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Visna virus is a lentivirus which causes fusion of infected cells in vitro. Two types of fusion occur. Fusion from without requires no viral replication and a relatively high multiplicity of infection; fusion from within results from the replication of virus in cells. By using fusion from without as an assay, the mechanism of fusion by visna virus was investigated. Immune sera which contained both anti-fusion and neutralizing antibodies interacted with the virus with rapid kinetics in blocking fusion but relatively slow kinetics in the virus neutralization assay. By using visna virus and an antigenic variant, the epitopes responsible for fusion and virus neutralization were shown to be different. Antigenic variation of visna virus resulted in alteration of the neutralization epitope and conservation of the fusion epitope. This suggested that there were two populations of antibodies and that the viral epitopes for fusion and neutralization were separate. These data suggest that visna virus is capable of infecting cells via two pathways: one via the fusion site and the other via the viral epitope which mediates neutralization.  相似文献   

Lentiviruses are nononcogenic retroviruses that cause persistent infections and slowly progressive diseases. Visna virus, a lentivirus of sheep, persists in cells of the macrophage lineage despite the presence of neutralizing antibodies in the animal. These antibodies are measured by prevention of virus replication in sheep fibroblast cell cultures. In this study we have compared the antiviral properties of the antibodies in sheep fibroblast and macrophage cell cultures, the latter being more relevant to infection in the animal. Using infectivity assays, binding of radiolabeled virus to cell membranes, cellular processing of labeled virus into acid-precipitable and acid-soluble components, and in situ hybridization of viral nucleic acid, we show that the antibodies prevented virus replication in both fibroblasts and macrophages. However, the site of neutralization differed between the two cell types. In fibroblasts, the site of virus neutralization was at the cell membrane, when the antibodies prevented virus attachment. In macrophages, virus incubated with the antibodies was phagocytized rapidly, followed by uncoating of the virions. However, virus RNA was not transcribed. Despite this ability of the antibodies to abort virus replication in macrophages, the kinetics of binding of the antibodies to the virus was much slower than the binding of virus to the macrophages. Therefore, persistent virus replication in immune sheep may be the result of virus spreading from macrophage to macrophage before the agent can be neutralized by antibodies in the plasma.  相似文献   

Traditionally, immunoglobulin A (IgA) was thought to neutralize virus by forming complexes with viral attachment proteins, blocking attachment of virions to host epithelial cells. Recently we have proposed an intracellular action for dimeric IgA, which is actively transported through epithelial cells by the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR), in that it may be able to bind to newly synthesized viral proteins within the cell, preventing viral assembly. To this effect, we have previously demonstrated that IgA monoclonal antibodies against Sendai virus, a parainfluenza virus, colocalize with the viral hemagglutinin-neuraminidase protein within infected epithelial cells and reduce intracellular viral titers. Here we determine whether IgA can interact with influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) protein within epithelial cells. Polarized monolayers of Madin-Darby canine kidney epithelial cells expressing the pIgR were infected on their apical surfaces with influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8-Mount Sinai. Polymeric IgA anti-HA, but not IgG anti-HA, delivered to the basolateral surface colocalized with HA protein within the cell by immunofluorescence. Compared with those of controls, viral titers were reduced in the supernatants and cell lysates from monolayers treated with anti-HA IgA but not with anti-HA IgG. Furthermore, the addition of anti-IgA antibodies to supernatants did not interfere with the neutralizing activity of IgA placed in the basal chamber, indicating that IgA was acting within the cell and not in the extracellular medium to interrupt viral replication. Thus, these studies provide additional support for the concept that IgA can inhibit replication of microbial pathogens intracellularly.  相似文献   

We have previously characterized with monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) seven unique epitopes on the two envelope glycoproteins of Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE) virus vaccine strain TC-83. The epitopes important in protection from VEE virus infection were determined in passive antibody transfer studies, with virulent VEE (Trinidad donkey) virus as the challenge virus. Selected high-avidity MAbs to the three major protective epitopes (E2c, E1b, and E1d) were assayed for in vitro complement activity. All three fixed murine complement to high titer. Limited pepsin digestion of the anti-E2c in the presence of cysteine resulted in a rapid decrease and complete loss of complement-fixing ability by 2 h, but the majority of mice, except at the lowest dilution of MAb, were protected until the Fc termini were cleaved at 3 h. Anti-E2c F(ab')2 would neutralize VEE (Trinidad donkey) virus more efficiently than either Fab' or Fab; none of the fragments would fix complement or was effective in passive protection. C5-deficient mice and mice depleted of C3 with cobra venom factor were still protected from VEE (Trinidad donkey) virus challenge after passive transfer of either anti-E2c or anti-E1b MAb. The results show that the anti-E2c MAb mediates neutralization through bivalent binding at a critical site on the virion and that Fc effector functions, other than complement, are necessary for protection. Although the ability of the anti-E2c MAb to fix complement was associated with its ability to protect in vivo, no direct cause-and-effect relationship was found. Since the epitope defined by the anti-E1d antibody is found on the cell membrane, but is not expressed on the infectious virion, protection in mice was most likely mediated at the cellular level, possibly by inhibition of the final stages of virion maturation.  相似文献   

