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The 657del5 mutation of the NBS1 gene has been demonstrated in most patients with Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS). We identified four Turkish families in which probands were diagnosed as having NBS and found to be homozygous for the 657del5 mutation. The 657del5 allele in the four Turkish families had a single origin.  相似文献   

The homozygous 657del5 mutation, called Slavic mutation, of the NBS1 gene, causes the Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS). This syndrome is connected with a high incidence of malignancies in early childhood. A high frequency of NBS heterozygotes was found among patients with melanoma, breast, ovary and prostate cancer. The aim of our research was to determine the frequency of 657del5 mutation of the NBS1 gene in the population of Wielkopolska province. For this purpose, we analysed blood samples from anonymous Guthrie cards. In a group of 2090 newborns from the whole province, we found 16 heterozygous mutation carriers. The frequency of 1/131 is higher than 1/190 reported for populations from other regions in Poland. We observed differential regional distribution of heterozygous 657del5 mutation carriers within the province: among 464 samples from the eastern part of Wielkopolska we found 6 carriers (1/77), in contrast to the southern part without any carrier among 625 samples analysed. The high mean frequency of heterozygous 657del5 mutation (1/131) in Wielkopolska province may be associated with cancer incidence in this region.  相似文献   

A Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis (LB) promastigote cDNA library in λgt11 was screened with patients' sera with the aim of identifying antigens specifically related to mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL). One of the clones isolated, 133P, consistently reacted with MCL sera; it was sequenced and found to encode the C-terminal three-quarters of a protein belonging to the highly conserved Hsp70 family. Since Hsp70 proteins from different species tend to be less conserved through the C-terminal end, it was predicted that this region would be more antigenic and was likely to bear the discriminatory epitopes. In order to test this hypothesis, the N- and C-terminal halves of the polypeptide encoded by 133P, 133P-N and 133P-C, respectively, were expressed in Esherichia coli. Immunoblotting analysis demonstrated that 133P-C reacted more strongly with a pool of MCL sera than 133P-N, and both recombinant proteins reacted faintly with pools of cutaneous (CL) and visceral (VL) leishmaniasis sera. These results confirmed the predicted epitope location in the C-terminal region. The 133P-C fragment was also expressed as a fusion protein with glutathione-S-transferase (GST-133P-C), affinity-purified with glutathione-agarose and tested by ELISA with individual sera. From 46 Lb-infected patients, 41 sera (89%) were positive, no cross-reactivity was observed with healthy, Trypanosoma cruzi- or L. amazonensis-infected individuals. Despite a relatively high cross-reactivity with VL sera, the enhanced humoral response of MCL as compared with CL patients might be interesting for studies on disease aggravation.  相似文献   

Mammary glands contain a group of calcium-sensitive proteins that bind to membranes in a calcium-dependent manner. Using the calcium-dependent binding to hydrophobic surfaces in combination with conventional techniques, we have purified the 70 kDa mammary calcium-binding protein (70 kDa M-CBP) to homogeneity. Antisera prepared to the 70 kDa M-CBP or to bovine liver 67 kDa calelectrin reacted in immunoblot analysis with the 70 kDa M-CBP antigen and with several additional mammary CBP species in crude tissue homogenates. Limited proteolysis of the 70 kDa M-CBP produced smaller immunoreactive species; extensive proteolysis resulted in more complete degradation of the protein. Identical data were obtained with digestion of 67 kDa calelectrin. The pl for the 70 kDa M-CBP was determined to be approximately 5.8; the same value reported for 67 kDa calelectrin. Phosphorylation of 70 kDa M-CBP was not detected in epithelial cell culture metabolic labeling. Immunohistochemical localization showed the protein to be located in ductal epithelia of virgin mouse mammary glands with a pattern of increased staining of the basal portions of the cells. Some stromal cells were also reactive. Apparently, the 70 kDa M-CBP and 67 kDa calelectrin are the same protein. Furthermore, like the 32.5 calelectrin (endonexin) and calpactin I/p36/lipocortin II, the 70 kDa protein appears to be a ductal epithelial cell associated protein in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

