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Equations have been developed which quantitatively predict the theoretical time-course of photosynthetic 14C incorporation when CO2 or HCO3 serves as the sole source of exogenous inorganic carbon taken up for fixation by cells during steady state photosynthesis. Comparison between the shape of theoretical (CO2 or HCO3) and experimentally derived time-courses of 14C incorporation permits the identification of the major species of inorganic carbon which crosses the plasmalemma of photosynthetic cells and facilitates the detection of any combined contribution of CO2 and HCO3 transport to the supply of intracellular inorganic carbon. The ability to discriminate between CO2 or HCO3 uptake relies upon monitoring changes in the intracellular specific activity (by 14C fixation) which occur when the inorganic carbon, present in the suspending medium, is in a state of isotopic disequilibrium (JT Lehman 1978 J Phycol 14: 33-42). The presence of intracellular carbonic anhydrase or some other catalyst of the CO2-HCO3 interconversion reaction is required for quantitatively accurate predictions. Analysis of equations describing the rate of 14C incorporation provides two methods by which any contribution of HCO3 ions to net photosynthetic carbon uptake can be estimated.  相似文献   

We comprehensively analyze the cytonuclear effects of generalized mixed mating, including all combinations of selfing, outcrossing, and apomixis, the asexual production of seeds. After first deriving the time-dependent solutions for nonrandom associations (disequilibria) between a diallelic cytoplasmic marker and the alleles and genotypes at a diploid nuclear locus, we delimit all possible dynamical behaviors and the conditions under which each occurs. As in standard mixed mating systems, all disequilibria ultimately decay to zero except when outcrossing is absent, in which case permanent disequilibria result if the allelic association is initially nonzero. When at least some outcrossing is present, any initial allelic association decays at a constant geometric rate, whereas genotypic disequilibria may first increase in magnitude or change sign. Although selfing and apomixis tend to retard the decay of disequilibria (or approach to equilibrium) and often to the same extent, apomixis can have a stronger effect under some conditions. We also determine the dynamics of cytonuclear disequilibria in specific examples that may be of particular interest for empirical studies of hybrid zones. The results suggest several practical guidelines for experimental design and data analysis and show how the cytonuclear disequilibrium dynamics under mating system alone furnish a quantitative baseline for null hypotheses against which to test for the presence of other evolutionary forces.  相似文献   

Formulae are developed for computing changes in expected values in a finite population of linkage disequilibrium among neutral genes from more than two loci, although the exact analysis is taken up to only six loci. An essentially haploid model is used. As with two loci, the three-locus disequilibrium declines exponentially at all generations, but for m > 3 loci a matrix has to be constructed to give joint changes in the m-locus disequilibrium and products of disequilibria with fewer loci, for example of two m/2-locus disequilibria. The asymptotic rates of change in multilocus disequilibria depend on the arrangement of genes on the chromosome as well as its total length, but the initial rate of breakdown of disequilibrium from a line cross base is less dependent on the arrangement. With equally spaced loci the asymptotic rate of breakdown of m locus disequilibrium is roughly proportional to m. Although mutation and interference are excluded from the main analysis, it is shown how they can be incorporated.  相似文献   

Differential polarization imaging. I. Theory   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A theory of differential polarization imaging is derived using Mueller calculus. It is shown that, for any arbitrary object, 16 images (in general different) can be obtained by combining different incident polarizations of light and measuring the specific polarization components transmitted or scattered by the object. These are called the Mueller images of the object. Mathematical expressions of these images for an object of arbitrary geometry are derived using classical vector diffraction theory and the paraxial and thin lens approximations. The object is described as a collection of point polarizable groups. The electromagnetic fields are calculated using the first Born-Approximation, but extension of the theory to higher-order approximations is shown to be straightforward. These expressions are obtained for the transmission, or bright-field, geometry, and the scattering, or dark-field, configuration. In both cases, the contributions of scattering, absorption, and background illumination to the Mueller images are characterized. The contributions of linear dichroism, circular dichroism, and linear and circular intensity differential scattering to certain Mueller images are established. It is shown that the Mueller images represent a complete two-dimensional mapping of the molecular anisotropy of the object.  相似文献   

