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Biodiversity matters in many aspects for human well-being by providing timber and non-timber products. The most important ecosystems providing these products in West Africa are savannas. In the context of land-use changes, there is an urgent need to understand the impact of land-use on savanna vegetation and biodiversity. This study assesses the impact of land-use on savannas by comparing protected and communal areas. Vegetation relevés were performed in the W National Park and its surrounding communal area in Burkina Faso. Vegetation types were established using ordination and clustering methods. We analyzed to find which environmental factors determine the occurrence of the vegetation types and whether land-use has a specific effect on diversity of vegetation types occurring in both areas. Furthermore, we tested the effect of land-use on vegetation structure and the occurrence of life forms and highly valued tree species. Our results reveal five vegetation types occurring in both areas. Elevation and soil characteristics played the most important role for the occurrence of the vegetation types. Land-use had an effect on vegetation structure, diversity, and the occurrence of life form and highly valued species. Our findings suggest that traditional human land-use does not automatically lead to loss of species and degradation of savanna habitats and that combination of communal and protected areas may be of great importance for the conservation of broad spectrum of biodiversity. Our study demonstrates the complexity of land-use impact on biodiversity patterns and provides insights on what kind of management activities may be most appropriate in both areas.  相似文献   

All over the world, pollinators are threatened by land‐use change involving degradation of seminatural habitats or conversion into agricultural land. Such disturbance often leads to lowered pollinator abundance and/or diversity, which might reduce crop yield in adjacent agricultural areas. For West Africa, changes in bee communities across disturbance gradients from savanna to agricultural land are mainly unknown. In this study, we monitored for the impact of human disturbance on bee communities in savanna and crop fields. We chose three savanna areas of varying disturbance intensity (low, medium, and high) in the South Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso, based on land‐use/land cover data via Landsat images, and selected nearby cotton and sesame fields. During 21 months covering two rainy and two dry seasons in 2014 and 2015, we captured bees using pan traps. Spatial and temporal patterns of bee species abundance, richness, evenness and community structure were assessed. In total, 35,469 bee specimens were caught on 12 savanna sites and 22 fields, comprising 97 species of 32 genera. Bee abundance was highest at intermediate disturbance in the rainy season. Species richness and evenness did not differ significantly. Bee communities at medium and highly disturbed savanna sites comprised only subsets of those at low disturbed sites. An across‐habitat spillover of bees (mostly abundant social bee species) from savanna into crop fields was observed during the rainy season when crops are mass‐flowering, whereas most savanna plants are not in bloom. Despite disturbance intensification, our findings suggest that wild bee communities can persist in anthropogenic landscapes and that some species even benefitted disproportionally. West African areas of crop production such as for cotton and sesame may serve as important food resources for bee species in times when resources in the savanna are scarce and receive at the same time considerable pollination service.  相似文献   

