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We describe females and males of Osmia (Melanosmia) calaminthaesp. n., an apparent floral specialist on Calamintha ashei (Lamiaceae), and provide observations on the behavior of female bees on flowers of this plant. We also provide diagnostic information for Osmia (Diceratosmia) conjunctoides Robertson, stat. n., and synonymize Osmia (Diceratosmia) subfasciata miamiensis Mitchell with Osmia conjunctoidessyn. n. Females of both Osmia calaminthae and Osmia conjunctoides are unique among North American Osmia for having short, erect, simple facial hairs, which are apparent adaptations for collecting pollen from nototribic flowers. Osmia calaminthae is currently only known from sandy scrub at four nearby sites in the southern Lake Wales Ridge in Highlands County, Florida, USA, while Osmia conjunctoides is known from limited but widespread sites in the southeastern USA. We discuss the conservation status of both species based on known or speculated floral associates and distributions.  相似文献   

Summary The foraging behavior of the pollinators of tristylous Pontederia cordata was studied to determine if differences in floral morphology would lead to preferential visitation of the floral morphs. Although nectar production is not different in the three floral morphs, differences in the production and size of pollen grains produced by the three anther levels results in the morphs offering variable amounts of resources to pollen-collecting insects. Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) and the solitary bee Melissodes apicata used P. cordata primarily as a nectar source and therefore did not seem to exhibit any morph preference. In contrast, honeybees visited flowers mainly for pollen and preferred to forage on long-level anthers of the short-and mid-styled morphs. An analysis of the composition of corbicular pollen loads indicated that, relative to the frequency of production in the population: 1) honeybees collected an excess of pollen from long-level anthers; 2) bumblebees collected the three types of pollen without any apparent preference; and 3) M. apicata preferentially collected pollen from the short-level anthers — presumably because their proboscides are modified by the presence of tiny hairs. The results suggest that P. cordata in Ontario is serviced by a diverse, unspecialized pollinator fauna which is not co-adapted to the tristylous floral polymorphism.  相似文献   

Diversity in flower size and degree of exsertion of anthers and stigma from the corolla in the California species of Trichostema appear to be correlated with breeding system and pollinator type (bee vs. bird). Autogamous (self-pollinating) species unlike xenogamous (cross-pollinating) species lack spatially separate anthers and stigma and nototribic pollination. The outcrossing species have significantly larger flowers, significantly larger nectar volumes and significantly higher pollen-ovule ratios than do selfing species. Because autogamous species are less reliant on flower visitors to facilitate pollination, there may be relaxed selection for large nectar producing flowers. Pollen-ovule ratios are correlated with breeding system and reflect the efficiency of pollen transport. Data on floral parameters suggest xenogamous species expend more energy per floral unit and are less efficient seed producers than closely related autogamous species.  相似文献   

Some bees and pollen wasps have independently evolved simple, stiff, erect, apically-curved, curly or hooked facial setae as adaptations to collect pollen from nototribic flowers. A distinctive new species of Chalicodoma Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau subgenus Pseudomegachile Friese from Saudi Arabia with such morphological adaptations, Chalicodoma riyadhensesp. n., is described and figured. The species was captured visiting flowers of Blepharis ciliaris (L.) (Acanthaceae). The occurrence of modified facial setae is documented and discussed for the first time in eight other species of Pseudomegachile, and a key to the genera and subgenera of Megachilini currently confirmed for Saudi Arabia is provided.  相似文献   

The floral traits of bisexual flowers may evolve in response to selection on both male and female functions, but the relative importance of selection associated with each of these two aspects is poorly resolved. Sexually dimorphic traits in plants with unisexual flowers may reflect gender-specific selection, providing opportunities for gaining an increased understanding of the evolution of specific floral traits. We examined sexually dimorphic patterns of floral traits in perfect and female flowers of the gynodioecious species Cyananthus delavayi. A special corolla appendage, the throat hair, was investigated experimentally to examine its influences on male and female function. We found that perfect flowers have larger corollas and much longer throat hairs than female flowers, while female ones have much exerted stigmas. The presence of throat hairs prolonged the duration of pollen presentation by restricting the amount of pollen removed by pollen-collecting bees during each visit. Floral longevity was negatively related to the rate of pollen removal. When pollen removal rate was limited in perfect flowers, the duration of the female phases diminished with the increased male phase duration. There was a weak negative correlation between throat hair length and seed number per fruit in female flowers, but this correlation was not significant in perfect flowers. These results suggest that throat hairs may enhance male function in terms of prolonged pollen presentation. However, throat hairs have no obvious effect on female function in terms of seed number per fruit. The marked sexual dimorphism of this corolla appendage in C. delavayi is likely to have evolved and been maintained by gender-specific selection.  相似文献   