Linkage-disequilibrium mapping (LDM) recently has been hailed as a powerful statistical method for fine-scale mapping of disease genes. After reviewing its historical background and methodological development, we present a general, mathematical, and conceptually coherent framework for LDM that incorporates multilocus and multiallelic markers and mutational processes at the marker and disease loci. With this framework, we address several issues relevant to fine-scale mapping and propose some efficient computational methods for LDM. We implement various LDM methods that incorporate population growth, recurrent mutation, and marker mutations, on the basis of a general framework. We demonstrate these methods by applying them to published data on cystic fibrosis, Huntington disease, Friedreich ataxia, and progressive myoclonus epilepsy. Since the genes responsible for these diseases all have been cloned, we can evaluate the performance of our methods and can compare ours with that of other methods. Using the proposed methods, we successfully and accurately predicted the locations of genes responsible for these diseases, on the basis of published data only.  相似文献   

Multivariate Analysis of Gametic Disequilibrium in the Yanomama   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The gametic disequilibria between all possible pairs of loci were examined for a set of eight codominant loci in each of fifty Yanomama villages, using a multivariate correlation analysis which reduces the results to a single measure of departure from multiple-locus-gametic equilibrium. Thirty-two of the fifty villages departed significantly from multiple-locus gametic equilibrium. The largest contributions to the departure from multiple-locus equilibrium were due to the disequilibria between MN and Ss and between Rh(Cc) and Rh(Ee), indicating the effects of tight linkage. After removing the effects of these obvious sources of disequilibrium, sixteen of the fifty villages still remained significantly out of equilibrium. The disequilibrium between any particular pair of loci was highly erratic from village to village, and (with the exception of the MN-Ss and Cc-Ee disequilibria) averaged out very close to zero overall, suggesting a lack of systematic forces (epistatic selection). The departure from equilibrium in any one village is in excess of that expected from random sampling alone, and is attributed primarily to the fission-fusion mode of village formation operative in the Yanomama and the fact that a single village consists of a few extended lineages. Village allele frequencies are highly correlated across loci, and most of the non-independence is accounted for by large correlations in the average allelic frequencies of different loci for related villages. It is suggested that these correlations also are due to territorial expansion and population growth. For the tribe as a whole, all but the tightly linked markers of the MNSs and Rh complexes are approximately uncorrelated, and large departures from multiple-locus Hardy-Weinberg expectation are primarily due to substantial Wahlund variance within the tribe. There is no need to postulate a role for selection in these disequilibria.  相似文献   

Frictional coefficients of multisubunit structures. I. Theory   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The theory of Kirkwood for the translational frictional coefficients of structures composed of subunits has been generalized in two ways in order to consider aggregates of nonidentical subunits. One of these generalizations fails when the sizes of subunits are too disparate; the other, derived from a surface shell distribution of frictional elements, is effective over the whole range of relative sizes. It is shown that, in the limit of a continuous surface distribution, a shell model reproduces Stoke's law for a sphere. Comparison is made between the frictional coefficients of spheres, ellipsoids, and rods modeled by finite numbers of subunits and by continuous shells of frictional elements, and those calculated from other theories. Agreement is generally good, though the shell model for prolate ellipsoids of revolution deviates by a few per cent from the Perrin value.  相似文献   

An integrated approach is presented for the on-line estimation of the state of a biochemical reactor from presently attainable real-time measurements. Elemental and macroscopic balances are used for the determination of the total rate of growth and state-of-the-art estimation techniques are subsequently employed for the elimination of process and measurement noises and the estimation of state variables and unknown culture parameters. The proposed approach is very flexible in that as new sensors become available they can be easily incorporated within the present framework to estimate new variables or improve the accuray of the old ones. The method does not require any model for the growth kinetics and is very successful in accurately estimating the above variables in the presence of intense noise and under both steady-state and transient conditions. State estimates obtained by the presented method can be used for the development of adaptive optimal control schemes as well as for basic studies of the characteristic properties of microbial cultures.  相似文献   

