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Schizosaccharomyces pombe pre-mRNAs are generally multi-intronic and share certain features with pre-mRNAs from Drosophila melanogaster, in which initial splice site pairing can occur via either exon or intron definition. Here, we present three lines of evidence suggesting that, despite these similarities, fission yeast splicing is most likely restricted to intron definition. First, mutating either or both splice sites flanking an internal exon in the S. pombe cdc2 gene produced almost exclusively intron retention, in contrast to the exon skipping observed in vertebrates. Second, we were unable to induce skipping of the internal microexon in fission yeast cgs2, whereas the default splicing pathway excludes extremely small exons in mammals. Because nearly quantitative removal of the downstream intron in cgs2 could be achieved by expanding the microexon, we propose that its retention is due to steric occlusion. Third, several cryptic 5' junctions in the second intron of fission yeast cdc2 are located within the intron, in contrast to their generally exonic locations in metazoa. The effects of expanding and contracting this intron are as predicted by intron definition; in fact, even highly deviant 5' junctions can compete effectively with the standard 5' splice site if they are closer to the 3' splicing signals. Taken together, our data suggest that pairing of splice sites in S. pombe most likely occurs exclusively across introns in a manner that favors excision of the smallest segment possible.  相似文献   

Exon mutations uncouple 5' splice site selection from U1 snRNA pairing   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
B Séraphin  M Rosbash 《Cell》1990,63(3):619-629
It has previously been shown that a mutation of yeast 5' splice junctions at position 5 (GUAUGU) causes aberrant pre-mRNA cleavages near the correct 5' splice site. We show here that the addition of exon mutations to an aberrant cleavage site region transforms it into a functional 5' splice site both in vivo and in vitro. The aberrant mRNAs are translated in vivo. The results suggest that the highly conserved G at the 5' end of introns is necessary for the second step of splicing. Further analyses indicate that the location of the U1 snRNA-pre-mRNA pairing is not affected by the exon mutations and that the precise 5' splice site is selected independent of this pairing.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy is caused by the loss of functional survival motor neuron (SMN1) alleles. A translationally silent nucleotide transition in the duplicated copy of the gene (SMN2) leads to exon 7 skipping and expression of a nonfunctional gene product. It has been suggested that differential SMN2 splicing is caused by the disruption of an exonic splicing enhancer. Here we show that the single nucleotide difference reduces the intrinsic strength of the 3' splice site of exon 7 2-fold, whereas the strength of the 5' splice site of the exon 7 is not affected. Thus, a decrease in splice site strength is magnified in the context of competing exons. These data suggest that lower levels of exon 7 definition not only reduce intron 6 removal but, more importantly, increase the efficiency of the competing exon 7 skipping pathway. Antisense oligonucleotides were tested to modulate exon 7 inclusion, which contains the authentic translation stop codon. Oligonucleotides directed toward the 3' splice site of exon 8 were shown to alter SMN2 splicing in favor of exon 7 inclusion. These results suggest that antisense oligonucleotides could be used as a therapeutic strategy to counteract the progression of SMA.  相似文献   

During meiotic prophase homologous chromosomes find each other and pair. Then they synapse, as the linear protein core (axial element or lateral element) of each homologous chromosome is joined together by a transverse central element, forming the tripartite synaptonemal complex (SC). Ten uncloned Zea mays mutants in our collection were surveyed by transmission electron microscopy by making silver-stained spreads of SCs to identify mutants with non-homologous synapsis or improper synapsis. To analyse the mutants further, zyp1, the maize orthologue of the Arabidopsis central element component ZYP1 was cloned and an antibody was made against it. Using antibodies against ZYP1 and the lateral element components AFD1 and ASY1, it was found that most mutants form normal SCs but are defective in pairing. The large number of non-homologous synapsis mutants defective in pairing illustrates that synapsis and pairing can be uncoupled. Of the ten mutants studied, only dsy2 undergoes normal homologous chromosome recognition needed for homologous pairing. The dsy2 mutation fails to maintain the SC. ZYP1 elongation is blocked at zygotene, and only dots of ZYP1 are seen at prophase I. Another mutant, mei*N2415 showed incomplete but homologous synapsis and ASY1 and AFD1 have a normal distribution. Although installation of ZYP1 is initiated at zygotene, its progression is slowed down and not completed by pachytene in some cells and ZYP1 is not retained on pachytene chromosomes. The mutants described here are now available through the Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center (http://maizecoop.cropsci.uiuc.edu/).  相似文献   

