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A basic transthyretin (TTR) variant, apparently non-pathogenic, has been reported in a German family. Protein analysis of this TTR variant revealed the substitution of arginine for proline at position 102 of the TTR polypeptide chain. This result was confirmed by DNA analysis of PCR amplified DNA.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of TcoCBc1 was evaluated using two internally quenched fluorescent peptide libraries with randomized sequences designed to detect carboxydipeptidase (Abz-GXXZXK(Dnp)-OH) and endopeptidase (Abz-GXXZXXQ-EDDnp) activities at acidic and neutral pHs, respectively. All the data obtained with TcoCBc1 were compared with those of human cathepsin B, including the pH profiles of the hydrolytic reactions. The most relevant observation is the preference of TcoCBc1 for substrates with a pair of acidic amino acids at positions P2 and P1 for its carboxydipeptidase activity and the well acceptance for E and D at P1 position for endopeptidase activity. These peculiar preferences for negatively charged groups of TcoCBc1 and its requirements for carboxydipeptidase activity were also observed on Abz labeled analogues of bradykinin (Abz-RPPGFSAFR-OH, Abz-RPPGFSAF-OH, Abz-RPPGDEAF-OH) and angiotensin I (Abz-DRVYIHAFHL-OH), where indicates the cleavage site. TcoCBc1 was modeled based on the atomic coordinates of the cathepsin B from Trypanosoma brucei and the positively charged environment in TcoCBc1 catalytic site contrasts with the negatively charged environment in human cathepsin B. The preferences of S1 and S2 subsites of TcoCBc1 for acidic amino acids have to be taken into consideration for future studies of physiological roles of TcoCBc1 as for instance in apoptotic processes of Trypanosoma congolense.  相似文献   

Foot and mouth disease virus expresses its genetic information as a single polyprotein that is translated from the single-stranded RNA genome. Proteinases contained within the polyprotein then generate the mature viral proteins. The leader protease (Lbpro) performs the initial cleavage by freeing itself from the growing polypeptide chain; subsequently, Lbpro cleaves the two homologues of the host cell protein eukaryotic initiation factor 4G (eIF4G). We showed that Lbpro possesses specific binding sites at the non prime side from S1 down to S7 [Santos et al. (2009) Biochemistry, 48, 7948–7958]. Here, we demonstrate that Lbpro has high prime side specificity at least down to the S′5 site. Lbpro is thus not only one of the smallest papain-like cysteine peptidases but also one of the most specific. It can still however cleave between both K↓G and G↓R pairs. We further determined the two-step irreversible inhibition (E + I ↔ EI→ E − I) kinetic parameters of two known irreversible epoxide-based inhibitors of cysteine proteinases, E64 and CA074 on Lbpro that show for the reversible step (E + I ↔ EI) Ki = 3.4 μM and 11.6 μM, and for the irreversible step (EI→E−I) k4 = 0.16 and 0.06 min−1, respectively. Knowledge of the Lbpro specificity led us to extend E64 by addition of the dipeptide R–P. This compound, termed E64-R-P-NH2, irreversibly inhibited Lbpro with a Ki = 30 nM and k4 = 0.01 min−1 and can serve as the basis for design of specific inhibitors of FMDV replication.  相似文献   

Ferreira N  Saraiva MJ  Almeida MR 《FEBS letters》2011,585(15):2424-2430
Several natural polyphenols with potent inhibitory effects on amyloid fibril formation have been reported. Herein, we studied modulation of transthyretin (TTR) fibrillogenesis by selected polyphenols. We demonstrate that both curcumin and nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) bind to TTR and stabilize the TTR tetramer. However, while NDGA slightly reduced TTR aggregation, curcumin strongly suppressed TTR amyloid fibril formation by generating small "off-pathway" oligomers and EGCG maintained most of the protein in a non-aggregated soluble form. This indicates alternative mechanisms of action supported by the occurrence of different non-toxic intermediates. Moreover, EGCG and curcumin efficiently disaggregated pre-formed TTR amyloid fibrils. Our studies, together with the safe toxicological profile of these phytochemicals may guide a novel pharmacotherapy for TTR-related amyloidosis targeting different steps in fibrillogenesis.  相似文献   

