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Dose-response curves for radish seedling phototropism   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Everett M 《Plant physiology》1974,54(3):222-225
Radish seedlings (Raphanus sativus L.) were grown for 4 days in complete darkness, or in white light, or for 3 days in darkness followed by 1 day of red light. Phototropic dose-response curves for the seedlings grown in these three ways were determined with 460-nm light. The dark-grown and red light-treated seedlings responded with positive curvatures of no more than 10° to energy doses in the first positive range and with larger positive curvatures in the second positive dose range. No indifferent or negative curvature was seen with the light intensity used. White light-grown seedlings did not respond to first positive energy doses, but responded as strongly to second positive doses as the other types of seedlings.  相似文献   

A new mouse model (Mutatect) that permits detection of mutations at the hprt (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase) locus is described. It is highly sensitive to detection of mutants induced by clastogenic agents such as ionizing radiation. MN-11 cells are grown as a subcutaneous tumour in C57BL/6 mice for a period of 2 weeks, during which time they can be exposed to mutagenic treatments. Cells taken from the animal are cultured ex vivo and 6-thioguanine (6-TG)-resistant mutant clones can be readily identified and scored. This model system may have special utility for detecting multi-locus deletion events (chromosomal mutations) induced by high LET forms of radiation that might be encountered in space.  相似文献   

The relative sensitivities of dictyate oocytes from young and old female mice to radiation-induced chromosome damage were examined in 2 separate experiments. Firstly, females were given either 2 or 4 Gy of X-rays and metaphase I stage oocytes collected 16.5 days later. Analysis of these cells showed dose-related increases in chromosome aberrations in both age groups. The response was significantly greater in oocytes of older females. In the second experiment, females were given 4 Gy of X-rays and metaphase I stage oocytes collected 3.5 days later. Again, a significantly larger frequency of aberrations was present in cells from older animals. Overall, these 2 experiments provide unambiguous evidence that the radiosensitivity of mouse dictyate oocytes increases with advancing maternal age.  相似文献   

Deletion mutations were efficiently recovered in mouse liver after total-body irradiation with X rays by using a transgenic mouse "gpt-delta" system that harbored a lambda EG10 shuttle vector with the red and gam genes for Spi- (sensitive to P2 lysogen interference) selection. We incorporated this system into homozygous Atm-knockout mice as a model of the radiosensitive hereditary disease ataxia telangiectasia (AT). Lambda phages recovered from the livers of X-irradiated mice with the Atm+/+ genotype showed a dose-dependent increase in the Spi- mutant frequency up to sixfold at 50 Gy over the unirradiated control of 2.8x10(-6). The livers from Atm-/- mice yielded a virtually identical dose-response curve for X rays with a background fraction of 2.4x10(-6). Structural analyses revealed no significant difference in the proportion of -1 frameshifts and larger deletions between Atm+/+ and Atm-/- mice, although larger deletions prevailed in X-ray-induced Spi- mutants irrespective of Atm status. While a possible defect in DNA repair after irradiation has been strongly indicated in the literature for nondividing cultured cells in vitro from AT patients, the Atm disruption does not significantly affect radiation mutagenesis in the stationary mouse liver in vivo.  相似文献   

Insufficient fitness of experimental data with convenient linear and linear-quadratic models of "dose-effect" dependence for the number of chromosome aberrations of different types were revealed. Proposed method of approximation of the experimental "dose-effect" dependence with piece-linear splines allows to obtain more accurate results in the most cases and therefore is more preferable than the linear and linear-quadratic models.  相似文献   

E.s.r. spectra have been obtained of gamma-irradiated dry purine and pyrimidine powders. Relative radical yields have been calculated and dose-response curves obtained. Relative recombination rates and recombination rates and formation rates of the radicals have been derived from the dose-response curves. The effect of crystalline structure on the dose-response curves is discussed.  相似文献   

Nash D  Janca FC 《Genetics》1983,105(4):957-968
In a small region of the X chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster, we have found that a third of the mutations that appear to act as lethals in segmental haploids are viable in homozygous mutant individuals. These viable mutations fall into four complementation groups. The most reasonable explanation of these mutations is that they are a subset of functionally hypomorphic alleles of essential genes: hypomorphic mutations with activity levels above a threshold required for survival, but below twice that level, should behave in this manner. We refer to these mutations as "haplo-specific lethal mutations." In studies of autosomal lethals, haplo-specific lethal mutations can be included in lethal complementation tests without being identified as such. Accidental inclusion of disguised haplo-specific lethals in autosomal complementation tests will generate spurious examples of interallelic complementation.  相似文献   

