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As it was thought that self-thinning in crowded plant populations might be influenced by the shape of the plants involved, self-thinning was examined in five cultivars of Trifolium subterraneum. The height of these cultivars is fixed after early growth, being determined mainly by petiole length which itself varies between cultivars. No detectable differences between cultivars were found, and it is argued that only wore considerable differences in shape than those reported here would have detectable effects. When plants can only grow radially but not in height, it is to be expected that log-log self-thinning curves would have a slope of -1, but these Trifolium populations had the – 3/2 slope usually found for species which exhibit continuous growth in height. This finding remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii strain TA1 nodulates a range of Trifolium plants including red, white and subterranean clovers. Nitrogen-fixing nodules are promptly initiated on the tap roots of these plants at the site of inoculation. In contrast to these associations, strain TA1 has a Nod- phenotype on a particular cultivar of subterranean clover called Woogenellup (A.H. Gibson, Aust J Agric Sci 19: (1968) 907–918) where it induces rare, poorly developed, slow-to-appear and ineffective lateral root nodules. By comparing the nodulation gene region of strain TA1 with that of another R. leguminosarum bv. trifolii strain ANU843, which is capable of efficiently nodulating cv. Woogenellup, we have shown that the nodT gene (B.P. Surin et al., Mol Microbiol 4: (1990) 245–252) is essential for nodulation on cv. Woogenellup. The nodT gene is naturally absent in strain TA1. A cosmid clone spanning the entire nodulation gene region of strain TA1 was capable of conferring nodulation ability to R.l. bv. trifolii strains deleted for nodulation genes, but only on cultivars of subterranean clovers nodulated by strain TA1. This shows that cultivar recognition events are, in part, determined by genes in the nodulation region of strain TA1. Complementation studies also indicated that strain TA1 contains negatively-acting genes located on the Sym plasmid and elsewhere, which specifically block nodulation of cv. Woogenellup.  相似文献   

Reduction of acetylene to ethylene by soybean root nodules   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
Koch B  Evans HJ 《Plant physiology》1966,41(10):1748-1750

Both host cultivar and Rhizobium strain influence the numberof infected root hairs of Trifolium subl-errctneum, seedlings;Yarloop had fewer infections than Cranmore, Mount Barker, orTallarook and Rhizobium trifolii strain 5 infected fewer hairsthan strain TA1. Hybrid lines bred for sparse or abundant nodulationhad similar numbers of infected hairs, but. as in the cultivars,these always greatly exceeded the number of nodules formed.More infection threads aborted early during growth in the roothairs of Cranmore than in other hosts and early abortion wasmore common with strain 5 than strain TA1 In all hosts and with both Rhizobium strains, infection beganon day 3 and was initially restricted to one or two zones alongthe root with later infections extending these zones or initiatingnew ones. The exponential rate of infection (least for Yarloop)slows sharply when nodules appear. Early nodules and lateral roots formed at different places indifferent hosts, and in most cultivars and hybrid lines nodulesand laterals occurred in mutually exclusive zones. Primordiaarising above the first nodule failed to develop.  相似文献   

Summary The15N-substratum labeling technique and other indirect methods were used to compare nitrogen (N2) fixation in soybean varieties grown in the field in Greece and Romania. Significant variation in the amount (Ndfa) and proportion of N derived from fixation (% Ndfa) was found in different varieties. With 20 kg N/ha applied to soil, N2 fixed ranged from 22 to 236 kg N/ha in Greece and from 17 to 132 kg N/ha in Romania. In general, varieties or treatments with higher dry matter yield supported greater fixation. Also, varieties with high Ndfa had high % Ndfa andvice versa. Breeding N2-fixing legumes for high yields at low soil N levels therefore appears to be a reasonable strategy for enhancing N2 fixation. Heavy applications of inorganic N fertilizer severely depressed N2 fixation in two out of the three varieties used in Romania. One variety, F 74–412, however, derived slightly higher amounts of N2 from fixation at 100 kg N/ha rate than when fertilized with 20 kg N/ha. In Greece, Chippewa, Williams and Amsoy-71 inoculated with a Nitragin inoculant fixed similar amounts of N2 at both 20 and 100 kg N/ha fertilizer rates. However, when Chippewa and Williams were inoculated with amother, locally-isolated Rhizobium strain, N2 fixation was substantially depressed at the higher N rate.  相似文献   

