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Haemoproteus psittaci n. sp., a microsomal halteridial haemoproteid, is described from the African grey parrot Psittacus erithacus. This species differs from Haemoproteus handai, the only other haemoproteid described from the Psittaciformes, in that it is halteridial, not circumnuclear, is much smaller in all dimensions and has only 10–12 pigment granules compared to 20–24 noted in the latter species.  相似文献   

The Family Thelastomidae (Thelastomatoidea; Oxyurida; Nematoda) is revised, genera are diagnosed and a complete list of species is given. The following genera, normally classified in the family, are not included: Linstowiella Basir is considered a member of the Pharyngodonidae and perhaps a synonym of Pharyngodon Diesing; Klossinema Lal is considered a synonym of Cephalobellus Cobb; Schubartnema Kloss is considered a taxonomic chimaera, the male corresponding to Carnoya Gilson and the female probably to Binema Basir. Two new species are proposed: Gryllophila bainae and G. klossae for material assigned to G. skrjabini (Sergiev) by Bain (1965) and Kloss (1959) respectively. The following new synonyms are proposed: Blattellicola Basir and Blatellicoloides Farooqui synonyms of Blatticola Schwenck; Basiriella Ahmed & Jabin synonym of Blattophila Cobb; Leidynema (Basiria) Farooqui synonym of Cranifera Kloss; Posterovulva Van Waerebeke synonym of Desmicola Basir; Oryctophila Van Waerebeke synonym of Johnstonia Basir; Panaesthiana Kloss synonym of Leidynemella Chitwood & Chitwood; Psilocephala Rao synonym of Cameronia Basir; Welchiella Gupta & Kaur synonym of Hammerschmidtiella Chitwood. The following new combinations are proposed: Blattophila basiri for Basiriella basiri Ahmed & Jabin, leaving Blattophila basiri Farooqui pre-occupied (and renamed B. farooquii); Cameronia psilocephala and C. aspiculata for Psilocephala psilocephala Rao and P. aspiculata Farooqui respectively; Corydiella mamba (Van Waerebeke) for Thelastoma mamba; Desmicola moramangi for Posterovulva moramangi Van Waerebeke; Johnstonia morondovae for Oryctophila morondovae; Leidynemella sphaeropoei for Oxyuris sphaeropoei Parona; Thelastoma aurangabadense, T. indica (preoccupied), T. mackenziei, T. thapari, T. unicoloris and T. welchi for Schwenkiella aurangabadense Farooqui, S. indica Rao & Rao, Suifunema mackenziei Zervos, Bulhoesia thapari Singh & Singh, Cephalobellus unicoloris Van Waerebeke and Schwenkiella welchi Farooqui, respectively.  相似文献   

The family Hystrignathidae (Thelastomatoidea, Oxyurida, Nematoda) is revised. The following genera are included in the family:Anomalostoma Cordeira,Anuronema Clark,Artigasia Christie,Boraceianema Travasssos & Kloss,Carlosia Travassos & Kloss,Christiella Travassos & Kloss,Coronocephalus Cordeira,Glaber Travassos & Kloss,Hystrignathus Leidy,Klossiella Cordeira,Klossnema Cordeira,Lepidonema Cobb,Longior Travassos & Kloss,Mentecle Travassos & Kloss,Papillabrum Kloss,Passalidophila Van Waerebeke,Phalacronema Clark,Salesia Travassos & Kloss,Soaresnema Travassos & Kloss,Sprentia Clark,Triumphalisnema Kloss,Urbanonema Travassos & Kloss,Ventelia Travassos & Kloss,Vulcanonema Travassos & Kloss andXyo Cobb.Paraxyo Travassos and Kloss is considered a synonym ofArtigasia Cobb with the following resulting new combinations:A. ensicrinatus (Hunt) andA. monodelpho (Travassos & Kloss).Artigasia pauliani var.joliveta Théodoridès is raised to the rank of species. Complete diagnoses are given to all genera and annotated lists of species are provided.  相似文献   

