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The dynamic exchange of neurotransmitter receptors at synapses relies on their lateral diffusion in the plasma membrane. At synapses located on dendritic spines this process is limited by the geometry of the spine neck that restricts the passage of membrane proteins. Biochemical compartmentalisation of the spine is believed to underlie the input-specificity of excitatory synapses and to set the scale on which functional changes can occur. Synaptopodin is located predominantly in the neck of dendritic spines, and is thus ideally placed to regulate the exchange of synaptic membrane proteins. The central aim of our study was to assess whether the presence of synaptopodin influences the mobility of membrane proteins in the spine neck and to characterise whether this was due to direct molecular interactions or to spatial constraints that are related to the structural organisation of the neck. Using single particle tracking we have identified a specific effect of synaptopodin on the diffusion of metabotropic mGluR5 receptors in the spine neck. However, super-resolution STORM/PALM imaging showed that this was not due to direct interactions between the two proteins, but that the presence of synaptopodin is associated with an altered local organisation of the F-actin cytoskeleton, that in turn could restrict the diffusion of membrane proteins with large intracellular domains through the spine neck. This study contributes new data on the way in which the spine neck compartmentalises excitatory synapses. Our data complement models that consider the impact of the spine neck as a function of its shape, by showing that the internal organisation of the neck imposes additional physical barriers to membrane protein diffusion.  相似文献   

Dendritic spines are small, mushroom-like protrusions from the arbor of a neuron in the central nervous system. Interdependent changes in the morphology, biochemistry, and activity of spines have been associated with learning and memory. Moreover, post-mortem cortices from patients with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease exhibit biochemical and physical alterations within their dendritic arbors and a reduction in the number of dendritic spines. For over a decade, experimentalists have observed perforations in postsynaptic densities on dendritic spines after induction of long-term potentiation, a sustained enhancement of response to a brief electrical or chemical stimulus, associated with learning and memory. In more recent work, some suggest that activity-dependent intraspine calcium may regulate the surface area of the spine head, and reorganization of postsynaptic densities on the surface. In this paper, we develop a model of a dendritic spine with the ability to partition its transmission and receptor zones, as well as the entire spine head. Simulations are initially performed with fixed parameters for morphology to study electrical properties and identify parameters that increase efficacy of the synaptic connection. Equations are then introduced to incorporate calcium as a second messenger in regulating continuous changes in morphology. In the model, activity affects compartmental calcium, which regulates spine head morphology. Conversely, spine head morphology affects the level of local activity, whether the spines are modeled with passive membrane properties, or excitable membrane using Hodgkin–Huxley kinetics. Results indicate that merely separating the postsynaptic receptors on the surface of the spine may add to the diversity of circuitry, but does not change the efficacy of the synapse. However, when the surface area of the spine is a dynamic variable, efficacy of the synapse may vary continuously over time.  相似文献   

The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is a structural and functional barrier that prevents free exchange of circulating substances with the brain, where the endothelial cells of microvessels are joined by tight junctions. The circumventricular organs (CVOs), by contrast, lack tight junctions and exhibit more direct communication with the circulating blood and cerebrospinal fluid. Despite many outstanding morphological studies at the electron microscopic level, there remain misconceptions that the CVOs provide direct passage of blood-borne substances to the rest of the brain. This study will show the structure of the anatomical borders of the dorsal vagal complex in the brainstem. A distinct diffusion barrier between the area postrema (AP, a CVO) and the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) was illustrated by immunohistochemistry at both the light and electron microscopic levels. The border zone between the AP and NTS was underlined by a continuous monolayer of columnar cells that were immunopositive for both the tight junction protein zona occludin-1 and the astrocyte marker glial fibrillary acidic protein. This observation of a diffusion barrier between the AP and NTS resolves a long-standing dispute about whether the NTS is a structural extension of the AP with a leaky BBB. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ji-Sheng Han.  相似文献   

