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The modulation of N-type calcium channels is a key factor in the control of neurotransmitter release. Whereas N-type channels are inhibited by Gbetagamma subunits in a G protein beta-isoform-dependent manner, channel activity is typically stimulated by activation of protein kinase C (PKC). In addition, there is cross-talk among these pathways, such that PKC-dependent phosphorylation of the Gbetagamma target site on the N-type channel antagonizes subsequent G protein inhibition, albeit only for Gbeta(1)-mediated responses. The molecular mechanisms that control this G protein beta subunit subtype-specific regulation have not been described. Here, we show that G protein inhibition of N-type calcium channels is critically dependent on two separate but adjacent approximately 20-amino acid regions of the Gbeta subunit, plus a highly conserved Asn-Tyr-Val motif. These regions are distinct from those implicated previously in Gbetagamma signaling to other effectors such as G protein-coupled inward rectifier potassium channels, phospholipase beta(2), and adenylyl cyclase, thus raising the possibility that the specificity for G protein signaling to calcium channels might rely on unique G protein structural determinants. In addition, we identify a highly specific locus on the Gbeta(1) subunit that serves as a molecular detector of PKC-dependent phosphorylation of the G protein target site on the N-type channel alpha(1) subunit, thus providing for a molecular basis for G protein-PKC cross-talk. Overall, our results significantly advance our understanding of the molecular details underlying the integration of G protein and PKC signaling pathways at the level of the N-type calcium channel alpha(1) subunit.  相似文献   

The modulation of presynaptic calcium channel activity by second messengers provides a fine tuning mechanism for neurotransmitter release. In neurons, the activation of certain G protein-coupled receptors reduces N-type channel activity by approximately 60%. In contrast, activation of protein kinase C (PKC) results in an approximately 50% increase in N-type channel activity, and subsequent G protein inhibition is antagonized. Here, we describe the molecular determinants that control the dual effects of PKC-dependent phosphorylation. The double substitution of two adjacent PKC consensus sites in the calcium channel domain I-II linker (Thr422, Ser425) to alanines abolished both PKC-dependent up-regulation and the PKC-G protein cross-talk. The single substitution of Ser425 to glutamic acid abolished PKC up-regulation but had no effect on G protein modulation. Replacement of Thr422 with glutamic acid eliminated PKC-dependent up-regulation and mimicked the effects of PKC phosphorylation on G protein inhibition. Our data suggest that Thr422 mediates the antagonistic effect of PKC on G protein modulation, while phosphorylation of either Thr422 or Ser425 are sufficient to increase N-type channel activity. Thus, Thr422 serves as a molecular switch by which PKC is able to simultaneously trigger the up-regulation of channel activity and antagonize G protein inhibition.  相似文献   

Magga JM  Jarvis SE  Arnot MI  Zamponi GW  Braun JE 《Neuron》2000,28(1):195-204
Cysteine string proteins (CSPs) are secretory vesicle proteins bearing a "J domain" and a palmitoylated cysteine-rich "string" region that are critical for neurotransmitter release. The precise role of CSP in neurotransmission is controversial. Here, we demonstrate a novel interaction between CSP, receptor-coupled trimeric GTP binding proteins (G proteins), and N-type Ca2+ channels. G. subunits interact with the J domain of CSP in an ATP-dependent manner; in contrast, Gbetagamma subunits interact with the C terminus of CSP in both the presence and absence of ATP. The interaction of CSP with both G proteins and N-type Ca2+ channels results in a tonic G protein inhibition of the channels. In view of the crucial importance of N-type Ca2+ channels in presynaptic vesicle release, our data attribute a key role to CSP in the fine tuning of neurotransmission.  相似文献   