Legume root-nodules, dried at oven temperature (70°C for 48 h) were suitable for Rhizobium strain identification by immunofluorescence and agglutination. The fluorescence of bacteroids of R. japonicum, R. leguminosarum, R. meliloti, R. phaseoli , and Rhizobium spp. from oven-dried nodules was the same as those from frozen, desiccated, or nodules dried at room temperature (28°C). Oven-dried nodules did not require further steaming for agglutination. Bacteroid agglutinations gave 2–16 fold lower titres than those of the cultured cells. Fresh and oven-dried soybean rhizobia from a mixed inoculation gave exactly the same results when identified by immunofluorescence or agglutination.  相似文献   

Hydrogen evolution from root nodules has been reported to make N2 fixation by some legume-Rhizobium symbiotic systems inefficient. We have surveyed the extent of H2 evolution and estimated relative efficiencies of nodules of Austrian winter peas formed by 15 strains of R. leguminosarum. Their rates of H2 evolution in air were about 30% of the rates of H2 evolution under an atmosphere in which N2 was replaced by Ar. Relative efficiency values based on C2H2 reduction rates ranged from 0.55 to 0.80. With some of the strains, hydrogenase activities were demonstrated in intact nodules and in bacteroids, but the levels of activity were insufficient to recycle all the H2 evolved by the nitrogenase system. In both intact nodules and bacteroids the hydrogenase is less sensitive to O2 damage than the nitrogenase system, so H2 uptake capacity was observed in intact nodules by suppressing the nitrogenase-dependent H2 evolution with an atmosphere containing a high O2 concentration, and in bacteroids by using aerobically prepared bacteroid suspensions. The hydrogenase activity of both was dependent on O2 consumption. A K mfor H2 of near 4 M was determined in suspension of bacteroids from nodules formed by strains 128C53 and 128C56.  相似文献   

Root temperature greatly affected plant growth whether or notplants depended on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The two plantselections responded differently to the three strains of Rhizobiumand this response was differentially affected by root temperature. Plant yield was significantly decreased by each fall of 4 °Cin temperature from 19 to 7 °C by amounts that dependedboth on the host and Rhizobium strain. Symbiosis with strainTA1, originally isolated from a cold environment, was most tolerantof a root temperature of 11 °C; TA1 produced as much ormore plant material of the abundantly nodulating host in 40days growth at 7 and 11 °C as did the uninoculated plantsgiven KNO3. Root temperature affected the number, rate of formation, anddistribution of nodules on the root system. At 7 °C fewernodules formed than between 11 and 19 °C. At 7 °C nodulesdid not form on secondary roots by 40 days but at 11 °Cthe secondary roots nodulated rapidly between 30 and 40 days.Nodule formation at 19 °C was almost completed at 20 days,when secondary root nodules accounted for 60 per cent of thetotal. Within the range 15 to 19 °C, at which the originalselections for sparse and abundant nodulation were made, plantsnodulated true to selection, but not at 11 °C. At 7 and11 °C plants nodulated with TA1 yielded more with increasingnumber of nodules.  相似文献   

Previous research had identified four serogroups of Rhizobium trifolii indigenous to the acidic Abiqua soil (fine, mixed, mesic Cumulic Ultic Haploxeroll). Nodulation of subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) by two of the serogroups, 6 and 36, was differentially influenced by an application of CaCO3 which raised the pH of the soil from 5.0 to 6.5. These studies were designed to characterize this phenomenon more comprehensively. Liming the soil with either CaCO3, Ca(OH)2, MgO, or K2CO3 significantly (P = 0.05) increased the percent nodule occupancy by serogroup 36, whereas the percent nodule occupancy by serogroup 6 was decreased, but the decrease was significant (P = 0.05) only after application of either CaCO3 or Ca(OH)2. Application of KH2PO4 (25 mg of P kg of soil−1), which did not change soil pH, also significantly (P = 0.05) increased the percent nodule occupancy by serogroup 36. Application of KH2PO4 in combination with Ca(OH)2 produced the same increase in nodule occupancy by serogroup 36 as did individual application of the two materials. Soil populations of serogroup 36 consistently, and in the majority of cases significantly (P = 0.05), outnumbered those of serogroup 6 before planting and after harvest regardless of soil treatment or the outcome of nodulation. Soil chemical and plant analyses provided no evidence that liming was simulating phosphate addition by increasing the availability and subsequent uptake of soil Pi by the subclover plants. Liming did, however, result in a significant transformation (30 to 50 mg of P kg of soil−1) of Pi from the residual soil Pi fraction into an NaOH-extractable organic P fraction during the preplant equilibration period.  相似文献   

