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Pluripotent human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) can be efficiently directed to become immature neuroepithelial precursor cells (NPCs) and functional mature neural cells, including neurotransmitter-secreting neurons and glial cells. Investigating the susceptibility of these hESCs-derived neural cells to neurotrophic viruses, such as Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), provides insight into the viral cell tropism in the infected human brain. We demonstrate that hESC-derived NPCs are highly vulnerable to JEV infection at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI). In addition, glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP)-expressing glial cells are also susceptible to JEV infection. In contrast, only a few mature neurons were infected at MOI 10 or higher on the third day post-infection. In addition, functional neurotransmitter-secreting neurons are also resistant to JEV infection at high MOI. Moreover, we discover that vimentin intermediate filament, reported as a putative neurovirulent JEV receptor, is highly expressed in NPCs and glial cells, but not mature neurons. These results indicate that the expression of vimentin in neural cells correlates to the cell tropism of JEV. Finally, we further demonstrate that membranous vimentin is necessary for the susceptibility of hESC-derived NPCs to JEV infection.  相似文献   



Dengue virus (DENV) infection can cause severe hemorrhagic disease in humans. Although the pathogenic mechanisms underlying severe DENV disease remain unclear, one of the possible contributing factors is antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) which occurs when sub-neutralizing antibodies derived from a previous DENV infection enhance viral infection through interaction between virus-antibody complexes and FcR-bearing cells, such as macrophages and basophil/mast cells. Although recent reports showed that DENV induces autophagy, the relationship between antibody-enhanced DENV infection and autophagy is not clear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We showed that sub-neutralizing antibodies derived from dengue patient sera enhanced DENV infection and autophagy in the KU812 pre-basophil-like cell line as well as the HMC-1 immature mast cell line. Antibody-enhanced DENV infection of KU812 cells increased the number of autophagosome vesicles, LC3 punctation, LC3-II accumulation, and p62 degradation over that seen in cells infected with DENV alone. The percentages of DENV envelope (E) protein-positive cells and LC3 puncta following antibody-enhanced DENV infection of KU812 cells were reduced by the autophagy inhibitor 3-MA. Antibody-enhanced DENV infection of HMC-1 cells showed co-localization of DENV E protein and dsRNA with autophagosomes, which was inhibited by 3-MA treatment. Furthermore, DENV infection and replication were reduced when KU812 cells were transfected with the autophagy-inhibiting Atg4BC74A mutant.


Our results demonstrate a significant induction of autophagy in antibody-enhanced DENV infection of pre-basophil-like KU812 and immature mast cell-like HMC-1 cells. Also, autophagy plays an important role in DENV infection and replication in these cells. Given the importance of ADE and FcR-bearing cells such as monocytes, macrophages and basophil/mast cells in dengue disease, the results provide insights into dengue pathogenesis and therapeutic means of control.  相似文献   

登革病毒对人血管内皮细胞感染性的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用登革病毒Ⅱ型(DV2)感染体外培养和传代的人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC),研究发现,HUVEC是登革病毒的允许性细胞。病毒感染后12h即可在培养上清中用微量蚀斑法测出病毒,病毒滴度48h达高峰,以后迅速下降。并发现在一定范围内病毒产量随病毒感染复数(MOI)的增加而增高。间接免疫荧光法证明感染的HUVEC胞浆及胞膜上携带DV2抗原。电镜和光镜下,感染细胞未见明显的形态和结构改变。  相似文献   

FELINE sarcoma virus (FSV) transforms human embryo cells in vitro1; it therefore seemed interesting to determine whether this virus could transform human osteosarcoma cells. Defective Moloney sarcoma virus genome can be rescued from non-producer hamster tumour cells by feline leukaemia virus (FeLV)2 and because FSV stocks also contain excess FeLV (ref. 1 and unpublished observations of R. V. G.), it was hoped that human osteosarcoma cells transformed by FSV and co-infected with FeLV might yield a human sarcoma virus.  相似文献   



Dengue viral infection is a global health threat without vaccine or specific treatment. The clinical outcome varies from asymptomatic, mild dengue fever (DF) to severe dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). While adaptive immune responses were found to be detrimental in the dengue pathogenesis, the roles of earlier innate events remain largely uninvestigated. Invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells represent innate-like T cells that could dictate subsequent adaptive response but their role in human dengue virus infection is not known. We hypothesized that iNKT cells play a role in human dengue infection.


