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A combined (dual) barrier electric discharge in atmospheric-pressure air is investigated. The discharge is induced in a discharge chamber with two pairs of electrodes of different configurations. The electrodes are connected to two independent high voltage power supplies. The plasma-chemical synthesis of ozone was studied in atmospheric pressure air depending on the parameters of each discharge contour. The analysis was performed in terms of efficiency and practical application of a combined barrier discharge.  相似文献   

The properties of an electric arc operating in open air at currents of lower than 1 A were studied experimentally. The rod cathode was oriented horizontally. Cylindrical rods and plane plates either installed strictly vertically in front of the cathode end or tilted at a certain angle served as the anode. It is shown that, with such an electrode configuration, it is possible to form a discharge channel much longer than the electrode gap length. Regimes of regular oscillations are revealed, and conditions for their appearance are established. The electric field strength in the arc column and the electron temperature near the anode are calculated.  相似文献   

The spectra of an ultrashort avalanche electron beam generated by a nanosecond discharge in atmospheric-pressure air were investigated. The temporal characteristics of the beam current pulses, gap voltage, and discharge current in a gas diode were measured with a time resolution of ~0.1 ns. A simple technique was developed for recovering electron spectra from the curves of beam attenuation by aluminum foils. The effect of the cathode design, electrode gap length, and generator parameters on the electron spectra were studied using seven setups. It is shown that generation of electrons with anomalously high energies requires the use of cathodes with increased curvature radius.  相似文献   

The properties of a surface barrier discharge in atmospheric-pressure air at different polarities of applied voltage were studied experimentally. The influence of the voltage polarity on the spatial structure of the discharge and the electric field in the discharge plasma was determined by means of spectroscopic measurements. It is found that the energy deposited in the discharge does not depend on the voltage polarity and that discharges of positive polarity are more homogenous and the electric fields in them are higher.  相似文献   

The spatiotemporal dynamics of a nanosecond atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge in 1- to 3-mm-long air gaps was studied experimentally. By using a segmented electrode, data on the time evolution of the discharge in different regions of the discharge gap were obtained. The uniformity of the discharge over the cross section is estimated by analyzing the spatial distribution of its glow.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental investigations of the dynamics of optical emission from a nanosecond diffuse discharge in a rod-plane electrode system. A study was made of discharges in a 10-cm-long interelectrode gap in atmospheric-pressure air (the cathode being a 1-cm-diameter rod with a bullet-shaped end). The voltage across the discharge gap was 220 kV and the voltage pulse duration was 180 ns, the voltage rise time being 10 ns. In experiments, the discharges were observed to evolve through two stages: the bridging stage and the conduction stage. The bridging stage begins with intense optical emission from the cathode region, the onset of the emission being delayed with respect to the beginning of the voltage pulse. Simultaneously with the onset of optical emission, a displacement current corresponding to the motion of charged particles begins to be generated in the cathode region. The duration of this current corresponds to the time the emission front takes to bridge the gap. As the emission front reaches the anode region, the current increases abruptly, indicating the beginning of the conduction stage. It was found that the time delay of optical emission relative to the beginning of the voltage pulse largely governs the discharge parameters: as the time delay becomes longer, the emission front velocity in the bridging stage increases from 0.6 to 1.5 cm/ns, the probability of realizing a multichannel structure of the discharge becomes higher, and the discharge current and the intensity of X-ray emission from the discharge grow.  相似文献   

