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High-throughput cultivation was combined with rapid and group-specific phylogenetic fingerprinting in order to recover representatives of three freshwater bacterioplankton communities. A total of 570 bacterial cultures were obtained by employing the most probable number and MicroDrop techniques. The majority of the cultured bacteria were closely related to previously uncultured bacteria and grouped with the α-Proteobacteria, β-Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, or Flavobacteria-Cytophaga lineage. Correspondingly, the natural bacterioplankton community was analyzed by high-resolution phylogenetic fingerprinting of these five bacterial lineages. 16S rRNA gene fragments were generated for each lineage and subsequently separated by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. By the combination of five group-specific PCR protocols, the total number of 16S rRNA gene fingerprints generated from the natural communities was increased sixfold compared to conventional (eubacterial) fingerprinting. Four of the environmental α-Proteobacteria 16S rRNA gene sequences obtained from the natural community were found to be identical to those of bacterial isolates. One of these phylotypes was detected in 14 different cultures and hence represented the most frequently cultured bacterium. Three of these 14 strains were characterized in detail. Their complete 16S rRNA gene sequences showed only 93% similarity to that of Sandaracinobacter sibiricus, the closest relative described so far. The novel phylotype of bacterium is a strict aerobe capable of using numerous organic carbon substrates and contains bacteriochlorophyll a bound to two different photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes. Dot blot hybridization revealed that the strains occur in lakes of different trophic status and constitute up to 2% of the microbial community.  相似文献   

To estimate the contribution of uncultured bacterial groups to fiber degradation, we attempted to retrieve both ecological and functional information on uncultured groups in the rumen. Among previously reported uncultured bacteria, fiber-associated groups U2 and U3, belonging to the low-GC Gram-positive bacterial group, were targeted. PCR primers and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probe targeting 16S rRNA genes or rRNA were designed and used to monitor the distribution of targets. The population size of group U2 in the rumen was as high as 1.87%, while that of group U3 was only 0.03%. Strong fluorescence signals were observed from group U2 cells attached to plant fibers in the rumen. These findings indicate the ecological significance of group U2 in the rumen. We succeeded in enriching group U2 using rumen-incubated rice straw as the inoculum followed by incubation in an appropriate medium with an agent inhibitory for Gram-negative bacteria. Consequently, we successfully isolated two strains, designated B76 and R-25, belonging to group U2. Both strains were Gram-positive short rods or cocci that were 0.5 to 0.8 μm in size. Strain B76 possessed xylanase and α-l-arabinofuranosidase activity. In particular, the xylanase activity of strain B76 was higher than that of xylanolytic Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens H17c grown on cellobiose. Strain R-25 showed an α-l-arabinofuranosidase activity higher than that of strain B76. These results suggest that strains B76 and R-25 contribute to hemicellulose degradation in the rumen.Ruminants can utilize plant fiber as an energy source with the aid of a symbiotic relationship with microbes in the rumen. The rumen is a complex microbial ecosystem comprised of bacteria (1010 to 1011 per ml), protozoa (104 to 106 per ml), and fungi (103 to 106 per ml) (8, 23, 39). Of the rumen microbes, bacteria are considered to be primarily responsible for the biological degradation of plant fiber, due to their high fibrolytic activity and large biomass in the rumen. In order to determine the mechanism of plant fiber degradation in the rumen, numerous studies have been performed on both the physiological and ecological characteristics of rumen bacteria (16, 27, 36). In particular, various aspects of bacterial attachment to feed particles have been investigated (19, 21, 25), because attachment to plant fiber is a critical step in initiating fiber degradation (20).Recent advances in molecular techniques have allowed recognition of a predominance of uncultured bacteria in the rumen (6, 24, 33). The majority (77%) of fiber-associated community members are uncultured bacteria, although 17% of cloned bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences were classified as known fibrolytic species, such as Fibrobacter succinogenes and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens (12). These findings clearly indicate the possibility for involvement of uncultured bacteria in ruminal fiber degradation. Through the phylogenetic analysis of fiber-associated community members, the unidentified bacterial groups were detected and designated uncultured group 2 (U2) and uncultured group 3 (U3). However, their roles in plant fiber digestion have yet to be determined.The predominance of uncultured bacteria has also been pointed out in other environments (26). Recently, new strategies for cultivation have been introduced to resolve the problem of the bacteria being unculturable. Sait et al. (28) reported that culturing with a polymeric growth substrate and longer incubation time was effective for the isolation of previously uncultured bacteria from soil. Cultivation on low-nutrient medium, using increased incubation times, with simulated natural environments or using a membrane as a solid support for growth has apparently led to improvements in bacterial cultivation (7, 31). On the other hand, the majority of rumen bacteria have yet to be isolated (10) despite great efforts toward the isolation of rumen bacterial strains over the past 50 years. Considering the ecological significance of uncultured rumen bacteria, it is important to cultivate and characterize these bacteria to fully understand the ecology of fiber digestion.In the present study, molecular monitoring tools were developed to obtain ecological information on target uncultured bacterial groups in the rumen. Previously uncultured rumen bacteria were then isolated and characterized to retrieve functional information.  相似文献   