The direct modulation of N-type calcium channels by G protein betagamma subunits is considered a key factor in the regulation of neurotransmission. Some of the molecular determinants that govern the binding interaction of N-type channels and Gbetagamma have recently been identified (see, i.e., Zamponi, G. W., Bourinet, E., Nelson, D., Nargeot, J., and Snutch, T. P. (1997) Nature 385, 442-446); however, little is known about cellular mechanisms that modulate this interaction. Here we report that a protein of the presynaptic vesicle release complex, syntaxin 1A, mediates a crucial role in the tonic inhibition of N-type channels by Gbetagamma. When syntaxin 1A was coexpressed with (N-type) alpha(1B) + alpha(2)-delta + beta(1b) channels in tsA-201 cells, the channels underwent a 18 mV negative shift in half-inactivation potential, as well as a pronounced tonic G protein inhibition as assessed by its reversal by strong membrane depolarizations. This tonic inhibition was dramatically attenuated following incubation with botulinum toxin C, indicating that syntaxin 1A expression was indeed responsible for the enhanced G protein modulation. However, when G protein betagamma subunits were concomitantly coexpressed, the toxin became ineffective in removing G protein inhibition, suggesting that syntaxin 1A optimizes, rather than being required for G protein modulation of N-type channels. We also demonstrate that Gbetagamma physically binds to syntaxin 1A, and that syntaxin 1A can simultaneously interact with Gbetagamma and the synprint motif of the N-type channel II-III linker. Taken together, our experiments suggest a mechanism by which syntaxin 1A mediates a colocalization of G protein betagamma subunits and N-type calcium channels, thus resulting in more effective G protein coupling to, and regulation of, the channel. Thus, the interactions between syntaxin, G proteins, and N-type calcium channels are part of the structural specialization of the presynaptic terminal.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) in sensory neurones are tonically up-regulated via Ras/extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) signalling. The presence of putative ERK consensus sites within the intracellular loop linking domains I and II of neuronal N-type (Ca(v)2.2) calcium channels and all four neuronal calcium channel beta subunits (Ca(v)beta), suggests that Ca(v)2.2 and/or Ca(v)betas may be ERK-phosphorylated. Here we report that GST-Ca(v)2.2 I-II loop, and to a lesser extent Ca(v)beta1b-His(6), are substrates for ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Serine to alanine mutation of Ser-409 and/or Ser-447 on GST-Ca(v)2.2 I-II loop significantly reduced phosphorylation. Loss of Ser-447 reduced phosphorylation to a greater extent than mutation of Ser-409. Patch-clamp recordings from wild-type Ca(v)2.2,beta1b,alpha2delta1 versus mutant Ca(v)2.2(S447A) or Ca(v)2.2(S409A) channels revealed that mutation of either site significantly reduced current inhibition by UO126, a MEK (ERK kinase)-specific inhibitor that down-regulates ERK activity. However, no additive effect was observed by mutating both residues together, suggesting some functional redundancy between these sites. Mutation of both Ser-161 and Ser-348 on Ca(v)beta1b did not significantly reduce phosphorylation but did reduce UO126-induced current inhibition. Crucially, co-expression of Ca(v)2.2(S447A) with Ca(v)beta1b(S161,348A) had an additive effect, abolishing the action of UO126 on channel current, an effect not seen when Ca(v)beta1b(S161,348A) was co-expressed with Ca(v)2.2(S409A). Thus, Ser-447 on Ca(v)2.2 and Ser-161 and Ser-348 of Ca(v)beta1b appear to be both necessary and sufficient for ERK-dependent modulation of these channels. Together, our data strongly suggest that modulation of neuronal N-type VDCCs by ERK involves phosphorylation of Ca(v)2.2alpha1 and to a lesser extent possibly also Ca(v)beta subunits.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent G-protein inhibition of N-type calcium channels reduces presynaptic calcium entry, sharply attenuating neurotransmitter release. Studies in neurons demonstrate that G-proteins have multiple modulatory effects on N-type channels. The observed changes may reflect genuine complexity in G-protein action and/or the intricate interactions of multiple channels and receptors in neurons. Expression of recombinant M2-muscarinic receptors and N-type channels in HEK 293 cells allowed voltage-dependent inhibition to be studied in isolation. In this system, receptor-activated G-proteins had only one effect: a 10-fold increase in the time required for channels to first open following membrane depolarization. There were no changes in gating after the channel first opened, and unitary currents were not detectably altered by modulation. Despite its simplicity, this single change successfully accounts for the complex alterations in whole-cell current observed during G-protein inhibition in neurons.  相似文献   

