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The Old World arenavirus Lassa virus (LASV) is the causative agent of severe viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) in humans and is the most prevalent human pathogen among arenaviruses. The present study investigated the largely unknown mechanisms of cell entry of LASV, a process know to be mediated solely by the virus envelope glycoprotein (GP). To circumvent biosafety restrictions associated with the use of live LASV, we used reverse genetics to generate a recombinant variant of the prototypic arenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) expressing the LASV GP (rLCMV-LASVGP). The rescued rLCMV-LASVGP grew to titers comparable to that of LCMV and showed the receptor binding characteristics of LASV. We used rLCMV-LASVGP to characterize the cellular mechanisms of LASV entry in the context of a productive arenavirus infection. The kinetics of pH-dependent membrane fusion of rLCMV-LASVGP resembled those of the human-pathogenic New World arenavirus Junin virus (JUNV) and other enveloped viruses that use clathrin-mediated endocytosis for entry. However, rLCMV-LASVGP entered cells predominantly via a clathrin-, caveolin-, and dynamin-independent endocytotic pathway similar to the one recently described for LCMV. Productive infection of rLCMV-LASVGP was only mildly affected by a dominant negative mutant of Rab5 and was independent of Rab7, suggesting an unusual mechanism of delivery to endosomes. In addition, rLCMV-LASVGP infection was independent of actin but required intact microtubules. Our data indicate that LASV enters cells via a pathway distinct from the one used by human-pathogenic New World arenaviruses.  相似文献   

Transmission of arenaviruses from rodent hosts to humans is generally thought to occur through inhalation or ingestion of dust or droplets containing viral particles. Here we demonstrate that two identified arenavirus receptors, alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG) and transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1), are expressed in polarized human airway epithelia. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus strains with high or low alpha-DG affinity and Junin virus, which binds TfR1, efficiently infected polarized epithelia only when applied to the basolateral surface or when injury compromised tight junction integrity. Viral egress from infected epithelia exhibited basolateral polarity. This study demonstrates that respiratory entry of arenaviruses occurs via basolateral receptors.  相似文献   

At least five New World arenaviruses cause severe human hemorrhagic fevers. These viruses are transmitted to humans through contact with their respective South American rodent hosts. Each uses human transferrin receptor 1 (TfR1) as its obligate receptor. Accidental similarities between human TfR1 and TfR1 orthologs of arenaviral host species enable zoonoses, whereas mice and rats are not infectable because they lack these TfR1 determinants of infection. All pathogenic New World arenaviruses bind to a common region of the apical domain of TfR1. The ability of a New World arenavirus to use human TfR1 is absolutely predictive of its ability to cause hemorrhagic fevers in humans. Nonpathogenic arenaviruses, closely related to hemorrhagic fever arenaviruses, cannot utilize human TfR1 but efficiently enter cells through TfR1 orthologs of their native rodent hosts. Mutagenesis studies suggest that minor changes in the entry glycoproteins of these nonpathogenic viruses may allow human transmission. TfR1 is upregulated as a result of iron sequestration during the acute-phase response to infection, and the severity of disease may result from amplification of viral replication during this response.  相似文献   

Alpha-dystroglycan (alpha-DG) has been identified as a major receptor for lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) and Lassa virus, two Old World arenaviruses. The situation with New World arenaviruses is less clear: previous studies demonstrated that Oliveros virus also exhibited high-affinity binding to alpha-DG but that Guanarito virus did not. To extend these initial studies, several additional Old and New World arenaviruses were screened for entry into mouse embryonic stem cells possessing or lacking alpha-DG. In addition, representative viruses were further analyzed for direct binding to alpha-DG by means of a virus overlay protein blot assay technique. These studies indicate that Old World arenaviruses use alpha-DG as a major receptor, whereas, of the New World arenaviruses, only clade C viruses (i.e., Oliveros and Latino viruses) use alpha-DG as a major receptor. New World clade A and B arenaviruses, which include the highly pathogenic Machupo, Guanarito, Junin, and Sabia viruses, appear to use a different receptor or coreceptor for binding. Previous studies with LCMV have suggested the need for a small aliphatic amino acid at LCMV GP1 glycoprotein amino acid position 260 to allow high-affinity binding to alpha-DG. As reported herein, this requirement appears to be broadly applicable to the arenaviruses as determined by more extensive analysis of alpha-DG receptor usage and GP1 sequences of Old and New World arenaviruses. In addition, GP1 amino acid position 259 also appears to be important, since all arenaviruses showing high-affinity alpha-DG binding possess a bulky aromatic amino acid (tyrosine or phenylalanine) at this position.  相似文献   

