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The brain morphology and the topography of the cranial nerves on an endocranial mold of the theropod dinosaur Tarbosaurus bataar (Tyrannosauridae) are examined. The brain of this dinosaur was constructed based on the reptile archetype, with a well-developed specialized olfactory analyzer. In terms of development, the visual centers were superseded not only by the olfactory centers, but also by the auditory centers. Comparative analysis of the brain structure of Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus shows clear distinctions in the topography of roots of the accessory and trigeminal nerves.  相似文献   

The Antarctic snailfish Paraliparis devriesi (Liparidae) is an epibenthic species, inhabiting depths of 500–650 m in McMurdo Sound. Liparids are the most speciose fish family in the Antarctic Region. We examine the gross morphology and histology of the sense organs and brain of P. devriesi and provide a phyletic perspective by comparing this morphology to that of four scorpaeniforms and of sympatric perciform notothenioids. The brain has numerous derived features, including well-developed olfactory lamellae with thick epithelia, large olfactory nerves and bulbs, and large telencephalic lobes. The retina contains only rods and exhibits a high convergence ratio (82:1). Optic nerves are small and nonpleated. The tectum is small. The corpus of the cerebellum is large, whereas the valvula is vestigial. The rhombencephalon and bulbospinal junction are extended and feature expanded vagal and spinal sensory lobes as well as hypertrophied dorsal horns and funiculi in the rostral spinal cord. The lower lobes of the pectoral fins have taste buds and expanded somatosensory innervation. Although the cephalic lateral line and anterior lateral line nerve are well developed, the trunk lateral line and posterior lateral line nerve are reduced. Near-field mechanoreception by trunk neuromasts may have been compromised by the watery, gelatinous subdermal extracellular matrix employed as a buoyancy mechanism. The expanded somatosensory input to the pectoral fin may compensate for the reduction in the trunk lateral line. The brains of P. devriesi and sympatric notothenioids share well-developed olfactory systems, an enlarged preoptic-hypophyseal axis, and subependymal expansions. Although the functional significance is unknown, the latter two features are correlated with habitation of the deep subzero waters of the Antarctic shelf. J. Morphol. 237:213–236, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fossils preserving traces of soft anatomy are rare in the fossil record; even rarer is evidence bearing on the size and shape of sense organs that provide us with insights into mode of life. Here, we describe unique fossil preservation of an avian brain from the Volgograd region of European Russia. The brain of this Melovatka bird is similar in shape and morphology to those of known fossil ornithurines (the lineage that includes living birds), such as the marine diving birds Hesperornis and Enaliornis, but documents a new stage in avian sensory evolution: acute nocturnal vision coupled with well-developed hearing and smell, developed by the Late Cretaceous (ca 90Myr ago). This fossil also provides insights into previous 'bird-like' brain reconstructions for the most basal avian Archaeopteryx--reduction of olfactory lobes (sense of smell) and enlargement of the hindbrain (cerebellum) occurred subsequent to Archaeopteryx in avian evolution, closer to the ornithurine lineage that comprises living birds. The Melovatka bird also suggests that brain enlargement in early avians was not correlated with the evolution of powered flight.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase activity was estimated in the chick cerebral hemispheres, optic lobes and cerebellum between the 1st and the 30th day of postnatal growth. Glutamine synthetase activity is higher in the cerebellum than in the cerebral hemispheres and lowest in the optic lobes at 1 day after hatching; at 30 days after hatching, it is the same in the optic lobes and in the cerebellum and lowest in the cerebral hemispheres. The great increase of glutamine synthetase activity between the 1st and the 4th day after hatching corresponds to the appearance of the heterogeneity of the chick brain glutamate metabolism. The glutamine synthetase activity is inhibited by MSO in vivo at a concentration of 100 mg kg ?1 at values of 87, 90 and 89 % in cerebral hemispheres, optic lobes and cerebellum of 1, 2 and 4-day-old chicks. The enzyme inhibition is less pronounced in vitro and reaches values of about 25 and 75 % for 1 and 10 mM MSO concentrations respectively in the three brain areas of the 1 to 4-day-old chick and values slightly lower in the 30-day-old chick brain.  相似文献   