Pombe Cdc15 homology proteins, characterized by Fer/CIP4 homology Bin-Amphiphysin-Rvs/extended Fer/CIP4 homology (F-BAR/EFC) domains with membrane invaginating property, play critical roles in a variety of membrane reorganization processes. Among them, Rapostlin/formin-binding protein 17 (FBP17) has attracted increasing attention as a critical coordinator of endocytosis. Here we found that Rapostlin was expressed in the developing rat brain, including the hippocampus, in late developmental stages when accelerated dendritic spine formation and maturation occur. In primary cultured rat hippocampal neurons, knockdown of Rapostlin by shRNA or overexpression of Rapostlin-QQ, an F-BAR domain mutant of Rapostlin that has no ability to induce membrane invagination, led to a significant decrease in spine density. Expression of shRNA-resistant wild-type Rapostlin effectively restored spine density in Rapostlin knockdown neurons, whereas expression of Rapostlin deletion mutants lacking the protein kinase C-related kinase homology region 1 (HR1) or Src homology 3 (SH3) domain did not. In addition, knockdown of Rapostlin or overexpression of Rapostlin-QQ reduced the uptake of transferrin in hippocampal neurons. Knockdown of Rnd2, which binds to the HR1 domain of Rapostlin, also reduced spine density and the transferrin uptake. These results suggest that Rapostlin and Rnd2 cooperatively regulate spine density. Indeed, Rnd2 enhanced the Rapostlin-induced tubular membrane invagination. We conclude that the F-BAR protein Rapostlin, whose activity is regulated by Rnd2, plays a key role in spine formation through the regulation of membrane dynamics.  相似文献   

It is known that age is an important factor for postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) and the patients with POCD suffer from the impairment of multiple brain regions and multiple brain functions. However currently animal studies of POCD mainly focus on hippocampus region, therefore in this study we performed partial hepatectomy in young adult and aged rats to test the questions (1) whether POCD in animals involves other brain areas besides hippocampus; (2) how age influences POCD of young adult and aged animals. We found that (1) in young adult rats, the memory was not significantly affected (P>0.05) 1d, 3d and 7d after partial hepatectomy, but was significantly impaired (p<0.001) in aged rats 1d and 3d post-surgery; (2) in young adult rats, the surgery did not significantly affect the densities of dendritic spines of neurons at CA1, dentate gyrus (DG) and cingulate cortex (P>0.05, respectively) 1d and 3d post-surgery, but the spine densities at CA1 and DG of aged rats were significant reduced 1d and 3d post-surgery (p<0.001, respectively), however this didn’t happen at cingulate cortex (P>0.05); (3) In young adult rats, surgery didn’t affect the activation of microglia and levels of TNF-α and IL-1β at hippocampus (P>0.05), but significantly activated microglia and increased levels of TNF-α and IL-1β at hippocampus of aged rats (P<0.05). Our data suggest that (1) partial hepatectomy-induced POCD mainly involves hippocampus impairments, and (2) differential loss of neuronal dendritic spines and neuroinflammation at hippocampus are most likely the mechanism for the formation of POCD in aged rats.  相似文献   

The ability to distinguish between similar experiences is a critical feature of episodic memory and is primarily regulated by the dentate gyrus (DG) region of the hippocampus. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying such pattern separation tasks are poorly understood. We report a novel role for the small GTPase ADP ribosylation factor 4 (Arf4) in controlling pattern separation by regulating dendritic spine development. Arf4+/− mice at 4–5 months of age display severe impairments in a pattern separation task, as well as significant dendritic spine loss and smaller miniature excitatory post-synaptic currents (mEPSCs) in granule cells of the DG. Arf4 knockdown also decreases spine density in primary neurons, whereas Arf4 overexpression promotes spine development. A constitutively active form of Arf4, Arf4-Q71L, promotes spine density to an even greater extent than wildtype Arf4, whereas the inactive Arf4-T31N mutant does not increase spine density relative to controls. Arf4′s effects on spine development are regulated by ASAP1, a GTPase-activating protein that modulates Arf4 GTPase activity. ASAP1 overexpression decreases spine density, and this effect is partially rescued by concomitant overexpression of wildtype Arf4 or Arf4-Q71L. In addition, Arf4 overexpression rescues spine loss in primary neurons from an Alzheimer''s disease-related apolipoprotein (apo) E4 mouse model. Our findings suggest that Arf4 is a critical modulator of DG-mediated pattern separation by regulating dendritic spine development.  相似文献   

