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The elasticity of vertebrate tissue originates from the insoluble, cross-linked protein elastin. Here, the results of variable-temperature (2) H NMR spectra are reported for hydrated elastin that has been enriched at the Hα position in its abundant glycines. Typical powder patterns reflecting averaged quadrupolar parameters are observed for the frozen protein, as opposed to the two, inequivalent deuterons that are detected in a powder sample of enriched glycine. The spectra of the hydrated elastin at warmer temperatures are dominated by a strong central peak with features close to the baseline, reflective of both isotropic and very weakly anisotropic motions.  相似文献   

The effects of Ca(2+) binding on the side-chain methyl dynamics of calbindin D(9k) have been characterized by (2)H NMR relaxation rate measurements. Longitudinal, transverse in-phase, quadrupolar order, transverse anti-phase and double quantum relaxation rates are reported for both the apo and Ca(2+)-loaded states of the protein at two magnetic field strengths. The relatively large size of the data set allows for a detailed analysis of the underlying conformational dynamics by spectral density mapping and model-free fitting procedures. The results reveal a correlation between a methyl group's distance from the Ca(2+) binding sites and its conformational dynamics. Several methyl groups segregate into two limiting classes, one proximal and the other distal to the binding sites. Methyl groups in these two classes respond differently to Ca(2+) binding, both in terms of the timescale and amplitude of their fluctuations. Ca(2+) binding elicits a partial immobilization among methyl groups in the proximal class, which is consistent with previous studies of calbindin's backbone dynamics. The distal class, however, exhibits a trend that could not be inferred from the backbone data in that its mobility actually increases with Ca(2+) binding. We have introduced the term polar dynamics to describe this type of organization across the molecule. The trend may represent an important mechanism by which calbindin D(9k) achieves high affinity binding while minimizing the corresponding loss of conformational entropy.  相似文献   

The NMR paramagnetic relaxation enhancement (NMR-PRE) produced in the solvent proton resonance by manganese in the S0 and S2 states of the oxygen evolving center (OEC) has been recorded for three Photosystem II (PS II)-enriched preparations: (1) PS II-enriched thylakoid membrane fragments (TMF-2 particles); (2) salt-washed (2M NaCl) TMF-2 particles; and (3) the octylglucopyranoside (OGP)-solubilized PS II complex. The second and third preparations, but not the first, are depleted of the peripheral 17 and 23 kD polypeptides associated with the OEC. It has been proposed that depletion of these polypeptides increases the exposure of OEC manganese to the aqueous phase. The NMR-PRE response measures the quantity (T1m+m)-1, where T1m is the spin relaxation time and m is the mean residence time with respect to chemical exchange reactions of solvent protons in the manganese coordination sphere, and, thus, the NMR-PRE provides a direct measure of the solvent proton chemical exchange rate constant m -1. This study tested whether the 17 and 23 kD polypeptides shield the OEC from the solvent phase and whether their depletion enhances the S2 and S0 NMR-PRE signals by removing a kinetic barrier to the solvent proton chemical exchange reaction. The amplitude of the S2 NMR-PRE signal, measured in its chemical exchange-limited regime (m>T1m), is slightly decreased, rather than increased, in preparations (2) and (3) relative to (1), indicating that removal of the 17 and 23 kD polypeptides slightly slows, rather than accelerates, the rate-limiting steps of the solvent proton chemical exchange reactions. In addition, the lifetime of the S2 state was shortened several-fold in the solubilized PS II complex and in salt-washed TMF-2 membranes relative to untreated TMF-2 control samples. The S0 NMR-PRE signal, which is present in TMF-2 suspensions, was not detected in suspensions of the solubilized PS II complex, even though these samples contained high concentrations of active manganese centers (approximately double those of the TMF-2 control) and exhibited an S2 NMR-PRE signal of comparable amplitude to that of the TMF-2 preparation. These results suggest that the 17 and 23 kD extrinsic polypeptides do not shield the NMR-visible water binding site in the OEC from the aqueous phase, although their removal substantially alters the proton relaxation efficiency by shortening T1m.Abbreviations ADRY acceleration of the deactivation reactions of the water splitting enzyme Y - BBY Photosystem II-enriched membrane fragments prepared by the method of Berthold et al. (1981) - CCCP carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone - Chl chlorophyll - DCBQ 2,5-dichlorobenzoquinone - MES morpholinoethanesulfonate - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - OEC oxygen evolving complex - OGP octylglucopyranoside - PRE paramagnetic relaxation enhancement - PS II Photosystem II - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TMF-2 Photosystem II-enriched thylakoid membrane fragments prepared by the method of Radmer et al. (1986) - T1, T2 longitudinal and transverse nuclear spin relaxation times  相似文献   

