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Summary Cells ofCandida shehatae repressed by growth in glucose- or D-xylose-medium produced a facilitated diffusion system that transported glucose (K s±2 mM,V max±2.3 mmoles g−1 h−1),d-xylose (K s±125 mM,V max±22.5 mmoles g−1 h−1) and D-mannose, but neither D-galactose norl-arabinose. Cells derepressed by starvation formed several sugar-proton symports. One proton symport accumulated 3-0-methylglucose about 400-fold and transported glucose (K s±0.12 mM,V max ± 3.2 mmoles g−1 h−1) andd-mannose, a second proton symport transportedd-xylose (K s± 1.0 mM,V max 1.4 mmoles g−1 h−1) andd-galactose, whilel-arabinose apparently used a third proton symport. The stoicheiometry was one proton for each molecule of glucose or D-xylose transported. Substrates of one sugar proton symport inhibited non-competitively the transport of substrates of the other symports. Starvation, while inducing the sugar-proton symports, silenced the facilitated diffusion system with respect to glucose transport but not with respect to the transport of D-xylose, facilitated diffusion functioning simultaneously with thed-xylose-proton symport.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucose isomerase-deficient (pgi1) strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were studied for the production of D-ribose and ribitol from D-glucose via the intermediates of the pentose phosphate pathway. Overexpression of the genes coding for NAD+-specific glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH2) of S. cerevisiae or NADPH-utilising glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapB) of Bacillus subtilis enabled growth of the pgi1 mutant strains on D-glucose. Overexpression of the gene encoding sugar phosphate phosphatase (DOG1) of S. cerevisiae was needed for the production of D-ribose and ribitol; however, it reduced the growth of the pgi1 strains expressing GDH2 or gapB in the presence of higher D-glucose concentrations. The CEN.PK2-1D laboratory strain expressing both gapB and DOG1 produced approximately 0.4 g l−1 of D-ribose and ribitol when grown on 20 g l−1 (w/v) D-fructose with 4 g l−1 (w/v) D-glucose. Nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of the cells grown with 13C-labelled D-glucose showed that about 60% of the D-ribose produced was derived from D-glucose. Strains deficient in both phosphoglucose isomerase and transketolase activities, and expressing DOG1 and GDH2 tolerated only low D-glucose concentrations (≤2 g l−1 (w/v)), but produced 1 g l−1 (w/v) D-ribose and ribitol when grown on 20 g l−1 (w/v) D-fructose with 2 g l−1 (w/v) D-glucose.  相似文献   

The yeasts, being favorite eukaryotic microorganisms used in food industry and biotechnologies for production of biomass and various substances, are also used as model organisms in genetic manipulation, molecular and biological research. In this respect, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the best-known species but current situation in medicine and industry requires the use of other species. Here we summarize the basic taxonomic, morphological, physiological, genetic, etc. information about the pathogenic yeast Candida glabrata that is evolutionarily very closely related to baker's yeast.  相似文献   

1. The cyanobacterium Aphanocapsa 6714 which grow in the dark on D-glucose, will take up D-glucose and the analogue 3-O-methyl-D-glucose; uptake of each of these compounds was inhibited competitively by the other and by 6-deoxy-D-glucose. 2. This cyanobacterium accumulated 3-O-methyl-D-glucose up to 100-fold relative to the medium but did not modify or metabolize it to a significant degree. 3. Intracellular 3-O-methyl-D-glucose was rapidly displaced from Aphanocapsa 6714 by exogenous D-glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose. 4. Although not characterized to the same extent, D-glucose and 3-O-methyl-D-glucose uptake by Nostoc strain Mac, another cyanobacterium capable of growth in the dark on D-glucose, was similar. 5. Other cyanobacteria that do not grow on D-glucose take up this compound at much lower rates which were unaffected by analogues of D-glucose that greatly reduced carbohydrate uptake by Aphanocapsa 6714 and Nostoc strain Mac. 6. It is therefore proposed that Aphanocapsa 6714 and Nostoc strain Mac possess a mechanism for the active transport of D-glucose. The absence of this transport mechanism is suggested as the reason why other strains fail to grow in the dark on this substrate. These latter organisms are therefore naturally cryptic with respect to D-glucose as a growth substrate.  相似文献   