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53 compounds with clinically established ability to cross or not to cross the blood-brain barrier by passive diffusion were characterized by means of surface activity measurements in terms of three parameters, i.e., the air-water partition coefficient, K aw , the critical micelle concentration, CMC D , and the cross-sectional area, A D . A three-dimensional plot in which the surface area, A D , is plotted as a function of K −1 aw and CMC D shows essentially three groups of compounds: (i) very hydrophobic compounds with large air-water partition coefficients and large cross-sectional areas, A D > 80 ?2 which do not cross the blood-brain barrier, (ii) compounds with lower air-water partition coefficients and an average cross-sectional area, A D ≅ 50 ?2 which easily cross the blood-brain barrier, and (iii) hydrophilic compounds with low air-water partition coefficients (A D < 50 ?2) which cross the blood-brain barrier only if applied at high concentrations. It was shown that the lipid membrane-water partition coefficient, K lw , measured previously, can be correlated with the air-water partition coefficient if the additional work against the internal lateral bilayer pressure, π bi = 34 ± 4 mN/m is taken into account. The partitioning into anisotropic lipid membranes decreases exponentially with increasing cross-sectional areas, A D , according to K lw =const. K aw exp(−A D π bi /kT) where kT is the thermal energy. The cross-sectional area of the molecule oriented at a hydrophilic-hydrophobic interface is thus the main determinant for membrane permeation provided the molecule is surface active and has a pK a > 4 for acids and a pK a < 10 for bases. Received: 7 April 1998/Revised: 25 June 1998  相似文献   



Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is the principal aetiology of hypothyroidism with presence of anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies (anti-TPO). The association between anti-TPO and foeto-placental complications has been observed in previous studies. To go further in the understanding, the current study compares the level of anti-TPO in maternal blood and in the cord blood of her fetus at the moment of childbirth to demonstrate the passage of anti-TPO through the placenta barrier.

Methods and Findings

This study was realised in a maternity ward located in the Northern district of Paris, France from 2006 to 2007. Women with normal pregnancy were included in a first study and only women with no abnormal thyroid dosage at baseline and tested positive with anti-TPO were prospectively enrolled. Maternal blood samples were collected in the third trimester and at the arrival to the ward when patients came to deliver. After delivery, cord blood sample was collected. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was computed. 5941 patients delivered in the ward during the study, 33 pregnant women were included. We found a correlation between the anti-TPO levels in maternal and in the cord blood of their fetus with a correlation coefficient of 0.98 and a p-value<0.001.


This is the first demonstration of the free passage through the placental barrier of anti-TPO from the mother to the fetus at the moment of childbirth. These findings can be extrapolated all along pregnancy and open the door to a direct action of the anti-TPO on fetus and to a possible action on the fetal thyroid.  相似文献   