N-type voltage-gated calcium channel activity in rat superior cervical ganglion neurons is modulated by a variety of pathways. Activation of heterotrimeric G-proteins reduces whole-cell current amplitude, whereas phosphorylation by protein kinase C leads to an increase in current amplitude. It has been proposed that these two distinct pathways converge on the channel's pore-forming alpha(1B) subunit, such that the actions of one pathway can preclude those of the other. In this study, we have characterized further the actions of PKC on whole-cell barium currents in neonatal rat superior cervical ganglion neurons. We first examined whether the effects of G-protein-mediated inhibition and phosphorylation by PKC are mutually exclusive. G-proteins were activated by including 0.4 mM GTP or 0.1 mM GTP-gamma-S in the pipette, and PKC was activated by bath application of 500 nM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). We found that activated PKC was unable to reverse GTP-gamma-S-induced inhibition unless prepulses were applied, indicating that reversal of inhibition by phosphorylation appears to occur only after dissociation of the G-protein from the channel. Once inhibition was relieved, activation of PKC was sufficient to prevent reinhibition of current by G-proteins, indicating that under phosphorylating conditions, channels are resistant to G-protein-mediated modulation. We then examined what effect, if any, phosphorylation by PKC has on N-type barium currents beyond antagonizing G-protein-mediated inhibition. We found that, although G-protein activation significantly affected peak current amplitude, fast inactivation, holding-potential-dependent inactivation, and voltage-dependent activation, when G-protein activation was minimized by dialysis of the cytoplasm with 0.1 mM GDP-beta-S, these parameters were not affected by bath application of PMA. These results indicate that, under our recording conditions, phosphorylation by PKC has no effect on whole-cell N-type currents, other than preventing inhibition by G-proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular determinants of syntaxin 1 modulation of N-type calcium channels   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have previously reported that syntaxin 1A, a component of the presynaptic SNARE complex, directly modulates N-type calcium channel gating in addition to promoting tonic G-protein inhibition of the channels, whereas syntaxin 1B affects channel gating but does not support G-protein modulation (Jarvis, S. E., and Zamponi, G. W. (2001) J. Neurosci. 21, 2939-2948). Here, we have investigated the molecular determinants that govern the action of syntaxin 1 isoforms on N-type calcium channel function. In vitro evidence shows that both syntaxin 1 isoforms physically interact with the G-protein beta subunit and the synaptic protein interaction (synprint) site contained within the N-type calcium channel domain II-III linker region. Moreover, in vitro evidence suggests that distinct domains of syntaxin participate in each interaction, with the COOH-terminal SNARE domain (residues 183-230) binding to Gbeta and the N-terminal (residues 1-69) binding to the synprint motif of the channel. Electrophysiological analysis of chimeric syntaxin 1A/1B constructs reveals that the variable NH(2)-terminal domains of syntaxin 1 are responsible for the differential effects of syntaxin 1A and 1B on N-type calcium channel function. Because syntaxin 1 exists in both "open" and "closed" conformations during exocytosis, we produced a constitutively open form of syntaxin 1A and found that it still promoted G-protein inhibition of the channels, but it did not affect N-type channel availability. This state dependence of the ability of syntaxin 1 to mediate N-type calcium channel availability suggests that syntaxin 1 dynamically regulates N-type channel function during various steps of exocytosis. Finally, syntaxin 1A appeared to compete with Ggamma for the Gbeta subunit both in vitro and under physiological conditions, suggesting that syntaxin 1A may contain a G-protein gamma subunit-like domain.  相似文献   