The brain endocasts of the late Triassic (Carnian) traversodontids (Eucynodontia: Gomphodontia) Siriusgnathus niemeyerorum and Exaeretodon riograndensis from southern Brazil are described based on virtual models generated using computed tomography scan data. Their skull anatomy resembles that of other non-mammaliaform cynodonts, showing an endocranial cavity that is not fully ossified. A “V-shaped” orbitosphenoid, neither fully developed nor ossified is present in E. riograndensis. The nasal cavity is confluent with the encephalic cavity. Thus, the anterior limit of the olfactory bulbs is not definite. The brain endocast is elongated, being narrow anteriorly and wide posteriorly, with the maximum width at the parafloccular cast. The olfactory bulbs do not present a clear division between their counterparts, due to the absence of a longitudinal sulcus. A longitudinal sulcus in the forebrain delimiting the cerebral hemispheres, the pineal tube, and the parietal foramen are absent in both taxa. The large and well-developed unossified zone is partially separated from the remaining endocast by a notch formed by the supraoccipital. The encephalization quotients, as well as the endocranial volume/body mass relationships of S. niemeyerorum and E. riograndensis are within the range expected for non-mammaliaform Therapsida.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 (GnRH1) neurons control reproductive activity, but GnRH2 and GnRH3 neurons have widespread projections and function as neuromodulators in the vertebrate brain. While these extra-hypothalamic GnRH forms function as olfactory and visual neuromodulators, their potential effect on processing of auditory information is unknown. To test the hypothesis that GnRH modulates the processing of auditory information in the brain, we used immunohistochemistry to determine seasonal variations in these neuropeptide systems, and in vivo single-neuron recordings to identify neuromodulation in the midbrain torus semicircularis of the soniferous damselfish Abudefduf abdominalis. Our results show abundant GnRH-immunoreactive (-ir) axons in auditory processing regions of the midbrain and hindbrain. The number of extra-hypothalamic GnRH somata and the density of GnRH-ir axons within the auditory torus semicircularis also varied across the year, suggesting seasonal changes in GnRH influence of auditory processing. Exogenous application of GnRH (sGnRH and cGnRHII) caused a primarily inhibitory effect on auditory-evoked single neuron responses in the torus semicircularis. In the majority of neurons, GnRH caused a long-lasting decrease in spike rate in response to both tone bursts and playbacks of complex natural sounds. GnRH also decreased response latency and increased auditory thresholds in a frequency and stimulus type-dependent manner. To our knowledge, these results show for the first time in any vertebrate that GnRH can influence context-specific auditory processing in vivo in the brain, and may function to modulate seasonal auditory-mediated social behaviors.  相似文献   

The endocranial cast of Tetonius homunculus, a 55 million year old tarsioid primate, is primitive in having relatively large olfactory bulbs and small frontal lobes, but remarkably advanced for an Early Eocene mammal in its voluminous occipital and temporal lobes. Expansion of occipital and temporal cortical regions of the brain suggests improvement in visual and auditory function, which may have been an important factor in the Early Eocene radiation of the primates.  相似文献   

Brain regions, cranial nerves, and sense organs in Muraenolepis microps, an Antarctic gadiform fish, were examined to determine which features could be attributed to a gadiform ancestry and which to habitation of Antarctic waters. We found that the central nervous system and sense organs are well developed, showing neither substantial regression nor hypertrophy. A detailed drawing of the brain and cranial nerves is provided. The rostral position of the olfactory bulbs and telencephalic size and lobation are common for the order. The optic tectum and corpus cerebelli are smaller than in most other gadiforms. The shape of the corpus cerebelli is not distinctive among gadiforms. The lateral line region is moderately well-developed, but not hypertrophied to the extent seen in deep-sea gadiforms. As is the case in gadids possessing barbels and elongated pelvic rays, Muraenolepis has well-developed facial lobes, although these are smaller and more laterally positioned. The vagal lobes are deeply placed in the rhombencephalon and project into the fourth ventricle. The brain of Muraenolepis resembles that of a phyletically derived gadoid, especially a phycid, more than it resembles the brain of a phyletically basal macrourid. Two histological features of the diencephalon of Muraenolepis appear to be unique among gadiforms: a well-organized thalamic central medial nucleus and subependymal expansions. Muraenolepis has a pure rod retina like many deep-sea species but lacks the superimposed layers of rod outer segments. The histology of the nonvisual sense organs, especially the olfactory and external taste systems, are well-developed in Muraenolepis but not hypertrophied. We relate our findings to what is known about neural morphology in other gadiforms and in phyletically distant notothenioids and liparids that are sympatric with Muraenolepis on the Antarctic shelf. The only feature that reflects an Antarctic existence is the diencephalic subependymal expansions, which within notothenioids mirror the habitation of cold waters and have been found in every Antarctic species examined to date. Although the waters of the Antarctic shelf are cold, dark, and deep, brain and sense organ morphology in Muraenolepis are remarkably free of extreme specialization.  相似文献   