A current model posits that cofilin-dependent actin severing negatively impacts dendritic spine volume. Studies suggested that increased cofilin activity underlies activity-dependent spine shrinkage, and that reduced cofilin activity induces activity-dependent spine growth. We suggest instead that both types of structural plasticity correlate with decreased cofilin activity. However, the mechanism of inhibition determines the outcome for spine morphology. RNAi in rat hippocampal cultures demonstrates that cofilin is essential for normal spine maintenance. Cofilin-F-actin binding and filament barbed-end production decrease during the early phase of activity-dependent spine shrinkage; cofilin concentration also decreases. Inhibition of the cathepsin B/L family of proteases prevents both cofilin loss and spine shrinkage. Conversely, during activity-dependent spine growth, LIM kinase stimulates cofilin phosphorylation, which activates phospholipase D-1 to promote actin polymerization. These results implicate novel molecular mechanisms and prompt a revision of the current model for how cofilin functions in activity-dependent structural plasticity.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence has indicated a regulatory role of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) in synaptic plasticity as well as in higher brain functions, such as learning and memory. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the actions of Cdk5 at synapses remain unclear. Recent findings demonstrate that Cdk5 regulates dendritic spine morphogenesis through modulating actin dynamics. Ephexin1 and WAVE-1, two important regulators of the actin cytoskeleton, have both been recently identified as substrates for Cdk5. Importantly, phosphorylation of these proteins by Cdk5 leads to dendritic spine loss, revealing a potential mechanism by which Cdk5 regulates synapse remodeling. Furthermore, Cdk5-dependent phosphorylation of ephexin1 is required for the ephrin-A1 mediated spine retraction, pointing to a critical role of Cdk5 in conveying signals from extracellular cues to actin cytoskeleton at synapses. Taken together, understanding the precise regulation of Cdk5 and its downstream targets at synapses would provide important insights into the multi-regulatory roles of Cdk5 in actin remodeling during dendritic spine development.Excitatory synaptic transmission occurs primarily at dendritic spines, small protrusions that extend from dendritic shafts. Emerging studies have shown that dendritic spines are dynamic structures which undergo changes in size, shape and number during development, and remain plastic in adult brain.1 Regulation of spine morphology has been implicated to associate with changes of synaptic strength.2 For example, enlargement and shrinkage of spines was reported to associate with certain forms of synaptic plasticity, i.e., long-term potentiation and long time depression, respectively.3 Thus, understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of spine morphogenesis would provide insights into synapse development and plasticity. Receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) such as the Ephs are known to play critical roles in regulating spine morphogenesis. Eph receptors are comprised of 14 members, which are classified into EphAs and EphBs according to their sequence homology and ligand binding specificity. With a few exceptions, EphAs typically bind to A-type ligands, whereas EphBs bind to B-type ligands. During development of the central nervous system (CNS), ephrin-Eph interactions exert repulsive/attractive signaling, leading to regulation of axon guidance, topographic mapping and neural patterning.4 Activated Ephs trigger intracellular signaling cascades, which subsequently lead to remodeling of actin cytoskeleton through tyrosine phosphorylation of its target proteins or interaction with various cytoplasmic signaling proteins. Intriguingly, emerging studies have revealed novel functions of Ephs in synapse formation and synaptic plasticity.5 Specific Ephs expressed in dendritic spines of adult brain are implicated in regulating spine morphogenesis, i.e., EphBs promote spine formation and maturation, while EphA4 induces spine retraction.6,7In the adult hippocampus, EphA4 is localized to the dendritic spines.7,8 Activation of EphA4 at the astrocyte-neuron contacts, triggered by astrocytic ephrin-A3, leads to spine retraction and results in a reduction of spine density.7 It has been well established that actin cytoskeletal rearrangement is critical for spine morphogenesis, and is controlled by a tight regulation of Rho GTPases including Rac1/Cdc42 and RhoA. Antagonistic regulation of Rac1/Cdc42 and RhoA has been observed to precede changes in spine morphogenesis, i.e., activation of Rac1/Cdc42 and inhibition of RhoA is involved in spine formation, and vice versa in spine retraction.9 Rho GTPases function as molecular switches that cycle between an inactive GDP-bound state and an active GTP-bound state. The activation status of GTPase is regulated by an antagonistic action of guanine-nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) which enhance the exchange of bound GDP for GTP, and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) which increase the intrinsic rate of hydrolysis of bound GTP.10 Previous studies have implicated that Rho GTPases provides a direct link between Eph and actin cytoskeleton in diverse cellular processes including spine morphogenesis.11 In particular, EphBs regulate spine morphology by modulating the activity of Rho GTPases, thereby leading to rearrangement of actin networks.1214 Although EphA4 activation results in spine shrinkage, the molecular mechanisms that underlie the action of EphA4 at dendritic spines remain largely unclear.Work from our laboratory recently demonstrated a critical role of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) in mediating the action of EphA4 in spine morphogenesis through regulation of RhoA GTPase.15 Cdk5 is a proline-directed serine/threonine kinase initially identified to be a key regulator of neuronal differentiation, and has been implicated in actin dynamics through regulating the activity of Pak1, a Rac effector, during growth cone collapse and neurite outgrowth.16 We found that EphA4 stimulation by ephrin-A ligand enhances Cdk5 activity through phosphorylation of Cdk5 at Tyr15. More importantly, we demonstrated that ephexin1, a Rho GEF, is phosphorylated by Cdk5 in vivo. Ephexin1 was reported to transduce signals from activated EphA4 to RhoA, resulting in growth cone collapse during axon guidance.17,18 Interestingly, we found that ephexin1 is highly expressed at the post-synaptic densities (PSDs) of adult brains.15 Loss of ephexin1 in cultured hippocampal neurons or in vivo perturbs the ability of ephrin-A to induce EphA4-dependent spine retraction. The loss of ephexin1 function in spine morphology can be rescued by reexpression of wild-type ephexin1, but not by expression of its phosphorylation-deficient mutant. Our findings therefore provide important evidence that phosphorylation of ephexin1 by Cdk5 is required for the EphA4-dependent spine retraction.Molecular mechanisms underlying the action of Cdk5/ephexin1 on actin networks in EphA4-mediated spine retraction is just beginning to be unraveled. It was reported that activation of EphA4-signaling