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Several life history models predict that larger eggs and lower fecundity should be favored in a low-growth environment. We applied the model of Sibly et al. to seven Japanese populations of masu salmon ( Oncorhynchus masou ) in order to test the predictions that populations in which individual growth rate is low are characterized by larger eggs and lower fecundity. Two populations, Shumarinai and Shikaribetsu, had the lowest growth rates of individuals, largest egg sizes and lowest fecundities of all populations examined. In contrast, the Shiribetsu, Chitose and Uono populations had highest growth rates of individuals, smallest egg sizes and highest fecundities. The Shibetsu and Toya populations were intermediate between these two groups. The gonadsomatic index (GSI) of the Shumarinai and Shikaribetsu populations was smaller than that of all other populations. Correlation analysis indicated that populations with lower individual growth rates had larger eggs and lower fecundities. The results were consistent with the predictions of the Sibly et al. model: increased egg size which results in decreased fecundity is probably an adaptation to low-growth environments. Therefore, in masu salmon, growth differences among populations may explain interpopulation variation in egg size and fecundity.  相似文献   

Females often choose to associate with males that have exaggerated traits. In fishes, this may reflect an overall preference for larger size in a potential mate. Female zebrafish (Danio rerio) prefer males with larger bodies but not longer fins. The availability of mutant and transgenic strains of zebrafish make this a unique model system in which to study the role of phenotypic variation in social and sexual behavior. We used mutant strains of zebrafish with truncated (short fin) and exaggerated (long fin) fins to further examine female preferences for fin length in dichotomous association tests. Wild type females showed no preferences between wild type males and short fin mutant males or between wild type males and long fin mutant males. short fin females also showed no preference for short fin males or wild type males while long fin females preferred to associate with long fin males over wild type males. These results suggest that the single gene long fin mutation that results in altered fin morphological may also be involved in a related female association preference.  相似文献   

Inter- and intraspecific studies in gonochoristic animals reveal a covariation between sperm characteristics and the size of the female reproductive tract, indicating a rapid evolutionary divergence, which is consistent with the theory of post-copulatory sexual selection. Simultaneous hermaphrodites differ from species with separate sexes (gonochorists) in that they possess both functional male and female reproductive organs at the same time. We investigated whether in hermaphroditic animals intraspecific variation in reproductive traits results from divergent coevolution, by quantifying the variation in male and female traits among six natural populations of the snail Arianta arbustorum and examining the covariation in interacting traits. There was a significant among-population variation in spermatophore volume, number of sperm transferred and sperm length, as well as in volume of the sperm storage organ (spermatheca) and number of tubules, but not in spermatheca length. We found a positive association between sperm number transferred and spermatheca volume. This result suggests that the same post-copulatory mechanisms as in gonochorists drive the correlated evolution of reproductive characters in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

The relative importance of male and female mating preferences in causing sexual isolation between species remains a major unresolved question in speciation. Despite previous work showing that male courtship bias and/or female copulation bias for conspecifics occur in many taxa, the present study is one of the first large‐scale works to study their relative divergence. To achieve this, we used data from the literature and present experiments across 66 Drosophila species pairs. Our results revealed that male and female mate preferences are both ubiquitous in Drosophila but evolved largely independently, suggesting different underlying evolutionary and genetic mechanisms. Moreover, their relative divergence strongly depends on the geographical relationship of species. Between allopatric species, male courtship and female copulation preferences diverged at very similar rates, evolving approximately linearly with time of divergence. In sharp contrast, between sympatric species pairs, female preferences diverged much more rapidly than male preferences and were the only drivers of enhanced sexual isolation in sympatry and Reproductive Character Displacement (RCD). Not only does this result suggest that females are primarily responsible for such processes as reinforcement, but it also implies that evolved female preferences may reduce selection for further divergence of male courtship preferences in sympatry.  相似文献   

Functional traits and functional diversity measures are increasingly being used to examine land use effects on biodiversity and community assembly rules. Morphological traits are often used directly as functional traits. However, behavioral characteristics are more difficult to measure. Establishing methods to derive behavioral traits from morphological measurements is necessary to facilitate their inclusion in functional diversity analyses. We collected morphometric data from over 1,700 individuals of 12 species of dung beetle to establish whether morphological measurements can be used as predictors of behavioral traits. We also compared morphology among individuals collected from different land uses (primary forest, logged forest, and oil palm plantation) to identify whether intraspecific differences in morphology vary among land use types. We show that leg and eye measurements can be used to predict dung beetle nesting behavior and period of activity and we used this information to confirm the previously unresolved nesting behavior for Synapsis ritsemae. We found intraspecific differences in morphological traits across different land use types. Phenotypic plasticity was found for traits associated with dispersal (wing aspect ratio and wing loading) and reproductive capacity (abdomen size). The ability to predict behavioral functional traits from morphology is useful where the behavior of individuals cannot be directly observed, especially in tropical environments where the ecology of many species is poorly understood. In addition, we provide evidence that land use change can cause phenotypic plasticity in tropical dung beetle species. Our results reinforce recent calls for intraspecific variation in traits to receive more attention within community ecology.  相似文献   

