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Chen M  Xie K  Yuan J  Yi L  Facey SJ  Pradel N  Wu LF  Kuhn A  Dalbey RE 《Biochemistry》2005,44(31):10741-10749
The M13 phage Procoat protein is one of the best characterized substrates for the novel YidC pathway. It inserts into the membrane independent of the SecYEG complex but requires the 60 kDa YidC protein. Mutant Procoat proteins with alterations in the periplasmic region had been found to require SecYEG and YidC. In this report, we show that the membrane insertion of these mutants also strongly depends on SecDF that bridges SecYEG to YidC. In a cold-sensitive mutant of YidC, the Sec-dependent function of YidC is strongly impaired. We find that specifically the SecDF-dependent mutants are inhibited in the cold-sensitive YidC strain. Finally, we find that subtle changes in the periplasmic loop such as the number and location of negatively charged residues and the length of the periplasmic loop can make the Procoat strictly Sec-dependent. In addition, we successfully converted Sec-independent Pf3 coat into a Sec-dependent protein by changing the location of a negatively charged residue in the periplasmic tail. Protease mapping of Pf3 coat shows that the insertion-arrested proteins that accumulate in the YidC- or in the SecDF-deficient strains are not translocated. Taken together, the data suggest that the Sec-dependent mutants insert at the interface of YidC and the translocon with SecDF assisting in the translocation step in vivo.  相似文献   

Conditional lethal YidC mutants have been isolated to decipher the role of YidC in the assembly of Sec-dependent and Sec-independent membrane proteins. We now show that the membrane insertion of the Sec-independent M13 procoat-lep protein is inhibited in a short time in a temperature-sensitive mutant when shifted to the nonpermissive temperature. This provides an additional line of evidence that YidC plays a direct role in the insertion of the Sec-independent M13 procoat protein. However, in the temperature-sensitive mutant, the insertion of the Sec-independent Pf3 phage coat protein and the Sec-dependent leader peptidase were not strongly inhibited at the restricted temperatures. Conversely, using a cold-sensitive YidC strain, we find that the membrane insertion of the Sec-independent Pf3 coat protein is blocked, and the Sec-dependent leader peptidase is inhibited at the nonpermissive temperature, whereas the insertion of the M13 procoat protein is nearly normal. These data show that the YidC function for procoat and its function for Pf3 coat and possibly leader peptidase are genetically separable and suggest that the YidC structural requirements are different for the Sec-independent M13 procoat and Pf3 coat phage proteins that insert by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

A Kuhn  H Y Zhu    R E Dalbey 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(8):2385-2389
The coat protein of bacteriophage M13 is inserted into the Escherichia coli plasma membrane as a precursor protein, termed procoat, with a typical leader peptide of 23 amino acid residues. Its membrane insertion requires the electrochemical potential but not the cellular components SecA and SecY. Since the electrochemical gradients result in the periplasmic side of the membrane being positively charged, the membrane potential could contribute to the transfer of the negatively charged central region of procoat across the membrane. Here we demonstrate that the central domain following the leader peptide can be translocated across the membrane even when the net charge of the region is changed from -3 to +3. This rules out an electrophoresis-like insertion mechanism for procoat. We also show that the sec independence of procoat insertion is linked to the presence of the second apolar domain. The deletion of most of the second apolar domain from a procoat fusion protein results in sec dependent membrane insertion of the hybrid protein. Moreover, like other proteins that require the sec genes, translocation of this sec dependent procoat protein is inhibited when positively charged residues are introduced after the leader peptide. Loop models involving one or two hydrophobic regions are presented that account for the differences in tolerance of positively charged residues.  相似文献   

A Gallusser  A Kuhn 《The EMBO journal》1990,9(9):2723-2729
Bacteriophage M13 procoat protein is synthesized on free polysomes prior to its assembly into the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. As an initial step of the membrane insertion pathway, the precursor protein interacts with the cytoplasmic face of the inner membrane. We have used oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis to study the regions of the procoat protein involved in membrane binding. We find that there is an absolute requirement for positively charged amino acids at both ends of the protein. Replacing these with negatively charged residues resulted in an accumulation of the precursor in the cytoplasm. We propose that the positively charged amino acids are directly involved in membrane binding, possibly directly to the negatively charged phospholipid head groups. This was tested in vitro with artificial liposomes. Whereas wild-type procoat interacted with these liposomes, we found that procoat mutants with negatively charged amino acids at both ends did not bind. Therefore, we conclude that newly synthesized M13 procoat protein binds electrostatically to the negatively charged inner membrane of E. coli.  相似文献   

