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Aspects of visual optics were investigated in the American toad (Bufo americanus). The development of the refractive state of the eye during metamorphosis was followed with IR photoretinoscopy. Frozen sections documented the changes in optical parameters before and after metamorphosis. There is a difference in light sensitivity between juvenile and adult toads. Binocular accommodation in adult toads was observed. 1. IR photoretinoscopic measurements showed that the refractive state of the eye changed very rapidly during metamorphosis, about 10 D/h while the animal entered the terrestrial habitat. 2. Frozen sections showed that the almost spherical lens in a tadpole eye had flattened in a just metamorphosed toad's eye while at the same time the distance of the lens to the retina had decreased. However, the morphological measurements were not sufficiently sensitive to record the relatively small changes in ocular dimensions that were responsible for the rapid changes in refractive state during metamorphosis. 3. Schematic eyes, with homogeneous and non homogeneous lenses, were constructed for tadpoles, juvenile toads, and adult toads. 4. Nonparaxial raytracing studies in schematic eyes suggested that the lenses of animals of the three developmental stages tadpole, juvenile toad, and adult are not homogeneous but have a refractive index gradient. The raytracing studies indicated that the refractive index gradient is different for the different developmental stages, being highest in the tadpole lens. 5. The observations of toads during feeding behavior at different light levels showed an increased light sensitivity in the adult nocturnal toads in contrast to the juvenile animals, which are diurnal. The increased light sensitivity could partly be explained with an increase in aperture and an increase in red rod outer segments. To fully explain the higher light sensitivity in adult toads, changes in neuronal parameters had to be assumed. 6. Retinoscopic measurements of the resting refractive state in the adult toad showed a hyperopic defocus of about +8 D. By subtracting the measurement artefact for retinoscopy, the true resting focus was found to be nearly emmetropic. 7. The amount of natural accommodation in adult toads during normal feeding behavior was investigated with IR photoretinoscopy. Binocular accommodation of about 8 D was observed.  相似文献   

The growth response of the remaining intact testis or testis fragments to partial castration was studied as a function of the duration of the postoperative period, the amount of testis mass excised, as well as the functional state of the testes at the time of operation. Excision of about 90% of the testis mass caused a growth response that increased from slight after eight weeks to pronounced after 14 weeks. After 14 weeks the growth response was slight tounilateral excision of 75% of a testie and pronounced to bilateral excision of 75% of each testis. Subtotal castration caused formation of new seminiferous tubules within the remaining testis tissue when the operation was performed early in the annual testis cycle, whereas the growth response late in the cycle was primarily caused by increased spermatogenetic activity within existing tubules. Partial castration stimulated oocyte formation within fragmented testes, but not in a remaining intact testis. Oocyte formation within a testis fragment was independent of the presence of the Bidder's organ.  相似文献   

Calling male toads were tested behaviourally for their prey catching responses to wormlike stimuli and assigned to groups of non-hungry and hungry depending on their prey catching motivation before being prepared for visual unit, massed unit and slow potential shift (SPS) recording from the optic tectum. Control recordings to visual stimuli were made before recording the effects of application of isotonic solutions containing concentrations of 0-41 mM K(+). Application of solution was followed by presentation of the visual stimulus while the solution still bathed the tectum. The best tectal responses were made to large square visual stimuli in the non-hungry toads, perhaps because recordings were made in the breeding season. Responses of the tectum to solution addition were significant in the concentration range of 7-17 mM K(+). Hungry toads showed an earlier, smaller response than non-hungry (sexually motivated) animals. When the visual stimulus was presented, there were unit and massed unit responses at all bathing solution concentrations, which were larger in non-hungry animals. These experiments revealed that toads motivated to feed respond earlier than non-hungry toads to application of artificial CSF to the tectum, though non-hungry toads responded best to the subsequent visual stimulus.  相似文献   

Summary The ability of the Common ToadBufo bufo (L.) to distinguish between a worm-like and an antiworm-like (e.g., a bar at right angles to its direction of motion) moving stripe is not generally altered by movement dynamics, such as velocity of motion or by particular movement patterns—so far as has been investigated. A small square stimulus, however, with its indifferent shape is more attractive as prey for the toad when displaced in a stepwise manner, rather than moved at corresponding continuous (constant) velocity. Step frequencies of 1 to 2 cps were found to have optimal releasing values.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Ew 7/6  相似文献   