A digital cranial endocast of the specimen UFRGS-PV-596-T of Riograndia guaibensis was obtained from μCT scan images. This is a small cynodont, closely related to mammaliaforms, from the Late Triassic of Brazil. Riograndia has large olfactory bulb casts and the cerebral hemispheres region is relatively wider than in other non-mammaliaform cynodonts. Impressions of vessels were observed and a conspicuous mark on the dorsal surface was interpreted as the transverse sinus. The calculated encephalization quotient is greater than the range seen in most other non-mammaliaform cynodonts. The ratios between linear and area measurements of the dorsal surface suggest four evolutionary changes from a basal eucynodont morphology to mammaliaforms, involving an evolutionary increase of the relative size of the olfactory bulbs and the width of the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum. The data supports the hypothesis of the neurological evolution of the mammalian lineage starting with a trend for an increase of the olfactory bulbs, which is associated with adaptations in the nasal cavity. This trend is suggested to be linked to the selective pressures for small-sized faunivorous, and probably nocturnal, animals, and represents an initial improvement of the sensory receptor system, subsequently leading to further development of the ‘superior’ structures for sensorial processing and integration.  相似文献   

A new dinosaur, Ceratonykus oculatus gen. et sp. nov. (Parvicursoridae, Alvarezsauria), from the Upper Cretaceous (Baruungoyot Formation) of Mongolia is described based on a fragmentary skeleton. It differs from other alvarezsaurians in many characters, including the short femora, long tarsometatarsals, and considerably reduced third metatarsals. The carpometacarpals contain spikelike bones. The natural endocast of the new taxon shows large acoustic tubercles, the ventral position of the optic lobes in the midbrain, and the absence of a vertical flexure at the brain floor. The data obtained cast doubt on the taxonomic position of alvarezsaurians in the Theropoda.  相似文献   

为探究鱼类脑结构及其与生态习性的相关性, 采用HE及Nissl染色法对健康性成熟宽体沙鳅脑组织结构进行观察。结果显示: 宽体沙鳅脑由端脑、间脑、中脑、小脑、延脑五部分组成。嗅叶为典型的“鲤型”嗅叶; 大脑视前核呈索状排列, 未见视前核大、小细胞群; 间脑乳头体及副错位核清晰可见, 血管囊及下叶发达; 中脑视盖由5层构成; 小脑发达, 由3层构成; 延脑分化出面叶和发达的迷叶。这表明, 宽体沙鳅视觉稍有退化, 嗅觉、听觉、触觉、味觉及运动中枢发达, 生活中主要依靠嗅觉、听觉、触觉、味觉觅食及逃避敌害。  相似文献   