The mannose receptor (MR) binds foreign and host ligands through interactions with their carbohydrates. Two portions of MR have distinct carbohydrate recognition properties. One is conferred by the amino-terminal cysteine-rich domain (Cys-MR), which plays a critical role in binding sulfated glycoproteins including pituitary hormones. The other is achieved by tandemly arranged C-type lectin domains that facilitate carbohydrate-dependent uptake of infectious microorganisms. This dual carbohydrate binding specificity enables MR to bind ligands by interacting with both sulfated and non-sulfated polysaccharide chains. We previously determined crystal structures of Cys-MR complexed with 4-SO(4)-N-acetylglucosamine and with an unidentified ligand resembling Hepes (N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N'-[2-ethanesulfonic acid]). In continued efforts to elucidate the mechanism of sulfated carbohydrate recognition by Cys-MR, we characterized the binding affinities between Cys-MR and potential carbohydrate ligands using a fluorescence-based assay. We find that Cys-MR binds sulfated carbohydrates with relatively high affinities (K(D)=0.1 mM to 1.0 mM) compared to the affinities of other lectins. Cys-MR also binds Hepes with a K(D) value of 3.9 mM, consistent with the suggestion that the ligand in the original Cys-MR crystal structure is Hepes. We also determined crystal structures of Cys-MR complexed with 3-SO(4)-Lewis(x), 3-SO(4)-Lewis(a), and 6-SO(4)-N-acetylglucosamine at 1.9 A, 2.2 A, and 2.5 A resolution, respectively, and the 2.0 A structure of Cys-MR that had been treated to remove Hepes. The conformation of the Cys-MR binding site is virtually identical in all Cys-MR crystal structures, suggesting that Cys-MR does not undergo conformational changes upon ligand binding. The structures are used to rationalize the binding affinities derived from the biochemical studies and to elucidate the molecular mechanism of sulfated carbohydrate recognition by Cys-MR.  相似文献   

The XPC-HR23B complex is involved in DNA damage recognition and the initiation of global genomic nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER). Our previous studies demonstrate that XPC-HR23B recognizes and binds DNA containing a helix distortion, regardless of the presence or absence of damaged bases. Here, we describe an extended analysis of the DNA binding specificity of XPC-HR23B using various defined DNA substrates. Although XPC-HR23B showed significantly higher affinity for single-stranded DNA than double-stranded DNA, specific secondary structures of DNA, involving a single- and double-strand junction, were strongly preferred by the complex. This indicates that the presence of bases, which cannot form normal Watson-Crick base pairs in double-stranded DNA, is a critical factor in determining the specificity of XPC-HR23B binding. A DNase I footprint analysis, using a looped DNA substrate, revealed that a single XPC-HR23B complex protected a distorted site in an asymmetrical manner, consistent with the preferred secondary structure. The specific binding of XPC-HR23B is undoubtedly an important molecular process, based on which NER machinery detects a wide variety of lesions that vary in terms of chemical structure during DNA repair.  相似文献   

The spider genus Hypochilus is currently restricted to cool, moist microhabitats in three widely separated montane regions of North America, providing an opportunity to study both deep (i.e., continental level) and shallow (within montane region) biogeographic history. Members of the genus also retain many plesiomorphic morphological characteristics, inviting the study of comparative rates of morphological evolution. In this paper, Hypochilus phylogeny and associated evolutionary problems are addressed using both new molecular (28S nDNA and CO1 mtDNA) and previously published (K. M. Catley, 1994, Am. Mus. Nov. 3088, 1-27) morphological data. Although the molecular data provide limited resolution of root placement within Hypochilus, most analyses are at least consistent with morphology-supported montane relationships of (Rockies (California, Appalachian)). The monophyly of Hypochilus species distributed in the California mountains is ambiguous, with several analyses indicating that this fauna may be paraphyletic with respect to a monophyletic Appalachian lineage. The montane regions differ in consistent ways in depths of both mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenetic divergence. Molecular clock analyses, in combination with arthropod-based mtDNA rate calibrations, suggest that the regional faunas are of different ages and that speciation in all faunas likely occurred prior to the Pleistocene. Limited intraspecific sampling reveals extraordinarily high levels of mtDNA cytochrome oxidase sequence divergence. These extreme divergences are most consistent with morphological stasis at the species level, despite preliminary evidence that Hypochilus taxa are characterized by fragmented population structures.  相似文献   