Calcium (Ca(2+)) and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) are pleiotropic cellular regulators and both exert powerful, diverse effects on cytoskeletal dynamics, cell adhesion, and cell migration. Localization, by A-kinase-anchoring proteins (AKAPs), of PKA activity to the protrusive leading edge, integrins, and other regulators of cytoskeletal dynamics has emerged as an important facet of its role in cell migration. Additional recent work has firmly established the importance of Ca(2+) influx through mechanosensitive transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and through store-operated Ca(2+) entry (SOCE) in cell migration. Finally, there is considerable evidence showing that these mechanisms of Ca(2+) influx and PKA regulation intersect--and often interact--and thus may work in concert to translate complex extracellular cues into the intracellular biochemical anisotropy required for directional cell migration.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) exhibits both negative and positive cross-talk with multifunctional Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaM kinase) in PC12 cells. PKC effects negative cross-talk by inhibiting the mobilization of intracellular Ca2+ stores and by inhibiting Ca2+ influx through voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels. In the absence of cross-talk, Ca2+ influx induced by depolarization with 56 mM K+ stimulates CaM kinase and its autophosphorylation and converts up to 50% of the enzyme to a Ca(2+)-independent or autonomous species. Acute treatment with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) elicits a parallel reduction in depolarization-induced Ca2+ influx and in generation of autonomous CaM kinase. Negative cross-talk also occurs during stimulation of the phosphatidylinositol signaling system with bradykinin, which activates both PKC and CaM kinase. The extent of CaM kinase activation is attenuated by the simultaneous activation of PKC; it is enhanced by prior down-regulation of PKC. PKC also exhibits positive cross-talk with CaM kinase. Submaximal activation of CaM kinase by ionomycin is potentiated by concurrent activation of PKC with PMA. Such PMA treatment is found to increase the level of cytosolic calmodulin. Enhanced activation of CaM kinase by PKC may result from PKC-mediated phosphorylation of calmodulin-binding proteins, such as neuromodulin and MARCKS, and the subsequent increase in the availability of previously bound calmodulin for activation of CaM kinase.  相似文献   

Activation of protein kinase A (PKA) through the beta-adrenergic receptor pathway is crucial for the positive regulation of cardiac L-type currents; however it is still unclear which phosphorylation events cause the robust regulation of channel function. In order to study whether or not the recently identified PKA phosphorylation sites on the beta(2) subunit are of functional significance, we coexpressed wild-type (WT) or mutant beta(2) subunits in tsA-201 cells together with an alpha(1C) subunit, alpha(1C)Delta1905, that lacked the C-terminal 265 amino acids, including the only identified PKA site at Ser-1928. This truncated alpha(1C) subunit was similar to the truncated alpha(1C) subunit isolated from cardiac tissue not only in size ( approximately 190 kDa), but also with respect to its failure to serve as a PKA substrate. In cells transfected with the WT beta(2) subunit, voltage-activated Ba(2+) currents were significantly increased when purified PKA was included in the patch pipette. Furthermore, mutations of Ser-478 and Ser-479 to Ala, but not Ser-459 to Ala, on the beta(2) subunit, completely abolished the PKA-induced increase of currents. The data indicate that the PKA-mediated stimulation of cardiac L-type Ca(2+) currents may be at least partially caused by phosphorylation of the beta(2) subunit at Ser-478 and Ser-479.  相似文献   

In the present study, two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques have been used to assess the interaction between the MVIIA omega-conotoxin and an isoform of the N-type Ca(2+) channel alpha subunit (alpha(1B-d)). Cloned alpha(1B-d) Ca(2+) channels were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes in the presence and absence of the beta(3) subunit. Coexpression of the beta(3) subunit significantly shifted the IC(50) value for MVIIA inhibition of central N-type Ca(2+) channel current. Analysis of the peak conductance vs. depolarising voltage dependence suggested that the beta(3) subunit has no apparent effect on the gating charge which accompanies the closed-open transition of the channels. Instead, coexpression of the beta(3) subunit led to an approx. 10 mV shift to more hyperpolarised potentials in the voltage-dependent activation of N-type Ca(2+) channels. We conclude that MVIIA alters the surface charge on the N-type Ca(2+) channels and might induce allosteric changes on the structure of the channel, leading to an increase in the dissociation constant of MVIIA binding.  相似文献   

