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 Spiders and ants are potential competitors and mutual predators. Indirect evidence from previous research has suggested that ant foraging may significantly lower the abundance of arboreal spiders in young Douglas-fir plantations in western Oregon. This study tested the effect of foraging by ants, dominated by Camponotus spp., on spider assemblages in Douglas-fir canopies in a 5-month ant-exclusion experiment. The biomass of potential prey organisms on foliage, dominated by Psocoptera, increased significantly by 1.9- to 2.4-fold following ant exclusion. The removal of ants did not affect the abundance of flying arthropods in the vicinity of tree canopies as indicated by sticky trap catches. The abundance of hunting spiders, the majority being Salticidae, increased significantly by 1.5- to 1.8-fold in trees without ants in the late summer; neither the abundance of web-building spiders nor the average body size of hunting and web-building spiders were significantly affected by ant removal. Spider diversity and community structure did not differ significantly between control and ant-removal trees. The majority of prey captured by ants were Aphidoidea (48.1%) and Psocoptera (12.5%); spiders represented only 1.4% of the ants’ diet. About 40% of observed ants were tending Cinara spp. aphids. Our observations suggest that the lower abundance of hunting spiders in control canopies with ants may be due to interference competition with ants resulting from ant foraging and aphid-tending activities. Direct predation of spiders by ants appeared to be of minor importance in this study system. This study did not provide sufficient evidence for exploitative competition for prey between ants and spiders. Received: 21 February 1996 / Accepted: 14 August 1996  相似文献   

Abstract. The Argentine Chaco is a mosaic of grassland and open forest habitats maintained by natural disturbance activities such as fire. Since the introduction of domestic livestock and other human activities, the balance of this mosaic has been significantly altered, both in plant species and structural composition. This study focuses on the impact of such changes on the diversity of ground-dwelling arthropods within semi-arid Chaco forest. Quantitative measures of habitat structure and arthropod diversity were taken in forest areas previously subjected to grazing, logging and ploughing. Results indicated that arthropod diversity was smaller on sites with reduced structural complexity, with marked changes in arthropod family composition. The habitat components relating to plant architectural and vertical diversity were particularly influential on arthropod diversity. The guild size ratio of predatory to non-predatory arthropods also differed significantly between habitats suggesting a change in the resource base available to some groups. The latter suggests a shift in the functional organisation of the forest ecosystem which could have important repercussions for the diversity of other trophic levels.  相似文献   

Schoenemann, B. & Clarkson, E.N.K. 2011: Eyes and vision in the Chengjiang arthropod Isoxys indicating adaptation to habitat. Lethaia, Vol. 44, pp. 223–230. The arthropod Isoxys is common in the lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota, but only a few specimens retain details of the eye structure, though the eyes are invariably flattened. One specimen of Isoxys auritus has a pair of large eyes, projecting from the body and showing a flexible eye‐stalk, a discoidal, slightly convex palpebral lobe, and part of the original visual surface upon which lenses can be distinguished. The remarkable preservation allows the eye parameter, sensitivity, and the anatomical acuity of this eye to be established; it was adapted to an environment where the illumination corresponds to that of street light at night, in other words up to ~140 metres depth. This fits well with previous estimates. A second specimen, from a different locality (Mafang), interpreted as a different form, probably a different species, was adapted to more shallow, well‐lit surface waters. □Arthropoda, Cambrian, Chengjiang, ecological niche, Isoxys, vision.  相似文献   

稻田周围杂草地生境节肢动物群落的物种组成   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
2001年5--9月,对福建省古田县中稻田边杂草地生境的节肢动物群落,开展了系统调查,共采集到节肢动物2纲14目112科343种(或类)。其中,天敌184种(包括71种捕食性蜘蛛,31种捕食性昆虫和82种寄生性天敌),害虫52种;中性昆虫107种。  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2008,5(2):132-139
Understanding the processes underlying food-web structure and organization remains one of the major tasks of ecology. While first attempts were mostly based on niche theory, with body size of species imposing a hierarchical structure for consumer species, it has been recently suggested that phylogenetic constraints may be more fundamental to understand who eats whom in natural communities. Models of food-web structure built on basic evolutionary assumptions are able to adequately reproduce the topology of real food-webs. Here, we analyze different implications of phylogenetic constraints on trophic structure, and present preliminary results. Our exploration of the relationship between trophic and taxonomic similarity in food-webs shows that phylogeny and trophic structure are closely linked. Interestingly, the relationship is stronger for trophic similarity between prey (similarity measured by shared predators species, or predatory similarity) than between consumer species (similarity measured by shared prey species, or dietary similarity). When relating body mass of prey and predators, slopes of major axis regressions within taxonomic groups differ markedly from the global pattern; similar differences between taxonomic levels appear when exploring the relationship between body mass of predators and the range in body mass of their prey, and vice versa. These results are important to understand how evolutionary processes shaping body sizes can affect food-web structure.  相似文献   