多位点单体型的可用性对于数量性状位点(QTL)的遗传分析提供了有价值的工具。QTL定位可以通过检测极端群体中一个标记位点的哈迪-温伯格不平衡(HWD)来实现.本文拓展了HWD检验到多个标记位点,通过选择基因型对QTL进行单体型关联分析.我们用分析方法调查了不同遗传率,不同样本大小和不同样本选择阈值对HWD检验的统计功效影响.结果表明HWD检验具有高的功效.一个基于血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)基因的10个SNPs单体型频率的模拟研究用来评估HWD检验的性质.  相似文献   

The linkage disequilibrium pattern analysis is a method that allows one to detect present and past events of selection. We applied it to our data on the inversions of Drosophila mediopunctata and to published data of Drosophila subobscura, which are systems probably under complex modes of selection. The method gave meaningful results showing that it might be an excellent exploratory tool to identify problems worthy of further study. It is also suggested that it can be used as a criterion to determine the roots of inversion phylogenies.  相似文献   

Peter E. Smouse 《Genetics》1974,76(3):557-565
Likelihood methods are developed for the estimation and testing of multiple-locus gametic disequilibria, using log-linear models of parametric effects. The estimates of disquilibrium are related to Kimura's Z-measure, and may be extended to multiple alleles and multiple loci. Likelihood ratio test criteria are constructed, which are asymptotically distributed as chi(2). The analysis is partitioned into various components corresponding to two-locus, residual three-locus, and higher order disequilibria. A four-locus example from Hordeum vulgare L. is utilized to illustrate the analysis. Most of the multiple-locus disequilibrium is accounted for by two-locus effects, and closely linked loci show considerably more disequilibrium than unlinked loci. It is shown that all possible pairwise comparisons are not statistically independent.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in gene arrangement and allozyme frequencies have been investigated in Drosophila subobscura for several years. Some arrangements (Ost and O3+4+7) show seasonal variation, which suggests that chromosomal polymorphism is flexible in this species. Seasonal changes in allozyme frequencies for Lap and Pept-1 loci, both located within the same inversions of chromosome O, are significant only inside the Ost arrangement, but not inside O3+4 arrangement. This arrangement-dependent response of allozyme generates variation in arrangement-allozyme disequilibrium. The historical hypothesis on the maintenance of disequilibria cannot explain these seasonal changes, and some kind of natural selection must be invoked. Association between Lap and Pept-1 is also seasonal inside Ost but not inside O3+4. We propose that Ost probably consists of a finite array of supergenes that are differentially favored in each season by natural selection. The present evidence on this supergene selection and other genetic, biogeographic and phylogenetic data points to O3+4 as the most primitive gene order among the present arrangements.  相似文献   

A mathematical theory is derived for the dispersion of a contaminant bolus introduced into a fully developed volume-cycled oscillatory pipe flow. The convection-diffusion equation is solved for a tracer gas bolus by expressing the local concentration field as a series expansion of derivatives of the area-averaged concentration. The local, as well as the area-averaged, concentration is determined for a uniform initial slug or Gaussian bolus. The effect of various flow parameters such as Womersley parameter, Schmidt number, and tidal volume is investigated. The overall dispersion is characterized by a time-averaged effective diffusion coefficient, which for long duration coincides with previous dispersion theories based on a constant linear axial concentration profile. The effective diffusion coefficient can be determined from the local time history of concentration, independent of the spatial location or the initial tracer bolus. Furthermore the local peaks of the concentration-time curve follow a decaying curve dictated by the time-averaged effective diffusion coefficient. Thus the theory is directly applicable for dispersion measurements in oscillatory tube flows, a basis for the pulmonary airways application, as shown by Gaver et al. (J. Appl. Physiol. 72: 321-331, 1992).  相似文献   

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