Eighteen polymorphic microsatellite loci and 11 single‐nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped in 1 095 individual Hessian fly specimens representing 23 populations from North America, southern Europe, and southwest Asia. The genotypes were used to assess genetic diversity and interrelationship of Hessian fly populations. While phylogenetic analysis indicates that the American populations most similar to Eurasian populations come from the east coast of the United States, genetic distance is least between (Alabama and California) and (Kazakhstan and Spain). Allelic diversity and frequency vary across North America, but they are not correlated with distance from the historically documented point of introduction in New York City or with temperature or precipitation. Instead, the greatest allelic diversity mostly occurs in areas with Mediterranean climates. The microsatellite data indicate a general deficiency for heterozygotes in Hessian fly. The North American population structure is consistent with multiple introductions, isolation by distance, and human‐abetted dispersal by bulk transport of puparia in infested straw or on harvesting equipment.  相似文献   

Molecular models of the ligand-binding domain of N-methyl-d-aspartate subunit R1 (NR1) were made using the published crystal structures of rat glutamate receptor B (GluRB), the bacterial glutamate receptor (GluR0), and the glutamine-binding protein (QBP) of Escherichia coli. Separate models of NR1 were built to represent the ligand-binding conformation for agonist (glycine, d- and l-isomers of serine and alanine, and the partial agonist ligand d-cycloserine) and antagonist (5,7-dichloro-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-2-carboxylic acid (DCKA) and E-3-(2-phenyl-2-carboxyethenyl)-4,6-dichloro-1-H-indole-2-carboxylic acid (MDL 105,519)) ligands. Side-chain conformations of residues within the NR1 ligand-binding site were selected that optimized the hydrophobic packing and hydrogen bonding among residues, while taking into account published data comparing receptor mutants with wild-type NR1. Ligands docked to the model structures provide a rational explanation for the observed differences in binding affinity and receptor activation among agonist and antagonist ligands. NR1 prefers smaller ligands (glycine, serine, and alanine) in comparison with GluRB and GluR0 that bind l-glutamate: the bulky side chain of W731 in NR1 dramatically reduces the size of the ligand-binding site, functioning to selectively restrict recognition to glycine and the d-isomers of serine and alanine. Nevertheless, many of the interactions seen for ligands bound to GluRB, GluR0, and periplasmic-binding proteins are present for the ligands docked to the model structures of NR1.  相似文献   

The complexes between hevein and different chitin oligomers, from the di- to the penta-saccharide, are studied through all atom molecular-dynamics simulations. The results for the smaller oligosaccharide complexes show that the carbohydrate is able to move on the surface of the relatively flat binding-pocket of hevein, therefore occupying different binding subpockets. The pentasaccharide spans all possible intermolecular interactions with the receptor in a simultaneous manner. Statistical analysis methods were also applied in order to define the principal overall motions in the complexes. The oligosaccharide binding can be considered to be defined by a subtle balance between enthalpic and entropic effects, providing the possibility of the existence of multiple binding conformations. This structural and dynamical view parallels the results based on NOE NMR data for the three disaccharide, trisaccharide, and pentasaccharide complexes.  相似文献   