Moisture stress and method of inoculation greatly affected thenumber and distribution of infected root hairs and nodules ofyoung seedlings of Trifolium subterraneum. A reduction of soilmoisture from 5·5 to 3·5% (–0·36to –3·6 x 105 Pa) significantly decreased the numberof infection threads and completely inhibited nodulation, althoughthe number of rhizobia in the rhizosphere was unaffected. Atlow soil moisture levels the root hairs were abnormally shortand swollen. Infection and nodulation were little affected between5·5 and 9·5% moisture (–0·36 to –0·089x 105 Pa). Distribution of infected root hairs depended on the initialplacement of the inoculum; with the inoculum mixed evenly throughthe soil, infection threads occurred at discrete foci alongthe root. With seedlings inoculated at planting, infection threadswere restricted to the top 1–2 cm of root, even at thehighest soil moisture tested. Watering increased the number of infections in plants grownat 3·5% moisture; nodules were formed at a rate equivalentto non-stressed plants. Watering also enabled movement of theseedling-borne inocula; new infections were formed along theroot surface bearing mature root hairs.  相似文献   

Twenty-five Rhizobium strains were isolated from root nodules of Astragalus spp. (10), Hedysarum alpinum (7), Glycyrrhiza pallidiflora (3) and Ononis arvensis (5). The sensitivity of these strains to bacteriophages of Rhizobium loti, R. meliloti, R. galegae and R. leguminosarum was studied. Phages specific to R. loti strains were shown to induce the phage lysis of several Astragalus, Hedysarum and Ononis rhizobia. Ten R. loti strains tested for nodulation abilities on the plant hosts under investigation were able to develop nitrogen-fixing nodules on the Ononis arvensis roots. On the other hand, rhizobia from Ononis and Glycyrrhiza could form an effective symbiosis with Lotus corniculatus plants, so these bacteria are considered to belong to the Rhizobium loti taxon. Bacterial strains isolated from Astragalus and Hedysarum were observed to cross-nodulate their plant hosts as well as Oxytropis campestris, Glycyrrhiza uralensis and Ononis arvensis plants, whereas they could not nodulate Lotus plants. It is concluded that these Rhizobium strains comprise a cross-inoculation group related to Rhizobium loti. ei]{gnR O D}{fnDixon}  相似文献   

The long and short term metabolic effects of a shift in root temperature was investigated in Plantago lanceolata L. with special reference to the role of the cyanide resistant alternative pathway in root respiration. After a 10-day period of growth at a 13°C root temperature, a decrease in root as well as shoot growth was observed, compared to control plants grown continuously at 21°C. Apart from an increase in shoot soluble and insoluble sugar level, no changes in metabolism were found, neither in root respiration, shoot photosynthesis, nor in root sugar and plant protein level.
Decreasing the root temperature from 21 to 13°C gave several clear short term changes in metabolism. Within one hour a decrease in cytochrome chain activity of the roots was found together with an increase in activity of the alternative chain. After 24 h a recovery to the initial level of both chains was observed. An increase in root temperature from 13 to 21°C gave an immediate increase in activity of both respiratory chains that was still present 24 h after the switch.
It is concluded that the activity of the alternative respiratory pathway in the root is strongly affected by a sudden temperature change in the root environment. This pathway acts in a way which is described by 'the energy overflow model'. The presence of the alternative electron transport pathway should be taken into account in determinations of the respiratory Q10. Moreover, the length of time between the temperature change and respiration measurements is an important factor.  相似文献   