Patients affected by the autosomal recessive Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome (NBS [MIM 251260]) have possibly the highest risk for developing a malignancy of all the chromosomal instability syndromes. This reflects the profound disturbance to genomic integrity and cellular homeostasis that is caused by the mutation of the essential mammalian gene, NBN. Whilst null-mutation of Nbn is lethal in the mouse, NBS patients survive due to the fact that the common human founder mutation, found in over 90% of patients, is in fact hypomorphic and leads, by alternative translation, to varying amounts of a partially functional carboxy-terminal protein fragment, p70-nibrin. The expression level of p70-nibrin correlates with cancer incidence amongst patients. Using real-time PCR we have now found that the variation in p70-nibrin expression cannot be attributed to differences in mRNA quantity and that nonsense-mediated mRNA decay is not responsible for the observed variation. We discuss an alternative explanation for p70-nibrin expression variation.  相似文献   

Ivanov  A. V.  Malygin  A. A.  Karpova  G. G. 《Molecular Biology》2003,37(5):767-771
As shown by nitrocellulose filtration assays with RNA fragments transcribed from various regions of the human ribosomal protein (rp) S26 gene, recombinant rpS26 binds to the first intron of the rpS26 pre-mRNA (apparent association constant (K a) 5.0 · 107 M–1) and, to a lesser extent, to the rpS26 mRNA (K a 2.0 · 107 M–1). The binding was specific, since human rpS19 had an order of magnitude lower K a with the first intron and did not bind with the rpS26 mRNA. Immunoassays with specific antibodies showed that rpS26 contained in the nuclear extract of HeLa cells binds to the first intron of its pre-mRNA and, less efficiently, to its mRNA. In either case, RNA binding substantially increased in the presence of recombinant rpS26. Along with other (48K, 59K) nuclear proteins, rpS26 was assumed to form complexes, the functional role of which is storage of pre-mRNAs inactive in splicing.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes for presenilin 1 and 2 (PS-1 and PS-2) have been linked to development of early-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). As neither the normal function of either presenilin is known nor why mutations cause disease, we examined the properties of wild-type, truncated, and mutant PS-2 upon expression in HeLa cells. Although HeLa cells are strongly predisposed to continued mitosis, expression of PS-2 induced programmed cell death (apoptosis). Direct evidence for apoptosis was obtained by double staining for terminal deoxynucleotide transferase nick end labeling (TUNEL) and PS-2 expression and by following green fluorescent protein–tagged PS-2 over time. Deletion analysis indicates that as little as 166 NH2-terminal residues of PS-2 are sufficient for endoplasmic reticulum (ER) localization and apoptosis. Moreover, the AD- associated PS-2 missense mutation (N141I) more efficiently induced cell death compared to wild-type PS-2 despite lower mutant protein accumulation. Expression of the presenilins in several other cell lines and transgenic mice has been accompanied by rapid protein cleavage without the induction of cell death. In contrast, PS-2 expressed in HeLa cells was not cleaved, and cell death occurred. We hypothesize that full-length but not cleaved PS-2 may be important in the regulation or induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   

We report the discovery, cloning, and characterization of a novel human matrix metalloproteinase 26 (MMP-26) (matrixin) gene, endometase, an endometrial tumor-derived metalloproteinase. Among more than three million expressed sequence tags sequenced, the endometase gene was only obtained from human endometrial tumor cDNA library. Endometase mRNA was expressed specifically in human uterus, not in other tissues/cells tested, e.g. testis, heart, brain, lungs, liver, thymus, and melanoma G361. Endometase protein has a signal peptide, a propeptide domain, and a catalytic domain with a unique "cysteine switch" propeptide sequence, PHCGVPDGSD, and a zinc-binding motif, VATHEIGHSLGLQH. Endometase is 43, 41, 41, and 39% identical to human metalloelastase, stromelysin, collagenase-3, and matrilysin, respectively. The zymogen was expressed and isolated from Escherichia coli as inclusion bodies with a molecular mass of 28 kDa. The identity and homogeneity of the recombinant protein was confirmed by protein N-terminal sequencing, silver stain, and immunoblot analyses. The pro-enzyme was partially activated during the folding process. Endometase selectively cleaved type I gelatin and alpha(1)-proteinase inhibitor; however, it did not digest collagens, laminin, elastin, beta-casein, plasminogen, soybean trypsin inhibitor, or Bowman-Birk inhibitor. It hydrolyzed peptide substrates of matrixins and tumor necrosis factor-alpha converting enzyme. Endometase may selectively cleave extracellular matrix proteins, inactivate serpins, and process cytokines.  相似文献   

Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a subacute pain state arising 24–48 hours after a bout of unaccustomed eccentric muscle contractions. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to examine the patterns of cortical activation arising during DOMS-related pain in the quadriceps muscle of healthy volunteers evoked by either voluntary contraction or physical stimulation. The painful movement or physical stimulation of the DOMS-affected thigh disclosed widespread activation in the primary somatosensory and motor (S1, M1) cortices, stretching far beyond the corresponding areas somatotopically related to contraction or physical stimulation of the thigh; activation also included a large area within the cingulate cortex encompassing posteroanterior regions and the cingulate motor area. Pain-related activations were also found in premotor (M2) areas, bilateral in the insular cortex and the thalamic nuclei. In contrast, movement of a DOMS-affected limb led also to activation in the ipsilateral anterior cerebellum, while DOMS-related pain evoked by physical stimulation devoid of limb movement did not.  相似文献   

Carboxyl group modification with DCCD and NCD-4 was employed to investigate the chemical environment of the side chains of archaeopsin-1 (aO-1) and bacterioopsin (bO). Some differences were observed between aO-1 and bO. Although DCCD or NCD-4 did not modify aO-1 in bleached membrane, they modified bO in bleached membrane and in mixed DMPC/CHAPS/SDS micelles at neutral pH, thereby affecting the opsin shift and the photocycle of the regenerated chromophore. On the contrary, after solubilization with SDS, aO-1 and bO were modified by DCCD and NCD-4, which decreased the chromophore regeneration. In particular, the reaction of aO-1 in SDS with NCD-4 proceeded in a 1:1 ratio at neutral pH. The fluorescence and CD spectra indicated that the modified site was located in the hydrophobic, asymmetrical region. Lysyl-endopeptidase digestion of NCD-4 modified aO-1 produced a fluorescent fragment and amino acid sequence analysis showed that Asp85 or Asp96 in helix C is a probable candidate for the modified residue at present. Kinetic CD measurements revealed that the introduction of N-acylurea at an Asp residue in helix C did not affect the formation of the transient intermediate but inhibited the side chain packing during refolding.  相似文献   

Fusobacterium necrophorum (AB) in the pharynx, respiratory tract, female reproductive tract or urinary system is the causative agent of footrot and hepatic abscesses in animals and acute Lemierre’s syndrome in humans. Current methods do not effectively protect animals and humans against F. necrophorum (AB). The outer membrane proteins (OMP) of F. necrophorum (AB) can be used as new material to protect against the diseases induced by F. necrophorum (AB). The aim of this study was to extract OMP and examine the immunogenic response of OMP. The preliminary extraction of OMP of F. necrophorum (AB) was identified by SDS-PAGE and stained by Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (CB B R-250) and silver staining methods. The results showed that only a major band of 44.5 kDa was observed when staining the gel using CB B R-250. This band represented the target protein. In contrast, many small bands were observed by the silver staining method. The OMP also exhibited immune biological activities according to western blot analysis. The brightest band among the multi-banding observed was the OMP. Thus, the OMP was obtained and had immunogenic activity. The results provide a new direction to protect animals and humans against F. necrophorum (AB) in the clinical setting.  相似文献   


An adenine nucleoside isolated from human urine has been identified by mass spectra and other techniques as 5′-deoxy-5′-methyl-thioadenosine sulfoxide. Elevated levels (3–5 nmols/μmol creatinine) were noted in two children with severe combined immunodeficiency.  相似文献   