Herbivory is an important selection pressure in the life history of plants. Most studies use seed or fruit production as an indication of plant fitness, but the impact of herbivory on male reproductive success is usually ignored. It is possible that plants compensate for resources lost to herbivory by shifting the allocation from seed production to pollen production and export, or vice versa. This study examined the impact of herbivory by Helix aspersa on both male and female reproductive traits of a monoecious plant, Cucumis sativus. The effects of herbivory on the relative allocation to male and female flowers were assessed through measurements of the number and size of flowers of both sexes, and the amount of pollinator visitation. We performed two glasshouse experiments; the first looked at the impact of three levels of pre-flowering herbivory, and the second looked at four levels of herbivory after the plants had started to flower. We found that herbivory during the flowering phase led to a significant increase in the number of plants without male flowers. As a consequence there was significantly less pollen export from this population, as estimated by movement of a pollen analog. The size of female flowers was reduced by severe herbivory, but there was no affect on pollen receipt by the female flowers of damaged plants. The decrease in allocation to male function after severe herbivory may be adaptive when male reproductive success is very unpredictable.  相似文献   

We compared the genetic architecture of thirteen maize morphological traits in a large population of recombinant inbred lines. Four traits from the male inflorescence (tassel) and three traits from the female inflorescence (ear) were measured and studied using linkage and genome-wide association analyses and compared to three flowering and three leaf traits previously studied in the same population. Inflorescence loci have larger effects than flowering and leaf loci, and ear effects are larger than tassel effects. Ear trait models also have lower predictive ability than tassel, flowering, or leaf trait models. Pleiotropic loci were identified that control elongation of ear and tassel, consistent with their common developmental origin. For these pleiotropic loci, the ear effects are larger than tassel effects even though the same causal polymorphisms are likely involved. This implies that the observed differences in genetic architecture are not due to distinct features of the underlying polymorphisms. Our results support the hypothesis that genetic architecture is a function of trait stability over evolutionary time, since the traits that changed most during the relatively recent domestication of maize have the largest effects.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments to investigate interpopulation differences in the behavioural responses of the whelk Buccinum undatum to the predatory lobster Homarus americanus and the asteroid Leptasterias polaris, both in the absence and presence of feeding opportunities. Whelks from three populations in the eastern North Atlantic (1) responded to lobsters by displaying avoidance behaviours (burrowing in the sediments or retreating inside their shell), (2) responded to asteroids by displaying escape responses (rapid crawling, shell rocking behaviour or foot contortions), and (3) more often refrained from feeding in the presence of a lobster than in the presence of an asteroid. Although whelks from the three populations responded similarly to lobsters and asteroids, interpopulation differences were evident. Thus, whelks from populations sympatric with a given predator more frequently displayed 'appropriate' antipredator behaviours (i.e. avoidance in the presence of a lobster, and escape in the presence of an asteroid) than did whelks allopatric with that predator. Also, whelks from a population sympatric with both predators fed less readily in the presence of a given predator than did whelks allopatric with that predator. However, the presence of a lobster or an asteroid had the same impact on the feeding response of whelks from two populations with contrasting predator fields, one sympatric with lobsters, but allopatric with asteroids, and one sympatric with asteroids, but allopatric with lobsters. The results of our study indicate that coexistence (over evolutionary or ecological time) with lobsters and asteroids increases the propensity of the whelk to display avoidance and escape behaviours in the presence of lobsters and asteroids, respectively, but has a less predictable effect on how whelks trade off predation risk and food acquisition. Studies are needed to investigate the roles of inheritance and experience on the development of antipredator behaviours and decision making by prey animals when predation risk conflicts with other fitness-related activities such as the acquisition of food or reproductive opportunities. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

While many mati ng pref ere nces have a genetic basis, the question remai ns as to whether and how learning/experience can modify individual mate choice decisions. We used wild-caught (predator-experienced) and Fi laboratory-reared (predator-naive) invasive Western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis from China to test whether mating preferences (assessed in a first mate choice test) would change under immediate predation threat. The same individuals were tested in a second mate choice test during which 1 of 3 types of animated predators was presented: 1) a co-occurring predator, 2) a co-evolved but not currently co-occurring predator, and 3) a non-piscivorous species as control. We compared preference scores derived from both mate choice tests to separate innate from experiential effects of predation. We also asked whether predator-induced changes in mating preferences would differ betwee n sexes or depend on the choosing individual's personality type and/or body size. Wild-caught fish altered their mate choice decisions most when exposed to the co-occurring predator whereas laboratory-reared individuals responded most to the co-evolved predator, suggesting that both innate mechanisms and learning effects are involved. This behavior likely reduces individuals' risk of falling victim to predation by temporarily moving away from high-quality (i.e., conspicuous) mating partners. Accordingly, effects were stronger in bolder than shyer, large- compared with small-bodied, and female compared with male focal individuals, likely because those phenotypes face an increased predation risk overall. Our study adds to the growing body of literature appreciating the complexity of the mate choice process, where an array of intrinsic and extrinsic factors interacts during decision-making.  相似文献   