Binema mirzaia (Basir, 1942a) Basir, 1956, Cameronia nisari (Parveen and Jairajpuri, 1985) Adamson and Van Waerebeke, 1992a and Mirzaiella meerutensis Singh and Malti, 2003 are redescribed morphologically along with molecular identification from the intestine of mole cricket Gryllotalpa africana. Molecular characterization was carried out using the D2–D3 expansion domains of the 18S ribosomal DNA region. This study first time presents molecular data for the above three nematode species.  相似文献   

During the investigation of insect nematodes of North-East India, a new species of Binema (Travassosinematidae: Thelastomatoidea) was recovered from the intestine of Gryllotalpa africana Beauv. It is described and illustrated as Binema anulinervus n.sp. Three known species namely B. ornata Travassos, 1925, B. mirzaia (Basir, 1942) Basir, 1956 and B. korsakowi (Sergiev, 1923) Basir, 1956 have also been collected, redescribed and illustrated in the present study. The new species differs from all known species and only comes close to B. pseudornatum Leibersperger, 1960 for having caudal flagellate appendage. Key to species of the genus and a comparative measurement chart are given in Table 1.  相似文献   

Metabolic interactions between algal symbionts and invertebrate hosts   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Some invertebrates have enlisted autotrophic unicellular algae to provide a competitive metabolic advantage in nutritionally demanding habitats. These symbioses exist primarily but not exclusively in shallow tropical oceanic waters where clear water and low nutrient levels provide maximal advantage to the association. Mostly, the endosymbiotic algae are localized in host cells surrounded by a host-derived membrane (symbiosome). This anatomy has required adaptation of the host biochemistry to allow transport of the normally excreted inorganic nutrients (CO2, NH3 and PO43−) to the alga. In return, the symbiont supplies photosynthetic products to the host to meet its energy demands. Most attention has focused on the metabolism of CO2 and nitrogen sources. Carbon-concentrating mechanisms are a feature of all algae, but the products exported to the host following photosynthetic CO2 fixation vary. Identification of the stimulus for release of algal photosynthate in hospite remains elusive. Nitrogen assimilation within the symbiosis is an essential element in the host's control over the alga. Recent studies have concentrated on cnidarians because of the impact of global climate change resulting in coral bleaching. The loss of the algal symbiont and its metabolic contribution to the host has the potential to result in the transition from a coral-dominated to an algal-dominated ecosystem.  相似文献   

We report here that, during periodical surveys of insects inhabiting diverse habitats for the collection of entomopathogenic fungi; a large number of isolates were recovered belonging to seven species, from various regions of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh forest areas and agricultural fields. The most common entomopathogenic fungi such as Beauveria bassiana, Nomuraea rileyi, Paecilomyces farinosus and Paecilomyces fumosoroseus were found to infect various insect hosts species naturally viz. Hyblaea puera, Eutectona machaeralis, Diachrysia orichalcea, Spodoptera litura, and few new insect hosts of these fungal pathogens among Indian insect population were collected for the first time from Central India, such as beetles of Agrilus species, hairy caterpillars of Lymantria species. The isolation, identification, maintenance and pathogenicity assay of these isolates was performed prior to deposition in culture collection center.  相似文献   

The phylum Myxozoa contains over 1350 species almost all of which are considered to be obligate parasites of aquatic animals. The phylum is composed of two classes, the Myxosporea and the Malacosporea, species of which are important pathogens responsible for severe economic losses in cultured fisheries. The life cycles of freshwater Myxozoa are believed to involve horizontal, indirect transmission, involving an invertebrate (oligochaetes or bryozoans) and a vertebrate host (fish or amphibians). Here, we describe myxozoan propagation through the fragmentation of invertebrate hosts to form new infected individuals. The two hosts examined are an oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus infected with an unidentified myxosporean (Triactinomyxon sp.) and the bryozoan Fredericella sultana infected with the malacosporean Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae which causes proliferative kidney disease, a major constraint of the European rainbow trout industry. Such intra-clonal propagation is a novel form of vertical transmission that is likely to be widespread within the Myxozoa and could form an important method by which some of these parasites maintain and proliferate within the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