The two widespread tropical Solanum species S. paniculatum and S. stramoniifolium are highly dependent on the visits of large bees that pollinate the flowers while buzzing them. Both Solanum species do not offer nectar reward; the rewarding of bees is thus solely dependent on the availability of pollen. Flower visitors are unable to visually assess the amount of pollen, because the pollen is hidden in poricidal anthers. In this study we ask whether and how the amount of pollen determines the attractiveness of flowers for bees. The number of pollen grains in anthers of S. stramoniifolium was seven times higher than in S. paniculatum. By contrast, the handling time per five flowers for carpenter bees visiting S. paniculatum was 3.5 times shorter than of those visiting S. stramoniifolium. As a result foraging carpenter bees collected a similar number of pollen grains per unit time on flowers of both species. Experimental manipulation of pollen availability by gluing the anther pores showed that the carpenter bees were unable to detect the availability of pollen by means of chemical cues before landing and without buzzing. Our study shows that the efficiency of pollen collecting on S. paniculatum is based on large inflorescences with short between‐flower search times and short handling time of individual flowers, whereas that of S. stramoniifolium relies on a large amount of pollen per flower. Interestingly, large carpenter bees are able to adjust their foraging behaviour to drastically different strategies of pollen reward in otherwise very similar plant species.  相似文献   

Buzz-pollination is a plant strategy that promotes gamete transfer by requiring a pollinator, typically bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), to vibrate a flower’s anthers in order to extract pollen. Although buzz-pollination is widespread in angiosperms with over 20,000 species using it, little is known about the functional connection between natural variation in buzzing vibrations and the amount of pollen that can be extracted from anthers. We characterized variability in the vibrations produced by Bombus terrestris bumblebees while collecting pollen from Solanum rostratum (Solanaceae), a buzz-pollinated plant. We found substantial variation in several buzzing properties both within and among workers from a single colony. As expected, some of this variation was predicted by the physical attributes of individual bumblebees: heavier workers produced buzzes of greater amplitude. We then constructed artificial “pollination buzzes” that varied in three parameters (peak frequency, peak amplitude, and duration), and stimulated S. rostratum flowers with these synthetic buzzes to quantify the relationship between buzz properties and pollen removal. We found that greater amplitude and longer duration buzzes ejected substantially more pollen, while frequency had no directional effect and only a weak quadratic effect on the amount of pollen removed. These findings suggest that foraging bumblebees may improve pollen collection by increasing the duration or amplitude of their buzzes. Moreover, given that amplitude is positively correlated with mass, preferential foraging by heavier workers is likely to result in the largest pollen yields per bee, and this could have significant consequences for the success of a colony foraging on buzz-pollinated flowers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Bilabiate flowers have evolved in many lineages of the angiosperms, thus representing a convincing example of parallel evolution. Similar to keel blossoms, they have obviously evolved in order to protect pollen against pollen-collecting bees. Although many examples are known, a comprehensive survey on floral diversity and functional constraints of bilabiate flowers is lacking. Here, the concept is widened and described as a general pattern. METHODS: The present paper is a conceptional review including personal observations of the authors. To form a survey on the diversity of bilabiate blossoms, a search was made for examples across the angiosperms and these were combined with personal observations collected during the last 25 years, coupled with knowledge from the literature. New functional terms are introduced that are independent of morphological and taxonomic associations. KEY RESULTS: Bilabiate constructions occur in at least 38 angiosperm families. They are characterized by dorsiventral organization and dorsal pollen transfer. They are most often realised on the level of a single flower, but may also be present in an inflorescence or as part of a so-called 'walk-around flower'. Interestingly, in functional terms all nototribic blossoms represent bilabiate constructions. The great majority of specialized bee-flowers can thus be included under bilabiate and keel blossoms. The syndrome introduced here, however, also paves the way for the inclusion of larger animals such as birds and bats. The most important evolutionary trends appear to be in the saving of pollen and the precision of its transfer. With special reference to the Lamiales, selected examples of bilabiate flowers are presented and their functional significance is discussed. CONCLUSIONS: Bilabiate blossoms protect their pollen against pollen-collecting bees and at the same time render their pollination more precisely. The huge diversity of realised forms indicate the high selection pressure towards the bilabiate syndrome. As bees are very inventive, however, bilabiate constructions will not represent the ultimate response to bees.  相似文献   