Akpo  Léonard-Elie 《Plant Ecology》1997,131(2):241-248
This study was conducted during the 1990 planting cycle and focused on interactions between trees and the herbaceous layer caused by their phenological behaviour in a Sahelian semi-arid savanna.The results show that (1) the plant phenological development (tree and grassy group) was synchronous; (2) the tree phenological behaviours were most clearly differentiated because reproduction, flowering and fructification phases were spread out throughout the year and (3) the herbaceous species cycle was then essentially determined by the short biologically damp period, 60 days in 1990. The foliage stage of the ligneous species spread on the considered period, with a reduced realization rate (30 to 40%) due to an invasion of locusts.At the grassy group level, the considerable growth rate in every development stage indicated that there was apparently no competition for soil water. Both trees and grass used the available soil water with grass only exploiting the upper soil layer.Mots-clés: Arbre, Compétition, Couvert, Sahel, Stades phénologiques, Strate herbacéeRésumé Cette étude se propose d'établir les interactions Herbe/Arbre à travers les stades phénologiques des principales espèces ligneuses et de la strate herbacée établie sous l'arbre à partir d'observations menées au cours du cycle 1990.Les résultats montrent une superposition des cycles phénologiques du peuplement ligneux et du groupement herbeux. La phase de feuillaison des espèces ligneuses étudiées s'étale sur toute la période considérée. Le taux d'accomplissement des différentes phénophases est généralement faible (30 à 40%) en raison de l'invasion par des criquets.Le taux d'accomplissement des phénophases au niveau du groupement herbeux indique qu'il n'y a apparemment pas de compétition pour l'eau; le partage de l'eau du sol entre l'herbe et l'arbre se faisant principalement dans l'espace.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram from Oursi in Burkina Faso is compared with anthracological (charcoal analysis) results from three sites in northeast Nigeria (Konduga, Gajiganna, Lantewa). The present-day vegetation at all four sites is Sahelian or Sahelo-Sudanian and under heavy human impact. At Oursi, a closed grassland with only few trees and almost no Sudanian elements can be reconstructed for the middle Holocene. At the Nigerian sites, on the other hand, Sudanian woody plants were present during this period. We assume that the Sahel was not a uniform zone during the middle Holocene but rather a mosaic of different vegetation types according to local site conditions. In the light of these results, a simple model of latitudinally shifting vegetation zones is not applicable. Around 3000 B.P. the closed grassland at Oursi was opened by agro-pastoral activities, and at Gajiganna, plants characteristic of pasture lands can be directly related with the presence of cattle. Human impact seems to have been the dominant factor in the vegetation history of the Sahel from 3000 B.P. until today, masking possible effects of climatic change.  相似文献   

Density-dependent and density-independent processes have been shown to influence the population dynamics of marine invertebrates, especially recruitment. However, their relative importance has not been evaluated in natural populations. High adult densities have been suggested to inhibit recruitment, especially in suspension-feeders which may ingest incoming larvae. Age structure and juvenile abundance were investigated in the bivalve Spisula ovalis in order to evaluate the importance of density dependence in generating spatial patterns. Age structure is readily established in this species owing to annual shell lines. An extensive sample (from about 100 sites a few hundred meters apart over 4 consecutive years) was analyzed in the statistical framework of spatial analyses, avoiding spurious correlations due to non-independence between neighboring sites. The area studied supports about ten annual cohorts, though only a few occur at each site. The overall picture is a mosaic of kilometer-scale patches of contrasted age structures, as revealed by highly significant spatial autocorrelations. To our knowledge, such large-scale spatial patterns in age structure have not previously been described in benthic invertebrates. Strong patterns are detected even for juveniles, and are independent of the adult biomass present before settlement. Therefore, patchy patterns of age structure mainly reflect density-independent effects, such as spatial variations in larval supply, passive transport of juveniles, or predation on recruits. In the absence of detailed spatial analyses, such patterns have been misinterpreted previously as negative effects of adult density on settlement success. Received: 21 November 1996 / Accepted: 20 February 1997  相似文献   

Rietkerk  Max  Ketner  Pieter  Burger  Joep  Hoorens  Bart  Olff  Han 《Plant Ecology》2000,148(2):207-224
We studied the degree and scale of patchiness of vegetation and selected soil variables along a gradient of herbivore impact. The gradient consisted of a radial pattern of `high', `intermediate' and `low' herbivore impact around a watering point in a semi-arid environment in Burkina Faso (West Africa). We hypothesised that, at a certain range of herbivore impact, vegetated patches alternating with patches of bare soil would occur as a consequence of plant-soil feedbacks and run-off-run-on patterns. Indeed, our transect data collected along the gradient showed that vegetated patches with a scale of about 5–10 m, alternating with bare soil, occurred at intermediate herbivore impact. When analysing the data from the experimental sites along the gradient, however, we also found a high degree of patchiness of vegetation and soil variables in case of low and high herbivore impact. For low herbivore impact, most variation was spatially explained, up to 100% for vegetation biomass and soil temperature, with a patch scale of about 0.50 m. This was due to the presence of perennial grass tufts of Cymbopogon schoenanthus. Patterns of soil organic matter and NH4-N were highly correlated with these patterns of biomass and soil temperature, up to r=0.7 (P<0.05) for the in situ correlation between biomass and NH4-N. For high herbivore impact, we also found that most variation was spatially explained, up to 100% for biomass and soil temperature, and 84% for soil moisture, with three distinct scales of patchiness (about 0.50 m, 1.80 m and 2.80 m). Here, microrelief had a corresponding patchy structure. For intermediate herbivore impact, again most variation was spatially explained, up to 100% for biomass and soil temperature, and 84% for soil moisture, with a patch scale of about 0.95 m. Here, we found evidence that vegetated patches positively affected soil moisture through less run-off and higher infiltration of rainwater that could not infiltrate into the bare soil elsewhere, which was not due to microrelief. Thus, we conclude that our findings are in line with our initial hypothesis that, at intermediate herbivore impact, vegetated patches alternating with patches of bare soil persist in time due to positive plant-soil feedbacks.  相似文献   

