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We have previously reported the synthesis of four alpha-cyano-containing ethers based on 2-naphthaldehyde (2-NA) as cytochrome P450 (P450) fluorescent substrates. Activity detection was based on the formation of fluorescent 2-NA following substrate hydrolysis. A major limitation of these substrates was the need to remove NADPH, a required cofactor for P450 oxidation, before measuring 2-NA fluorescence. In this article, we report the synthesis of a new series of novel P450 substrates using 6-dimethylamino-2-naphthaldehyde (6-DMANA), which has a green fluorescent emission that is well separated from the NADPH spectrum. A major advantage of the 6-DMANA substrates is that NADPH removal is not required before fluorescence detection. We used eight alpha-cyano ether-based substrates to determine the O-dealkylation activity of human, mouse, and rat liver microsomes. In addition, substrate activities were compared with the commercial substrate 7-ethoxyresorufin (7-ER). The catalytic turnover rates of both the 6-DMANA- and 2-NA-based substrates were in some cases threefold faster than the catalytic turnover rate of 7-ER. The 2-NA-based substrates had greater turnover than did the 6-DMANA-based substrates. Murine and rat liver microsomes prepared from animals that had been treated with various P450 inducers were used to examine for isozyme-selective turnover of the substrates. The vastly improved optical properties and synthetic flexibility of the alpha-cyano ether compounds suggest that they are possibly good general P450 substrates.  相似文献   

Internally quenched cathepsin L (Cat L) substrate ABZ-Bip-Arg-Ala-Gln-Tyr(3-NO2)-NH2 with high specificity constant (kcat/KM = 2.6 × 107 M−1 s−1) was synthesized. The resultant compound displayed high selectivity over other members of the cathepsin family (B, S, X, V, C, K, H, F, D, and A). Activity of Cat L at picomolar (pM) concentrations was found using this substrate. Moreover, it was established that the presence of the selective Cat L inhibitor suppressed the proteolysis of the substrate to a non-detectable level. Incubation of the synthesized compound with a cell lysate of healthy and cancer cell lines indicated significant differences in Cat L activity. Based on the obtained results, it is proposed that this substrate could be used for selective monitoring of Cat L activity in biological systems.  相似文献   

There has been recent growth in the development of activatable near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent probes for molecular imaging, generally designed by placing fluorochromes on a cleavable substrate in close proximity to one another, such that they self-quench, but fluoresce on separation via enzymatic cleavage of the substrate. Although these probes offer excellent contrast, the detection of enzyme activity has largely only been described qualitatively. In order to assess the effectiveness of a probe, it is useful to have a quantitative measure, such as the enzyme-substrate kinetic parameters. We have developed an assay to determine kinetic parameters and applied it to an intramolecularly quenched molecule, Pyro-PtdEtn-BHQ, a NIR fluorescent probe specific to phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C. The development of this assay includes corrections for intermolecular quenching, calibration, optimization of reaction mixtures, and determination of kinetic and inhibition parameters. This assay can easily be extended to analyze and compare the efficiency of other fluorescent activatable phospholipase probes as suitable molecular imaging agents.  相似文献   

Carboxylesterases hydrolyze many pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals and have broad substrate selectivity, requiring a suite of substrates to measure hydrolytic profiles. To develop new esterase substrates, a series of alpha-cyanoesters that yield fluorescent products upon hydrolysis was evaluated for use in carboxylesterase assays. The use of these substrates as surrogates for Type II pyrethroid hydrolysis was tested. The results suggest that these novel analogs are appropriate for the development of high-throughput assays for pyrethroid hydrolase activity. A set of human liver microsomes was then used to determine the ability of these substrates to report esterase activity across a small population. Results were compared against standard esterase substrates. A number of the esterase substrates showed correlations, demonstrating the broad substrate selectivity of these enzymes. However, for several of the substrates, no correlations in hydrolysis rates were observed, suggesting that multiple carboxylesterase isozymes are responsible for the array of substrate hydrolytic activity. These new substrates were then compared against alpha-naphthyl acetate and 4-methylumbelliferyl acetate for their ability to detect hydrolytic activity in both one- and two-dimensional native electrophoresis gels. Cyano-2-naphthylmethyl butanoate was found to visualize more activity than either commercial substrate. These applications demonstrate the utility of these new substrates as both general and pyrethroid-selective reporters of esterase activity.  相似文献   

The microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH) plays a significant role in the metabolism of numerous xenobiotics. In addition, it has a potential role in sexual development and bile acid transport, and it is associated with a number of diseases such as emphysema, spontaneous abortion, eclampsia, and several forms of cancer. Toward developing chemical tools to study the biological role of mEH, we designed and synthesized a series of absorbent and fluorescent substrates. The highest activity for both rat and human mEH was obtained with the fluorescent substrate cyano(6-methoxy-naphthalen-2-yl)methyl glycidyl carbonate (11). An in vitro inhibition assay using this substrate ranked a series of known inhibitors similarly to the assay that used radioactive cis-stilbene oxide but with a greater discrimination between inhibitors. These results demonstrate that the new fluorescence-based assay is a useful tool for the discovery of structure–activity relationships among mEH inhibitors. Furthermore, this substrate could also be used for the screening chemical library with high accuracy and with a Z′ value of approximately 0.7. This new assay permits a significant decrease in labor and cost and also offers the advantage of a continuous readout. However, it should not be used with crude enzyme preparations due to interfering reactions.  相似文献   

The N-acyltripeptide 2-aminobenzoylglycyl-p-nitrophenylalanylproline was synthesized and applied as a substrate in the assay of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme from calf lung and human serum, and of the bacterial dipeptidyl carboxypeptidase from Escherichia coli. This compound belongs to a new class of substrates for proteolytic enzymes, having the general structure F--X--Q in which fluorescence of group F is quenched by intramolecular interaction with the group Q. Enzymatic cleavage of the peptide chain (X stands for one or more amino acid residues) generates the unquenched F-containing derivative and the resulting fluorescence is used for quantitative measurement of the hydrolysis rate. Cleavage of the Gly-Phe(NO2) peptide bond in the weakly fluorescent 2-amino-benzoylglycyl-p-nitrophenylalanylproline molecule results in appearance of the 71 times higher fluorescence (lambdamax = 415 nm) of 2-aminobenzoylglycine. Continuous recording of the rising fluorescence allows convenient, sensitive and specific determination of the enzymatic activity, applicable to crude enzyme preparations and human serum. The activity of the mammalian enzyme, measured by this method, is enhanced by Cl- ions and inhibited by low concentrations of EDTA and [Asn1, Val5]angiotensin II. Kinetic measurements showed Michaelis-Menten behavior, Km = 0.21 +/- 0.1 mM and 0.16 +/- 0.1 mM for the calf lung and the bacterial enzyme respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, the first fluorescent assay for bacterial cytochrome P450 BM3 (BM3) and mutants is described. BM3 mutants are potentially very versatile biocatalysts for the production of fine chemicals. A fluorescent assay would be very useful for the identification of nonnatural ligands in high-throughput inhibition assays. Because of the ease and sensitivity of alkoxyresorufin O-dealkylation assays, four different alkoxyresorufins were evaluated as substrates. Wild-type BM3 showed extremely low activity toward all four alkoxyresorufins tested. Five different BM3 mutants were constructed, carrying different combinations of mutations R47L, F87V, and L188Q, which were previously shown to increase activity toward nonnatural substrates. For all mutants, a high benzyloxyresorufin O-dealkylation (BROD) activity was found. The triple mutant of BM3, R47L/F87V/L188Q, showed the highest activity, increasing 900-fold compared to wild-type BM3. The BROD assay could also be applied in whole Escherichia coli cells; permeabilization by lipopolysaccharide deficiency strongly increased activity. To demonstrate the applicability of the BROD assay to screening for novel ligands of BM3 R47L/F87V/L188Q, a library of 45 drug-like compounds was tested for inhibition. Of these compounds, 8 showed strong inhibition of the BROD activity, demonstrating for the first time that drug-like molecules also can bind with high affinity to BM3 mutants.  相似文献   

A series of fluorogenic tetra-, penta-, and hexapeptide substrates of the general structure Abz-X-Phe-Phe-Y-Ded or (-pNa in place of -Ded), where X=Ala, Ala-Ala, or Val-Ala and Y=−, Ala, or Ala-Ala, were proposed. Kinetic parameters of hydrolysis of these substrates by pepsin, cathepsin D, human gastricsin, pig pepsin, calf chymosin, and aspergillopepsin A were determined. The compounds synthesized proved to be effective substrates for aspartyl proteases of diverse origins.  相似文献   