Summary The sensory basis and spatial range of orientation to the breeding site were studied in the toadBufo bufo, during two breeding seasons. Toads were displaced passively from their breeding pond and fitted with a tracking device to record the path of migration in individuals. The directional choice and the straightness of trails after release were used to quantify the effect of experimental treatments. In both years, control (untreated): toads headed to the breeding site with the same precision at all release sites. The initial orientation of toads blinded by opaque tape over their eyes. did not differ from controls, but the return paths were not as direct. The directional choice of anosmic toads was apparently random, however, individuals followed a straight path in a chosen direction. Anosmic toads also blinded were completely disoriented, moving in cycloid trails. Bar magnets glued to the head caused an increase in dispersion of toads. However, in some individual releases a directional bias without increased dispersion was observed. Sky conditions (clear or overcast) did not influence the initial orientation or the dispersion of toads. Nevertheless, the breeding site component was significantly correlated with wind direction in relation to the breeding site. Wind blowing from the breeding site improved the initial orientation, whereas wind from the opposite direction reduced the breeding site component. The spatial range for the ability to relocate the breeding pond after displacement exceeded 3 km, but the time taken to select the correct direction increased with the displacement distance. The results indicate that after displacement the initial orientation ofB. bufo is based mainly on olfactory and magnetic cues, with visual control of straightness.  相似文献   

The interaction between Common frogs (Rana temporaria) and Common toads (Bufo bufo) during the breeding season was studied at a small pond on Portland, Dorset. Although the frogs started and finished spawning earlier than the toads there was a period during which interspecific spawning between female toads and male frogs took place. This appears to have resulted from reduced male toad activity caused by the cold breeding season given that spatial, temporal and behavioural species separation did not occur.  相似文献   

In most pan-Eurasiatic species complexes, two phenomena have been traditionally considered key processes of their cladogenesis and biogeography. First, it is hypothesized that the origin and development of the Central Asian Deserts generated a biogeographic barrier that fragmented past continuous distributions in Eastern and Western domains. Second, Pleistocene glaciations have been proposed as the main process driving the regional diversification within each of these domains. The European common toad and its closest relatives provide an interesting opportunity to examine the relative contributions of these paleogeographic and paleoclimatic events to the phylogeny and biogeography of a widespread Eurasiatic group. We investigate this issue by applying a multiproxy approach combining information from molecular phylogenies, a multiple correspondence analysis of allozyme data and species distribution models. Our study includes 304 specimens from 164 populations, covering most of the distributional range of the Bufo bufo species complex in the Western Palearctic. The phylogenies (ML and Bayesian analyses) were based on a total of 1988 bp of mitochondrial DNA encompassing three genes (tRNAval, 16S and ND1). A dataset with 173 species of the family Bufonidae was assembled to estimate the separation of the two pan-Eurasiatic species complexes of Bufo and to date the main biogeographic events within the Bufo bufo species complex. The allozyme study included sixteen protein systems, corresponding to 21 presumptive loci. Finally, the distribution models were based on maximum entropy. Our distribution models show that Eastern and Western species complexes are greatly isolated by the Central Asian Deserts, and our dating estimates place this divergence during the Middle Miocene, a moment in which different sources of evidence document a major upturn of the aridification rate of Central Asia. This climate-driven process likely separated the Eastern and Western species. At the level of the Western Palearctic, our dating estimates place most of the deepest phylogenetic structure before the Pleistocene, indicating that Pleistocene glaciations did not have a major role in splitting the major lineages. At a shallow level, the glacial dynamics contributed unevenly to the genetic structuring of populations, with a strong influence in the European-Caucasian populations, and a more relaxed effect in the Iberian populations.  相似文献   