Many tumors exhibit extensive chromosomal instability, but karyotypic alterations will be significant in carcinogenesis only by influencing specific oncogenes or tumor suppressor loci within the affected chromosomal segments. In this investigation, the specificity of chromosomal rearrangements attributable to radiation-induced genomic instability is detailed, and a qualitative and quantitative correspondence with mutagenesis is demonstrated. Chromosomal abnormalities preferentially occurred near the site of prior rearrangements, resulting in complex abnormalities, or near the centromere, resulting in deletion or translocation of the entire chromosome arm, but no case of an interstitial chromosomal deletion was observed. Evidence for chromosomal instability in the progeny of irradiated cells also included clonal karyotypic heterogeneity. The persistence of instability was demonstrated for at least 80 generations by elevated mutation rates at the heterozygous, autosomal marker locus tk. Among those TK- mutants that showed a loss of heterozygosity, a statistically significant increase in mutation rate was observed only for those in which the loss of heterozygosity encompasses the telomeric region. This mutational specificity corresponds with the prevalence of terminal deletions, additions, and translocations, and the absence of interstitial deletions, in karyotypic analysis. Surprisingly, the elevated rate of TK- mutations is also partially attributable to intragenic base substitutions and small deletions, and DNA sequence analysis of some of these mutations is presented. Complex chromosomal abnormalities appear to be the most significant indicators of a high rate of persistent genetic instability which correlates with increased rates of both intragenic and chromosomal-scale mutations at tk.  相似文献   

Porcine ovarian oocytes, isolated from follicles of 5 mm in diameter (large oocytes), were fused either together or with oocytes isolated from follicles of 0.5 mm in diameter (small oocytes). In giant cells composed of two large oocytes (control) germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) occurred and two metaphase I chromosome sets (M I) were observed 24 to 30 h after fusion. By contrast, in giant cells composed of one large and one small porcine oocyte, both germinal vesicles (GVs) remained well conserved after 24-30 h of culture. An identical situation was observed after fusion and cultivation of small porcine and large mouse oocytes isolated from preovulatory follicles. The results demonstrate the presence of inhibiting activity in the ooplasm of small porcine oocytes that prevents nuclear maturation of large porcine and mouse oocytes fused to them. This maturation inhibiting activity can be overcome by preincubating large porcine oocytes for more than 14 h before fusion with small oocytes. During preincubation the ooplasm produces sufficient amount of maturation promoting factor (MPF) to overcome the inhibiting activity present in small porcine oocytes thus inducing GVBD and chromatin condensation both in small and large oocytes.  相似文献   

Recently, we determined the precise timing of changes of meiotic chromosomal radiosensitivity in oocytes during the spontaneous estrous cycle in the Chinese hamster, by assessing MII chromosomal lesions induced after 200 rad X-irradiation at various stages prior to ovulation (Mikamo et al., 1981). It was demonstrated that early diakinesis was the most radiosensitive phase, the incidence of oocytes with structural chromosome aberrations being 15 times higher than during dictyotene stages of diestrum. A high radiosensitivity was also found in mouse oocytes at a transitional stage from late dictyotene to diakinesis, although X-irradiation was restricted only to this single stage (Reichert et al., 1975).In the present work, we investigated the dose-response relationship for induction of chromosome aberrations in Chinese hamster oocytes at the most radiosensitive stage, and compared our results with those obtained previously in the mouse.  相似文献   

The dose-response curves of the central and peripheral airways to intravenously injected nicotine were studied in 55 anesthetized dogs. With intact vagi, nicotine caused a dose-dependent increase in central airway resistance (Rc) similar to the increase in peripheral airway resistance (Rp) at concentrations ranging from 4 to 64 micrograms/kg. However, the responses of both Rc and Rp fell progressively when sequential doses of nicotine greater than 256 micrograms/kg were administered. With intact vagi and the administration of propranolol, there was a greater increase in Rp than in Rc at a nicotine dose of 64 micrograms/kg (P less than 0.05). With vagotomy, the responsiveness of both central and peripheral airways to nicotine decreased with doses of nicotine less than 64 micrograms/kg, but with doses of nicotine greater than 256 micrograms/kg the suppressive effect of nicotine on both Rc and Rp was less than that seen with intact vagi. Under conditions in which the vagi were cut and atropine administered, the responsiveness of nicotine was even further depressed. Combinations either of atropine and chlorpheniramine or atropine and phenoxybenzamine also completely blocked reactions to nicotine. Additionally reactions to nicotine were completely blocked by hexamethonium. These results suggest that nicotine increases both Rc and Rp mainly through a vagal reflex and stimulation of the parasympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

目的 将处于生发泡期(GV期)和体外成熟期(IVM)的牛卵母细胞进行玻璃化冷冻.解冻,对其卵裂率和囊胚率以及一些与发育相关基因的mRNA表达量进行评价.方法 玻璃化冷冻GV期(n=224)和IVM期(n=235)牛卵母细胞,解冻后对其进行体外培养并采用quantitative real time-PCR技术对冷冻.解冻...  相似文献   

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