induces tyrosine phosphorylation of ephexin1 through Src family kinases (SFKs), and promotes its exchange activity towards RhoA.17 Interestingly, mutation of the Cdk5 phosphorylation sites of ephexin1 attenuates the Src-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of ephexin1 at Tyr87 upon EphA4 activation. These findings suggest that Cdk5 is the “priming” kinase for ephexin1. We propose that EphA4 activation by ephrin-A ligand increases Cdk5 activity, leading to phosphorylation and priming of ephexin1 for the subsequent phosphorylation of ephexin1 by Src kinase at Tyr87, resulting in an increase of its exchange activity towards RhoA. Thus, regulation of Cdk5 activity might indirectly control the phosphorylation of ephexin1 by Src. It is tempting to speculate that phosphorylation of ephexin1 by Cdk5 at the amino-terminal region leads to a conformational change of protein, thus facilitating the access of Tyr87 site on ephexin1 to Src kinase. Whereas accumulating evidence have pointed to a pivotal role of various GEFs including Tiam1, intersectin and kalirin in regulating spine morphogenesis, the involvement of GAPs is not clear. For example, oligophrenin-1, a Rho GAP, is implicated in maintaining the spine length through repressing RhoA activity.19 Thus, it is conceivable that a specific GAP is involved in EphA4-dependent spine retraction. Recently, we found that α2-chimaerin, a Rac GAP, regulates EphA4-dependent signaling in hippocampal neurons (Shi and Ip, unpublished observations). Taken into consideration that α2-chimaerin is enriched in the PSDs, α2-chimaerin is a likely candidate that cooperates with ephexin1 during EphA4-dependent spine retraction.In addition to stimulation of the RTK signaling cascade following EphA4 receptor activation, clustering of EphA4 signaling complex is required for eliciting maximal EphA4 function.20 It is tempting to speculate that Cdk5 also regulates the formation of EphA4-containing clusters in neurons. Indeed, Cdk5-/- neurons show reduced size of EphA4 clusters upon ephrin-A treatment, suggesting that Cdk5 regulates the recruitment of downstream signaling proteins to activate EphA4. Moreover, since ephrinA-EphA4 interaction stimulates the activity of Cdk5 at synaptic contacts, it is possible that Cdk5 might play additional roles at the post-synaptic regions through phosphorylation of its substrates. For example, PSD-95, the major scaffold protein in the PSDs, and NMDA receptor subunit NR2A are both substrates for Cdk5. Interestingly, phosphorylation of these proteins by Cdk5 has been implicated in regulating the clustering of neurotransmitter receptors as well as synaptic transmission.21,22 Consistent with these observations, spatial distribution of neurotransmitter receptors at neuromuscular synapses is altered and abnormal neurotransmission is observed in Cdk5-/- mice.23 Thus, further analysis to delineate the precise roles of Cdk5 in EphA4-dependent synapse development, including regulation of neurotransmitter receptor clustering, is required.Recently, Cdk5 was shown to regulate dendritic spine density and shape through controlling the phosphorylation status of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein-family verprolin homologous protein 1 (WAVE-1), a critical component of actin cytoskeletal network.24 In particular, phosphorylation of WAVE-1 by Cdk5 prevents actin from Arp2/3 complex-dependent polymerization and leads to a loss of dendritic spines at basal state, while reduced Cdk5-dependent phosphorylation of WAVE-1 through cAMP-dependent dephosphorylation leads to an enhanced actin polymerization and increased number of spines. It is interesting to note that phosphorylation of ephexin1 and WAVE-1 by Cdk5 both results in a reduction of spine density. Whether a concerted phosphorylation of these proteins at synapses by Cdk5 plays a role in synaptic plasticity awaits further studies. Precise regulation of Cdk5 activity is unequivocally important to maintain its proper functions at synaptic contacts. Activation of Cdk5 is mainly dependent on its binding to two neuronal-specific activators, p35 or p39, and its activity can be enhanced upon phosphorylation at Tyr15.While the signals that lie upstream of Cdk5 have barely begun to be unraveled, Cdk5 has been demonstrated to be a key downstream regulator of signaling pathways activated by extracellular cues such as neuregulin, BDNF and semaphorin. To the best of our knowledge, ephrin-EphA4 signaling is the first extracellular cue that has been identified to phosphorylate Cdk5 and promote its activity at CNS synapses.15,25 Since BDNF-TrkB and semaphorin3A-fyn signaling have also been implicated in synapse/ spine development, it is of importance to examine whether Cdk5 is the downstream integrator of these signaling events at synapses during spine morphogenesis.26,27Although accumulating evidence highlights a role of Cdk5 in spatial learning and synaptic plasticity, the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of Cdk5 are largely unclear.28,29 With the recent findings that reveal the critical involvement of Cdk5 in the regulation of Rho GTPases to affect spine morphology, it can be anticipated that precise regulation of actin dynamics by Cdk5 at synapses will be an important mechanism underlying synaptic plasticity in the adult brain.? Open in a separate windowFigure 1Phosphorylation of actin regulators by Cdk5 during dendritic spine morphogenesis. (A) In striatal and hippocampal neurons, phosphorylation of WAVE-1 by Cdk5 at basal condition prevents WAVE-1-mediated actin polymerization and leads to a loss of dendritic spines. However, activation of cyclic AMP-dependent signaling by neurotransmitter such as dopamine, reduces the Cdk5-dependent phosphorylation of WAVE-1 in these neurons. Dephosphorylation of WAVE-1 promotes actin polymerization and results in an increased number of mature dendritic spines. (B) In mature hippocampal neurons, activation of EphA4 by ephrin-A increases Cdk5-dependent of ephexin1. The phosphorylation of ephexin1 by Cdk5 facilitates its EphA4-stimulated GEF activity towards RhoA activation and leads to spine retraction.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence has indicated a regulatory role of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) in synaptic plasticity as well as in higher brain functions, such as learning and memory. However, the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying the actions of Cdk5 at synapses remain unclear. Recent findings demonstrate that Cdk5 regulates dendritic spine morphogenesis through modulating actin dynamics. Ephexin1 and WAVE-1, two important regulators of the actin cytoskeleton, have both been recently identified as substrates for Cdk5. Importantly, phosphorylation of these proteins by Cdk5 leads to dendritic spine loss, revealing a potential mechanism by which Cdk5 regulates synapse remodeling. Furthermore, Cdk5-dependent phosphorylation of ephexin1 is required for the ephrin-A1 mediated spine retraction, pointing to a critical role of Cdk5 in conveying signals from extracellular cues to actin cytoskeleton at synapses. Taken together, understanding the precise regulation of Cdk5 and its downstream targets at synapses would provide important insights into the multi-regulatory roles of Cdk5 in actin remodeling during dendritic spine development.  相似文献   

