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Steroid sulfatase (STS) has emerged as an attractive target for a range of estrogen- and androgen-dependent diseases. Searching for novel chemotypes as STS inhibitors, we identified nortropinyl-arylsulfonylurea 3 as a hit from high-throughput screening. A series of analogues was prepared in order to explore the essential structural elements for STS inhibition, and first structure-activity relationships were established. Mechanistic investigations revealed that the compounds are reversible, competitive inhibitors of STS.  相似文献   

A series of estradiol dimers was synthesized or selected from compounds available in our laboratory and tested for inhibition against steroid sulfatase. Dimers linked by their C17 position, compounds 7 and 8, showed inhibitory potency similar (56% and 54% at 1 μM) to that of our best previously reported reversible inhibitor EM-690 (62% at 1 μM). Docking experiment seems to indicate that C17–C17 dimers bind in a similar way to EM-690 whereas C16–O3 and C16–C16 dimers bind in an upside-down position.  相似文献   

A series of novel D-ring modified derivatives of estrone was synthesized and tested as inhibitors of steroid sulfatase (STS). The steroidal D-ring was cleaved via an iodoform reaction and thermal condensation of the resulting marrianolic acid derivative gave 16,17-seco-estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-16,17-imide derivatives, where a piperidinedione moiety is in place of the D-ring. This synthetic approach was found to give a higher overall yield than the literature method of Beckmann rearrangement. A range of alkyl side chains have been introduced on the nitrogen atom of the imido-ring and the corresponding 3-O-sulfamates synthesized. The new D-ring modified estrone derivatives bearing a propyl (39) and a 1-pyridin-3-ylmethyl (46) moiety had IC(50) values of 1 nM when tested in placental microsomes for the inhibition of STS. These compounds are therefore up to 18-fold more potent than EMATE, the very first highly potent irreversible steroidal STS inhibitor.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase (STS) catalyzes the hydrolysis of steroidal sulfates such as estrone sulfate (ES1) to the corresponding steroids and inorganic sulfate. STS is considered to be a potential target for the development of therapeutics for the treatment of steroid-dependent cancers. Two steroidal and two coumarin- and chromenone-based boronic acids were synthesized and examined as inhibitors of purified STS. The boronic acid analog of estrone sulfate bearing a boronic acid moiety at the 3-position in place of the sulfate group was a good competitive STS inhibitor with a Ki of 2.8 μM at pH 7.0 and 6.8 μM at pH 8.8. The inhibition was reversible and kinetic properties corresponding to the mechanism for slow-binding inhibitors were not observed. An estradiol derivative bearing a boronic acid group at the 3-position and a benzyl group at the 17-position was a potent reversible, non-competitive STS inhibitor with a Ki of 250 nM. However, its 3-OH analog, a known STS inhibitor, exhibited an almost identical affinity for STS and also bound in a non-competitive manner. It is suggested that these compounds prefer to bind in a hydrophobic tunnel close to the entrance to the active site. The coumarin and chromenone boronic acids were modest inhibitors of STS with IC50s of 86 and 171 μM, respectively. Surprisingly, replacing the boronic acid group of the chromenone derivative with an OH group yielded a good reversible, mixed type inhibitor with a Ki of 4.6 μM. Overall, these results suggest that the boronic acid moiety must be attached to a platform very closely resembling a natural substrate in order for it to impart a beneficial effect on binding affinity compared to its phenolic analog.  相似文献   

Human rhinovirus (HRV) 3C protease was inactivated by a series of S-nitrosothiols. These compounds exhibited different inhibitory activities in a time- and concentration-dependent manner with second-order rate constants (kinact/K(I)) ranging from 131 to 5360 M(-1) min(-1). The inactive enzyme could be re-activated by DTT, GSH and ascorbate, which indicated the inactivation mechanism was through an S-transnitrosylation process.  相似文献   

In pursuit of novel steroid sulfatase (STS) inhibitors devoid of estrogenicity, several D-ring modified steroid derivatives were synthesised. In vitro evaluation of the compounds identified two highly potent inhibitors, 4a and 4b, which were 18 times more active than estrone-3-O-sulfamate (EMATE), both having IC(50) values of ca. 1nM. These 16,17-seco-estra-1,3,5(10)-triene-16,17-imide derivatives were synthesised from estrone, via the intermediate 1, which was easily alkylated, deprotected and sulfamoylated affording the final compounds in high yields. In order to assess their biological profile, the selected inhibitors were tested for their in vivo inhibitory potency and estrogenicity in ovariectomised rats. After an oral dose of 10mg/kg per day for 5 days, 4a and 4b were found to inhibit rat liver steroid sulfatase by 99%. They were also devoid of estrogenic activity in the uterine weight gain assay, indicating that these two leads have therapeutic potential for the treatment of hormone-dependent breast cancer.  相似文献   