According to the rule of academican E. N. Pavlovskiy, any organism of host is an environment of inhabit for a parasite (Pavlovskiy, 1934). It was analysed, which "ecological niche" or microbiotop (= microhabitat) is occupied by this or that species of symbiotic (parasitic) copepods in organisms of different groups invertebrate-hosts. The assumption lying in a basis of the given analysis means that each group of hosts may give to cohabitants only certain variants of microbiotopes independently on the general morphological structure and life mode of hosts. Five types of microbiotops offered by various groups of hosts for symbiotic copepods are designated (Ta[symbol: see text] 2). 1. The body surface of benthic invertebrates as a microbiotope is characterized by conditions being little different (concerning any kind of physical and chemical influences on copepods) from those in external environment on any other substrate. Apparently a trophical dependence plays a determining role in this case. There are certain directions in a development of adaptations, which are characteristic in some extent for all water ectoparasitic crustaceans and have one functional task--to help to an ectoparasite to keep itself on a surface of host body. In the first, the maxillules and maxillipeds significantly are developed, they get a form of large claws, with which the dopepods are strongly attached on a surface of host body and have an opportunity to move on it without a danger to be washed off. In the second, the form of the body undergoes a dorso-ventral expression and expansion of prosome, forms a cephalic shield allowing to the symbiont to press itself tightly to the host body surface and to avoid the loss of host (tab. 2). In occasions, some ectoparasites stimulate the formation of galls in skin tissues of the host, that also provides the parasite with constant conditions, without any threat to lose the host. However, this phenomenon has not a wide distribution and is observed in some groups of crustacean and echinoderm hosts. 2. The narrow tubular cavities in the organism of host either they are a part of external environment (as in channel system of spongia) or a part of internal environment of organism (as channels of blood system or thin parts of a digestive system) have always rigidly limited sizes and form. Characteristics of all parasites occupying this microbiotopes are the strong transformations. They are expressed by the reduction of legs or any other appendages (frequently in a significant degree), loss of segmentation to some extent and in eruciform (or vermiform) form of a body (tab. 2). This microbiotope is occupied by an ectoparasite in one case only (Spongicola uncifer from channel system of spongia) and by endoparasites in all other cases. 3. Large cavities connected with external environment. The formations of various genesis, such as mantle cavity of molluscs, gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavity of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians, concern this type of microbiotopes. All of them are characterized by the relative difference from the external environment and rather large volume (in comparison to sizes of copepods), that provides the parasites with a sufficient protection from factors of the external environment and constant source of food such as elements of host body or food's particles brought by the water flow. Morphological changes in inhabitants of the microbiotope have two directions. They practically are absent in the overwhelming majority copepods, living in the mantle of cavity of the lamellibranches. On the other hand, the inhabitants of gill cavity and marsupium of crustaceans, bursal cavities of ophiuroids and branchial cavity of ascidians are characterized by the presence of strong transformations. Usually there are expressed in a loss of segmentation to some extent, reduction of appendages and swelling of body, as in species of the genus Sphaeronella (tab. 2). Changes are also observed in the life cycle: the tendency to reduce stages of development (development of nauplii stage, which takes place under the ovarial cover). In this case the copepodid stages hatch from the ova. 4. The internal cavity of organism of host. This type of microbiotopes in different groups of the hosts is represented in a various degree. We recognise it in a coelome of polychaetes, lacunar system of molluscs, mixocoel of crustaceans, coelome of echinoderms and cavity of body in ascidians. Two basic evolutionary directions are observed in copepods occupying this microbiotope. In the first case, the parasite is not exposed to transformations and keeps the initial plan of structure as in ancestral free-living forms. In the second case the parasites are exposed to strong transformations, they either live directly in cavity's liquid, or are surrounded by a cyst (as in Cucumaricolidae). 5. Microbiotope of the last type is most specific. The simultaneous existence in two environments--external environment (environment of the second order) and internal environment (environment of the first order) leads to the complete loss of ancestral type in a structure and level of organisation. At the same time both morphological and functional division of the parasite body into two parts produces a new formation--the ectosome and endosome. In this case we deals with the phenomenon of mesoparasitism.  相似文献   