KdpD is a sensor kinase protein in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli containing four transmembrane regions. The periplasmic loops connecting the transmembrane regions are intriguingly short and protease mapping allowed us to only follow the translocation of the second periplasmic loop. The results show that neither the Sec translocase nor the YidC protein are required for membrane insertion of the second loop of KdpD. To study the translocation of the first periplasmic loop a short HA epitope tag was genetically introduced into this region. The results show that also the first loop was translocated independently of YidC and the Sec translocase. We conclude that KdpD resembles a new class of membrane proteins that insert into the membrane without enzymatic assistance by the known translocases. When the second periplasmic loop was extended by an epitope tag to 27 amino acid residues, the membrane insertion of this loop of KdpD depended on SecE and YidC. To test whether the two periplasmic regions are translocated independently of each other, the KdpD protein was split between helix 2 and 3 into two approximately equal-sized fragments. Both constructed fragments, which contained KdpD-N (residues 1-448 of KdpD) and the KdpD-C (residues 444-894 of KdpD), readily inserted into the membrane. Similar to the epitope-tagged KdpD protein, only KdpD-C depended on the presence of the Sec translocase and YidC. This confirms that the four transmembrane helices of KdpD are inserted pairwise, each translocation event involving two transmembrane helices and a periplasmic loop.  相似文献   

A Kuhn  G Kreil    W Wickner 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(13):3681-3685
M13 procoat protein has two hydrophobic domains, one in the leader peptide and one which anchors the mature coat protein in the membrane. Disruption of the membrane anchor region by insertion of arginyl residues does not yield periplasmic coat protein. Instead, the rate of membrane assembly is slowed greater than 100-fold (t1/2 less than 5 s for wild-type, t1/2 greater than 10 min for mutant). The hydrophobic region of mature coat protein not only functions as a membrane anchor, but has an important role in the membrane assembly process per se.  相似文献   

The purification of M13 procoat, a membrane protein precursor.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Many membrane proteins and most secreted proteins are initially made as precursors with an N-terminal leader sequence. We now report the isolation of M13 procoat, the precursor of the membrane-bound form of M13 coat protein. There are 40 000 copies of M13 procoat protein/cell during M13 amber 7 virus infection. Purified procoat is quantitatively cleaved by isolated leader peptidase to yield mature-length coat protein. Rabbit antibodies to M13 procoat will precipitate procoat but not coat, suggesting that the antibody molecules are specifically recognizing the leader sequence or the conformation which it induces in the whole procoat molecule.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, two main protein targeting pathways to the inner membrane exist: the SecB pathway for the essentially posttranslational targeting of secretory proteins and the SRP pathway for cotranslational targeting of inner membrane proteins (IMPs). At the inner membrane both pathways converge at the Sec translocase, which is capable of both linear transport into the periplasm and lateral transport into the lipid bilayer. The Sec-associated YidC appears to assist the lateral transport of IMPs from the Sec translocase into the lipid bilayer. It should be noted that targeting and translocation of only a handful of secretory proteins and IMPs have been studied. These model proteins do not include lipoproteins. Here, we have studied the targeting and translocation of two secretory lipoproteins, the murein lipoprotein and the bacteriocin release protein, using a combined in vivo and in vitro approach. The data indicate that both murein lipoprotein and bacteriocin release protein require the SRP pathway for efficient targeting to the Sec translocase. Furthermore, we show that YidC plays an important role in the targeting/translocation of both lipoproteins.  相似文献   

The major coat protein (gene 8 product) of bacteriophage M13 is an integral membrane protein during infection of host cells. It is synthesized as a larger precursor (procoat) with a leader sequence of 23 amino acids at its amino terminus. In vivo studies have shown that procoat only inserts into the host-cell plasma membrane after its synthesis is completed. We now demonstrate that procoat can post-translationally insert into inverted cytoplasmic membrane vesicles from E. coli and can be processed proteolytically to yield coat protein. Procoat changes from an assembly-competent substrate to an incompetent (denatured) form within minutes after its synthesis; much of the procoat that accumulates during an hour of in vitro synthesis is therefore denatured. These studies emphasize the importance of stringent criteria for the demonstration of obligate cotranslational assembly.  相似文献   

