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Calsequestrin is by far the most abundant Ca(2+)-binding protein in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of skeletal and cardiac muscle. It allows the Ca2+ required for contraction to be stored at total concentrations of up to 20mM, while the free Ca2+ concentration remains at approximately 1mM. This storage capacity confers upon muscle the ability to contract frequently with minimal run-down in tension. Calsequestrin is highly acidic, containing up to 50 Ca(2+)-binding sites, which are formed simply by clustering of two or more acidic residues. The Kd for Ca2+ binding is between 1 and 100 microM, depending on the isoform, species and the presence of other cations. Calsequestrin monomers have a molecular mass of approximately 40 kDa and contain approximately 400 residues. The monomer contains three domains each with a compact alpha-helical/beta-sheet thioredoxin fold which is stable in the presence of Ca2+. The protein polymerises when Ca2+ concentrations approach 1mM. The polymer is anchored at one end to ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca2+ release channels either via the intrinsic membrane proteins triadin and junctin or by binding directly to the RyR. It is becoming clear that calsequestrin has several functions in the lumen of the SR in addition to its well-recognised role as a Ca2+ buffer. Firstly, it is a luminal regulator of RyR activity. When triadin and junctin are present, calsequestrin maximally inhibits the Ca2+ release channel when the free Ca2+ concentration in the SR lumen is 1mM. The inhibition is relieved when the Ca2+ concentration alters, either because of small changes in the conformation of calsequestrin or its dissociation from the junctional face membrane. These changes in calsequestrin's association with the RyR amplify the direct effects of luminal Ca2+ concentration on RyR activity. In addition, calsequestrin activates purified RyRs lacking triadin and junctin. Further roles for calsequestrin are indicated by the kinase activity of the protein, its thioredoxin-like structure and its influence over store operated Ca2+ entry. Clearly, calsequestrin plays a major role in calcium homeostasis that extends well beyond its ability to buffer Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   

The effects of the two local anesthetics tetracaine and procaine and a quaternary amine derivative of lidocaine, QX314, on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ release have been examined by incorporating the purified rabbit skeletal muscle Ca2+ release channel complex into planar lipid bilayers. Recordings of potassium ion currents through single channels showed that Ca(2+)- and ATP-gated channel activity was reduced by the addition of the tertiary amines tetracaine and procaine to the cis (cytoplasmic side of SR membrane) or trans (SR lumenal) side of the bilayer. Channel open probability was lowered twofold at tetracaine and procaine concentrations of approximately 150 microM and 4 mM, respectively. Hill coefficients of 2.0 and greater indicated that the two drugs inhibited channel activity by binding to two or more cooperatively interacting sites. Unitary conductance of the K(+)- conducting channel was not changed by 1 mM tetracaine in the cis and trans chambers. In contrast, cis millimolar concentrations of the quaternary amine QX314 induced a fast blocking effect at positive holding potentials without an apparent change in channel open probability. A voltage-dependent block was observed at high concentrations (millimolar) of tetracaine, procaine, and QX314 in the presence of 2 microM ryanodine which induced the formation of a long open subconductance. Vesicle-45Ca2+ ion flux measurements also indicated an inhibition of the SR Ca2+ release channel by tetracaine and procaine. These results indicate that local anesthetics bind to two or more cooperatively interacting high-affinity regulatory sites of the Ca2+ release channel in or close to the SR membrane. Voltage-dependent blockade of the channel by QX314 in the absence of ryanodine, and by QX314, procaine and tetracaine in the presence of ryanodine, indicated one low-affinity site within the conduction pathway of the channel. Our results further suggest that tetracaine and procaine may primarily inhibit excitation-contraction coupling in skeletal muscle by binding to the high-affinity, regulatory sites of the SR Ca2+ release channel.  相似文献   