Blood samples from a well-characterized cohort of children with DF, DHF, in comparison to non-dengue febrile illness (OFI) and healthy controls at various time points were studied. iNKT cells activation were analyzed by the expression of CD69 by flow cytometry. Their cytokine production was then analyzed after α-GalCer stimulation. Further, the CD1d expression on monocytes, and CD69 expression on conventional T cells were measured.


iNKT cells were activated during acute dengue infection. The level of iNKT cell activation associates with the disease severity. Furthermore, these iNKT cells had altered functional response to subsequent ex vivo stimulation with α-GalCer. Moreover, during acute dengue infection, monocytic CD1d expression was also upregulated and conventional T cells also became activated.


iNKT cells might play an early and critical role in the pathogenesis of severe dengue viral infection in human. Targeting iNKT cells and CD1d serve as a potential therapeutic strategy for severe dengue infection in the future.  相似文献   

Here we report that severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice engrafted with human K562 cells (K562-SCID mice) can be used as an animal model to study dengue virus (DEN) infection. After intratumor injection into K562 cell masses of PL046, a Taiwanese DEN-2 human isolate, the K562-SCID mice showed neurological signs of paralysis and died at approximately 2 weeks postinfection. In addition to being detected in the tumor masses, high virus titers were detected in the peripheral blood and the brain tissues, indicating that DEN had replicated in the infected K562-SCID mice. In contrast, the SCID mice were resistant to DEN infection and the mock-infected K562-SCID mice survived for over 3 months. These data illustrate that DEN infection contributed directly to the deaths of the infected K562-SCID mice. Other serotypes of DEN were also used to infect the K562-SCID mice, and the mortality rates of the infected mice varied with different challenge strains, suggesting the existence of diverse degrees of virulence among DENs. To determine whether a neutralizing antibody against DEN in vitro was also protective in vivo, the K562-SCID mice were challenged with DEN-2 and received antibody administration at the same time or 1 day earlier. Our results revealed that the antibody-treated mice exhibited a reduction in mortality and a delay of paralysis onset after DEN infection. In contrast to K562-SCID, the persistently DEN-infected K562 cells generated in vitro invariably failed to be implanted in the mice. It seems that in the early stage of implantation, a gamma interferon activated, nitric oxide-mediated anti-DEN effect might play a role in the innate immunity against DEN-infected cells. The system described herein offers an opportunity to explore DEN replication in vivo and to test various antiviral protocols in infected hosts.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus (IAV) infection is normally controlled by adaptive immune responses initiated by dendritic cells (DCs). We investigated the consequences of IAV infection of human primary DCs on their ability to function as antigen-presenting cells. IAV was internalized by both myeloid DCs (mDCs) and plasmacytoid DCs but only mDCs supported viral replication. Although infected mDCs efficiently presented endogenous IAV antigens on MHC class II, this was not the case for presentation on MHC class I. Indeed, cross-presentation by uninfected cells of minute amounts of endocytosed, exogenous IAV was ∼300-fold more efficient than presentation of IAV antigens synthesized by infected cells and resulted in a statistically significant increase in expansion of IAV-specific CD8 T cells. Furthermore, IAV infection also impaired cross-presentation of other exogenous antigens, indicating that IAV infection broadly attenuates presentation on MHC class I molecules. Our results suggest that cross-presentation by uninfected mDCs is a preferred mechanism of antigen-presentation for the activation and expansion of CD8 T cells during IAV infection.  相似文献   

Dengue virus causes ∼50–100 million infections per year and thus is considered one of the most aggressive arthropod-borne human pathogen worldwide. During its replication, dengue virus induces dramatic alterations in the intracellular membranes of infected cells. This phenomenon is observed both in human and vector-derived cells. Using high-resolution mass spectrometry of mosquito cells, we show that this membrane remodeling is directly linked to a unique lipid repertoire induced by dengue virus infection. Specifically, 15% of the metabolites detected were significantly different between DENV infected and uninfected cells while 85% of the metabolites detected were significantly different in isolated replication complex membranes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that intracellular lipid redistribution induced by the inhibition of fatty acid synthase, the rate-limiting enzyme in lipid biosynthesis, is sufficient for cell survival but is inhibitory to dengue virus replication. Lipids that have the capacity to destabilize and change the curvature of membranes as well as lipids that change the permeability of membranes are enriched in dengue virus infected cells. Several sphingolipids and other bioactive signaling molecules that are involved in controlling membrane fusion, fission, and trafficking as well as molecules that influence cytoskeletal reorganization are also up regulated during dengue infection. These observations shed light on the emerging role of lipids in shaping the membrane and protein environments during viral infections and suggest membrane-organizing principles that may influence virus-induced intracellular membrane architecture.  相似文献   