YidC has an essential but poorly defined function in membrane protein insertion and folding in bacteria. The yidC gene is located in a gene cluster that is highly conserved in Gram-negative bacteria, the gene order being rpmH, rnpA, yidD, yidC, and trmE. Here, we show that Escherichia coli yidD, which overlaps with rnpA and is only 2 bp upstream of yidC, is expressed and localizes to the inner membrane, probably through an amphipathic helix. Inactivation of yidD had no discernible effect on cell growth and viability. However, compared to control cells, ΔyidD cells were affected in the insertion and processing of three YidC-dependent inner membrane proteins. Furthermore, in vitro cross-linking showed that YidD is in proximity of a nascent inner membrane protein during its localization in the Sec-YidC translocon, suggesting that YidD might be involved in the insertion process.  相似文献   

Recent insight into the biochemical mechanism of protein translocation in Escherichia coli indicates that SecA ATPase is required both for the initial binding of preproteins to the inner membrane as well as subsequent translocation across this structure. SecA appears to promote these events by direct recognition of the preprotein or preprotein-SecB complex, binding to inner-membrane anionic phospholipids, insertion into the membrane biiayer and association with the preprotein translocator, SecY/SecE. ATP binding appears to control the affinity of SecA for the various components of the system and ATP hydrolysis promotes cycling between its different biochemical states. As a component likely to catalyse a rate-determining step in protein secretion, SecA synthesis is co-ordinated with the activity of the protein export pathway. This form of negative reguiation appears to rely on SecA protein binding to its mRNA and repressing translation if conditions of rapid protein secretion prevail within the cell. A precise biochemical scheme for SecA-dependent catalysis of protein export and the details of secA regulation appear to be close at hand. The evolutionary conservation of SecA protein among eubacteria as well as the general requirement for translocation ATPases in other protein secretion systems argues for a mechanistic commonality of all prokaryotic protein export pathways.  相似文献   

Cytochrome-deficient cells of a strain of Escherichia coli lacking 5-amino-levulinate synthetase have been used to study proton translocation associated with the reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) dehydrogenase region of the electron transport chain. Menadione was used as electron acceptor, and mannitol was used as the substrate for the generation of intracellular NADH. The effects of iron deficiency on NADH- and D-lactate-menadione reductase activities were studied in iron-deficient cells of a mutant strain unable to synthesize the iron chelator enterochelin; both activities were reduced. The NADH- menadione reductase activity in cytochrome-deficient cells was associated with proton translocation and could be coupled to the uptake of proline. However proton translocation associated with the NADH-menadione reductase activity was prevented by a mutation in an unc gene. It was concluded that there is no proton translocation associated with the NADH-dehydrogenase region of the electron transport chain in E. coli and that the proton translocation obtained with mannitol as substrate is due to the activity of membrane-bound adenosine triphosphatase.  相似文献   

DNA replication in Escherichia coli mutants that lack protein HU.   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
T Ogawa  M Wada  Y Kano  F Imamoto    T Okazaki 《Journal of bacteriology》1989,171(10):5672-5679

The mechanosensitive channel MscL in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli is a homopentameric complex involved in homeostasis when cells are exposed to hypo-osmotic conditions. The E. coli MscL protein is synthesized as a polypeptide of 136 amino acid residues and uses the bacterial signal recognition particle (SRP) for membrane targeting. The protein is inserted into the membrane independently of the Sec translocon. Mutants affected in the Sec-components are competent for MscL assembly. Translocation of the periplasmic domain was detected using a membrane-impermeant, sulfhydryl-specific gel-shift reagent. The modification of a single cysteine residue at position 68 indicated its translocation across the inner membrane. From these in vivo experiments, it is concluded that the electrical chemical membrane potential is not necessary for membrane insertion of MscL. However, depletion of the membrane insertase YidC inhibits translocation of the protein across the membrane. We show here that YidC is essential for efficient membrane insertion of the MscL protein. YidC is a component of a recently identified membrane insertion pathway that is evolutionarily conserved in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