Anthropological contributions that challenge several common perceptions on sacred sites are still poorly taken into account in conservation and ecological studies. This paper aims at filling this gap and providing a better framework for biological studies. Local concepts of natural sacred sites and their ritual administration were studied and the ritual practices relating to the vegetation of these sites were analyzed in the Bwaba cultural area in West Burkina Faso. Our research shows that these ritual practices are much more diverse and fluid than might have been supposed. Protection ‘by tradition’ is thus rather different from what we call conservation. While vegetation does matter, its presence on sacred sites is not essential. In addition, under certain circumstances, sacred sites may be transferred or reproduced elsewhere. Attention is drawn to the inadequacy of ‘sacred woods’ as a category, in an ecological as well as an anthropological sense. Even if wooded shrines may contribute to biodiversity conservation as a side-effect of their religious purpose, the idea that they fundamentally are ‘endogenous’ nature conservatories must be disproved.  相似文献   

Borassus akeassii Bayton, Ouédraogo & Guinko sp. nov. (Arecaceae) is described as a new species from western Burkina Faso in West Africa. It has been confused with the widely distributed African species B. aethiopum and more recently with the Asian B. flabellifer . However, it is distinguished by its glaucous, green leaves with weakly armed petioles and a characteristic pattern of lamina venation. The fruits have a pointed apex and are greenish when ripe, and the flowers of the pistillate inflorescence are arranged in three spirals. The pollen has a reticulate tectum and distinctive ornamentation. The distribution of B. akeassii is discussed and the status of the varieties of Borassus aethiopum (var. bagamojensis and var. senegalensis ) is examined.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 150 , 419–427.  相似文献   

Anopheles funestus is a major vector of malaria across Africa. Understanding its complex and nonequilibrium population genetic structure is an important challenge that must be overcome before vector populations can be successfully perturbed for malaria control. Here we examine the role of chromosomal inversions in structuring genetic variation and facilitating divergence in Burkina Faso, West Africa, where two incipient species (chromosomal forms) of A. funestus, defined principally by rearrangements of chromosome 3R, have been hypothesized. Sampling across an approximately 300-km east-west transect largely contained within the Sudan-Savanna ecoclimatic zone, we analyzed chromosomal inversions, 16 microsatellite loci distributed genomewide, and 834 bp of the mtDNA ND5 gene. Both molecular markers revealed high genetic diversity, nearly all of which was accounted for by within-population differences among individuals, owing to recent population expansion. Across the study area there was no correlation between genetic and geographic distance. Significant genetic differentiation found between chromosomal forms on the basis of microsatellites was not genomewide but could be explained by chromosome 3R alone on the basis of loci inside and near inversions. These data are not compatible with complete reproductive isolation but are consistent with differential introgression and sympatric divergence between the chromosomal forms, facilitated by chromosome 3R inversions.  相似文献   

Ten trees (5–70 m2 canopy area) were selected to determine effects of tree size (crown area) on herbaceous species composition and biomass in a Quercus emoryi savanna in southeastern Arizona. Consistent with most studies in temperate savannas, herbaceous biomass was reduced beneath the canopy relative to grassland areas. However, tree size appeared to exert no influence over herbaceous biomass. In contrast to most temperate savannas, Q. emoryi trees did not affect distribution of herbaceous species.  相似文献   

