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A rapid immunochromatographic assay, using the recombinant immunodominant antigens of HTLV-1, has been developed to detect circulating antibodies to HTLV-1. The method was compared with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay by evaluating 1,631 serum or plasma samples. This HTLV-1 rapid assay was easy to perform and required no special equipment which provided visual result within 5 min with an excellent sensitivity and specificity in detecting HTLV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensors have been widely utilized for measuring interactions of a variety of molecules. Fewer examples include higher biological entities such as bacteria and viruses, and even fewer deal with plant viruses. Here, we describe the optimization of an SPR sensor chip for evaluation of the interaction of the economically relevant filamentous Potato virus Y (PVY) with monoclonal antibodies. Different virus isolates were efficiently and stably bound to a previously immobilized polyclonal antibody surface, which remained stable over subsequent injection regeneration steps. The ability of the biosensor to detect and quantify PVY particles was compared with ELISA and RT-qPCR. Stably captured virus surfaces were successfully used to explore kinetic parameters of the interaction of a panel of monoclonal antibodies with two PVY isolates representing the main viral serotypes N and O. In addition, the optimized biosensor proved to be suitable for evaluating whether two given monoclonal antibodies compete for the same epitope within the viral particle surface. The strategy proposed in this work can help to improve existing serologic diagnostic tools that target PVY and will allow investigation of the inherent serological variability of the virus and exploration for new interactions of PVY particles with other proteins.  相似文献   

A set of rat monoclonal antibodies (ARC MAC 48 to 52 and 54 to 56), raised to phytochrome from dark-grown seedlings of Avena sativa L. was tested for the ability to discriminate between the red-absorbing (Pr) and far-red-absorbing (Pfr) forms of phytochrome by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. MAC 50 bound more strongly to Pfr and MAC 49 and 52 showed preferential binding to Pr from extracts of dark-grown Avena seedlings; MAC 50 also bound more strongly to Pfr from brushite-purified phytochrome. The remainder of the monoclonal antibodies and a rabbit polyclonal antiphytochrome preparation did not discriminate between Pr and Pfr. The results provide evidence for conformational changes in defined regions of the phytochrome apoprotein upon photoconversion.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FR far-red light - McAb monoclonal antibody(ies) - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - Pr red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonylfluoride  相似文献   

Recombinant viral vectors are promising vaccine tools for eliciting potent cellular immune responses against immunodeficiency virus infection, but pre-existing anti-vector antibodies can be an obstacle to their clinical use in humans. We have previously vaccinated rhesus macaques with a recombinant Sendai virus (SeV) vector twice at an interval of more than 1 year and have shown efficient antigen-specific T-cell induction by the second as well as the first vaccination. Here, we have established the method for measurement of SeV-specific neutralizing titers and have found efficient SeV-specific neutralizing antibody responses just before the second SeV vaccination in these macaques. This suggests the feasibility of inducing antigen-specific T-cell responses by SeV vaccination even in the host with pre-existing anti-SeV neutralizing antibodies.  相似文献   

Sexually induced gene 1 (Sig1) in the centric diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii is considered to encode a gamete recognition protein. Sorhannus (2003) analyzed nucleotide sequences of Sig1 using parsimony analysis and the maximum-likelihood (ML)-based Bayesian method for inferring positive selection at single amino acid sites and reported that positively selected sites were detected by the latter method but not by the former. He then concluded that for this type of study, the ML-based method is more reliable than parsimony analysis. Here we show that his results apparently represent false-positive cases of the ML-based method and that there is no solid evidence that this gene contains positively selected sites. We further demonstrate that in the tax gene of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I), all codon sites, including invariable sites, can be inferred as positively selected sites by the ML-based method. These observations indicate that the ML-based method may produce many false-positive sites. One of the main reasons for the occurrence of false positives is that in the ML-based method, codon sites are grouped into several categories, with different nonsynonymous/synonymous rate ratios (omegas), on a purely statistical basis, and positive selection is inferred indirectly by examining whether the average omega for each category is greater than 1. In parsimony analysis, however, the evolutionary change of nucleotides at each codon site is examined. For this reason, parsimony-based methods rarely produce false positives and are safer than ML-based methods for detecting positive selection at individual codon sites, although a large number of sequences are necessary.  相似文献   

The effect of a panel of monoclonal antibodies and heteroantibodies on T-cell proliferation in various assay systems has been examined. The antibodies tested were directed against T-cell differentiation antigens, HLA-DR antigens, and structures defined by an anti-human VH antiserum. As the test cell system highly purified subpopulations of T-cell growth factor (TCGF)-dependent T-cell lines activated either by mitogen or antigen were used. A survey of the data indicates the following: (1) Mitogenic and antigenic triggering of T lymphocytes are mediated through partly different membrane structures. (2) Antigenic stimulation by purified protein derivative (PPD) as well as polyclonal activation induced by OKT3/anti-Leu 4 monoclonal antibodies can be inhibited by heteroantibodies raised against human immunoglobulin VH fragments thus pointing to a possible connection between the antigens detected by these antisera. (3) There does not seem to be differences between the two major subpopulations of T lymphocytes (i.e., helper/inducer and suppressor/cytotoxic cells) as to how they respond to antigens or mitogens in the investigated assay systems. (4) A clear distinction was found between T blasts specific for PPD and allogeneic cells as compared to cytotoxic T cells (CTL), as the T4 and T8 antigens seem to be functionally important for antigen recognition among CTL but not for the blasts proliferating in response to PPD and allogeneic cells. (5) An inhibitory effect of OKT3/anti-Leu 4, OKIal, and anti-HLA-DR on TCGF-dependent growth was detected, possibly indicating a steric relationship between these antigens and TCGF receptors on mitogen-induced T blasts. (6) Soluble factors obtained after incubating adherent cells with OKIal and anti-HLA-DR antibodies seemed to have an inhibitory effect on overall T-cell proliferation stressing the importance of studying the T-cell activation process at different levels in these kinds of experiments. (7) The results further suggest a complexity in the build up of antigen receptors on the various T-effector cells, perhaps also involving receptors for growth factors, HLA-DR antigens, and receptors for the latter.  相似文献   

The report deals with a detailed balance of ATP production and consumption of the rabbit reticulocyte. The sum-total of ATP produced amounts to 135 mmol . 1-1 . h-1. About 70% of the ATP consumption has been accounted for by specific processes. The main contributing processes are the globin synthesis with about 28%, the Na+, K+-ATPase with 23% and the proteolysis with more than 15%. 30% of ATP consumption has not been accounted for. Cycloheximide (20 microM) leads to a dissociation between synthesis and degradation of proteins, which argues against any obligatory connection between these processes. More than 90% of the lysine liberated from mitochondria by proteolysis were reutilized for the globin synthesis demonstrating the high nitrogen economy of reticulocytes. Each of the ATP-consuming processes studied appears to control ATP production in an independent manner without competition with each other.  相似文献   

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