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在真核生物中,DNA复制在染色体上特定的多位点起始.当细胞处在晚M及G1期,多个复制起始蛋白依次结合到DNA复制源,组装形成复制前复合体.pre.RC在Gl-S的转折期得到激活,随后,多个直接参与DNA复制又形成的蛋白结合到DNA复制源,启动DNA的复制,形成两个双向的DNA复制又.在染色体上,移动的DNA复制又经常会碰到复制障碍(二级DNA结构、一些蛋白的结合位点、损伤的碱基等)而暂停下来,此时,需要细胞周期检验点的调控来稳定复制叉,否则,会导致复制又垮塌及基因组不稳定.本文就真核细胞染色体DNA复制起始的机制,以及复制又稳定性的维持机制进行简要综述.  相似文献   

TopBP1 is a checkpoint protein that colocalizes with ATR at sites of DNA replication stress. In this study, we show that TopBP1 also colocalizes with 53BP1 at sites of DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs), but only in the G1‐phase of the cell cycle. Recruitment of TopBP1 to sites of DNA replication stress was dependent on BRCT domains 1–2 and 7–8, whereas recruitment to sites of DNA DSBs was dependent on BRCT domains 1–2 and 4–5. The BRCT domains 4–5 interacted with 53BP1 and recruitment of TopBP1 to sites of DNA DSBs in G1 was dependent on 53BP1. As TopBP1 contains a domain important for ATR activation, we examined whether it contributes to the G1 cell cycle checkpoint. By monitoring the entry of irradiated G1 cells into S‐phase, we observed a checkpoint defect after siRNA‐mediated depletion of TopBP1, 53BP1 or ATM. Thus, TopBP1 may mediate the checkpoint function of 53BP1 in G1.  相似文献   

Maintenance of genome integrity is crucial to avoid cancer and other genetic diseases. Thus faced with DNA damage, cells mount a DNA damage response to avoid genome instability. The DNA damage response is partially inhibited during mitosis presumably to avoid erroneous processing of the segregating chromosomes. Yet our recent study shows that TopBP1-mediated DNA processing during mitosis is highly important to reduce transmission of DNA damage to daughter cells.1 Pedersen RT, Kruse T, Nilsson J, Oestergaard VH, Lisby M. TopBP1 is required at mitosis to reduce transmission of DNA damage to G1 daughter cells. J Cell Biol 2015; 210:565-82; PMID:26283799; http://dx.doi.org/10.1083/jcb.201502107[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] Here we provide an overview of the DNA damage response and DNA repair during mitosis. One role of TopBP1 during mitosis is to stimulate unscheduled DNA synthesis at underreplicated regions. We speculated that such genomic regions are likely to hold stalled replication forks or post-replicative gaps, which become the substrate for DNA synthesis upon entry into mitosis. Thus, we addressed whether the translesion pathways for fork restart or post-replicative gap filling are required for unscheduled DNA synthesis in mitosis. Using genetics in the avian DT40 cell line, we provide evidence that unscheduled DNA synthesis in mitosis does not require the translesion synthesis scaffold factor Rev1 or PCNA ubiquitylation at K164, which serve to recruit translesion polymerases to stalled forks. In line with this finding, translesion polymerase η foci do not colocalize with TopBP1 or FANCD2 in mitosis. Taken together, we conclude that TopBP1 promotes unscheduled DNA synthesis in mitosis independently of the examined translesion polymerases.  相似文献   


