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 Inbreeding depression may affect the performance of consecutive generations of potatoes propagated by true potato seed (TPS). The effect of inbreeding was established using selfed and sib-mated generations of five TPS families. Correlation coefficients were calculated between the level of inbreeding and different traits. Inbreeding depression was expressed mainly by pollen viability, as measured by its stainability (r=−0.912, P<0.01), and tuber yield (r=−0.837, 0.01<P<0.05). The results also indicated that without unavoidable selection inbreeding depression is expected to be more evident. Furthermore, the TPS families responded quite differently to inbreeding depression. They did not show the same amount of depression for yield as they did for the characters concerning fertility. The high tuber-yielding families displayed a greater inbreeding depression for tuber yield than the lower-yielding families. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

 True potato seed (TPS) may be an alternative method of potato production in developing countries. A breeding method for the sexual propagation of this vegetatively propagated crop should consider the development of parental lines and the type of cultivar to be released. Open-pollinated (OP) cultivars seem to be an inexpensive procedure to produce potato from true seed. However, OP progenies are the result of selfing and outcrossing in male-fertile tetraploid potatoes. The aim of the present research was to establish the effect of inbreeding and open pollination in TPS. Ten Andigena clones were used as parental material to derive hybrid (S0), inbred (S1 and S2), and open-pollinated (OP1 and OP2) generations. Significant differences among generations were found for pollen production, pollen viability (as determined by its stainability with aceto-carmine glycerol), number of flowers and berries plant-1, number of seeds berry-1, weight of 1000 seeds, and tuber yield plant-1. The parental populations were significantly different for most of the traits, but not for flower production and berry weight. The interaction of population ×generation was significant for pollen and seed production as well as for weight for 1000 seeds. All the traits evaluated except seed weight showed a strong inbreeding depression, while the OP progenies had intermediate values between the S0 and the S1. This demonstrates that open pollination in potatoes is not exclusively the product of selfing; it also results from outcrossing. Received: 10 November 1997 / Accepted: 3 March 1998  相似文献   

The production of attractive, uniform true potato seed (TPS) progenies was investigated. Four breeding schemes were compared: intercrossing tetraploid cultivars (cv x cv); doubled dihaploids x cultivars (ddh x cv); cultivars x diploid unreduced-gamete producers (cv x FDR) and doubled dihaploids x diploid unreduced-gamete producers (ddh x FDR). Fifty three progenies and five clones were grown in a glasshouse in a randomised complete block design with three replicates of 25 plants per progeny and clone. Each plant's tubers were counted and the colour, shape, quality of skin finish, flesh colour, and commencai attractiveness (which includes yield) recorded. The most uniform progenies were also selected by visual comparison with the clones. For mean attractiveness, differences (P < 0.001) between breeding schemes and between progenies within breeding schemes were detected. The cv x cv and cv x FDR progenies were more attractive than clonal controls. There were significant additive and non-additive effects for attractiveness in all breeding schemes except cv x FDR. There were between-progeny differences (P < 0.001) for uniformity for all characters. Progenies uniform for one character could be variable for other traits. Breeding schemes gave different levels of uniformity (P < 0.001) for all characters except shape and flesh colour, but none gave low levels of variation for all traits. Doubled-dihaploid parents increased the variation in progenies. There were uniformity differences (P < 0.001) between progenies within breeding schemes for all characters. Evidence of additive and nonadditive genetic variation for uniformity in all traits was detected. In each breeding scheme, parents with good general combining ability (GCA) for uniformity in several characters were identified. Visually selected uniform progenies had parents with good GCAs for uniformity in a range of traits and high specific combining abilities (SCAs) for several traits. A desynaptic first-division restitution (FDR) clone and a male-sterile doubled-dihaploid clone had the best GCAs for tuber uniformity in TPS progenies. Achieving multitrait uniformity in TPS is problematic but may be aided by the selection of parents with GCAs for uniformity coupled with progeny testing to allow for non-additive effects.  相似文献   

Twenty-five true potato seed progenies and five clonally maintained cultivars were grown in a glasshouse. Tubers of each clone of each progeny were grown in a field experiment. At harvest, one seed tuber was taken from each plant and field grown for a second year. After each experiment, the tubers from every plant were weighed and counted and their colour, shape, form (regularity) and skin finish assessed. Progeny means and variances for each character were calculated. There were significant differences between means for each character in all experiments, except mean yield in the glasshouse, variances for each character in both field experiments and tuber number variances and colour variances in the glasshouse. In general, Pearson's product-moment correlations between glasshouse and field assessments were moderate or poor (r ≤ 0.6) and inconsistent between experiments. Spearman's rank correlations between glasshouse and field assessments for progeny means were similar to the linear correlations, while those for variances were somewhat better. Rank correlation gave more consistent results between experiments. Ranking glasshouse means will allow some worthwhile progeny selection for tuber colour, shape and skin finish. It can be a useful screen for progenies with the highest levels of uniformity for all characters.  相似文献   