beta(2)-Microglobulin (beta2-m) is a major component of dialysis-related amyloid fibrils. Although recombinant beta2-m forms needle-like fibrils by in vitro extension reaction at pH 2.5, reduced beta2-m, in which the intrachain disulfide bond is reduced, cannot form typical fibrils. Instead, thinner and flexible filaments are formed, as shown by atomic force microscopy images. To clarify the role of the disulfide bond in amyloid fibril formation, we characterized the conformations of the oxidized (intact) and reduced forms of beta2-m in the acid-denatured state at pH 2.5, as well as the native state at pH 6.5, by heteronuclear NMR. [(1)H]-(15)N NOE at the regions between the two cysteine residues (Cys25-Cys80) revealed a marked difference in the pico- and nanosecond time scale dynamics between that the acid-denatured oxidized and reduced states, with the former showing reduced mobility. Intriguingly, the secondary chemical shifts, DeltaCalpha, DeltaCO, and DeltaHalpha, and (3)J(HNHalpha) coupling constants indicated that both the oxidized and reduced beta2-m at pH 2.5 have marginal alpha-helical propensity at regions close to the C-terminal cysteine, although it is a beta-sheet protein in the native state. The results suggest that the reduced mobility of the denatured state is an important factor for the amylodogenic potential of beta2-m, and that the marginal helical propensity at the C-terminal regions might play a role in modifying this potential.  相似文献   

The fully extended peptide conformation (2.0(5)-helix) has been investigated for the first time in the solid-state by 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning NMR. The compounds examined are members of a terminally protected, homo-oligopeptide series (from monomer through hexamer) based on Calpha,beta-didehydroalanine.  相似文献   

Alanine oligomers provide a key structure for silk fibers from spider and wild silkworms.We report on structural analysis of l ‐alanyl‐l ‐alanyl‐l ‐alanyl‐l ‐alanine (Ala)4 with anti‐parallel (AP) β‐structures using X‐ray and solid‐state NMR. All of the Ala residues in the (Ala)4 are in equivalent positions, whereas for alanine trimer (Ala)3 there are two alternative locations in a unit cell as reported previously (Fawcett and Camerman, Acta Cryst., 1975, 31, 658–665). (Ala)4 with AP β‐structure is more stable than AP‐(Ala)3 due to formation of the stronger hydrogen bonds. The intermolecular structure of (Ala)4 is also different from polyalanine fiber structure, indicating that the interchain arrangement of AP β‐structure changes with increasing alanine sequencelength. Furthermore the precise 1H positions, which are usually inaccesible by X‐ray diffraction method, are determined by high resolution 1H solid state NMR combined with the chemical shift calculations by the gauge‐including projector augmented wave method. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 13–20, 2014.  相似文献   