The Dahra field site in Senegal, West Africa, was established in 2002 to monitor ecosystem properties of semiarid savanna grassland and their responses to climatic and environmental change. This article describes the environment and the ecosystem properties of the site using a unique set of in situ data. The studied variables include hydroclimatic variables, species composition, albedo, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), hyperspectral characteristics (350–1800 nm), surface reflectance anisotropy, brightness temperature, fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (FAPAR), biomass, vegetation water content, and land‐atmosphere exchanges of carbon (NEE) and energy. The Dahra field site experiences a typical Sahelian climate and is covered by coexisting trees (~3% canopy cover) and grass species, characterizing large parts of the Sahel. This makes the site suitable for investigating relationships between ecosystem properties and hydroclimatic variables for semiarid savanna ecosystems of the region. There were strong interannual, seasonal and diurnal dynamics in NEE, with high values of ~?7.5 g C m?2 day?1 during the peak of the growing season. We found neither browning nor greening NDVI trends from 2002 to 2012. Interannual variation in species composition was strongly related to rainfall distribution. NDVI and FAPAR were strongly related to species composition, especially for years dominated by the species Zornia glochidiata. This influence was not observed in interannual variation in biomass and vegetation productivity, thus challenging dryland productivity models based on remote sensing. Surface reflectance anisotropy (350–1800 nm) at the peak of the growing season varied strongly depending on wavelength and viewing angle thereby having implications for the design of remotely sensed spectral vegetation indices covering different wavelength regions. The presented time series of in situ data have great potential for dryland dynamics studies, global climate change related research and evaluation and parameterization of remote sensing products and dynamic vegetation models.  相似文献   

Maestre  Fernando T.  Cortina  Jordi 《Plant and Soil》2002,241(2):279-291
In arid and semi-arid areas with sparse vegetation cover, the spatial pattern of surface soil properties affects water and nutrient flows, and is a question of considerable interest for understanding degradation processes and establishing adequate management measures. In this study, we investigate the spatial distribution of vegetation and surface soil properties (biological crusts, physical crusts, mosses, rock fragments, earthworm casts, fine root accumulation and below-ground stones) in a semi-arid Stipa tenacissima L. steppe in SE Spain. We applied the combination of spatial analysis by distance indices (SADIE) and geostatistics to assess the spatial pattern of soil properties and vegetation, and correlation analyses to explore how these patterns were related. SADIE analysis detected significant clumped patterns in the spatial distribution of vegetation, mosses, fine root accumulation and below-ground stone content. Contoured SADIE index of clustering maps suggested the presence of patchiness in the distribution of earthworm casts, fine roots, below-ground stone content, mosses and biological crusts. Correlation analyses suggested that spatial pattern of some soil properties such as biological crusts, moss cover, surface rock fragments, physical crusts and fine roots were significantly related with above-ground plant distribution. We discuss the spatial arrangement of surface soil properties and suggest mechanistic explanations for the observed spatial patterns and relationships.  相似文献   

The ability of simple plant traits used as surrogate of species to reflect environmental variability of grasses and herbs in a West African savanna subject to fallow land rotation is assessed by referring to plants’ functional attributes. The aim is to determine the nature and the importance of the loss of information associated with the trait-vs.-species simplification. The traits selected are easily observable and widely documented. They are related to plant responses to resource availability, environmental constraints/disturbances and to plant palatability and capacity to disperse. The co-inertia analyses of both species–environment and traits–environment are compared. Although selected traits account for only a part of the variability recorded by species, they are relevant and most of them have an ecological significance. Syndromes of attributes that reflect the functional plant–environment relationships of the grass layer along a twofold gradient of soil fertility and woody cover could then be established. Periodic clearing and soil fertility decline produced by the fallow system determine vegetation types dominated by herbaceous species ranging from competitive and ruderal-competitive on fertile and wooded sites to stress-tolerant ruderal on unfertile and non-wooded sites. Thus, selected traits do not reveal all functional aspects of the relationships of savanna plants to their environment, such as soil hydromorphy and depth of the clayey horizon. That is possibly due to the scarcity of traits that characterize the root system involved in the analysis.  相似文献   