Three DNA polymerases are thought to function at the eukaryotic DNA replication fork. Currently, a coherent model has been derived for the composition and activities of the lagging strand machinery. RNA-DNA primers are initiated by DNA polymerase α -primase. Loading of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen, PCNA, dissociates DNA polymerase α and recruits DNA polymerase δ and the flap endonuclease FEN1 for elongation and in preparation for its requirement during maturation, respectively. Nick translation by the strand displacement action of DNA polymerase δ, coupled with the nuclease action of FEN1, results in processive RNA degradation until a proper DNA nick is reached for closure by DNA ligase I. In the event of excessive strand displacement synthesis, other factors, such as the Dna2 nuclease/helicase, are required to trim excess flaps. Paradoxically, the composition and activity of the much simpler leading strand machinery has not been clearly established. The burden of evidence suggests that DNA polymerase ε normally replicates this strand, but under conditions of dysfunction, DNA polymerase δ may substitute.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2020,77(1):17-25.e5
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Replication protein A (RPA) is an essential component of DNA metabolic processes. RPA binds to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and interacts with multiple DNA-binding proteins. In this study, we showed that two DNA polymerases, PolB and PolD, from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis interact directly with RPA in vitro. RPA was expected to play a role in resolving the secondary structure, which may stop the DNA synthesis reaction, in the template ssDNA. Our in vitro DNA synthesis assay showed that the pausing was resolved by RPA for both PolB and PolD. These results supported the fact that RPA interacts with DNA polymerases as a member of the replisome and is involved in the normal progression of DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA is under constant attack from both endogenous and exogenous sources of DNA damaging agents. Without proper care, the ensuing DNA damages would lead to alteration of genomic structure thus affecting the faithful transmission of genetic information. During the process of evolution, organisms have acquired a series of mechanisms responding to and repairing DNA damage, thus assuring the maintenance of genome stability and faithful transmission of genetic information. DNA damage checkpoint is one such important mechanism by which, in the face of DNA damage, a cell can respond to amplified damage signals, either by actively halting the cell cycle until it ensures that critical processes such as DNA replication or mitosis are complete or by initiating apoptosis as a last resort. Over the last decade, complex hierarchical interactions between the key components like ATM/ATR in the checkpoint pathway and various other mediators, effectors including DNA damage repair proteins have begun to emerge. In the meantime, an intimate relationship between mechanisms of damage checkpoint pathway, DNA damage repair, and genome stability was also uncovered. Reviewed hereinare the recent findings on both the mechanisms of activation of checkpoint pathways and their coordination with DNA damage repair machinery as well as their effect on genomic integrity.  相似文献   