Adherens junctions (AJs) play a role in mechanically connecting adjacent cells to maintain tissue structure, particularly in epithelial cells. The major cell–cell adhesion molecules at AJs are cadherins and nectins. Afadin binds to both nectins and α-catenin and recruits the cadherin-β-catenin complex to the nectin-based cell–cell adhesion site to form AJs. To explore the role of afadin in radial glial and ependymal cells in the brain, we generated mice carrying a nestin-Cre-mediated conditional knockout (cKO) of the afadin gene. Newborn afadin-cKO mice developed hydrocephalus and died neonatally. The afadin-cKO brain displayed enlarged lateral ventricles and cerebral aqueduct, resulting from stenosis of the caudal end of the cerebral aqueduct and obliteration of the ventral part of the third ventricle. Afadin deficiency further caused the loss of ependymal cells from the ventricular and aqueductal surfaces. During development, radial glial cells, which terminally differentiate into ependymal cells, scattered from the ventricular zone and were replaced by neurons that eventually covered the ventricular and aqueductal surfaces of the afadin-cKO midbrain. Moreover, the denuded ependymal cells were only occasionally observed in the third ventricle and the cerebral aqueduct of the afadin-cKO midbrain. Afadin was co-localized with nectin-1 and N-cadherin at AJs of radial glial and ependymal cells in the control midbrain, but these proteins were not concentrated at AJs in the afadin-cKO midbrain. Thus, the defects in the afadin-cKO midbrain most likely resulted from the destruction of AJs, because AJs in the midbrain were already established before afadin was genetically deleted. These results indicate that afadin is essential for the maintenance of AJs in radial glial and ependymal cells in the midbrain and is required for normal morphogenesis of the cerebral aqueduct and ventral third ventricle in the midbrain.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity indicative of tachykinin-related peptide (TRP) was detected in the olfactory midbrain of the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus when using an antiserum to the insect neuropeptide locustatachykinin I (LomTK-I). A monoclonal antibody to the mammalian tachykinin substance P was shown in double-labeling experiments to label structures in the crayfish brain identical to those labeled with the LomTK antiserum. Within the midbrain LomTK-like immunoreactive (LomTK-LI) material was observed in a limited population of neuronal somata and their varicose processes. A single pair of large interneurons gave rise to numerous varicose LomTK-LI processes innervating a cluster of cell bodies (cluster 10) as well as the olfactory neuropils. The latter neuropil was also innervated by a population of LomTK-LI globuli cells with cell bodies in cluster 9. Radioimmunoassay (RIA), utilizing the LomTK antiserum, and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) were used to partially characterize the immunoreactive material in extract of the portion of the midbrain that houses the olfactory (OL) and accessory (AL) lobes and cell clusters 9 and 10 on the one hand, and in extract of the remaining parts of the brain on the other. Approximately the same amounts of LomTK-LI material were observed for the two extracts. RIA showed that the immunoreactive material of both extracts diluted roughly in parallel to synthetic LomTK-I and HPLC analysis of the extracts revealed immunoreactive material in both tissues which eluted with retention times in the range of synthetic LomTK-I and LomTK-II. These results suggest that TRPs similar to LomTKs are present in the olfactory midbrain of Pacifastacus. The distribution of immunolabeled neuronal structures suggests that in the crayfish, peptide(s) closely related to insect TRPs may act as a neuroactive substance released from nerve fibers in olfactory neuropil areas and at certain neuronal cell bodies.  相似文献   

Hyperprolinemia type II (HPII) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by the severe deficiency of enzyme 1-pyrroline-5-carboxylic acid dehydrogenase leading to tissue accumulation of proline. Chronic administration of Pro led to significant reduction of cytosolic ALT activity of olfactory lobes (50.57%), cerebrum (40%) and medulla oblongata (13.71%) only. Whereas mitochondrial ALT activity was reduced significantly in, all brain regions such as olfactory lobes (73.23%), cerebrum (70.26%), cerebellum (65.39%) and medulla oblongata (65.18%). The effect of chronic Pro administration on cytosolic AST activity was also determined. The cytosolic AST activity from olfactory lobes, cerebrum and medulla oblongata reduced by 75.71, 67.53 and 76.13%, respectively while cytosolic AST activity from cerebellum increased by 28.05%. The mitochondrial AST activity lowered in olfactory lobes (by 72.45%), cerebrum (by 78%), cerebellum (by 49.56%) and medulla oblongata (by 69.30%). In vitro studies also showed increase in brain tissue proline and decrease in glutamate levels. In vitro studies indicated that proline has direct inhibitory effect on these enzymes and glutamate levels in brain tissue showed positive correlation with AST and ALT activities. Acid phosphatase (ACP) activity reduced significantly in olfactory lobes (40.33%) and cerebrum (20.82%) whereas it elevated in cerebellum (97.32%) and medulla oblongata (76.33%). The histological studies showed degenerative changes in brain. Following proline treatment, the animals became sluggish and showed low responses to tail pricks and lifting by tails and showed impaired balancing. These observations indicate influence of proline on AST, ALT and ACP activities of different brain regions leading to lesser synthesis of glutamate thereby causing neurological dysfunctions.  相似文献   