Cinematographic records of the pollen-foraging behavior of six Bombus species on Linaria vulgaris, Lobelia siphilitica, and Antirrhinum majus revealed a generally uniform pattern of pollen deposition by the nototribic flowers on the frons and scutum of the foragers. A forward sweeping motion of the tarsal brushes of their middle legs removed some of this pollen which was transferred to the tibial corbicula of the hind legs. Some insects foraged in an inverted position. An analysis of 804 pollen samples from frons, scutum, and corbiculum of 331 from a total of 395 Bombus visitors, representing eight of the nine native species, on the three plants indicated a high proportion of proper pollen being collected in addition to 15 kinds of foreign pollen. The pollen-sweeping behavior of Bombus on nototribic flowers is suggested as an important means of pollen-foraging apart from its utility in insect grooming. Pollen-foraging insects are considered important pollinators of these nototribic flowers.  相似文献   

The manner whereby the oil-producing bisaccate flowers ofAngelonia (Scrophulariaceae) are pollinated by female oil-collecting bees is reported for the first time. Observations were made in the Caatinga formation of Pernambuco, NE. Brazil, on four synchronopatric species. These differ in sizes and structural details of the corolla, level of flower exposition, and habitat preferences. All legitimate visitors wereCentris spp. (Anthophoridae):Angelonia hirta was mainly pollinated byC. fuscata andA. pubescens byC. hyptidis; A. bisaccata andA. hookeriana shared an unidentified species. Several exomalopsine, tetrapediine and meliponid bees exploit the flowers less descriminately for oil or pollen, respectively, without regularly contacting anthers and stigma. The flowers are protandrous, and are self-incompatible except those of the annualA. pubescens. After alighting, theCentris bees introduce their front legs simultaneously into each of the pouches and start alternate collecting movements to gather the oil from the trichome elaiophores. While doing so, they are forced by projections of the corolla floor to press their head under the anthers and stigma, whereby pollen is transferred with their frons or clypeus. On account of their collector type and behaviour,C. fuscata andC. spec. are not specialized toAngelonia but may equally exploit other nonrelated taxa for oil, whereasC. hyptidis exhibits oligolecty onA. pubescens. It possesses relatively elongate forelegs with padlike collectors suitable for sweeping the lipids from the scattered glandular hairs inside the divergent spurs of its host. It is the only species that also collects pollen (by buzzing) from the oil host.A. hirta and relatives, provided with dense elaiophore carpets, are, for their part, adapted to scrapingCentris species with typical oil collectors. Flower and bee phenologies, although largely dependent on the irregular rainfalls, are not always coincident.  相似文献   

The pollination ecology of Delphinium tricorne, a spring-ephemeral herb of eastern deciduous forests, was studied at eight sites in the Ohio River basin from West Virginia to southern Illinois. The plant was found to be obligately dependent for its pollination on queen bumblebees (Bombus Latr. spp.) and hummingbirds, to which the flowers are closely adapted in form, color, function, and blooming phenology. Other bees, including Anthophora ursina, Osmia bucephala, Ptilothrix bombiformis, and Xylocopa virginica; Lepidoptera, including Amphion nessus, Danaus plexippus, Epargyreus clams, Erynnis juvenalis, Hemaris thysbe, Papilio glaucus, P. philenor, P. troilus, Poanes zabulon, Vanessa atalanta, and V. cardui; and the beefly Bombylius major foraged for nectar and/or pollen on the flowers without pollinating them. Techniques employed in the study included insect exclosures to test fertility of plants in the absence of pollinators, analysis of floral colors by reflectance spectrophotometry and ultraviolet photography, analysis of pollinator behavior by cinematography and close-range stereophotography, collection and identification of visitors to flowers, and identification of pollen types carried by foragers on the flowers.  相似文献   