生物有机体基因组DNA经常会受到内源或外源因素的影响而导致结构发生变化,产生损伤;在长期进化过程中,有机体也相应形成了一系列应对与修复损伤DNA,并维持染色体基因组正常结构功能的机制。其中DNA损伤检验点(DNA damage checkpoint)就是在感应DNA损伤的基础上,对损伤感应信号进行转导,或引起细胞周期的暂停,从而使细胞有足够的时间对损伤DNA进行修复,或最终导致细胞发生凋亡。DNA损伤检验点信号转导途径是一个高度保守的信号感应过程,整个途径大致可以分为损伤感应、信号传递及信号效应3个组成部分。其中3-磷脂酰肌醇激酶家族类成员ATM(ataxia-telangiectasia mutated)和ATR(ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related)活性的增加构成整个途径活化的第一步。它们通过激活下游的效应激酶,Chk2/Chk1,通过协同作用许多其他调控细胞周期、DNA复制、DNA损伤修复及细胞凋亡等过程的蛋白质因子来实现细胞对DNA损伤的高度协调反应。近十几年,随着此领域研究的不断深入,人们逐步揭示了DNA损伤检验点途径发生过程中,各种核心组分通过与不同调节因子、效应因子及DNA损伤修复蛋白间的复杂相互作用,以实现监测感应异常DNA结构并实施相应反应的机制;其中,检验点衔接因子(mediators)及染色质结构,尤其是核小体组蛋白的共价修饰在调控ATM/ATR活性,促进ATM/ATR与底物间的相互作用以及介导DNA损伤位点周围染色质区域上多蛋白复合物在时间与空间上的动态形成发挥着重要的作用。同时,人们也开始发现DNA损伤检验点途径与DNA损伤修复、基因组稳定性以及肿瘤发生等过程之间某些内在的联系。该反应途径在通过协调细胞针对DNA损伤做出各种反应的基础上,直接或间接地参与或调控DNA损伤修复过程,并与DNA损伤修复途径协同作用最终保证染色体基凶组结构的完整性,而检验点途径的改变,则会引起基因组不稳定的发生,包括从突变频率的提高到大范围的染色体重排,以及染色体数量的畸变。如:突变发生在肿瘤形成早期,会大大增加肿瘤发生的几率。文章将对DNA损伤检验点途径机制及其对DNA损伤修复、基因组稳定性影响的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Replication stress impedes DNA polymerase progression causing activation of the ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related signaling pathway, which promotes the intra-S phase checkpoint activity through phosphorylation of checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1). Chk1 suppresses replication origin firing, in part, by disrupting the interaction between the preinitiation complex components Treslin and TopBP1, an interaction that is mediated by TopBP1 BRCT domain-binding to two cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) phosphorylation sites, T968 and S1000, in Treslin. Two nonexclusive models for how Chk1 regulates the Treslin–TopBP1 interaction have been proposed in the literature: in one model, these proteins dissociate due to a Chk1-induced decrease in CDK activity that reduces phosphorylation of the Treslin sites that bind TopBP1 and in the second model, Chk1 directly phosphorylates Treslin, resulting in dissociation of TopBP1. However, these models have not been formally examined. We show here that Treslin T968 phosphorylation was decreased in a Chk1-dependent manner, while Treslin S1000 phosphorylation was unchanged, demonstrating that T968 and S1000 are differentially regulated. However, CDK2-mediated phosphorylation alone did not fully account for Chk1 regulation of the Treslin–TopBP1 interaction. We also identified additional Chk1 phosphorylation sites on Treslin that contributed to disruption of the Treslin–TopBP1 interaction, including S1114. Finally, we showed that both of the proposed mechanisms regulate origin firing in cancer cell line models undergoing replication stress, with the relative roles of each mechanism varying among cell lines. This study demonstrates that Chk1 regulates Treslin through multiple mechanisms to promote efficient dissociation of Treslin and TopBP1 and furthers our understanding of Treslin regulation during the intra-S phase checkpoint.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a useful method of determining the replication timing of specific genomic loci in mammals and of delineating replicon structures on DNA fibers in combination with in vivo replication labeling. In the case of simultaneous detection of a FISH probe and replicated forks, however, the DNA fibers are damaged by the DNA denaturation step for FISH detection, and the resulting fragmented fluorescence signals prevent analysis at high resolution. Here we found that hybridization of the probe to the genomic DNA was possible even under non-denaturing condition, but only at the time its genomic region replicated. Using the method designated non-denaturing FISH, we determined the replication timing of a specific BAC clone and the standard clones, and found that at least one replication origin exists within the genomic region covered by its BAC clone as an example.  相似文献   

Ahn JS  Osman F  Whitby MC 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(11):2011-2023
Homologous recombination is believed to play important roles in processing stalled/blocked replication forks in eukaryotes. In accordance with this, recombination is induced by replication fork barriers (RFBs) within the rDNA locus. However, the rDNA locus is a specialised region of the genome, and therefore the action of recombinases at its RFBs may be atypical. We show here for the first time that direct repeat recombination, dependent on Rad22 and Rhp51, is induced by replication fork blockage at a site-specific RFB (RTS1) within a 'typical' genomic locus in fission yeast. Importantly, when the RFB is positioned between the direct repeat, conservative gene conversion events predominate over deletion events. This is consistent with recombination occurring without breakage of the blocked fork. In the absence of the RecQ family DNA helicase Rqh1, deletion events increase dramatically, which correlates with the detection of one-sided DNA double-strand breaks at or near RTS1. These data indicate that Rqh1 acts to prevent blocked replication forks from collapsing and thereby inducing deletion events.  相似文献   

检验点激酶1(checkpointkinase1,Chk1)为一种进化保守的蛋白激酶,是细胞检验点的转导因子。当电离辐射、紫外线等引起细胞DNA损伤或者DNA复制叉停滞时Chk1活化,诱导细胞产生细胞周期阻滞、DNA修复或细胞凋亡等特征。现对Chk1的结构、功能以及病毒通过Chk1调控宿主细胞周期等方面进行简述。  相似文献   

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