Paleoneurology is an important field of research within human evolution studies. Variations in size and shape of an endocast help to differentiate among fossil hominin species whereas endocranial asymmetries are related to behavior and cognitive function. Here we analyse variations of the surface of the frontal, parieto-temporal and occipital lobes among different species of Homo, including 39 fossil hominins, ten fossil anatomically modern Homo sapiens and 100 endocasts of extant modern humans. We also test for the possible asymmetries of these features in a large sample of modern humans and observe individual particularities in the fossil specimens.This study contributes important new information about the brain evolution in the genus Homo. Our results show that the general pattern of surface asymmetry for the different regional brain surfaces in fossil species of Homo does not seem to be different from the pattern described in a large sample of anatomically modern H. sapiens, i.e., the right hemisphere has a larger surface than the left, as do the right frontal, the right parieto-temporal and the left occipital lobes compared with the contra-lateral side. It also appears that Asian Homo erectus specimens are discriminated from all other samples of Homo, including African and Georgian specimens that are also sometimes included in that taxon. The Asian fossils show a significantly smaller relative size of the parietal and temporal lobes. Neandertals and anatomically modern H. sapiens, who share the largest endocranial volume of all hominins, show differences when considering the relative contribution of the frontal, parieto-temporal and occipital lobes. These results illustrate an original variation in the pattern of brain organization in hominins independent of variations in total size. The globularization of the brain and the enlargement of the parietal lobes could be considered derived features observed uniquely in anatomically modern H. sapiens.  相似文献   

The neutrally buoyant Antarctic fishes of the sister taxa Dissostichus (D. eleginoides and D. mawsoni) and Pleuragramma antarcticum diverged early in the notothenioid radiation and filled different niches in the pelagic realm of the developing Southern Ocean. To assess the influence of phylogenetic and ecological factors in shaping neural morphology in these taxa, we studied the anatomy and histology of the brains and retinae, and determined the proportional weights of brain regions. With the brain of the non‐Antarctic sister taxon Eleginops maclovinus as plesiomorphic, statistically significant departures in the brains of the two Antarctic taxa include reduction of the corpus cerebelli and expansion of the mesencephalon and medulla. Compared to Eleginops, both species also have a relatively smaller telencephalon, although this is significant only in Dissostichus. There are a number of apomorphic features in the brain of Pleuragramma including reduced olfactory nerves and bulbs, an extremely small corpus cerebelli and an expanded mesencephalon. Although there is not a significant difference in the relative weights of the medulla in the two taxa, the prominence of the eminentia granularis and bulging cap‐like appearance of the crista cerebellaris are distinctive in Pleuragramma. Brain histology of Dissostichus and Pleuragramma reflects typical perciform patterns and the two species of Dissostichus are histologically identical. Lateral compression in Pleuragramma and notable lobation in Dissostichus also contribute to differences between the taxa. Compression in Pleuragramma is attributable to convergence on an anchovy/herring body shape and to the relatively large brain in this small fish. The less prominent pattern of lobation of the telencephalon, inferior lobes and corpus cerebelli in Pleuragramma probably reflects underlying histology, specifically a reduction in cellularity of the neuropil in the nuclei and lobes. The retinal histology of Dissostichus and Pleuragramma encompasses the extremes seen in Antarctic notothenioids. Dissostichus has a thin scotopic retina with few cones and a high degree of summation. The retina of Pleuragramma is thick and cellular with many small single cones and rods and resembles that of Eleginops. Pedomorphy has not influenced brain morphology in these species but Pleuragramma has superficial neuromasts that are pedomorphic. Although Dissostichus and Pleuragramma are sympatric in the water column, their brains and retinae are highly divergent and reflect the influences of both phylogeny and ecological partitioning of the pelagic realm. Compared to Eleginops, the relatively smaller corpus cerebelli but relatively larger medulla probably indicates, respectively, reduced activity levels of notothenioids in subzero temperatures and expansion of the mechanosensory lateral line system as a supplement to vision under conditions of reduced light. Compared to Dissostichus, Pleuragramma has reduced olfactory bulbs and corpus cerebelli and an expanded mesencephalon. The reduction of the corpus to a small round knob is consistent with physiological parameters and video observations suggesting that, although pelagic, it is relatively inactive. Because mesencephalic weights also include the valvula cerebelli, the relatively large value for Pleuragramma may be attributable to its role in integration and sensorimotor coordination of information from the highly cellular duplex retina and to integration of signals from thewell‐developed octavolateralis system. The brain of Dissostichus displays considerable persistent morphology in its overall resemblance to that of Eleginops, especially the large olfactory bulbs and the relatively large caudally projecting corpus, and Dissostichus exhibits olfactory tracking ability and migratory behavior in common with Eleginops. J. Morphol., 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An asymmetric distribution of GABA binding sites was found in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, cerebellar hemispheres, striatum, and thalamus. Higher levels of [3H]GABA binding were observed in the left-side of most brain areas and in a greater percentage of adult rats, but the opposite asymmetry was found in the thalamus. A similar left-right difference in cerebral hemispheres was also found in five day-old rats, suggesting the genetic predetermination of asymmetry.  相似文献   