ExoU is a potent virulence factor of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and is considered a potential therapeutic target. In order to discover novel ExoU inhibitors, we screened an in-house chemical library utilizing a yeast-based screening system. Some sulfonamides displayed significant activity without nonspecific cytotoxicity. We describe a series of sulfonamides as novel ExoU inhibitors, along with a brief structure–activity relationship.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones with inserts of 1.2-1.6 kb that reacted both with antibodies and oligonucleotides specific for steroid sulfatase were isolated from a human placental library in lambda gt11. The 5'-end of one of the inserts, STS-3, was sequenced and colinearity with the amino acid sequence of 3 peptides of steroid sulfatase encompassing 64 amino acids was demonstrated. STS-3 hybridized with 2.5, 4.6 and 6.3 kb species in poly(A)+RNA and with 2.5, 4 and 9 kb fragments of EcoRI digested human DNA. The frequency of the EcoRI fragments in DNA from females was approximately twice that in DNA from males. DNA from two patients with steroid sulfatase deficiency and X-linked ichthyosis did not hybridize with STS-3. DNA from a third patient showed a normal hybridization pattern. It is concluded that steroid sulfatase deficiency is a genetically heterogenous disorder.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors AZA, EZA, and 4-acetamidobenzsulfonamide were found to inhibit human AQP4-M23 mediated water transport by 80%, 68%, and 23%, respectively, at 20 microM in an in vitro functional assay. AZA was found to have an IC50 against AQP4 of 0.9 microM. Phloretin was inactive under the same conditions.  相似文献   

Chemical synthesis and enzyme inhibition results are reported for a series of nonsteroidal sulfatase inhibitors, 1-(p-sulfamoyloxyphenyl)-5-(p-t-butylbenzyl)-5-alkanols and the lower active phenolic analogues. These compounds conserve some structural elements from the previously reported potent steroidal inhibitor 3-O-sulfamate-17alpha-(p-t-butylbenzyl)-17beta-hydroxy-estra-1,3,5(10)-triene, while the C18-methyl group and the hydrocarbon backbone represented by the steroid rings B, C, and D were replaced with a free conformational chain. Using estrone sulfate (100 microM) as substrate and homogenate of transfected HEK-293 cells as source of steroid sulfatase activity, the IC(50) values of the best inhibitors, the undecanol derivatives, were 0.4+/-0.1 and >300 nM, respectively, in the sulfamate and phenolic series. Although these sulfamoylated nonsteroidal inhibitors appear a bit less active than their steroidal analogues, they are however more potent than known inhibitors estrone-3-O-sulfamate and p-(O-sulfamoyl)-N-tetradecanoyl tyramine. The optimal side-chain length for the inhibition of steroid sulfatase activity was found to be six carbons, which corresponds to the number of carbons that mimic the B, C and D steroid rings, between C6 and C17. Furthermore, compounds with only the t-butylbenzyl group or the alkyl chain of six carbons are less potent inhibitors compared to the one that include both of these hydrophobic substituents. Such results suggest that compound from this later category better mimic the steroidal inhibitor.  相似文献   

Estrone sulfamate (EMATE) is a potent irreversible inhibitor of steroid sulfatase (STS). In order to further expand SAR, the compound was substituted at the 2- and/or 4-positions and its 17-carbonyl group was also removed. The following general order of potency against STS in two in vitro systems is observed for the derivatives: The 4-NO(2) > 2-halogens, 2-cyano > EMATE (unsubstituted)>17-deoxyEMATE > 2-NO(2) > 4-bromo>2-(2-propenyl), 2-n-propyl > 4-(2-propenyl), 4-n-propyl > 2,4-(2-propenyl)= 2,4-di-n-propyl. There is a clear advantage in potency to place an electron-withdrawing substituent on the A-ring with halogens preferred at the 2-position, but nitro at the 4-position. Substitution with 2-propenyl or n-propyl at the 2- and/or 4-position of EMATE, and also removal of the 17-carbonyl group are detrimental to potency. Three cyclic sulfamates designed are not STS inhibitors. This further confirms that a free or N-unsubstituted sulfamate group (H(2)NSO(2)O-) is a prerequisite for potent and irreversible inhibition of STS as shown by inhibitors like EMATE and Irosustat. The most potent derivative synthesized is 4-nitroEMATE (2), whose IC(50)s in placental microsomes and MCF-7 cells are respectively 0.8 nM and 0.01 nM.  相似文献   