Quantity,quality and the effectiveness of seed dispersal by animals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Disperser effectiveness is the contribution a disperser makes to the future reproduction of a plant. Although it is a key notion in studies of seed dispersal by animals, we know little about what determines the effectiveness of a disperser. The role of the present paper is to review the available information and construct a hierarchical framework for viewing the components of disperser effectiveness.Effectiveness has both quantitative and qualitative components. The quantity of seed dispersal depends on (A) the number of visits made to the plant by a disperser and (B) the number of seeds dispersed per visit. The quality of seed dispersal depends on (A) the quality of treatment given a seed in the mouth and in the gut and (B) the quality of seed deposition as determined by the probability that a deposited seed will survive and become an adult. In this paper I review the ways disperser behavior, morphology and physiology can influence these major components of disperser effectiveness, and when data permit present preliminary analyses of relationships among components.  相似文献   

Crop borders reduce potato virus Y incidence in seed potato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crop borders of soybean (Glycine max), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) and potato (Solanum tuberosum) were tested as a means of reducing potato virus Y (PVY) incidence in seed potato. Borders of fallow cultivated ground served as controls. Aphid landing rates were monitored weekly in plots using green tile traps, and PVY incidence was assessed by serologically testing tuber progeny from selected rows in each plot. Average weekly aphid landing rates in fallow-bordered and crop-bordered plots were not significantly different in 1992 (29.4 and 25.2 aphids, respectively) or 1993 (7.3 and 6.6 aphids, respectively). However, crop borders significantly reduced PVY incidence. In 1992, fallow-bordered and soybean-bordered plots averaged 47.8% and 35.0% PVY infection, respectively. In 1993, PVY infection averaged across all crop (soybean, sorghum, and wheat) bordered plots was 2.7% compared to 6.8% in fallow-bordered plots. PVY incidence in the centre rows of fallow-bordered and crop-bordered plots was statistically equivalent, while outer rows of crop-bordered plots had significantly less PVY than outer rows of fallow-bordered plots. Crop borders apparently reduced the number of viruliferous aphids landing on the edge of the plot. The choice of crop species used as a border, or treating the border with a systemic insecticide, did not affect aphid landing rates or PVY incidence. In 1995, PVY incidence in the centre 10 row block of potatoes averaged 2.1% across all crop borders (potato and soybean). PVY infection in the four row potato border averaged 5.7%. Crop borders are readily adaptable to current production practices, although the greatest benefits in reducing PVY incidence would occur in average sized, generation 0 (< 0.2 ha), elite seed potato fields.  相似文献   

The incidence of potato virus Y (PVY) infection was assessed in samples of potato tubers, cv. Record, taken from Scottish seed stocks and English ware crops grown from some of these seed stocks. PVY was readily detected by ELISA of tuber sprouts. PVY-infected tubers were found in 10 seed stocks of 84 tested. The mean level of virus infection was 0.23%, 0.76% and 0.56% in Super Elite, Elite and AA stocks respectively. In 46 commercial ware crops grown from some of these seed stocks, a substantial proportion of the harvested tubers in all but one of the crops were infected with PVY, the mean percentage of infected tubers was 58.5%. Ware crops grown from seven seed stocks in which PVY had been detected (mean 6.2% infection in seed) contained a mean of 70% infected tubers, compared with 56% infection in crops grown from 39 stocks in which PVY was not detected in the seed tubers. The predominant PVY strain detected in the ware crops was the veinal necrosis strain (PVYvn).  相似文献   

True seed production in garlic   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Despite a long history of obligate vegetative propagation, selected garlic clones can produce sexual seeds. By removing vegetative topsets from the inflorescence and cutting inflorescences from the underground bulb, 63 germinable seeds were produced from 11 garlic clones in Wisconsin. Protein analysis of the seedlings confirms their snygamic origin. The generation of new recombinants through sexual reproduction could have a major impact on garlic production worldwide.  相似文献   

