春季液流启动时间次之,液流量变化平缓,维持时间长;冬季液流启动时间最迟,液流变化速率大且维持时间短;(4)沙冬青茎干液流与气象因子的关系密切,其中与太阳辐射的关系最为密切,其次是空气温度和相对湿度,影响最小的是风速.  相似文献   

加强森林经营,实现森林保护与木材供应双赢   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国森林目前面临木材自给和生态安全的严重挑战.我国用1.2×108 hm2耕地养活了13亿人口,能否用2×108 hm2森林提供13亿人的用材,实现木材基本自给和森林保护的"双赢"?本文在分析我国林业的基本形势和实现木材自给必要性的基础上,从生产潜力和技术方面论证了实现木材自给和生态服务双赢的可能性.认为只要坚持以"森林经营"为核心,以培育稳定健康的森林生态系统为目标,以模拟森林的自然过程为手段重建森林生态系统,科学编制和执行森林经营规划,并加强林区基础建设和完善相应的林业政策,中国完全有可能实现生态保护与木材自给的"双赢".  相似文献   

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