An integrative approach was used to obtain pure cultures of previously uncultivated members of the divisions Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia from agricultural soil and from the guts of wood-feeding termites. Some elements of the cultivation procedure included the following: the use of agar media with little or no added nutrients; relatively long periods of incubation (more than 30 days); protection of cells from exogenous peroxides; and inclusion of humic acids or a humic acid analogue (anthraquinone disulfonate) and quorum-signaling compounds (acyl homoserine lactones) in growth media. The bacteria were incubated in the presence of air and in hypoxic (1 to 2% O2 [vol/vol]) and anoxic atmospheres. Some bacteria were incubated with elevated concentrations of CO2 (5% [vol/vol]). Significantly more Acidobacteria were found on isolation plates that had been incubated with 5% CO2. A simple, high-throughput, PCR-based surveillance method (plate wash PCR) was developed. This method greatly facilitated detection and ultimate isolation of target bacteria from as many as 1,000 colonies of nontarget microbes growing on the same agar plates. Results illustrate the power of integrating culture methods with molecular techniques to isolate bacteria from phylogenetic groups underrepresented in culture.  相似文献   

Microbial biofilms are often composed of multiple bacterial species that accumulate by adhering to a surface and to each other. Biofilms can be resistant to antibiotics and physical stresses, posing unresolved challenges in the fight against infectious diseases. It has been suggested that early colonizers of certain biofilms could cause local environmental changes, favoring the aggregation of subsequent organisms. Here we ask whether the enzyme content of different microbes in a well-characterized dental biofilm can be used to predict their order of colonization. We define a metabolic distance between different species, based on the overlap in their enzyme content. We next use this metric to quantify the average metabolic distance between neighboring organisms in the biofilm. We find that this distance is significantly smaller than the one observed for a random choice of prokaryotes, probably reflecting the environmental constraints on metabolic function of the community. More surprisingly, this metabolic metric is able to discriminate between observed and randomized orders of colonization of the biofilm, with the observed orders displaying smaller metabolic distance than randomized ones. By complementing these results with the analysis of individual vs. joint metabolic networks, we find that the tendency towards minimal metabolic distance may be counter-balanced by a propensity to pair organisms with maximal joint potential for synergistic interactions. The trade-off between these two tendencies may create a “sweet spot” of optimal inter-organism distance, with possible broad implications for our understanding of microbial community organization.  相似文献   

基于核糖体RNA(rRNA)序列分析的系统发育信息是研究微生物代谢功能的可靠指标之一。复杂环境样本中的微生物利用了稳定同位素标记的营养物后,分离其核酸进行序列分析或检测其核酸中同位素的丰度变化,就可以不必培养分离微生物而揭示出它们的代谢功能。  相似文献   