When assessing re-vegetation project performance and optimizing land management, identification of the key ecological factors inducing vegetation degradation has crucial implications. Rainfall, temperature, elevation, slope, aspect, land use type, and human disturbance are ecological factors affecting the status of vegetation index. However, at different spatial scales, the key factors may vary. Using Helin County, Inner-Mongolia, China as the study site and combining remote sensing image interpretation, field surveying, and mathematical methods, this study assesses key ecological factors affecting vegetation degradation under different spatial scales in a semi-arid agro-pastoral ecotone. It indicates that the key factors are different at various spatial scales. Elevation, rainfall, and temperature are identified as crucial for all spatial extents. Elevation, rainfall and human disturbance are key factors for small-scale quadrats of 300 m × 300 m and 600 m × 600 m, temperature and land use type are key factors for a medium-scale quadrat of 1 km × 1 km, and rainfall, temperature, and land use are key factors for large-scale quadrats of 2 km × 2 km and 5 km × 5 km. For this region, human disturbance is not the key factor for vegetation degradation across spatial scales. It is necessary to consider spatial scale for the identification of key factors determining vegetation characteristics. The eco-restoration programs at various spatial scales should identify key influencing factors according their scales so as to take effective measurements. The new understanding obtained in this study may help to explore the forces which driving vegetation degradation in the degraded regions in the world.  相似文献   

Ndiaye  D.  Lensi  R.  Lepage  M.  Brauman  A. 《Plant and Soil》2004,259(1-2):277-286
Plant and Soil - Soil-feeding termite mounds are an important, highly specific soil microbial compartment in semi-arid savannas. The aim of this study was to determine the role of these mounds in...  相似文献   

In West Africa, lineage splitting between the M and S molecular forms of the major Afro-tropical malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae), is thought to be driven by ecological divergence, occurring mainly at the larval stage. Here, we present evidence for habitat segregation between the two molecular forms in and around irrigated rice fields located within the humid savannahs of western Burkina Faso. Longitudinal sampling of adult mosquitoes emerging from a range of breeding sites distributed along a transect extending from the heart of the rice field area into the surrounding savannah was conducted from June to November 2009. Analysis revealed that the two molecular forms and their sibling species Anopheles arabiensis are not randomly distributed in the area. A major ecological gradient was extracted in relation to the perimeter of the rice fields. The M form was associated with larger breeding sites mostly consisting of rice paddies, whereas the S form and An. arabiensis were found to depend upon temporary, rain-filled breeding sites. These results support hypotheses about larval habitat segregation and confirm the suggestion that the forms have different larval habitat requirements. Segregation appears to be clearly linked to anthropogenic permanent habitats and the community structure they support.  相似文献   

Summary Cell-to-cell interaction and spatial distribution of the heliozoanActinophrys sol was analyzed with computer-aided video microscopy. By means of goodness-of-fit statistics (2 analysis) and a quadrat-count analysis (I-curve analysis), the spatial point pattern of the cells was shown to be of regular distribution, which implies that a regulating mechanism is operating to encourage an even spatial distribution of the cell centers ofActinophrys. An attempt was further made to define a unified model which fitsActinophrys cell distribution observed at different cell densities. For this purpose, the fitting of a parameterized potential function (r)=(/r)12 was carried out, wherer is the distance between cell centers of two neighboring cells. The scaling parameter a was estimated from the maximum likelihood procedure for obtaining the best fit for the data, which was found to be a decreasing function of the cell density; we obtained = 0.44 mm at a low cell density (0.5 cell/mm2) and =0.10 mm at the highest cell density (6.5 cells/mm2). These results suggest that (1) the possible nearest distance between two neighboring cells is primarily defined by the axopodial length, and (2) at lower cell densities,Actinophrys can recognize the presence of distant neighboring cells by some unknown means.  相似文献   

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