The effects of ruthenium red and the related compounds tetraamine palladium (4APd) and tetraamine platinum (4APt) were studied on the ryanodine activated Ca2+ release channel reconstituted in planar bilayers with the immunoaffinity purified ryanodine receptor. Ruthenium red, applied at submicromolar concentrations to the myoplasmic side (cis), induced an all-or-none flickery block of the ryanodine activated channel. The blocking effect was strongly voltage dependent, as large positive potentials that favored the movement of ruthenium red into the channel conduction pore produced stronger block. The half dissociation constants (Kd) for ruthenium red block of the 500 pS channel were 0.22, 0.38, and 0.62 microM, at +100, +80, and +60 mV, respectively. Multiple ruthenium red molecules seemed to be involved in the inhibition, because a Hill coefficient of close to 2 was obtained from the dose response curve. The half dissociation constant of ruthenium red block of the lower conductance state of the ryanodine activated channel (250 pS) was higher (Kd = 0.82 microM at +100 mV), while the Hill coefficient remained approximately the same (nH = 2.7). Ruthenium red block of the channel was highly asymmetric, as trans ruthenium red produced a different blocking effect. The blocking and unblocking events (induced by cis ruthenium red) can be resolved at the single channel level at a cutoff frequency of 2 kHz. The closing rate of the channel in the presence of ruthenium red increased linearly with ruthenium red concentration, and the unblocking rate of the channel was independent of ruthenium red concentrations. This suggests that ruthenium red block of the channel occurred via a simple blocking mechanism. The on-rate of ruthenium red binding to the channel was 1.32 x 10(9) M-1 s-1, and the off-rate of ruthenium red binding was 0.75 x 10(3) s-1 at +60 mV, in the presence of 200 nM ryanodine. The two related compounds, 4APd and 4APt, blocked the channel in a similar way to that of ruthenium red. These compounds inhibited the open channel with lower affinities (Kd = 170 microM, 4APd; Kd = 656 microM, 4APt), and had Hill coefficients of close to 1. The results suggest that ruthenium red block of the ryanodine receptor is due to binding to multiple sites located in the conduction pore of the channel.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) mobilizing metabolite cyclic ADP-ribose has been shown to release Ca(2+) from intracellular ryanodine sensitive stores in many cells. However, the activation of the ryanodine receptor of skeletal muscle by cADP-ribose (cADPr) and its precursor and metabolite (beta-NAD(+) and ADPr) remains to be discussed. We studied the effect of ADPr on the Ca(2+) release channel of skeletal muscle RyR1 after incorporation of microsomes isolated from fast muscles of rat in planar lipid bilayers. We observed an increase in the electrophysiological activity of the channel after addition of ADPr (10 microM) at micromolar Ca(2+) concentrations, characterized by a time-lag. The increase in P(o) is mainly due to an increase in the open frequency. The long time course observed for the development of the ADPr effect may indicate that this activation induces a change in the conformation of the RyR1 channel, which increases its sensitivity to calcium.  相似文献   

Nanomolar to micromolar ryanodine alters the gating kinetics of the Ca2+ release channel from skeletal sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) fused with bilayer lipid membranes (BLM). In the presence of asymmetric CsCl and 100 microM CaCl2 cis, ryanodine (RY) (5-40 nM) activates the channel, increasing the open probability (po; maximum 300% of control) without changing unitary conductance (468 picosiemens (pS)). Statistical analyses of gating kinetics reveal that open and closed dwell times exhibit biexponential distributions and are significantly modified by nanomolar RY. Altered channel gating kinetics with low nanomolar RY is fully reversible and correlates well with binding kinetics of nanomolar [3H]RY with its high affinity site (Kd1 = 0.7 nM) under identical experimental conditions. RY (20-50 nM) induces occasional 1/2 conductance fluctuations which correlate with [3H]RY binding to a second site having lower affinity (Kd2 = 23 nM). RY (5-50 nM) in the presence of 500 mM CsCl significantly enhances Ca(2+)-induced Ca2+ release from actively loaded SR vesicles. Ryanodine > or = 50 nM stabilizes the channel in a 234-pS subconductance which is not readily reversible. RY (> or = 70 microM) produces a unidirectional transition from the 1/2 to a 1/4 conductance fluctuation, whereas RY > or = 200 microM causes complete closure of the channel. The RY required for stabilizing 1/4 conductance transitions and channel closure do not quantitatively correlate with [3H]RY equilibrium binding constants and is attributed to significant reduction in association kinetics with > 200 nM [3H]RY in the presence of 500 mM CsCl. These results demonstrate that RY stabilizes four discrete states of the SR release channel and supports the existence of multiple interacting RY effector sites on the channel protein.  相似文献   