It has recently been recognized that the ability to use Fe(III) as a terminal electron acceptor is a highly conserved characteristic in hyperthermophilic microorganisms. This suggests that it may be possible to recover as-yet-uncultured hyperthermophiles in pure culture if Fe(III) is used as an electron acceptor. As part of a study of the microbial diversity of the Obsidian Pool area in Yellowstone National Park, Wyo., hot sediment samples were used as the inoculum for enrichment cultures in media containing hydrogen as the sole electron donor and poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide as the electron acceptor. A pure culture was recovered on solidified, Fe(III) oxide medium. The isolate, designated FW-1a, is a hyperthermophilic anaerobe that grows exclusively by coupling hydrogen oxidation to the reduction of poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide. Organic carbon is not required for growth. Magnetite is the end product of Fe(III) oxide reduction under the culture conditions evaluated. The cells are rod shaped, about 0.5 μm by 1.0 to 1.2 μm, and motile and have a single flagellum. Strain FW-1a grows at circumneutral pH, at freshwater salinities, and at temperatures of between 65 and 100°C with an optimum of 85 to 90°C. To our knowledge this is the highest temperature optimum of any organism in the Bacteria. Analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) sequence of strain FW-1a places it within the Bacteria, most closely related to abundant but uncultured microorganisms whose 16S rDNA sequences have been previously recovered from Obsidian Pool and a terrestrial hot spring in Iceland. While previous studies inferred that the uncultured microorganisms with these 16S rDNA sequences were sulfate-reducing organisms, the physiology of the strain FW-1a, which does not reduce sulfate, indicates that these organisms are just as likely to be Fe(III) reducers. These results further demonstrate that Fe(III) may be helpful for recovering as-yet-uncultured microorganisms from hydrothermal environments and illustrate that caution must be used in inferring the physiological characteristics of at least some thermophilic microorganisms solely from 16S rDNA sequences. Based on both its 16S rDNA sequence and physiological characteristics, strain FW-1a represents a new genus among the Bacteria. The name Geothermobacterium ferrireducens gen. nov., sp. nov., is proposed (ATCC BAA-426).  相似文献   

The microbial diversity of ZnS-forming biofilms in 8°C, circumneutral-pH groundwater in tunnels within the abandoned Piquette Zn, Pb mine (Tennyson, Wisconsin, USA) has been investigated by molecular methods, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and cultivation techniques. These biofilms are growing on old mine timbers that generate locally anaerobic zones within the mine drainage system. Sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) exclusively of the family Desulfobacteriaceae comprise a significant fraction of the active microbiota. Desulfosporosinus strains were isolated, but could not be detected by molecular methods. Other important microbial clusters belonged to the -, -, and -Proteobacteria, the Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroides-group (CFB), Planctomycetales, Spirochaetales, Clostridia, and green nonsulfur bacteria. Our investigations indicated a growth dependence of SRB on fermentative, cellulolytic, and organic acid-producing Clostridia. A few clones related to sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were detected, suggesting a sulfur cycle related to redox gradients within the biofilm. Sulfur oxidation prevents sulfide accumulation that would lead to precipitation of other sulfide phases. FISH analyses indicated that Desulfobacteriaceae populations were not early colonizers in freshly grown and ZnS-poor biofilms, whereas they were abundant in older, naturally established, and ZnS-rich biofilms. Gram-negative SRB have been detected in situ over a period of 6 months, supporting the important role of these organisms in selective ZnS precipitation in Tennyson mine. Results demonstrate the complex nature of biofilms responsible for in situ bioremediation of toxic metals in a subsurface mine drainage system. Present address (J.F. Banfield): Departments of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management, University of California-Berkeley. Present address (M. Labrenz): IOW–Baltic Research Institute Warnemuende, Seestrasse 15, 18119 Rostock-Warnemuende, Germany.  相似文献   

An organism identified as Chromobacterium lividum was isolated from processed poultry in Georgia.  相似文献   

Understanding the natural revegetation of forests disturbed by the dumping of mine wastes is vital for the success of reclamation strategies. The Gunnar gold mine tailings pond in southeast Manitoba has remained largely unvegetated since the mine was closed in 1942, with limited vegetation developed on one side of the pond. We examined the natural Picea mariana/Larix laricina forest that has developed on the pond to determine how the plant community develops and what changes in the tailings are associated with this development. Vegetation sampled along transects showed a consistent pattern of succession from Equisetum palustre to Salix spp., and Populus balsamifera, to Larix laricina and finally to P. mariana. Larix laricina and P. mariana are moving into the site at the rate of 1.5 m per year with L. laricina invading 4 years ahead of P. mariana. Both tree species show a similar pattern of annual growth, showing positive correlations with spring precipitation, a pattern also occurring on L. laricina growing on a nearby site. The establishment of E. palustre was accompanied by initially rapid decreases in compaction and conductivity of the tailings, and an increase in inorganic nitrogen. Surface organic matter depth, coarse organic matter mass, and soil organic carbon increased at a constant rate, whereas subsurface coarse organic matter had an initial rapid increase followed by a gradual increase. As fern allies (and specifically members of the Equisetaceae family) have a number of properties that facilitate succession on mine wastes, their use should be explored further.  相似文献   