Based on RII autophosphorylation, photoaffinity labeling with 8-N3[32P]cAMP, and Western blot analysis we have identified the RII isoform found in rabbit corpora lutea as RII beta. The RII beta subunit found in rabbit corpora lutea differs from the RII beta found in rat follicles and corpora lutea in that it migrates at Mr 52,500 on SDS-PAGE and shifts to Mr 53,000 when phosphorylated.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent L-type calcium (Ca) channels are heteromultimeric proteins that are regulated through phosphorylation by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). We demonstrated that the beta 2 subunit was a substrate for PKA in intact cardiac myocytes through back-phosphorylation experiments. In addition, a heterologously expressed rat beta 2a subunit was phosphorylated at two sites in vitro by purified PKA. This beta 2a subunit contains two potential consensus sites for PKA-mediated phosphorylation at Thr164 and Ser591. However, upon mutation of both of these residues to alanines, the beta 2a subunit remained a good substrate for PKA. The actual sites of phosphorylation on the beta 2a subunit were identified by phosphopeptide mapping and microsequencing. Phosphopeptide maps of a bacterially expressed beta 2a subunit demonstrated that this subunit was phosphorylated similarly to the beta 2 subunit isolated from heart tissue and that the phosphorylation sites were contained in the unique C-terminal region. Microsequencing identified three serine residues, each of which conformed to loose consensus sites for PKA-mediated phosphorylation. Mutation of these residues to alanines resulted in the loss of the PKA-mediated phosphorylation of the beta 2a subunit. The results suggest that phosphorylation of the beta 2a subunit by PKA occurs at three loose consensus sites for PKA in the C-terminus and not at either of the two strong consensus sites for PKA. The results also highlight the danger of assuming that consensus sites represent actual sites of phosphorylation. The actual sites of PKA-mediated phosphorylation are conserved in most beta 2 subunit isoforms and thus represent potential sites for regulation of channel activity. The sites phosphorylated by PKA are not substrates for protein kinase C (PKC), as the mutated beta 2 subunits lacking PKA sites remained good substrates for PKC.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms are key mediators in hormone, growth factor, and neurotransmitter triggered pathways of cell activation (Nishizuka: Science 233:305-312, 1986; Nature 334:661-665, 1988). Stimulation of kinase activity by diacylglycerol and calcium often leads to translocation of PKC from the cytosol to a particulate fraction (Kraft and Anderson: Nature 301:621-623, 1983). The beta isoform of PKC is translocated and degraded much more rapidly than the alpha isoform in phorbolester-stimulated rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells (Huang et al.: J. Biol. Chem. 264:4238-4243, 1989). We report here immunofluorescence evidence that the distributions of PKC alpha and beta are strikingly different in antigen-activated RBL cells. PKC beta associates with perinuclear filaments and filaments that extend from the perinuclear area to the cell periphery whereas PKC alpha concentrates in regions of the cell periphery. This distribution of PKC beta is distinctly different from that of actin filaments and microtubules as determined by phalloidin staining and by anti-tubulin antibody labeling. In contrast, the staining patterns obtained with antibodies to PKC beta and to the intermediate filament protein vimentin are almost identical, indicating that PKC beta associates with vimentin filaments. These bundles of 100 A filaments may provide docking sites for interactions of PKC beta with its substrates and thus confer specificity to the actions of this isoform.  相似文献   

Large-conductance (BK-type) Ca(2+)-activated potassium channels are activated by membrane depolarization and cytoplasmic Ca(2+). BK channels are expressed in a broad variety of cells and have a corresponding diversity in properties. Underlying much of the functional diversity is a family of four tissue-specific accessory subunits (beta1-beta4). Biophysical characterization has shown that the beta4 subunit confers properties of the so-called "type II" BK channel isotypes seen in brain. These properties include slow gating kinetics and resistance to iberiotoxin and charybdotoxin blockade. In addition, the beta4 subunit reduces the apparent voltage sensitivity of channel activation and has complex effects on apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity. Specifically, channel activity at low Ca(2+) is inhibited, while at high Ca(2+), activity is enhanced. The goal of this study is to understand the mechanism underlying beta4 subunit action in the context of a dual allosteric model for BK channel gating. We observed that beta4's most profound effect is a decrease in P(o) (at least 11-fold) in the absence of calcium binding and voltage sensor activation. However, beta4 promotes channel opening by increasing voltage dependence of P(o)-V relations at negative membrane potentials. In the context of the dual allosteric model for BK channels, we find these properties are explained by distinct and opposing actions of beta4 on BK channels. beta4 reduces channel opening by decreasing the intrinsic gating equilibrium (L(0)), and decreasing the allosteric coupling between calcium binding and voltage sensor activation (E). However, beta4 has a compensatory effect on channel opening following depolarization by shifting open channel voltage sensor activation (Vh(o)) to more negative membrane potentials. The consequence is that beta4 causes a net positive shift of the G-V relationship (relative to alpha subunit alone) at low calcium. At higher calcium, the contribution by Vh(o) and an increase in allosteric coupling to Ca(2+) binding (C) promotes a negative G-V shift of alpha+beta4 channels as compared to alpha subunits alone. This manner of modulation predicts that type II BK channels are downregulated by beta4 at resting voltages through effects on L(0). However, beta4 confers a compensatory effect on voltage sensor activation that increases channel opening during depolarization.  相似文献   