We have previously described a gene of ectromelia virus (EV) that codes for a 28-kDa RING zinc finger-containing protein (p28) that is nonessential for virus growth in cell culture but is critical for EV pathogenicity in mice (T. G. Senkevich, E. V. Koonin, and R. M. L. Buller, Virology 198:118-128; 1994). Here, we show that, unlike all tested cell cultures, the expression of p28 is required for in vitro replication of EV in murine resident peritoneal macrophages. In macrophages infected with the p28- mutant, viral DNA replication was not detected, whereas the synthesis of at least two early proteins was observed. Immunofluorescence and biochemical analyses showed that in EV-infected macrophages or BSC-1 cells, p28 is associated with virus factories. By use of a vaccinia virus expression system to examine different truncated versions of p28, it was shown that the disruption of the specific structure of the RING domain had no influence on the intracellular localization of this protein. When viral DNA replication was inhibited with cytosine arabinoside, p28 was found in distinct, focal structures that may be precursors to the factories. We hypothesize that in macrophages, which are highly specialized, nondividing cells, p28 substitutes for an unknown cellular factor(s) that may be required for viral DNA replication or a stage of virus reproduction between the expression of early genes and the onset of DNA synthesis. In the absence of p28, the attenuation of EV pathogenicity can be explained by a failure of the virus to replicate in macrophage lineage cells at all successive steps in the spread of virus from the skin to its target organ, the liver.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi can infect and replicate in macrophages. During invasion, T. cruzi interacts with different macrophage receptors to induce its own phagocytosis. However, the nature of those receptors and the molecular mechanisms involved are poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate that T. cruzi metacyclic trypomastigotes but not epimastigotes were able to induce Rab5 activation and binding to the early endosomes in peritoneal macrophages. In this process, active Rab5 colocalized with parasites in the phagosome and with the Rab5A effector molecule early endosomal antigen 1. Phagosome formation and T. cruzi internalization were inhibited in Raw 264.7 macrophages expressing a dominant-negative form of Rab5 [(S34N)Rab5]. Using T. cruzi membrane extracts, we verified that the Rab5 activation depends on the interaction between parasite surface molecules and macrophages surface molecule. In addition, during infection of macrophages, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway was activated. Assays carried out using a selective PI3K inhibitor (LY294002) showed that the PI3K activation is essential for Rab5 activation by T. cruzi infection and for the entrance and intracellular replication of T. cruzi in macrophages. Moreover, using macrophages from knockout mice, we found that activation of Rab5, fusion of early endosomes and phagocytosis induced by T. cruzi infection involved Toll-like receptor (TLR)2 but were independent of TLR4 receptors.  相似文献   

Cultured macaque macrophages are permissive for the replication of SIVmac251, and inoculation with virus is followed by the production of viral p27. Neutralizing macaque polyclonal and murine monoclonal antibodies preincubated with the virus prevented infection but did not prevent cytopathic virus replication when added more than 3 days after inoculation with virus. However, application of the neutralizing antibodies to macrophages 24 h after inoculation with virus resulted in sustained, low-level production of viral antigen. Cell lysates and individual macrophages from treated cultures contained less viral protein by Western blot (immunoblot) and immunocytochemistry than untreated controls. In situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction procedures for detecting and estimating relative amounts of viral RNA and DNA showed that both viral nucleic acids failed to increase beyond the levels obtained before the addition of neutralizing antibodies. The data suggest that macrophages may need to be infected with a minimum threshold of virus particles in order to reach their full potential for virus replication and that their exposure to neutralizing antibodies prior to reaching this threshold resulted in limited virus replication.  相似文献   

