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Animal migration has been the subject of intensive research for more than a century, but most research has focused on long‐distance rather than short‐distance migration. Altitudinal migration is a form of short‐distance migration in which individuals perform seasonal elevational movements. Despite its geographic and taxonomic ubiquity, there is relatively little information about the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influence altitudinal migratory behaviour. Without this information, it is difficult to predict how rapid environmental changes will affect population viability of altitudinal migrants. To synthesize current knowledge, we compiled literature on altitudinal migration for all studied taxa, and identified the leading hypotheses explaining this behaviour. Studies of animal altitudinal migration cover many taxonomic lineages, with birds being the most commonly studied group. Altitudinal migration occurs in all continents except for Antarctica, but about a third of the literature focused on altitudinal migration in North America. Most research suggests that food and weather are the primary extrinsic drivers of altitudinal migration. In addition, substantial individual‐level variation in migratory propensity exists. Individual characteristics that are associated with sex, dominance rank, and body size explain much of the variation in migratory propensity in partially migratory populations, but individual‐level correlates are poorly known for most taxa. More research is needed to quantify the effects of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and climate change on altitudinal migrants. Demographic studies of individually marked populations would be particularly valuable for advancing knowledge of the cascading effects of environmental change on migratory propensity, movement patterns, and population viability. We conclude our review with recommendations for study designs and modelling approaches that could be used to narrow existing knowledge gaps, which currently hinder effective conservation of altitudinal migratory species.  相似文献   



To identify useful sources of species data and appropriate habitat variables for species distribution modelling on rare species, with seahorses as an example, deriving ecological knowledge and spatially explicit maps to advance global seahorse conservation.


The shallow seas.


We applied a typical species distribution model (SDM), maximum entropy, to examine the utility of (1) two versions of habitat variables (habitat occurrences vs. proximity to habitats) and (2) three sources of species data: quality research‐grade (RG) data, quality‐unknown citizen science (CS) and museum‐collection (MC) data. We used the best combinations of species data and habitat variables to predict distributions and estimate species–habitat relations and threatened status for seahorse species.


We demonstrated that using “proximity to habitats” and integrating all species datasets (RG, CS and MC) derived models with the highest accuracies among all dataset variations. Based on this finding, we derived reliable models for 33 species. Our models suggested that only 0.4% of potential seahorse range was suitable to more than three species together; seahorse biogeographic epicentres were mainly in the Philippines; and proximity to sponges was an important habitat variable. We found that 12 “Data Deficient” species might be threatened based on our predictions according to IUCN criteria.

Main conclusions

We highlight that using proper habitat variables (e.g., proximity to habitats) is critical to determine distributions and key habitats for low‐mobility animals; collating and integrating quality‐unknown occurrences (e.g., CS and MC) with quality research data are meaningful for building SDMs for rare species. We encourage the application of SDMs to estimate area of occupancy for rare organisms to facilitate their conservation status assessment.

Peat swamp forest is an important refuge for biodiversity in Southeast Asia and is now becoming a target of exploitation. The scarcity of information on avifauna and ecology of birds in peat swamp forests prevents understanding of the effects of land use change on avifauna. In this study, we describe the bird assemblages in habitats with different land uses by comparing species richness, community composition, and feeding guild patterns in Bukit Batu, Indonesia. Bird assemblages in natural peat swamp forests (NPF), high-maintenance industrial acacia plantations (planted acacia forest, PAF), low-maintenance rubber plantations (jungle rubber forest, JRF), and village areas (VIL) were studied using a fixed-radius point-count method. Of the 95 species observed, 45, 20, 35, and 48 species were observed in NPF, PAF, JRF, and VIL, respectively. Estimated species richness was the highest in NPF, followed by VIL, JRF, and PAF. NPF had the highest species diversity and β-diversity, more endangered species, and a distinctive species composition characterized by fly-catching insectivores. The relative conservation value of PAF was notably low, particularly compared with JRF. The avifauna in VIL was characterized by more generalists that favor open spaces and therefore is not considered an important habitat for forest-dependent birds that are of conservation concern. Our results indicate that NPF has irreplaceable value for bird diversity conservation, but low-maintenance rubber plantations were home to several forest-dependent species and partially supported bird diversity, particularly compared with high-maintenance acacia plantations.  相似文献   