Yung HW  Xue L  Tolkovsky AM 《FEBS letters》2002,531(2):168-172
We have examined whether the apoptosis-specific protein p45ASP and human Apg5 are identical proteins. Like p45ASP, myc-hApg5 cross-reacted with a c-Jun antibody and approximately 50% of myc-hApg5 was bound to a Triton X-100-insoluble fraction in HeLa cells. However, soluble myc-hApg5 was degraded during apoptosis induced by staurosporine or TNFalpha/cycloheximide whilst expression of soluble p45ASP was stabilised. Furthermore, myc-hApg5 degradation was blocked by the caspase inhibitor Boc-Asp(OMe)FMK whilst p45ASP expression was eliminated. Moreover, myc-hApg5 ( approximately 32 kDa) never assumed the size of p45ASP (45 kDa). It is therefore likely that p45ASP and human Apg5 are distinct proteins although they do share some common characteristics.  相似文献   

Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parasites related to fungi with resistant spores against various environmental stresses. The rigid spore walls of these organisms are composed of two major layers, which are the exospore and the endospore. Two spore wall proteins (the endosporal protein-SWP30 and the exosporal protein-SWP32) have been previously identified in Nosema bombycis. In this study, using the MALDI-TOF-MS technique, we have characterised a new 25.7-kDa spore wall protein (SWP26) recognised by monoclonal antibody 2G10. SWP26 is predicted to have a signal peptide, four potential N-glycosylation sites, and a C-terminal heparin-binding motif (HBM) which is known to interact with extracellular glycosaminoglycans. By using a host cell binding assay, recombinant SWP26 protein (rSWP26) can inhibit spore adherence by 10%, resulting in decreased host cell infection. In contrast, the mutant rSWP26 (rΔSWP26, without HBM) was not effective in inhibiting spore adherence. Immuno-electron microscopy revealed that this protein was expressed largely in endospore and plasma membrane during endospore development, but sparsely distributed in the exospore of mature spores. The present results suggest that SWP26 is a microsporidia cell wall protein that is involved in endospore formation, host cell adherence and infection in vitro. Moreover, SWP26 could be used as a good prospective target for diagnostic research and drug design in controlling the silkworm, Bombyx mori, pebrine disease in sericulture.  相似文献   

磷脂酰丝氨酸可在磷脂酰丝氨酸合成酶(PSS)催化下由磷脂酰胆碱和L-丝氨酸生成。通过生物信息学手段对磷脂酰丝氨酸合成酶蛋白质结构进行解析和研究分析,获得2个可突变位点F139和P272,通过Overlap PCR法进行定点突变,测定突变序列,并进行酶活测定。结果显示,PSS位点F139突变为L139、M139,位点P272突变为A272,能提高酶活力,说明蛋白质结构解析结合氨基酸定点突变技术,可以改善重组酶的活力。  相似文献   

The 70-kDa family of heat-shock proteins (Hsp70) plays an important role in the host immunity, which is widely expressed in eukaryotic cells as a major chaperone protein. In the present study, the full-length complementary DNA (cDNA) of a second cognate cytosolic Hsp70 family member (MnHsc70-2) was cloned and characterized from Macrobrachium nipponense, which is an economically and nutritionally important crustacean. The cDNA was 2,717 bp, containing an open reading frame (ORF) of 1,950 bp, which encodes a protein of 649 amino acids with a theoretical molecular weight of 71.1 kDa and an isoelectric point of 5.27. Sequence alignment showed that the MnHsc70-2 shared 75–97 % identity with other heat-shock proteins. Compared to the previously identified cognate Hsp70 (MnHsc70-1) in M. nipponense, MnHsc70-2 showed quite different expression profiles under unstressed conditions in all tested tissues, including the hemocytes, heart, hepatopancreas, gill, intestine, nerve, and muscle. The phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that MnHsc70-2 showed the closest relationship with MnHsc70-1. Heat-inducibility assays showed that two isolated messenger RNAs (mRNAs) displayed different expression profiles in both the hepatopancreas and gill tissues. MnHsc70-1 mRNA expression level decreased at first and then increased to the normal level, whereas MnHsc70-2 mRNA level increased at first and then decreased. The expressions of two MnHsc70s showed substantial obvious heat-inducible regulation in both the hepatopancreas and gill. Under bacterial challenge by Aeromonas hydrophila, both MnHsc70-1 and MnHsc70-2 mRNA level was up-regulated moderately. The results suggested that two cognate Hsc70s may play essential functions in mediating responses to heat-shock and bacterial challenge.  相似文献   

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