Quantitative structure activity type models were developed in an attempt to predict the key features of peptide sequences having dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitory activity. The models were then employed to help predict the potential of peptides, which are currently reported in the literature to be present in the intestinal tract of humans following milk/dairy product ingestion, to act as inhibitors of DPP-IV. Two models (z- and v-scale) for short (2–5 amino acid residues) bovine milk peptides, behaving as competitive inhibitors of DPP-IV, were developed. The z- and the v-scale models (p < 0.05, R2 of 0.829 and 0.815, respectively) were then applied to 56 milk protein-derived peptides previously reported in the literature to be found in the intestinal tract of humans which possessed a structural feature of DPP-IV inhibitory peptides (P at the N2 position). Ten of these peptides were synthetized and tested for their in vitro DPP-IV inhibitory properties. There was no agreement between the predicted and experimentally determined DPP-IV half maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50) for the competitive peptide inhibitors. However, the ranking for DPP-IV inhibitory potency of the competitive peptide inhibitors was conserved. Furthermore, potent in vitro DPP-IV inhibitory activity was observed with two peptides, LPVPQ (IC50 = 43.8 ± 8.8 μM) and IPM (IC50 = 69.5 ± 8.7 μM). Peptides present within the gastrointestinal tract of human may have promise for the development of natural DPP-IV inhibitors for the management of serum glucose.  相似文献   

Summary Familial amyloid cardiomyopathy in a Danish kindred is associated with a specific mutation (Met for Leu111) in the transthyretin (TTR) gene, causing the loss of a recognition site for the restriction enzyme DdeI in the gene. We describe a diagnostic test for the molecular detection of this mutation. A sequence of the TTR gene containing the mutation was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction from isolated genomic DNA of two affected patients and several controls. DdeI digestion of the amplified DNA from the patients revealed 3 bands by gel-electrophoresis, whereas amplified DNA of the controls showed only 2 bands, consistent with complete digestion. Thus, the assumed heterozygous TTR Met111 mutation was confirmed in the affected patients.  相似文献   

Only amyloidogenic intermediates of transthyretin induce apoptosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In diseases like Alzheimer's disease and familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP) amyloid deposits co-localize with areas of neurodegeneration. FAP is associated with mutations of the plasma protein transthyretin (TTR). We can here show an apoptotic effect of amyloidogenic mutants of TTR on a human neuroblastoma cell line. Toxicity could be blocked by catalase indicating a free oxygen radical dependent mechanism. The toxic effect was dependent on the state of aggregation and unexpectedly mature fibrils from FAP-patients who failed to exert an apoptotic response. Morphological studies revealed a correlation between toxicity and the presence of immature amyloid. Thus, we can show that toxicity is associated with early stages of fibril formation and propose that mature full-length fibrils represent an inert end stage, which might serve as a rescue mechanism.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of amyloidogenic proteins such as transthyretin (TTR) has implications for neurodegeneration and other pathologies, but is not well understood. In the current study, potential effects of misfolded, aggregated TTRs (agTTR) upon a major cell membrane function—endocytosis—were assessed. Internalization of transferrin (Tf), a ligand whose receptor-mediated endocytosis is well characterized, was analyzed in different cell types after treatment with agTTR. The results indicate disruption of Tf endocytosis: 20–25% inhibition by agTTR relative to the same concentrations of normal soluble TTR, or relative to another control protein, albumin (p < 0.05 for agTTR relative to controls). No statistically significant difference was observed for cell surface Tf binding between agTTR-treated and control cells. This is the first evidence for endocytic disruption by agTTR, and presents a novel cytotoxicity mechanism that may account for previously reported inhibitory effects of amyloidogenic TTR on neuronal growth.  相似文献   