Collections of arboreal Psocoptera from the four major national parks of Sumatra and from a range of habitats outside the parks (including many of the predominant perennial crops) are appraised for diversity and species overlap between habitats. The most speciose family (Psocidae, 72 morphospecies) is investigated to determine possible surrogacy values in relation to the more taxonomically intractable Other Psocoptera (17 families, 190 morphospecies), in its incidence in 16 different habitats and four main altitudinal zones. Considerable psocid richness persists in disturbed areas, and the values of protected areas and kebun gardening systems in their conservation are noted.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the relative effects of landscape habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and matrix quality on biodiversity, so that potential management options can be appropriately ranked. However, their effects and relative importance may change with the size of the landscape considered because the multiple (and potentially conflicting) ecological processes that are influenced by landscape structure occur at different spatial scales (e.g. dispersal, predation, foraging). We estimated the relative effects of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and matrix quality (measured as the amount of forest, the proportion of forest area contained in large core forests, and the density of roads respectively) on fragmentation‐sensitive forest birds in southern Ontario, Canada using a range of landscape sizes (0.8–310 km2). We used three complementary statistical approaches to estimate relative effects of these correlated landscape factors – 1) multiple regression, 2) information theoretic (AIC) estimates of the most parsimonious model, and 3) multi‐model inference to average effects across all supported models. We controlled for spatial autocorrelation, local habitat, roadside sampling bias, time of day, season, habitat heterogeneity, and the interaction between the effects of habitat amount and fragmentation. We found that relative effects of habitat amount and fragmentation were scale dependent; habitat amount had a consistently positive effect that was consistent over more than two orders of magnitude in landscape area (~1–300 km2). In contrast, the effects of habitat fragmentation depended on the size of the landscape considered. Indeed, for veery Catharus fuscescens, habitat fragmentation had positive effects at one scale and negative effects at another. The effects of matrix quality were generally weak and changed little with scale. For the number of fragmentation sensitive species and the presence of veery, habitat amount was most important in large landscapes and habitat fragmentation in small landscapes but for the presence of ovenbird Seiurus aurocapilla, habitat amount was most important at all scales.  相似文献   

We studied the monkeys inhabiting Bacan Island on the Maluku Archipelago, Indonesia. We compared them morphologically with Sulawesi black macaques (Macaca nigra).We also assessed their distribution on the island and on neighboring islands and the influence of human activity on them. We found that the Bacan black macaques are essentially similar to Sulawesi macaques; the variations in each locality are comparable. The monkeys probably inhabit the whole island or, at least, the lower forest thereon. Human activities — cultivation, logging, catching and killing monkeys — have not much affected their population. Thus they constitute a good stock of Macaca nigra,though the main population in Sulawesi is endangered.  相似文献   

The degradation of aquatic habitats has increasingly become one of the most important factors influencing the distribution of freshwater species worldwide. We analysed the occurrence of three crayfish species, Astacus astacus, Austropotamobius torrentium and Orconectes limosus, in relation to habitat degradation status (based on Directive 2000/60/ES), stream morphology, geographical characteristics and land cover. In total, we analysed 6,768 sites within the Czech Republic (Central Europe), of which 6,187 sites lacked crayfish; among the remainder, A. astacus was present in 507 sites, O. limosus occurred in 44 sites and A. torrentium was present in only 30 sites. The analysis revealed that A. astacus preferred streams of better water quality that were not surrounded by agricultural land or settlements. This species also preferentially occurred in smaller streams with stony bottom substrata that were located at higher altitudes. Austropotamobius torrentium occurrence was associated with the natural character of the water body and the presence of protected areas at higher altitudes. Conversely, the non-native crayfish species O. limosus was typically recorded at lower altitudes in downstream reaches surrounded by agricultural land and with deteriorated water quality. The degree of environmental (human) pressure besides differences in habitat characteristics at sites with ICS and NICS may be of general importance for conservation strategies aimed at central European native crayfish species, primarily because the habitat-driven co-occurrence pattern (and its possible changes in the future) may strongly influence interspecific relationships, such as direct competition and the spread of infectious diseases between crayfish species.  相似文献   

Land use intensification may create habitats that organisms perceive as suitable, but where reproduction or survival is insufficient to maintain self-sustaining populations. Such conditions may qualify as ecological traps, but their existence is often hard to prove. Here, we provide a practical framework to evaluate a potential ecological trap resulting from mismatch between habitat preferences and predation risk, focusing on ground-nesting farmland birds of conservation concern. The framework is based on species-specific associations with safe or unsafe habitat types (i.e. field and landscape types with high or low nest survival), and the occurrence of risk avoidance (i.e. negative responses to predator abundances or to nest failure rates after controlling for habitat effects). Bird densities were far more influenced by field characteristics than landscape context. Corn bunting and fan-tailed warbler were associated with tall swards (safe habitats), and did not show risk avoidance. Tawny pipit and and Galerida larks were associated with short swards (unsafe habitats), with the former avoiding fields with high nest predation rates, and the later avoiding high mongoose abundances. Short-toed lark was associated with fields with short swards and low nest trampling rates. Results suggest that short-toed lark may be the most vulnerable to ecological trapping, because it nests on unsafe habitats and did not show predation risk avoidance. Our approach provides a practical first step to infer vulnerability to a potential ecological trap, though further research is needed to confirm this effect. Management actions increasing nest survival in short sward fields will likely favour grassland bird conservation in intensive Mediterranean farmland.  相似文献   