RBM5/Luca-15/H37 is a gene frequently inactivated in lung cancers and overexpressed in breast tumors. Its protein product has been detected in prespliceosomal complexes and modulates cell proliferation and Fas-mediated apoptosis. We report that RBM5 is a component of complexes involved in 3' splice site recognition and regulates alternative splicing of apoptosis-related genes, including the Fas receptor, switching between isoforms with antagonistic functions in programmed cell death. In contrast with classical mechanisms of splicing regulation, RBM5 does not affect early events of splice site recognition that lead to Fas exon 6 definition. Instead, RBM5 inhibits the transition between prespliceosomal complexes assembled around exon 6 to mature spliceosomes assembled on the flanking introns and promotes sequence-specific pairing of the distal splice sites. An OCRE domain important for RBM5 function contacts components of the U4/5/6 tri-snRNP, consistent with the idea that RBM5 modulates splice site pairing after prespliceosome assembly and exon definition.  相似文献   

In recent years, electron microscopy (EM) has allowed the generation of three‐dimensional structure maps of several spliceosomal complexes. However, owing to their limited resolution, little is known at present about the location of the pre‐mRNA, the spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoprotein or the spliceosome's active site within these structures. In this work, we used EM to localise the intron and the 5′ and 3′ exons of a model pre‐mRNA, as well as the U2‐associated protein SF3b155, in pre‐catalytic spliceosomes (i.e. B complexes) by labelling them with an antibody that bears colloidal gold. Our data reveal that the intron and both exons, together with SF3b155, are located in specific regions of the head domain of the B complex. These results represent an important first step towards identifying functional sites in the spliceosome. The gold‐labelling method adopted here can be applied to other spliceosomal complexes and may thus contribute significantly to our overall understanding of the pre‐mRNA splicing process.  相似文献   

Recognition of the 5' splice site is an important step in mRNA splicing. To examine whether U1 approaches the 5' splice site as a solitary snRNP or as part of a multi-snRNP complex, we used a simplified in vitro system in which a short RNA containing the 5' splice site sequence served as a substrate in a binding reaction. This system allowed us to study the interactions of the snRNPs with the 5' splice site without the effect of other cis-regulatory elements of precursor mRNA. We found that in HeLa cell nuclear extracts, five spliceosomal snRNPs form a complex that specifically binds the 5' splice site through base pairing with the 5' end of U1. This system can accommodate RNA-RNA rearrangements in which U5 replaces U1 binding to the 5' splice site, a process that occurs naturally during the splicing reaction. The complex in which U1 and the 5' splice site are base paired sediments in the 200S fraction of a glycerol gradient together with all five spliceosomal snRNPs. This fraction is functional in mRNA spliceosome assembly when supplemented with soluble nuclear proteins. The results argue that U1 can bind the 5' splice site in a mammalian preassembled penta-snRNP complex.  相似文献   

Base pairing between the 5' end of U1 snRNA and the conserved 5' splice site of pre-mRNA is important for commitment complex formation in vitro. However, the biochemical mechanisms by which pre-mRNA is initially recognized by the splicing machinery is not well understood. To evaluate the role of this base pairing interaction, we truncated U1 snRNA to eliminate the RNA-RNA interaction and surprisingly found that U1 snRNP can still form a nearly normal RNA-protein complex and maintain sequence specificity. We propose that some feature of U1 snRNP, perhaps one or more protein factors, is more important than the base pairing for initial 5' splice site recognition. In addition, at least five sets of interactions contribute to complex formation or stability. Only one of these is base pairing between the 5' splice site and the 5' end of U1 snRNA, without which the U1 snRNP-pre-mRNA complex is less stable and has a somewhat altered conformation.  相似文献   