Candidatus Endobugula sertula,” the uncultured microbial symbiont of the bryozoan Bugula neritina, produces ecologically and biomedically important polyketide metabolites called bryostatins. We isolated two gene fragments from B. neritina larvae that have high levels of similarity to polyketide synthase genes. These gene fragments are clearly associated with the symbiont and not with the host.  相似文献   

Improved methods for selective isolation of diverse actinomycetes of the genus Micromonospora and a genus-specific nested PCR for rapid identification of putative Micromonospora isolates were developed. The robustness of both the isolation and the identification approach was underpinned by phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences.  相似文献   

Bartonella henselae is a zoonotic pathogen that usually causes a self-limiting infection in immunocompetent individuals but often causes potentially life-threatening infections, such as bacillary angiomatosis, in immunocompromised patients. Both diagnosis of infection and research into the molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis have been hindered by the absence of a suitable liquid growth medium. It has been difficult to isolate B. henselae directly from the blood of infected humans or animals or to grow the bacteria in liquid culture media under laboratory conditions. Therefore, we have developed a liquid growth medium that supports reproducible in vitro growth (3-h doubling time and a growth yield of approximately 5 × 108 CFU/ml) and permits the isolation of B. henselae from the blood of infected cats. During the development of this medium, we observed that B. henselae did not derive carbon and energy from the catabolism of glucose, which is consistent with genome nucleotide sequence data suggesting an incomplete glycolytic pathway. Of interest, B. henselae depleted amino acids from the culture medium and accumulated ammonia in the medium, an indicator of amino acid catabolism. Analysis of the culture medium throughout the growth cycle revealed that oxygen was consumed and carbon dioxide was generated, suggesting that amino acids were catabolized in a tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle-dependent mechanism. Additionally, phage particles were detected in the culture supernatants of stationary-phase B. henselae, but not in mid-logarithmic-phase culture supernatants. Enzymatic assays of whole-cell lysates revealed that B. henselae has a complete TCA cycle. Taken together, these data suggest B. henselae may catabolize amino acids but not glucose to derive carbon and energy from its host. Furthermore, the newly developed culture medium should improve isolation of B. henselae and basic research into the pathogenesis of the bacterium.  相似文献   

一株丁草胺降解菌的分离鉴定及其降解特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用富集培养技术从长期施用丁草胺的稻田土壤中分离得到能够降解丁草胺的细菌1株, 标记为LYC-1。经形态特征、生理生化特征和16S rRNA序列分析, 将该菌株鉴定为不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter sp.), 菌株LYC-1的最适生长温度为30°C, 最适pH值为7.5。当接种量为5%时, 该菌株在含100 mg/L 的丁草胺无机盐基础培养液中培养7 d后, 可使丁草胺降解达80%以上。  相似文献   



To describe training variations across the annual cycle in Olympic and World Champion endurance athletes, and determine whether these athletes used tapering strategies in line with recommendations in the literature.


Eleven elite XC skiers and biathletes (4 male; 28±1 yr, 85±5 mL. min−1. kg−1 , 7 female, 25±4 yr, 73±3 mL. min−1. kg−1 ) reported one year of day-to-day training leading up to the most successful competition of their career. Training data were divided into periodization and peaking phases and distributed into training forms, intensity zones and endurance activity forms.