The internal conductance from intercellular spaces to the sites of carboxylation (gi) has only been measured in a few tree species and not in conifers, despite the fact it may impose a large limitation on photosynthesis. The present study provides the first estimates of gi for a coniferous species, and examines variation in gi with height and its relationships to anatomical, biochemical and physiological traits. Measurements were made on upper and lower canopy current‐year needles of 50‐year‐old Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). Needle thickness and specific leaf area decreased by 30% from the top to bottom of the canopy. These anatomical/morphological changes were accompanied by modest variation in allocation of N to chlorophyll and the chlorophyll a/b ratio. Allocation of N to Rubisco did not vary with height, but the ratio of Rubisco to chlorophyll did owing to the aforementioned changes in allocation to chlorophyll. The value of gi was estimated in one tree from concurrent measurements of carbon isotope discrimination and net photosynthesis. To examine the variation in gi among trees a second independent method based on day respiration and the difference between the chloroplastic and intercellular photocompensation points (photocompensation point method) was used. Estimates of gi obtained by the two methods agreed well with values varying between 0.14 and 0.20 mol m?2 s?1. It is estimated that gi limits photosynthesis by approximately 20% as compared to an approximately 30% stomatal limitation (under well‐watered conditions). The value of gi scaled approximately with maximum rates of photosynthesis, which were significantly greater in upper canopy needles. Nevertheless, gi did not vary significantly with canopy height, owing to greater variability in gi than photosynthesis.  相似文献   

1. The idea that species occupy distinct niches is a fundamental concept in ecology. Classically, the niche was described as an n-dimensional hypervolume where each dimension represents a biotic or abiotic characteristic. More recently, it has been hypothesised that a single dimension may be sufficient to explain the system-level organization of trophic interactions observed between species in a community. 2. Here, we test the hypothesis that species body mass is that single dimension. Specifically, we determine how the intervality of food webs ordered by body size compares to that of randomly ordered food webs. We also extend this analysis beyond the community level to the effect of body mass in explaining the diets of individual species. 3. We conclude that body mass significantly explains the ordering of species and the contiguity of diets in empirical communities. 4. At the species-specific level, we find that the degree to which body mass is a significant explanatory variable depends strongly on the phylogenetic history, suggesting that other evolutionarily conserved traits partly account for species' roles in the food web. 5. Our investigation of the role of body mass in food webs thus helps us to better understand the important features of community food-web structure and the evolutionary forces that have led us to the communities we observe.  相似文献   

We used metapopulation dynamics to develop a mathematical simulationmodel for brood parasites and their hosts in order to investigatethe validity of the "spatial habitat structure hypothesis,"which states that a low level of parasite egg rejection in hostpopulations is due to the immigration of acceptor individualsfrom nonparasitized populations. In our model, we varied dispersalrate and the relative carrying capacity of host individualsin parasitized and unparasitized patches. When both the relativecarrying capacity in the parasite-free patch and the dispersalrate increase, the nonparasitized patch will provide more acceptorindividuals to the parasite-prone patch. As the relative carryingcapacity in the parasite-free patch increases, the equilibriumfrequency of rejecters both in the parasite-prone and in theparasite-free patch decreases toward zero for intermediate levelsof the dispersal rate. Although the rejecter strategy is moreadaptive than the acceptor strategy in the parasite-prone patch,large numbers of acceptors are produced in the parasite-freepatch dispersing to the parasitized patch. As the number ofindividuals in the parasite-free patch increases, parasitismrate can be maintained stable at a high equilibrium level inthe parasite-prone patch.  相似文献   

Honeydew‐producing psyllids are an important pest of eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) in California, USA, and may influence surrounding litter arthropod communities. In particular, the introduced Australian psyllids Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore and Eucalyptolyma maideni Froggatt (both Hemiptera: Psyllidae) may facilitate the prevalence of invasive ant species. We examined ground‐dwelling arthropod communities under eucalyptus trees infested by psyllids. We used a model comparison approach to examine the association of psyllid infestation, ant abundance, and environmental factors with ground arthropod abundance and richness. We found a significant positive association between ant activity on eucalyptus trees and psyllid abundance. Higher psyllid abundance and higher Argentine ant abundance were associated with increased arthropod richness. Irrigation was also associated with increased arthropod richness and abundance. Regardless of location collected, arthropod communities collected in pitfall traps under trees with high psyllid abundance had high similarity to arthropod communities under trees with high ant activity. Abundance of isopods was positively associated with both ant and psyllid abundance. Other arthropod groups differed in their association with ants and psyllids. Argentine ants may exacerbate pest impacts and may also decrease the effectiveness of biological control programs for eucalyptus lerp psyllids.  相似文献   