Flowers of most plant species are visited by a variety of animals. Some of these visitors are effective pollinators while others remove resources without transferring pollen. Studies comparing the effectiveness of different visitors as pollinators often compare taxa without considering variation in behavior within a taxon. Wilson and Thomson (Ecology 72: 1503-1507, 1991) documented the effects of honey bees and bumble bees on the pollination dynamics of Impatiens capensis. They found that pollen-collecting honey bees removed large numbers of pollen grains from anthers but deposited little of it on stigmas; bumble bees, which sought nectar, removed less pollen but deposited more of it on stigmas. It is unclear whether the low pollen transfer efficiencies of honey bees are explained by their morphology or by their pollen-collecting behavior. We repeated the work of Wilson and Thomson at a site where honey bees were foraging for nectar, not pollen. We measured the quantity of pollen remaining in anthers, the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas, and seed production after single visits by honey bees and bumble bees. The differences between the taxa disappeared when they were foraging in a similar manner. Our results clearly demonstrate the importance of foraging behavior on the pollination effectiveness of floral visitors.  相似文献   

Eichhornia azurea is a tristylous species of Pontederiaceae. Moderate self-incompatibility accompanies the floral heteromorphism of this species.Eichhornia azurea is almost exclusively visited by one bee species,Ancyloscelis gigas (Anthophoridae), in South Brazil. This species has an extremely long proboscis covered with recurved hairs. Bees use these hairs to collect pollen from the anthers placed inside the narrow perianth tube ofE. azurea. Analyses of the pollen load ofA. gigas females show that they are flower constant and carry pollen from all three anther levels. The behavior ofA. gigas and its proboscis morphology make this bee species narrowly adapted and an effective pollinator for facilitating legitimate pollination ofE. azurea flowers in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

Heteranthery is thought to reflect a division of labor, with some anthers serving a pollinator-feeding function and others serving a pollinating function. Mutualism theory predicts that each participant should try to maximize the benefit it receives from its partner: plants should allocate more pollen to pollination, and pollinators should collect more pollen. Accordingly, plant and pollinator may engage in a ‘tug of war’ with respect to pollen from each anther type, resulting in incomplete division of labor. Here, we explored this idea by conducting a fully factorial manipulation of the availability of pollen in long and short anthers of staminate flowers of Solanum houstonii. We found the following: (1) Bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) preferred to sonicate (collect pollen from) short anthers over long anthers, consistent with a role as feeding and pollinating anthers, respectively; (2) Blocking short anther pores alone increased sonication of long anthers and resulted in collection of pollen from long anthers; (3) Blocking long anther pores alone did not influence sonication of short anthers; (4) The increase in sonication of long anthers, when short anther pores are blocked, was greater when pollen was available in long anthers; (5) Despite shifting sonication effort to long anthers, bees do not move their bodies closer to long anther pores where pollen could be collected more effectively; and (6) analysis of the growth of corbicular loads over time spent buzzing indicates that significant amounts of pollen are collected from long anthers as well as short anthers. We conclude that bees can flexibly increase pollen collection from pollinating anthers, but are constrained from fully exploiting this pollen. This results in checks and balances between plant and bee that may help maintain heteranthery.  相似文献   