Nonstationary processes in atmospheric-pressure glow discharge manifest themselves in spontaneous transitions from the normal glow discharge into a spark. In the experiments, both so-called completed transitions in which a highly conductive constricted channel arises and incomplete transitions accompanied by the formation of a diffuse channel are observed. A model of the positive column of a discharge in air is elaborated that allows one to interpret specific features of the discharge both in the stationary stage and during its transition into a spark and makes it possible to calculate the characteristic oscillatory current waveforms for completed transitions into a spark and aperiodic ones for incomplete transitions. The calculated parameters of the positive column in the glow discharge mode agree well with experiment. Data on the densities of the most abundant species generated in the discharge (such as atomic oxygen, metastable nitrogen molecules, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and negative oxygen ions) are presented.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of decomposition of toluene (C6H5CH3) in a polluted air flow by means of a steady-state atmospheric pressure glow discharge at different water vapor contents in the working gas. The experimental results on the degree of C6H5CH3 removal are compared with the results of computer simulations conducted in the framework of the developed kinetic model of plasma chemical decomposition of toluene in the N2: O2: H2O gas mixture. A substantial influence of the gas flow humidity on toluene decomposition in the atmospheric pressure glow discharge is demonstrated. The main mechanisms of the influence of humidity on C6H5CH3 decomposition are determined. The existence of two stages in the process of toluene removal, which differ in their duration and the intensity of plasma chemical decomposition of C6H5CH3 is established. Based on the results of computer simulations, the composition of the products of plasma chemical reactions at the output of the reactor is analyzed as a function of the specific energy deposition and gas flow humidity. The existence of a catalytic cycle in which hydroxyl radical OH acts a catalyst and which substantially accelerates the recombination of oxygen atoms and suppression of ozone generation when the plasma-forming gas contains water vapor is established.  相似文献   

Results from numerical investigations of kinetic processes initiated by a pulsed nanosecond discharge in hot (T 0 ≥ 1000 K) air at atmospheric pressure are presented. The calculated results on the dynamics of the electron density, the population of the N2(B3Π g ) and N2(C3Π u ) states, and the atomic oxygen density in the axial discharge region agree with experiment. The method for determining the gas temperature by measuring the rotational structure of the transitions N2(C3Π u , ν) → N2(B3Π g , ν′) of the 2+ nitrogen system is analyzed. It is shown that, in relatively weak reduced electric fields typical of secondary discharge pulses, the electron impact excitation of the N2(C3Π u ) state from the ground state N2(X1Σ g +) can be accompanied by its additional step population from the N2(B3Π g ), N2(a′Σ u ), and other electronic states. This effect substantially influences the rotational distribution of nitrogen molecules in the N2(C3Π u , ν) state; moreover, the temperature determined from this distribution can be substantially higher than the true gas temperature.  相似文献   

The electric and spectral characteristics of a nonsteady discharge in an atmospheric air flow blown through a point-plane interelectrode gap were investigated experimentally. The discharge was produced by applying a constant positive voltage to the point electrode, the amplitude of the applied voltage being much higher than the corona ignition voltage. The nonsteady character of the discharge is due to the spontaneously repeating streamer-spark breakdown, followed by the formation of either a diffuse ultracorona or a filamentary glow discharge. In the latter case, the length of the plasma column increases progressively, being blown off by the gas flow from the discharge gap. The extinction of a filamentary discharge is unrelated to the break of the current channel: the discharge decays abruptly when the filament length reaches its critical value. The distribution of active particles (O, OH, and N*2) carried out from the discharge gap is determined from the data of spectral measurements.  相似文献   

Results from comprehensive studies of a high-current self-sustained glow discharge in atmospheric-pressure helium are presented. The main parameters of the cathode fall, namely, the electric field pro-file, cathode fall thickness, current density, gas temperature, and heat flux to the cathode are determined. The results obtained are discussed using one-dimensional models of the cathode fall with allowance for volumetric heat release.  相似文献   

The influence of the cathode design on the energy of the main group of electrons generated during a subnanosecond breakdown in atmospheric-pressure air was studied experimentally. The electron energy was measured using a time-of-flight spectrometer with a picosecond time resolution. It is shown that the energy of the main group of electrons increases with increasing cathode curvature radius. It is established using 400- to 650-μm-thick aluminum foils that the electron energy reaches its maximum value in voltage pulses with abrupt trailing edges and amplitudes below the maximum amplitude. Electrons with maximum energies are generated with a stronger spatial and amplitude scatter than those with average energies.  相似文献   

Conditions under which the number of runaway electrons in atmospheric-pressure air reaches ∼5 × 1010 are determined. Recommendations for creating runaway electron accelerators are given. Methods for measuring the parameters of a supershort avalanche electron beam and X-ray pulses from gas-filled diodes, as well as the discharge current and gap voltage, are described. A technique for determining the instant of runaway electron generation with respect to the voltage pulse is proposed. It is shown that the reduction in the gap voltage and the decrease in the beam current coincide in time. The mechanism of intense electron beam generation in gas-filled diodes is analyzed. It is confirmed experimentally that, in optimal regimes, the number of electrons generated in atmospheric-pressure air with energies T > eU m , where U m is the maximum gap voltage, is relatively small.  相似文献   