The minor U12-dependent class of eukaryotic nuclear pre-mRNA introns is spliced by a distinct spliceosomal mechanism that requires the function of U11, U12, U5, U4atac, and U6atac snRNAs. Previous work has shown that U11 snRNA plays a role similar to U1 snRNA in the major class spliceosome by base pairing to the conserved 5'' splice site sequence. Here we show that U6atac snRNA also base pairs to the 5'' splice site in a manner analogous to that of U6 snRNA in the major class spliceosome. We show that splicing defective mutants of the 5'' splice site can be activated for splicing in vivo by the coexpression of compensatory U6atac snRNA mutants. In some cases, maximal restoration of splicing required the coexpression of compensatory U11 snRNA mutants. The allelic specificity of mutant phenotype suppression is consistent with Watson-Crick base pairing between the pre-mRNA and the snRNAs. These results provide support for a model of the RNA-RNA interactions at the core of the U12-dependent spliceosome that is strikingly similar to that of the major class U2-dependent spliceosome.  相似文献   

Functional reconstitution of U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (U1 snRNP) was performed using in vitro transcribed U1 snRNA. Hela cell nuclear extract was depleted of its constituent snRNPs by centrifugation at 100,000 X g. The supernatant was devoid of snRNAs and lacked cleavage activity in splicing reactions using in vitro transcribed beta-globin pre-mRNA as substrate. The resulting pellet which contained the snRNAs, retained 5' splice site cleavage activity in a similar splicing reaction. Supplementation of the inactive supernatant fraction with in vitro transcribed U1 snRNA, partially restored 5' splice site cleavage activity thereby demonstrating the specific requirement of U1 snRNP in the initial stage of pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

A mutational analysis of U12-dependent splice site dinucleotides   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Introns spliced by the U12-dependent minor spliceosome are divided into two classes based on their splice site dinucleotides. The /AU-AC/ class accounts for about one-third of U12-dependent introns in humans, while the /GU-AG/ class accounts for the other two-thirds. We have investigated the in vivo and in vitro splicing phenotypes of mutations in these dinucleotide sequences. A 5' A residue can splice to any 3' residue, although C is preferred. A 5' G residue can splice to 3' G or U residues with a preference for G. Little or no splicing was observed to 3' A or C residues. A 5' U or C residue is highly deleterious for U12-dependent splicing, although some combinations, notably 5' U to 3' U produced detectable spliced products. The dependence of 3' splice site activity on the identity of the 5' residue provides evidence for communication between the first and last nucleotides of the intron. Most mutants in the second position of the 5' splice site and the next to last position of the 3' splice site were defective for splicing. Double mutants of these residues showed no evidence of communication between these nucleotides. Varying the distance between the branch site and the 3' splice site dinucleotide in the /GU-AG/ class showed that a somewhat larger range of distances was functional than for the /AU-AC/ class. The optimum branch site to 3' splice site distance of 11-12 nucleotides appears to be the same for both classes.  相似文献   

H Stern  Y Hotta 《Genetics》1969,61(1):Suppl:27-Suppl:39

The spliced leader RNAs of both trypanosomes and nematodes can form similar secondary structures where the trans-splice donor site is involved in intramolecular base pairing with the spliced leader sequence. It has been proposed that this base pairing could serve to activate autonomously the SL RNA splice donor site. Here, we have examined exon requirements for trans-splicing in a nematode cell free system. Complete disruption of secondary structure interactions at and around the trans-splice donor site did not affect the ability of the SL RNA to function in trans-splicing. In addition, the highly conserved 22 nt sequence could be productively replaced by artificial exons ranging in size from 2 to 246 nucleotides. These results reinforce the view that the 'intron' portion of the SL RNA functions as an independent Sm snRNP whose role is to deliver exon sequences to the trans-spliceosome.  相似文献   

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