白车轴草和紫花苜蓿根瘤的显微及超微结构   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对白车轴草(Trifolium repens Linn.)和紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa Linn.)根瘤的显微及超微结构进行观察,发现其根瘤显微结构都由4部分组成,由外向内依次为:保护层、皮层、鞘细胞层和中心组织(侵染组织)。在中心组织的侵染细胞中,分布有大量的线粒体、高尔基体、核糖体及内质网,白车轴草根瘤侵染细胞中的细菌圆形或椭圆形,有明显的周膜、细菌细胞壁和质膜,在细菌发育过程中,周膜活动旺盛,有时相邻细菌的周膜发生融合,在周膜附近常分布有大量的内质网、高尔基体以及高尔基体小泡,似与周膜融合有关。紫花苜蓿细菌椭圆形、长棒形,甚至有的细菌呈分枝状。二者细菌细胞质中分布着大量的核糖体和纤维状的核物质。在白车轴草中还有染色很深的多聚磷酸盐颗粒。  相似文献   

We examined expression of the megaplasmid pRme41b of Rhizobium meliloti in two different Rhizobium sp. Strains and in Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Transfer of pRme41b into these bacteria was facilitated by insertion of a recombinant plasmid coding for mobilization functions of RP4 into the nif region (Kondorosi, A., E. Kondorosi, C.E. Pankhurst, W. J. Broughton, and Z. Banfalvi, 1982, Mol. Gen. Genet., 188:433-439). In all cases, transconjugants formed nodule-like structures on the roots of Medicago sativa. These structures were largely composed of meristematic cells but they were not invaded by bacteria. Bacteria were found only within infection threads in root hairs, and within intercellular spaces of the outermost cells of the structures. The donor strain of R. meliloti containing pAK11 or pAK12 in pRme41b initially produced nodules on M. sativa that did not fix nitrogen (Fix- ). In these nodules, bacteria were released from infection threads into the host cells but they did not multiply appreciably. Any bacteroids formed degenerated prematurely. In some cases, however, reversion to a Fix+ phenotype occurred after 4 to 6 wk. Bacteria released into newly infected cells in these nodules showed normal development into bacteriods.  相似文献   

The impact of nodules of Rhizobium on Sitona hispidulus (F.) developmental success was investigated in both laboratory and field situations. In the laboratory, alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) were grown with two nutrient solutions, one of which fostered and one of which inhibited nodulation. Neonate larvae were introduced onto the roots and survivorship and development monitored. Survivorship was greatly enhanced by the presence of nodules. Preference tests performed with neonate larvae indicated a strong attraction to root nodules. Field studies which used nitrogen fertilization to delay onset of nodulation in established alfalfa demonstrated that numbers of larvae and emerging adults were significantly lower in the nitrogen treated plots than in the control plots.
Résumé L'influence des nodosités rhizobiales sur le développement et la survie de Sitona hispidulus a été étudiée en intervenant sur la nodulation de la plante. Au laboratoire, la luzerne (Medicago sativa) et le trèfle rouge (Trifolium pratense) se sont développés dans des pièces climatisées sur un substrat de sable/vermiculite et sur deux types de solutions nutritives (l'une avec azote, l'autre sans azote). La présence d'azote inhibe la nodulation des racines inoculées avec du Rhizobium. Des larves néonates ont été placées sur des racines et examinées après plusieurs semaines de croissance. La présence de nodules a eu un effet hautement significatif sur la survie larvaire. De plus, la présence de nodosités a effecté le développement larvaire, en augmentant le taux de développement sur luzerne et en le réduisant sur trèfle. Une expérience destinée à examiner la rapidité d'agrégation des larves néonates sur des racines nodulées ou non, révèle une forte préférence pour les racines à nodosités.Des expériences dans la nature ont permis de retarder la nodulation de la luzerne en dormance pendant l'hiver par apports d'azote; l'échantillonnage des larves et des émergences d'adultes a indiqué une diminution significative des populations dans les parcelles ayant reçu de l'azote.

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