Biophysical evidences suggest that transthyretin (TTR) tetramer dissociation to the monomeric intermediate and subsequent polymerization leads to amyloid fibril formation, which is implicated in the pathogenesis of familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) and senile systemic amyloidosis (SSA). Hence, inhibition of fibril formation is considered a potential therapeutic strategy. Here in we demonstrate that curcumin, a phenolic constituent of curry spice turmeric, binds to the active site of TTR through fluorescence quenching and ANS displacement studies. Binding of curcumin appears to inhibit the denaturant induced tertiary and quaternary structural changes in TTR as monitored by intrinsic emission fluorescence and glutaraldehyde cross-linking studies. However, curcumin did not bind to TTR at acidic pH. Protonation/ isomerization of the side chain oxygen atoms of curcumin at low pH might hamper the binding. These results suggest that curcumin binds to and stabilizes TTR thereby highlight the importance of the side chain conformations of the ligand in binding to TTR.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR) amyloid fibrils are the main component of the amyloid deposits occurring in Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy patients. This is 1 of 20 human proteins leading to protein aggregation disorders such as Alzheimer's and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases. The structural details concerning the association of the protein molecules are essential for a better understanding of the disease and consequently the design of new strategies for diagnosis and therapeutics. Disulfide bonds are frequently considered essential for the stability of protein aggregates and since in the TTR monomers there is one cysteine residue, it is important to determine unambiguously the redox state of sulfur present in the fibrils. In this work we used x-ray spectroscopy to further characterize TTR amyloid fibrils. The sulfur K-edge absorption spectra for the wild type and some amyloidogenic TTR variants in the soluble and fibrillar forms were analyzed. Whereas in the soluble proteins the thiol group from cysteine (R-SH) and the thioether group from methionine (R-S-CH(3)) are the most abundant forms, in the TTR fibrils there is a significant oxidation of sulfur to the sulfonate form in the cysteine residue and a partial oxidation of sulfur to sulfoxide in the methionine residues. Further interpretation of the data reveals that there are no disulfide bridges in the fibrillar samples and suggest conformational changes in the TTR molecule, namely in strand A and/or in its vicinity, upon fibril formation.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of dipeptidyl(amino)peptidase IV (DAP IV, glycylproline naphthylamidase) was discovered in the endothelial cells of the venous part of capillary bed and of small venules of many organs of the rat, mini-pig, rabbit, cock as well as man. In aortae, large arteries and veins only a portion of vase vasorum displays a positive reaction. Glycyl-proline-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (Gly-Pro-MNA) is the substrate of choice both from the viewpoint of enzyme kinetics as well as localization. Phenylalanyl-proline-4-methoxy-2-naphthylamide (Phe-Pro-MNA) is cleaved less easily, however, it enables a good localization. 1- and 2-naphthylamine derivatives of glycylproline display better kinetic properties than Phe-Pro-MNA, however they enable a satisfactory localization under special conditions only.The recommended diazonium salt for the routine is Fast Blue B. The enzyme is quite firmly associated with the structure and chloroform-acetone preextraction of cryostat sections does not influence its activity significantly while improving the localization. Block fixation in aldehydes inhibits the enzyme activity (glutaraldehyde more than formaldehyde). The osmificated azo-dye originated of 4-methoxy-2-naphthylamine and Fast Blue B or hexazonium-p-rosaniline is still partially soluble in solvents used for the usual embedding in epoxyresins for electron microscopical examination. This is a drawback for a reliable demonstration of DAP IV in endothelial cells on the electronmicroscopical level using the epoxy-resin technique. DAP IV of the endothelium is inhibited totally by DFP (10–3M), partially by E 600 (10–3); and slightly by phenanthroline (10–3M). It is unaffected by EDTA (10–3M) and N-ethyl maleimide (10–3M).The combined demonstration of alkaline phosphatase and DAP IV in the same section renders a reliable demonstration of the capillary bed in many organs.The contribution of DAP IV activity of the capillary endothelium to the total DAP IV activity in a particular organ is decisive in the myocardium, striated muscle, aorta and lung; it represents about one half of the total activity in spleen and pancreas and is less expressed in the liver, intestine and particularly in the kidney.In the jejunum of patients sufferring coeliac sprue the activity of capillary endothelium in the propria is decreased or not demonstrable in the acute stage. After a gluten-free diet it is restituted. The activity of DAP IV does not change significantly in aortae of the rabbit and man with atherosclerosis. In plaques of human aortae the capillary endothelium reacts at the most. Vasa vasorum in the adventitia overlying large plaques, which penetrate into the media, display a high DAP IV activity and their number can be increased. In plaques of arteries of cocks there is a positive DAP IV reaction in foam cells. DAP IV does not belong to the enzymes indicating early changes in atherogenesis.The function of DAP IV in the endothelium is not known. It may be a part of the machinery influeneing the protein part of the endothelial coat or may participate in the degradation of some vasoactive peptides.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR) is a protein involved in the transport of thyroid hormones in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The only known source of brain-produced TTR is the choroid plexus. In the present investigation, we have identified the subcommissural organ (SCO) as a new source of brain TTR. The SCO is an ependymal gland that secretes glycoproteins into the CSF, where they aggregate to form Reissners fibre (RF). Evidence exists that the SCO also secretes proteins that remain soluble in the CSF. To investigate the CSF-soluble compounds secreted by the SCO further, antibodies were raised against polypeptides partially purified from fetal bovine CSF. One of these antibodies (against a 14-kDa compound) reacted with secretory granules in cells of fetal and adult bovine SCO, organ-cultured bovine SCO and the choroid plexus of several mammalian species but not with RF. Western blot analyses with this antibody revealed two polypeptides of 14 kDa and 40 kDa in the bovine SCO, in the conditioned medium of SCO explants, and in fetal and adult bovine CSF. Since the monomeric and tetrameric forms of TTR migrate as bands of 14 kDa and 40 kDa by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, a commercial preparation of human TTR was run, with both bands being reactive with this antibody. Bovine SCO was also shown to synthesise mRNA encoding TTR under in vivo and in vitro conditions. We conclude that the SCO synthesises TTR and secretes it into the CSF. Colocalisation studies demonstrated that the SCO possessed two populations of secretory cells, one secreting both RF glycoproteins and TTR and the other secreting only the former. TTR was also detected in the SCO of bovine embryos suggesting that this ependymal gland is an important source of TTR during brain development. Financial support was provided by grants 1030265 from Fondecyt, Chile, to E.M.R. and 201.035.002-1.0 DIUC to H.M.  相似文献   