Legume seeds contain a large amount of proteins and are one of the essential protein sources for humans and animals. However, the protein, in legume seeds is usually poor in sulfur-containing amino acids, and its nutritional value is lower than the protein from animal sources. Recently plant breeding has become available by the introduction of molecular biology, and a technique, called molecular breeding, was applied to the production of legume seeds that contain proteins with high nutritional quality. This review describes the expression of legume seed protein genes and the transformation of legume plants. Approaches to improve the legume seed storage protein will be discussed.  相似文献   

The world's climate is changing. This can affect agricultural insects and the damage they cause by altering their ecology, behavior and habitats. Aphids are emerging as an indicator of climate change, and they are a good model for understanding these environmental changes, especially based on their migratory behavior. In this study, the occurrence of aphids in a seed potato field in Pyeongchang, Korea, was monitored daily using a yellow water pan trap from 1977 to 2017. During these 40 years, the annual migration fluctuations of the aphids were analyzed, with particular focus on four species known to vector potato viruses, Aphis gossypii, Aulacorthum solani, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, and Myzus persicae. It was found that, as time goes by, the start point of spring migration in these aphid species was getting earlier while the peak in autumn migration gradually moved to the winter season. Moreover, the annual total number of collected aphids increased by 3.74 times during the 40 years. Together with a mean annual temperature increase of 1.03°C in Pyeongchang over the past four decades, there is a potential threat of expansion in the distribution of aphid species. Therefore, we carefully hypothesized that this temperature change could influence the aphid's population changes in the Korean peninsula. This information can be used in an integrated aphid management program in seed potato cultivation.  相似文献   

Seeds are a critical and limited resource for restoring biodiversity and ecological function to degraded and fragmented ecosystems. Cleaning and quality testing are two key steps in the native seed supply chain. Optimizing the practices used in these steps can ensure seed quality. Post‐collection handling of seeds can have a profound impact on their viability, longevity in storage, and establishment potential. The first section of this article describes seed cleaning, outlines key considerations, and details traditional and novel approaches. Despite the growth of the native seed industry and the need for seed quality standards, existing equipment and standards largely target agricultural, horticultural, and commercial forestry species. Native plant species typically have complex seed traits, making it difficult to directly transfer existing cleaning and quality standards to these species. Furthermore, in ecological restoration projects, where diversity is valued over uniformity crop standards can be unsuitable. We provide an overview and recommendations for seed quality testing (sampling, purity, viability, germinability, vigor), identity reporting, and seed transfer as well as highlight the need to implement internationally recognized standards for certification for native seeds. Novel and improved cleaning and testing methods are needed for native species from a range of ecosystems to meet the challenges and goals of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The guidelines outlined in this article along with others in the Special Issue of Restoration Ecology “Standards for Native Seeds in Ecological Restoration” can serve as a foundation for this critical work.  相似文献   

Potato cybrids result from the fusion between cytoplasm and nuclear gene donors. Such genetic materials are an alternative means to broaden the breeding pool by non‐sexual gene transfer. Tetrad pollen sterility provides also another source of male sterility with some potential for true potato seed breeding. The objective of this research was to investigate cybrid‐derived offspring for both agronomic and reproductive characteristics in two contrasting Peruvian locations, and to examine new exotic germplasm for tetrad sterility, with the aim of broadening the breeding pool available at the Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). The cybrids were derived from fusions between Y‐245.7, a clone with tetrad sterility, and Atzimba. These cybrids were crossed with selected male parents from the CIP breeding population, and their hybrid offspring were tested in La Molina (coastal desert) and Huancayo (cool highlands). In addition, other clones with tetrad sterility were also crossed with selected testers to determine their breeding value. There were significant differences for tuber yield, style length, and berry number among the hybrid offspring, and the genotype by environment interaction was significant for tuber yield and berry number. The top 25% highest yielding cybrid‐derived offspring across both locations showed the same tuber yield although they were significantly different for some of the reproductive characteristics. With the exception of one cybrid, the others did not exhibit segregation for tetrad sterility in their hybrid offspring, which were male fertile. However, the offspring derived from crosses between other sources of tetrad sterility and the same testers all showed tetrad sterility, and some of them had outstanding tuber yield at La Molina. The lack of segregation for tetrad sterility in these new crosses suggests that the non‐cybrid, male sterile, female parents are triplex or quadriplex for the Tr nuclear locus, which interacts with a sensitive cytoplasm (e.g. Trs from S. verrucosum or S. stoloniferum) to produce tetrad sterility in potato.  相似文献   