Chronic immune activation despite long-term therapy poses an obstacle to immune recovery in HIV infection. The role of antigen presenting cells (APCs) in chronic immune activation during HIV infection remains to be fully determined. APCs, the frontline of immune defense against pathogens, are capable of distinguishing between pathogens and non-pathogenic, commensal bacteria. We hypothesized that HIV infection induces dysfunction in APC immune recognition and response to some commensal bacteria and that this may promote chronic immune activation. Therefore we examined APC inflammatory cytokine responses to commensal lactobacilli. We found that APCs from HIV-infected patients produced an enhanced inflammatory response to Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 as compared to APCs from healthy, HIV-negative controls. Increased APC expression of TLR2 and CD36, signaling through p38-MAPK, and decreased expression of MAP kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) in HIV infection was associated with this heightened immune response. Our findings suggest that chronic HIV infection enhances the responsiveness of APCs to commensal lactobacilli, a mechanism that may partly contribute to chronic immune activation.  相似文献   

Dengue is a common arthropod-borne flaviviral infection in the tropics, for which there is no vaccine or specific antiviral drug. The infection is often associated with serious complications such as dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) or dengue shock syndrome (DSS), in which both viral and host factors have been implicated. RNA interference (RNAi) is a potent antiviral strategy and a potential therapeutic option for dengue if a feasible strategy can be developed for delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) to dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages, the major in vivo targets of the virus and also the source of proinflammatory cytokines. Here we show that a dendritic cell-targeting 12-mer peptide (DC3) fused to nona-d-arginine (9dR) residues (DC3-9dR) delivers siRNA and knocks down endogenous gene expression in heterogenous DC subsets, (monocyte-derived DCs [MDDCs], CD34+ hematopoietic stem cell [HSC])-derived Langerhans DCs, and peripheral blood DCs). Moreover, DC3-9dR-mediated delivery of siRNA targeting a highly conserved sequence in the dengue virus envelope gene (siFvED) effectively suppressed dengue virus replication in MDDCs and macrophages. In addition, DC-specific delivery of siRNA targeting the acute-phase cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), which plays a major role in dengue pathogenesis, either alone or in combination with an antiviral siRNA, significantly reduced virus-induced production of the cytokine in MDDCs. Finally to validate the strategy in vivo, we tested the ability of the peptide to target human DCs in the NOD/SCID/IL-2Rγ−/− mouse model engrafted with human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells (HuHSC mice). Treatment of mice by intravenous (i.v.) injection of DC3-9dR-complexed siRNA targeting TNF-α effectively suppressed poly(I:C)-induced TNF-α production by DCs. Thus, DC3-9dR can deliver siRNA to DCs both in vitro and in vivo, and this delivery approach holds promise as a therapeutic strategy to simultaneously suppress virus replication and curb virus-induced detrimental host immune responses in dengue infection.Dengue is a mosquito-borne flavivirus infection that has emerged as a serious public health problem worldwide. Four serotypes of dengue virus (DEN-1 to DEN-4) are capable of causing human disease varying in severity from acute self-limiting febrile illness to life-threatening dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). The plasma leakage, hemorrhagic manifestations, and shock that characterize DHF/DSS are considered to have an immunological basis, as they are more common during secondary infection with a heterologous dengue virus strain (15, 28, 33). However, severe clinical manifestations can also occur during primary dengue infection, pointing to a contributory role of viral virulence factors. The WHO estimates that more than 20,000 people worldwide, mainly children, die each year from serious complications of dengue. No specific antiviral therapies are currently available for treating the infection, and efforts to develop a safe prophylactic vaccine have been hindered by the complex role of the immune system in disease pathogenesis (39, 52, 57). Thus, novel treatment strategies that block viral replication and/or to attenuate the exaggerated cytokine response associated with DHF/DSS complications are urgently needed.Potent and specific gene silencing mediated by RNA interference (RNAi) has generated a great deal of interest in development of RNAi as a therapeutic strategy against viral infections (50, 54). Many studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the RNAi approach to suppress flavivirus infection, including dengue virus replication in experimental cell lines (3, 23, 26, 42, 60). In addition, the versatility of RNAi could also be exploited to block important host mediators that contribute to dengue pathogenesis. However, the existence of four distinct dengue virus serotypes and the ability of viruses to develop resistance to RNAi by mutating their sequences will have to be taken into account before clinical use can be contemplated. A more serious hurdle for RNAi therapeutics is the specific delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) to relevant cell types.Even though dengue virus antigens have been detected in many tissues, including liver, spleen, lymph node, and skin of patients with DHF/DSS, macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) are considered the predominant infected cell types (9, 36, 59). Following the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, the initial local viral replication is believed to take place in the skin DCs, including myeloid DCs and Langerhans cells (31, 53, 59). Dengue-infected DCs play a key role in the immunopathogenesis of DHF/DSS, as, along with macrophages, they release proinflammatory cytokines and soluble factors that mediate plasma leakage, thrombocytopenia, and hypovolemic shock associated with severe dengue infection (14, 15, 29, 38). Therefore, development of a method to introduce siRNA into DCs would be an important step toward using RNAi therapeutically to suppress viral replication and/or to attenuate the vigorous host cytokine responses in dengue infection (7, 19).To target DCs, we used a previously characterized 12-amino-acid peptide identified from a phage display peptide library that specifically binds to a ligand expressed on DCs (10). In an earlier study, we demonstrated that fusing nucleic acid-binding nine d-arginine residues to a neuronal cell-targeting peptide enabled siRNA delivery to neuronal cells (27). Here, in a similar approach, we synthesized a chimeric peptide consisting of the DC-targeting peptide fused to nona-D-arginines (9dR) to target siRNA selectively to DCs. We investigated whether the DC3-9dR peptide could deliver siRNA targeting a dengue virus envelope sequence to reduce the viral load in DCs. As tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) is one of the acute-phase cytokines with a major role in inducing plasma leakage in dengue infection (8, 12, 17, 20), we also explored the possibility of reducing TNF-α expression in DC in vitro and in vivo. Our findings demonstrate the potential of a targeted RNAi-based approach for simultaneously decreasing viral load and reducing aberrant cytokine responses in DCs.  相似文献   