We describe here the selection of ultra-potent anti-respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antibodies for preventing RSV infection. A large number of antibody variants derived from Synagis (palivizumab), an anti-RSV monoclonal antibody that targets RSV F protein, were generated by a directed evolution approach that allowed convenient manipulation of the binding kinetics. Palivizumab variants with about 100-fold slower dissociation rates or with fivefold faster association rates were identified and tested for their ability to neutralize virus in a microneutralization assay. Our data reveal a major differential effect of the association and dissociation rates on the RSV neutralization, particularly for intact antibodies wherein the association rate plays the predominant role. Furthermore, we found that antibody binding valence also plays a critical role in mediating the viral neutralization through a mechanism that is likely unrelated to antibody size or binding avidity. We applied an iterative mutagenesis approach, and thereafter were able to identify palivizumab Fab variants with up to 1500-fold improvement and palivizumab IgG variants with up to 44-fold improvement in the ability to neutralize RSV. These anti-RSV antibodies likely will offer great clinical potential for RSV immunoprophylaxis. In addition, our findings provide insights into engineering potent antibody therapeutics for other disease targets.  相似文献   

M F Chang  C Y Sun  C J Chen    S C Chang 《Journal of virology》1993,67(5):2529-2536
The functions of delta antigens (HDAgs) in the replication of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) have been identified previously. The small HDAg acts as a transactivator, whereas the large HDAg has a negative effect on replication. To understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of HDV replication, we have established a replication system in Huh-7 cells by cotransfecting a monomeric cDNA genome of HDV and a plasmid encoding the small HDAg. We demonstrate that a leucine repeat in the middle domain of the small HDAg is involved in binding to the HDV genome and transactivation of HDV replication. When the leucine repeat was disrupted by a substitution of valine for leucine at position 115, both RNA-binding and transactivation activity of the small HDAg were abolished. In contrast, the binding and transactivation activities were not affected when Leu-37 and Leu-44 of the small HDAg were replaced by valines. In addition, small and large HDAgs can interact with each other to form protein complexes in vitro. The complex formation that may lead to the trans-dominant negative regulation of large HDAg in HDV replication is mediated by a cryptic signal located between amino acid residues 35 and 65 other than the putative N-terminal leucine zipper motif. Furthermore, an extra 21-amino-acid extension near the N terminus converts the small HDAg into a pseudo-large HDAg with negative regulation activity of HDV replication even though the extreme C-terminal residue is unchanged.  相似文献   

Abstract Human immunoglobulin G Fc fragment-binding activity of Mycoplasma salivarium cells was remarkably enhanced by trypsin treatment of the cells. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profile of proteins of the cells treated wtrypsin was the same as that of the cells treated with pronase, although pronase treatment had been shown to reduce the activity in our previous study (FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 123, 305–310, 1994). This contradiction was clarified by the finding that trypsin bound the Fc fragment more strongly than the cells, and a small amount of trypsin remained in the cells treated with trypsin and washed well. On the basis of these results, it was concluded that the enhancement of cell activity by trypsin treatment was ascribed to binding of the Fc fragment to trypsin remaining in the trypsin-treated cells.  相似文献   

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) glycoprotein gp110 has substantial amino acid homology to gB of herpes simplex virus but localizes differently within infected cells and is essentially undetectable in virions. To investigate whether gp110, like gB, is essential for EBV infection, a selectable marker was inserted within the gp110 reading frame, BALF4, and the resulting null mutant EBV stain, B95-110HYG, was recovered in lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs). While LCLs infected with the parental virus B95-8 expressed the gp110 protein product following productive cycle induction, neither full-length gp110 nor the predicted gp110 truncation product was detectable in B95-110HYG LCLs. Infectious virus could not be recovered from B95-110HYG LCLs unless gp110 was provided in trans. Rescued B95-110HYG virus latently infected and growth transformed primary B lymphocytes. Thus, gp110 is required for the production of transforming virus but not for the maintenance of transformation of primary B lymphocytes by EBV.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the visna virus 1514 genome was determined. Our sequence confirms the relationship of visna virus and other lentiviruses to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) both at the level of sequence homology and of genomic organization. Sequence homology is shown to extend to the transmembrane proteins of lentivirus env genes; this homology is strongest in the extracellular domain, suggesting that close structural and functional similarities may also exist among these envelope proteins. Comparison of our data with the sequence of visna virus LV1-1, an antigenic variant derived from strain 1514, demonstrates that the rate of divergence has been about 1.7 x 10(-3) substitutions per nucleotide per year in vivo. This rate is orders of magnitude higher than that for most DNA genomes, but agrees well with estimates of the rate for HIV. A statistically significant cluster of mutations in the env gene appears to represent a hypervariable site and may correspond to the epitope responsible for the antigenic differences between 1514 and LV1-1. Analysis of the potential RNA folding pattern of the visna virus env gene shows that this hypervariable site falls within a region with little potential for intramolecular base pairing. This correlation of hypervariability with lack of RNA secondary structure is strengthened by the fact that it also holds for a hypervariable site in the env gene of HIV.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus is responsible for a large percentage of nosocomial opportunistic fungal infections in immunocompromised hosts, especially during cytotoxic chemotherapy and after bone marrow transplantation, and is currently a major direct cause of death in leukemia patients. Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) is a type II C-type lectin that functions as an adhesion receptor and is used by viral and bacterial pathogens to gain access to human DC. We report that DC-SIGN specifically interacts with clinical isolates of A. fumigatus. DC-SIGN-dependent binding of A. fumigatus conidia can be demonstrated with stable transfectants and monocyte-derived DC and is inhibited by anti-DC-SIGN Abs. Binding and internalization of A. fumigatus conidia correlates with DC-SIGN cell surface expression levels and is abolished in the presence of A. fumigatus-derived cell wall galactomannans. The clinical relevance of this interaction is emphasized by the presence of DC-SIGN in lung DC and alveolar macrophages, and further illustrated by the DC-SIGN-dependent attachment of A. fumigatus conidia to the cell membrane of IL-4-treated monocyte-derived macrophages. Our results suggest the involvement of DC-SIGN in the initial stages of pulmonary infection as well as in fungal spreading during invasive aspergillosis.  相似文献   

