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Elucidating the mechanism of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling is one of the largest challenges in the field of gene regulation. One of the missing pieces in understanding this process is detailed structural information on the enzymes that catalyze the remodeling reactions. Here we use a combination of subunit radio-iodination and scanning transmission electron microscopy to determine the subunit stoichiometry and native molecular weight of the yeast SWI/SNF complex. We also report a three-dimensional reconstruction of yeast SWI/SNF derived from electron micrographs.  相似文献   

Heterozygous germline mutations in components of switch/sucrose nonfermenting (SWI/SNF) chromatin remodeling complexes were recently identified in patients with non-syndromic intellectual disability, Coffin-Siris syndrome and Nicolaides-Baraitser syndrome. The common denominator of the phenotype of these patients is severe intellectual disability and speech delay. Somatic and germline mutations in SWI/SNF components were previously implicated in tumor development. This raises the question whether patients with intellectual disability caused by SWI/SNF mutations in the germline are exposed to an increased risk of developing cancer. Here we compare the mutational spectrum of SWI/SNF components in intellectual disability syndromes and cancer, and discuss the implications of the results of this comparison for the patients.  相似文献   

C Logie  C L Peterson 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(22):6772-6782
A novel, quantitative nucleosome array assay has been developed that couples the activity of a nucleosome 'remodeling' activity to restriction endonuclease activity. This assay has been used to determine the kinetic parameters of ATP-dependent nucleosome disruption by the yeast SWI/SNF complex. Our results support a catalytic mode of action for SWI/SNF in the absence of nucleosome targeting. In this quantitative assay SWI/SNF and ATP lead to a 100-fold increase in nucleosomal DNA accessibility, and initial rate measurements indicate that the complex can remodel one nucleosome every 4.5 min on an 11mer nucleosome array. In contrast to SWI/SNF action on mononucleosomes, we find that the SWI/SNF remodeling reaction on a nucleosome array is a highly reversible process. This result suggests that recovery from SWI/SNF action involves interactions among nucleosomes. The biophysical properties of model nucleosome arrays, coupled with the ease with which homogeneous arrays can be reconstituted and the DNA accessibility analyzed, makes the described array system generally applicable for functional analysis of other nucleosome remodeling enzymes, including histone acetyltransferases.  相似文献   

Germ cell development and gametogenesis require genome-wide transitions in epigenetic modifications and chromatin structure. These changes include covalent modifications to the DNA and histones as well as remodeling activities. Here, we explore the role of the mammalian SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex during spermatogenesis using a conditional allele of the ATPase subunit, brahma-related gene 1 (Brg1, or Smarca4). Not only do BRG1 levels peak during the early stages of meiosis, genetic ablation of Brg1 in murine embryonic gonocytes results in arrest during prophase of meiosis I. Coincident with the timing of meiotic arrest, mutant spermatocytes accumulate unrepaired DNA and fail to complete synapsis. Furthermore, mutant spermatocytes show global alterations to histone modifications and chromatin structure indicative of a more heterochromatic genome. Together, these data demonstrate a requirement for BRG1 activity in spermatogenesis, and suggest a role for the mammalian SWI/SNF complex in programmed recombination and repair events that take place during meiosis.  相似文献   

Unfolding of the gene expression program that converts precursor cells to their terminally differentiated counterparts is critically dependent on the nucleosome-remodeling activity of the mammalian SWI/SNF complex. The complex can be powered by either of two alternative ATPases, BRM or BRG1. BRG1 is critical for development and the activation of tissue specific genes and is found in two major stable configurations. The complex of BRG1-associated factors termed BAF is the originally characterized form of mammalian SWI/SNF. A more recently recognized configuration shares many of the same subunits but is termed PBAF in recognition of a unique subunit, the polybromo protein (PBRM1). Two other unique subunits, BRD7 and ARID2, are also diagnostic of PBAF. PBAF plays an essential role in development, apparent from the embryonic lethality of Pbmr1-null mice, but very little is known about the role of PBAF, or its signature subunits, in tissue-specific gene expression in individual differentiation programs. Osteoblast differentiation is an attractive model for tissue-specific gene expression because the process is highly regulated and remains tightly synchronized over a period of several weeks. This model was used here, with a stable shRNA-mediated depletion approach, to examine the role of the signature PBAF subunit, ARID2, during differentiation. This analysis identifies a critical role for ARID2-containing complexes in promoting osteoblast differentiation and supports a view that the PBAF subset of SWI/SNF contributes importantly to maintaining cellular identity and activating tissue-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Cancer development is a complex process involving both genetic and epigenetic changes. The SWI/SNF (switch/sucrose non-fermentable) chromatin remodelling complex, one of the most studied ATP-dependent complexes, plays an important role in coordinating chromatin structural stability, gene expression and post-translational modifications. The SWI/SNF complex can be classified into BAF, PBAF and GBAF according to their constituent subunits. Cancer genome sequencing studies have shown a high incidence of mutations in genes encoding subunits of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complex, with abnormalities in one or more of these genes present in nearly 25% of all cancers, which indicating that stabilizing normal expression of genes encoding subunits in the SWI/SNF complex may prevent tumorigenesis. In this paper, we will review the relationship between the SWI/SNF complex and some clinical tumours and its mechanism of action. The aim is to provide a theoretical basis to guide the diagnosis and treatment of tumours caused by mutations or inactivation of one or more genes encoding subunits of the SWI/SNF complex in the clinical setting.  相似文献   