A fluorescent method is described for assessing nuclease activity. The technique is based on the preparation of quenched fluorophore-nucleic acid covalent conjugates and their subsequent dequenching due to degradation by nucleases. The resulting fluorescence increase can be measured by a spectrofluorometer and exhibits subpicogram per milliliter sensitivity level for RNase A and low picogram per milliliter level for DNase I. The method is adaptable for quantitative nuclease inhibitor testing.  相似文献   

We have developed a platform for activatable fluorescent substrates of glucose transporters (GLUTs). We firstly conjugated fluorescein to glucosamine via an amide or methylene linker at the C-2 position of d-glucosamine, but the resulting compounds, FLG1 and FLG2, showed no uptake into MIN6 cells. So, we changed the fluorophore moiety to a fluorescein analogue, 2-Me TokyoGreen, which is less negatively charged. TokyoGreen-conjugated glucosamines TGG1 and TGG2 were successfully taken up into cells via GLUT. We further derivatized TGG1 and TGG2, and among the synthesized compounds, 2-Me-4-OMe TGG showed weak fluorescence under the acidic conditions of the extracellular environment inside tumors and in gastric cancers, and strong fluorescence at the intracellular physiological pH, under the control of a photoinduced electron transfer (PeT) process. This fluorogenic platform should be useful for developing a range of activatable fluorescent substrates targeting GLUTs, as well as derivatives that would be fluorescently activated by various intracellular enzymes, such as esterases, β-galactosidase and bioreductases.  相似文献   

Smoking is one of the risk factors most closely related to the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). However, the relationship between smoking history and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infectivity is unknown. In this study, we evaluated the ACE2 expression level in the lungs of current smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers. The ACE2 expression level of ex-smokers who smoked cigarettes until recently (cessation period shorter than 6 months) was higher than that of nonsmokers and ex-smokers with a long history of nonsmoking (cessation period longer than 6 months). We also showed that the efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 infection was enhanced in a manner dependent on the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression level. Using RNA-seq analysis on the lungs of smokers, we identified that the expression of inflammatory signaling genes was correlated with ACE2 expression. Notably, with increasing duration of smoking cessation among ex-smokers, not only ACE2 expression level but also the expression levels of inflammatory signaling genes decreased. These results indicated that smoking enhances the expression levels of ACE2 and inflammatory signaling genes. Our data suggest that the efficiency of SARS-CoV-2 infection is enhanced by smoking-mediated upregulation of ACE2 expression level.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (EC; ACE) plays an important physiological role in the regulation of blood pressure by converting angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Therefore, ACE inhibition has become a major target control for hypertension. Pipefish, or hailong, is an essential traditional Chinese medicine that is widely used in anti-fatigue and anti-cancer. A recent study has found two ACE-inhibitory peptides (TFPHGP and HWTTQR) purified from the seaweed pipefish by Alcalase enzymatic hydrolysis. Two peptides exhibited different ACE-inhibitory activities; however, the molecular mechanism involved is poorly understood. Further investigations are necessary to elucidate the relationship between the inhibition mechanism and the peptides. The current study is focused on investigating the interactions between each ACE-inhibitory peptide and ACE by performing molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. ACE protein remained stable throughout the simulations. Furthermore, ACE-TFPHGP complex showed lower binding energy as compared to ACE-HWTTQR complex, which is in good agreement with the experimental results. Glu384 and Glu411 of ACE are key residues upon the ACE-inhibitory peptides binding. Molecular basis generated by this attempt could provide valuable information towards designing new medicine for ACE inhibitor.  相似文献   