Combined patch-clamp and fura-2 measurements were performed to study the calcium release properties of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with the rabbit skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor cDNA carried by an expression vector. Both caffeine (1-50 mM) and ryanodine (100 microM) induced release of calcium from intracellular stores of transformed CHO cells but not from control (non-transfected) CHO cells. The calcium responses to caffeine and ryanodine closely resembled those commonly observed in skeletal muscle. Repetitive applications of caffeine produced characteristic all-or-none rises in intracellular calcium. Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) neither activated the ryanodine receptor channel nor interfered with the caffeine-elicited calcium release. These results indicate that functional calcium release channels are formed by expression of the ryanodine receptor cDNA.  相似文献   

In striated muscle contraction is under the tight control of myoplasmic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i): the elevation in [Ca2+]i and the consequent binding of calcium to troponin C enables, while the decrease in [Ca2+]i prevents the actin-myosin interaction. Calcium ions at rest are stored in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) from which they are rapidly released upon the depolarisation of the sarcolemmal and transverse (T-) tubular membranes of the muscle cell. The protein responsible for this controlled and fast release of calcium is the calcium release channel found in the membrane of the terminal cisternae of the SR. This review focuses on the physiological and pharmacological modulators of the calcium release channel and tries to draw an up-to-date picture of the events that occur between T-tubular depolarisation and the release of calcium from the SR.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that H2O2 at millimolar concentrations induces Ca(2+) release from actively loaded sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles and induces biphasic [(3)H]ryanodine binding behavior. Considering that hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a related free radical and has been demonstrated to be a more effective oxidant of proteins, we evaluated the effects of HOCl on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-channel release mechanism. In a concentration-dependent manner, HOCl activates the SR Ca(2+) release channel and induces rapid release of Ca from actively loaded vesicles. HOCl-induced Ca(2+) release is inhibited in the presence of millimolar concentrations of DMSO. High-affinity [(3)H]ryanodine binding is also enhanced at concentrations from 10 to 100 microM. At HOCl concentrations of >100 microM, equilibrium binding is inhibited. HOCl stimulation of binding is inhibited by the addition of dithiothreitol. The direct interaction between HOCl and the Ca(2+) release mechanism was further demonstrated in single-channel reconstitution experiments. HOCl, at 20 microM, activated the Ca(2+) release channel after fusion of a SR vesicle to a bilayer lipid membrane. At 40 microM, Ca(2+)-channel activity was inhibited. Pretreatment of SR vesicles with HOCl inhibited the fluorescence development of a fluorogenic probe specific to thiol groups critical to channel function. These results suggest that HOCl at micromolar concentrations can modify SR Ca(2+) handling.  相似文献   

The modulation of the calcium release channel (CRC) by protein kinases and phosphatases was studied. For this purpose, we have developed a microsyringe applicator to achieve sequential and multiple treatments with highly purified kinases and phosphatases applied directly at the bilayer surface. Terminal cisternae vesicles of sarcoplasmic reticulum from rabbit fast twitch skeletal muscle were fused to planar lipid bilayers, and single-channel currents were measured at zero holding potential, at 0.15 microM free Ca2+, +/- 0.5 mM ATP and +/- 2.6 mM free Mg2+. Sequential dephosphorylation and rephosphorylation rendered the CRC sensitive and insensitive to block by Mg2+, respectively. Channel recovery from Mg2+ block was obtained by exogenous protein kinase A (PKA) or by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CalPK II). Somewhat different characteristics were observed with the two kinases, suggesting two different states of phosphorylation. Channel block by Mg2+ was restored by dephosphorylation using protein phosphatase 1 (PPT1). Before application of protein kinases or phosphatases, channels were found to be "dephosphorylated" (inactive) in 60% and "phosphorylated" (active) in 40% of 51 single-channel experiments based on the criterion of sensitivity to block by Mg2+. Thus, these two states were interconvertable by treatment with exogenously added protein kinases and phosphatases. Endogenous Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (end CalPK) had an opposite action to exogenous CalPK II. Previously, dephosphorylated channels using PPT (Mg2+ absent) were blocked in the closed state by action of endogenous CalPK. This block was removed to normal activity by the action of either PPT or by exogenous CalPK II. Our findings are consistent with a physiological role for phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in the modulation of the calcium release channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum from skeletal muscle. A corollary of our studies is that only the phosphorylated channel is active under physiological conditions (mM Mg2+). Our studies suggest that phosphorylation can be at more than one site and, depending on the site, can have different functional consequences on the CRC.  相似文献   