The amyloidoses are the extracellular subset of a group of diseases in which in vivo protein misfolding leads to a pathologic gain of function, i.e., aggregation leading to protein deposition, with subsequent tissue damage. Wild-type and mutant transthyretins (TTR) are the etiologic agents in prototypic systemic amyloidoses. We describe a cell-based assay that measures the cytotoxicity of physiologic concentrations of the amyloidogenic Val30Met TTR variant (V30M TTR) using cells of the same lineage as the in vivo tissue target of amyloid deposition. We have utilized the assay to screen small molecules for their capacity to inhibit the TTR-induced cell damage. We compared the inhibitory activity of each compound with its ability to prevent TTR fibril formation in vitro. Our results emphasize the importance of screening compounds under physiologic conditions. Moreover, if a common conformational intermediate is responsible for cell death in all the amyloid diseases, the cell-based assay has the potential to aid in the discovery of compounds useful in the treatment of amyloidoses caused by other misfolded proteins as well as those caused by TTR.  相似文献   

A docking-and-alignment protocol was devised in order to build amyloid protofilaments of Transthyretin (TTR), starting from partially disrupted TTR monomeric subunits and based on experimentally available information. The docking approach is driven by a combination of shape complementarity and energetic criteria, and uses constraints derived from experimental data obtained for the fibrillar state. The dimeric structures obtained were then subjected to an alignment scheme followed by clustering analysis, producing a collection of protofilaments with distinct geometric properties. The selected protofilament model presented here does agree with known experimental data and general amyloid properties; it is formed by two extended continuous beta-sheets with the beta-strands perpendicular to the main axis of the protofilament and a helical twist with a period of approximately 48 beta-strands. This TTR proto-filament model may be an important step in the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of TTR aggregation, as well as, a valuable instrument in drug design strategies against amyloid diseases.  相似文献   

Summary Purified transthyretin has been isolated from sheep serum. Antiserum raised against this protein has been used with an indirect immunoperoxidase histochemical technique to identify transthyretin in newborn lamb kidney tissue. Transthyretin was found in proximal tubule cells and in glomerular peripolar cells. Preabsorption studies using purified transthyretin protein indicate that the immunoreactivity of the antiserum is specific to transthyretin.  相似文献   