C. P. Goater  P. I. Ward 《Oecologia》1992,89(2):161-165
Summary The growth and survival of juvenile toads, Bufo bufo, infected with a common lung nematode, Rhabdias bufonis, were studied. Toads were raised from tadpoles in the laboratory and infected 2 months after metamorphosis. Individual toads were exposed to doses of 10, 40, 80 or 160 larvae, which enabled examination of the hypothesis that parasite-induced mortality is affected by worm numbers. Growth of infected toads began to diverge from that of uninfected controls at 6 weeks post infection (WPI) and by 12 WPI the most heavily infected toads were approximately half the mass of controls. No controls died throughout the experiment; however, mortality of infected toads was strongly affected by parasite density. A mechanism for mortality is suggested by the significant negative relationship between parasite density and dietary intake. This parasite-induced anorexia was detected at 3 WPI and persisted up to 9 WPI. Patterns of reduced host growth, survival and dietary intake provide experimental evidence of the negative consequences of parasitic infection in a natural parasite-host system which may also be present under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The accuracy of toad snapping towards moving worm dummies under various levels of dim illumination (from absolute threshold to moonlight) was videorecorded and related to spike responses of retinal ganglion cells exposed to equivalent stimuli. Some toads (at ca. 16 °C) successfully snapped at dummies that produced only one photoisomerization per 50 rods per second in the retina, in good agreement with thresholds of sensitive retinal ganglion cells. One factor underlying such high sensitivity is extensive temporal summation by the ganglion cells. This, however, is inevitably accompanied by very long response latencies (around 3 s near threshold), whereby the information reaching the brain shows the dummy in a position where it was several seconds earlier. Indeed, as the light was dimmed, snaps were displaced successively further to the rear of the dummy, finally missing it. The results in weak but clearly supra-threshold illumination indicate that snaps were aimed at the advancing head as seen by the brain, but landed further backwards in proportion to the retinal latency. Near absolute threshold, however, accuracy was too good, suggesting that the animal had recourse to a neural representation of the regularly moving dummies to correct for the slowness of vision.  相似文献   

Summary Cardiovascular responses to electrical stimulation of the cut central end of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (rLN) were recorded in 19 conscious toads (Bufo marinus). Low intensity stimulation of the rLN (3.4±0.5 V, 1 ms, 10 Hz) elicited a slow 18–22% fall in heart rate and systolic and diastolic aortic arterial blood pressures (N=18), but had little or no effect upon ventilation (N=6). This low threshold depressor response (LTDR) was considered to represent the expression of the previously demonstrated pulmocutaneous baroreflex. Bilateral stimulation of the rLNs elicited greater LTDRs than did either left or right unilateral rLN stimulation. Blood pressure and heart rate responses to bilateral stimulation were 69–77% of the sum of responses to unilateral stimulation, and the mean summation was significant for the reduction in heart rate. Stimulus intensities of >4.7±0.7 V caused an immediate cessation of cardiac activity for up to 6.5±1.3 s (N=17) and a concomitant apnoea (N=6), which were followed by a lesser bradycardia and hypotension. This response was termed a high threshold depressor response (HTDR). During continued stimulation at intensities of >9.1±1.4 V, aortic blood pressure (Pa) and ventilation were rapidly restored, and aortic blood pressure continued to rise above control values (N=14). In some cases this high threshold pressor response (HTPR) was associated with an increase in heart rate. All responses to rLN stimulation were abolished by pithing (N=9) or by pentobarbital (40 mg/kg, i.p.,N=4), but LTDS and HTPRs could be elicited in urethanized (1.5–2.0 g/kg,N=4) toads.During depressor responses, aortic arterial resistance fell by 18% in 18 of 20 trials in 5 toads, whereas pulmocutaneous arterial resistance increased by 76% in 12 of 15 trials in 4 toads. During the HTPR, aortic arterial resistance increased 40%, while pulmocutaneous arterial resistance remained unchanged. We suggest that depressor responses may actively redistribute blood flow from the pulmocutaneous to the aortic circulation, whereas the reverse should occur during HTPRs.Abbreviations HTDR high threshold depressor response - HTPR high threshold pressor response - rLN recurrent laryngeal nerve - LTDR low threshold depressor response - Pa aortic blood pressure - PCA pulmocutaneous artery - Pd diastolic aortic pressure - Ppca pulmocutaneous blood pressure - PRU peripheral resistance unit - Ps systolic aortic pressure - Pv venous blood pressure - Ra aortic arterial resistance - Rpca pulmocutaneous arterial resistance  相似文献   

If a black worm-like dummy is moving against a white background, toads fixate and snap at the leading end of the stimulus. This “head preference” phenomenon is — within limits — independent of (i) background structure, and (ii) stripe length. “Head preference” can be disturbed by reducing the amount of the stimulus background contrast as well as by point structures incorporated in the worm-like shape of the stimulus. If the stimulus-background contrast of the worm dummy is reversed, toads exhibit a clear preference in fixating and snapping for the trailing end of the stimulus. This “tail preference” is independent of changes in (i) and (ii). The neural basis of “head preference” or “tail preference” respectively, is discussed.  相似文献   