Pollination success of plants is highly susceptible to the frequency of visits and foraging behavior of pollinators. Pollination of the nectarless flowers of Pedicularis species depends on bumblebee workers collecting pollen by vibrating the anthers (buzz pollination). However, little is known about the efficiency of the pollination system. Foraging behavior, pollen removal from anthers and pollen deposition on stigmas of P. chamissonis were studied to assess the effectiveness of buzz pollination in an alpine snowbed population of northern Japan. Although bumblebees tended to visit most of the flowers open at a given time within inflorescences during a single visit, pollen removal rate at the first visit was about 20%, and buzzing period decreased with increasing number of previous visits, resulting in a decreasing proportion of pollen removed per visit as the number of visits increased. These trends enable plants to provide pollen for more pollinators. The number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas was not saturated during the first visit and increased with additional visits. Irrespective of weak self-compatibility, evidence of interference between self and outcross pollen was lacking for seed production. Therefore, buzz pollination in P. chamissonis acts as a mechanism that improves the chance of cross-pollination upon multiple visits if pollinator visitation is frequent.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: This study on reproductive biology examines the stigmatic morphology of 12 Brazilian Malpighiaceae species with regard to their pollination and breeding system. METHODS: The species were studied in natural populations of a semi-deciduous forest fragment. Style tips were processed for observation by SEM and pollen-tube growth was analyzed under fluorescence microscopy. The breeding system was investigated by isolating flowers within waterproof bags. Floral visitors were recorded through notes and photographs. KEY RESULTS: Flowers are yellow, pink or white, protogynous, herkogamous and sometimes lack oil glands. While Banisteriopsis pubipetala has functional female flowers (with indehiscent anthers), 11 species present hermaphrodite flowers. Stigmas of these species may be terminal, with a slightly concave surface, or internal, consisting of a circular cavity with a large orifice, and are covered with a thin, impermeable cuticle that prevents pollen from adhering, hydrating, or germinating. Malpighiaceae have a special type of 'wet' stigma, where a secretion accumulates under the cuticle and is released by mechanical means-mainly rupture by pollinators. Even though six species show a certain degree of self-compatibility, four of them present a form of late-acting self-incompatibility, and the individual of B. pubipetala is agamospermous. Species of Centris, Epicharis and Monoeca bees pollinate these flowers, mainly collecting oil. Some Epicharis and Monoeca species collected pollen by vibration. Paratetrapedia and Tetrapedia bees are pollen and oil thieves. CONCLUSIONS: The Malpiguiaceae species studied are pollinator-dependent, as spontaneous self-pollination is limited by herkogamy, protogyny and the stigmatic cuticle. Both the oil- and pollen-collecting behaviours of the pollinators favour the rupture of the stigmatic cuticle and the deposition of pollen on or inside the stigmas. As fruit-set rates in natural conditions are low, population fragmentation may have limited the sexual reproduction of these species.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of different populations of Pedicularis rex Clarke C B. was studied in Zhongdian of Northwest Yunnan and in Kunming of central Yunnan, respectively. Seed production depends exclusively upon pollination by bmnblebees ( Bombus Latr. ). The flowers are yellow, with short-tubed, erostrate and nectarless corolla. Two species of the bumblebee workers, Bombus friseanus Skorikov and B. lucorum L. foraged in an upright (nototribic) position for pollen. Meanwhile, Bombus friseanus workers also foraged in an inverted (stemotribic) position on P. rex, vibrating pollen from the anthers within the galea. This pollination syndrome was previously reported in the North American species, e.g.P, labradorica which has the same corolla-type with P. rex. A comparison of the corolla types and pollination syndrome on the species of Pediadaris in East Asia and North America indicates that such a pollination syndrome may be only found in the primitive corolla type of Pedicularis. In spite of the separation in the geological history, P. rex and P.labradorica share the same corolla type and pollination syndrome. Further study is needed to elucidate the biogeography of the Pedicularis.  相似文献   