A variant of transthyretin (TTR Val30Met) has been identified as the main protein precursor of the amyloid fibrils deposited in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP). Specific removal of TTR in an extracorporeal immunoadsorption procedure is currently under investigation as a possible treatment of FAP. Immunoadsorbents were constructed by immobilizing murine anti-TTR monoclonal antibody 88.6.BA9 onto agarose gel supports via several different coupling chemistries. The influence of coupling conditions such as pH and antibody density, and of perfusion variables, such as antigen concentration and applied flow-rate, on the TTR capture efficiency, was determined. Cyanogen bromide-, carbonyldiimidazole- and aldehyde-activated (ALD) supports conjugated with antibody at optimal pH, provided immunoadsorbents with comparable TTR binding capacities. Regarding stability, leakage was lowest for the ALD based immunoadsorbents, particularly at high pH.  相似文献   

Transthyretin (TTR) amyloid fibril formation, which is triggered by the dissociation of tetrameric TTR, appears to be the causative factor in familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy and senile systemic amyloidosis. Binding of thyroxine (T(4)), a native ligand of TTR, stabilizes the tetramer, but the bioavailability of T(4) for TTR binding is limited due to the preferential binding of T(4) to globulin, the major T(4) carrier in plasma. Here, we show that Cr(3+) increased the T(4)-binding capacity of wild-type (WT) and amyloidogenic V30M-TTR. Moreover, we demonstrate that Cr(3+) and T(4) cooperatively suppressed in vitro fibril formation due to the stabilization of WT-TTR and V30M-TTR.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a fluid-regulating peptide hormone that promotes vasorelaxation, natriuresis, and diuresis. The mechanisms for the release of ANP and for its clearance from the circulation play important roles in modulating its biological effects. Recently, we have reported that the cell surface of an endothelial cell line, CPA47, could degrade 125I-ANP in the presence of EDTA. In this study, we have characterized this degradation of 125I-ANP. The kinetics of ANP degradation by the surface of CPA47 cells were first order, with a Km of 320 ± 60 nM and Vmax of 35 ± 14 pmol of ANP degraded/10 min/105 cells at pH 7.4. ANP is degraded by the surface of CPA47 cells over a broad pH range from 7.0–8.5. Potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor and bestatin inhibited 125I-ANP degradation, suggesting that this degradative activity on the surface of CPA47 cells has exopeptidase characteristics. The selectivity of CPA47 cell-surface degradation of ANP was demonstrated when 125I-ANP degradation was inhibited in the presence of neuropeptide Y and angiotensin I and II but not bradykinin, bombesin, endothelin-1, or substance P. The C-terminal amino acids phe26 and tyr28 were deduced to be important for ANP interaction with the cell-surface peptidase(s) based on comparison of the IC50 of various ANP analogues and other natriuretic peptides for the inhibition of ANP degradation. These data suggest that a newly characterized divalent cation-independent exopeptidase(s) that selectively recognizes ANP and some other vasoactive peptides exists on the surface of endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Here, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are performed to study the differences of binding channel shapes of TTR with two inhibitors, flufenamic acid (FLU) and one kind of N-phenyl phenoxazine (BPD). The asymmetries of global structure including the central binding channel are found to be intrinsic. Moreover, the conformational changes of the binding channel are responsible for negative cooperativity (NC) or independent cooperativity (IC) of ligands. The results suggested a possible binding mechanism addressing NC of FLU and IC of BPD. For FLU, when the first ligand binds with TTR, it leads to expansion of the second binding site which may weaken the interaction of the second FLU with TTR. But for BPD, the first ligand's binding changes the second site's shape slightly, the second ligand has similar binding ability with TTR in the second site like the first binding event.  相似文献   

The thyroid hormone binding protein transthyretin (TTR) forms a macromolecular complex with the retinol-specific carrier retinol binding protein (RBP) in the blood of higher vertebrates. Piscine TTR is shown here to exhibit high binding affinity for L-thyroxine and negligible affinity for RBP. The 1.56 A resolution X-ray structure of sea bream TTR, compared with that of human TTR, reveals a high degree of conservation of the thyroid hormone binding sites. In contrast, some amino acid differences in discrete regions of sea bream TTR appear to be responsible for the lack of protein-protein recognition, providing evidence for the crucial role played by a limited number of residues in the interaction between RBP and TTR. Overall, this study makes it possible to draw conclusions on evolutionary relationships for RBPs and TTRs of phylogenetically distant vertebrates.  相似文献   

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