The intestinal transport of three actively transported sugars has been studied in order to determine mechanistic features that, (a) can be attributed to stereo-specific affinity and (b) are common. The apparent affinity constants at the brush-border indicate that sugars are selected in the order, beta-methyl glucose greater than D-galactose greater than 3-O-methyl glucose, (the Km values are 1.23, 5.0 and 18.1 mM, respectively.) At low substrate concentrations the Kt values for Na+ activation of sugar entry across the brush-border are: 27, 25, and 140 mequiv. for beta-methyl glucose, galactose and 3-O-methyl glucose, respectively. These kinetic parameters suggest that Na+, water, sugar and membrane-binding groups are all factors which determine selective affinity. In spite of these differences in operational affinity, all three sugars show a reciprocal change in brush-border entry and exit permeability as Ringer (Na) or (sugar) is increased. Estimates of the changes in convective velocity and in the diffusive velocity when the sugar concentration in the Ringer is raised reveal that with all three sugars, the fractional reduction in convective velocity is approximately equal to the (reduction of diffusive velocity)2. This is consistent with the view that the sugars move via pores in the brush-border by convective diffusion. Theophylline reduces the serosal border permeability to beta-methyl glucose and to 3-O-methyl glucose relatively by the same extent and consequently, increase the intracellular accumulation of these sugars. The permeability of the serosal border to beta-methyl glucose entry is lower than permeability of the serosal border to beta-methyl glucose exit, which suggested that beta-methyl glucose may be convected out of the cell across the lateral serosal border.  相似文献   

In the yeastCandida parapsilosis, the proteins encoded by mitochondrial DNA are different in number and size from those ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae. Nevertheless, the purified cytochromec oxidase fromCandida parapsilosis shows kinetic properties similar to those ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The ability of the yeastCandida lipolytica 4-1 to oxidize and utilize various pure aliphatic hydrocarbons occurring in gas oil was studied. It was found that the given strain ofCandida lipolytica oxidized n-alkanes without adaptation, starting with heptane, and utilized them for growth, starting with nonane. Isoalkanes with a single methyl group in the side chain were also oxidized and utilized for growth, but less than the corresponding n-alkanes. The site of the methyl group in the isoalkane chain influences its conversion to biomass. Branched chains at both ends of the isoalkane molecule prevent its utilization for growth ofCandida lipolytica. 1-olefines are also oxidized and utilized for growth, though less than the corresponding n-paraffins. Alkylaromatic hydrocarbons are oxidized from amylbenzene up to decylbenzene, which is utilized only slightly for growth of the yeast.  相似文献   

The sorption ability of Candida utilis biomass for cadmium ions with accumulating competence of dried cells and cells in alginate was compared. After an optimization of process conditions (pH 5.5, biomass concentration 1 g/L and c0 50 mg/L), the cadmium sorption capacity of dried yeast biomass was perceptibly higher than that of the other tested adsorbents. Considering the sorption of the dried yeast biomass equal to 100 %, the cells in alginate reached 86 % while native cells showed only 42 %.  相似文献   

Uptake and metabolism of the physiologically labelled D-glucose (D-[U-14C]glucose) has been characterized in human adipocytes at several unlabelled D-glucose concentrations in the absence and presence of insulin. Following a 90 min incubation, about 80% of the intracellular radioactivity was incorporated into total lipids at tracer glucose concentration, as well as at higher glucose concentrations in basal and insulin-stimulated cells, whereas 20% was recovered as hydrophilic metabolites. The only 14C-labelled metabolite escaping the cells in detectable amounts was CO2, which accounted about 4%. At trace glucose concentrations (5 mumol/l), the rate of glucose uptake was linear with time. Comparative studies of initial glucose uptake after 10 s and tracer D-glucose conversion to total lipids after 90 min showed high coefficients of correlation between basal rates (r = 0.87), maximal response above basal level to insulin (r = 0.92) and insulin sensitivity (r = 0.78). Thus, under these conditions glucose transport is rate-limiting for net glucose uptake, and measurements over long time intervals of rates for total cell-associated radioactivity or lipogenesis may serve as reliable estimates of initial glucose influx rates. However, the conversion rate of tracer glucose to metabolites decreased progressively with the glucose concentration and with an apparent Km of about 0.2 mmol/l. The three metabolic pathways exhibited similar percentage decreases in their activities, suggesting that a common enzymatic step is rate-limiting. In comparison, the Km for initial D-glucose uptake rate was about 7 mmol/l. Hence, the capacity for total glucose metabolism comprised only a small fraction of the glucose transport capacity at medium glucose concentrations above tracer concentrations. Both basal, half-maximal and maximal insulin-stimulated rates of adipocyte glucose utilization were dependent on the glucose concentration. Thus, comparing lipogenesis at tracer and at 0.5 mmol/l medium glucose concentration, it was shown that the higher medium glucose concentration was associated with a 60% lowering of the basal rate, a 35% reduction in the percentage response above baseline to maximal insulin stimulation and a 4-fold increase in the insulin sensitivity. Obviously, these findings reflect some intracellular step(s) being rate-limiting at medium glucose levels above tracer values.  相似文献   

Protoplasts from two autoxotrophic mutants of methylotrophic yeastCandida pelliculosa were fused by the PEG technique, and the genetic structure of the hybrid obtained was studied by means of mitotic segregation. Spontaneous mitotic segregation depended on the composition of the medium and the type of carbon source used. Mechanisms by which segregants appeared were studied by means of UV- and benomyl-induced mitotic segregation. Our data suggest that one large percentage of segregants (Leu ) occurred as a result of mitotic chromosome loss. The other large portion of segregants (Ade andLys ) are a consequence of mitotic recombination.  相似文献   