CD34+ hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) are vasculogenic and hypoxia is a strong stimulus for the vasoreparative functions of these cells. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)/angiotensin-(1–7)/Mas receptor (MasR) pathway stimulates vasoprotective functions of CD34+ cells. This study tested if ACE2 and MasR are involved in the hypoxic stimulation of CD34+ cells. Cells were isolated from circulating mononuclear cells derived from healthy subjects (n = 46) and were exposed to normoxia (20% O2) or hypoxia (1% O2). Luciferase reporter assays were carried out in cells transduced with lentivirus carrying ACE2- or MasR- or a scramble-3′-untranslated region gene with a firefly luciferase reporter. Expressions or activities of ACE, angiotensin receptor Type 1 (AT1R), ACE2, and MasR were determined. In vitro observations were verified in HSPCs derived from mice undergoing hindlimb ischemia (HLI). In vitro exposure to hypoxia-increased proliferation and migration of CD34+ cells in basal conditions or in response to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) or stromal-derived factor 1α (SDF) compared with normoxia. Expression of ACE2 or MasR was increased relative to normoxia while ACE or AT1R expressions were unaltered. Luciferase activity was increased by hypoxia in cells transfected with the luciferase reporter plasmids coding for the ACE2- or MasR promoters relatively to the control. The effects of hypoxia were mimicked by VEGF or SDF under normoxia. Hypoxia-induced ADAM17-dependent shedding of functional ACE2 fragments. In mice undergoing HLI, increased expression/activity of ACE2 and MasR were observed in the circulating HSPCs. This study provides compelling evidence for the hypoxic upregulation of ACE2 and MasR in CD34+ cells, which likely contributes to vascular repair.  相似文献   

Yang XH  Wang YH  Wang JJ  Liu YC  Deng W  Qin C  Gao JL  Zhang LY 《Peptides》2012,36(1):60-70
In this study, the relationship between the local imbalance of angiotensin converting enzymes ACE and ACE2 as well as Ang II and Ang (1-7) and renal injury was observed in the different genotypes mice subjected to tourniquet-induced ischemia-reperfusion on hind limbs. In wild-type mice, renal ACE expression increased while renal ACE2 expression decreased significantly after reperfusion, accompanied by elevated serum angiotensin II (Ang II) level and lowered serum angiotensin (1-7) (Ang (1-7)) level. However, renal Ang (1-7) also increased markedly while renal Ang II was elevated. Renal injury became evident after limb reperfusion, with increased malondialdehyde (MDA), decreased super-oxide dismutase (SOD) activity and increased serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (Cr), compared to control mice. These mice also developed severe renal pathology including infiltration of inflammatory cells in the renal interstitium and degeneration of tubule epithelial cells. In ACE2 knock-out mice with ACE up-regulation, tourniquet-induced renal injury was significantly aggravated as shown by increased levels of MDA, BUN and Cr, decreased SOD activity, more severe renal pathology, and decreased survival rate, compared with tourniquet-treated wild-type mice. Conversely, ACE2 transgenic mice with normal ACE expression were more resistant to tourniquet challenge as evidenced by decreased levels of MDA, BUN and Cr, increased SOD activity, attenuated renal pathological changes and increased survival rate. Our results suggest that the deregulation of ACE and ACE2 plays an important role in tourniquet-induced renal injury and that ACE2 up-regulation to restore the proper ACE/ACE2 balance is a potential therapeutic strategy for kidney injury.  相似文献   

Glycogen debranching enzyme (GDE) degrades glycogen in concert with glycogen phosphorylase. GDE has two distinct active sites for maltooligosaccharide transferase and amylo-1,6-glucosidase activities. Phosphorylase limit dextrin from glycogen is debranched by cooperation of the two activities. Fluorogenic branched dextrins were prepared as substrates of GDE from pyridylaminated maltooctaose (PA-maltooctaose) and maltotetraose, taking advantage of the synthetic action of Klebsiella pneumoniae pullulanase. Their structures were as follows: Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4(Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-6)Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4GlcPA (B3), Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4(Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-6)Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4GlcPA (B4), Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4(Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-6)Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4GlcPA (B5), Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4(Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-6)Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4GlcPA (B6), Glcalpha1-4(Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-6)Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4GlcPA (B7), and Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-6Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4Glcalpha1-4GlcPA (B8). These dextrins were incubated with porcine skeletal muscle GDE. No fluorogenic product was found in the digest of B8. The fluorogenic products from B3, B4, and B5 were PA-maltooctaose only. PA-maltooctaose, PA-maltoundecaose, and 6(7)-O-alpha-glucosyl-PA-maltooctaose were from B7. PA-maltooctaose and 6(6)-O-alpha-glucosyl-PA-maltooctaose were from B6. These results indicate that the maltooligosaccharide transferase removed the maltotriosyl residues from the maltotetraosyl branches by hydrolysis or intramolecular transglycosylation to expose 6-O-alpha-glucosyl residues, and then the amylo-1,6-glucosidase hydrolyzed the alpha-1,6-glycosidic linkages of the products rapidly. Probably, 6-O-alpha-glucosyl-PA-maltooctaoses from B7 and B6 were less susceptible to the amylo-1,6-glucosidase than were those from B3, B4, and B5. Taking this into account, B3, B4, and B5 are suitable substrates for GDE assay.  相似文献   