The effect of gadolinium ions on the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor (RyR1) was studied using heavy SR (HSR) vesicles and RyR1 isolated from rabbit fast twitch muscle. In the [(3)H]ryanodine binding assay, 5 microM Gd(3+) increased the K(d) of the [(3)H]ryanodine binding of the vesicles from 33.8 nM to 45.6 nM while B(max), referring to the binding capacity, was not affected significantly. In the presence of 18 nM[(3)H]ryanodine and 100 microM free Ca(2+), Gd(3+) inhibited the binding of the radiolabeled ryanodine with an apparent K(d) value of 14.7 microM and a Hill coefficient of 3.17. In (45)Ca(2+) experiments the time constant of (45)Ca(2+) efflux from HSR vesicles increased from 90.9 (+/- 11.1) ms to 187.7 (+/- 24.9) ms in the presence of 20 microM gadolinium. In single channel experiments gadolinium inhibited the channel activity from both the cytoplasmic (cis) (IC(50) = 5.65 +/- 0.33 microM, n(Hill) = 4.71) and the luminal (trans) side (IC(50) = 5.47 +/- 0.24 microM, n(Hill) = 4.31). The degree of inhibition on the cis side didn't show calcium dependency in the 100 microM to 1 mM Ca(2+) concentration range which indicates no competition with calcium on its regulatory binding sites. When Gd(3+) was applied at the trans side, EGTA was present at the cis side to prevent the binding of Gd(+3) to the cytoplasmic calcium binding regulatory sites of the RyR1 if Gd(3+) accidentally passed through the channel. The inhibition of the channel did not show any voltage dependence, which would be the case if Gd(3+) exerted its effect after getting to the cis side. Our results suggest the presence of inhibitory binding sites for Gd(3+) on both sides of the RyR1 with similar Hill coefficients and IC(50) values.  相似文献   

The functional state of the skeletal muscle Ca2+ release channel is modulated by a number of endogenous molecules during excitation-contraction. Using electron cryomicroscopy and angular reconstitution techniques, we determined the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the skeletal muscle Ca2+ release channel activated by a nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP in the presence of Ca2+. These ligands together produce almost maximum activation of the channel and drive the channel population toward a predominately open state. The resulting 30-A 3D reconstruction reveals long-range conformational changes in the cytoplasmic region that might affect the interaction of the Ca2+ release channel with the t-tubule voltage sensor. In addition, a central opening and mass movements, detected in the transmembrane domain of both the Ca(2+)- and the Ca2+/nucleotide-activated channels, suggest a mechanism for channel opening similar to opening-closing of the iris in a camera diaphragm.  相似文献   