This study evaluates phylogeographic structure in selected forest bird species distributed on either side of the Dahomey Gap in West Africa to extend analyses of avian diversification across the Guineo-Congolean forest. Mitochondrial DNA sequence data were collected for five species, including four with a break in distribution across the Dahomey Gap and one with a more continuous distribution. Data for the five focal species were included in a single analysis along with appropriate outgroup taxa, allowing estimates of divergence time on a common timescale. Both phylogeographic patterns and estimated divergence times were highly variable. In two cases (Green Hylia Hylia prasina and Yellow-whiskered Greenbul Eurillas latirostris), samples from east and west of the Dahomey Gap belong to divergent mitochondrial lineages, but with substantially older divergence in Eurillas (~4.1 MY). In Western Bluebill Spermophaga haematina, relatively divergent eastern and western lineages (~1.1 MY) were sampled in the same locality in eastern Ghana, suggesting east to west gene flow across the gap following earlier vicariance. In Forest Robin Stiphrornis erythrothorax, birds sampled within Ghana were from two highly divergent lineages (~1.9 MY), one of which is more closely related to birds from Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea, such that divergence across the Dahomey Gap was comparatively recent (~0.36 MY). For both Hylia and Stiphrornis, we corroborate recent studies documenting multiple divergent lineages within each genus, some of which may represent distinct species. Consistent with previous studies, our analysis shows that the Dahomey Gap can be a significant barrier to gene flow for species restricted to forest habitats. At the same time, individual species exhibit a broad range of divergence times and phylogeographic histories of variable complexity. We discuss the taxonomic implications of our results for each focal species.  相似文献   

Aim To describe variation in forest bird communities with altitude and latitude. Location Eastern Madagascar. Methods Extraction of data from forest bird inventories conducted in eastern Madagascar. Results There is a strong decline in species richness with altitude, above about 1300 m. Below this altitude, species richness is about constant or declines slightly. Seventy-eight percent of species occurring regularly in forest are absent from at least one of low, mid-altitude or high altitude forest. Of eighty-seven species occurring regularly in forest, only four or possibly five have latitudinally limited distributions, over a latitudinal range of over 1200 km. Three or possibly four are limited to the northern two-thirds, and one appears to be at least much more common in the southern half. Main conclusions Eastern Malagasy rain forest birds show previously unanalysed variation in altitudinal distribution. There is much less latitudinal variation. Species currently considered threatened are concentrated in the lowland and high-altitude zones. This may be at least partly due to lack of survey effort giving the impression that these species are rare, but lowland forests at least are under great human pressure. Bird conservation initiatives would probably have most effect if targeted at lowland east Malagasy rain forest.  相似文献   

Bird habitat conservation may require different management strategies for different seasonal bird assemblages. We studied habitat use by winter birds in forest and scrubland habitat patches in the northern Negev, Israel. Our goal was to assess whether differences in responses to landscape and habitat structure between breeding and non-breeding seasons require changes in future conservation plans that have been suggested for the Negev breeding bird community. We evaluated habitat and area effects on bird abundance and distribution and tested whether species habitat use during winter involves niche shifts. Compared with breeding birds, a larger proportion of winter bird species occupied both scrubland and forest. As in summer, forest bird species responded to habitat structure, whereas scrubland species were associated with both habitat structure and area. Resident birds disperse into habitats in which they were not present during summer. Consequently, for several species, the correlation between bird densities and environmental factors showed a better fit at the landscape rather than at the habitat scale. In addition, rather than niche shift, birds actually extended their niche breadth. Nest site selection may constrain bird distribution into a realized niche, smaller than their fundamental niche. Despite the scale differences in habitat use, the similar species diversity patterns between seasons suggest that both winter and summer birds would benefit from conservation of scrub patches larger than 50 ha, and enrichment of foliage layers within the planted forests.  相似文献   

Recent attempts to understand the processes governing community assembly have increasingly focused on patterns of phylogenetic relatedness and functional similarity among co-existing species. Considerations of the species pool, the number and identity of functional traits and the metrics used to identify patterns have come under scrutiny as possible influences on the detection of non-random patterns. Most mechanistic explanations of community assembly based on functional and phylogenetic approaches rely on deterministic explanations, while ignoring the role of stochastic processes and historical contingency, despite the prominent historical role of both types of explanations of species coexistence. We evaluated the phylogenetic and functional structure of 20 temperate forest bird assemblages in northeastern North America. We compared three approaches for characterizing the functional structure of assemblages. Regardless of approach, assemblages were generally no different than expected by chance. In contrast, phylogenetic structures of bird assemblages were overdispersed, clumped or consistent with random assembly depending on the site. Nonetheless, we found little evidence for differences in phylogenetic structure arising as a consequence of the identity of the species pool. We identified a strong relationship between the proportion of residents and phylogenetic relatedness that was unrelated to the species richness of assemblages. Our results suggest that different assembly mechanisms may structure resident and migratory subsets of temperate breeding bird communities. Resident assemblages are likely structured by interspecific interactions and habitat filtering prior to arrival of migrants. In contrast, the composition of migrant assemblages may be a consequence of priority effects in which the presence and abundance of residents and earliest arriving species affect the ability of subsequent migrants to colonize sites. This phenomenon enhances the likelihood of multiple alternative community structures in similar environments.  相似文献   