K Nishiyama  S Mizushima    H Tokuda 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(9):3409-3415
A novel factor, which is a membrane component of the protein translocation machinery of Escherichia coli, was discovered. This factor was found in the trichloracetic acid-soluble fraction of solubilized cytoplasmic membrane. The factor was purified to homogeneity by ion exchange column chromatographies and found to be a hydrophobic protein with a molecular mass of approximately 12 kDa. The factor caused > 20-fold stimulation of the protein translocation when it was reconstituted into proteoliposomes together with SecE and SecY. SecE, SecY, SecA and ATP were essential for the factor-dependent stimulation of the activity. The factor stimulated the translocation of all three precursor proteins examined, including authentic proOmpA. Stimulation of the translocation of proOmpF-Lpp, a model presecretory protein, was especially remarkable, since no translocation was observed unless proteoliposomes were reconstituted with the factor. Partial amino acid sequence of the purified factor was determined. An antibody raised against a synthetic peptide of this sequence inhibited the protein translocation into everted membrane vesicles, indicating that the factor is playing an important role in protein translocation into membrane vesicles. The partial amino acid sequence was found to coincide with that deduced from the reported DNA sequence of the upstream region of the leuU gene. Cloning and sequencing of the upstream region revealed the presence of a new open reading frame, which encodes a hydrophobic protein of 11.4 kDa. We propose that the factor is a general component of the protein translocation machinery of E. coli.  相似文献   

G Matsumoto  T Yoshihisa    K Ito 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(21):6384-6393
SecA, the preprotein-driving ATPase in Escherichia coli, was shown previously to insert deeply into the plasma membrane in the presence of ATP and a preprotein; this movement of SecA was proposed to be mechanistically coupled with preprotein translocation. We now address the role played by SecY, the central subunit of the membrane-embedded heterotrimeric complex, in the SecA insertion reaction. We identified a secY mutation (secY205), affecting the most carboxyterminal cytoplasmic domain, that did not allow ATP and preprotein-dependent productive SecA insertion, while allowing idling insertion without the preprotein. Thus, the secY205 mutation might affect the SecYEG 'channel' structure in accepting the preprotein-SecA complex or its opening by the complex. We isolated secA mutations that allele-specifically suppressed the secY205 translocation defect in vivo. One mutant protein, SecA36, with an amino acid alteration near the high-affinity ATP-binding site, was purified and suppressed the in vitro translocation defect of the inverted membrane vesicles carrying the SecY205 protein. The SecA36 protein could also insert into the mutant membrane vesicles in vitro. These results provide genetic evidence that SecA and SecY specifically interact, and show that SecY plays an essential role in insertion of SecA in response to a preprotein and ATP and suggest that SecA drives protein translocation by inserting into the membrane in vivo.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles were prepared by osmotic lysis of spheroplasts from M13-infected Escherichia coli. Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) oxidase (reduced NAD: oxidoreductase, EC and Mg2+-Ca2+-activated adenosine triphosphatase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC, which are normally localized to the inner surface of the cytoplasmic membrane, were 50% acceesible to their polar substrates in these vesicles. The major coat protein of coliphage M13 is also bound to the cytoplasmic membrane (prior to phage assembly) but with its antigenic sites exposed to the exterior of the cell. Antibody to M13 coat protein was used to fractionate membrane vesicles. Neither agglutinated nor unagglutinated vesicles had altered NADH oxidase and adenosine triphosphatase specific activities. This is inconsistent with such vesicles being a mixture of correctly oriented and completely inverted membrane sacs and suggests that NADH oxidase, adenosine triphosphatase, M13 coat protein, or all three proteins rearrange during vesicle preparation.  相似文献   

The leader peptide of bacteriophage M13 procoat inhibited the cleavage of M13 procoat or pre-maltose-binding protein by purified Escherichia coli leader peptidase. This finding confirms inferences that the leader is the primary site of enzyme recognition and suggests a rationale for the rapid hydrolysis of leader peptides in vivo.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that Escherichia coli can translocate the same protein either co- or posttranslationally and that ATP hydrolysis is essential for the posttranslational translocation of the precursors of alkaline phosphatase and OmpA protein into inverted E. coli membrane vesicles. ATP-dependent protein translocation has now been further characterized. In the absence of exogenous Mg2+, dATP, formycin A-5'-triphosphate, ATP-alpha-S, and N1-oxide-ATP could replace ATP, but many other nucleotides were not only ineffective but inhibited ATP-dependent translocation. The inhibitors included nonhydrolyzable ATP analogs, ATP-gamma-S, 8-azido-ATP, AMP, ADP, cyclic AMP, PPi, and tripolyphosphate. On the other hand, adenosine, adenosine 5'-tetraphosphate, and N1,N6-etheno-ATP neither supported nor inhibited translocation. Moreover, photoaffinity labeling of azido-adenine nucleotides rendered membranes inactive for subsequent ATP-dependent protein translocation. These results suggest that protein translocation involves at least an ATP-binding site in the membrane and hydrolysis of ATP and that both the adenosine and phosphate moieties of ATP play a role.  相似文献   

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