Shope fibroma virus establishes a persistent cytoplasmic infection in primary (RK) and serially cultivated (DRK(3)) rabbit kidney cells which is accompanied by a morphological alteration of the cells. The response of such cells to superinfection by other viruses was compared with that of control cells by determining plaque production and virus yield of superinfecting viruses. It was found that the growth of other poxviruses, myxoma and vaccinia, was greatly inhibited in the fibroma virus-infected cells, but that of pseudorabies and herpes simplex viruses, which are unrelated deoxyribonucleic acid viruses, was virtually unaffected. The ribonucleic acid (RNA) viruses, poliovirus 1 and coxsackievirus B1, did not produce plaques on either RK or fibroma virus-infected (F-RK) monolayers. However, the growth of several other RNA viruses, vesicular stomatitis virus, encephalomyocarditis virus, Sindbis virus, and Newcastle disease virus, was enhanced in F-RK cells. None of these latter RNA viruses produced any infectious progeny in DRK(3) cells, but they all plaqued on and produced good yields in DRK(3) cells persistently infected with fibroma virus. This phenomenon is termed facilitation. Facilitation results from the infection of DRK(3) cells by fibroma virus. Neither interference nor facilitation were due to changes in the adsorption or eclipse of the superinfecting virus.  相似文献   

登革热(dengue fever,DF)是由Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ型登革病毒(dengue virus,DENV)引起的急性传染病,抗体依赖增强感染(antibody-dependent enhancement,ADE)是自限性的登革热以及危及生命的登革出血热(dengue hemorrhagic fever,DHF)或登革休克综合症(dengue shock syndrome,DSS)等重症的主要原因。采用不同稀释度的Ⅱ型登革病毒prM前膜抗体与分离自云南西双版纳重症病人的Ⅲ型登革病毒复合感染THP-1细胞,通过实时荧光定量PCR发现亚中和浓度prM前膜抗体诱发THP-1细胞液中更高浓度的病毒载量。在THP-1细胞系上的研究可为后续研究登革病毒ADE打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