This paper provides a synopsis of the Chilean Asteraceae genera according to the most recent classification. Asteraceae is the richest family within the native Chilean flora, with a total of 121 genera and c . 863 species, currently classified in 18 tribes. The genera are distributed along the whole latitudinal gradient in Chile, with a centre of richness at 33°–34° S. Almost one-third of the genera show small to medium-small ranges of distribution, while two-thirds have medium-large to large latitudinal ranges of distribution. Of the 115 mainland genera, 46% have their main distribution in the central Mediterranean zone between 27°–37° S. Also of the mainland genera, 53% occupy both coastal and Andean environments, while 33% can be considered as strictly Andean and 20% as strictly coastal genera. The biogeographical analysis of relationships allows the distinction of several floristic elements and generalized tracks: the most marked floristic element is the Neotropical, followed by the antitropical and the endemic element. The biogeographical analysis provides important insights into the origin and evolution of the Chilean Asteraceae flora. The presence of many localized and endemic taxa has direct conservation implications.  相似文献   

The distribution of ground beetle, rove beetle, spider and plant bug species assemblages, and the occurrence of other beetle species, was investigated in a five-year survey of a grouse moor in the Scottish borders, some of which was managed by burning, cutting and herbicide application. Multivariate analyses were used to assess the relationship between assemblage distribution and a number of environmental variables. The management of dry Calluna moor had a positive effect on the habitat diversity for ground beetles and plant bugs but had little effect on rove beetles and spiders. A total of 39 nationally rare and scarce species (38 beetle, 1 plant bug) was recorded in the survey. The most important habitat present was on streamside sites, especially sediment. A number of these rarer species were restricted to sites managed by burning and cutting but other species were only found on unmanaged wet Calluna moor. Molinia-dominated moor was generally of poorer quality than Calluna sites, with fewer rare and scarce species and lower site rarity values based on the ground beetle species recorded. The highest median site rarity scores were for dry, open, managed Calluna sites. In order to maximise both habitat diversity and the incidence of rare and scarce species on grouse moor, a mosaic of both managed and undisturbed patches differing in soil characteristics, plant composition and vegetation structure appears to be required.  相似文献   

In present day European landscapes many forest plant species are restricted to isolated remnants of a formerly more or less continuous forest cover. The two major objectives of this study were (1) to determine the relative importance of habitat quality (mainly in terms of soil parameters), habitat configuration (patch size and isolation) and habitat continuity for the distribution of herbaceous forest plant species in a highly fragmented landscape and (2) to examine if groups of species with different habitat requirements are affected differently. Deciduous forest patches in northwestern Germany were surveyed for the presence of a large set of forest species. For each patch, habitat quality, configuration and continuity were determined. Data were analysed by Redundancy Analysis with variation partitioning for effects on total species composition and multivariate logistic regression for effects on individual species, for two different data sets (base‐rich and base‐poor forest patches). Overall, we found strong effects of habitat quality (particularly of soil pH, water content and topographic heterogeneity in the base‐rich forest patches; and of calcium content and disturbance in the base‐poor patches), but only relatively weak effects of habitat configuration and habitat continuity. However, a number of species were positively affected by patch area and negatively affected by patch isolation. Furthermore, the relative importance of habitat configuration tended to be higher for species predominantly growing in closed forests compared to species occurring both in the forest and in the open landscape.  相似文献   

To understand the reasons for population change we need to understand the mechanisms through which it occurs. Throughout western Europe there have been declines in farmland birds. These declines have been paralleled by major changes in agricultural management. Which have resulted in major changes in habitat structure. This paper describes the habitat selection at two scales (within and between fields) of a number of seed-eating farmland birds. Habitat preferences for most species were related to the density of seeds present. Which differed markedly between habitats. Seed density declined with distance from hedgerow in cultivated fields but not stubble fields. Yellow hammers were restricted to foraging close to hedgerows, whilst skylarks foraged in the centre of fields, but moved closer towards the edges as the winter progressed and seed densities declined. This work has clear consequences for agricultural management and the conservation of declining bird populations.  相似文献   

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