The expansion of the cathode spot and the generation of shock waves during the formation and development of a pulsed volume discharge in atmospheric-pressure helium were studied by analyzing the emission spectra of the cathode plasma and the spatiotemporal behavior of the plasma glow. The transition of a diffuse volume discharge in a centimeter-long gap into a high-current diffuse mode when the gas pressure increased from 1 to 5 atm and the applied voltage rose from the statistical breakdown voltage to a 100% overvoltage was investigated. Analytical expressions for the radius of the cathode spot and its expansion velocity obtained in the framework of a spherically symmetric model agree satisfactorily with the experimental data.  相似文献   

Six different leaf indexes, indicating the anatomical and ecophysiological features in leaves, were used for characterizing the three principal layers (tree, shrub and herb) of an oak-hornbeam forest in southwest Slovakia, Czechoslovakia. The most pronounced differences in the leaf indexes followed were found between those at the active surface of the forest canopy (sun leaves of tall trees) and those in the herb layer. Differences exist between individual layers as well as between species within each layer. They should be taken into consideration in ecological and ecophysio-logical studies and in modelling forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The ignition of liquid hydrocarbon fuels and stabilization of their combustion by an arc discharge in a supersonic air flow are investigated experimentally. The discharge parameters and flame characteristics (ignition time lag) are determined. It is shown that the average energy deposited in the flow by the igniter is five orders of magnitude less than the kinetic energy of the main gas flow.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical processes in the groundwater discharge zone of urban streams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of biogeochemical processes on nitrogen and organic matter transformation and transport was investigated for two urban streams receiving groundwater discharge during the dry summer baseflow period. A multiple lines of evidence approach involving catchment-, and stream reach-scale investigations were undertaken to describe the factors that influence pore water biogeochemical processes. At the catchment-scale gaining stream reaches were identified from water table mapping and groundwater discharge estimated to be between 0.1 and 0.8 m3 m?2 d?1 from baseflow analysis. Sediment temperature profiles also suggested that the high groundwater discharge limited stream water infiltration into the sediments. At the stream reach-scale, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) concentrations were higher in stream water than in groundwater. However, DOC and DON concentrations were greatest in sediment pore water. This suggests that biodegradation of sediment organic matter contributes dissolved organic matter (DOM) to the streams along with that delivered with groundwater flow. Pore water ammonium (NH4 +) was closely associated with areas of high pore water DOM concentrations and evidence of sulfate (SO4 2?) reduction (low concentration and SO4:Cl ratio). This indicates that anoxic DOM mineralization was occurring associated with SO4 2? reduction. However the distribution of anoxic mineralization was limited to the center of the streambed, and was not constrained by the distribution of sediment organic matter which was higher along the banks. Lower sediment temperatures measured along the banks compared to the center suggests, at least qualitatively, that groundwater discharge is higher along the banks. Based on this evidence anoxic mineralization is influenced by groundwater residence time, and is only measurable along the center of the stream where groundwater flux rates are lower. This study therefore shows that the distribution of biogeochemical processes in stream sediments, such as anoxic mineralization, is strongly influenced by both the biogeochemical conditions and pore water residence time.  相似文献   

Yurgelenas  Yu. V.  Leeva  M. A. 《Plasma Physics Reports》2010,36(13):1235-1240
The initial stages of a barrier discharge in a short air gap at atmospheric pressure are investigated by means of numerical simulations. A highly nonuniform electric field caused by the residual surface charges on the dielectric surfaces was taken into account. The results of calculations of the two-dimensional dynamics of the discharge radiation are in good agreement with the experiment.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of a high-current electric discharge operating between an St45 steel cathode and a service water anode in a wide range of air pressures. Peculiarities of discharge ignition and specific features of cathode and anode spots were revealed. The behavior of the current density on a service water anode was investigated for the first time. Comparison of the current densities j on the steel cathode and service water anode shows that, in the parameter range under study, Hehl’s law is not satisfied on the water anode. The two-dimensional distribution of the potential inside and on the surface of the service water anode was measured.  相似文献   

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