Inhibition of the mammalian soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) is a promising new therapy in the treatment of disorders resulting from hypertension and vascular inflammation. A spectrophotometric assay (4-nitrophenyl-trans-2,3-epoxy-3-phenylpropyl carbonate, NEPC) is currently used to screen libraries of chemicals; however this assay lacks the required sensitivity to differentiate the most potent inhibitors. A series of fluorescent alpha-cyanoester and alpha-cyanocarbonate epoxides that produce a strong fluorescent signal on epoxide hydrolysis by both human and murine sEH were designed as potential substrates for an in vitro inhibition assay. The murine enzyme showed a broad range of specificities, whereas the human enzyme showed the highest specificity for cyano(6-methoxy-naphthalen-2-yl)methyl trans-[(3-phenyloxiran-2-yl)methyl] carbonate. An in vitro inhibition assay was developed using this substrate and recombinant enzyme. The utility of the fluorescent assay was confirmed by determining the IC(50) values for a series of known inhibitors. The new IC(50) values were compared with those determined by spectrophotometric NEPC and radioactive tDPPO assays. The fluorescent assay ranked these inhibitors on the basis of IC(50) values, whereas the NEPC assay did not. The ranking of inhibitor potency generally agreed with that determined using the tDPPO assay. These results show that the fluorescence-based assay is a valuable tool in the development of sEH inhibitors by revealing structure-activity relationships that previously were seen only by using the costly and labor-intensive radioactive tDPPO assay.  相似文献   

Summary A general procedure, using the commonly employed solid-phase peptide synthesis methodology for obtaining internally quenched fluorogenic peptides with ortho-aminobenzoyl/dinitrophenyl groups as donor-acceptor pairs, is presented. The essential feature of this procedure is the synthesis of an N -Boc or-Fmoc derivative of glutamic acid with the -carboxyl group bound to N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)-ethylenediamine (EDDnp), which provides the quencher moiety attached to the C-terminus of the substrate. The fluorescent donor group, ortho-aminobenzoic acid (Abz), is incorporated into the resin-bound peptide in the last coupling cycle. Depending on the resin type used, Abz-peptidyl-Gln-EDDnp or Abz-peptidyl-Glu-EDDnp is obtained. Using the procedure described above, substrates for human renin and tissue kallikreins were synthesised. Spectrofluorimetric measurements of Abz bound to the -amino group of proline showed that strong quenching of Abz fluorescence occurs in the absence of any acceptor group.  相似文献   

The preparations of N alpha-Fmoc-3-nitro-L-tyrosine and N-Boc-anthranilic acid Dhbt ester and their application to parallel multiple column solid-phase peptide synthesis is described. A series of peptide substrates containing an anthraniloyl group at the amino terminus and a 3-nitrotyrosyl residue close to the carboxyl terminus have been synthesized. The fluorescence of the anthraniloyl group, intramolecularly quenched by the 3-nitrotyrosine, increases with cleavage of peptide bonds situated between the two groups. The quenching mechanism is of the long-range resonance energy transfer type and long peptide substrates were constructed and used for kinetic measurement on subtilisin Carlsberg and pepsin. Complete quenching was observed even with more than 20 A between the centers of the chromophores, and substrates with up to 50 A between the chromophores were synthesized. The importance of long substrates for optimal enzymatic activity was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Summary A ligh-yielding synthesis of the highly fluorescent amino acidl-2-amino-3-(7-methoxy-4-coumaryl)propionic acid (l-Amp) has been developed via (2R)-bormane-10,2-sultam glycinate.l-Amp facilitates the synthesis of sensitive fluorogenic proteinase substrates with N-terminal solubilising or reactive group.  相似文献   

A high-yielding synthesis of the highly fluorescent amino acid l-2-amino-3-(7-methoxy-4-coumaryl)propionic acid (l-Amp) has been developed via (2R)-bornane-10,2-sultam glycinate. l-Amp facilitates the synthesis of sensitive fluorogenic proteinase substrates with N-terminal solubilising or reactive groups.  相似文献   

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