The arrival of a toxic invasive species may impose selection on local predators to avoid consuming it. Feeding responses may be modified via evolutionary changes to behaviour, or via phenotypic plasticity (e.g. learning, taste aversion). The recent arrival of cane toads (Bufo marinus) in the Northern Territory of Australia induced rapid aversion learning in a predatory marsupial (the common planigale, Planigale maculata). Here, we examine the responses of planigales to cane toads in north‐eastern Queensland, where they have been sympatric for over 60 years, to investigate whether planigale responses to cane toads have been modified by long‐term exposure. Responses to toads were broadly similar to those documented for toad‐naïve predators. Most Queensland planigales seized (21 of 22) and partially consumed (11 of 22) the first toad they were offered, but were likely to ignore toads in subsequent trials. However, unlike their toad‐naïve conspecifics from the Northern Territory, the Queensland planigales all survived ingestion of toad tissue without overt ill effects and continued to attack toads in a substantial proportion of subsequent trials. Our data suggest that (i) learning by these small predators is sufficiently rapid and effective that selection on behaviour has been weak; and (ii) physiological tolerance to toad toxins may be higher in planigales after 60 years (approximately 60 generations) of exposure to this toxic prey.  相似文献   

The thermoencephaloscopic study of patients with reactive depression during exposure to emotionally significant visual stimuli detected a functional change in the state of the frontal associative area of the right hemisphere and the parietal associative area of the left hemisphere and the activation of the left temporal area, closely related to the limbic system. The data obtained may be used for the elaboration of new methods of diagnosis and therapy of reactive depressions.  相似文献   

Clinal variation is paramount for understanding the factors shaping genetic diversity in space and time. During the last glacial maximum, northern Europe was covered by glacial ice that rendered the region uninhabitable for most taxa. Different evolutionary processes during and after the recolonisation of this area from different glacial refugia have affected the genetic landscape of the present day European flora and fauna. In this study, we focus on the common toad (Bufo bufo) in Sweden and present evidence suggesting that these processes have resulted in two separate lineages of common toad, which colonised Sweden from two directions. Using ddRAD sequencing data for demographic modelling, structure analyses, and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), we provide evidence of a contact zone located between Uppland and Västerbotten in central Sweden. Genetic diversity was significantly higher in southern Sweden compared to the north, in accordance with a pattern of decreased genetic diversity with increasing distance from glacial refugia. Candidate genes under putative selection are identified through outlier detection and gene–environment association methods. We provide evidence of divergent selection related to stress response and developmental processes in these candidate genes. The colonisation of Sweden by two separate lineages may have implications for how future conservation efforts should be directed by identifying management units and putative local adaptations.Subject terms: Evolutionary genetics, Genomics, Genetic variation  相似文献   

Antipredator responses often involve changes in several phenotypic traits and these changes interactively influence fitness. However, gaining insight into how the overall fitness effect of the overall response comes about is notoriously difficult. One promising avenue is to manipulate a single defensive trait and observe how that modifies fitness as well as the expression of other inducible responses. In chemically‐defended animals, toxins are likely to be costly to produce but it is still unknown how their depletion influences other characteristics. In the present study, we artificially depleted bufadienolide toxin stores in common toad (Bufo bufo) tadpoles, and assessed the effect of this with respect to the interaction with predator presence and limited food availability. We found that toxin depletion in tadpoles did not significantly affect any of the measured life‐history traits. Tadpoles in the predator treatment exhibited an elevated development rate, although this was only apparent when food availability was limited. Also, body mass at metamorphosis was lower in tadpoles exposed to chemical cues indicating a predation threat and when food availability was limited. These results provide evidence that, in larval common toads, the expression of inducible defences may incur fitness costs, whereas chemical defences are either expressed constitutively or, if inducible, elevated toxin production has negligible costs.  相似文献   

Summary Recognition of prey-like stimuli by the Common Toad depends on both the shape of the stimulus and its direction of motion. To evoke preycapture the direction of motion must be parallel to the long axis of the stimulus. We show here that the same relation between shape and direction of motion applies to stimuli which moved towards or away from the toad, and that retreating stimuli are more powerful releasers than approaching ones.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Ew 7/6.  相似文献   

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