A series of estrone conjugates of the type estrone-3-O-C(O,S)-X have been prepared and evaluated for inhibition of human steroid sulfatase (STS). Among the carbamate (6), thiocarbamate (8), cyanate (7), formate (9), and acetate (10) analogs of estrone, only 9 was found to inhibit STS in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. With an IC(50) of 0.42 microM 9 is the first potent inactivator of STS which does not feature the sulfamate group. Furthermore a formate-type inhibitor featuring a benzoxazole moiety in place of the steroid skeleton (14) was prepared, suggesting a general principle of inactivation by the formate group. As the mode of action we propose an immediate transfer of the formyl moiety to a nucleophilic residue in the active site of STS.  相似文献   

Estrone sulfate (E1S) is an endogenous prodrug that delivers estrone and, subsequently, estradiol to the target cells following the hydrolysis by the enzyme estrone sulfatase which is active in various tissues including hormone dependent breast cancer cells. Blockade of this enzyme should reduce the estrogen level in breast cancer cells and prevent hormonal growth stimulation. Sulfamates of a variety of phenolic compounds have been shown to be inhibitors of estrone sulfatase. Our rational is based on findings that these inhibitors can undergo hydrolysis and the pharmacological effects of the free hydroxy compounds contribute to the bioactivity of the sulfamates. A desirable action of the metabolites would be an estrogen antagonism to block stimulatory effects of residual amounts of estrogens. Thus, we synthesized a number of sulfamoyloxy-substituted 2-phenylindoles with side chains at the indole nitrogen that guarantee antiestrogenic activity. All of the new sulfamates were studied for their inhibitory effects on the enzyme estrone sulfatase from human breast cancer cells and their (anti)hormonal activities in stably transfected human MCF-7/2a mammary carcinoma cells. The hormonal profile of the sulfamates was partly reflected by the properties of the corresponding hydroxy precursors. Some of the sulfamoylated antiestrogens strongly inhibited estrone sulfatase activity with IC50 values in the submicromolar range. They were devoid of agonist activity and suppressed estrone sulfate-stimulated gene expression mainly by blocking the enzyme. Examples are the disulfamates of the indoles ZK 119, 010 and ZK 164, 015. Their IC50s for sulfatase inhibition were 0.3 and 0.2 μM, respectively, and 50 and 80 nM, respectively, for the inhibition of E1S-stimulated luciferase expression in transfected MCF-7 cells. With some of the new sulfamates an additional direct antiestrogenic effect was noticed which might be due to a partial hydrolysis during incubation and would improve the growth inhibitory effect on estrogen-sensitive breast cancer cells.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase (EC is an enzyme that removes the sulfate group from 3β-hydroxysteroid sulfates. This enzyme is best known for its role in estrogen production via the fetal adrenal–placental pathway during pregnancy; however, it also has important functions in other physiological and pathological steroid pathways. The objective of this study was to examine the distribution of steroid sulfatase in normal human tissues and in breast cancers using immunohistochemistry, employing a newly developed steroid sulfatase antibody. A rabbit polyclonal antiserum was generated against a peptide representing a conserved region of the steroid sulfatase protein. In Western blotting experiments using human placental microsomes, this antiserum crossreacted with a 65 kDa protein, the reported size of steroid sulfatase. The antiserum also crossreacted with single protein bands in Western blots of microsomes from two human breast cancer cell lines (MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7) and from rat liver; however, there were some size differences in the immunoreactive bands among tissues. The steroid sulfatase antibody was used in immunohistochemical analyses of individual human tissue slides as well as a human tissue microarray. For single tissues, human placenta and liver showed strong positive staining against the steroid sulfatase antibody. ER+/PR+ breast cancers also showed relatively strong levels of steroid sulfatase immunoreactivity. Normal human breast showed moderate levels of steroid sulfatase immunoreactivity, while ER−/PR− breast cancer showed weak immunoreactivity. This confirms previous reports that steroid sulfatase is higher in hormone-dependent breast cancers. For the tissue microarray, most tissues showed some detectable level of steroid sulfatase immunoreactivity, but there were considerable differences among tissues, with skin, liver and lymph nodes having the highest immunoreactivity and brain tissues having the lowest. These data reveal the utility of immunohistochemistry in evaluation of steroid sulfatase activity among tissues. The newly developed antibody should be useful in studies of both humans and rats.  相似文献   

Madurahydroxylactone (MHL) is a secondary metabolite produced by the soil bacterium Nonomuria rubra and belongs to the family of benzo[a]naphthacenequinones. We report the initial results and structure-activity relationships of our study into a series of thiosemicarbazone derivatives of madurahydroxylactone as potential nonsteroidal inhibitors of the enzyme estrone sulfatase. The most active compound, the cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone, was shown to be a non-competitive inhibitor with a K(i) of 0.35microM. This compound is devoid of estrogenic properties and showed low acute toxicity in the hen's fertile egg screening test.  相似文献   