种子扩散是植物更新和扩大分布区的一种重要途径。鼠类采取不同的种子扩散和贮藏策略,以应对食物短缺,同时也促进了植物种子扩散。为应对鼠类对植物种子的过度取食,种子进化出了一系列物理、化学等防御特征。其中种壳厚度作为一种物理防御策略,是影响鼠类贮藏行为和种子命运的关键因素。本研究拟通过去除天然栓皮栎(Quercus variabilis)种子的外壳,再在种仁外包被1、2、4、6不同层数的聚乙烯薄膜,模拟种壳厚度,准确控制种壳厚度。2020年10月—2021年1月,在四川都江堰森林生境中释放人工种壳包被的种子,研究人工种壳厚度对鼠类介导的种子扩散和命运的影响。结果表明:(1)鼠类优先扩散种壳较薄(1层薄膜包被)的人工种子;随着种壳厚度的增加,扩散速率逐渐降低,种壳最厚(6层薄膜包被)的种子扩散最慢(P < 0.001);(2)鼠类喜好分散贮藏1层、2层薄膜包被的种子;当种壳厚度增加至包被4层、6层薄膜时,分散贮藏比例显著降低(P < 0.05);(3)鼠类偏好集中贮藏4层薄膜包被的种子(P < 0.05);(4)不同种壳厚度的种子扩散距离无显著差异(P > 0.05);(5)种壳较薄(1层薄膜包被)的种子分散贮藏率在3 m范围内比例较高。采用聚乙烯薄膜包被是模拟种子外壳的可行方法,并可用于评估种壳厚度对鼠类种子贮藏行为和种子命运的影响等相关研究。  相似文献   

High variation in seed size, as is common among angiosperms, may be maintained in a plant species when several factors select for seed size. Variation may also result from differences among adult plants, such as nutrient and water availability or the amount of photosynthetic tissue. In a study of Sabal palmetto seed ecology I found high seed size variation both within- and among-palms, and investigated possible factors maintaining this variation. Seed size was positively correlated with the number of leaves on parent palms. Larger seeds produced more vigorous seedlings that had greater leaf length, area, and mass, and greater root mass. Caryobruchus gleditsiae (Bruchidae: Coleoptera), whose larvae develop within palm seeds, preferentially oviposited on larger seeds, which in turn produced larger beetle offspring. By choosing the largest seeds available, ovipositing beetles thus affect both the quantity and the quality of seeds available for recruitment. I conclude that because beetle predation selects against large seeds, while larger seeds promote seedling vigor, the maintenance of seed size variation may be an adaptation of S. palmetto promoting both seed escape from predators and seedling vigor.  相似文献   

不同发育时期小麦种子活力的变化及其对环境温度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以济麦22和山农23号为试验材料,利用标准发芽试验法对不同年份小麦种子发育过程中的种子活力变化进行研究,分析环境温度对不同发育时期小麦种子活力变化的影响,为早期小麦种子的利用及高活力种子的生产提供参考依据.结果表明: 伴随着小麦种子发育,鲜种子在花后26 d左右出现发芽能力,之后其发芽率整体呈上升趋势;干种子发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数在花后5~8 d迅速升高,之后保持相对稳定,活力指数主要受到幼苗单株干质量的影响而持续升高,一般在完熟前4~6 d达到最大值;不同发育时期小麦干种子的田间种植及其后代种子的活力测定表明,济麦22花后17 d以后的干种子田间出苗较好,并可成穗结实,其后代种子的发芽率和活力指数在不同样品间无显著差异.环境温度对不同发育时期小麦种子活力变化的影响显著,小麦花后日平均温度均值、日最高气温均值以及日最低气温均值均高,且花后日温差均值大的年份,种子发育时间短、百粒重及种子活力达到最大值的时间较早;反之,发育时间较长、百粒重及种子活力达到最大值的时间较晚,但完熟期积温高,种子活力较高.  相似文献   

金钟藤种子低萌发率原因探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金钟藤种子在室内萌发率很低,为进一步探讨金钟藤种子的特性,阐明其种子萌发率低的主要原因,对金钟藤种皮的透水性、种子解剖结构、种子活力和种子内源抑制物的生物测定进行了研究。结果表明:金钟藤种皮透水性较差,完整种子比破皮种子吸水达到最高水平慢38h;种子空瘪粒多,占所有种子的30%;种子活力较低,平均活力仅为35%;金钟藤种子甲醇粗提液对白菜种子萌发率、根长和芽长均有较强的抑制作用,其浸提液浓度在25mg/mL时,严重抑制白菜种子萌发和生长,即金钟藤种子内部含有较高的内源抑制物质。金钟藤种子萌发率低,表明其近年来突发性蔓延成灾主要不是由种子生成新个体造成的,导致其蔓延成灾的关键因素还需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