The calcium release channel (CRC) from skeletal muscle is an unusually large tetrameric ion channel of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and it is a major component of the triad junction, the site of excitation contraction coupling. The three-dimensional architecture of the CRC was determined from a random conical tilt series of images extracted from electron micrographs of isolated detergent-solubilized channels prepared in a frozen-hydrated state. Three major classes of fourfold symmetric images were identified, and three-dimensional reconstructions were determined for two of these. The two independent reconstructions were almost identical, being related to each other by a 180 degrees rotation about an axis in the plane of the specimen grid. The CRC consists of a large cytoplasmic assembly (29 x 29 x 12 nm) and a smaller transmembrane assembly that protrudes 7 nm from one of its faces. A cylindrical low-density region, 2-3 nm in apparent diameter, extends down the center of the transmembrane assembly, and possibly corresponds to the transmembrane Ca(2+)-conducting pathway. At its cytoplasmic end this channel-like feature appears to be plugged by a globular mass of density. The cytoplasmic assembly is apparently constructed from 10 or more domains that are loosely packed together such that greater than 50% of the volume enveloped by the assembly is occupied by solvent. The cytoplasmic assembly is suggestive of a scaffolding and seems well adapted to maintain the structural integrity of the triad junction while allowing ions to freely diffuse to and away from the transmembrane assembly.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to use whole-cell and cell-attached patches of cultured skeletal muscle myotubes to study the macroscopic and unitary behavior of voltage-dependent calcium channels under similar conditions. With 110 mM BaCl2 as the charge carrier, two types of calcium channels with markedly different single-channel and macroscopic properties were found. One class was DHP-insensitive, had a single-channel conductance of approximately 9 pS, yielded ensembles that displayed an activation threshold near -40 mV, and activated and inactivated rapidly in a voltage-dependent manner (T current). The second class could only be well resolved in the presence of the DHP agonist Bay K 8644 (5 microM) and had a single-channel conductance of approximately 14 pS (L current). The 14-pS channel produced ensembles exhibiting a threshold of approximately -10 mV that activated slowly (tau act approximately 20 ms) and displayed little inactivation. Moreover, the DHP antagonist, (+)-PN 200-110 (10 microM), greatly increased the percentage of null sweeps seen with the 14-pS channel. The open probability versus voltage relationship of the 14-pS channel was fitted by a Boltzmann distribution with a VP0.5 = 6.2 mV and kp = 5.3 mV. L current recorded from whole-cell experiments in the presence of 110 mM BaCl2 + 5 microM Bay K 8644 displayed similar time- and voltage-dependent properties as ensembles of the 14-pS channel. Thus, these data are the first comparison under similar conditions of the single-channel and macroscopic properties of T current and L current in native skeletal muscle, and identify the 9- and 14-pS channels as the single-channel correlates of T current and L current, respectively.  相似文献   

Eu JP  Sun J  Xu L  Stamler JS  Meissner G 《Cell》2000,102(4):499-509
Ion channels have been studied extensively in ambient O2 tension (pO2), whereas tissue PO2 is much lower. The skeletal muscle calcium release channel/ryanodine receptor (RyR1) is one prominent example. Here we report that PO2 dynamically controls the redox state of 6-8 out of 50 thiols in each RyR1 subunit and thereby tunes the response to NO. At physiological pO2, nanomolar NO activates the channel by S-nitrosylating a single cysteine residue. Among sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins, S-nitrosylation is specific to RyR1 and its effect on the channel is calmodulin dependent. Neither activation nor S-nitrosylation of the channel occurs at ambient PO2. The demonstration that channel cysteine residues subserve coupled O2 sensor and NO regulatory functions and that these operate through the prototypic allosteric effector calmodulin may have general implications for the regulation of redox-related systems.  相似文献   

The calcium release channel of sarcoplasmic reticulum which triggers muscle contraction in excitation-contraction coupling has recently been isolated. The channel has been found to be morphologically identical with the feet structures of the junctional face membrane of terminal cisternae and consists of an oligomer of a unique high molecular weight polypeptide. In this study, we compare the target size of the calcium release channel from heart and skeletal muscle using target inactivation analysis. The target molecular weights of the calcium release channel estimated by measuring ryanodine binding after irradiation are similar for heart (139,000) and skeletal muscle (143,000) and are smaller than the monomeric unit (estimated to be about 360,000). The target size, estimated by measuring polypeptide remaining after irradiation, was essentially the same for heart and skeletal muscle, 1,061,000 and 1,070,000, respectively, indicating an oligomeric association of protomers. Thus, the calcium release channel of both cardiac and skeletal muscle reacts uniquely with regard to target inactivation analysis in that (1) the size by ryanodine binding is smaller than the monomeric unit and (2) a single hit leads to destruction of more than one polypeptide, by measuring polypeptide remaining. Our target inactivation analysis studies indicate that heart and skeletal muscle receptors are structurally very similar.  相似文献   