The TRIM5alpha proteins of humans and some Old World monkeys have been shown to block infection of particular retroviruses following virus entry into the host cell. Infection of most New World monkey cells by the simian immunodeficiency virus of macaques (SIVmac) is restricted at a similar point. Here we examine the antiretroviral activity of TRIM5alpha orthologs from humans, apes, Old World monkeys, and New World monkeys. Chimpanzee and orangutan TRIM5alpha proteins functionally resembled human TRIM5alpha, potently restricting infection by N-tropic murine leukemia virus (N-MLV) and moderately restricting human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. Notably, TRIM5alpha proteins from several New World monkey species restricted infection by SIVmac and the SIV of African green monkeys, SIVagm. Spider monkey TRIM5alpha, which has an expanded B30.2 domain v3 region due to a tandem triplication, potently blocked infection by a range of retroviruses, including SIVmac, SIVagm, HIV-1, and N-MLV. Tandem duplications in the TRIM5alpha B30.2 domain v1 region of African green monkeys are also associated with broader antiretroviral activity. Thus, variation in TRIM5alpha proteins among primate species accounts for the observed patterns of postentry restrictions in cells from these animals. The TRIM5alpha proteins of some monkey species exhibit dramatic lengthening of particular B30.2 variable regions and an expanded range of susceptible retroviruses.  相似文献   

We address the phylogenetic relationships of the drongos (Dicruridae) at the species-level using sequences from two nuclear (myoglobin intron-2 and c-mos) and two mitochondrial (ND2 and cytochrome b) loci. The resulting phylogenetic tree shows that the most basal species is D. aeneus, followed in the tree by a trichotomy including (1) the Asian D. remifer, (2) a clade of all African and Indian Ocean islands species as well as two Asian species (D. macrocercus and D. leucophaeus) and (3) a clade that includes all other Asian species as well as two Australasian species (D. megarhynchus and D. bracteatus). Our phylogenetic hypotheses are compared to [Mayr, E., Vaurie, C., 1948. Evolution of the family Dicruridae (Birds). Evolution 2, 238-265.] hypothetical family "tree" based on traditional phenotypic analysis and biogeography. We point out a general discrepancy between the so-called "primitive" or "unspecialized" species and their position in the phylogenetic tree, although our results for other species are congruent with previous hypotheses. We conduct dating analyses using a relaxed-clock method, and propose a chronology of clades formation. A particular attention is given to the drongo radiation in Indian Ocean islands and to the extinction-invasion processes involved. The first large diversification of the family took place both in Asia and Africa at 11.9 and 13.3Myr, respectively, followed by a dispersal event from Africa to Asia at ca 10.6Myr; dispersal over Wallace line occurred later at ca 6Myr. At 5Myr, Principe and Indian Ocean Islands have been colonized from an African ancestor; the most recent colonization event concerned Anjouan by an immigrating population from Madagascar.  相似文献   

The most representative sample of molecular data, especially 16S and 12S rDNAs, is used to study the phylogeny and evolution of 57 species of three tribes, Rhodniini, Linshcosteini, and Triatomini, of the subfamily Triatominae. For the first time both New World and Old World species are brought together in a single phylogenetic analysis. Maximum-parsimony and distance estimation place both the Asiatic representatives, Linshcosteus and Triatoma rubrofasciata, as sister groups. The Linshcosteus-T. rubrofasciata clade nests firmly within Triatomini, in most analyses branching as a basalmost lineage, thus supporting a monophyletic origin of Triatominae. A paraphyly of "Triatoma" with respect to Linshcosteus, Dipetalogaster, Eratyrus, and Panstrongylus and the paraphyly of "Rhodnius" with respect to Psammolestes is observed in most of the analyses. Reinterpretation of triatomine biogeography points to the origin of Triatominae in northern areas of South America, in Central America, or in the southern region of North America. A few taxonomic changes are proposed: (1) reinclusion of Linshcosteus in Triatomini, (2) inclusion of Psammolestes in Rhodnius, (3) elevation of the "T. flavida complex" to the full genus Nesotriatoma (including N. flavida, N. bruneri, and N. obscura), (4) inclusion of the "T. spinolai complex" in Mepraia (including M. spinolai, M. gajardoi, M. eratyrusiformis, and M. breyeri), and (5) inclusion of "T." dimidiata in Meccus (M. dimidiatus).  相似文献   

1. Dirofilaria immitis hexokinase was relatively heat stable and had a pH optimum range between 7.8 and 8.2. 2. Mean Vmax was 0.40 +/- 0.10 (S.D.) mumole/min/100 mg of worm. 3. Mean Km values were 0.32 mM for glucose, 0.86 mM for fructose and 0.39 mM for ATP. 4. Glucose-6-phosphate was not a strong product inhibitor. 5. Starch gel electrophoresis demonstrated at least three isozymes.  相似文献   

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