Candida utilis CCY 29-38-65 converts glucose to ethanol under autoanaerobic conditions. On aeration switch-on the produced ethanol is utilized as carbon source and the specific rate of biomass production increases.  相似文献   

Thalli of Xanthoparmelia somloensis with natural content of polyols (control) and polyol-free thalli (acetone-rinsed) were used to study ribitol effects at low temperatures. Thalli segments were cultivated in ribitol concentration of 32 or 50 mM for 168 h at temperatures +5, 0, and ?5 °C. The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (potential yield of photochemical reactions in PS 2 (variable to maximum fluorescence ratio, Fv/Fm), effective quantum yield of photochemical reactions in PS 2 (ΦPS2), and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) were monitored in 24-h intervals using an imaging system. The effect of 32 mM ribitol on Fv/Fm and ΦPS2 was apparent only at ?5 °C, however, the effect was seen throughout the whole exposure. Surprisingly, 50 mM ribitol concentration treatment led to a decrease in Fv/Fm and ΦPS2 and to an increase in NPQ values at ?5 °C, while no change was observed at 0 °C and +5 °C. Acetone-rinsing caused decrease of Fv/Fm, ΦPS2 and NPQ.  相似文献   

Summary A strain of the yeastCandida guilliermondii has been shown to produce citric acid from galactose to a similar extent, and at a similar rate, as from glucose. At an initial concentration of 36 g/l of either glucose or galactose, citric acid production exceeds 13 g/l. When galactose and glucose are present in a mixture, however, galactose utilization is delayed until most of the glucose has been utilized, providing evidence for catabolite repression.  相似文献   

The isolation of several respiration deficient mutants of the pathogenic yeastCandida albicans is described. These show greatly reduced respiration rates, loss of cytochromesaa 3 andb, and reduced growth rates. All of the mutants had lost the ability to assimilate a wide range of carbon sources. Ultrastructural studies showed reduced development of mitochondrial cristae in the mutants. The mutants can be divided into three classes depending on their respiration responses to the addition of cyanide.  相似文献   

Summary In our laboratory, airborne yeast contaminants of cell cultures have consistently been of the genusCandida (speciesCandida parapsilosis), which are difficult to control with fungicidal agents. To salvage cell lines that show the presence of this fungus, two effective methods may be employed. In early stages of infection, the addition of activated mouse peritoneal macrophages (5×105 cells/ml) to the culture medium containing 5 μg Fungizone/ml eliminates all spores by phagocytosis. More heavily contaminated cultures can be depleted of fungi by density centrifugation on a layer of 38% Percoll. Remaining single spores, often not detectable by light microscopy, can be removed by the addition of macrophages (2×105/ml) and Fungizone (5 μg/ml) to the culture medium. Contaminated monolayer cells can be freed of blastospores by several washes with balanced salt solution and subsequent culturing for 4 d in medium containing 10 μg Fungizone/ml without any toxic effects to the cells. These procedures can rescue valuable cell lines and hybridomas that would otherwise be lost. This work was supported by Veterans Administration Research Funds.  相似文献   

Summary The yeastCandida tropicalis was grown in a chemostat with hexadecane as the sole carbon source. The influence of the dilution rate, oxygen and ammonium limitation on s, x, Ys, QO 2, QCO 2, and Qs was investigated. When the extracellular hexadecane concentration exceeded 120 mg l–1 (at dilution rates close to Dc, at pO2 below 2.54 kPa and at ammonium limited growth) Ys decreased and QO 2, QCO 2, and Qs increased. It was concluded that uncoupling of the mitochondrial respiratory chain occurred under these conditions. The QO 2 was determined by two different methods: first in situ, with a gasanalyzer directly connected to the bioreactor to analyze the outcoming gas, and second, with a sample from the bioreactor transferred to a Clark-type oxygen electrode. When cell growth was not oxygen limited in the chemostat (pO2 above 2.54 kPa), no apparent difference between the in situ and the dynamically determined QO 2 was observed. In contrast, when cell growth was oxygen limited in the chemostat, the QO 2 measured in the Clark-type oxygen electrode was remarkably higher than the in situ QO 2. This indicates that the electron transport chains are limited bythe oxidases, when the cells lack oxygen.  相似文献   

The ability of growing yeastCandida utilis to accumulate cadmium ions from the cultivation broth depends on the carbon source used; xylose and glucose were tested here. For the two substrates, the course of cadmium bioaccumulation and total uptake were quite different. With glucose the maximum of bioaccumulation was about ten times higher than with xylose. The data were consistent with a simple mathematical model of process dynamics which assumes a Freudlich isotherm to describe the biosorption equilibrium and first-order dynamics to simulated the transient state.  相似文献   

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