The relative stability of alpha-helix and beta-sheet secondary structure in the solid state was investigated using poly(L-alanine) (PLA) as a model system. Protein folding and stability has been well studied in solution, but little is known about solid-state environments, such as the core of a folded protein, where peptide packing interactions are the dominant factor in determining structural stability. (13)C cross-polarization with magic angle spinning (CPMAS) NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the backbone conformation of solid powder samples of 15-kDa and 21.4-kDa PLA before and after various sample treatments. Reprecipitation from helix-inducing solvents traps the alpha-helical conformation of PLA, although the method of reprecipitation also affects the conformational distribution. Grinding converts the secondary structure of PLA to a final steady-state mixture of 55% beta-sheet and 45% alpha-helix at room temperature regardless of the initial secondary structure. Grinding PLA at liquid nitrogen temperatures leads to a similar steady-state mixture with 60% beta-sheet and 40% alpha-helix, indicating that mechanical shear force is sufficient to induce secondary structure interconversion. Cooling the sample in liquid nitrogen or subjecting it to high pressure has no effect on secondary structure. Heating the sample without grinding results in equilibration of secondary structure to 50% alpha-helix/50% beta-sheet at 100 degrees C when starting from a mostly alpha-helical state. No change was observed upon heating a beta-sheet sample, perhaps due to kinetic effects and the different heating rate used in the experiments. These results are consistent with beta-sheet approximately 260 J/mol more stable than alpha-helix in solid-state PLA.  相似文献   

N-Acetyl-L-glutamate kinase (NAGK), the structural paradigm of the enzymes of the amino acid kinase family, catalyzes the phosphorylation of the gamma-COO(-) group of N-acetyl-L-glutamate (NAG) by ATP. We determine here the crystal structures of NAGK complexes with MgADP, NAG and the transition-state analog AlF(4)(-); with MgADP and NAG; and with ADP and SO(4)(2-). Comparison of these structures with that of the MgAMPPNP-NAG complex allows to delineate three successive steps during phosphoryl transfer: at the beginning, when the attacking and leaving O atoms and the P atom are imperfectly aligned and the distance between the attacking O atom and the P atom is 2.8A; midway, at the bipyramidal intermediate, with nearly perfect alignment and a distance of 2.3A; and, when the transfer is completed. The transfer occurs in line and is strongly associative, with Lys8 and Lys217 stabilizing the transition state and the leaving group, respectively, and with Lys61, in contrast with an earlier proposal, not being involved. Three water molecules found in all the complexes play, together with Asp162 and the Mg, crucial structural roles. Two glycine-rich loops (beta1-alphaA and beta2-alphaB) are also very important, moving in the different complexes in concert with the ligands, to which they are hydrogen-bonded, either locking them in place for reaction or stabilizing the transition state. The active site is too narrow to accommodate the substrates without compressing the reacting groups, and this compressive strain appears a crucial component of the catalytic mechanism of NAGK, and possibly of other enzymes of the amino acid kinase family such as carbamate kinase. Initial binding of the two substrates would require a different enzyme conformation with a wider active site, and the energy of substrate binding would be used to change the conformation of the active center, causing substrate strain towards the transition state.  相似文献   

The interaction between Ac-AMP2, a lectin-like small protein with antimicrobial and antifungal activity isolated from Amaranthus caudatus, and N,N′,N″-triacetyl chitotriose was studied using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Changes in chemical shift and line width upon increasing concentration of N,N′,N″-triacetyl chitotriose to Ac-AMP2 solutions at pH 6.9 and 2.4 were used to determine the interaction site and the association constant Ka. The most pronounced shifts occur mainly in the C-terminal half of the sequence. They involve the aromatic residues Phe18, Tyr20 and Tyr27 together with their surrounding residues, as well as the N-terminal Val-Gly-Glu segment. Several NOEs between Ac-AMP2 and the N,N′,N″-triacetyl chitotriose resonances are reported.  相似文献   

Amphipathic helices in membrane proteins that interact with the hydrophobic/hydrophilic interface of the lipid bilayer have been difficult to structurally characterize. Here, the backbone structure and orientation of an amphipathic helix in the full-length M2 protein from influenza A virus has been characterized. The protein has been studied in hydrated DMPC/DMPG lipid bilayers above the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition temperature by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. Characteristic PISA (Polar Index Slant Angle) wheels reflecting helical wheels have been observed in uniformly aligned bilayer preparations of both uniformly 15N labeled and amino acid specific labeled M2 samples. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange studies have shown the very slow exchange of some residues in the amphipathic helix and more rapid exchange for the transmembrane helix. These latter results clearly suggest the presence of an aqueous pore. A variation in exchange rate about the transmembrane helical axis provides additional support for this claim and suggests that motions occur about the helical axes in this tetramer to expose the entire backbone to the pore.  相似文献   

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