Fetal membranes (FM) derived mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) are higher in number, expansion and differentiation abilities compared with those obtained from adult tissues, including bone marrow. Upon systemic administration, ex vivo expanded FM-MSCs preferentially home to damaged tissues promoting regenerative processes through their unique biological properties. These characteristics together with their immune-privileged nature and immune suppressive activity, a low infection rate and young age of placenta compared to other sources of SCs make FM-MSCs an attractive target for cell-based therapy and a valuable tool in regenerative medicine, currently being evaluated in clinical trials. In the present study we investigated the permissivity of FM-MSCs to all members of the human Herpesviridae family, an issue which is relevant to their purification, propagation, conservation and therapeutic use, as well as to their potential role in the vertical transmission of viral agents to the fetus and to their potential viral vector-mediated genetic modification. We present here evidence that FM-MSCs are fully permissive to infection with Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1 and HSV-2), Varicella zoster virus (VZV), and Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV), but not with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Human Herpesvirus-6, 7 and 8 (HHV-6, 7, 8) although these viruses are capable of entering FM-MSCs and transient, limited viral gene expression occurs. Our findings therefore strongly suggest that FM-MSCs should be screened for the presence of herpesviruses before xenotransplantation. In addition, they suggest that herpesviruses may be indicated as viral vectors for gene expression in MSCs both in gene therapy applications and in the selective induction of differentiation.  相似文献   

In a recent clinical trial, balapiravir, a prodrug of a cytidine analog (R1479), failed to achieve efficacy (reducing viremia after treatment) in dengue patients, although the plasma trough concentration of R1479 remained above the 50% effective concentration (EC50). Here, we report experimental evidence to explain the discrepancy between the in vitro and in vivo results and its implication for drug development. R1479 lost its potency by 125-fold when balapiravir was used to treat primary human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs; one of the major cells targeted for viral replication) that were preinfected with dengue virus. The elevated EC50 was greater than the plasma trough concentration of R1479 observed in dengue patients treated with balapiravir and could possibly explain the efficacy failure. Mechanistically, dengue virus infection triggered PBMCs to generate cytokines, which decreased their efficiency of conversion of R1479 to its triphosphate form (the active antiviral ingredient), resulting in decreased antiviral potency. In contrast to the cytidine-based compound R1479, the potency of an adenosine-based inhibitor of dengue virus (NITD008) was much less affected. Taken together, our results demonstrate that viral infection in patients before treatment could significantly affect the conversion of the prodrug to its active form; such an effect should be calculated when estimating the dose efficacious for humans.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by dengue virus (DV) infection vary in severity, with symptoms ranging from mild fever to life threatening dengue hemorrhage fever (DHF) and dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Clinical studies have shown that significant decrease in the level of lipoproteins is correlated with severe illness in DHF/DSS patients. Available evidence also indicates that lipoproteins including high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) are able to facilitate cell entry of HCV or other flaviviruses via corresponding lipoprotein receptors. In this study, we found that pre-incubation of DV with human serum leads to an enhanced DV infectivity in various types of cells. Such enhancement could be due to interactions between serum components and DV particles. Through co-immunoprecipitation we revealed that apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I), the major protein component in HDL, is associated with DV particles and is able to promote DV infection. Based on that observation, we further found that siRNA knockdown of the scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI), the cell receptor of ApoA-I, abolished the activity of ApoA-I in enhancement of DV infection. This suggests that ApoA-I bridges DV particles and cell receptor SR-BI and facilitates entry of DV into cells. FACS analysis of cell surface dengue antigen after virus absorption further confirmed that ApoA-I enhances DV infection via promoting initial attachment of the virus to cells. These findings illustrate a novel entry route of DV into cells, which may provide insights into the functional importance of lipoproteins in dengue pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals exhibit a variety of hematopoietic dysfunctions. The SCID-hu mouse (severe combined immunodeficient mouse transplanted with human fetal thymus and liver tissues) can be used to model the loss of human hematopoietic precursor cell function following HIV infection and has a distinct advantage in that data can be obtained in the absence of confounding factors often seen in infected humans. In this study, we establish that HIV type 1 (HIV-1) bearing a reporter gene inserted into the viral vpr gene is highly aggressive in depleting human myeloid and erythroid colony-forming precursor activity in vivo. Human CD34(+) progenitor cells can be efficiently recovered from infected implants yet do not express the viral reporter gene, despite severe functional defects. Our results indicate that HIV-1 infection alone leads to hematopoietic inhibition in vivo; however, this effect is due to indirect mechanisms rather than to direct infection of CD34(+) cells in vivo.  相似文献   

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