Athletes trained ∼800 h/500 sessions.year−1, including ∼500 h. year−1 of sport-specific training. Ninety-four percent of all training was executed as aerobic endurance training. Of this, ∼90% was low intensity training (LIT, below the first lactate threshold) and 10% high intensity training (HIT, above the first lactate threshold) by time. Categorically, 23% of training sessions were characterized as HIT with primary portions executed at or above the first lactate turn point. Training volume and specificity distribution conformed to a traditional periodization model, but absolute volume of HIT remained stable across phases. However, HIT training patterns tended to become more polarized in the competition phase. Training volume, frequency and intensity remained unchanged from pre-peaking to peaking period, but there was a 32±15% (P<.01) volume reduction from the preparation period to peaking phase.


The annual training data for these Olympic and World champion XC skiers and biathletes conforms to previously reported training patterns of elite endurance athletes. During the competition phase, training became more sport-specific, with 92% performed as XC skiing. However, they did not follow suggested tapering practice derived from short-term experimental studies. Only three out of 11 athletes took a rest day during the final 5 days prior to their most successful competition.  相似文献   

细菌的"活的非可培养状态"(VBNC, viable but nonculturable)发现于20世纪80年代,处于此状态的细菌不但丧失了在培养基上生长繁殖的能力,而且具有与原菌相似的致病性,成为可以逃避检测的"隐性"传染源,对周围的环境及人类安全构成潜在威胁.作为公认的未可培养微生物,它一直是预防医学、流行病学、微生物生态学以及公共卫生检验检疫方面研究的热点问题之一.现代分子生物学技术和基因组学的深入研究,为开发环境中的未可培养微生物提供了新的研究方法和机遇.其中遗传指纹图谱技术、宏基因组技术显示出一定的优势,同时,随着各种细菌的非可培养状态的实验室模型已日臻成熟,这为开发和利用未可培养微生物资源提供了新的研究思路.  相似文献   

We examined bacterial metabolic activity and community similarity in shallow subsurface stream sediments distributed across three regions of the eastern United States to assess whether there were parallel changes in functional and structural attributes at this large scale. Bacterial growth, oxygen consumption, and a suite of extracellular enzyme activities were assayed to describe functional variability. Community similarity was assessed using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns. There were significant differences in streamwater chemistry, metabolic activity, and bacterial growth among regions with, for instance, twofold higher bacterial production in streams near Baltimore, MD, compared to Hubbard Brook, NH. Five of eight extracellular enzymes showed significant differences among regions. Cluster analyses of individual streams by metabolic variables showed clear groups with significant differences in representation of sites from different regions among groups. Clustering of sites based on randomly amplified polymorphic DNA banding resulted in groups with generally less internal similarity although there were still differences in distribution of regional sites. There was a marginally significant (p = 0.09) association between patterns based on functional and structural variables. There were statistically significant but weak (r 2 ∼ 30%) associations between landcover and measures of both structure and function. These patterns imply a large-scale organization of biofilm communities and this structure may be imposed by factor(s) such as landcover and covariates such as nutrient concentrations, which are known to also cause differences in macrobiota of stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

Archean microfossils provide some of the earliest physical evidence for life on Earth, yet there remains a great deal of uncertainty regarding which micro‐organisms were actually preserved. Because of the limited cellular detail remaining, interpretation of those microfossils has been based solely on size and morphology. This has led to significant controversy surrounding the presence or absence of cyanobacteria as early as 3.5 billion years. Accordingly, there has been an experimental bias towards studying their silicification. Here we report the very first findings on thermophilic bacteria–silica interactions, and investigate how Sulfurihydrogenibium azorense, a representative of the Aquificales often found as prominent members of modern hot spring vent communities, interacts with highly siliceous hydrothermal fluids. We show that adsorption of silica is limited to silica polymers and colloids, and that the magnitude of silica adsorption is dependent on its chemolithoautotrophic pathway. Intriguingly, when S. azorense is grown as a H2‐oxidizer, it responds to increasing silica concentrations by producing a protein‐rich biofilm that may afford the cells protection against cell wall silicification. Although the biofilms of Aquificales could potentially contribute to or accelerate siliceous sinter formation under certain growth conditions, the cells themselves show a low preservation potential and are unlikely to have been preserved in the ancient rock record, despite phylogenetic analyses suggesting that they represent one of the most primordial life forms.  相似文献   

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