Males and females have opposing interests when it comes to the honesty of signals used in mate choice. The existence of this sexual conflict has long been acknowledged, but its consequences have not been fully investigated. By applying adaptive dynamics methods and individual-based computer simulations to a standard model for good-genes sexual selection, we show that sexual conflict over condition-dependent signaling can prevent the handicap process from ever attaining an evolutionary equilibrium. We outline the parameter conditions and properties of the underlying genetics conducive to nonequilibrium behavior and discuss the potential of such behavior to explain the elaboration and frequent phylogenetic loss of sexually selected traits. We also evaluate its consequences for well-established insights of sexual selection theory previously shown to apply when female mating preference and male ornament expression do converge on stable equilibrium levels. Contrary to equilibrium expectation, a continual change of condition-dependent signaling enables the evolution of a costly preference for a pure epistatic indicator and the evolution of preferences for redundant signals or a large number of independent ornaments. We thus conclude that seemingly general results of sexual selection theory, insofar as these are based on equilibrium considerations, do not extend to cases where nonequilibrium behavior occurs.  相似文献   

Animals often use different sensory systems to assess different sexually selected signals from potential mates. However, the relative importance of different signals on mate choice is not well understood in many animal species. In this study, we examined the relative importance of male olfactory and visual cues on female preference in the guppy Poecilia reticulata. We used digitally modified male images to standardize visual stimuli. We found that, regardless of whether females were presented without male visual stimuli or with identical male visual stimuli, they preferred stimuli with the odor of males to those without. However, when females were allowed to choose between dull male visual stimuli with male odor, and brightly colored male visual stimuli without male odor, there was no clear preference for either. Some females preferred the dull male visual stimuli with male odor, whereas some other females preferred the brightly colored male visual stimuli without male odor. These results indicate that the relative importance of olfactory and visual cues in female mate preference varied between individuals.  相似文献   

While the social interactions of Betta splendens have been studied in the contexts of dominance hierarchies, mate choice and communication networks, the social partner preferences of Betta have been largely overlooked. In this study, we presented male and female Betta with a single male, a single female, and a group of three females in dichotomous choice tests in order to better understand basic social interactions in this largely nonsocial species. The highly territorial Betta preferred associating with conspecifics in nearly every configuration we tested, with exceptions noted when single females were given the choice between a lone male and an empty chamber, and when males were presented with a single female and an empty chamber. Also, in most tests, the fish chose to spend more time with the larger group of females. The motivation for this preference certainly varied from reproductive to anti-predator. While such behavior might not suggest true shoaling behavior, it does demonstrate a subtle degree of sociality.  相似文献   

Male sexual harassment of females is common across sexually reproducing species and can result in fitness costs to females. We hypothesized that females can reduce unwanted male attention by constructing a social niche where their female associates are more sexually attractive than themselves, thus influencing the decision-making of males to their advantage. We tested this hypothesis in the Trinidadian guppy (Poecilia reticulata), a species with high levels of male sexual harassment. First, we confirmed that non-receptive females were harassed less when they were paired with a more sexually attractive (receptive) female than with another non-receptive female. We then found that, indeed, females exploit this as a strategy to reduce sexual harassment; non-receptive females actively preferred to associate with receptive over non-receptive females. Importantly, when given access only to chemosensory cues, non-receptive females still showed this preference, suggesting that they use information from chemical cues to assess the sexual attractiveness of potential female partners. Receptive females in contrast showed no such preferences. Our results demonstrate that females can decrease male harassment by associating with females that are more sexually attractive than themselves and that they perform active partner choices based on this relative attractiveness. We propose that this strategy is likely to represent an important pathway by which females can construct social niches that influence the decision-making of others to their advantage; in this case, to reduce the sexual harassment they experience.  相似文献   

Mate choice is considered an important influence in the evolution of mating signals and other sexual traits, and--since divergence in sexual traits causes reproductive isolation--it can be an agent of population divergence. The importance of mate choice in signal evolution can be evaluated by comparing male signal traits with female preference functions, taking into account the shape and strength of preferences. Specifically, when preferences are closed (favouring intermediate values), there should be a correlation between the preferred values and the trait means, and stronger preferences should be associated with greater preference-signal correspondence and lower signal variability. When preferences are open (favouring extreme values), signal traits are not only expected to be more variable, but should also be shifted towards the preferred values. We tested the role of female preferences in signal evolution in the Enchenopa binotata species complex of treehoppers, a clade of plant-feeding insects hypothesized to have speciated in sympatry. We found the expected relationship between signals and preferences, implicating mate choice as an agent of signal evolution. Because differences in sexual communication systems lead to reproductive isolation, the factors that promote divergence in female preferences--and, consequently, in male signals--may have an important role in the process of speciation.  相似文献   

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