Reactive species and perturbation of the redox balance have been implicated in the pathogenesis of many viral diseases, including hepatitis C. Previously, we made a surprising discovery that concentrations of H(2)O(2) that are nontoxic to host cells disrupted the hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex (RC) in Huh7 human hepatoma cells in a manner that suggested signaling. Here, we show that H(2)O(2) and interferon-gamma have comparable effects on the HCV subgenomic and genomic RNA replication in Huh7 cells. H(2)O(2) induced a gradual rise in the intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)). Both rapid and sustained suppression of HCV RNA replication by H(2)O(2) depended on this calcium elevation. The peroxide-induced [Ca(2+)](i) elevation was independent of extracellular calcium and derived, at least in part, from the endoplasmic reticulum. Likewise, the suppression of the HCV RC by H(2)O(2) was independent of extracellular calcium but required an intracellular calcium source. Other agents that elevated [Ca(2+)](i) could also suppress the HCV RC, suggesting that calcium elevation might be sufficient to suppress HCV RNA replication. In conclusion, oxidants may modulate the HCV RC through calcium. Effects on the infectivity and the morphogenesis of HCV remain to be determined. These findings suggest possible regulatory roles for redox and calcium signaling during viral infections.  相似文献   

M A Shia  P F Pilch 《Biochemistry》1983,22(4):717-721
In the presence of adenosine 5'-[gamma-32P]triphosphate ([gamma-32P]ATP) and a partially purified human placental insulin receptor preparation, insulin stimulates the phosphorylation of an Mr 94000 protein in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Half-maximal stimulation of 32P incorporation occurs at (2-3) X 10(-9) M insulin, a concentration identical with the Kd for insulin binding in this preparation. Immunoprecipitations with monoclonal anti-insulin receptor antibody demonstrate that the Mr 94000 protein kinase substrate is a component of the insulin receptor, the beta subunit. If the partially purified, soluble placental receptor preparation is immunoprecipitated and then exposed to [gamma-32P]ATP and insulin, phosphorylation of the Mr 94000 protein is maintained. The photoincorporation of 8-azido[alpha-32P]ATP into placental insulin receptor preparations was carried out to identify the ATP binding site responsible for the protein kinase activity. Photoincorporation into numerous proteins was observed, including both subunits of the insulin receptor. However, when photolabeling was performed in the presence of excess adenosine 5'-(beta, gamma-imidotriphosphate), a nonhydrolyzable ATP derivative, the beta subunit of the insulin receptor was the only species protected from label incorporation. These data indicate that the beta subunit of the insulin receptor has insulin-dependent protein kinase activity. Phosphotyrosine formation is the primary result of this activity in placental insulin receptor preparations.  相似文献   

The role of protein phosphorylation for adjusting chloroplast functions to changing environmental needs is well established, whereas calcium signalling in the chloroplast is only recently becoming appreciated. The work presented here explores the potential cross-talk between calcium signalling and protein phosphorylation in chloroplasts and provides the first evidence for targets of calcium-dependent protein phosphorylation at the thylakoid membrane. Thylakoid proteins were screened for calcium-dependent phosphorylation by 2D gel electrophoresis combined with phospho-specific labelling and PsaN, CAS, and VAR1, among other proteins, were identified repeatedly by mass spectrometry. Subsequently their calcium-dependent phosphorylation was confirmed in kinase assays using the purified proteins and chloroplast extracts. This is the first report on the protein targets of calcium-dependent phosphorylation of thylakoid proteins and provides ground for further studies in this direction.  相似文献   

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