La Crosse virus is maintained in a cycle involving mosquitoes and small mammals. Vertebrate cell infection is generally cytolytic; vector cell infection results in persistent infection. Features of La Crosse virus replication that may permit the virus to traffic between vector and vertebrate hosts and condition different infection outcomes are described.  相似文献   

The high biodiversity of coral reefs is attributable to the many invertebrate groups which live in symbiotic relationships with other reef organisms, particularly those which associate with the living coral habitat. However, few studies have examined the diversity and community structure of coral-dwelling invertebrates and how they vary among coral species. This study quantified the species richness and composition of animals associated with four common species of branching corals (Acropora nasuta, A. millepora, Pocillopora damicornis, and Seriatopora hystrix) at Lizard Island in the northern Great Barrier Reef. One hundred and seventy-eight nominal species from 12 different phyla were extracted across 50 replicate colonies of each coral host. A single coral colony, approximately 20 cm in diameter, harbored as many as 73 individuals and 24 species. There were substantial differences in invertebrate species composition among coral hosts of different families as well as genera. Twenty-seven species (15% of all taxa collected) were found on only one of the four different coral species, which may potentially indicate some level of specialization among coral hosts. The distinct assemblages on different coral species, and the presence of potential specialists, suggests invertebrate communities will be sensitive to the differential loss of branching coral species resulting from coral reef degradation.  相似文献   

Ascenzi P  Gradoni L 《IUBMB life》2002,53(2):121-123
Nitric oxide (NO) possesses antiparasitic effects on both Protozoa and Metazoa in vertebrate definitive and intermediate hosts. Inducible NO limits parasite development also in Rhodnius prolixus and Anopheles stephensi, the natural vectors of human trypanosomiasis and malaria respectively, and in the snail Biomphalaria glabrata, a natural invertebrate intermediate host of human schistosomiasis. Therefore, NO limits Trypanosoma, Plasmodium, and Schistosoma development at all stages of the parasite life cycle.  相似文献   

Interspecies variations in lipophosphoglycan (LPG) have been the focus of intense study over the years due its role in specificity during sand fly-Leishmania interaction. This cell surface glycoconjugate is highly polymorphic among species with variations in sugars that branch off the conserved Gal(β1,4)Man(α1)-PO(4) backbone of repeat units. However, the degree of intraspecies polymorphism in LPG of Leishmania infantum (syn. Leishmania chagasi) is not known. In this study, intraspecific variation in the repeat units of LPG was evaluated in 16 strains of L. infantum from Brazil, France, Algeria and Tunisia. The structural polymorphism in the L. infantum LPG repeat units was relatively slight and consisted of three types: type I does not have side chains; type II has one β-glucose residue that branches off the disaccharide-phosphate repeat units and type III has up to three glucose residues (oligo-glucosylated). The significance of these modifications was investigated during in vivo interaction of L. infantum with Lutzomyia longipalpis, and in vitro interaction of the parasites and respective LPGs with murine macrophages. There were no consequential differences in the parasite densities in sand fly midguts infected with Leishmania strains exhibiting type I, II and III LPGs. However, higher nitric oxide production was observed in macrophages exposed to glucosylated type II LPG.  相似文献   