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common incurable neurodegenerative disorder that affects the processes of memory formation and storage. The loss of dendritic spines and alteration in their morphology in AD correlate with the extent of patient’s cognitive decline. Tubulin had been believed to be restricted to dendritic shafts, until recent studies demonstrated that dynamically growing tubulin microtubules enter dendritic spines and promote their maturation. Abnormalities of tubulin cytoskeleton may contribute to the process of dendritic spine shape alteration and their subsequent loss in AD. In this review, association between tubulin cytoskeleton dynamics and dendritic spine morphology is discussed in the context of dendritic spine alterations in AD. Potential implications of these findings for the development of AD therapy are proposed.  相似文献   

Activation of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) by calmodulin following calcium entry into the cell is important for long-term potentiation (LTP). Here a model of calmodulin binding and trapping by CaMKII in a dendritic spine was used to estimate levels and durations of CaMKII activation following LTP-inducing tetani. The calcium signal was calcium influx through NMDA receptor channels computed in a highly detailed dentate granule cell model. Calcium could bind to calmodulin and calmodulin to CaMKII. CaMKII subunits were either free, bound with calmodulin, trapped, autonomous, or capped. Strong low-frequency tetanic input produced little calmodulin trapping or CaMKII activation. Strong high-frequency tetanic input caused large numbers of CaMKII subunits to become trapped, and CaMKII was strongly activated. Calmodulin trapping and CaMKII activation were highly dependent on tetanus frequency (particularly between 10 and 100 Hz) and were highly sensitive to relatively small changes in the calcium signal. Repetition of a short high-frequency tetanus was necessary to achieve high levels of CaMKII activation. Three stages of CaMKII activation were found in the model: a short, highly activated stage; an intermediate, moderately active stage; and a long-lasting third stage, whose duration depended on dephosphorylation rates but whose decay rate was faster at low CaMKII activation levels than at high levels. It is not clear which of these three stages is most important for LTP.  相似文献   