ySWI/SNF complex belongs to a family of enzymes that use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to remodel chromatin structure. Here we examine the role of DNA topology in the mechanism of ySWI/SNF remodeling. We find that the ability of ySWI/SNF to enhance accessibility of nucleosomal DNA is nearly eliminated when DNA topology is constrained in small circular nucleosomal arrays and that this inhibition can be alleviated by topoisomerases. Furthermore, we demonstrate that remodeling of these substrates does not require dramatic histone octamer movements or displacement. Our results suggest a model in which ySWI/SNF remodels nucleosomes by using the energy of ATP hydrolysis to drive local changes in DNA twist.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive brain cancer with a poor prognosis. While surgical resection is the primary treatment, adjuvant temozolomide (TMZ) chemotherapy and radiotherapy only provide slight improvement in disease course and outcome. Unfortunately, most treated patients experience recurrence of highly aggressive, therapy-resistant tumours and eventually succumb to the disease. To increase chemosensitivity and overcome therapy resistance, we have modified the chemical structure of the PFI-3 bromodomain inhibitor of the BRG1 and BRM catalytic subunits of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodelling complex. Our modifications resulted in compounds that sensitized GBM to the DNA alkylating agent TMZ and the radiomimetic bleomycin. We screened these chemical analogues using a cell death ELISA with GBM cell lines and a cellular thermal shift assay using epitope tagged BRG1 or BRM bromodomains expressed in GBM cells. An active analogue, IV-129, was then identified and further modified, resulting in new generation of bromodomain inhibitors with distinct properties. IV-255 and IV-275 had higher bioactivity than IV-129, with IV-255 selectively binding to the bromodomain of BRG1 and not BRM, while IV-275 bound well to both BRG1 and BRM bromodomains. In contrast, IV-191 did not bind to either bromodomain or alter GBM chemosensitivity. Importantly, both IV-255 and IV-275 markedly increased the extent of DNA damage induced by TMZ and bleomycin as determined by nuclear γH2AX staining. Our results demonstrate that these next-generation inhibitors selectively bind to the bromodomains of catalytic subunits of the SWI/SNF complex and sensitize GBM to the anticancer effects of TMZ and bleomycin. This approach holds promise for improving the treatment of GBM.  相似文献   

Activation of the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) promoter in infected cells requires the sequential recruitment of several cellular factors to facilitate the formation of a processive elongation complex. The nucleosomal reorganization of the HIV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR) observed upon Tat stimulation suggests that chromatin-remodeling complexes could play a role during this process. Here, we reported that Tat interacts directly with Brm, a DNA-dependent ATPase subunit of the SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex, to activate the HIV-1 LTR. Inhibition of Brm via small interfering RNAs impaired Tat-mediated transactivation of an integrated HIV-1 promoter. Furthermore, Brm is recruited in vivo to the HIV-1 LTR in a Tat-dependent manner. Interestingly, we found that Tat/Brm interaction is regulated by Tat lysine 50 acetylation. These data show the requirement of Tat-mediated recruitment of SWI/SNF chromatin-remodeling complex to HIV-1 promoter in the activation of the LTR.  相似文献   

An ATP-dependent DNA translocase domain consisting of seven conserved motifs is a general feature of all ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers. While motifs on the ATPase domains of the yeast SWI/SNF and ISWI families of remodelers are highly conserved, the ATPase domains of these complexes appear not to be functionally interchangeable. We found one reason that may account for this is the ATPase domains interact differently with nucleosomes even though both associate with nucleosomal DNA 17–18 bp from the dyad axis. The cleft formed between the two lobes of the ISW2 ATPase domain is bound to nucleosomal DNA and Isw2 associates with the side of nucleosomal DNA away from the histone octamer. The ATPase domain of SWI/SNF binds to the same region of nucleosomal DNA, but is bound outside of the cleft region. The catalytic subunit of SWI/SNF also appears to intercalate between the DNA gyre and histone octamer. The altered interactions of SWI/SNF with DNA are specific to nucleosomes and do not occur with free DNA. These differences are likely mediated through interactions with the histone surface. The placement of SWI/SNF between the octamer and DNA could make it easier to disrupt histone–DNA interactions.  相似文献   

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