It is known that antibodies to dengue viruses at subneutralizing concentrations enhance dengue virus infection of Fc gamma R+ cells. This phenomenon called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) occurs when virus-antibody complexes bind to the Fc gamma R via the Fc portion of the Ig. It has been hypothesized that ADE may be responsible for the pathogenesis of the severe manifestations of dengue virus infection including dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome. To further analyze the mechanisms of ADE, we prepared bispecific antibodies by chemically cross-linking antidengue virus antibodies to antibodies specific for Fc gamma RI or Fc gamma RII and the non-Fc R molecules beta2 microglobulin, CD15 or CD33 and examined whether these bispecific antibodies could enhance infection. Bispecific antibodies targeting dengue virus to Fc gamma RI or Fc gamma RII enhanced dengue virus infection, consistent with previous reports using conventional antibodies. Furthermore, bispecific antibodies targeting dengue virus to beta2 microglobulin, CD15 or CD33 also enhanced dengue virus infection. Bispecific antibody mediated ADE was inhibited by pretreating the cells with the appropriate blocking mAb. These results indicate that cell surface molecules other than Fc gamma R can mediate ADE and suggest that the Fc gamma R does not provide a unique signal necessary for enhanced infection. We hypothesize that directing dengue virus to the cell surface by a bispecific antibody facilitates the interaction between dengue virus and its receptor, thereby increasing its infectivity.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody (MAb) 6A.C3 neutralizes transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus (TGEV) and is specific for a conserved epitope within subsite Ac of the spike (S) glycoprotein of TGEV. Six hybridomas secreting anti-idiotypic (Ab2) MAbs specific for MAb 6A.C3 (Ab1) have been selected. All six MAbs inhibited the binding of Ab1 to TGEV and specifically cross-linked MAb1-6A.C3. Four of these hybridomas secreted gamma-type anti-idiotypic MAbs. The other two Ab2s (MAbs 9A.G3 and 9C.E11) were recognized by TGEV-specific antiserum induced in two species. This binding was inhibited by viruses of the TGEV group but not by serologically unrelated coronaviruses. These results indicate that MAb2-9A.G3 and MAb2-9C.E11 mimic an antigenic determinant present on the TGEV surface, and they were classified as beta-type ("internal-image") MAbs. TGEV-binding Ab3 antiserum was induced in 100% of mice immunized with the two beta-type MAb2s and in 25 to 50% of mice immunized with gamma-type MAb2. Both beta- and gamma-type Ab2s induced neutralizing Ab3 antibodies in mice that were mainly directed to antigenic subsite Ac of the S protein.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against the rubella virion were used to locate epitopes involved in hemagglutination and neutralization. The MAbs exhibiting high-level hemagglutination-inhibiting activity were shown by Western blot analysis to be specific for the E1 polypeptide; this is consistent with the presence of the hemagglutinin on the E1 polypeptide. Some of the E1-specific MAbs also neutralized viral infectivity. However, hemagglutination-inhibiting activity and neutralizing activity did not always correlate. Three distinct functional epitopes were identified on the E1 polypeptide by competition analyses: one which reacted with MAbs with high-level hemagglutination-inhibiting activity and with neutralizing activity, one which reacted with MAbs with low-level hemagglutination-inhibiting activity and with neutralizing activity, and one which reacted with MAbs with only hemagglutination-inhibiting activity. A MAb specific for the E2 polypeptide exhibited neutralizing activity. This E2-specific MAb and two E1-specific MAbs with neutralizing activity were capable of precipitating intact virus which indicates that at least three epitopes involved in neutralization are accessible on the surface of the virion.  相似文献   

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