The flowers of Cassia didymobotrya and C. auriculata have three types of fertile anthers that differ in orientation, size, shape, and pollen production. Flowers with right-handed or left-handed style deflections, i.e., enantiostylous flowers, occur in the same raceme. In Israel, both species are pollinated by pollen collecting buzzing females of Xylocopa pubescens. Vibrations of the carpenter bee are necessary for release of pollen from poricidal anthers and, in C. didymobotrya, also for absorption of pollen through the stigmatic opening into a cavity of the style tip. The largest anthers supply pollen for pollination. Pollen for consumption by the bee, on the other hand, appears to be supplied by all fertile anthers. This is in contrast to the accepted view of a complete separation of functions in the heteromorphic anthers in Cassia. The pollen/ovule ratio in C. didymobotrya was 55,200, and that in C. auriculata 32,000. Only 0.01% of the pollen produced by a flower was found in the stigmatic pollen load, and this fraction allows for high seed sets. From a comparison of the pollen production and utilization in the Cassia species and in certain distylous plants, it is concluded that heteranthery in Cassia does not confer an advantage in pollen economy. The high pollen/ovule ratios are explained by lack of nectar as well as by the large area on which pollen is deposited on the bee's body relative to the small size of the stigma. Enantiostyly in Cassia is considered as part of a pollination syndrome whose characteristics are outlined. The function of enantiostyly as an outbreeding strategy is discussed. In the two Cassia species, opportunities for self- and geitonogamous pollinations and self-compatibility minimize an effect of enantiostyly in promotion of outcrossing. Instead, it is proposed that style deflections may clear access of the pollinator to the anthers and protect female parts from injury by a vibrating heavy-bodied visitor.  相似文献   

The selective pressure imposed by maximizing male fitness (pollen dispersal) in shaping floral structures is increasingly recognized and emphasized in current plant sciences. To maximize male fitness, many flowers bear a group of stamens with temporally separated anther dehiscence that prolongs presentation of pollen grains. Such an advantage, however, may come with a cost resulting from interference of pollen removal by the dehisced anthers. This interference between dehisced and dehiscing anthers has received little attention and few experimental tests to date. Here, using one-by-one stamen movement in the generalist-pollinated Parnassia palustris, we test this hypothesis by manipulation experiments in two years. Under natural conditions, the five fertile stamens in P. palustris flowers elongate their filaments individually, and anthers dehisce successively one-by-one. More importantly, the anther-dehisced stamen bends out of the floral center by filament deflexion before the next stamen''s anther dehiscence. Experimental manipulations show that flowers with dehisced anther remaining at the floral center experience shorter (1/3–1/2 less) visit durations by pollen-collecting insects (mainly hoverflies and wasps) because these ‘hungry’ insects are discouraged by the scant and non-fresh pollen in the dehisced anther. Furthermore, the dehisced anther blocks the dehiscing anther''s access to floral visitors, resulting in a nearly one third decrease in their contact frequency. As a result, pollen removal of the dehiscing anther decreases dramatically. These results provide the first direct experimental evidence that anther-anther interference is possible in a flower, and that the selection to reduce such interferences can be a strong force in floral evolution. We also propose that some other floral traits, usually interpreted as pollen dispensing mechanisms, may function, at least partially, as mechanisms to promote pollen dispersal by reducing interferences between dehisced and dehiscing anthers.  相似文献   

Enantiostyly (mirror-image flowers) is usually associated with buzz pollination. In buzz-pollinated flowers, pollen is released through terminal pores after bees vibrate the stamens. Several studies have evaluated the function of 'buzzing' in pollen release, but less attention has been paid to the effect of buzzing on pollen capture and deposition on stigmas. Evaluating the mechanism of pollen dispersion in buzz-pollinated flowers is important because it may affect mating patterns and reproductive success. In this study, we analysed the morphology of sexual organs (anther and stigma) using electron microscopy, and determined the relationship between sexual organ structure and pollen capture function through experimental manipulations of buzz-pollinated flowers of Chamaecrista chamaecristoides, as well as vibration frequencies on floral visitors. Pollen release occurs through two terminal pores at the tip of the stamens. However, unlike most angiosperms that have their stigmatic surface exposed, C.?chamaecristoides presents a stigmatic surface inside a cavity covered by trichomes. Experimental manipulations showed that effective fertilisation is only achieved when the style is vibrated, suggesting that buzzing is not only important for pollen release but also for pollen capture and deposition on the stigma. This result, in addition to vibration frequency analysis, suggests that although all floral visitors buzz flowers only those that buzz at higher frequencies achieve effective fertilisation. The anatomical features of sexual organs in flowers of C.?chamaecristoides demonstrate that this species possesses a highly specialised, elaborate morphology, with both genders selected for traits that promote buzz pollination.  相似文献   

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