上海地区花卉节肢动物群落组成调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年2月至2007年1月对上海地区60余种花卉生境中节肢动物群落组成进行了调查,把采集的节肢动物按营养关系分为植食类、捕食类、寄生类、其它类等4个功能团。根据鉴定结果,植食类共121种,捕食类22种,寄生类12科,其它类13科。其中,16种节肢动物为上海地区首次报道。植食类、捕食类、寄生类和其它类的相对丰富度分别为78.10%、5.61%、2.44%和13.85%。保护花卉生境中的捕食性和寄生性天敌种类是花卉生产生态化管理的重要任务之一。  相似文献   

The structure of the arthropod community on bracken   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The species of herbivorous arthropods known to feed on bracken in Britain are listed and the seasonal changes in the structure of this arthropod community are discussed.  相似文献   

植被类型对盐沼湿地空气生境节肢动物功能群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童春富 《生态学报》2012,32(3):786-795
2007年4-11月,在长江口崇明东滩盐沼湿地的芦苇带、海三棱藨草带和互花米草带设置固定样地,每月小潮期对空气生境的节肢动物进行了扫网取样调查。在此基础上,分析研究了盐沼湿地空气生境节肢动物功能群特征以及植被类型的影响,特别是对互花米草的生态效应进行了进一步讨论。调查期间共获得节肢动物标本3778头,分属2纲11目37科49种。根据不同种类的营养特征将其划分为植食性、捕食寄生性和腐食性三大功能群。其中,植食性功能群的种类、数量最为丰富,涉及1纲6目19科25种,物种数占总数的51.0%,个体数占总数的86.2%;捕食寄生性功能群次之,涉及2纲7目15科21种,物种数占总数的42.9%,个体数占总数的7.8%;腐食性功能群种类、数量最少,涉及1纲1目3科3种,物种数占总数的6.1%,个体数占总数的6.0%。不同植被带捕食寄生性功能群与植食性功能群均具有一定的"天敌跟随"特征,但主要表现在物种数上,而在个体数上的对应关系并不明显。不同植被带功能群的组成、多样性及月际变化特征存在一定差异,但是植被类型对功能群的影响并不显著。与已有研究结果不同,研究中外来种互花米草对空气生境的节肢动物并未表现出显著的负面影响,相应节肢动物功能群的物种数、个体数、多样性、月际变化等特征与其他植被带并没有显著差异。就植食性功能群而言,尽管互花米草带植食性功能群的个体数明显低于其它植被带,但是物种数并没有减少,相应的作用机理还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

1. The spillover of exotic predators from managed ecosystems into natural habitats may exacerbate the biodiversity losses caused by land‐use intensification. 2. In the present study, the impacts of the exotic wandering spider Cheiracanthium mildei L. Koch in an oak woodland ecosystem adjacent to an intensively‐managed agricultural system were examined. 3. Abundance and species richness of resident spiders and insects in oak branches were reduced in the presence of C. mildei. Contrary to expectations, C. mildei did not disproportionately affect other wandering spider species, but appeared to impact spiders from all tested functional groups. Numbers of herbivorous and predatory insects were also lower in the presence of C. mildei. 4. Although the apparent effects of this spider extend to multiple trophic levels in oak woodland, its voracity and relatively large size may ultimately strengthen herbivore suppression in the vineyard–oak woodland landscape.  相似文献   