Oki M  Kamakaka RT 《Molecular cell》2005,19(5):707-716
The silenced HMR domain is restricted from spreading by barrier elements, and the right barrier is a unique t-RNA(THR) gene. We show that sequences immediately flanking the silenced domain were enriched in acetylated, but not methylated, histones, whereas the barrier element was associated with a nucleosome-free region. Surprisingly, the SAGA acetyltransferase resided across the entire region. We further demonstrate that a mutation in the barrier eliminated the nucleosome-free gap but only subtly altered the distribution of SAGA. Interestingly, neither reformation of the nucleosome nor mutations in chromatin-modifying enzymes alone led to an unrestricted spread of silenced chromatin. Double mutations in the t-RNA barrier and these complexes, on the other hand, led to a significant spread of Sir proteins. These results suggest two overlapping mechanisms function to restrict the spread of silencing: one of which involves a DNA binding element, whereas the other mechanism involves specific chromatin-modifying activities.  相似文献   

Lasting alterations in sensory input trigger massive structural and functional adaptations in cortical networks. The principles governing these experience-dependent changes are, however, poorly understood. Here, we examine whether a simple rule based on the neurons'' need for homeostasis in electrical activity may serve as driving force for cortical reorganization. According to this rule, a neuron creates new spines and boutons when its level of electrical activity is below a homeostatic set-point and decreases the number of spines and boutons when its activity exceeds this set-point. In addition, neurons need a minimum level of activity to form spines and boutons. Spine and bouton formation depends solely on the neuron''s own activity level, and synapses are formed by merging spines and boutons independently of activity. Using a novel computational model, we show that this simple growth rule produces neuron and network changes as observed in the visual cortex after focal retinal lesions. In the model, as in the cortex, the turnover of dendritic spines was increased strongest in the center of the lesion projection zone, while axonal boutons displayed a marked overshoot followed by pruning. Moreover, the decrease in external input was compensated for by the formation of new horizontal connections, which caused a retinotopic remapping. Homeostatic regulation may provide a unifying framework for understanding cortical reorganization, including network repair in degenerative diseases or following focal stroke.  相似文献   



Limbic epileptogenesis triggers molecular and cellular events that foster the establishment of aberrant neuronal networks that, in turn, contribute to temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Here we have examined hippocampal neuronal network activities in the pilocarpine post-status epilepticus model of limbic epileptogenesis and asked whether or not the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-derived lipid mediator, neuroprotectin D1 (NPD1), modulates epileptogenesis.


Status epilepticus (SE) was induced by intraperitoneal administration of pilocarpine in adult male C57BL/6 mice. To evaluate simultaneous hippocampal neuronal networks, local field potentials were recorded from multi-microelectrode arrays (silicon probe) chronically implanted in the dorsal hippocampus. NPD1 (570 μg/kg) or vehicle was administered intraperitoneally daily for five consecutive days 24 hours after termination of SE. Seizures and epileptiform activity were analyzed in freely-moving control and treated mice during epileptogenesis and epileptic periods. Then hippocampal dendritic spines were evaluated using Golgi-staining.


We found brief spontaneous microepileptiform activity with high amplitudes in the CA1 pyramidal and stratum radiatum in epileptogenesis. These aberrant activities were attenuated following systemic NPD1 administration, with concomitant hippocampal dendritic spine protection. Moreover, NPD1 treatment led to a reduction in spontaneous recurrent seizures.


Our results indicate that NPD1 displays neuroprotective bioactivity on the hippocampal neuronal network ensemble that mediates aberrant circuit activity during epileptogenesis. Insight into the molecular signaling mediated by neuroprotective bioactivity of NPD1 on neuronal network dysfunction may contribute to the development of anti-epileptogenic therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

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