对用海藻酸钙包埋胡萝卜体细胞胚(0.6—2mm)制作的人工种子进行贮藏研究,发现低温及干燥均能在一定程度上抑制人工种子萌发。失水率达67%的种子,2℃贮藏60天后, 在发芽培养基上发芽率为100%,7天内的成苗率达80%。未经贮藏的对照种子发芽率为100%,成苗率为76%。无论在“种皮”还是在胚胎悬浮培养液中加入脱落酸或香豆素,都能抑制胚的生长,但也促进了胚的衰老。铝箔袋内密闭贮藏期间种子不萌发,但活力下降快。随着贮藏时间的延长,种子的活力指数、脱氢酶活性、氧吸收率都呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

小麦种子活力性状的遗传变异和相关研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本研究利用12个普通小麦品种对10个种子活力性状的遗传变异和相关研究,表明除正常幼苗百分率外,其余种子活力性状在品种间均存在显著的差异。种子贮藏物质转换效率、电导率两个性状问及与其它性状均无显著的遗传相关,因此对他们的选择不会影响到其它性状。通径分析表明幼苗干重主要取决于种子贮藏物质转换效率、种子贮藏物质利用速率;发芽指数主要由平均发芽时间决定。电导率、发芽势、幼苗于重、种子干重、发芽指数、种子贮藏物质消耗比率6个性状表现中到高的遗传力、遗传变异系数和相对遗传进展,指明通过遗传育种手段改良这些性状是可能的。  相似文献   

Nature of enhanced respiration during sprouting of aged potato seed-tubers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Respiration of 18-month-old Solarium tuberosum L. tubers was about 53% greater than that of 6-month-old tubers during sprouting at 23°C; yet, a significant loss of sprout vigor in the older tubers was apparent. Involvement of alternative oxidase (AO) in the age-induced difference in tuber respiration was assessed. AO was only detected in immunoblots if tissue disks from tubers were pre-incubated for 24 h prior to isolation of submitochondrial membrane particles (SMPs). No AO1 was detected in SMPs from nonincubated tuber tissue of either age, indicating that it was not contributing to tuber respiration during sprouting as previously thought. Respiratory control and ADP/O ratios indicated that oxidative phosphorylation was fully coupled to electron transport in mitochondria isolated from 6- and 18-month-old tubers. Cytochrome c oxidase (EC activities of intact mitochondria were also not affected by tuber age. The difference in respiration during sprouting was unique to whole tubers, as oxygen consumption by mitochondria from young and oid tubers was equal on a milligram protein basis. Sprouting 18-month-old tubers had 15% more mitochondrial protein per gram fresh weight than did 6-month-old tubers. Older tubers also produced more ATP than younger tubers prior to and during sprouting, through a fully coupled, Cyt-mediated respiratory pathway, reduced sprout vigor notwithstanding. From 5 to 10 days of sprouting, coinciding with development of the age-induced difference in whole-tuber respiration, ATP concentration in 18-month-old tubers increased to become 52% higher than that in 6-month-old tubers. ATP synthase (EC, assessed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblots of β- and oligomycin-sensitivity conferring protein-subunits, also increased as a proportion of SMP protein in older tubers during this period. Relative to 6-month-old tubers, the increased respiration and associated oxidative phosphorylation of 18-rnonth-old tubers during sprouting were probably in response to a lower adenylate energy charge (AEC) prior to sprouting (from 0 fo 5 days). From 5 to 10 days of sprouting, AEC of 18-rnonth-old tubers increased to equal that of 6-month-old tubers and the two tuber ages maintained the same AEC for the remainder of the 20-day sprouting interval. Higher respiration and lower AEC of older tubers in storage at 4°C, along with the fact that older tubers respired at a higher rate to achieve the same AEC as younger tubers during sprouting, indicate greater utilization of ATP by older tubers.  相似文献   

PEG引发对芹菜种子活力影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以芹菜种子为试验材料,研究了不同浓度的聚乙二醇(PEG)及其不同浸种时间对芹菜种子活力指标以及电导率的影响。结果表明,选择50mg/L的PEG处理芹菜种子能够显著提高其发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数、活力指数、芽长、根长、鲜重和干重。不同浓度PEG处理的芹菜种子的浸泡电导率和绝对电导率均显著低于对照组,且以50mg/L的PEG处理的两种电导率值最低。因此,通过选择50mg/LPEG浸泡芹菜种子4h,能够使其活力得到显著的提高。  相似文献   

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