Body-size structure of food webs and adaptive foraging of consumers are two of the dominant concepts of our understanding how natural ecosystems maintain their stability and diversity. The interplay of these two processes, however, is a critically important yet unresolved issue. To fill this gap in our knowledge of ecosystem stability, we investigate dynamic random and niche model food webs to evaluate the proportion of persistent species. We show that stronger body-size structures and faster adaptation stabilise these food webs. Body-size structures yield stabilising configurations of interaction strength distributions across food webs, and adaptive foraging emphasises links to resources closer to the base. Moreover, both mechanisms combined have a cumulative effect. Most importantly, unstructured random webs evolve via adaptive foraging into stable size-structured food webs. This offers a mechanistic explanation of how size structure adaptively emerges in complex food webs, thus building a novel bridge between these two important stabilising mechanisms.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that grazing on bacteria would varybetween lakes with differing plankton community structures.Paul and Tuesday lakes (Gogebic County, MI) are respectivelydominated by piscivorous and planktivorous fish. Consequently,zooplankton in Paul are primarily large daphnids, while zooplanktonin Tuesday are primarily small cladocerans and copepods. Wemeasured flagellate grazing on bacteria using a fluorescentminicell method, while cladoceran grazing was estimated fromthe relationship between body length and filtering rate. Wepredicted that cladoceran grazing on bacteria would be higherin Paul, and flagellate grazing would be higher in Tuesday.Cladoceran grazing on bacteria was important in both lakes contraryto our initial expectation. Large populations of the small cladoceran,Bosmina longirostris, in Tuesday exerted a grazing pressure(0.18–35x106 bacteria 1–1 h–1) approximatelyequal to that of the large cladoceran, Daphnia pulex, in Paul(0.34–30x106 bacteria 1–1 h–1). Flagellategrazing was higher in Tuesday as predicted (range: Paul, 0.1–6x106bacteria 1–1 h–1; Tuesday, 0.2–20x106 bacteria1–1 h–1). However, there was not a simple relationshipbetween total abundance of flagellates and total grazing rates.High community grazing by flagellates occurred when attachedchoanoflagellates were present. These flagellates had higheringestion rates than free forms. We find no clear evidence thatdifferences in food-web structure between the two lakes influencethe process of grazing on bacteria. Instead, our results emphasizethe significance of cladocerans and attached flagellates asconsumers of bacteria in freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

Live corals are the key habitat forming organisms on coral reefs, contributing to both biological and physical structure. Understanding the importance of corals for reef fishes is, however, restricted to a few key families of fishes, whereas it is likely that a vast number of fish species will be adversely affected by the loss of live corals. This study used data from published literature together with independent field based surveys to quantify the range of reef fish species that use live coral habitats. A total of 320 species from 39 families use live coral habitats, accounting for approximately 8 % of all reef fishes. Many of the fishes reported to use live corals are from the families Pomacentridae (68 spp.) and Gobiidae (44 spp.) and most (66 %) are either planktivores or omnivores. 126 species of fish associate with corals as juveniles, although many of these fishes have no apparent affiliation with coral as adults, suggesting an ontogenetic shift in coral reliance. Collectively, reef fishes have been reported to use at least 93 species of coral, mainly from the genus Acropora and Porities and associate predominantly with branching growth forms. Some fish associate with a single coral species, whilst others can be found on more than 20 different species of coral indicating there is considerable variation in habitat specialisation among coral associated fish species. The large number of fishes that rely on coral highlights that habitat degradation and coral loss will have significant consequences for biodiversity and productivity of reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Insects are particularly sensitive to environmental conditions and can serve as responsive indicators of changing climatic patterns and habitat conditions. However, changes in patterns of abundance over environmental gradients in forest ecosystems are poorly known. To examine landscape patterns of invertebrate assemblages, arboreal arthropods were collected during two seasons (spring and summer) by bagging branches from the lower, middle and upper canopy levels from six stands in nine second-growth (100–150 yr old) forests and old-growth (500 yr old) forests in Washington and Oregon. Detrended correspondence analysis and multi-response permutation procedure showed that the composition of the canopy assemblages varied significantly with latitude, precipitation and tree age. Indicator analysis was used to assess each taxon's importance in response to the environmental variables. Individual taxa showed associations with latitudinal and precipitation gradients, and between old-growth and mature Douglas-fir. These effects may be used to anticipate the impacts of climate change or land use scenarios on the spatial patterns of forest invertebrate assemblages.  相似文献   

1. The patterns of arthropod diversity were investigated in 24 montane wetlands in Switzerland. These differed in altitude, management regime (cattle-grazing vs. mowing), vegetation structure (index combining vegetation height and density) and degree of habitat fragmentation.
2. The general arthropod diversity was determined by net sampling at 10 sampling points per site. The diversity of grasshoppers and butterflies was measured by counting species richness at the site and species density (species richness per unit area) on transects. The species richness of grasshoppers and butterflies was found to be more sensitive to the geographical attributes of the site whereas species density was more affected by the habitat quality.
3. Grasshopper diversity decreased within the observed altitudinal range (800–1400 m) and was higher at grazed sites, whereas butterfly diversity was higher at mown sites. Arthropod diversity but not abundance of arthropods was positively related to the vegetation structure.
4. The species richness of butterflies was negatively influenced by the degree of habitat fragmentation: both the size of habitat as well as the area of wetland habitats within 4 km were related positively to the number of specialist wetland butterflies.
5. Late mowing as well as low-density cattle-grazing are appropriate management actions to maintain arthropod diversity in montane wetlands. In order to establish site-specific management plans, the biology of the present target species as well as the historical context should be considered.
6. We suggest that the best protection for the species examined in this study would be a network of wetland sites managed using a variety of traditional, non-intensive methods. This can only be achieved by coordinated planning of conservation measures among sites.  相似文献   

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