The similarity in species composition between two communities generally decays as a function of increasing distance between them. Parasite communities in vertebrate definitive hosts follow this pattern but the respective relationship in intermediate invertebrate hosts of parasites with complex life cycles is unknown. In intermediate hosts, parasite communities are affected not only by the varying vagility of their definitive hosts (dispersing infective propagules) but also by the necessary coincidence of all their hosts in environmentally suitable localities. As intermediate hosts often hardly move they do not contribute to parasite dispersal. Hence, their parasite assemblages may decrease faster in similarity with increasing distance than those in highly mobile vertebrate definitive hosts. We use published field survey data to investigate distance decay of similarity in trematode communities from three prominent coastal molluscs of the Eastern North-Atlantic: the gastropods Littorina littorea and Hydrobia ulvae, and the bivalve Cerastoderma edule. We found that the similarity of trematode communities in all three hosts decayed with distance, independently of local sampling effort, and whether or not the parasites used the mollusc as first or second intermediate host in their life cycle. In H. ulvae, the halving distance (i.e. the distance that halves the similarity from its initial similarity at 1 km distance) for the trematode species using birds as definitive hosts was approximately two to three times larger than for species using fish. The initial similarities (estimated at 1 km distance) among trematode communities were relatively higher, whereas mean halving distances were lower, compared to published values for parasite communities in vertebrate hosts. We conclude that the vagility of definitive hosts accounts for a high similarity at the local scale, while the strong decay of similarity across regions is a consequence of the low probability that all necessary hosts and suitable environmental conditions coincide on a large scale.  相似文献   

We have purified contulakin-G, a 16-amino acid O-linked glycopeptide (pGlu-Ser-Glu-Glu-Gly-Gly-Ser-Asn-Ala-Thr-Lys-Lys-Pro-Tyr-Ile-Leu-OH, pGlu is pyroglutamate) from Conus geographus venom. The major glycosylated form of contulakin-G was found to incorporate the disaccharide beta-D-Galp-(1-->3)-alpha-D-GalpNAc-(1-->) attached to Thr10. The C-terminal sequence of contulakin-G shows a high degree of similarity to the neurotensin family of peptides. Synthetic peptide replicates of Gal(beta-->3) GalNAc(alpha-->)Thr10 contulakin-G and its nonglycosylated analog were prepared using an Fmoc (9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl) protected solid phase synthesis strategy. The synthetic glycosylated con- tulakin-G, when administered intracerebroventricular into mice, was found to result in motor control-associated dysfunction observed for the native peptide. Contulakín-G was found to be active at 10-fold lower doses than the nonglycosylated Thr10 contulakin-G analog. The binding affinities of contulakin-G and the nonglycosylated Thr10 contulakin-G for a number of neurotensin receptor types including the human neurotensin type 1 receptor (hNTR1), the rat neurotensin type 1 and type 2 receptors, and the mouse neurotensin type 3 receptor were determined. The binding affinity of the nonglycosylated Thr10 contulakin-G was approximately an order of magnitude lower than that of neurotensin1-13 for all the receptor types tested. In contrast, the glycosylated form of contulakin-G exhibited significantly weaker binding affinity for all of the receptors tested. However, both contulakin-G and nonglycosylated Thr10 contulakin-G were found to be potent agonists of rat neurotensin receptor type 1. Based on these results, we conclude that O-linked glycosylation appears to be a highly unusual strategy for increasing the efficacy of toxins directed against neurotransmitter receptors.  相似文献   

The broad range in physiological variation displayed by Symbiodinium spp. has proven imperative during periods of environmental change and contribute to the survival of their coral host. Characterizing how host and Symbiodinium community assemblages differ across environmentally distinct habitats provides useful information to predict how corals will respond to major environmental change. Despite the extensive characterizations of Symbiodinium diversity found amongst reef cnidarians on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) substantial biogeographic gaps exist, especially across inshore habitats. Here, we investigate Symbiodinium community patterns in invertebrates from inshore and mid‐shelf reefs on the southern GBR, Australia. Dominant Symbiodinium types were characterized using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis fingerprinting and sequencing of the ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA. Twenty one genetically distinct Symbiodinium types including four novel types were identified from 321 reef‐invertebrate samples comprising three sub‐generic clades (A, C, and D). A range of host genera harbored C22a, which is normally rare or absent from inshore or low latitude reefs in the GBR. Multivariate analysis showed that host identity and sea surface temperature best explained the variation in symbiont communities across sites. Patterns of changes in Symbiodinium community assemblage over small geographic distances (100s of kilometers or less) indicate the likelihood that shifts in Symbiodinium distributions and associated host populations, may occur in response to future climate change impacting the GBR.  相似文献   

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