The effects of corticosterone on the cholinergic enzymes, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) were studied in the chick embryonic brain. Chick embryos received either 0.25, 0.5, or 1.0 g of corticosterone via the air sac daily for three days during either embryonic days 6 through 8 (E6-E8), of cerebral neurogenesis, or days 10 through 12 (E10-E12), a period of cerebellar neurogenesis. Enzyme activities were determined in cerebral hemispheres, optic lobes, cerebellum and remaining brain at 10, 15, and 20 days of incubation. In embryos treated from E6 to E8, ChAT activity was generally higher at day 10 in cerebral hemispheres and optic lobes (cerebellum was not determined) while AChE activity was not affected. At day 20 ChAT activity of treated chick embryos was lower in the cerebral hemispheres and optic lobes, but not in the cerebellum; AChE activity was higher in the cerebral hemispheres, lower in the optic lobes, and not changed in the cerebellum as compared to controls. However, in embryos treated from E10 to E12 both cerebellar ChAT and AChE activities were higher at day 15 in comparison to controls. These data show that the hormonal effects were most prominent only in the brain areas undergoing neurogenesis during the period of hormonal treatment. Since AChE activity is also present in nonneuronal cells, the observed alterations caused by corticosterone may reflect glial cell responses to the hormone. Whether the hormone affects the final number and/or maturation of cholinergic neurons and/or glial cells remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

The endocranial morphology of the abelisaurid Carnotaurus sastrei, from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia, is studied using X-ray Computed Tomography (CT). The CT scans provided information that allowed the first reconstruction of the brain, inner ear and braincase pneumaticity for this South American taxon. The endocranial morphology confirms that abelisaurids share an overall conformation of the brain and inner ear. However, some traits, such as the height of the dorsal sinuses and the length of the flocculus in the cranial endocast, and a large subsellar recess in the basicranium, appear to characterize the South-American abelisaurids only. Moreover, the olfactory acuity of Carnotaurus resembles that reported for other abelisaurids (e.g., Majungasaurus, Viavenator), suggesting that the sense of smell had an important role. However, some attributes of the endocranial features of Carnotaurus (i.e. development and orientation of the olfactory bulbs and tracts) may imply particular olfactory capacities when compared with other abelisaurids.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of dopamine applied to the antennal lobes of the honeybee are investigated using the proboscis conditioning paradigm (Kuwabara 1957). The percentage of bees responding to a conditioned olfactory stimulus after a single conditioning trial is reduced significantly by the application of dopamine (10–6 M) to the antennal lobes of the bee brain. Reduction in response levels is significantly smaller in bees conditioned to the olfactory stimulus in multiple conditioning trials prior to treatment with dopamine. The effects of dopamine on the percentage of bees responding to a conditioned olfactory stimulus are blocked by the butyrophenone, haloperidol (10–5 M). The possible role of dopaminergic interneurones in the antennal lobes of the bee brain is discussed.  相似文献   

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