Aryl and steroid sulfatase in the human ovary   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Steroid sulfatase (STS) is an important new therapeutic target in oncology. Attempts to design nonsteroidal STS inhibitors, because of the oestrogenicity of the original lead oestrone 3-O-sulfamate in rodents, have led to the discovery of benzophenone-4,4'-O,O-bis-sulfamate (BENZOMATE, 3). The nonfused bicyclic BENZOMATE is a highly potent STS inhibitor in vitro, inhibiting STS activity in intact MCF-7 breast cancer cells by > 70% at 0.1 microM and in placental microsomes by > 98% at 10 microM. When MCF-7 cells were pre-treated with 3 at 1 microM and then washed to remove unbound inhibitor, the initial 94% inhibition was reduced to 89% suggesting that 3, like other sulfamate-based STS inhibitors, inhibits the enzyme irreversibly. This agent also inhibits rat liver STS activity by 84% and 93% respectively 24 h after a single dose of 1 or 10 mg/kg, demonstrating that BENZOMATE possesses similar in vivo potency to the established potent nonsteroidal inhibitor 667COUMATE. Several modifications were made to BENZOMATE structurally and effects on in vitro activity were examined. These structure-activity relationship studies show that its carbonyl and bis-sulfamate groups are pivotal for activity, although conformational flexibility is not required. Two rigid anthraquinone-based sulfamate derivatives however showed inhibitory activity significantly better than BENZOMATE in the MCF-7 cell assay. BENZOMATE and related analogues therefore represent an important class of non-steroidal STS inhibitor and lead compounds for future drug design.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase (STS) catalyses the hydrolysis of the sulfate esters of 3-hydroxy steroids, which are inactive transport or precursor forms of the active 3-hydroxy steroids. STS inhibitors are expected to block the local production and, consequently to reduce the active steroid levels; therefore, they are considered as potential new therapeutic agents for the treatment of estrogen- and androgen-dependent disorders such as breast and prostate cancers. KW-2581 is a novel steroidal STS inhibitor. In the present study, we found KW-2581 inhibited recombinant human STS (rhSTS) activity with an IC(50) of 2.9 nM when estrone sulfate was used as a substrate. The potency of KW-2581 was approximately 5-fold higher than that of a non-steroidal STS inhibitor, 667 COUMATE. KW-2581 was able to equally inhibit rhSTS activity when dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate was used as another substrate. KW-2581 inhibited rhSTS activity in a time- and concentration-dependent manner (k(inact), 0.439 min(-1); K(i, app), 15 nM), suggesting that it is an active site-directed irreversible inhibitor. Both decrease of KW-2581 concentration and increase of the des-sulfamoylated form's concentration were simultaneously observed during the reaction in a time-dependent manner with corresponding to the decrease of STS activity. Our findings for the first time demonstrated the production of des-sulfamoylated form of the compound as a consequence of STS inactivation.  相似文献   

Steroid sulfatase (STS) is an important enzyme regulating the conversion of sulfated steroids into their active hydroxylated forms. Notably, the inhibition of STS has been shown to decrease the levels of active estrogens and was translated into clinical trials for the treatment of breast cancer. Based on quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) and molecular modeling studies, we herein report the design of fluorescent inhibitors of STS by adding a dansyl group on an estrane scaffold. Synthesis of 17α-dansylaminomethyl-estradiol (7) and its sulfamoylated analog 8 were achieved from estrone in 5 and 6 steps, respectively. Inhibition assays on HEK-293 cells expressing exogenous STS revealed a high level of inhibition for compound 7 (IC50 = 69 nM), a value close to the QSAR model prediction (IC50 = 46 nM). As an irreversible inhibitor, sulfamate 8 led to an even more potent inhibition in the low nanomolar value (IC50 = 2.1 nM). In addition, we show that the potent STS inhibitor 8 can be employed as an optical imaging tool to investigate intracellular enzyme sub-localization as well as inhibitory behavior. As a result, confocal microscopy analysis confirmed good penetration of the STS fluorescent inhibitor 8 in cells and its localization in the endoplasmic reticulum where STS is localized.  相似文献   

A series of new arylamide derivatives possessing terminal sulfonate or sulfamate moieties was designed and synthesized. The target compounds were tested for in vitro inhibitory effects against the steroid sulfatase (STS) enzyme in a cell-free assay system. The free sulfamate derivative 1j was the most active. It inhibited the enzymatic activity by 72.0% and 55.7% at 20 μM and 10 μM, respectively. Compound 1j was further tested for STS inhibition in JEG-3 placental carcinoma cells with high STS enzyme activity. It inhibited 93.9% of the enzyme activity in JEG-3 placental carcinoma cells at 20 μM with an efficacy near to that of the well-established drug STX64 as reference. At 10 μM, 1j inhibited 86.1% of the STS activity of JEG-3. Its IC50 value against the STS enzyme in JEG-3 cells was 0.421 μM. Thus, 1j represents an attractive new non-steroidal lead for further optimization.  相似文献   

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