The actions of the nitric oxide (NO) donors 1-hydroxy-2-oxo-3-(N-methyl-3-aminopropyl)-3 methyl-1-triazine (NOC-7), S-nitrosoacetylcysteine (CySNO) and S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) on the purified calcium release channel (ryanodine receptor) of rabbit skeletal muscle were determined by single channel current recordings. In addition, the activation of the NO donor modulated calcium release channel by the sulfhydryl oxidizing organic mercurial compound 4-(chloromercuri)phenylsulfonic acid (4-CMPS) was investigated. NOC-7 (0.1 and 0.3 mM) and CySNO (0.4 and 0.8 mM) increased the open probability (P(o)) of the calcium release channel at activating calcium concentrations (20-100 microM Ca(2+)) by 60-100%, with no effect on the current amplitude; this activation was abolished by the specific sulfhydryl reducing agent DTT. High concentrations of CySNO (1.6-2 mM) decreased P(o). Activation by GSNO (1 mM) was observed in two thirds of the experiments, but 2 mM and 4 mM GSNO markedly reduced P(o) at activating Ca(2+) (20-100 microM). In contrast to 4-CMPS, NOC-7 or GSNO had no effect at subactivating free Ca(2+) (0.6 microM). 4-CMPS further increased the open probability of NOC-7- or CySNO-stimulated channels and reversed transiently the reduced open probability of CySNO or GSNO inhibited channels at activating free Ca(2+). High concentrations of GSNO did not prevent channel activation of 4-CMPS at subactivating free Ca(2+). The NOC-7-, CySNO- or GSNO-modified channels were completely blocked by ruthenium red. It is suggested that nitrosylation/oxidation of sulfhydryls by NO donors and oxidation of sulfhydryls by 4-CMPS affect different cysteine residues essential in the gating of the calcium release channel.  相似文献   

Permeation through the calcium release channel of cardiac muscle.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

Ryanodine is a specific ligand for the calcium release channel which mediates calcium release in excitation-contraction coupling in muscle. In this study, ryanodine binding in sarcoplasmic reticulum from heart muscle and skeletal muscle is further compared and correlated with function. The new findings include the following: (1) Two types of binding, high affinity (KD1 approximately 5-10 nM) and low affinity (KD2 approximately 3 microM), can now be discerned for the skeletal muscle receptor. KD1 is approximately the same as and KD2 of similar magnitude to that previously reported for heart. (2) The dissociation rates for the high-affinity binding have been directly measured for both heart and skeletal muscle (t1/2 approximately 30-40 min). These rates are more rapid than previously reported (t1/2 approximately 14 h). (3) KD1's obtained from the ratio of the dissociation and association rate constants agree with the dissociation constant measured by equilibrium binding Scatchard analysis. (4) Ryanodine binding to the low-affinity site can be correlated with a decrease in the dissociation rate constant (k-1) of the high-affinity site, and thereby in the apparent dissociation constant (KD1). The inhibition constant (KI) for inhibiting the high-affinity off rate obtained from a double-reciprocal plot of the change in off rate vs [ryanodine] is practically the same in heart (0.66 microM) and skeletal muscle (0.64 microM) and in the range of the KD2. The binding of cold ryanodine to the low-affinity site appears to lock the bound [3H]ryanodine onto the high-affinity site rather than to exchange with it. Thus, in this sense, the ryanodine receptor exhibits "positive cooperativity".(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fragmented heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum was solubilized by cholate, and proteins were subsequently fractionated by using diethylaminoethyl-cellulose (DEAE-cellulose) column chromatography. A fraction was collected in which proteins with molecular weights between 31,000 and 45,000 u were major components. This fraction, when incorporated into Ca2+ -loaded liposomes, facilitated the Ca2+ efflux. The rate of efflux was regulated by the external Ca2+ concentration, reaching a maximum at 3 microM Ca2+. The Ca2+ efflux was suppressed by Mg2+.  相似文献   

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